JH NOTES. : ■ ■ '* * Miss Hallie Q. Melton. OO.(.0n last Sunday morning, oui pastor, Dr. R. P. Wyche, brought to us a message from 0 Psalm 51:10: “Create with me a clean heart, 0 God.” f?o(]At the close of the service Mrs. Marie Clinton, a represen c tative of our Phyllis Wheatley Branch of the Y. W. C. A., was O'Civen an opportunity to present the cause of the approaching u Y. W. C. A. campaign. During the Sabbath school hour on last Sunday two new associate superintendents were installed in the persons of OMessrs W. M. McCain and Mr. (XVU C. Jones. Professors Mitchell and Per due and Misses Malissa Stokes, ' Nellie Cooper and Henderson, of the Second Ward High School, were visitors at our church on '! last ‘ Sunday morning. (M s Mrs. George Murray and Miss ( Flora Chisholm, of the Episco Opal church, were visitors in our ('Church and Sabbath school on ’la&t Sunday. l - <H>. Mr. J. F. Johnson, of the Lit ' tie Rock A. M. E. church, was a '(visitor in the D. J. Sanders Me morial Bible Class. !i > The Pew Rally on last Sunday (afternoon, sponsored by the ( deacons, deaconesses, elders and * trustees of the church, was a de cided success. An interesting program was arranged by Dr. R. L. Douglass. The address of the hour was delivered by Prof. r T» A. Daley, of J. C. S. Universi ty, One hundred twenty-six dol lars was riased through this ef fort. (mm - i}(. The members of the Sheaves (gatherers’ class, Dr. R. P. «s/Wyche, teacher, gave $35.36 to the treasurer of the building fund on last Sunday as an Eas ter offering from the class. The members of the Brother hood contributed $19.00 to the building fund on last Sunday. The Tom Thumb wedding,, given at Grace church on Mon T nay night, April 13th, was re peated in our Sabbath school au ditorium on last Monday even ing. A large audience was pres ent. The proceeds were divided ’between the two churches. Her friends will regret to hear that Mrs. George Sutton ■' is Critically ill at her residence (©n North Graham Ave. Mrs. ...Mary Watkins, of Raleigh, ar rived in the city several days ago and is at Mrs. Sutton’s bed side. Mrs. Sarah Johnson Carson, of North College Street, is still confined to her bed in the Good Samaritan Hospital. She is quite i - v-r Mr. Wm. Tyson and daughter, Miss Blanche Tyson, motored to Concord on last Sunday and at f tended the funeral services of i their cousin, Dr. F. H. Watkins, i who died Friday as a result of a paralytic stroke. -— . The; Woman’s Missionary So 4 ciety frill meet on Friday after noon at the residence of Mrs. M. t. Bailey, E. Stonewall Street, i This will be Freedmen’s Day in the Society. A special program has been arranged by Mrs. E. B. a White. . .1 ! , - The members of the Westmin ister Guild will meet on Thurs idfty Afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Henry Ezell, 410 E. 8th Street. • •:'* "HAPPINESS.” The Friday Evening Club will present with a local cast, "Hap piness,” a modern morality play, at the Second Ward High School auditorium, Wednesday, April 29. Mr. Joseph Stewart, of New York, was an interesting visitor in Charlotte several days last week as a guest in the home of Mrs. J. M. Pride. Mr. Stewart holds a position of responsibility in the New York Post Office. OH: ■_ ,r There is but one straight road tb success and that is merit. Th<e man who is successful is the 'ihpi who is useful. Capacity heVpr lacks opportunity. It can not remain undiscovered because it is sought by, too many anxious : to use it.~iBourke Cochran. > Eighty women have pledged themselves to help raise the amount of $3,000.00 which is needed for running expenses for the year. The salaries of the secretaries are paid by the Cen tral Association and the colored people are only expected to take care of the expenses of the Branch. The city has been divided in to sections and ten to twenty women have been assigned to each division. A house to house canvass is being made, and they hope to reach everyone in their section by Saturday night. If the quota is reached in this campaign, no other solicitation will be made by the Phyllis Wheatley Branch this year. It is hoped that every one approached will give as liberally as possible. THE VOICE OF WADESBORO. On the first Sunday in April at 3 P. M., a very impressive service was held for the pur pose of dedicating the new Low ry Memorial Presbyterian