.■ /- ft - f 1 "-? 'Vif ■■W-- %\ ^ ^ >'"V > “and YB shall KHOW the truth, and the truth TiALL make you Vii-ia.”—Joh)t via.. 32. VOL. X WILMINGTON, N. j., AUGUST 29, 1889. N0.85. |^-::T;t’t"l at tlic PostOllico at "Wiimliiff- ». .us sucoiul chus.s mail niat.(oi‘. srKWK Tiii: rnui //. KY ADA ivNOWLTON 111 ill lint, do lU'i -vnvct; loDliy ovd’ y v\ !h! o, .M iuvor lie s ui.d tlm-c; .V.,'. . iiirar'y voaih ^ ^ i:o ..T'.h ss mill i: iM the thoui;h yo.;'ro oll'oiul'Uj2 s'o'i U';i I*.'i-md; ^ik.dak t;u):i>;h not. a ’.u, V’A-tfiulinj; If 'S tha- aim ^So-iK’ ;-li,*iii:er.>l !' Ilynjy V Jm' a 1(1 lie r ;t of lyiiis'- iho t a 'Ual siioak ‘tboldly, In the inausion or the cot: Tim’ lu some it veenKu.li co.d’v, And may never Ixi fo. ;,o. ; it sIkuiUI inal. er na.t^h. . mh So ihy -- lal fioin sin he tree- SjK ak tlui t/a'iUiii.o' !'!i: forever, b^H•ak h S’ I’p’y, 1 I'.i. well; Let 1 ":i(- ' 1 you d’seo'- er Si'c.ds oi uiiscry and he.' J3ut4)e iie’oi,, hi'endnr'ni^. iii the upwa •aLife |>a"suinu'. iil ;V. s. A! ^ r'l’OON, 1). D. [An niUi OSS del'voi'ul n; D o Inuoial Kov. SI 'lisii jILiltnon, 1). ! ■ , '.Dc P.osi!ont oC lilddlo X.'iilvcrsliy, Clni lotto IX. C. in Die riiAoisl.y Cl't.i ci A.1-. IK, 88' by Rev Tims. I.awroi.... 1). 1)., anil I'libbslicd by I'iniicbt.l ■* - Dear Krieio.l.s: "Dr. .Maltoon is dead!” SiuMi was ilie message which wa.s liro.iglil IIS liy the lelcgraph. a few liours ago, filling ovo y heart ■-viUi i-a.ii’s'SS and eas' ng a dark shad ow over Urn liomes o( tills 'iiJe oom- iminilv of workers wAh wlili-h he has so inliinale'y connected, and ,„aUenin;t'- A r 1'eg.-rdeeo andsili- ,.,vi-ow I S til" T oiol lioiiiig City I'ii,0,11 all '.imj.dyia a'has i.e .1 1dm in rile iiigiierl rsu'oni, J.iearing riimiita- ivOoY'to tlTc I’hvarying tenor of Ids ycUve earnest, lilameJess, 11..hie Cliristian li'e. "Dr. .Maltoon is dead” , is luj d for ns To realize ilic fidi lacanrig of those words even as we .slanj in tlie presence of his eodined form sunoiiiuled by’ aslr'ek- en (araily and a tea lal congrega tion. It is irnpii.-sibie us lo tuink of this i'lsliti.t.on, Kiildle Univetsity, apail lioiii Id'. Al-.iltoon, his ve'y [.ersonalitv seems, as it wc’c to_ liave enterci! i.itoii, beea-i e a part of it. _lt is diillcultto I'calizo tliat lie wlio so loved it, cav.iedi it .a Idis lieartof hearfs, lireatlied tiie very breath of lilc inio it as an iii:-;, uition, lies lireal.liloss and eolil in dratli before us. Nil man can sp, ak of Iluo'by School wTiioiit instantly roealling Di. Aiiie'd. No one can s[)e:ik of Union Cellege without bringing uji tlie vencnlile form and illustrious nnnir of Dr. Kno,. IIow ofLeii liave we liea d I Im who lies silent before os even alter lie liad readied Ins three score years and ten, speak, with all tile e.itliusi.ism of his st.udent days, ■at hoiioiod I'ume. Jn-t so intimately ftiirough all I Ik luiiirc years wlratever Kk, i'.s vm vi.ig ''iil lb® niem- K.rv of Stephen .Maltoon be associated v im Diddle Unlvc sity and closely linked w ith ins wDl Im that of Ids devoted, wife, side by side with whose samed dm-'t in the iieigldioring ceme- :.ri", 'Ve are alioiit to lay liini. Di. Maltooii’s pcisonalily was a marked one and liis p escnce iiolile. His was a TVel'-lndt finely propor tioned form, above the average size, a piacel'ul and digndied camiige with a grave, inoclligent. IDndly face, the ordinary e.Kpression of wiiiclr bos[ioke inodestv, iiniinc.s and scU-coiitiol and alien I'dilcd wUii the genial smile, vvilli wl eli he alw.ays greeted tlie St ranger, it