I ; C. -LID FOS TAXES lr .i cf power vested in me i s t i.. I cf Caldwelll county, N. C. 1 Will, on - ;; MC I.DAY, JULY 2. 'l917, . c.Ter f or sale at the court house door in Lenoir. N. C- the following nam ed real estate to satisfy the taxes due on same for the year. 1916: ; . Lenoir Township" Name. - Acres. Amt Anderson, L. W., 28 $16.74 ' " Atkins, John, 10 4.01 Atkinson J. B., (1 lot)33.83 Beard, W. B (21ot)10.36 Baker, Emeline, estate .. 40 1.00 Bolicic W. D., 15 4.46 Bryant, E. Wn (2 lot) 5.00 Bush, Henry B., (Hot) .08 CarswelL B W., 113 6.24 ' Chester, P. D, 60 3.64 Chester, P. A, . (1 lot) .14 Clarke, R. C, 14 3.91 Clarke, W. M., (21ot) 2.93 Clarke, A, I, - (Hot) 558 Clarke, Walter H (Hot) 5.07 Clay, W. M., 90 12.72 Collins, Raymond, 37 .91 - Craig, J. F 76 6.36 Craig, Wesley, guardian, - 16 L33 JjejU, O. A., (iivt;jgat i Ernest, S. H., ....(Hot) 4.32 . Flemming, R. E., (Hot) 6.00 Towler, N. W., 180 20.00 Gray, Mrs. M. J., 11 255 Griffin, W. M., .....I. 2 3.05 Harris, Mrs. P. Mi, 138 8.00 . n.nni P. H 2fi 1.76 Hart, John I. . r(llot) 4.30 Hayes, S. W, L(llot) 7.29 Horton, G. S., 6 4.94 Kimball, W. S., (2 lot) 2.30 Matheson Son, (1 lot) 50.00 McCall, Mary, 10 .61 Hrr11 TTaira ( .30 McCall, J. H 22 .87 , McCall, S. B., 95 7.95 McCalL W. B., (Hot) 8.56 McMillan, W. R., 2 3.30 Oxford, C, L., 1 (Hot) 3.00 v Pickens, C. M., 4 1.74 .. Pope, Mrs. Susan, 1 55 PowelL L. W (2 lot) 5.63 - Puett & Kirby, 3 Setzer, John W., Jr 100 2.30 Slgmon, A. D., (Hot) 1.98 Simmons, Hugh, (Hot) 4.63 Smith, F.'B, (Hot) 2.85 Suddreth, H. R. 38 6.59 Taylor, R. S., 8 3.30 Tolbert, H. L,, 96 10.80 m . a. . . i; no en wnisnanc, mrs. ahcc, no i.ov Williams, Mrs. A. C... (Hot) 1.26 Wilann n V. lot 3.30 . Wlnlrlor P. W Hint 1.14 , Colored Anderson, Carrie, . 28 2.67 ' Berry, Wesley, (Hot) 156 Bowers, Tilley, (Hot) 1.00 Bristol, John, . . . Clarke, Everette, Corpening, Robert, - Corpening, Pinkney, ... Dickson, Bill, Dula, Sam, . Dula, Alex, Dula, F. A., Dula, Kell, ... Dula, Ed, Jr., Gaither, J. H, Hood, Charlie, Howard, Estelle, Horton,' Jones, Harper, Caroline, Isbell, Troy :.. Kincaid, David, ... Jones, Henderson, Kennedy, Simpson, Moore, Jeanette, , Norwood, Henry, Norwood, Jim, Norwood, Julia, PowelL R. L- Powell, Walter, rowell, Mark, Sr, Powell, Robert, Powell, Ella, l Witherspoon, Richard, 3.45 851 4.97 - 55 2.46 2.92 4.24 S.38 2.44 .61 . 2 - 9 lot) 8 (1 lot) 4a i- 15 -.(1 lot) 29 (1 lot) -(2 lot). 1.50 40 4.16 1 1.00 .(llot) S.17 4 ,61 - 10 1.05 (Hot) 2.58 14 1.00 ..(Hot) 2.69 (Hot) 1.00 18 1.03 ..(Hot) 3.58 ..(Hot) 1.11 6 ..(Hot) .(Hot) - 5 .(Hot . 16 3.30 S.S0 1.00 Little River Township Name. Acres. Anton, R. T., .' 