A 1 if Jcse 12, 1917 :;mrs H50UT ma Prof. B. B., Dougherty, Snpt. of Appalachian Training School, is in Lenoir shopping, at the ' Martin Honse. ' ; ; Mra. A, A, Blackvrelder, who underwent an operation in Phil 1' adelphiakst Saturday, is doing v nicely according to a message to ' her Jmpther, Mrs. A. E. Mc fNaJry.H ' ( Mr. Isaac.Moore of Jackson Tille,' Flar,fisisiting his , tooth- era, J, K.&nd G. E. Moore. Dr. O. L. t Moore spent part of last week in Blowing Rock on , professional business. ' t tor. Hill Farthing of Watauga V Is tisiUngbis brother, A. C. Farthing attbeMartin House. - N Mr, Tom Coffey, proprietor of ; the Watauga Inn at Blowing ' Bock, passed through Lenoir Friday on,. his way to Blowing - Rock. ;; " Preston Barber of Edgemont is spending ajfew days in the ,t -; city , shopping, at the Martin House. George .Bernhardt and Hunt , Gwyn left Sunday for Charlotte ' to be gonejfor a few days. i.- Miss Katie Palmer and Mrs. E. J. Lamberth, of Route 4, ;: spent Saturday, here shopping. Mrs. W. T.Deal and daughter, Miss Bess, of Oak Hill were here ' Saturday shopping. Miss Essie Ransomlof Hickory, ' who is spending the summer at her handsome cottage at Blow ing Rock, passed through here C Saturday en route to her moun . tain home. VI Mr. J. tR. JConley, who has ; been teaching in the Durham High School is at home for the summer. . 'V -' I Buster Ivey, student at Trini- ty College, is at home for the va cation. V . Mrs. W. J. Fraley and little ? . son, Billy, of Salisbury "and Miss ' Nora Neil.oard of Statesville ) o spent Snndayjwithltheir brother, Mr. A. G. Foard on West Main , ; St They left Monday on the ,, noon train. Mr. Edgar'IStory of Blowing ;"; y Rock, but wbo'has (been teach -' v lng at Oak Hill for the past few ( years, was,2in Lenoir for the . .. week end. Mr, J, M. Bernhardt left Sun- day for Boydton, Va. Mr, Bern ' hardt expects! to return Tues l day. ; 1 Mark Squires returned to Le . ( soir. Sunday after several days' ;' ., absence on professionalibusiness. ' Mr. and Mrs. Y. D. Moore, Jr. and little son, Beverly, of Gas- V tonla. spent the week end here with their parents. Mr. Jim Postelle of Charlotte y gtent the week end in Lenoir vi siting his" parents, Rev. and Mrs. Postelle. DOPE BY THE DOPER Since the News purchased it self a electric fan, Charlie "De- il". McDade has- moved his typesettin' case in the sun so he can get hotjenough to use it. Editor lay has a new type- is. writerpii trlaL' Since it is prac f; tically noiseless in operation and -j ."Ye'' Editor learned to type by . ' ear, he has decided to return it. : Later; We have finally persuaded ( Mr. . May to keep .the new ma . . chine as It has . an attachment ' ' which automatically locks all the keys when a "cubs' V. word (s : about to be' written.;" To over, come the noiseless objection, the cfd nchine has been shipped tb r : : : i Who has ibeen'asked to a ro-rrraiion' record'vThe' THE EYES OF THE NATION ARE ON :;;?n6rTH ; CAROLI HI A Ib IL S l-J E; ' F X;iL?; Is the amount of subscriptions to the Liberty Loan Bonds al lotted to her, and the number of subscribers is expected to be 240,000 For every man who enlists, one should buy a Bond One out of every ten, and only eight days leit! The following is the latest utterance in the United States by a captured Prussian officer "3Ae Prussians ore Basing Dftair Kepes on tfta SCugglsn, Kaff-Kaarted Qmsrican Pu60c" Have You Subscribed For Your Share? This bank has already forwarded a number of subscriptions, and our officers will be glad to explain and attend to all details for you entirely without charge to you or to the Government. A. A. KENT, President E. F. ALLEN, Cashier record is to be played while op erating the new machine by this method the same high order of copy will be turned out and at the same time there will be no danger of a slip-up on account of undue exasperation. To Most Honored Contributor, Chestnut Mountain, N. C. The Doper is prostrate at thy feet; We kiss the ground before you and implore that you allow us to live and breathe. Your manuscript entitled, '.'Worms of Oopper",jhas permitted itself to be looked upon by us, and we have read it with enchantment We swear on the tomb of our an cestors that we have never read anything more exalted. It is is