J\ ■-% /' 'I *0 VOL. XI11. •AXI) YK SHALL KNOW THE TUUTH. AND THE ’''HUTII SHALl. MARK YOU KItKK.”—/tfL. ra/„ CJ WILMIN(T10N & CHARLOTl'K. N. (J.. AL(iiUST 20. lst)l. NO. i:i:l,.iri«l :it tlir Post Ollico at Wilmiiif;- to:i. X. (!., as socoii.l class mail matter. on: PKOl’.OKTIO.N ATE OllOWTH. ID .\EOUO AS A SOLDIEU. sational. Ainoiio iPc lattci’ nuist be classed tlie i'e[iort pubUshod in tbe New \"ork Ilt^rcild, widen takes the Some one whose name IS not "iven, a „ ro-,r.ini/pd ■ ■ ■ t '1 - and "ell-oigani/ett movement on the part f>l the secret How does tlieoi'owth of onr Chni'ch 111 its various colnmns dnrino the. last decaVle coiiipare with tliat ol the ooiieral poinilation of the conntr}' in the same jieriodi' A decmle is a oood term to take; iK'sides, we can put the precise national and ecclesiastical olli- eial fi 'ures beside eacli other. The popniation of tlie country in 1H80 wa.s .ho,l.)2,8(1(1; in 1890, (12,(122-, saO; an increase of 2 1 per Cent. Ijook now at the C'liiirch fioiires piililished last wia’k, and eoinpare them with tliose of a decade aoo, 1S81. .Made, U]! in iS',11 and ISSl, they are the fig ures of 18',10 anil ISSi). asthe ('eiisiis lignres pntilislnai in 1S91 and IS.Sl wiu'e of tlie same years. The increase of iiopulation then in the ten years was twenty-l'on r per cent. 'I'he iininlier of Ohnrclies reported to onr Assembly in 18S1 was h,.o98; in IS'.ll, 7,070; an increase of2(l per cent. The ministers anil lieentiatesin 1.8S1 weni .9,;>.S7; in IS91, (1,;V.)7; an increase of 2 1 per (amt. The candidates in 1881 were (122; in IS',11, I,:il7; an increase of more than 200 [ler camt. The coinmnnicants in 1881 were .981,701; in 1891,80(1,70(1; an increase of almost 119 |ier cent. The S. S. menibers in 18.S1 were (i:l8,o(l I; ill 1891,880,080; an increase of nearly -10 iier cent. The contributions in ISSl were §8-, 074.291; in 1891, $14,001 ,;irif,; an in crease of more than (12 per cent. The additions on examination in 1881 were 2.9,:i44; in 1891, .99,(100; an inciaaase of 208 [ler cent. The adult baptisms in 1881 were 8,- 1 i4; 111 lo'.i'j, 2i,.)7n;au iiieoiasc oi 2ui per cent. The infant baptisms in 1881 were 17,480; in 1891, .'1(1,191; an increase of nearly oO [ler cent. Tims the increase in ministers and licentiates is aliout the same in [iro- liortion as that of the population; that of chiirelies about 2 per cent more but who talks very inoile sensibly’, has been discussing with .a Washington correspondent the virtues of the Negro as a soldier. As a rule, onr consideration of what we .arc pleased to call the race problem is conlined to its political aspects; and thus we are perhaps likely to do in justice to our colored broth.ar, who has not as a rule, been conspicuously successful .as a politician, llesides, tlie (puxtion of his social elevation is the more important. According to the anonymous observer iiuoted Ly the correspondent, it is in the army that the Negro Jinds an admirable op|)ortnnity to develop his better i|iialities. The experience of other Nations, as well as our own in the civil war. has shown that he is aineda- ble to discipline and not waiHing in courage. There is at pre.sent a eoi- ored cavalry regiment in our army whic-h is not only described as a model of good behavior in camp, but which has also done notable service in our recent Indian wars. In all luture calculations in this country about war, a llrigadier-Heneral is reported as say^ing the colored race will cut an important fygure. vVs the correspond ent’s informant says ; ‘•The colored man as a soldier has been making unobserved iirogress. M'liile his brother in politics has be come a football for the party leaders, kicked here and there, and the object always of unseemly