was more tii.an iirdi- iiaiily alirm-iive. His was a face wh'di iuspiii'd eoilidence oyen in a striuigev will, insunef.vcly felt tliat it. ludoiige 1 t'l a man wlio could be rii'ii.ed. 3 1.1 Doctor was possessed ) in'.ie tlian oulinaiy' st.eiigtll of ' int.lleet. Tlic ciiaracleristics of t,!.ii.'i were not slinvvy but exceeding. Iv [ii'uHieal. Natural powers had been strengthened and developed by liberal training in two of the foremost institutions of our country. He was 3 graduate of Union College, Schen, eotady, New York, and Princeton Theological Seminary. His mind generously endowed by nature en larged and strengthened by a liberal ('ducatiou was quickened and ener gized through constant contact with men in the fields which he occupied i n this and in foreign lands. His life throughout was intensely practical. Ue Was more by nature «. man of action a leader of men than a man of thought. We could never think of Dr. Mattcon living the life of I lie student or secluse, of seeking culture that ho might enjoy the pleas ures of literature or the delights of science olUef t lan simply as a moans lo an end, that he might through it all lie better ijrnislied for the Mas. tor’s u.se. The nearest I ever heard liirn come to a severe judgement, upon luiotlier, (for he was a man of singiilar charity) was when speaking of a mi,ssionary in the Foreign Field who alft'cled tiie roll of the man of science, souglil to win distinction in the iitilil of comparative ptillology- He did acquire some dislincl'on as a vrUilologist but was of lltt'o use as a Miiasioiiary. The Doctor was no tlieii.istoi specialist in u.Q matter of business, science or Tlieology. He w.is no ilreamei' of dreams. He want ed theories Liral bud been tested, p'an.s that would work. He was not tlie man to take action on bypotbe- St'S, lie sought results, ends, and these were the liigbeal and bellest conceivalile, man’s bigbest good and God’s greatest glory. He was a i>lain earnest sincere consecrated workman in God’s evei'3' day working world I'.c laitguage of whose ilaily life was in substance that o'' the Apostle. J am net my own t have bee'll bought with iL p'icG Ujuri‘lor,f 1 will glorify God 111 my body and spirit wbitdi arc God’.s. Tbes'ory of the Doctor’s coiiver. sioii and his call to tlie ministry is but imj'jcrfectly known to the speaker. In his modesty he rarely spoke of lmu.sel;', sufll.'e it to say that be early malic a [irofossion of religion ami dote, mined lo prepare bimsell to I'l'eacli tlie gospel After completing ills studies be felt constrai.ned lo offer himself for service in tiie Foreign Fluid. He was united in marriage to .Mi.'s Mary Laurie, of Jackson, Wasiiington Co., N. Y., saiied for S.nm ,|Dy I84fi reaeiied his destina tion 'l.vi'cil 1841, after u voy,iy[ft of ciglit monllis (since tiie opening of tile Siez Ca.ial the same journey can lie male in six or seven weeks.) Dr. Maltoon has bad the privilege oT pi.'idling the gospel on two conti nents nd to Uirce distinct peoples. He wrs for twenty years connected witli tlie Siamese nii.