with fear and trembling we tear it up as such literary pearls are created only once in 10,000 years. If we allowed ourselves to print this treasure, the News Editor would immediately order us to use it forever and forbid us ever hereafterwards to pub lish anything inferior. Mr. Shoo maker Cline's young son has written his father for permission! to join the navy he says his health is bad and be be lieves the navy will be good for him. Edwin Hukill is doin' right smart courtin' these days so is Alexander Yonnelosse Cottrell so is Moses Abraham Harshaw sois Reginald Camera May, etc., ad infinitum. After careful investigation, we have absolute proof that Mr. Lee, the contest manager is SINGLE. This is a PRIZE which, owing to modesty per haps, has been left out of the list. Just think of it, girls, is an auto worth considering when there's a chance for' free grub for the balance of your lives? When it rains, don't make a mistake and run in the News 6f$ce for shelter. The roof does pretty well in keeping out the sunlight but it never was in tended to turn water. , ' The Red Cross doings Friday night was a grand success. ; The features of the occasion were the parade, ;' the '- address by '.Mr Brooks, the songsV andafi brief history of the Red Crow 312,000,000 FIRST NATIONAL Lenoir N. C. E. L. SHUFOKD, Vice President J. R. TODD, Assistant Cashier from Miss Florence Nightingale oil down to the present by Miss Jerusha Ray Perkins: For fear that some redcrossers may xusta to the front without sufficient training, we respectfully request all new members to read "Miss Greenhorn Goes A-Nursing" by Elizabeth Frazer in the last issue of the Saturday Post. The Seaboch Tinnery & Son Company have recently pur chased a flivver. It is claimed by some of the charter members of the R. Parliament that this purchase was made possible by the proceeds coming in from Dunwick's Photo Parlors on ac count of the flock of tin hot-air ventilators which he has recent ly installed. Laura Emily Pitts is feeling right bad lately because she ain't got a porch jumper to hop up and down in and Mary' Frances Ballew has. O, to be a town commissioner! They ride to all Red Cross meet in's in a fine automobile and the women walk. Where Will Sixty Statistics show that put of 100 average heal thy men at age 25: 36 will be dead at 65. 1 will be rich. 4 will be wealthy. 5 will be supporting themselves by work. 54 will be dependent upon friends, re- latives or charity. A Policy in the Mutual Mfe Insurance Company j . Of New York 0 wiU solve the problem ' t, ' . '. . Andrews BANK ROOMS FOR RENT Four or fife rooms, well located, lights and wa ter connections; suitable for family. Mrs. Ida Lutz. 103-2t FOR RENT 7-room cottage on Vance street; modern conveniences; desir able location; price reasonable. Ap ply to John M. Crisp. 103-3t L. T. Smith Contractor and Builder REPAIR JUST1 WORK ASK GIVEN THOSE PROMPT I WORKED ATTENTION FOR LENOIR, N. C. PHONE 284-L TRY ME AND SEE Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as ' they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the sir. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condi tion of the mucous linlnf of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tubs Is Inflamed you have a rambllns sound or imperfect hearing', and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the In flammation can be taken, out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing' will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will (Ire One HondnS Dollsn forany ue of PMfnnii (tnwl by ottrrh) that otnDot b nud by Balls CslairaC-u- Band for airanlsn, tree. r.l CBB2TXT,(XX,ToUlo,Clsio. toMbrDrawUti.TV). gate Bsirsftaauy fills for ooaitlpsttoa. You Be At - Five Cowles I OS We can furnish you tools for the ;; Garden and the Farm Hoes. Rakes. Shovels Plows and Cultivators ; - : - ( The Famous Mum Peeipe ; Pivot Axle 8 Shovel Riding Cultivator Which is given up to be the best riding cultivator made. COME AND GET ONE Lenoir Hardware & Furniture Company Mowers and Binders Binder Twine and McCormick Mowers and everything for GET THE BEST LEJ 1 1; 1 '. The News is read by the majurity in -y TOOLS. TOILS! Cradles and Wood Binders and the harvest i iii "MVI"' ' I I . ' hi 'I 0f:& ;:.V ;v4-:":'Jf.r