dissension, he who enlisted in the army has found snug (piarters, good treatment, and an oc cupation appealing strongly to his self-rospocting instincts. His uniform has made a new man ()f him. Ho car ries himself all Uie better for teeling that he is a factor, though an hnmble, one, in the (io\Tirnnient’s task of keep ing the peace on the plains and along the border. He likes his work and does it well.” In some respects, indood, the Negro soldier aiipcars to be iirelerable to the white. Ile does not grow' re.slire societies of China, for the purpose of dithroning the present dynasty .and replacing the Emperor by his rremicr, Iji Hung Chang; and that it is car ried on with tiic connivance, if not the direct suiiport of the llritish (lovorn- iiient, which desires to secure .an ally in the far East against its old enemy, the Czar, whose encroachments on Alanehuria and Korea have already aroused the fears of the Chinese. It is undoubtedly true that Euro pean politics are felt thronghout Asia, but that Lord Salisbury has formed even a silent partnership with the Chi nese nobleman wo do not believe at all. nor do wj believe that the danger of a general uprising is as immediate or as great as is indicated in the pa pers, That there is danger is evident from the scenes at tVuhuand Wusuch, and that there is an unsettled condi tion of affairs thronghout the Empire is recognized by all; but It must be remembered that those cities repre sent the most turbulent section of the eoiintry, and the prompt and vigorous action of the Chinese Covernment in them, as well as in other places, does not indicate any great weakness. We can, however, do no better than com mend to onr readers Dr. Henry’s let ler. dated two weeks later than that piiblisl ed in the Herald, eonlidcnt that it will allay the fear aroused by the alarmists, while it will show at the same time the need ol constant prayer by the Church that its represent.atives abroad may be preserved from danger and their work remain unmolested. How wide.s[)read are the interests involved is evident Iroin the lact that almost every missionary society at :v. •’ii o'.l v' Yrngtze t'alley, from Shanghai to the province of Yunnan, while the valleys of the Min, from Euh-chau, and of the Si-kiang, from Hongkong and Canton, are dotted with stations and-cih.iu'chcs. — fndepKiident. ' , allciasses. Now. as to Prof. -Moore’s ability ta preside over this College siu ccssfully, there is not a person, white or bl.ack, who knows him, who would, for a moment, doubt his com- petoncy and his ability as an educator .and a disciplinarian. Hut lor the s.at- isf-.etion of those persons who do not kn )w' of Prof Aloore’s (pialilications. I rel(ii- them to the following facts ; |ie attended Howard Hnivorsity tw.) years, graduating Ironi the pre- pa-;atory department in 1873; went to Aiassachiisetts and took an extra cone'^c in a preparatory school. .Vl'ler- waix.A he entered Amhcist College, Amherst, -Mass., in 1874, from which iiutitution he graduated with high college honoi-s in 1878. After grad,u- ating he came to Greensboro and bo- calie Principal of the Graded School, wli'cli position ho held for two and a half years. He was also connected with the State Normal School in Salisbury, during the session of 1883. In 188.9 he was invited to take a posi tion as one of the Eaculty in Hennett College, which he now holds as in- stnictor of the Ancient Iianguagcs. Aside from Prof. -Moore’s ednea- ti .nal attainments he possesses natu ral. ([ualitics of licart and mind that b end with such harmony with his learning, as to make him admirably adapted for the presidency of the Agricultural and Alechanical College. If is hoped by his many friends and aeipiaintances that the Hoard will Cviisidcr his claims favorably If he is elected the State will have at the head of the College a scholar and a conscientious Christian gentleman.