.THE SCHOOL OP METHODS — AS WE - '. We arrived in Augusta Tues day, the 16th, and went imme diately to Haines Institute end found everything M perfect working order. One would be surprised to know that such a large crowd of young people could be gathered together in the Synod of Atlantic. Then to see the activities of the work ers. First of all Prof. A. A. Adair, who looks after the comforts of the delegates, is as cool and full of smile ‘as one could be. Thou Dr. Long, as big and broad as his name is long, makes every body feel as happy as if you were in possession of some great estate. The faculty could not have been selected with greater care. Jn fact everybody is doing his and her duty. The vesper services for the week are being conducted by the Rev. R. E. Foster, and with the real touch of a spiritual meet ing. Dr. Gregg, of Jacksonville, Fla., with his class, is a real live wire. He makes things so plain that men can see their good or bad works, and must say, Did not our hearts burn within us while we talked together. Look on, if you please, at the opening and closing of each meeting and see the dignity of our own Dr. A. B. McCoy as he directs every movement of the Convention. Profiting by the mistakes of Moses, he has men and women doing their parts of the work and then reporting to him which makes everything just right. One might wonder and ask, Why do things work so smooth ly? until he or she could pull back the great curtains and see the silent power, Miss Lucy La ney, unassuming, but working hard to make everything go well. Miss Laney, in my opin ion, is the greatest woman I have met. The School of Methods this year is the best we have had. Can we not make it better next year. With such young women as Miss McCoy and others lead ing the “Blues and Reds” we can even improve on this year. Let the slogan be “A Bigger and Better Meeting for 1928.” A. A. WILSON. Decatur, Ga. CEDAR GROVE CHURCH NOTES. By Mrs. H. A. Russell Sunday, August 14th, our pastor, Dr. L. J. Melton, brought to us a strong sermon. His text was Psalm 23:1. The theme of the discourse was “Confidence in God.” Saturday, August 13th, our church picnic was pulled off. This was indeed a high day on our ground. We are pleased to say that our picnic was quite a success. The Christian Endeavor Soci ety held its regular meeting Sunday evening at 5 o’clock. The young people are taking much interest in Christian Endeavor work. Mr. Thomas Caldwell, Jr., keeps wide awake on all lines of the work and we must say he is bringing the society up to the standard. Our Daily Vacation Bible School has just closed. The at tendance for the whole tWb weeks was good. A fine pro gram was rendered on Friday night. Our Sunday school contest closed out on the 5th Sunday night in July, was a success, the blues winning. Proceeds for tile night were $85.95. Mrs. Dora Davidson attended the grand sitting of the House hold of Ruth last week which was held in Greensboro. Mr. J. F. Lyttle and Mr. Jay Phifer spent last Thursday in Greensboro attending the Farm ers’ Conference. Miss Gladys Davidson wifi leave this week for Monclo, W. Va., where she will spend *ome time with her brother. Mr. Lawrence Davidson and Miss Aldrich Melton were quiet ly married on Wednesday of last week. We are hoping for them much joy. Every really able man consid ers his work, however much ad mired, as far abort of what it should be^—Emerson. CELEBRATjS^SLAVERY | Sew York.