SEVENTH STREET CHURCH NOTES. By Miss Marie S. Lindsay Sunday morning, just at the hour our pastor was to preach to us, he was afflicted with a hoarseness which prevented him from speaking. Dr. R. L. Douglass spoke to us for a short while from the 15th Psalm, “Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprighty and work eth righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart ?” Seemingy the Heavenly Fath er put it into Dr Douglass to speak from the same subject our pastor had outlined to preacn on. Sunday night Mr. L. C. Alex ander spoke to us from John 5: 40, “And; ye will not come unto me that ye might have life." An earnest appeal was made to the various clubs Sunday by the chairman of the deacon’s board to get to work and raise sociate captains' of group No. 1 are asked to meet with Mr. M. W. McCain immediately after morning service, Sunday, March 14. The following per sons and the members of their clubs are in group 1: Misses Delia Stitt and Hen rietta Dixon, Mesdames W. M. Webb, M. Yongue, M. K. Spauld ing, E. Dixon, J. Watson, B. Bailey, L. Adams and Frazier. Dr. J. D. Martin, Messrs. Joe Qrr, W. M. Yongue, J. R. Hemphill, J. W. Brooks, E. M. Dixon, T. W. Drye, W. E. Means and George Sutton. v.: £v. - S Volunteer class met fiss Irene Dawkins Tues ening, March 9th. Westminster Circle met home of Mrs. Janie Wat ednesday evening, March 10th. --0—1— The Woman’s Missionary So ciety will meet at the home of Mrs. Lillie Adams Friday, 12th. V.1 ' .11 ■■ .. The Seventh Street Guild Mis sionary Society will meet with Mrs. Ethel Shaw at her home on North Myers Street, Friday evening, March 12th. \ Prof. William Muldrow will have charge of the boys during the rally and will work with them in all of their plans to raise money for the church. We still have some members on the sick list. Those reported Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Drye, Mesdames Hattie Brown, Daisy Gibson and Hat tie Smith. > The entertainment that was to be given by the Up and Do ing Club Monday, March 8th, was postponed until Monday night, March 15th. Mr. William Henry Yongue is remodeling his home on North Alexander Street. WITH THE WOMEN’S CLUBS. The L. U. B. F. Sewing Circle met with Mrs. A. J. Warner, 714 E. Boundary Street, Mon day afternoon. It being the last meeting in the year, plans were discussed for the coming year. The President thanked the members for their cooperation. A committee was appointed to select a book for study for the coming year. The Golden Circle of Clinton Metropolitan church met with Miss Olivia Weddington on Mon day night. Plans were focussed for the opening of thd parson age for the new pastor, the Rev. Dr. A. A. Crooke. THOMAS JOHNSON, NOTED TENOR, TO APPEAR AT i JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY. Much interest is centering 'around the coming of Thomas Johnson to the University on Mdnday evening, March 15. Mr. Johnson is a 1926 graduate of the New England Conservatory and Baa already given his grad ating recital. This recital has re ceived the wannest praise from Boston critics. Mr. Johnson is one of the outstanding tenors of the race. In speaking of his abil ity as a singer one must resort to the use of superlatives. He has been acclaimed by press, pulpit and public wherever he has gone. He is not only a thor ough musician, but a highly cul tured and educated gentleman. An opportunity seldom offered is given the citizens of Charlotte in the coming of this singer to the University. The admission price remains the same as for other recitals. JOHNSON C. SMITH UNI VERSITY NOTES. By A. H. Prince. Religious services last Satur day and Sunday evenings were conducted by Rev. A. P. Corley, Superintendent of the Boarding Department. Mr. and Mrs. 6. C. Higsbee, 'of Marquette, Michigan, and Prof, and Mrs. R. W. Boul ware, of Harbison College, Irmo, S. C., were very pleasant visit ors on the campus last week. They were present at devotion als last Friday morning and brief remarks were made by Mrs. Higsbee and Prof. Boul ware. They motored to Scotia Women’s College, Concord, on Friday and returned