•Vf II* ♦ i $! j$«. s, 1 “• f ‘ Vj 'KLJ-JL. * ‘ • i .*•' * By Mill Marie S. Lindsay . rr§.! v,'.. ^ ... .1 ■■■i- - o&OC Sunday; morning we listened 4 te a sermon by. the pastor from 1temanB~S:15. Jps subject wasi fif> “The Spirit of Adoption.’ j’rf WheiTwe receive the spirit of ^ adoption We are delivered from “ bondage and the spirit of fear. ^••We are -received into the fam 00.fly of God. ‘ ‘ * | n0.l When-we iare lifted dp the >0 dignity of our position should be f v'i jmpresaed upon our minds. We an j iave been taken out of the dust, fince we hays, been lifted up; ire are free and fhould carry according, to the place ■ By adoption we are received bto tee family of "God, aid liaye yall thd privileges ahd opportu ^dfties -of *he cha&fcr of God, M These privileges are Secure, 0 guaranteed byadoption. Thieves \*«annotbreak through and steaL God says: “Gome, boldly fto the ^throne of graced where you can r pfihd heln in thfe time of need. "*^tee privileges are spiritual ^privileges that’Only Godvs people Wj&la enjoy? ' : ■ *' * at Seventh Street churidtsi begin ning February 3i Many1-attrac tions are 1jemg planned? * ' t . . . ijrAtuiy/I ,.M - ?j if; Mrs. T. W. ]Drye, With fier Mrs. Odessa Bllfotuandvtittle son, Clinton,'afcoin the ^ty Wis hing her- father,1 Mt. -William Creswell. ^n^th.aiaobaslti jlA .Of t children- are making pro gress. Miss*' [Irene Dawkins teaches the lO^year hTd^iidpen, MiSs Lbms^.Ypuu# the ll year phi and Miss Corrie Ha^t the 12 .year old. "The %Titeri call' See the progress made l inreviCwing the previous’lesson studied and Cu be Have Your Prescriptions Filled At —.VANCES DRUG, STOT1E Corner Srd andBreyarA Streets Where the Frefheat Brugs Are Used* and Compounded by a Druggist of 15 Years’ Experience. 1 ‘ " {'■ Ford Delivery Q^ck; Seryiee, L. A. Yaneey-—Druggret. . BROOKLYN CHU^iCH Ne h| will ,be able tp Rerfpnp his dU^ ties real /soon.; •; \f • Sunday, January, 17, w» wer^ pleased, to" hay,e with up Dr., Fj, J. ' AriderSobi ' ,’pf, Johnson* C, Smith UriiVersity, who, always brings ps a Utrong message. His sermon was Very; inpiHng and ’iriipresiyel ’ 6n last Sunday morning Dr. P. W. Russell, ' pf Johnson CL Smith University, was with us andpreaph&da strong and, help* M serhiok 'His "subject /was; “Serving God/'' His{ tex:t ' was Joshua' 24 :14. A1 large copgrei gation was present,< Ampng the visjtprs'‘ Ayere; Miss Higgins and Mss Cunningham/, teachers at the Second Ward High,, Schpol? Mr. and Mrs. Cochran, of Bran doh Presbyterian church, and Cathey, of Qilnton Chapel A. Mv E. Zi,qh ehurVh. {/ h’ ;i '■“* Last Sunday , afternoon 1 at 3:30 o’clock the Odd Fellows held service at our church. Rev* F. J, Moore, bf ■ the CongTegar, tional