church, and it was attended by both white and colored. Music was rendered by the white Baptist choir and was sponsored by Some of the best citizens of Wadesboro. The first selection was led by Mrs. H. W. Little, Wadesboro's leading so prano, who was assisted by Mesdames J. F. Allen, H. B. Al len ad Messrs. H. W. Clark and B. J. Covington. Others present were Mr. W. C. Via and Dr. W. L. McKinnon. rne speaker oi tne occasion was Dr. H. L. McCrorey, D. D„ LL. D., President of Johnson C. Smith University, pharlotte. His text was chosen from Psalm 127:1, “Except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it.” One of the chief thoughts adyanced was: “Char acter Building.” The speaker scored the modem atheistic the ory of evolution taught in some schools and declared that our only hope as individuals or as a nation is “Christian Education.” “Blessed is that people whose God is the Lord,” said the speak er. The sermon made a wonderful impression and was listened to with great interest. A very splendid response was made to the sermon by Dr. W. L. McKin non. Our toaster of ceremonies was Dr. I. H. Russell, Synodical Evangelist, who also preached on Sunday morning to a very appreciative audience. His at tractive manner of preaching draws great throngs when he comes here. His text was in the form of a question, selected from Genesis 47:8, “How old art thou. Dr. Russel has been asked to preach for us on the first Sunday in May at which time we are to have the comer stone of our church laid. The people of the A. M. E. Zion church were unusually fa vored in having to preach for them Sunday morning Dr. C. H. Shute, one of the professors of Johnson C. Smith University. He had been attending the Presby tery but had to return home on account of the illness of his wife. However, he came back, and, we are told, preached a wonderful sermon from St. John 9:4, “I must work the works of him that sent me/'etc. Last, but not least, one of the best sermons heard here was de livered by Rev. L. B. West, of Biddleville Presbyterian church, Charlotte,»on Friday night, after the Presbytery had adjourned. His discourse was based upon Matt. 4:19, “And he saith unto make your.’ wcmfwy cmcmcm them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” It was both practical and spiritual and was greatly admired by knatty./IH^ HTIJOH HJO'IJH - / in and out-of-town visitors present at this and other meet ings were Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Long and faculty , of Coulter Academy, Cheraw, S. C.; Dr. P. A. McCorkle, of the A. M. E. Zion church ; Rev. I. S. Ingram, Wadesborp, and Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Jackson, of the white Bap tist church. • f r c P. N. B. Wadesboro, N. C. DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE rT W, C. A. FOR THE WOMEN AND GIRLS OF CHARLOTTE? IF SO, HELP US TO RAISE 18,00ft THIS WEEK. GIVE UNTIL YOU FEEL IT. : / ' first of the week for Athens, 6a., her old home, to spend some time with her sisters, Mrs. Ca milla Brydie and Mrs. J. Harris. Kemper Harreld, noted violin ist, appeared in recital in the Dniversity auditorium labt Monday' evening1. Miss Novella McCrorey was the accompanist. The base;! hall team has , re turned from the trip of ten days, playing six games and winning four out of the six. The team has a splendid redord for the year. It stands in hope qt the pennant from the State Asso ciation. Coach Leach has done his part iii the training of the men under his' supervisiofi. The team has pl'ayed “A” class ball t|ie whqle year, and the men have an A class spirit for the furtherance of our prestige among the best schools in the land. . 9 ' Dr. S. 0. Johnson, class of *18, now stationed at the Veterans’ Hospital at Tuskegee, Ala., was a very pleasant visitor to the University on last ‘Tuesday. He was returning from New York City. Dr. Johnson gave a very interesting talk on the history of the appointment of a colored personnel to this hospital, and on the splendid ability which'the men are manifesting in the running of this hospital.r; Dr. Johnson is a specialist in iheiital diseases and is an alumnus Upon whom the school looks with pride. y : The Freshmen class had a vefy interesting debate in the chapel Wednesday evehing. The ques tion debated was: “Resolved: That the Child-Labor Daw Should be Ratified;'by Each State.” This