-— 1!. M. McKenzie, in Oreemshoro Daily Record. A PRACTICAL LESSON, Showing Sin of liiuttcnlioii in tliO House of "Worsliii). It was li powerful sermon, our pas tor was preaching it from the depths of a heart aglow wit!i the love of Chiast. T>Tho congregation listened wi»h (pnekehed souls, touche;! hy the power and might of God's holy spirit. As the iKistor noted the rapt atti'ntion his heart glowed with new warmth, and each word he uttered v.'as lil:e .l burning lirayer beseeching tb»d Tor a ]i‘'onnscd ble.^.sing. it seemed that the iinickoniiig .spirit he.d already descfuided. h r old and youim alik'e bad cc ntt >‘(“d tbkir attention, ! gb '* '.'ped momac. it is all there, it is 111:0 me difforoncii bctwoi'u the iiuiiotent IViHim lashing the t.iirbnlciit sea with chains, and the gracious Lord saying to the tronblod .'10.!. "Peace, bo stilllilov. C. H. Parklmrst. 1)11. K EE LEY’S CURE DRUNKENNESS. FOR \ under llic restraints of camp life, i^'i'l'^dHlOPESSOR C. H. MOORE, M. A., than that of the population; of com- miiiiicants, 1.9 per cent more; of S. S. iiii'inhcrs, 10 per cent more; of inlaiit biiptisms, 20 per cent more; of contri- lintions; 38 per cent more'; of additions on c.xaniination, 179 per cent more, of luliilt haplisms, 210 per cent more. The increase in the iiumber ol churches is not as great as that. of incinh.ers. 'I'he growth in tliis resiicct has been more in enlarging nnd strengthening the congregations tlicni- nclvcs. In 1881 the congregations averaged 104 communicants each, now 114. 'flic inercaso of candidates is aston ishing. From them, during the decade we have entered n[ion, the ministry will he far more largely supplied tliaii was tiio case the last decade. The additions on examinations and adult haiilisms show a greatly increas ed work of conversion, a remarkably large measure of which was in families that had been outside of the Church; while the infant baiitism figures show lliat the recognition of tlie household covenant is not going into desnetndo, blit, is growing. 'file increase in liberality will be ciniibasized by saying, not only that the money raised anioiintcd to (12 per cent niori', but that in 1881 the aiei- age amount to a congregation was$l-, .918, ill 1891, 8(1,989; and' the average to cncli communicant in 1881, $11.92; in 1891, $1 7.42. Onr advance, therefore, is all along the lino in greater proportion th.an the population has advanced. It is not as great as it should have been, as with faith fill ness it might liave liccn. It pix'seiits no ■ground for boastfulness. Hilt it rclnikes the pessimist. M'e think it will be found greater than that of other denominations. It ■ highly Journal. lie is not, as a rule, given to druiikyn ness. His worst vice, ollicers say, is gambling, but even that docs not le.ad him to insuliordination. All this is very'gratifying to the friends of the race. It is true that in this country tlie opportiinitic.s for a military life are not many. Hut the man who ikes a good soldier has the right stnlf in liiiii, and is hound sooner or later to succeed in other oeenpations Perhaps in the navy, and in that mcr-- chant marine which we may have scniie day mider more liberal laws, the Negro will also find a usehil and honorable place.