here on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Higsbee were present also at devotionals on Saturday evening. Mrs. Higsbee manifests deep interest in our work throughout the South, having been at one time closely connected with the work. The Philosophy Club met last Tuesday evening in the Library basement. The topic for the monthly meeting was, “Malthus’ Theory oi Population,” treating of the relation of food sup ply to the reproductive in stinct. The discussion was led by Mr. D. A. Costner, of the Jun ior Class. The Freshman Class rendered a very intertsing program in the Y. M. C. A. last Sabbath morning before a large number of students and members of the faculty. Rev. R. L. Moore, of Hunters ville, was on the campus last Sunday evening. The University is welcoming in advance the appearance of Thomas Johnson, tenor singer Of Boston, Mass., Monday the 15th. The Lyceum course thus far has been the best ever pre sented the students and friends in Charlotte, and it is sure that Mr. Johnson’s appearance will further corroborate this fact when his ability as a singer has been shown. Strenuous and continuous “try-outs” are being made by the aspirants. Coach Leach is sparing no pains in the crucial testing of his army. Soon the process of elimination will be gin and we shall know who will win for the Gold and Blue this year its rightful place among the schools and colleges. The first game will be here on March 20th with A. & T. College, of Greensboro. UNIVERSITY QUINTETTE TO BE AT FAIR VIEW SCHOOL. The Johnson C. Smith Univer sity Quintette will render a pro gram at the Fairview School, Monday evening, March 22, for the benefit of the school. Ad mission, 25 cents. BROOKLYN CHURCH NOTES By Mrs. F. J. McGill. On last Sunday morning Dr. F. J. Anderson, of Johnson C. Smith University, was with us and brought a wonderful mes sage which will not be forgotten soon. His subject was “Worries.” His text was Matthew 6:34. This was indeed an inspiring and interest? \g sermon. Mr. Jones v ^Johnson C. Smith University, w. V\a pleasant visit or in our moraS?\g service and Sabbath school, and gave help ful remarks on the lesson. On last Sunday night we were favored wtih another strong sermon from Rev. R. Z. Beaty, of Mt. Olive and Woodland churches. His subject was “In debtedness to God.” His text was the 116th Psalm and the 12th verse. This sermon was a strong and helpful one. We are all indebted to God. We were glad to have Mrs. Beaty and her mother-in-law with us. Our pastor, Dr. F. L. Brodie, is improving very much. We hope he will continue so. The Woman’s Missionary So ciety held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. B. Max well, of E. Seventh Street, Thursday afternoon, March 4. We had a splendid meeting af ter whicn Mrs. Maxwell served the ladies with delicious choc olate and cakes. The Silver Star Class gave a' pie auction at the home of Mrs. Margaret Maxwell, 710 S. Alex ander Street, Monday night', March 1. This was for the ben efit of tne church. The Silver Star Class held its Weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. B. Maxwell Tuesday evening. PORTRAIT. By George L. Allen, ’26 J. C. S. University. Her eyes? dark pools of deepest shade, Like sylvan lakes that lie In some sequestered forest glade Beneath a starry sky. Her cheeks? The ripened chest nut’s hue,— Rich Autumn’s sunkissed brown! Caressed by sunbeams dancing through Red leaves that flutter down. Her form? A slender pine that sways Before the murmuring breeze In Summer, when - the south wind plays Soft music through the trees. Herself? A laughing, joyous sprite Who smiles from dawn till dark, As lovely as a summer night And carefree as a lark. CHURCH STREET, SALISBU RY. On last Sunday morning, our beloved pastor, Rev. J. M. Mor ton preached an inspiring ser mon from Isa. 40:8: “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of the Lord shall stand forever.” Last Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, the Light Bearers Society met at the home of Mrs. Bessie Clement, 318 South Lloyd Street. The L.esser Light Bearers have reorganised. They