194 Abernethy, A. S. ,.. l 27 Bumgarner, Mrs. Eliza, 50 Bowman, L. M., Z3 1.16 Benfield, Calvtn S-, 40 1.98 Brookshire, Kell, 27 1.74 Cooper, W. A., 50 1.00 Cline, P. L., 62 156 Edmonds, N. W., 175 1.66 Fox, Harvey, 40 1.00 Fox Hogan A, 230 1.79 Jacksoon, Nancy, Heirs, 70 1.50 Jackson, Mrs. Martha, 30 1.74 Martin, S. P., 67 4.07 Menties, K. a, 65 8.00 Munday, Wesley, 20 .61 Munday, Stewart, 9 .27 McRary, Lelia, 82 1.00 Presnell, OA., (S".G.LAgt) 20 .65 Pennell, Allen, 25 .50 Reid, S. E., 10 4.28 Reid, L. L., 125 1.50 Roberts, Land, 90 3.61 Walker, James . 76 11.44 White, Moses W., 57 3.16 Colored. Dula, John W., . 64 3.05 Dula, Will, 63 7.33 Thompson, Mary, 25 156 Patterson Township Name. Acres. Amt Bryant, A. P., 600 29.94 Bently, L. G. R., 13 357 Bolick, M. A., 100 5.98 Childers, Mrs. Rhoda 20 2.63 Decker, John H. , 73 2.77 V.atja Pnllia Heira fiR ' 1.R0 Glass. J. M., 75 3.34 ! Greene, J. Monroe 75 .66 McCaH, W. A.K 50 A2 Rowe, A. J. 60 1.11 Smith, Will W. 30 6.C0 Story, J. A, " 3 2.22 Setrer, Mrs. Nora . 60 .66 Wilson, M. K 800 15.00 : - - 1' Colored. ' Dickson; Cornell,"- - 8 55 Dickson, Nelson, Heirs, 60 V 153 Dula, John. -. ..i. - M ' 2.69 Horton, Gertrude, ... 1- .10 Jones, Henry, . - 1 V . 2.75 Jones, P. O, w- 1 ; JO Yadkin. Yalley Township ' y Name. " ' Acres. Amt Barnett Miss Ethel 45 $1.66 UuJa, S.Jf',&U.WJJradley -125 4.09 Jones, J. L.' G. 60 S.96 May, A. B . .. 57 L00 Smith, Mrs. Laura, - SO 4.00 Watson, N. OdelL -i 8 ,.75 Yount, G. H., 20 '" LOO Colored. ' . -.' Bower, Ed, J 20 4.10 l ilsons Creek Township v Name. Acres. Amt Edzemont Corapny-(60 lots) 116.70 .61 .70 253 3.08 70 .76 3.80 2.50 .60 2.55 2.60 Jwjgem CCrtis, Josie, ' 22 Ferguson, John, . 12 Gray Jbsper, 60 Pines, W. H- 85 21 82 46 , 44 . 26 5 Uones, Bessie & Ida ott Heirs, tt, Caither, dee'd Scott, Thomas, , Witherspoon, Louis, ithersboon, Walter, venptrt, Frank, 3 Lower Creek Township. ' - Name. Acres. Amt Austin, E. J., (Hot) 35.98 Bryant, J. R. 60 11.67 Bryant, James H., .1 300 11.61 Bryant Albert S., (2 lot) .66 Carlton, Mrs. Pantha, 46 6.11 Evans, A. J., (Hot) .50 Ellis, James, - 20 1.00 James, J. A., 6 2.92 Nichols, L. T (Hot .30 Opera House Co., (Hot) 253 Winkler, Mrs. Kate, (Hot) 6.00 Walker, Mrs. Sarah, (Hot) .91 Walker, Jess, 3 3.89 Colored. Z)ula, A. G., (Hot) .50 Foster, Walter, (Hot) 2,72 Foster, Pink, (Hot) .65 Foster, Ed, (Hot) 4.69 Forney, Rich, (Hot) 5.63 Harper, Frank, (Hot) 3.30 Harper, Manda, (1 lot) 1.69 Horton, Jesse, (2 lot) 8.21 Horton, Arthur, (Hot) 2..75 J nes, Mary, - (Hot) .50 Jones, S. L., . (Hot) 2.05 Jones, G. H., (Hot 3.33 Jonea Heirs, (Hot 1.00 Love, Isaac, (Hot) 1.80 Norwood, John Wesky, ..(1 lot) Michaux, Jake, ! (Hot) Patterson, Tom, (1 lot) Patterson, Miles, (2 lot) Patterson, Nancy, . 13 PowelL Coot (2 lot 1.S3 Steele, Nancy, ; (2 lot 2.71 Suddreth, Richard, :.(2 lot) 3.52 Suddreth, RobertJ-. (1 lot) 2.85 Thomas, H. Hn IM 4.38 Cotton, T. W., ..(llot) Brawer, Martha, (1 lot) North Catawba . Township Name.' " r ' Acres. 