—2Vin Boston Post. THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE COL- ()PvEI) AGRICUETCRAL AND -MECHANICAL COLLEGE. THE OUTHREAKS IN CHIN-V. It has been for many years the tes timony of those best luapiainted with Oriental all'airs, that the fairest and most autlientio accounts of political as well as social and religions move ments of the countries of Asia have been furnished by American mission- arisc. Not only are they free Iroin political .lias, and thus unlikely to be inlliieneed by the considerations that almost inevitably atl'eet the testimony of tlie great m.ajority of foreign resi dent.s* but tliey are men of aeeiiratc seholar.ship and wide observation, who have made a careful study of many conditions of life, which arc almost unknown to the average merchant, triiveler, or diplomat. An instance of this we arc glad to fiirni.sh to our readers lliis week in a letter from she Rev. H. C. Henry, 1). D., a missionary of the Prc.shytcri, an Hoard at Canton, China. For the past few weeks the most sensational reports have come from that Empire, (Yhieli seem to indicate widespread i and most serious disturbances, not , merely endangering the work of the enconraging.—Preshylerian j ,„i,.;,5ioiiaries hut threatening the very ' ; I'xistence of the Empire. A'arious explanations have been oli'ered by Wlu-thcr 1 speak to one or to tlion ^ sands in my aiidieuee. 1 always try to I diU'ereiit correspondents, some of them lo my best.-Jii/Hi B. Oonyh. 1 evidently plausil.le, others fairly sen- The name of Prof. C. H. Moore has been ineiitioncd lor President ol the ColorcikA. and -M. College. 1 n consideration of tlie services he has rendered Ids people in this State and his (pialificalions and adaptabili ty, it is not saying too nuich to s.aj' that not a more deserving and capable gentleman tlian Prof. Moore could 1)0 elected President ol the above named College. AV'ben I say this I express the sentiments of all who are aerpiainted with Mr. Aloorc and who are familiar with bis labors ill uplifting his race, 'fliere has not been a move put forth in this State for the welfare .and elevation ofhis r.aco, mondly, intellectnally and otherwise, in which Prof. Aloore has not taken a prominent part and his wise counsel and mature judgment has done much in raising the status of his people in the cominnnity and State in which he lives. He has on two occassions boon elected by conventions assembled a delegate to Washington City to call on the President in behalf of the in terest of Ids race. Ho was also chosen by the State Sabbath School Conven tion as a delegate to represent the in terest of the Sabbath Schools of this State at tlic International Sabbath School Convention which assembled at Pittsburgh, Pa., June, 1890. Prof. Aloorc, though modest, unas suming and unselliish, is detined to become the leader oflds race, especial ly in this South land where his labors arc confined, and where he has the confidence of his people and akso the white people of this State, by whom lie is widely known. 'I'lierefore I think that Ids election to the presiden cy of the A. and Al. College will lie highly satisfactory and gratifying to Hr ■Kcelev rogarils the social lea- | urn of life as the principal cause of the drinking habit. Young men begin to drink as a part of social fellowship, 'fho modern club is the most untoi- tunatc combination for the produc. tion of alchoholic victims now in exis- -tcncc. 'i’hcro arc also numerous other cau.ses, such as disease, weakness, heat and cold, joy and sorrow. The result of tlie alcohol habit is disease. Alcohol is a poison; natnie struggles against the ellccts ol this lioison and the result is disorder, di sense. 'I’his disease locates itsell in the nerve centers in the brain, tlie ganglia, the spinal cord. 'Ihc attack is upon the nerve tissue, in the last analysis, niion the nerve cell. If the cell is not destroyed, variation is pro duced. New cells show a variation in aecordanee witli the new alcoholic cnvii'oniiient. Hut now the remedy. 'I’his of course must strike the disease. 