churchj preached at strong and impressive senrton. His text was, “Bis name shall be called Wonderful.” This service: • Was, for the. benefits of1, the /church. Just ; a ismalli number was pres-, ent on account of other Odd Fel low isenpeed held ;*• during the same hour. The sum of $13.32 was realized, m Mr. Hermigan, who'-gave a few interesting rek markskSeaid ; they 1 would come back When they coUld turn out t ~iVtai ',| '•'rfrftgTi. ii rn i ...j. in full force arid raisC: us some J money;"' . S; - Sunday night we were favOred with'another good message from Mr. A. H. Prince, of Johnson C. Smith University.’ This was in deed a treat. Mr. Prince Always brings us something Worth while. J "• :i;:’ • \/v:v .... Sunday night, January'1 17, we were faypred by having Mr, Ri *N; CoWan,. of. Johnson G. Sttiith- ■ Udiversity to speak1 for hS.4 ,Hm‘ SeTmOn "hgg also id* terpsting. 1 JOHNSON €. SMITH UMt tKl VERSITY NOTES ..!•«=.qT.-rn ..’.I • *. ’-V ,■ ^ By A. H. Priiice '... 1 ; Evening services last Satm* day arid Sunday ivere Conducted by Dr. Yorke Jones, dean of fhe theological department. ; , '£ The second ‘ semesterJ begins Monday^ February 1st, This day will be! used in the . registration of students, fori the second-sem* ester,,! .u ■■■i, i ;The,.basket ball, team is. plan* ning to play its first game ori February, X7th! with, Morehouse College, of Atlanta, Ga. Messrs, F, p.-Nance and J. R£ Dungee, Jr.r are 'attending the (State Convention-of the Young Men’s Christian . Association which is being held At Raleigh; this.iWeek, -; | „a Ar:i:■ ■"-j r Mrs. H,X. McCrorey was; hoen tess. to the Priscilla Needledtth Tuesday, evening.;, , ,7 c; j Ruth Ellis, dramatic: reader,' isito appear here in the.IJniver-3 sity -Auditorium.. Monday;! eve .ning, February 1st. It is hoped] (that many t will the present to, hear. Miss,Ellis* as-she is highly recommended. . ' >\ ildt>d&s foolish to expect |A; of >heat wh«i you sow, ■ <■ i ' ’ * • m ’ -■ ■:/ ,. ir . i all sum 1$ \. dividends, I from you. •; Think it) M i•' I •<•*. -X *• BURKEVILLE. TAi - - -: Was founded by the Freed, men’s Board of the Presbyte rian Church, U. S. for edu cating and trailing young *o men of the 'Mejne rice. The new- catalogue provided a cur riculum of AeedfWic and Col legiate studio*^.special stress in Normal Course,1 Music and' In dustrial Training, Domestic young women who desire op portunity, of setf-improvement and the attainment of a Higher Education are requested to cor respond with the Preeidest. Tuition is free. Qfed Beard, with furnished redin) electric light and, steam heat,, iis, pro-' vided.r,”: ,. ■... | *• The -school year begins the first , Wednesday, in October. Full information and catalogue sent'bM appHeatioiu 7 3. altm. d. ANNOUNCEMENT, f - Mr. and Mrs, Lester Kirkpatrick the pmrriage. so# their daughter, ■ ’ 6-jj Mr* WMterMcR*^ Decembertheninth »i.. ;■/ Nineteen hundred twenty-five C ‘ Charlotte, M, i. l«a4 i v 8 ><$ no r e .8 ;?S Oi _ sipeWMWC ,0' ttwnnbi l'-’ -V> Herir?