m up srfUI^llege Courts forVotfntfwo-' • 4en of the Negro race; wfliapenite sec | Like the Collegesexclusively for women, l it encoui^ges the^ideals of .true women I and offers eourles study for, young. \ wobien suehhsthebest Women demand, \ dnd such as prepare them for their spe i^roughtthe noblegenerosir ty of it$ f<^hders wTth VPresbyterian ideals, i%ber College m fomgM wAMpepgy ana abp^^abe^ M come f a College Graduate^ and reach her i highest tiSOramess. l>ff' ■ *\ * | I Graduates/ Obtaining the* College #i>** v >loma, will be-able to meet the ihcr^ased luirehfeoislef^he State Bbards^of fii timmSm'fceteed for allconditions ■ * t‘ • iffied Faculty and increased faci^^r^oUege-oftotOcaJm pie Negro^Wemen a great ^pporainity -s for higher development, usfefuiitfess, «and • ^privilege.* ^ i t .>Mx j ’+>> 1*1! | With it is associated Barh|r MOpibr^al ’! Seminary which will eohttnue toioffer* its •! < < secondary courses sof study and also act far,thfe :Cdirege** ? ^ Ad the advantages of ihe Seminary, with; ;* ‘ tits able Faculty,^Mcreaeed faciI}tioi* hid' /!,' ittriStit^fu^MhdihSfsi will be open it© sN^jpi^1*" ...jmaft4wwM>»»wi e situation is unsurpassed. It wOUldbe -eyery way. Plain, t$t plenty of food; Ab solutely pure mountain spring wMet, gi^Fersonal supervision. > | For further information, address the President,~ftev. John F. Scherer. *3® 'A well-equippST Schoc^««fr^pe ca|e oCAhe Bg&rd$if National Minions jbf tttg| filsj^eriJtoi CKiircl^in we United States of j^eirc&/ Di\»feibn f!bf Color^ Peopled for the Higher Education and Industrial , Training of young womfen. I * *w. ^ ; i V ■ • ■ ■ A Seminary Course or H%h School* Academic* Course for. those desiring to prepaie for: College, and a High School Normal Course for those desiring special prepara tion for teaching. \ V f r There cap;n$ longer Jbp jmy| queifcioij toinlnfr ,jlp4 friends of Scotia'’ as to her be&hg on the accredited list, inasmuch as the graduates of this year were eitch grant ed by the State Board of Public Instruction ah EUmen tary B Certificate for three yfars. : ' ). £ • I ; ; An Industrial Course, including Domestic Arts and Sciences, with special instruction in Sewing and Qopk iajr. for those desiring special preparation in these lines. Also a course in Music, including Piano, Public School Music, and Chorus Work. There are two targe Dormitories with pleasant rooms, steam heated, electrically* lights and jglaasqntly situat ed id a large and beamtifvi cmwUs |iear|tli^ denier af, tile city on Concefrd and c&vmiilnt to tiflt Railroad »ta~ For catalogue, application blanks, and any desired in formation, address the President, | nothing ever lost Elements which enter into the making of a soap-bubble film are as lasting as those which form granite rock; no material thing is ever lost or destroyed, says science. Man’s as-T snee and the FrenchmhcL ^mortality is Lavoisier, who first proved with his fine balance, that in all chemical operations it is only the kind of matter that is changed, the quantity remain ing the same. This was the discovery? of the vcggservstion PROGRAM OF THE WORKERS’ CONFERENCE «... 'Wi. i ''I .f.-mi' Tuesday Afternoon, 2, 1926. R$v. f. M. Gaston, Di D.j LL. D 2:30 P. M. Devotional 2: 45 P. M. Greetings:— Mrs. Agnes B. Snifely. 