'I'lio disease is a variation of the nerve tissue, from a condition of nature. 'I’o obliterate tlie disease Uie tissue must be restored to the natural condition. Atavism iiinst bo induced. 'I'he restoration is clfeeted just as it is in otlier cases of disease, hy the use of an antidote. 'I'his antidote is lii-chloride ol gold, (^ninino is a spccilie for malaria, mer- i.nry for syphilitic disease, and bi- i^ilorido of gold i.s the specific for alcoholic poison. It routs it, rercrscs the variation, makes the nerve tissue every whit whole, 'i’he antidote is introduced into the system lioth by injection and by the usual method of^ internal application. Four times a day the three hundred or more pa tients fall into line, and with the left arm bared lile past the attendant phy sician, who. dextrously and rapidly makes the injection. 'I’he tonic is taken by t’ac patients in their own rooms at the prescribed hours. Tlie use of liquors is not forbidden, and there is no espionage or restriction ol luiy kind, except that every iiaticnt is required to behave himself. Alcn who show a disposition to do disreputable things are sent away. 'fho remedy is very active, and in a few (lavs the patient finds tliat the ap petite f’or liipior is leaving him. while i;. i , ■ .-'l. Ilia laisli pr(,\;9".--i. ®.,ki;b( i iittle child near tho ill-n- bei.'nn to cry. It was net a loud, shrill I'l'y—only a laiiit wail; yctoviT .■ilmnilri'il mcml cia oL'tlio Con.grc;(.ilion turned iheir heads U» look at tiieelnld. Those wlio wonkl l.ave paid strict attention to theser::;oii were dis turbed by the rostlcsKiioss of ot'ier.s. and the 1 aster shortly found hi:iis"!f iqie,'ik ing, if not to empty pews, to a jicoplo wlK'se tliou.ghts were wand., lie ■. in vari- ['Lis chaiiie l.'i. Who was to lilanie for tlii.s? -Nut tile ebild sr.i'elr, I'lit li.e Imn- dred and more memls'i'.s wii 11 '.-.nied their lieaitsat the voice. Tiiecomnioiioo eait.sed Itiureb.v was felt bv all, ir.al l.i'.'- [sistor resumed his disconr.se with liein ;. heart. The lioM and force of hi; v.-, ids were gone. Small things in In' ■ coiim, and small sins ip’.ickly tell. \ et lipiestion, (iliristiaii reader, if tiib siirot inattention ill God's house can be coniiteil so'.all. Tho p.astor spend.s both time mi.l sli-■n.gtli in preparing the truth to present to you, and he ileniaiuis as his rigid your strict attention. We are also dii loyul to God when wo allow onr tlmnglits to waiak'r. or are dis- tnieteil by any slight commoiion. "The Lord is in his holy temple," lint he is there only to bless a worshiping, devout pel iple. Baiil a preacher, after vainly striving to hoi.I til,; atteatieu of a eou.'p'e.rfation, "It must bo a very attraclive speaker, indeed, who could fill this puli«L." , Churcli.goers evirywliere iiiahe it a flioiiit al ways to pay strict atteiiticu while worshiping God in liis sanctuary. If tho wind rattles a blind, don't turn yon: head to look. If somebody comes in late on tiptoe, don’t stare at him. -\nd even if a baby shonldcry, keep right on listening to tlio .service. The mother i f Lie child will doubtless h'O able to inana;; " lieroif- Cmai'- ■'I-.' Soul. Vl>-V Sours I-ropare. (’oiruN iHY smil, Ihy ;.oni,Ls iJi’rpjiri': o;‘ priise to tJod jiIk>\ g, W’;i hcml thy prayer. AisHV/erod in 1»)\ u. Ail t!./ Y a-'.ts thi.s \}od halh mot. All tliy iicmI halh lie suppUi'J; No\iTlil lu' tla-H Wiitclil'ul „'UHnl ami I'ailhfal truido I'ar huyuii'l thy 1 ;ai)i he OH tliy pathway aU’vwn. Mf.iv than all (hy I'aith hath soni^ht. lliLitlhou ol'lii.-; iHGivy knoun. t'.'i'il i.yd '-i^ihl istoisiiiH, S' Ihv ^ ul \W 11 t'aoii l.nal ut t'iirc to hi'iu;: I'h'.o him V. ho ;i.u>v.'.h-s pra.\'i'f. Vt t lor;:', I not, > my soul, } insY thy thanks to him aiv o.a', s(: lrui.i of muivy roll, !U- tliy pt ai: *•.