is a step forward in the onward progress of the school in literary achievements. Prof. F. R. Syphax is teacher of English in this department. Mr. Alfred A. Adjahoe, the only member of the Senior The ological class, will be one of, the speakers at the Commenceihent in June. ,rv " ALBION ACADEMY NEWS By Joseph H. Barnes. On Sunday morning our be loved pastor, Dr. Savage, preached a wonderful sermon. His theme was “Leadership.” Text, I Corinthians, 12:13. Rev. J. H. Clanton was a pleasing visitor in our Sabbath school and made some interest ing remarks. Rev. Clanton is a student in Shaw University. The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. rendered an excellent pro gram last Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Miss M. V. Webster, of Louisville, Ky., was the speaker of the evening. Rev. V. R. Jones, of Steelton, Pa., was sent to Davie St. church at Raleigh recently. Rev. Jambs is one of our beloved instruc tors. ; f ‘ ioL.' An Dr. M. C. King, of Franklin ton, addressed the student body on health last Thursday After noon. He gave the causes Of heart trouble, tuberculosis and rheumatism, and stated that these diseases are more broad ly spread than any other. The Albion Orchestra enter tained a host of people at the Franklinton County 1 Colored Schools Commencement in Loy isbursr last Friday.> ;JT-. i < . The base ball team suffered a defeat in Hie Easter Monday game between Kittrell and Al bion. The scores were 8: to 12. The game on i Wednesday be tween Christian College And^ Al bion tied up. The ^res were 12-12. ■' n ■ abn . : ■ Last Saturday the white boys of Franklinton “played AlbiOn;an interesting game o® Albion’s grounds. Both teams played a good game. The scores Were held 7-7 after the third inning until Albion fumbled the ball, Which caused her opponents to 'score one, hiring the Inal Scores 8-7 in their favOr.' ; Franklinton, N; O.’olp-:,w H portance of naturally* and regrniarly elminatm* th^ waste materials of the body properly throwing . off the poisons of the body, ¥ then the systtttti gradmdljr absorbs them and disease is the result -txut ttosisaui CHIROPB ACTIC ADJUSTMENTS Nt ?ib rr fiots have been remarkably sue* it cessfnl in even stubborn1 cases of weonstipation.n ’ ' • . ■ ■ .. ... •• >; Chiropractic Corrects the ' Cause. - « DR. WILLI AM H. WEBB CHIROPRACTOR 422 EAST SECOND ST. REFORMER’S BUILDING CHARLOTTE, N< Gi< > ^ Phone >■■’ 6721 Jv /f > BROOKLYN CHURCH NOTES By Mrs. F. J. McGill. .>’ ■ » '■ On last Sunday morning our pastor, Dr. F. L. Brodie, preached an interesting and in spiring sermon from Luke 22: 10. The morning services were largely attended and there was, a number of visiting friends. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Holly and Mrs. Flynn of the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Flynn gave a few encouraging remarks on the work of the “Y.” The Ladies’ Missionary Socie ty held, its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. B. Maxwell, East Seventh Street on last Thursday after noon. The meeting was conduct ed by Mrs. E. F. White, in the absence of our President, Mrs. F. L. Brodie, an dthe Vice-Pres ident, Mrs. McElwee, both being sick. After a business meet ing Mrs. Maxwell served the la dies with delicious ice cream and cake. , . . Mrs. Etta Wingate, who has been ill for sometime, is getting along nicely. Mrs. Boulware, who has been sick, is better. • . ! > Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McQill and Mr. and Mrs. Sellers, Of Greens borp, motored to Charlotte on last Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McGill, 612. S. Crockett Street. On last Sunday our Sabbath school reached its one hundreth mark. One hundred were pres ent. During the first quarter of the year (January, February, March) $95 was raised in .the Sabbath school. Our Sabbath school is getting along nicely. Mrs. E. Parks taught the in termediate Girls’ class in the ab sence of Mrs. Brodie, their teacher. The assistant teachers, Miss Ora McElwee and Mrs. Lovie Jackson, taught' the Primary and Junior classes in the. ab sence of their teachers, Mrs. Maxwell and.Mrs. McGill. The Teachers’ Meeting and Workers’ Conference was held at the church on last Friday night. Our superintendent, Mr. E. F. White, brought some interesting! plans before us. CHUBtJH STREET CHURCH . ‘ ' NOTES. By