—This city recent ly celebrated the 100th anniver sary of the abolition of slavery in the State of New York. In 1810 there were still 15,000 slaves in the State, and the an ti-slavery element was growing restless with the slowness of the. elimination process^ In 1817, when DeWitt Clinton was gov ernor, a bill was signed, on Mairch 31, providing that "any Negro, mulatto or mustee with in this State born before the fourth day of July, 1799, shall, from and after the fourth day of July, 1827, be free, and that children born of slaves between 1817 and 1827 should be born free, but held to service until twenty-one years of age. This’ provision was later confirmed by the revised statutes passed and signed December 3rd, 1827, which declares, “every person bofii within this state, whether white or colored, is free; every person who shall hereafter be born in this state shall be free.” HARBISON COLLEGE NOTES. By Mrs. A. P. Butler We are glad to say that Dr. Young, who !was seriously in jured about two weeks ago in an auto wreck, is on the road to recovery. The.Missionary Society gave a popular program the fifth Sun day in July. Most of the time was given to Mrs. J. G. Porter, who gave an interesting descrip tion of her trip to the Biennial which met in San Francisco. An other pleasing feature was the| dinner served in the church grove. Everybody was highly pleased. The Daily Vacation Bible School began August the first and continued two weeks, the enrollment being ninety-five. Both the teachers and the pupils seemed enthusiastic with the work and did all in their power to make it a success. The school closed with a picnic and a pro gram, which consisted of songs, memory verses, Bible stories, etcl The patrons were well pleased with the hand workj done by the children. Three' prizes were given for the neat est work. The teachers were as follows: Misses Mary L. Cole man, Helen urayron, ueuiau Hope, Anna Richardson and M. L. Robertson and Mesdames J. G. Porter and A. P. Butler. Quite a number of our teach ers and their families are North for their vacation. Prof. R. W. Boulware and Miss J. E. Young are studying iri Columbia Uni versity; Prof. Porter is fifing a course at the University of Penn.; Prof. Reasoner is pursu ing a course at Carnegie “Tech.,” Pittsburgh, and Prof. Toatley is at Hampton. Miss Helen Drayton was a pleasant visitor in the home of Prof, and Mrs. J. G. Porter last Mrs. T. B. Jones, with her lit tle daughter, Clarice, is spend ing Some time with her father, Dr. C. M. Young. Mr. Robert Johnson represent ed the Sabbath school at the Convention which met in Reid Ville. Mis Jessie Young is our delegate to the School of Meth ods in Augusta. Harbison has been the scene of many picnics this summer. Our Columbia friends are tak ing advantage of the pines and cool water. BEN SALEM CHURCH NOTES By Mrs. A. S. Grier Sunday Rev. J. H. Gamble de livered a strong message from I Samuel 18: 3, with a subject that was touching to all, “The Value of Friendship.” Miss Frances Adams, of Sev enth Street, worshipped with us and was organist during the ser vice hour. Miss Emma Morris and Mr. Charlie Morris of Chicago, I1L, worshipped with us. At the Sunday school hour Miss Catherine Carothers was elected delegate to attend the Convention, to be held at Church Street church, Charlotte, 18-19. Sunday evening, August 7, at 8 o'clock the W. M. Society gave a successful baby contest. The speaker £pr the evening was * • scorn WOMEN'S COdJEGE CONCORD. N. C. i 3j*-£ f' A well-equipped School under the care of the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Division for Colored People, for the Higher Education and Industrial Training of young women. A Seminary Course or High School Academic Course' for those desiring to prepare for College, and a High School Normal Course for those desiring special prepara tion for teaching. As in the past three years, Scotia will continue to fur nish a course in Teacher Training. Following July 1st, 1927, the requirement for an Elementary A. Certificate will be a standard High School course of four years. For the coming year 