4.C9 1X4 3.30 2.16 1.03 L09 .93 Bean, Jack,. ..i Brotherton, W. Bohck, L. Berry Bros., Berry, J. A., ... Smith, J. M, ... Smith, J. J., 35 . 2 2 27 68 68 75 Amt 1.46 1.66 2.72 1.98 13.61 7.71 3.00 Colored. Bradshaw, Bert,.-- 2 Hudson Township Name. . . . , . Acres. .42 Amt. Adderholt D. . 31 8.52 Correll, Nelson, ' (Hot) 1.50 Drum, D. W.,u 29 2.60 Gray, A. F., 60 ' 5.30 Hall, T. En 60 3.13 Keener. A. T., . 40 8.00 Keen, A. tt,' (Hot) .10 Jones Heirs, . 100 6.18 McLean, Mrs. Etta 20 156 Miller, Grant i-.,.-140 11.68 Williams, John . (2 lot) 1.59 Johns River Township Name. Acres. Amt Cannon, J. S., 41 $5.16 Herald, W.D 112 8.53 McCall, S. B.; j(l lot) 1.74 Suddreth, Mrs. N. K., 120 3.08 Suddreth, Lee, Setzer, H. J., .. Setzer, J. W, . 12 15 76 Colored Baker, Lest 10 Brooks, Jim, 3 Berry, Alice, 4 Bostic, A If, ; 6 Corpening, Cinda, 53 Corpening, Bud, 56 Clarke, Monroe, 20 Connelly, Dock, ' 20 Dickson, George, 20 Harshaw, Tom, 12 Hunter, Joe, ... 40 Kincaid, Isaih, 78 Moore, Ish, 6 Michaux, Pink, , 12 Michux, Alf, 11 Pearson, Jeff, 30 Pearson, Emma, ... 30 Phillips, J. L 30 fScott, John, . 48 Scott, Kate 15 Wakefield, Sam, 6 2.80 2.75 3.00 .50 2.80 .39 1.36 1.05 4.71 1.23 .60 .75 3.78 1.14 4.66 1.14 3.59 1.63 4.38 .61 4.67 2.71 1.09 .75 Kir.;s Cretk Township Name. Acres. Amt Andrews, J. II., 313 8.48 Beach, M. J., 49 1.63 Blankenship, Mrs. J. M.,i 10 . 56 Biankenship, J. W 16 458 Crotts, Mrs. Lettie, ..... 68 ' 2.75 Coffey, J. A., 1 30 2.71 Coffey, W. H, 61 4.10 HalL J. M, .100 ' 4.10 Keller, Granville, 60 2.46 Keller, Sarah 40 1.50 Kirby, Calvin J, - 75 ,75 Kirby, Mrs. Nelia, ...... 6 -,y .14 Land, E. J .. 250 . 3.00 Mitchell, Aaron, . 45 - 1.89 Reid, L. I, r 20 1.09 Reid, R. K, IS v 4.69 Roberts, Vance, i 82 1.03 Sutfin, Mrs. Jane, ......100 1.46 Walker, Mrs. G. F .-135 2.19 Walker, G. F- . - 85 1.50 Walker, G, F, -.232 4.33 Colored. Ferguson, Pink. .. 18 1.00 Horton, M. P, 59 4.04 Horton, Salvina, 4 .14 Horton, George, 3 . 3.00 Horton Jesse, 8 .13 Patterson, Robert, Jr., .- 63 3.71 Tilley, George, 50 1.30 TiUey, Vehra, 10 .21 V: , Globe Township ' Name. Acres. Amt Andrews, H. T - 10 50 Bowman, L. E., 63 2.23 Bean, J. Vernon 25 &19 Colton, E. P. (Hot) .61 Coffey, T. A., . 63 1.22 Gragg, Mrs. Cora, heirs. 87 7.86 Gragg, W. T.. . ... 42 2.95 Jones, S. M., (Hot) 3.00 Kelly, H. A., .(Hot) .61 Mulwee, W. W., 45 1.03 McLean, Willard, 77 4.63 Newland, Tom f 10 .60 RaveneV S. P 10 1.98 Rich, J. R 42 4.59 Rich Vance 30 3.05 Colored Boise, N. L., w 15 75 Edmisten, Van, 16 1.79 Lovelady Township Name. Acres. Amt. Annas, M. H., (llot)l 74 Beach, S. N., 7 351 Bolick, Mrs. J. A., .(1 lot) 1.96 Branch, W. W., 4 28.30 Childers, Mrs. D. L., 69 6.00 Cline, W. D., (1 lot) 3.66 Earney, Mrs. Rose, ..... 18 .75 Fisher, Mrs. M. C, (Hot) 1.50 Hallman, W. S., 70 - 5.61 Hickory Brick Co., 63 8.91 Hilton, G. W., 70 " 6.30 Jones, John H. .Heirs 58 10.50 Jones, W. H., 16 8.30 Jones, J.W.