3:15 P. M. Benevolent Offer «) Is a Benevolence Treasur er; Practicable? r (b) Securing and' Collecting Benevolence Pledges. (c) Remitting Benevolences. /:8k C. J. Baker, D. ID., At lanta, Ga. ... f 3 :45 P. M. Discussion! '( 4;00 Px M. What Standards Shall be Required of a Church in Order to be Qualified; to Re ceive Aid? ' t ' . '» Rev. John A. Savage,* D. D., North Carolina. r ■ •'i 4:30 P. Ml . Discussion. ’ 4 5:00 P. M.! Adjournment.’ 1 7:30 P. M. Evangelistic Ser 'vifee. ‘1 • '■■*" -1 ‘ '■ Conducted by Rev. I. H. Bus siell, /Evangelist; Synod jof Ca tawl Sennon^Rev. W. Scott Mil led, Norfolk, Va. ? ; 1 #' ‘ Wednesday,. February 3, 1326. Mr. J.M. Somerndike, Presiding. ‘,’■<9:00 A. M. Devotional. / 11 11 9 :15 A. M. Where Does the Sunday. School Missionary Find #eed ? for Sunday School Exten sion Work in the Sooth? , Bey, A. B. McCpy,;D.. 1 • 9:35 A. M. Discussion, ■; v 9:451 A. Mj How, Can Leaders Be Secured and Trained to Con duct Mission Sunday Schools-? t , i;Ji* Bs Tailor. 10:05 A. M. Discussion. ;40:15 A. M. -What ; Are the Best Methods of Strengthening and Developing Mission. Sunday Schools? i • ^ A.:A. Adair4 ' • , uk- ■■**: * 10:35 A. M. PiscuSsion. 10:46 Ai M.f How. Can Qur Churches: and Pasters Cooper ate in/Sunday School .Extension iWqrk?’ • /" / f >^a.:05; A.: M. ©iscussictfK * - 11:15 A. M. What is the Sun day School': Misaton&ry’s fWeek Day Worhl n \ f; , * R. W. Kornegay. llriKr A. M. Discussion 11:45 A. M. What is the Re lation of the Sunday School-Mis sionary to the Presbytery and What Should They Expect of Him? J. M. Somerndike; *12:05$P. M.>Discu»-. l2:l$fP. M. Recess. Wtotaeajjfy Afternoon, RStr.J.Jf. Gaboon, D. D., V* Presiding. 2 :00 P. M. Devotional. 2:15 P. M. Training Life Work. ^ V i ‘ Rdt.'C, M. Tduhg, B. bisoh Agricultural Collej n«va. a. ?■* 1 2:35 P. M. Discussion. I. 2:45 P. M. The Training of Women foivjafe Work/ 4 V : j- Mrs. E.{ $. V Johhston, f Mary Holmes Seminary, West - Joint; Mississippi. 3:05 P. M. Discussion. V 1 SrlS'F* A Trtuhing Bays and Girteior their Life Work. * (M CodSddcational Schools). Rev. G. C. Shaw, D. D., Mary Potter School, Oxford, J» C. . 3:35. P. M. Discussion./ j 3:45. The Place of the Ele^ mentary Church School. 1 .Mrs.,/; G.Borter, Jrmo, S. C. , >4:05'ft M. Discussion.* ^*tmf Ml The Place of the Bible in Education. Rev. H. L. McCrorey, D. D., LL.>D., Johnson C. Smith Uni versity; Charlotte, N. C. 4:35 P. M. Discussion. . 5:00 P. M.. Adjournment. • Thursday, February 4,1926. Mr. j. M. Somerndike, Presiding 9:00 A. M. Devotional./ 9:15 A. M. Can the Modern Methods of Sunday School Work ie. Adapted to Our jTegro ytihi Tt-;; i LW J>4 J. J. Snepperson. 9:35 A. M. Discussioi 9:45 A. M. Can Our Schools Be Graded, and 1 A. Adair. 10:06. A. M. Discusslo 10:15 A. 11 How Can ' ue of the Workers' Conference and How Can ft Be Maintained? I. M. 11:05 A. M., Discussion. 11:15 A; M. How Can Par ents Be < Brought Into* the Sun day School and Be Given an Ac tive Part in the Work of the School? H. N. Sullivan. 11:35 A. M. Discussion. 11:45 A M. What Is the Pas tor’s Place and Work in the Sunday School? William D. Wood. J 12:05 P. M. Discussion. * ‘ 12:15 P. M. Recess. Thursday ^Afternoon, Feb. 4. Rev. 3. M; Gaston, D. D., LL. D; Presiding. 2:00 P. M. Devotional. 2il5 P. M. Some of the Out standing Workers of the Past Among the Colored People. Rev. W: L. Metz, B. P., Edis to Island, So. Carolina. 2:35 P. M. Discussion. 