1927-1928 Scotia is authorized by the State Board to offer a one year course in Teacher Training to the following types of students leading to the class of certificate indicated: 1. Standard High School graduates—Elementary Class A. 2. Non-Standard High School graduates with 14 units of credit. (a) . Finishing in 1921 or since—Elementary Class B with half credits toward raising same to Class A. (b) . Finishing prior to 1921—Elementary Class B. Note: Provided students had a four year High School course and School has since become accredited. Scotia graduates of the years 1910-1918 inclusive are eligible to this course and on completing it will receive an Elementary B certificate. Those graduated in 1919 and since will receive an Elementary A on completing the course. The President will be glad to hear very soon from any who desire to take this course. An industrial Course, including Domestic Arts and Sciences, with special instruction in Sewing and Cook ing. for those desiring special preparation in these lines. Also a course in Music, including Piano, Public School Music, and Chorus Work. There are two targe Dormitories with pleasant rooms, steam heated, electrically lighted, and pleasantly situat ed in a targe and beautiful campus near the center of the city on Concord and convenient to the Raihoad sta tion. Fur catalogue, application blanks, and any desired re formation, address the President. REV. T.R. LEWIS, D.D. u^nocsyswwaw«r»snsws'i:rOT8mniMW38aMa»ae8»»aaoaK8»Mea»Mees8oeog Prof. E. A. Chisholm, of John-, son C. Smith University. His address was based upon Exodus 2:9, “Take this child away and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages.” The message was very instructive, very forci bly delivered and well received. After the address there was a solo by Mrs. J. H. Gamble, ac companied on the organ by Miss Frances Adams. Following are the names of babies and the amount each raised: Thelma Lawrence -$2.75 Joretha Lawrence -10.00 Frank J. Lineburger, Jr. — 6.26 Sylvester Lee - 2.70 James K. Polk - 8.25 J. B. Brown, Jr. - 4.00 Ritchel D. Philips -1.69 I. K. Brown, Jr.:_ 3.00 Total _$38.65 Public collection _ 3.10 Grand Total-$41.751 The prize was won by Joretha Lawrence who had the largest Amount—$10.00. Prof. Chisholm presented the prize. Everybody enjoyed the occasioh. We take great pleasure in thanking our many friends for cooperating with us. Among the prominent visit ors Sunday and Sunday night were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Butler, of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Will Stitt, Mr. C. W. Burke and Miss Joretha Burke. The Woman’s Missionary So ciety met on last Wednesday evening, with Mrs. I. K. Brown as hostess. A large number was present and the meeting was full of business. Election of of eers resulted as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. C. L. Polk; 1st. Vice President, Mrs. Jennie V. Wal lace; 2nd. Vice President, Mrs. Katie Wallace; 3rd. Vice Presi dent, Mrs. Patsy Maxwell; Sec retary, Mrs. A. S. Grier; Corre sponding Secretary, Miss Haze line Lawrence; Treasurer,' Mrs. J. B. Brown. After the election of officers the report of the delegate from the Women’s Presbyterial was heard. It was very good. A delicious course of ice cream and home made cookies was served. Miss Hazeline Lawrence will attend the Catawba Synodical School of Methods at Oxford. The whole community extends their sympathy to Mrs. Millie Butler and family on account of the recent death of her son, Mr. Andrew Butler, who died in stantly at Evansville, Ind. His body will be taken to Atlanta, Ga., for burial. WOODLAND CHURCH NOTES Sunday, August 14th, the sub ject of the sermon was “Some thing to do.” The text was He brews 12:1, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witness es let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with pa tience the race that is set be fore us.” Our Christian Endeavor met with 70 persons in attendance. The Sunday school had 158 pres ent and the collection was $10.70 The rally day collection was $135.26. Money collected at the annual picnic was $45.91. We were glad to have a church filled to overflowing with mem bers and friends. 