-isiun, about the same length of lime a missionary leaciK'i amongst the Frcedmen in our own laid and three years pastor of tlie IhlIsLon Presbyleiian cliurcb, Saratoga Co., N. Y., during the inter, val of ids retiring' from tlie Forei.gn Field and liis entering upon tlie work wboiice lie lias just been translated to liis rewaid. He ami bis devoted wife may worthily be i.ieluded among that noble and bcioie band of men and women wlio laid tlie toundations of Christian missions and Cbiistiau civilization in the East—Apostles to the heathen and certainly none are more surely In the line of the Apos tolic succession than the pioneer missionary. He who lies before me may justly claim that noble distinc tion. Dr. and Mrs. Matloon were among the first to begin successful mission work in the Kingdom of Siam ill,ihe year ISII and until 1866, a score 6f years, he was the unwearied inlrciiid animating spirit of the whole missioiiary group. Learning the language, li'ai.slaling tlie Scriptures, prcLicliing tlie gospel, teaeliing the natives, founding mission stations, receiving, instrucTing and directing tlie successive reei nils sent out by the H .me Board, pervading and udmiuistcring and energizing every department of missionary work, all this wa.s done too in the presence of great discouragements and hardsliips, for the first three years none of the natives, so great was tlie prejudice, would either rent or sell a lionse to the missionaries, who were compelled to liv* os their l oats on the rivets, as illustlating the admirable titneea •f the deceased for pionee.' mission ary work and the energy which he bronglit to bear on the tasks laid uiron liii*. Dr. House, one of liis ColleangeB in tlie M.»sion, writ’ng Its history, speaks thus of Dr. Maltoon.' “Mr. Casewell’s death and Mr. Hem- enway’s illness, threw now upon Mr. Mattoou, lliough he had been but eighteen months in the fief,d, the Sabbath preaching seryiee at the station and a tri-weekly service at a hired room used as a chapel in the bazaar.’’ (Yide Siam and Laos, Presby. Board Pub. pg. 364.) To acquire the power ia a time so brief to preach intelligently 4 limes a week in a diflicult Foreign tongue marked the energy and ability which through life he censtantly brought to hear upon whatsoever tusks were submit ted lo his hands. As a proof of the estimation in which the deceased was held by the people and government when they entered, somewhat reluctantly, into treaty relations with the United Stales he was appointed first U. S- Co.nsul “To the great satisfaction of the Siamese and it was very evident that much of the apprehension they felt in taking upon themselves the respo.isibililies of a treaty with us woii'ti 1)0 dimiiilslied if tliev con'd have .Mr. .Mattoo.. tlic first D. S. Consul to set tlie treaty in motion. Ml'. Maltoon accepted tlie offic however, only until a successor sl!if he iii.po'uted at YVksUington; w!iiU‘, his inis.sion ' work preiu- transla lug, etc.—was not i.ite ted. These words are quoted from tlie volume above mentioned. The duties of the Consulship were elD- ciently discharged by the Doctor in connection with the energetic and prosccutidn of missionary labor. After a score of years, spent chiefly In .sowing and planting, the deceased was compelled sadly and rcluctaatly lo leave llic Foreign Field on account of the conformed 'll liealth of his wife and if in ’’fe he had been permitted to aceomplis'j nothing more than to be largely instrumental in fouading tlie Slam Mi'sion he would have nuhiovpd a distinction of which the most arshilious might bo prostl, in tlie no distant futarc when kingdom and eomt shall liave been coiivoiTed to God, a redeemed and grateful nation will rever'^nlly cherish the memory of Stephen Mattoon and his name by the future historian of tlie Ciiiircli will be wriUeu side by side with that of Carey and Morrison, Lowrle and Duff. After three years spent as p.astor of the church in Ballston, where his memory ia still warmly cherished, he [COMChUDED ON PAGE 2.J CHlilS'r. ,iN> CV.,i''tClSM'rs Js till gious rofi'ssors, and it : r.