met with Mrs. J. M. Morton, the President, on Bank Street. The Missionary Society met with Mrs. Caldwell, W. Horah Street. On last Sunday night an ex cellent program was given by the Westminster Guild, conduct ed by Mrs. L. Woodrow and Miss Mildred Pearson. We are glad to report thqt the Christian Endeavor, the young people’s prayer meeting and the Sunday school are grow ing in interest and numbers. The members of the Church Street Sabbath school have on a contest for members. There are two captains, one for the Reds and the other for the Blues, and there is quite a com petition between the two. The captains are Mrs. Ethel Miller, Blue; and Mr. Charles McCor mick, Red. We are glad to report that Mrs. Hampton, Mrs. J. M. Mor ton and Mrs. A. J. Clement, who have been confined at their homes for some time, are out again. MARIE E. COWAN. ATLANTIC PRESBYTERY ON EDISTO ISLAND. Those who expect to attend Atlantic Presbytery, which con venes on the 14th of April, please notify me at once so ar rangements can be made for your entertainment. Those who are planning to come in the automobiles should leave Charleston for Edisto Island on Cannon Street, and cross the Ashley River and con tinue the route to Adam’s Run on the State Hy to Miami, Fla., but turn to your left after leav ing Adam’s Run post office, and come straight to Edisto Island. The signs on the post will point the way. Those who are planning on coming on the bus line from Charleston to Edisto Island should meet the bus on the cor ner of King and Cannon Streets at one o’clock P. M. and board a bus ior Edisto Island. The price is one dollar; ministers, seventy-five cents. Please let me know how many —including yourself—will be here from your field. W. L. METZ. HONOR ROLL OF CHURCHES WHICH HAVE PAID THEIR < 1025-26 BENEVOLENCE J QUOTAS. Os the suggestion of Dr. G. < W. Long, strongly endorsed by \ Dr. J. M. Gaston, the Workers’ < Conference at Chester, S. C., < Voted to request the Africo to J publish ah Honor Roll of the \ churches in various Presbyte- < ties that have paid their full < benevolence quotas for the year < 1025-26. This Roll will appear < weekly in the Africo as soon as \ the quota is raised and sent in < to the Central Receiving Agen- < cy or to any of the Boards for < proper distribution. < (Signed) < C. J. BAKER. Fairfield Presbytery Sumter, Second _____ Sumter, S. C. Shiloh, Second_Wedgefield, S. C. York, Second_York, S. C. Cheraw, Second_Cheraw, S. C. First Church_Irmo, S. C. Ladson-Columbia, S. C. Knox Presbytery St. Paul . Cordele, Ga. Laura Street-Jacksonville, Fla. Moore’s Chapel- Albany, Ga. McClelland Presbytery Allendale, Second Allendale, S. C. Bethesda--Gaffney, S. C. Kiamichi Presbytery New Hope-Fort Towson, Okla. Beaver Dam--Grant, Okla. White River Presbytery Westminster-Cotton Plant, Ark. Hot Springs, 2nd, Hot Springs, Ark. Holmes Chapel-Monticello, Ark. Hopewell-Morrilton, Ark. Smith Memorial __ Crockett, Texas 1 Cape Fear Presbytery Mt. Pleasant-Franklinton, N. C. Bethany- Lumberton, N. C. ( Red Springs, 2nd, Red Springs, N. C. ; Mt. Pisgah-Rocky Mount, N. C. < St. Paul, 2nd.-Timberland, N. C. ! Catawba Presbytery Trinity- Marion, N. C. | Southern Virginia Presbytery Holbrook Street_Danville, Va. ! Yadkin Presbytery John Hall Chapel Carthage, N. C. ' Pine ^Street-Durham, N. C. | . .. Birmingham Presbytery .. Clark’s Chapel_Ackerman, Miss. ! Miller Memorial ..Birmingham, Alai | Rogersville Presbytery Bethesda_Johnson City, Tenn. '■ FKE&BYTEU1AL MEETINGS The Presbytery of Catawba will convene in the Biddleville church on Wednesday evening, April 7th, at 7:30. Calls will be made for Ses sional Records, and for the Gen eral Assembly Fund, 13 cents per member, and for the Fres byterial Fund, 2 cents per mem ber. R. P. WYCHE, Stated Clerk. The Presbytery of Southern Virginia will meet with Bethany Presbyterian church, Norfolk, Va., Tuesday.. April 6, at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Committee on Ar rangements, Prof. J. Riley Dun gee, 910 Wood Street, Norfolk, Va. G. P. WATKINS, Stated Clerk. The McClelland Presbytery will meet at 7:30 