&C.B., 127(bal)9.00 Johnson, W. A. C, Kirby, Mrs. Martha, -- Kirby, E. J., ... Kuhn, Wiiiiam E, Knox, Mrs. R. M, MaltbaJ, Martin, W. D., Moser, I. A Pope, Henry,,. - Setzer, J. R, ---- -Sherwood, J. J. L, SherrilL B. P- SherrilL Babel, .. Whitener, Loyd, ..... Whitener, W. r-. . 40 9.45 84bal)1.73 . 10 .70 ..(! lot) 3.60 .. 40 ... 2 ... 80 ... 23 20 2.80 .42 1.71 2.60 1.50 .-(2 lot) 256 ...(Hot) 6.63 30 3.88 65(bal)4.83 ..00 11.98 ... 15 1052 t Snod.l School Tax In Hudson, Little River and Lovelady townships will be added to receipU when land is sold. The road tax in Lovelady Town ship wiU be added also, nd twenty cents cost for each name Tidvertised. Please come prepared to settle in full. . : Respectfullyr JEROME A. TRIPLETT, Sheriff Caldwell County. A NERVOUS YRECK From Time Tears' Scff erinf. Stye Cards! Md Her Wefl. Texas City, Tex la aa interesting statement: Mrs. 0. H. 6chm, of this town, says:. "For three years I suffered untold agony with my bead. I was unable to do any of my work. I Just wanted to sleep an the time, for that was the only ease I could get, when I was asleep. I became a nervous wreck ust from -the awful suffering with my head. I was so nervous that the least noise would make me Jump out of my bed. I had no energy, and was unable to do anything. My son, a young boy, had to do all my household duties. I was not able to do anything until I took CarduL I took three bottles In all, and it surely cured me of those awful headaches. That has been three years ago, and I know the cure Is permanent, for I have never had any headache since taking Cardui. Nothing relieved me until I took Cardui. It did wonders for me." Try Cardui for your troubles-made from medicinal ingredients recommended in medical books as being of benefit in female troubles, and 40 years of use has proven that the books are right Begin taking Cardui today. NC-134 HAVE YOU SEEN ALL YOUIR FIROENDS? Have You Made Up Your Mind To ' DISTRICT NO. 1 . r-wi?i 1 1 r . nil a ma n n mn i -nn n r ir ! Votes Miss Lelia Aroey. Lenoir, R. P. D. 5 3,800 - Miss Edna Abernethy, Granite Palls 4,900 i Miss Mary Bolick, Blowing Rock 1,800 ' ' . k arm Miss Essie Jtfasn, Lienoir K Mrs. G. P. Barlow, Patterson 5,700 Miss Lucille Blackwell, Lenoir 5,600 v Miss Elizabeth Bash, Lenoir 5,500 1 n jji. t iu r 1 nrtn ' ni ihh MfiniM nruiMii.w. jkiiiiii .......................... a Verne Black welder, Lenoir 1,000 . MIm TrAnft niarlr. Va.1mp.ad 4.900 ... M T O W i Miss irene joney, Lienoir , - Miss Maude Curtis, Globe 2,300 Miss Grace Cloer, Patterson 3,200 - - w mss Mrs. Unas. E. ttorpening, Lenoir , o, aw 111 T 1 ; l1 T" 4.. O fk Knn tXHOa tfWCUlUC WVUIOJ A.WWWV -w ' Miesi Vartia flnnncp fllnhft 3.100 - Miss Benlah Dobbin, Legerwood 5,300 Miss Bess Deal, Granite Palls, Route 3 5,200 Miss WUlad Goforth, Lenoir Route 4 3,900 Miss Ora Haas, Lenoir