SEVENTH STREET CHURCH NOTES. By Miss Marie S. Lindsay Sunday morning the Com munion of the Lord’s Supper was administered. Dr. Wyche was assisted in this service by Dr. F. J. Anderson. Dr. Anderson spoke to us from Isaiah 53, part of the 3rd and 4th verses: “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with griefs. Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.” Dr. Anderson asked, Who is it that bears our griefs and car ries our sorrows? It is the Lord Jesus Christ. We have all had griefs and sorrows, even the babies and little children. There are times in our lives when we seem to be free from sorrow; the time of youth when life is full of pleasure, but' pleas ure will come to an end. It has been the experience of many a man, to look back over his youth with sorrow and wish he could live life again. Some of us wish for riches in order that we may not have sor rows, but the rich have pains, heartaches and sorrows. Riches do not take away sorrow. We have sorrows and we keep them to ourselves. We are afraid to tell them to our closest friends. Often they will come to sym pathize with us, and then go out and gossip about what we have told them. But there is One we can tell our troubles to, the Lord Jesus Christ. He takes our troubles upon Himself; and, infinitely more, He suffers for them more than we suffer. No human be ing can or wants to help us as the Lord Jesus Christ. If we take Jesus Christ into our life He will take away the sin and much of the grief and sorrow. There is no healing for the sin and sorrow of the world but through Jesus Christ. Mahy members and friends of the church expressed their love and good cheer through the Friendship tree during the Christmas season. Mr. William Yongue takes this means of thanking all those who helped) him make the tree a success. He states there were 200 more gifts on the tree than last year. Visitors in our church Sun day were Mrs. Ella Smith of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mrs. Le titia Burns of San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Burns is an aunt of Mrs. W. E. Partee and is en route to Florida. Mrs. R. P. Wyche’s class turned over $8.40 to the church to use in any way it is needed. The Seventh Street Guild Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Ethel Shaw Friday evening, January 15. The Westminster Guild chapter will meet Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Ida Henderson. The Sheaf Gatherers Bible class will meet Thursday eve ning at the home of Mrs. J. D. Martin. This class presented their teacher, Dr. R. P. Wyche, $5 in gold Christmas as a token of respect from the class. The Volunteer class, Prof. R. L. Douglass, teacher, met at his home Tuesday. Mrs. Hattie Smith, of E. 8th Street, remains quite ill. DEMISE OF THOMAS ALEX ANDER. Mr. Thomas W. Alexander, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alexander, who live in Western Heights of this city, died last Thursday, January 7th. Mr. Al exander was sick for some time, suffering as though he had para lysis. Young Mr. Alexander was a graduate in the class of 1921 from the College Department of Johnson C Smith University, and for a while after his gradu ation taught school at New Bern. To many of his school mates and classmates he was known as “Tom,” and while in school was - recognized by his fellow students as earnest in his studies. He was a member of Rho Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. The funeral services were conducted last Sunday afternoon at Clinton Metropolitan A. M. E. Zion church by the" pastor, Dr. A. A. Crooke, assisted by Rev. L. B. West, pastor of the Bid dleville Presbyterian church, WATER—LIGHTS—SEWERAGE NO CASH DOWN NO INTEREST FROM 50c PER WEEK UP ALSO We have a splendid plan by which we will give you imme diate possession of lots so that you can build a home NOW. See Us at Once Independence Realty & Loan Corporation, 17—West Fourth St._Phone 7151 ANNOUNCEMENT To all of those persons who bought lots at the auction on Woodlawn Avenue last j Spring, we will allow amount paid in, on pro duction of receipts, on any lot or lots at the j prices at which we have marked them. J Call at our office for particulars. j __ < INDEPENDENCE REALTY AND LOAN j CORPORATION. I 17—West Fourth Street_Phone 7151; and Dr. F. J. Anderson, of Johnson C. Smith University. Interment was in the Cedar Grove Cemetery. The pall-bearers consisted of the College Fraternity to which Mr. Alexander belonged. The beautiful floral designs and the large number present told of his many friends who will misB him. The family has our sympathy in the vacant chair in their home and we commend them to Him who makes no mistake. A. H. P. is worth! living—it is worth living well—it is worth liv ing a long, long time. CHIROPRACTIC adds years to your life and life to your years An Adjustment in Time Saves Nine DR. WILLI AM H. WEBB CHIROPRACTOR 422 EAST SECOND ST. REFORMER'S BUILDING THIRD YEAR CLASS ROOM WORE. By the Undersigned. II Corinthians 5:1-4. Theme: VLife is a Pilgrim age.” Introduction: Briefly state St. Paul remarks to the church at Corinth. I. The Christian knows for a fact that he is travelling to another world. (a) We dwell in tents which might be destroyed at any mo ment-liable to accident. II. The Apostle Paul repre sents death as the unclothing of the soul. (a) At death we leave this mortal body here, and the soul returns to God who gave it. III. Christianity teaches us of the form of the future per manent state of believers. (a) The believers’ state in eternity is forever, and there we shall know even as we are known. ' ED. ‘,U. DALTON GORING, J. C. Smith University. MILLER MEMORIAL CHURCH BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Dear Editor: We as a church are starting the year 1926 in the right way. As a reporter I -will do ray best to have the news of our qhurch in to Rev. H. L. McCrorey, D. D., by Monday or Tuesday of every week. Rev. Wm. Sample, our minis ter, preached a very sympathet ic sermon on the first Sabbath and