> over m.-w. ■ -. M. Ofionl in Now York thi^erver. pyL's firo lixL't! on hor is not liio'ly to cJiso her enibaiTassuient. ‘‘I liavo round an ideal con.ycyation,’’ said a imNiclicr. iti speakiiit.; to a brotiier clergyman. ** While pr-e:i(dnn:^ to them a severe thunderstorm wait raging outside iUKl lightning struck a tre;‘ only across the way. Vrt they listened attentively and appeared to be ignorant of it all.’’ ‘'Tho Lord pioservoth the li^hteous,’ was the; heartily spoken ans'\v(.r. Dear Cliristians everywhere, let us see to it tiiat no-ono is disturbed in God’s house liy cur heedless inattention. Let u;', make it part of our religion never to disturb the religioii of otliors.—Bailie V. Du Hois in CiinstiaTi IntelligonccT. 'llio I5iblo. The life of mim was iicv.-r so i ignifl- cant anil glorious aa it is today. -Man in tbe fullness of ins existeiioe H being drawn niiwaril, man in the (a,! caiiaeity of his life, iicienco begiii.s to sillily in the rooks aii'l in tlie stars, and by mid liy slie is coming liomo to man. Wliat I'.o was, hove In eaii'e to be liere on this eartli. 'wiiat has been tlie in.;,lory of liis development, what be is, to do and what he is to 1x1—those are t'.ie great ques- ti ns whicli before cve.'y pliilo.aipliy and system of rtdigion presi'i;t themselves and will not down. 1 think tliey are answered. Men know tlie mystery of their simple humanity as tliey never knew it lief ore. i’iie simple intrinsic myi tery of human life, tile simple wonder of Ir.'ing a man, that has eonie to nS. 1 helieve. in the richness ef our progress, in tlie l:ir:;eucs3 of onr synrpathy, in the d I'p .s'.ndy of ourscive.s as it never eame to onr lalhers, to Uie generalimi of dreamer.s ;ind poets and piiiiesiqilK'rs ol other il.'iys. 11, i,i m this signiiicance ef the jiri'Sent and the future Iliat it seeims to me Uiere coine,s the great promise, at once of tin; per- [letna! iniinence of the Ciliie I'.n-l akso of a ill";--!' use of tlie llible s;nd a la'O- found, 1' ui-iierslandiiig ol its ineaniiig, to .1 closer toncli nisai our human life,— Addi'i;,s,( jjy Phillips Ilrooks, A N«;u’ Cruulion. • Gi;d never repairs. Chr.st uover patclp'S. Th-eGospel is not her;* to mend people. Rugeuenitioii i.s ii-jt of moral tlukeriiig and etliieal cobbliug. Wiiat God doea. Ih.-' does r.k'Nv; new heavens, new (‘arth. m'w b‘'dy, new ■ lionrt; ''ixuiiuld I m;;kt' nil tiungi nt.-w.’ hi the Gospel thus we move into a new world and under tt ii'‘W scheme. The creative daj's jiro back again. We step out of a r(>gi:iie of jailsauT hospitals and reform shoxis. \V e ge*t livo (■fleets dirt, et from God. That is the Gospel. The Gospel is a i)ennanent miraele. God at first hand—tliat is mii a L. The Gospel lliU-s doe.) nut elaso fy \vtlii other sehemes of amelioration. They are good, but 1 • 1 1 vx ' this is not simply betb.-.r, but dilferent, nwl'iil Hiii'st becomes n li'igbUnl expo-aistinct; it I'icnce of the past, Hope spi'U'l?” ; R,n,tlicr niiew, life opens townnl tlie mbniing, i Compare tlie wrouglit elniiim no.'iin lliei'e seems to be somelliing to | riveted on Iho demoniac, ;unl tlie divine live for. 1 worii worlviug.a ue\y creation in the de- 'I'lic SOW BESIDE ALL WATERS. Thi.4 Sliow.s Tlnit llu’ Abbvo Is ti Cood ' Ilnio for Christluns, “Don’t ever attempt to make a Ii.ik- toral call on JI. and Ida wife. Tlie old man is u terror to miuiatcr.s, and do- clare.s if ono ever darkens bis doors ho will drive him out." So said a friend to till) -writer during the early part of his pa-atorate in H , N. Y. Tho old gentleman referred to had, fur some rea.aon which nobody seemed to know, conceived a dislike for elerg'/men, and even a hatred of them. He had buld- U’ proclaimed ids adversion t.i all mini:'.