vot. XLVIIL CHARLOTTE, N. C* THURSDAY, MARCH IS, A CHANGED ATTITUDE TOWARD THE NEGRO .:$Ht came to us September l, 1925 and since that time he has, mil spared time nor energy in try ing to build up the. cqngrega tion and draw the .whole mem bership ] together ,;andadvanc< the church work ,t>n all lines Mrs. Tice is a wonderful helj to him and the church..; Tfhej have succeeded in rnnpmiiiuf fbe parochial school with 42 pu pils enrolled. The Hahhnlh school is improving and eight «ouls have been added to the church,! and we are looking far ward to aa many more uniting with us to the near future. Cottage prayer meetings are toang held each week, and the joor ana sick are being looked after ami helped as far as pos sible; not only in our chueck, but tbe community generally. Children who do not attend any toy school or Sunday school are urged and helped to attend our schools. The Bible is being read dai ly by a band of Central's mem bers (19 in number) to be com peted l^r laid down plana by the coming of Christmas, 1926; also, this band is praying every toy at noon for a new church and manse which are so badly i needed. . Under the energetic leader ship of Pastor Tice and bis un tiring wife, Central Presbyte rian church is moving on to victory. Let us pony that it [may continue to advance until n the near future it will be come a “Shining Light” to the omm unity, and . may be the means of pointing many souls io the “Lamb of God that tak eth away the sin Of the world." A MEMBER. ACTIVITIES AT JOHN HALL CHURCH, CARTHAGE. The spirit of enthusiasm still prevailing on Sunday., March 7, when the Gideon Band, taught by the pastor, won the banker, raising the sum of 112.10. Total amount rained, / 1%e amount realpSd by Mia. P. N. Baykin &s*n the sapper giVfeh iit" imki1 terest ot the $1,000 rally, was $21.16. Our Teacher^Training Class is io£ng fine. The Brotherhood and Boys’ Club will have their meetings Thursday night, the former at Mr. Hubert Hayes* and the latter at the church. We dose by extending our good wishes, thanks and prayers in behalf of the Africo for the splendid service it is now giv ing. MT. HERMON CHURCH, B|G STONE gap, va. On March 4th the Ladies’ Mis sionary Society met with Hi*. J. W. Brice with a good attend* ance. The ladies all took a peart jn the devotional*. The differ ent topics on missis* work were discussed. At the cotseof the business hour dues were col lected, amounting to $530. March 7th Rev. B. C. Hood preached a very inspiring ser mon from Mark 1:17. Miss Janie M. Duff has been -pending a few days very pleas antly in Louisville, Ky. A very interesting service was hela at Mt. Hermon Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the Ministers’ Alliance of the city. Rev. Scruggs, a very en ergetic and promising young minister of the A. M. E. Zion church, preached a very inter esting sermon from Hebrews 13: 1, which was enjoyed by the en tire audience. At the close of the services, Rev. H. C. Carpenter, pastor of , the A. M. E. Zion church of the i. city, spoke very favorably of the . splendid work that Rev. Hood has done since coming to this ; field as pastor twelve years ago. i In recognition of the same Rev. I S. B. McBrayer, pastor of the . Baptist church and also Presi dent of the Alliance, presented l a purse of ten dollars to Rev. - j Hood on behalf of the Alliance. * The RogersVille Presbytery i >Hll meet With us in April. We i- 'are looking forward to it with I great hopihgthat it - wilt pnove Successful from every * angle.; • j: ; - ' We have lots of sickness and aythere have been several deaths .{in our.-town and surrounding > country., ■ -r ... rj. ? .u »ui)HI3S; JANIE licDUFF.