-ii. .■..i.!y Cond.'.i'-'d in tlie go.spci. 'i ...it tmn - cy OI vi'arilv wl.' .li "taketli not accent cl ev.’i,” winch "iioiieili all tiling' "liicli “covi;iut;i a mnl- titud'”* IS a rare i iTue, and vile '■'l'' civoicest flowc.'s of the Clin'4'i life. Wo auem to ilinik ourself’ i'oniui. ui the iii'.i rcsi-. uf oi'tlior'','' aiid'uf nglileoustioss, lo he lellhr Lord’s ...1. ‘ u rge hot.” Cw aoiigli, and vvit.liil sadly is always Uic ‘’beaiB” that FOVUBTY. Bulwer says that poverty Is only an idea in nine cases out of ten, and we believe it is so. Some men with ten thousand dol. lars a year suffer more for want of means, than others with three han dled. The reason is, the richer man has artificial wants. His income is ten thousand dollars, and, by habit, he spends twelve or fifteen thousand, and suffers enough from being dunned fur unpaid debts to kill a sensitive man. A mau who earns a dollar a day, and does uot run in debt, is the happier of the two. Tiicrc are people, of course, who a.’e wealthy and enjoy their vreallhi but there are thousands upon Uious aiids.wilh princely incomes, who do not know a moment’s [leace, as it were, because they live above, tlieii means. 1^,1 dcteclii.g ilu: "mote.” ess, our uneliaritaiilencss is [irooi'i tliat wo sti iiw own riou' er is Nev ilseli-'c 'it till, surest are I'd icaders of Uio bluul. We were V'®'' G> fod with Pan; tliat we are cef of .sinners. U ims houn liinUifjiat if our ronvcisi.tion wore more bout tilings and li •!; about perse there would he less .scand.al- mor'ing. But tlic pcr.soiis of our acq'ilance are an obvious and easy stuoto^ocenpy wliat little intelli- ^vllorouo ifc noUu n well-'i’^- memory to converse iBiaiegi.v about general sulijects. tlioreforc, from the limited iiost people’s tliouglils, ami pin that vanity wincli puffs in the act of dopretialiiig 0 are iiorpelually tricked immous assertions about our nOT.rJ--T''i. It were well, too, if ny. more^eligioiis persons, but roli- glo'.ird'es. abstained from slander ous It^'Yaticns. Maiy a keen and cage: F^isaii will one day liave sor^ unt^'^i'd TK!-; rtSLIGIOUS WOULD. CHURCH ERED NOT.li.S AMD AEW3 GA,TH- FROM ALL QUARTERS, Ptisan ,|,,T to -anent the spiteful and 't.cinenls into whicli ids taljlins liotrayed him. c.ortj oiurlit. Lo In* lUc mono yw)icr" and on gjc.\ OF riiEJili- keeiv lU'p whoi\ «U .’ll will A"'' the bosUr- good the battle of life consistfi in up a cliecrriil spivl. Wiien wi. cemoH and Ue clouds, spirit is loaded with dead- all Work becomes 'Irudg- a burden arul .lilUculty. done is cM'fied under eom(tV'"‘^'L mil'll a wish Mi;._ it could be foelinw ol pleasure jV^Journful a kind of eongratu- called a pleasure—that it IS completed. And even if there is will-p«v\oi en( ugli to along and favoruble cU’- ^axais to make it sikh . ssliil—-it but little satisi.-.i,jti(.f,, w'li U* loaded " ah I ihe mind be lull o( die of comuuj evil. If uny Vi./k be well done it must be ai,,i(f»ubvancy and hope. With this no matter how Ita/d the ta--'’. ’ *' nnproin; d.ig, till re • ‘ ('Uerg}' given to it, and th-it ’^'''''“y skill iuid tact that, unUs “ kdidrances arc’ invincilile, ^.jjj 'U'l V :t through to a good '"id. Our work very often lags ..not because we are not in eari'^'’^ U—perhaps we expend I-abor on it—but because it i_sJl^G in^dor a cloud. Hope is wait^^fcT.hei-e ift “ntiiusiasin. no eager onlooking and vision of i^itable accomplishment. Lut if bright, it will be able to i'oi