- ter.-i, no matter what denondnatioii, and declared that when ho died no miidsler aliould attend Ids funeral, until he was known in the town as the man wlio liateil mini.sters. Hence the waridn.g oi my friend, -Amid tho busy cares of pastoral lalior till) old coaplo aud tho warning passed out of my mind. Alontlis afterwar.I a member of our chureli, tlie motlier of tliroo little ones, lay on what proved to be her dying bed. She sent ior tier luis- tor. 'The broken hearted lialxis an.I the devoted imsliand sat weeping at tin* bed side. The light of heaven beamed in tlie dy ing lyes, Rile a I’leil ior tile twi'iity-tldni P.'ialm and the fourleentli eliapter of .Joliii. Follo'.vin.g tile reading i f these ,)(.‘sus, lo\ or of iny kouI, LcL ino to lliy borfoni Hy. Ami we eommeiided the soi n*wing oims to God in prayer. She di'-d in ;p-e;it peace. Three weeks after thG eViUit a iLHiueT came to me to atteml the funeral of an old gentleman. Baid the m*'.'.s:-ng'er. who liad come in his cairiage for me: was not always a Ciiristiaii man, l)ut lie iiK't with a great change In-fore hedied. IiKiuiriug the natiu: I was am;iY.-d to learn that I was al)ont t i perform tde last rites for him wia> iiad been known as the hater of niiniaters. To mv sur prise the carriage stopped at tin- \-i'v house fro!ii whicli 1 Ini'l bufied Mrs. li. three weeks bc'fore. 1 tlaei learne.l for the lirst tiim* that id. and his wife „ lived in the ot her i)arl, of 1 h * A ai'-te. Six weeks after tluese events Mrs. I)., who had t'H' happy art -f saying iielpfut words .iu^t when the;.' were mo;d. nei-ded. arose in our prayer meiding and said; “I think our [lastor docs mil. ktiow lu*w ho catiie to bo a.si:ed to atteml the In- iK'ral of M., and 1 would like to relate the circMiniHtaiiC'L’* “And I .siionld he glad to have you re-' lattMl." replied her pastor, 'd'or I have been greatly pnzxlei over this inys tery." Bh(.*co-itinued: “Our iiasto.- c.alle I «'ii Mrs. IT as sh'* lay dying, and rt'ad and sang and pi'ayed witn lu‘r. In tii»* oth r apartment, separated only by ,i thin par tition, lav .M. in a hid[d‘S'/' iMii.hlion. A? our pastor b(\gan reading, 'iho Li1 IS mv sheplurd; I shall not want. .'I. asked to have his bed pushtG u[* ag iin. t the partition where he could 'near t very 'word. When our iiastor prayed. M. le- [)catel several sentences over and over, and continued to use them as tho lan- gnago of his o'svn la-art in tli(‘ lew re maining wcek.s of his life, ami wliil.- oo- ing so a few. da Vi; before'his dt-atli the* light cam! into his soul and ))'■ foun l .lesiis. When ho dksl hi,> wile imdsLed that our p:istor sliould conduct the j.i- neral services, and tiiis is liow it all caim' about. We may sometiimw tod with heavy hearts, but we cannot, alv.ay,; loll bow much good our word.) and jirayef. may do in God*:( liatid.s (-veil to tiio.se who seem to 1h.‘ farrhe.st from liim.” W(‘ all sang, “Bow in Uie morn ^hy seed." and with esiiccial fervor Uie ver.se: Ttiou can.st not toil in vain; Colil, lieat, and moist and dry. Shall foster and mature the t,nain For tat tlers in the sky. CTiristian hdlow worker.s. “Jdeyestoad- fast. uiiiiioveable, alwtiys ahoumling in the work' of the Lord, for as mncli as ye‘ krjow tlnit your labor is not in vain in tlie Lord."—Hev. John W. Banboni in Chrisiian Advocate. Wo. .Must Work \viU> t brist. As long as we iGfnso warm, loving sympathy with Christ's mis.sionary pur pose, and hold ah>M' from earnest co operation witli him i t missionary enter- pri.s‘. we sliall have a jxior. dwarfed siiiritual lif“. and ho faithle.ss to tho great work that God has put into human hundr,.—Rev. George Wibon.

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