urged all to be followers of Christ. After the sermon Brother Greer led us in prayer. It was a rainy day and the .services were poorly attended by our communion. The Sunday School of the church is trying to get 20 boys and have a boys’. club and a men’s club and call them the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood will have its first meeting of the year on Friday’, January 8. Our church will have a dollar rally on February 14th to launch paying for a bulletin board. The missionary club will have its meeting in the following month. ROBERT BENJAMIN HUCK ABEE. MOORESVILLE, N. C., NEWS. The Westminster Guild gave the aged and disabled people of Mooresville their usual Christ mas dinner, and all the minis ters of the town, namely, Rev. J. G. Murray, Rev. F. M. Bar 'ber, Rev. S. A. Parris, Rev. J. D. Carson and Rev. J. A. Ram ’seur They fed 59 people. Player was offered by Rev. T. M. Barber and the welcome ad dress was made by C. S. Brow ley. The response was by Rev. J. D. Carson. As the table was 'groaning under its load Mr. J. A. Coble invited all to come and enjoy the many good things to eat. After everbody had eat en we were favored with some more good talks by Messrs. F. C. Caldwell, Robert Campbell and Martin Campbell. Each person present went home thanking the good ladies for their hospitality. No. IOV2 Society donated to many of the aged people and David Lodge No. 3363 gave a donation to others of the old people. Miss. Alice Phifer has organ ized the Golden Gossip Club. We hope for her much success. Mi s. Julia Grey and Mrs. Ma mie 3oyd are somewhat better. mutt .. millHIIU i>mm m mi Why expect “Big Money” froth your Dus-.. iness when you don't invest any money in it? It would be as foolish to expect a rich harvest of wheat when you sow oats. An investment of a small sum In an attractive Sign will pay big dividends. Think it over and let us hear from you. JONES SIGN CO., V. C. Jones, Mgr. A. M. E. Zion Publication House Building. Temporary Phone No 2262-J. Have Your Prescriptions Filled At YANCEY'S DRUG STORE Corner 3rd and Brevard Streets Where the Freshest Drugs Are Used, and Compounded by a Druggist of 15 Years’ Experience. Ford Delivery Quick Service. L. A. Yancey--Druggist *ni !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦» 11 >♦♦♦♦> Hlllll ATTENTION! READANDHEED Science and Invention have given the Automobile for Business and Pleasure. But the Auto had its drawbacks in Blow-Outs and Punctures. Through Science and In vention Blow-Outs and Punctures are no more. The Airlox Puncture-Proof Inner Tubes Make Blow Outs and Punctures impossible. •00 Punctures but no loss of Air. Tire Troubles are over. They save Casings and last 20,000 miles without Tire Trouble. MOTORING NOW A JOY Headquarters for Puncture-Proof Tubes at 501-C., W. Markley St., Greenville, S. C. Wire, Write or Phone siae at once and order will be filled in 8 days. Phone 2857-J. PRICES REASONABLE Come and examine Tubes. On Sale now by: C.B. JOHNSON, 501-C., W. Markley St, Greenville, S. C. FORMAL OPENING The new Fairview School, Mrs. M. G. Davis, Principal, will be formally opened Tuesday evening, January 19, at 7:30 o’clock. The exercises will in clude an address by Prof. N. C. Newbold, of the State Depart ment of Education, at Raleigh. The public is invited. WOODLAND CHURCH NOTES On last Sunday morning, our pastor was absent, and Dr. P. W. Russell spoke to us from Judges 5:3, “Hear, 0 ye kings: give ear, 0 ye princes; I, even I, will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel.” This was an enlight ening sermon and all who heard him were filled with the Holy Spirit. This being missionary day, after remarks by the President, Mr. J. L. Davison was asked to lift the collection. He was as sisted by Mr. Levi Davis, of Morning Star Methodist church. The neat sum of $21.30 was re alized. The rally was left open for a while. So we are expect ing to call for more money for tms cause. Mrs. Ella Johnson and Miss Laverlet Johnson, of Winston Salem, worshipped with us last Sabbath. We hope they will come again. Miss Beatrice McGee, who has been spending some time in New York, is now at home. Miss McGee worshipped with us last Sabbath. She will leave for New York soon. CALDWELL CHURCH NOTES December 21 we had a warm prayermeeting. There were sev eral expressions by members, then our pastor, Rev. Foster, preached to us from St. Luke, the text being, “Unto you is born this day a Saviour.” It was a wonderful sermon. He told us how we should give gifts. He said to the young boys and girls that the greatest gift that they could give was to give their hearts to God. Arrangement was made for a dinner for the old people Decem ber 27, something that had never taken place before. Our pastor did not preach to us as he was BRANCH OFFICE ' Of The NATIONAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Of WASHINGTON, D. C. Life, Endowment Health And Accident Most liberal terms to indus trious and reliable agents— male and female. We get prospects for our agents—they get the business. Business is good! We keep it that way! Mecklenburg Investment Co* Building 407 E. 3rd' St. Charlotte, N. C. Telephone 6340 W. K. HARRIS District Manager Phone 1549 delayed in getting to the church because it was cold. However, there was a nice number out and we had Sunday school. On Sunday, January 3rd, our ; pastor brought to us a soul-stir ring sermon from Gen. 9:23. The congregation was large. A nice collection on pastor’s sal ary was taken—$13.11. Among the friends who worshipped with us were Mr. Levi Knox and Mrs. Mollie Kerns. Prof. Graham an nounced that his school would Jj re-open on the fourth and asked all the people to have their chil dren present. Our hearts go out in sympa thy and prayer for two of our sick members, Mr. Alford Black and Mrs. Carrie Potts: We were glad to have Elder W. S. Black present again. A MEMBER. In five of the thirteen original states, Negroes were not only recognised as citizens, but were also admitted to the exercise of the right of suffrage.