heerfuily through an experi- encc^«^’ iilso bear its disappoint- ineius, rc,pice in its iribulatioHS and not on\y lulieve, but know, that God makes uU things work together lor goofrdi t'liose w'ho love Him. It is not poss’ble. uot for all of us, ail the time, floods arc many, and we are liable t> fall into dull ones betimes; but 9 oui'ht to be a part of oar C’iiisUfu ojTovt to drive away the cloud--if p')3siblc and luin to the b-‘-iinspiring light — Uniled PresL Ho immense lailrOading has bc- comel The li ‘st annual leport of the stalisios of the United States com. piled jloi' the Interstate Commerce Comi**sioacr, shows the total mile age.to 901, and the amount of e:4>iurtTc;sled ;^8,129,787,731. HeiMions 'Why tlu' Iiilimt 'insa In tho Important In the Sunday 9c)u>oI—How It Should T^o Cc.udiicte4l—Som- Sonfilhlo Advice. U there bo nn.y degree of truth, tp Eobortson’e sturemenf, that “when ;i cl'dJd is three year^ oi ugu paivnts iiavQ d ino inoro than Intlf they ovor win div ft.r tha chiM’o cluuacter, sui-oly tho first year of fuliool work ought to be COiDlidDrod rn.. j.v ..-4, i—i.—* ant; lor iu;t oru^- do».xs> uild learn nK)i’0 eaj?ily, but heguts habits of study and method uiHer a judicious teacher which will cling to him through life. For tho same iGCL,';'.3 tho infant class should be considered tho most important branch of Sunday school work, aud tho teacher ought to no a poreon coiiiblniug peculiar insight into human uafiuo with executive ability and rare spirit ;i;;IHy. The infant d.'i.'w should hutiA .. modious rooui of its own, eo arranged that 3C can bo opened into tho Sunday schcol room, but the doors should not he Oi>ea h r any more than tb'- opening hyuu tmd prayer. Tho baln-^j Cannot enjoy or even endure a long sos i >a. Soinewheronear tho oi)onIn. i b-.; sUunt prayer should have a place. Vhe chil- Si. M w!io aro taught to olTcr l pray fir sUoiuly for tho teacher of tho school and for Uou's mcDiuiig ou iu.oii.v • t«v lUako, not only bot’ter hearers, but bettor doers of the Word, and tho tearUor will surely feel tho influeiico oi those prayers, and bo helped lu tier teaching. It got« without saying that no primary room is furnished which does hot con tain ft blackboard, and tlic most sua“«it>- fu.1 lesson will always bo ip some urc a clnUk talk. Tho teaclior need not bo on artist) chib.lren’s imaginatiorcs oro vory fertile, and '-hjilk drawing easy. Tho lntix>duction to the lesson must be something children know about, some thing the smallest child \viU understand, and tliis must bo a ladder leading oftsily and logically to the lesson. One advan tage of this method, and I think not tho least among sovoral, ia that tho teacher 60 irulns lier echu’ars that many things which they see orueo in evpry day life are intimately associated with their Sun day school It.si.oup m such away that the ono 6i3rvc«tc suggest the other during Week days, wiiu^. g^nday thoughts en; TJie facts of the lesson, durtng which a reHew of the last week's k^ssoushouldbe iu&i'oduoc-d, oup gwicroDy bc told ip a story liko and iiiterestlng way, which will take nothing from the impressive ness of the appUention, provided tho up- RyLlhOUS GLE-ANlf-lGS. Tho boar. r)t liomo ml-^sions oi tho I?:.- tormed clu'.i-ch during lh«; ;.ear aided 120 churches, Jiic.hig 95 inissivnary pas tors, 5,137 familiifl, 7.420 commcnicvint members and 10,'^09 n mborfl ■, the Sabbath schools. ^OO.OOO i3 contributed for tho •rklu - :-r, was voted by tlio gene ’.Isyii/d iL «, v7e,- OOO bo raised by the ircbcs this > for tho homo field. Johns Hopkins unlvin, ly Is to have a §30.000 Y. M.