2:45 P. M. Qualifications for a . Good Teacher. Rev. Italy LeConte, Union Point, Ga. • 1 ■ 4 0:06 P. M. Discussion. , 3:15 P. M. Some of the Grad uates of Gillespie Normal School. 4* itev. a. a. uiarxe, uoraeie, Ga. 3:85 P; M. Discussion. ,8:45 P. M. The Minister and !ilis Influence. Bev.. Li D. Davis, D. D., Co Discussion. 4:15 P. M. Quickening the Spiritual Life of Our Churches. £ey. S. D. Thom, D, D., At lanta, Ga. , 4:35 P. M. Discussion. 4:46 P. M. Industrial Educa tion. ':’f '■ 5 Rev.; Franklin Gregg, D. D., Newnan,Ga. , 5:05 P,.M. Discussion. ,,. 5:15 P, M. Adjournment? = 5 7:30. P. M. Evangelistic Ser ^(^Sniucted by Rev. Jamqs Ef. Tacksp^^ Synod. Sermon—Rev. H. C. Miller, .Greensboro, North Carolina. Friday, February 5, 1926 Mr. J. M. Somerndike, Presiding 9:00 A. M. Devotional. 9 :15 A. M. Is the Vacation Bi ble. School Practicable for Every School?? f S. L. Young. j 9|35 A. M. Discussion. - 9:45 A. li.' How Can Leaders Be Secured and Trained for Ef fective Bible! Schools? A* A, Adair. I •„ l9:05A.M. discussion. 10:15 A. M. How Should the Vacation Bible School Be Con ducted? • V V? ■. ‘ i | (h)-; The daily Schedule. (by Bible Teaching or Hand craft. (c) Interesting the Pupils. Jesse B. Barber. 10:35 A. M. Discussion. 10.145 A} M. What Are the Ef? fects of the; Vacation Bible School Upon the Sunday School and Church? H. M. Scott. 11305 'A. M. Discussion. 11?15 A. M.1 What Special Days Should ' Be Observed and How? IC* G. Hutchings. 1 r ' * 11:35A.M.Discussion. 11:45 A. M. How Can Pastors Cooperate Most. Helpfully in the Synodical Conventions and Schools of Method? Rev. George W. Long, D. D. 12:05 P. M. Discussion. ‘ . 12:15 ,P. M. Adjournment; Mrs. Agnes B. Snively and Dr. J. M. Gaston will grant per sonal interviews to the mem bers of the Conference Friday afternoon and evening, Februa ry 5th. , It is expected that members of the Conference will attend all sessions. f Write to Bvoi.> J.*S. Marquis, Brainerd Institute, Chester, JL C., advising him as to the time of your arrival and youf tSlace of entertainment will b.$ as ^youv. * i. IRS IN GOD’S ¥ ord.of . God will s1 of finding • - . 71 r Prof. H. S. Mrs. B.lM. Hi Mr. Thomas J< Mrs. W. L. McNair Dr. J. D.. Marfan— Mr. £. U. D. Goring Rev. J. G. Murray Rev. D. T. Frankford (whii Cameron Rev. J; H. Rev. A. H. Dr. I. H. R Dr. J. A. Sa Mooresville Oakland Ch McClelland Session .25 20.00 10.00 o:oo 10.00 S. S. 5.00 2.50 32.00 Southern Vii bytery in Dr. J. M. MHli Dr. T. A. Lor Dr. W. Edw. Prof. J .G. Dr. B. F,‘ Mel Rev. and Mrs. Dr. 2. A. Dock* Dr./fi. W. Cooper — Biandonia Church __ Rev. W. H. Shepperson Rev. R. J. Davidson— Dr. C. Dillard II.—— p. W. E. Parteel I Dr. I. D. Davis |__ Dr. G. W. Long ^_ Mrs. Johnson C. 'Smith Rev. H. B. Taylor Rev. A. A. Jones Dr. B. F. Russell Dr. H. L. McCrorey Louisburg Church |_P Charleston Alumni Chap ter of J. C. S. Uaiv._100.00 33.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 26JH) io:oo 5.00 10:00 35.00 6.00 Dr. J .S. Williams Rey. J. H. Toatley Rev. H. McFadden _ Rev. J. P. Foster — Rev. J. E. Jackson_ Rev. O. M. McAdams— Mrs. R. Ethel Cain_ Rev. Thos. B. Hargrave Rev. J. C. James__ Rev. R. E. Foster Rev. B. H. McFadden... Mrs. J. D. Martin_ Prof.'OHfc: Johnson__ Dr- C. J. Baker __ C. J. Baker. Jr. __ Miss McDonald -J_ 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10,00 10.