'A. M JULY 7,lt*T. THE BIENNIAL AS A PRESBYTERIAL PRESIDENT SAW IT By Mrs. E. F. Roberts The Woman’s Biennial at San Francisco opened with the offi cial conferences beginning Thursday, May 10th, 2:00 P. M< in the Clift Hotel, Taylor and Geary Streets. The confer ences consisted of the members of the Board of National and Foreign Missions, Synodical Presidents, Advisory members and Board Secretaries. Mrs. H. C. Louderbough, acting chair man of the Woman’s Committee of the Board of National Mis sions, presided. Mrs. John Harvey Lee, act ing chairman of the Board of Foreign Missions, gave the rea sons for our coming together. Among the many things which she said was; “We are meeting to study plans of Women’s work in missions. Our meeting is not a review, but a preview of the work—a call to spiritual awak ening. We must devote our selves to deeper emotions. We must have Christ in ourselves if we hope to be transmitters/#! God. The presentation of the year’s work was given under four top ics: First, Field Administration, by Mrs. Chas. K. Roys, Miss Edna K. Vass and Mrs. W. T. Larimer. Mrs. Larimer repre sented the Division of Missions for Colored People of the Board of National Missions. Among the things which she said was: “This has been the best, hard est, most discouraging, most encouraging year.” She summed , up the year’s-work and-told.of !he Board’s budget which had been cut. As a result 21 colored schools would be cut off from the support of the Board and 40 schools would be given shorter terms. Twenty-four hundred children would be affected by this cut. The second topic under tne presentation of year’s work yras Promotion. Miss Ann Eliz abeth Taylor and Miss Ger trude Schultz discussed Gener al Promotion while Publicity was discussed by Miss Mabel M. Shiebley. The Young People’s Work was discussed by Miss Faye Steinmetz and Miss Kath erine Gladfelter. The Biennial hymn was sung at this point. The hymn was composed by Mrs. Eva Clark Waid, member Board of Nation al Missions. Time was given for the dis cussion of the program after which the dosing prayer was offered by Miss Margery Schu bert.. T Thursday from 8:15 to 9:15 a Fellowship and Prayer Hour was held. This was attended by all official delegates, Board members and Secretaries and the local committee. Each lady was given a card with some scenery of California jand her own name written upon it to be worn with her official badge. Every lady had an opportunity to get acquainted. The ladies were introduced in groups or by sections. Mrs. j Lucy Lepper Shaw sang a solo, “Down at the old Bayou.” Miss M. Josephine Petrie gave her impressions of a quartette of Negro' boys in one of our schools - singing, “Wasn’t it Sad When That Ship Went Down.” Mrs. Dan E. Waid gave a bur lesque of the Standard of Ex cellence, assisted by Mrs. M. J. Petrie. Mrs. Geldert, of the local com mittee, sang “Two Songs,” and “Just a Prairie Song” as an en core. The hour was closed with a, thanksgiving prayer. Friday morning was spent in conferences with various dis tricts. Friday afternoon irom