#!iwWi# - H • 9rf2T*no;'i -,i£_%'■' 1 - L1 * J - ■ ' : vt t» A uO.I ‘__A // OO.i .-jtnriO •*9s*rts>d3 ■ 00 L •ibrrnoil .0 W >00.1 YVt0& .4 J < Jo*> • 00, i fftjiwT .& :J .iCl ‘51 > i f rl on .p. ’ - ™ "Tgr "C* *A* • -M ■ ■ mniititti in wtMUMt •1^4 PfOKUir^ ir _, , " hf,;V/'"i • "'■*■ ■' i'1" y lr Rbnjn^ -c W- <0-- ^Tf 'Cr^Wdi: ,Jl*;X P M. /%v Lfomi* f mi '-»£!$iW i :0j!,, ^!*« _ n99*fs> T .ii ——t?' ’ > mod i' .(1.8 .*tM “rf ' ^ sksd la .o .*11 .anu-,/ .j .d M 8 KOI X f.OX n.r —-awjo _ne**jSrU3 ,H- .»i /.dr! _.A ,-T; -vo-H j •nssi!A 'xi- soifanod totae *3 _;• «oiliibts'?«A rn j __J8$n _-■. •ifoWliO "/odrtT .3] -^ifsinsmo. ./•,( ‘i .80008 ^ J1CK: r)!lA 'vfil| I ,1! .rfOiasD . 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( -'■g oitnsllA to y*o;,> jioorbg vnbnijg &nj nuqJ !oofb3 -ai&qstq bsiDsqa ;gflni.89bsaorit io.-: -j-zhjoJ i: • m m • •V •f<>9. o'M / io 'aim iiu At wndfomoteinwft. av^jni9KKWY»r w*«o^ urb.^ot,.A 6;?i n;S' -at bV* tndthk if^i/oiriT" >tA #xi0-wb!fl -nl «£*** ®r^l.3rtr/5 bA v - ..'. . ‘ - v> ; . , . "jl ..bi'i#. M£*U trA *" >h8w»( >it i-jd #**£>»% •j.'Hi0b& mem^irrt'•&* b-'T* t\ struct -J ; •./MSP We have a °n,“'|Ji*1 «fTC« s>MhojT ifttoidk -«)/:ti' 1/ ■miwiiSM "ir.TT Wt8“5f>1il oj.'J woU tooihj v.Uutal* ,oonI ,i mAirr/Unilify. ■Mfcauo V bOnJo" jo 3If I W a^vo'.;.) .vy>l | ..fj.Miut.Jk b<; -a, {•■Caf'atil .1C .'i f-0:SI Lcf Q',vo*ioi')'>ivf d alitploibA .K“M 01:^1* |-iaU■ ifRcud .0• H>aijti >1 ^ti ijOii* vlavfvfg 89.0>1A .«*fM I .0 ;A 4dit0il«-.L;Strv»iO.^: ih X'.ijifi AIM) Jn/fOi, .• -U M'.Au9mnat«w> > o:i‘ toUhiJ M lood-.icl xnbrivA to abbdtoM | bv which we w ‘ 8 .tmi&tn!!> t.ytj'tA;nT b-ianoiul fipJi^mKw ^oialvba SlTf ,\ti tr \T;/fvi B 1Uo7 '1 ■~aa 9d ^v/ Anofi^iithtsfno '{11» b 4®it ba3ibaiovjE/-sr{.t «b^«o4 S. aa io Kboo>.l -3n«fT fto*6 nn&if •t.'zov, 0j ..i:vr:v.y br' •' «wp3B>it ts&saiz ’; ^\|| ’agi ff P#T-Pf "bci*.-.9$;"r»U *•• id fc L: : -ai, b«ii»rib vna baa, 4*naid r tOOJCj l?t* ^isr-fc'fU. ; ' :S!b>vV •f? 'i :i .9 r; ^ ' it ■ vv' * ■ ’ .mt give you .noaisqqo k3 .t . i « --t | ••.ixoiR8i/38iil »M .A i |ri3iw-b9Vciq iart&i pj^-,^iatyv.)i..T j 'C HivafWn *ta0 Jia9 '.A fllteib 1 lls , xih iaiU’ (^»td 'i^it ■ -tn1 _ 9 2i'! jnm>H .biia ,b9bait) sfl eioodoa-Utao si tr • l^ionorb 7 .iljibA .A-*A -‘tsi iiult- 1*» -l*ir-h 1 f| bjSbfCT It .A- .S():01 • >i-itiaara-J..Adi ,bai«ao9' ).woH-..M,.A 8t:ai>’-.|ad^..ai8l5r -sirflv'. &4t •: .fi'i-rci i)AUUs