1 ! Rev. and Mrs. R. Z. Beatty and family had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Reid Fox. The Daily Vacation Bible School was opened August 1 by Miss Naomi Muldrow. The en rollment was 138. The teachers were Mr. C. J. Sloan, Mrs. Alice Powell, Miss Lillian McDay, Miss Willman Powell and Mrs. R. Z. Beatty. Popuar meeting was held on Wednesday night. Prof. W. H. Stinson made the principal address on the Daily Vacation Bible School and schools in general. He spoke in high terms of the young people of Woodland church. Miss Mul drow presided. Mt. Olive Quin tet favored us with beautiful music. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Dowd Wells at home again to live from New York City. Mrs. Wells before her marriage was Miss Dorenda Powell. A MEMBER. ARKANSAS NEGROES HON OR SECRETARY OF COM MERCE. Washington,—“Presented to Hon, Herbert Hoover in token of appreciation and gratitude for his wonderful work and sympa thy during the flood of 1927, by the colored people of Arkansas, Delegates to SrhmH of 4 UM Mrs. H. ML Hereford Mr. Thomas Joins _ Mrs. W. L. McNair— ur. J. i). Martin_ Rev. E. U. D. Goring. Aev. J. u. Murray _ HMV. D. T. Murray - r raiucford Church t white) Cameron Church _ Kev. J. H. Cooper i&ev. A. U. George ur. L iL Russell — ur. J. A. Savage Mooresviiie Church S. S. uafciand Church 1.00 M.00 1.00 10.00 14.00 44.00 4.00 100.00 1M 20.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 6.00 2.60 McClelland presbytery in OfcUV £>0*81011 boutnern Virginia Pres bytery in Session _ 33.00 Dr. J. M. Miller_11.00 Dr. T. A. Long - 10.00 Dr. W. Edw. Williams..- 10.00 Prof. J .C. Bryant-10.00 Dr. B. F. McDowell_25.00 Kev. and Mrs. N. Bell— 10.00 Dr. Z. A. Dockery-10.00 Dr. H. W. Cooper-10.00 Blandonia Church-10.00 Rev. W. H. bhepperson 10.00 Kev. B. J. Davidson— 10.00 Dr. C. Dillard_10.00 Dr. W. E- Partes_10.00 Dr. 1. D. Davis_10.00 Dr. G. W. Long-11.00 Mrs. Johnson C. Smith 25.00 Kev. H. B. Taylor-10.00 AMY* A* A« fvlWO-— « M#W Dr. B. F. Bussell —_ 10.00 Dr. H. L. MeCrcrey 35.00 couisburg Church-6.00 Charleston Alumni Chap ter of J. C. S. Univ. $200.00 Dr. J .S. Williams_10.00 Kev. J. H. Toatley-15.00 Rev. H. McFadden _ 10.00 Kev. J. P. Footer —*- 5.00 Kev. J. E. Jackson- 10.00 Kev. O. M. McAdams.. 10.00 Mrs. R. Ethel Cain.-5.00 Kev. Thos. B. Hargrave 6.00 Rev. J. C. James- 5.00 Kev. R. E. Footer - 10.00 Kev. B. H. McFadden_10.00 Mrs. J. D. Martin-5.00 Prof. C. B. Johnson__ 1.00 Dr. C. J. Baker_20.00 C. J. Baker, Jr. _-2.00 Miss McDonald - 1.00 Mrs. Robinson_1.00 Prof. A. A. Adair_1.00 Mr. W. E. Williams_ 1.00 Rev. C. W. Francis-11.66 Mrs. J. L. Pearson-1.00 Mrs. L D. Davis-- 1.00 Mr. F. L. Rice _ 1.00 Mr. W. T. Reid_1.00 Mr. J. W. Washington _ _ 1.00 Mrs. R. T. Green_1.00 Miss Ruth Foster_1.00 Dr. & Mrs. S. D. Thom ... 11,00 Dr. G. E. Davis_ 10.00 Dr. J. L. Hollo well_10.00 Dr. B. F. Murray_60.00 Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Ew ing -10.00 Dr. J. C. Alston_10.00 Lloyd Church, Winston Salem _10.10 Lloyd Church, Woman’s Missionary Society Winston-Salem _ 6.06 Carver Memorial church. Newport News, Va.,. 10.00 Dr. Reid Morrison (white)--16.00 Dr. W. C. Hargrave __ 16.00 Mrs. J. E. Graham_L00 Mr. John E. Smith __ 10.00 Woman’s Synodical So ciety of Atlantic Sr nod ___ 26.00 | Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Hec tor ....:_10.00 Rev. W. J. Neleon_10.00 Rev. J. J. Shepperson _ 10.00 Rev. E. W. Carpenter __ 10.00 Rev. J. J. Foster _ 1.00 Dr. R. L. Douglass_10.00 Rev. D. T. Murray _ 2.00 Dr. L. J. Melton . . 