Mrs. T. J. Van Landingham. On last Sunday, our pastor, Rev. W. S. Plair, preached a very interesting sermon to a very ap preciative audience, from the' subject, “Heirs of God and Jbint .Heirs with Christ.” His text' was Romans 8:17. The Sacrament of the Lord’s} Supper was administered at Our, church at the morning service last Sunday, and one infant was baptized. ~ ^ I Mrs. Ella Montgomery was the. representative sent to us from' the Y. W. C. A. She spoke to us j very briefly, but her remarks were verjnmpressiye. She made an urgent appeal to every: wo man andi girt to enroll as mem bers of the Y. W. C. A, in the drive which is on this week. Mrs. Alice Neal and'son atad' Mrs. Grier of McClintock, were very % pleasant Visitors at our church on last Sunday. Class X, Mr. S. G Van.Lapd ingham, of John£<>n G Smith University, teachur, reported Misses Yuler Gaddy, -Reese Gan e are selling a 25 acre farm at 3rtfld' Within two blocks of thft tih lent plans. Any amount of this forint affids of H acre. For any one who bug w pays one-third cash we will build* Urns for sale on long terms. CLINTON PARK. The very newest development in __ >r colored people which promises te1 egro residential sections in the statei > This property is two blocks from the Sevan line, just beyond Washington Heights andraii exceed Washington Heights by far as desirim sites. Every effort is being put forth to satb^H J. R. HEMPHILL. 221 S. Brevard St. Lots are being sold every day. Many of the most j inent people of this city and other cities hfive ah purchased several. , * }uioo * Most of these lots have a frontage of 50 feet and are 150 feet in length. Water, light anTsewerage™ ^ . We are in position to build on these lota for those de siring first class homes. No other kind wilfbe considered, i. This is an opportunity well worth grasping‘fftiiMwill not be offered again. iiJp'rt For further information call at pm* office* urn SOWER SCHOOLS , ati ■; > ■ ■ at the: v/tBrrirnsS WINSTON-SALEM TEACHERS’ COLLEGE ;• i iWOTl Si HU ■ (Formerly Slater Normal School) I. APPROVED STATE SUMMER SCHOOL 9ldi3 tJl ■UJ 1 in two sessions of six weeks each. irijJb a. First Session begins June 9 and ends July. 171) Bid b. Second Session begins July 21 and ends August 28. c. : Home Economics courses given during first session. II. COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOL—one session dnlyM a. f Begins June 9 and ends July 17. J n il The instructors have been carefully selected^ and ;*efire sent the same high standard that has always characterized the Slater Summer School. . For further information, write d. S. G. ATKINS, President, ) ViW9KL The Winston-Salem Teachers’ College, !' * Winston-Salem, North Carolina. SIGNS SHOW CARDS* “It Pays To Advertise;” l “If your business is not worth advertising*! _ Advertise it for Sale.” — JONES SIGN V. C. Jones, Mgr. < 408 N. Myers St. Charlotte, N. C. Office Address A. M. E. Zion Publication House. t If It Is Done With Brush or Pen We Can Ce lt. Phone 2252-J. ; J ■A***4*1 i ***4 4 . J.A A.AA. . . . . * 44» Have Your Prescriptions Filled At !( i YANCEY’S DRUG STORE * Corner 3rd and Brevard Streets Where the Freshest Drugs Are Used, and Compounded by a Druggist of 15 I Years’Experience. Ford Delivery Quick Service, L. A. Yancey—-Druggist u NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Announces Sale of Week-End Tickets M , ;r‘ •' ' iJ'fiVHUI • iV* '4 ' >TlT Aquadale, Jackson Springs and Norwood. On sale Fridays and Saturdays of each week coin! ing May 1 and continuing until September 26, 192 limit to reach original starting point prior td mic of first Tuesday following date of sale. ' , For tickets, information, etc., call on any ticket agent 6f the Norfolk Southern Railroad or communicate with J. F. DALTON, Geenral Passenger Agent, j Norfolk, Va. ney and Minnie Ross as visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Louise Ray, of 904 S. Caldwell Sreet, was called to £ineville last Wednesday on ac count of the death of her neph ew; Mr. B. Smart. Mrs. Eldora Miller and little daughter, Elizabeth, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Van Landingham of 400 N. Myers Street on last Sun day. im.) i ;rnnxa RHEUMATISM, INFLUENZA, and PNEUMONIA and FE Worth $10 sent by rctarn Mail N. m\w jv $r Charlatte>N.€?.'

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