P. M. Wednes day, April 7, 1926, in the Irmo First Presbyterian church of Ir mo, S. C., Rev. J. G. Porter, pas tor. Sessional Records will be re viewed at this session. All ses sions are requested to collect 18c per communicant for ecclesiasti cal expenses 0. M. McADAMS, Stated Clerk. The Presbytery of Fairfield will convene with the Cheraw Second Presbyterian church, Cheraw. S. C., Rev. G. W. Long, D. D., pastor, on March 24, 1926, at 7:30 P. M. All Ses sented, and all blanks filled in and placed in the hands of the receiving committees at tni* meeting. Those ministers and elders intending to attend should so notify Dr. Long. J. P. CRAWFORD, Stated Clerk. Manning, S. C. Yadkin Presbytery will con vene April 14 at 7:30 P. M., in the St. James Presbyterian church, Greensboro, N. C. Full General Assembly assessments are required from all churches. The assesment is 15 cents per member. J. L. HOLLOWELL, S. C. The Presbytery of Hodge will convene with the good people WINSTON-SALEM TEACHERS’ COLLEGE Summer Quarter and Summer School TWELVE WEEKS-JUNE 14TH-SEPT. 3RD SUMMER SCHOOL CREDITS AND REG ULAR COLLEGE CREDITS. This year the Slater Summer School will be an Approved State Summer School only, and open to teachers who hold, or are entitled to hold Elementary, Primary, and Grammar Grade Certificates. This Summer School is also the special State Summer School for all holders of Primary and Grammar Grade “A” and “B” Certifi cates in the State. Charges will be reduced to teachers who at tend twelve weeks, thus taking the full Sum mer Quarter. Teachers are invited to write us in regard to courses, charges, fees, etc. Address: S. G. ATKINS, President, WINSTON-SALEM TEACHERS' COLLEGE, . (Formerly Slater State Normal) WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. Why expect “Big Money” from your bus iness when you don't invest any money in it? It would be as foolish to expect a rich harvest of wheat when you sow oats. An investment of a small sum in an attractive Sign will pay big dividends. Think it over and let us hear from you. ■. i JONES SIGN CO., V* C. Jones, Mgr. A. jyf. JB. Zion Publication House Building. * Temporary Phone No 2262-J. iv Have Your Prescriptions Filled At YANCtn DRUG STORE Corner 3rd and Brevard Streets Where the Freshest Drugs Are Used, and Compounded by a Druggist of 15 Years’ Experience. Ford Delivery Quick Service. L. A. Yancey-- —Druggist j SUMMER SCHOOL j| Johnson C. Smith University, o Charlotte, N. C. <; June 15 to July 26. Approved State and a County Summer Schoo The School will open and close early enough to allow those who wish to attend another six weeks' course. For further information re garding courses, fees, etc., write DR. H. L. McCROREY, Pres., or S. D. WILLIAMS, Director of • Ebenezer Presbyterian church, Rome, Ga., April the 14th. Brethren, bring Sessional Records, reports, Presbyterial and General Assembly Assess ments. For entertainment, write El der A. B. Fortune. 1001 Maple Street, Rome, Ga. J. R. HARRIS, Stated Cleric. All persons expecting to at tend the Catawba Presbytery at the Biddleville church will please notify the pastor, Rev. L. B. West, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N. C. All persons expecting to at tend the Spring meeting of McClelland Presbytery to be held in the Irmo Presbyterian church, April 7, will please no tify us at once. : We will arrange for the en tertainment of all who notify us of their coming beforehand. J. G. PORTER, Pastor. Persons planning to attend Yadkin Presbytery which meets in St. James church, Greensboro, N. C., April 14-16, will please notify Rev. H. C. Miller, as provision will be made only for those who indi cate they are coming. The March number of The Sunday School Pioneer,' pub- " lished quarterly by the Depart- ' ment of Sunday School M& sions, carries an interesting ar ticle by Prof. A. A. Adier on his experiences in Sunday School - Missionary work. Mexico, after prohibiting re ligious instruction in schools for sixty years, is now placing the New Testament in ail pub lic school?.

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