Route 1 1,000 ' Mrs. C. W. Hailey, Lenoir 1,700 - Lawrence Johnson, Valmead 1,000 W. A. Keller, Lenoir Route 4 3,000 Miss Estelle Kirby, Granite Falls 1,000 Cbas Little, Lenoir i,uu "Miss Lucy V. Laxton, Adako 3,600 Miss Mattie Lindsay, Lenoir 5,500 MHss Era Monday. Lenoir 5,700 Miss Pearl Minisb, Lenoir 1,100 Mro filohp 1.000 Miss Avarie Martin, Granite Falls 5,400 Miss Drne McDade, Lenoir 5,800 Miss Mildred McCall, Lenoir, Route 3 5,800 Miss Texie Mast, Rufus 4,700 Miss Bessie Price, Lenoir 3,200 Miss Annie Lee Palmer, Lenoir, Route 4 , 5,200 Miss Francis Postelle, Lenoir 2,900 Miss Mildred Parlier, Kings Creek 5,600 Miss Mabel Swanson, Lenoir Route 1 5,700 Mrs. R, M. Smith, Lenoir 2,800 Miss Jewel Bmitn, Lenoir w" Miss Lucy Sullivan, Yadkin Valley 5,000 Miss Bettie Teague, Lenoir, Route 1 3,800 Misa Mary ,TMey, Granite Falls 4,100 Miss Violet Wilson, Lenoir Route 4 3,800 Miss Beulah Williams, Granite Falls 2,100 Miss Coline Watson, Lenoir, Route 3 v 2,900 Miss Ruth White, Lenoir 1,900 WW? IMm Wmk Up To Tine Last Mnimette GET ra 100 VOTES - v This coupon when neatly trimmed and returned to the Campaign Department will count 100 votes. CREDIT TO NftTTlQ 5 i m i i i Address , ii . i, . ..' , W Id L't.!-L a i . YU ' 11 VOlu II uoi returuwu uu ur ueiuieiuuo au : A . Clip and fill in; place to your, favprlte, credit.; ; SUBSCRIPTION POSSIBLE BY DISTRICT NO. Watauga County and all other territory outside of Caldwell County. I Votes Miss Clara Anderson, Hickory Route 1 8,600 Fred J. Aldridge, Banner Elk 1,000 Miss Blanche L. Brown, Boone, Route 1 1,000 Miss Ola Blackburn, Brookside 1,300 8. 8. Brown, Matney 1.000 Tracy Councill, Boone 1,000 Mrs. H. H. Day, Sholls Mills 1,900 Asa Green, Moravian Falls, 1,000 Grady Greer, Blowing Rock 2, 100 Wiley G. Hartzog, Boone 1,100 Mrs. Royster Hendrix, Boone 8,900 Miss Katie Holshouser, Blowing Rock 4,100 E. B. Hardin, Rutherwood 2,100 C C. Howell, Todd 1,000 Vance Howell, Brookside 1,500 D. B. Miller, Shulls Mills- 2,700 Joe C. Mast; Valle Crucis : 1,000 Wade Norris, Sands 1,000 Miss Mary Frances Payne, Boone 8,400 John Potter, Meat Camp 1,000 Monroe Story, Blowing Rock, Route 1 1,200 Miss Lola Wilson, Sugar Grove 4,000 J. E. Wagner, Stony Fork 1,000 MME O'CLOCK III 6 JUNE Situ Lampa ign JJepartment Will Be Open Until " . - 9.00 O'clock Saturday : Night. ImpoirttaES The First Period of The Auto mobile Contest will close prompt ly at nine o'clock at night, Satur day, June 9th. Subscriptions must be turned in or they will not get first period votes. Candidates in Lenoir must turn in their work by that hour to the Campaign Department. Candidates outside of Lenoir may bring in-their work by that hour jf theyesire, or mail them not later than the , first mail leaving their, own post office after 9.00.GI clock Saturday night, June 9 V.'v.-'' 'At. v : 4 "i ' .(;-;