10.00 Dr. E. E. Cady (white) 100.00 Dr. W. H. Carroll _ 10.00 A. A. Adjahoe _ 1.00 Elijah Parrett _; 1.00 J. R. Dunjree .. 1.00 W. R. Mayberry ... 1.00 Bellefonte Christian En deavor _ 1.59 Mrs. R. L. Daniels _ 1.00 Paul Davili_ 1.00 R. W. Parker _ 1.00 R. L. Crater _ 1.00 F. D. Nance_1.M J. L. Smith _ 1.00 U. L. Brewer- 1.00 E. W. Hark . 1 00 L. C. Alexander - 1.00 Prof. H. S. Wilson _ 1.00 J. A. Sauire _ 1.00 A. H. Prince _ 3.00 A. R. Lord __ 1.00 P. H. Burden 1.0f Broad St. Church S. S. Statesville lO.OC June 26, 1927,” is the inscrip tion which appears upon a lov ing cup, filled with nickels, dimes, quarters and half-dollars, which was recently given to the Commerce Secretary as Chair Prof. J, W. Young _ „ 19.0% Kev. D. IK Davis. __ ■_ LOO Pilot Presbyterian Church (JourtlanU- 10.00 Mt. Tabor church, Yad kin Presbytery _—— 10.06 Dr. G. S. Leeper --_25.00 Kev. G. P. Watkins_ 20.00 Key. B. K. Smith. 0.00 Kev. T. 4. B. Harris - 10.00 Mr. W. H. Pearson_ i0.00 Kev. BL L. McFaddea_10.00 Chestnut St. Church 1 Sabbath School Wil mington __ __ 16.06 Dr. G. T. Dillard_ 6.00 Rev. Joseph L. liyers ._10.00 Prof. H. B. Rice_16.00 Mrs. E. N. Dent—_ 1.00 Rev. J. F. Crawford_ 6.00 Rev. S. Q. Mitchell _ 16.00 Prof. H. B. Dunn- 10.00 Dr. William Mack_ 110.00 Mrs. Dora Coleman_6.00 Holbrook Street Church and Auxiliary,-Danville, Va. 16.00 Dr. M. J. Jackson_ 6.00 Rev. A. C. Johnson- 2.00 Rev. Italy Le Conte_10.00 Rev. A. A. Wilson —_20.00 Dr. A. U Frierson_ 6.00 Dr. A. W. Foster_. 10.00 D. C. Stubbs —- 1.00 Mrs. A. C. Johnson _ 1.00 Johnson C. Smith Univ. Club, N. Y. City_20.00 Florence H. Blackburn 1.00 Dr. C. H. Shute__ 6.00 A. J. Clement, Jr._ 6.00 W. A. Clement 1-- 6.00 Ebenezer Church S. S. 1.00 W. C. Donnell_6.00 Col. L. P. Berry_30.00 Dr. C. E. Tucker __6.00 Rev. George E. Caesar _ 26.00 Dr. W. D. Hood_10.0« Dr. J. A. Rollins__ 5.00 Dr. T. J. Frierson _ 10.00 Uv. H. o. Johnson_6.00 Kev. J. P. Harrison_2.00 Rev. 1. P. Pogue __ 6.00 Dr. L. B. EUerson_ 10.00 Rev. J. A. Ramseur_ 1.00 Special Donation by Alum ni Association _ 60.00 Interest_;_' 22.10 Mt. Tabor Church _ 1.00 Missionary Society, West. Dist. Yadkin Pres._10.00 Hermon Church, Rock Hill, S. C.' 2.10 Ben-Salem Church _2.66 Prof. J. W. Seabrook _ 6.00 Sunday School of David son church_6.00 Mr. Geo. P. Dudley__ 6.00 Mr P. A. Knox —__ 6.00 Atlantic Presbyterial S. S. Convention__ 20.00 West Presbyterian Church, Binghamton, N. Y._ 60.00 Lincoln Presbytery _ 1*0.00 Rev H. W. McNair_ 5.00 Morgan Grove Sunday School _ 5.00 Dr. T. J.. Smith ^_ 10.00 Dr. George L. Winstead 90.00 Rev. D. S. Collier_ 10.00 Dr. R. E. Jones _ 5.00 Miss Ophelia C. Smith_ 1.00 Rev. E. W. Allen .6.00 Western District S. S. Con venwon, iaaKin rresDy tery _ 10.00 T' L. Hart _ 1.00 Mrs. Amanda W. Brown 1.00 Dr. P. W. Russell _ 5.»>0 W. C. Jones___ 1.00 Mrs. C. R. Means _ 1.00 Mrs. W. E. Means _ 1,00 Beliefonte Sunday school 5.00 Mr. William Phifer _ 1.00 Mrs. Mary J. Phifer_ 1.00 Dr. Field S. Russell _ 5.00 Rev. L. H. Fuller_ 2.00 W. S. Moore _ 2.00 Dr. F. J. Anderson__ 5.00 Sumter Alumni Chapter 30.00 Ladies’ Aid Society of Grace church, Winston-Sa Salem .—----5.00 Rev. Charles Lee (white) 10.00 Lawrence Chapel —r~_ 1.00 Mt. Lebanon church _ 1.00 Miranda Missionary Soci ety __,_ 1.00 Miranda Sunday school — 1.00 New Hampton Sunday S. 1.00 Jas. Daniel (white) :- 1.00 Mrs. M. C. Pitkin (white) 2.00 Grand total -. $2,249.68 man of President Coolidge’s Flood Relief Committee. This cup, it is said, will be added to the trophies which Secretary Hoover has amassed over the world. ^

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