-a jL bulding. tho World’s S'lnday sci.-')l .convention, held in .London; Num’" r of Sunday schools in the United ‘ : if 101,824; scholars, 8,245,431; toa c j.', 1,100,101; total, 9,415,535. In (‘' . uida: Schook?, O.COO-; sclJolars, 407,39:^; •. -■u.-ttcvT, total, 533,342. New Ytvu GOO schools, 172,000 scholars ai ' ^ 00 tca.'-h* 01^. ITundri ds of people in Milan liospcl fer the first tiiJie diuurt • cent season of tho Italy ' lethu ference. Services woro held ev-; ing, and many bowed ut tho seekers, and others arose i or pra Tho Methodist I^plscopal chi ports 35,065 Sunday schools, wib 84S scholars. ’•.e plication is, (is it ought to be, on sorde one point. The kssons often (X>ntaln many truths fox older scholars, but for the little ones a cliolco must be mode. They canTiot grasp more than ope idea at a time, and if more than one be pre sented tho oifect of the whole js lost. There is no more fitting Impressive ^vay to close the lesson than with a prayer by the teacher, which may be followed by some prayer In winch all the scholars can When it is possible another tjcacliei shmild be provided to teach the singing. Hymns to bo attractive to infiant classes must have words that can ho com- pi-ehcnded. nnd m/xin. oo»TxctiiltiK. 1 am in favor of a subdivided class. There are many reasons for and gainst, and perhaps eo many lK)th ways that tns decision can bo no more than dn opinion. I think tl' catechism is too often neg lected In ur schools, and I w»ould ap- pitovo most’ heartily of a clgsa that was subdivided for the purjx)Soof fiistruction (-.f that kii • ; but where only tho lesson is taught, ud that immediately after oi before it is aught by t)io head teacher, J can sec no necessity for both citl>er bo well done. Tlio visiting can bo managed tn au5 but ft largo ckujs easily if dono Systemati’ cally. Where the class Is largo tho slck^ or those absent several Sundays, can be called upon, tu-d that is aS much os ought to be expected It is impossiolo to teach tho spiritual truths of tho lesson successfully unless r!tu i£ fchr> ^j^n/'bor ia tnbeh 1d'- pressed with them gs her mind is wltli tlie story. Ihero is nothing that hold; people of ony age more than genuine spirituality, and none can more readily detect the lack of It than little children. If the teacher herself {eels that tho spir itual part of tho lesson iq a bitter pill for the little ones, and must bo carefully dis guised Iw the sugar ct^tlng of the lesson story, the children will toei tjiat way too, and will moroovor reject the plU in spite of its sugar coating; but u tlie teacher hclds God’s truth as a preclops gift that ehe ia permitted to transmit tc her dear Cues the chfidroh will prjro it too, ami vill receive it gladly.—O: tian Advo:;ato. Homaa CaChotf^. Ucv. h J. S'ulUvmip pastq^r ^ $t. nee, B. X-, As- Jj'-nrst aimi- Mary's d^urcli, Provldonl contly cficbrated the twenty' v^'rRaw :d his ordination- ‘ Mexico has ft Catholic university fifty years eidor than Harvard. The agoi.t of t^iQ Scotch National Bible society prftk.es the Roman (catholic ml-^- sions In China, believing “their worlr U an element of g od, os they teach the cardinal truths of our cQiauiOn faith and are preparing the'way for a purer form ofreliglol.” • Closing tliO Churo'icc reasons assigned for closh , ? of InO ClxUlw/.. s .11,-. j'ii-,,iv . - that most of their members gomto’ ho coiuitry for at least two months. V sat if they do? Are those who do mt re to bo neglected, or turned (>ut the ecclesiastical common? One in-etiher is reported to ha-v’U said; ‘'Why, 4 keep the church open you wlil more than forty or fifty out on j ten or twelve to the T)rayer moeq, _ perhaps not Xer fifty to tlio funclay school,’* ae though that were coiulusivo. Christ said: “Whero two Of tljfee a;-o gathered together in my name, tiero am I in the midst of them.” I Notwithstanding tho dnlhiessjof the suinmer season, that brother ha/ nevor yet proposed to close his storvdv.ilng July and August. And such ft ‘J. ng as a business man paying; “Shat vp tlw RbDT-A and lot Tjlxt.*: fov/ cus’olucrs there are go whero they please,’* not yet been heard. “It is • the m'm‘ .r who go Int^ the counti'v tb; -i demand fexr closing ciiurdi.; ■greater number Avho d- not go’ D’at wish to have It understood t; it they belong to tho clrclo of those wLo go, and to,a ohuvoh that said a pubiof ■whoso ‘•liuVv'h wa^’ lyn-vd against his wish.—Chn^tinu at Wovt Xho Change Constjmtly Taking When, after years of absence, one t'‘> visits places ana $ceuoa familitr to film in youth, ho is often surprised to find how different tliey actually ara kom the pictures ho has carried in his mlid Tlio home of his boyhood has not tho na^s d- tude ho imagined. The old chirch is much smaller than ho tliou^ht i wag. Tho village green is dimiuiitlvo tc ho supposed it to be. In fact, it s -• as if memory had played him false, .» . used. a magnifier on every object, sometimes, to Christian i>coplo, distair lends enchantment. They seek to COV-er former frnino# and feeling^ ♦ n d think then tliey would bo at rest. Co ■' i they havG such experienoeg as they d in tlielr earlier Christian fife they W-r d find them disappointing, Tho gf'acc t miuistered strength and hope fn foi’ ^ times is not appropriate to their prOf ^ requirements, and, could it be ' ■, would prove os useless ag tho manru ^ days gone by. God, in his great lu , gaVo Us assurance of grace for gi-'’ . As cho supply which has helped us ishes, there is the promise pf ft nev .i* flux according to Onr need.—Chri- u luqiilrop. ftllSSlOQ Colportago is tho chief ageqpy in ivl- vaficlng missionary work in Btilfi'iU, and through this means the Scrlptu with ot^ier good books, have been W’ ly circulated, reaching the soldiers .u;d entering prison doors. In several’ towns near Bombay oflora have been made to tho misvio; 0|)on schools among tho natives, ni ob jection being raised to the assurance that ^ tho education would bo on strictly Chris tian principles. Tho Mission Ikess Is a power reaching far beyond the personal influence of tlie missionaries. J’ortions q£ Uie Bible, “Teep of Day. ’ hymn book?, tracts and sermons trandated and d: '•■d.-ifcdamong tho natives five ovideno'of the patien- study of utricate languages, and these will boar ."rult an hundred foli The Ireabyterlfui Church lu Csi:: :da. dme general assembly of the Presbyte rian cfiirgh ip Canada comprises m © syuodiiand fofty-two presbyteries, via: rresby- Cvniciu- terlea. Cboi-chee. MarttlwyKTtneeo.... fi 49(J Montfftui 4r.’i OitAva.. B TorcmtcacKi Kiagatoa. 10 ^ liomilfoa w sSi mohitoba 0 8‘iO classlfloU. 0 5 Cvniciu- nJcADts. 35,5i>9 2o,513 ^,400 88,790 0,219 005 14.\CW i-i i,801 U lias ibt>e m .'mi's, besides teach- eni, in Nvw Gebride.', i'n.TriiiD'iad and Demorr^ a, ten among Indians, loar In China, rine in In ha. There are six Canadian Ji‘e«bytoi : d.jological eemi- n.iries, vL • At Il.v'oax, QuebeCj Mon treal, Ku g«tifUL, Toi'jni’O and Mamtobft.

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