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 Mr. W. E. Williams Rev, C. W. Francis _ Mrs. J. L, Pearson _ Mrs. I, D. Davis_ Mr. F. L. Rice_ Mr. W. T. Reid_ Mr. J. W. Washington Mrs. R. T. Green _ Miss Ruth Foster_ _ Dr. & Mrs. S. D. Thom_.ll.00 Dr. G. E. Davis_10.00 Dr. J. L.' Hollowell — ,10.00. Dr. B. F. Murray ~L— 60,00 Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Ew4„, ins ____10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Dr, J. C. Alston _±, . 10.00 Lloyd Church, Winston Salem - 10.10 Lloyd Church, Woman’s Missionary Society Winston-Salem 6.00 Carver Memorial church, Newport News, Va.,. 10.00 Dr. Reid Morrison (white) _ 10.00 Dr. W. C. Hargrave __ 15.00. Mrs. j. E. Graham_ 1.00 Mr. John E. Smith _ 10.00 Woman’s Synodical So ciety of Atlantic Sy nod, - 26.00 Rev. end Mrs. A. A. Hec- , tor!-_ 10.00 Rev. W. J. Nelson _ 10.00 Rev. J. J. Shepperson_10.00 Rev. E. W. Carpenter_ 10.00 Rev. J. J. Foster _ 1.00 Dr. R. L. Douglass_ 10.00 Rev. D. T. Murray_ 2.00 Dr. L. J. Melton .... 10.00 N. R. Mayberry >aul Davis _ J. W; barker l.4 L. Crater u. ■ Brewer W. dark L C. Alexander r. A. Squire k. H. Prince A R. Lord P: H. Burden Broad St.; Church S. S. Statesville r. A. James Dr. J. J. Wilson Bethlehem 1st Church rradd St. Church S. S. , Statesville, 5.90 Dr. R. W.1 Williamson— 110.00 lev. M. R. Lane— __ ^ 1.90 ?rof. J. W. Young __ __ 10.00 lev. D. D. Davis.— _ LOO ?irst Presbyterian Church.. ,, Courtland-_"'’lOjOtf' 1 Mt. Tabor ehutch^ YwP 1 u kin Presbytery._*g25 10.00 ‘ Dr. Geo. S. Leeper 11.00' Rev. G. P. Watkins_20.00 R«v. B. R. Smith ' 1 0.00 Rev. T. J. Bi Hj&rtis.AU^ 10.00 Mr. W. H. Pearson 15.00 .<■ Rev. H. L. McFadden~.10.00 Chestnut St Church hi; Sabbath . School, IHk-^Uir. . 4 mington — _ , livOO tl Dr. G. T. Dillard_0.00 Prof. H. B. Rice—_ DkOOr Rev. S. Q. (lftN ^,w^LDie«Er,*}KS; Mrs. Dora Coleman , L , iOcOO Holbrook Street Chinch,and Iji * Auxiliary, Danville, Va. 10.00 Dr. M. J. Jackson —t, 9J0* i f Rev. A. C. Johnson—t< >2L00.) n Rev. Italy L* Conte 10.00 it’•.» Rev. A. A. Wilson __ 10.00 Dr. A. U. Frierson-Li_»■;. 0.90 * Dr. A. W. Foster_10.90 Mrs. A. C. Johnson LUT" liO^T • Johnson 6. Smith Xfflhfr s Club, N. Y. City _90.00 Florence H. Blackburn 1.90 Dr. C. H. Shute_ 9.00 A. J. Clement Jr._0.00 W. A. Clement_ 0.00 Ebenezer Church S. S. 1.90 W. C. Donnell _0.00 Col. L. P. Berry_ 0.00 Dr. C. E. Tucker __ 0.00 Rev. J. P. Harrison ; Rev. i: P. 'Pogue _J Dr. L. B. Elleraon. Rev. J. A. Ramseur 5.00 10.00 1.00 Special Donation by Alum ni Association_§0.00 Interest ,,,- 28.40 Mt. Tabor Church_1.00 Missionary Society, Wept. Dist. Yadkin Prep._10.00 Hermon Church, Rock.: ;i* \' Hi, s. c. fcj* Ben-Salem Church_115 Prof. J. W. Seabrook __ 0.00 Sunday School of David son church_1_ 5.00 Mr. Geo. P. Dudley_5.00 Mr. P. A. Knox_5.00 Charleston Chaper of J. C. S. U. Alumni Asso. 50.00 Atlantic Presbyterial S. S. Convention_20.00 Total$1877.09 ATTENTION! . ' ■ ■ .. , • . f ?: i‘ ; Science and Invention have given the Automobile for Business and Pleasure. But the Auto had its drawbacks in Blow-Outs and Punctures. Through Science and In vention Blow-Outs and Punctures are no more. The Airiox Puncture-Proof Inner Tubes Make Blow Outs and Punctures impossible. •00 Punctures but no loss of Air. Tire Troubles art over. The/ save Casings and last 20,000 miles without Tire Trouble. „ Motoring Noifr a‘jbt"' aiae at once sftd order will be filled in 8 days. Phone 2857-J. PRICES REASONABLE Crane and examine , Qp Sak Poy fry- W&MW ,.>• ■?£ r*