ALLEN’S TEMPLE, CLEVE - Land. By Miss Beatrice Click Regardless of the inclemency of the weather, the missionary program was carried out in a successful manner at Allen's Temple church Sunday morning, January 29th. We were very fortunate to have with us Rev. H. O. Walker, Mr. F. M. Beav ers and Mr. Waddell, of John son C. Smith University The services opened in the us ual order. The sermon was preached by Rev. Walker from the text, “Never a man spake like this man," John 7:46. He pictured thrdd' periods in the life of Christ, making each applica ble to the present age. (1) Con dition of Birth. (2) Boyhood and Manhood. (3) Saviour of the World. So vividly was this theme expounded that many en lightening and inspiring thoughts were gleaned there from and a demonstration of the Holy Spirit swept the congrega tion. Mrs. R. N. Cowan, of Chester, S. C., was a visitor in the con gregation.' Sunday afternoon Jttev. oan difer and congregation of the A. M. E. church, and Rev. Beas ley worshipped with us at this service. The Scripture lesson was read by Mr. Beavers and prayer was offered by Rev. Sandifer. Again a soul-stirring sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Walker; His theme was: “What Kind of a Witness Am I ?” Acts 1: 6. The Spirit of God still thrived and many demonstrated what their hearts felt. At the close of the sermon a very appropriate spiritual, “Some Time We’ll Stand Before the Judgment Bar,” led by Rev. Sandifer, was sung. Prayer was then offered by Rev. Beasly. The evening service was large ly attended for the third service Scripture lesson was read by Mr. Waddell. Prayer was offered by Rev. Walker and the sermon by Mr. Beavers. The text was, “Silver and gold have I none, hut such as I have give I thee.’ Mr., Beavers impressed upon the ,4tion the necessity of what we hate and the mFWfli iwfow. WORKERS’ COUNCIL MEETS AT BETHANY CHURCH. The program of the Workers’ Council was given in Bethany Presbyterian church, Lumber ton, Rev. J. H. Hayswood, D. D., pastor, January 29th, 1928. The program follows: 10:00 Devotions. 10:25 Welcome Address,, Mrs. J. E. Bryan, of Lumberton. Response, Mr. J. H. Blue, Red Springs. 10:40 Verbal reports of the Churches and Sabbath schools for three months. . 10:50 The Sabbath School at Work. (A) The Opening Period, Superintendent Mr. Lee Smith, of Maxton. (B) The Lesson Period, Mr. J. H. Blue, Red Springs. (C) The Closing Period, Su perintendent Mr. Jesse Brown, of Rex. (D) The Secretary’s Report, Mr. A. L. Patterson, Red Springs. Discussion. 12:00 The Chief Work of the Missionary Society, Mrs. J. H. Hayswood, Lumberton. ’Mts C. V. McKay, Lumber toft. - Mrs. Maggie L. Brewington, Maxton. Mrs. A. E. Gains, Maxton. Discussion, Offering, Adjourn ment. " Afternoon Session. 2 :00 Song Service, Bethany Choir. Z:t0 An Address, Dr. H. E. Dubuisette, Lumberton. 2 :5ff The Old Time Christmas Home. Mr. J. H. Murphy, Maxton. Mr. J. D Purcell, Raeford. Mills. Mr D. H. McEachern, Hope Mr. P. S. Ancrum, Max ton. Discussion. 3:20 What Place Does Prayer Fill in My Life? Mr. G. H. Leach, Maxton. Mr. N. J. McKay, Red Springs. Mr. James Stewart, Lumber ton. Rev. B. H. Brown, Elizabeth town. Rev. F. F. Bryan, Lumberton. Discussion. 3:.45 Why j^c^Cfcurches Should Observe the fecial Days of the Boards? Rev. Frf^ Johnson, Maxton. Rev. S. H. Holdman, Red Springs. Rev. R. O Scriven, Maxton. Discussion. After which $16.00 was raised. REV. J. H. HAYSWOOD, President. MR. J. H. MURPHY, Secretary A GOOD WOMAN GONE TO HER REWARD. On last Thursday at 4 o'clock P. M. a gloom was cast over MocksviUe Second Presby terian church and the whole community in the death of Mrs. Susan Huntley, one of the char ter members of the church. Mother Huntley, as she was known by both white and col ored, was indeed a mother to aH boys and girls with whom she came in contact, for where she met both white and colored she never failed to give them the same counsel and advice, and her advice never went unheeded by either. As a church and Sun day school worker she had no equal. She was a teacher of the Junior class for about 40 years, having given up the class about 6 years ago, and during that time she was always there to take her place. There was no department of the ehurch that mother Huntley did not take an active part in and the weather was never too bad for her to be there to do her part. Mother Huntley was about 87 years old, the oldest member of the church. During all these years she was present at all the services. She only stopped at tending about a year ago. Her husband, Elder Peter Huntley, died about 22 years ago. The funeral was conducted Saturday afternoon from the church of which she had been, a faithful member for so many years. Her pastor, Rev, L, M. Onque, preached a wonderful sermon, using as his text, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labor.” The church was filled with. ,, many sorrowing friends among whom were some of the prominent, white ladies of the town, who made eulogies of her beautiful life. Resolutions from the Missionary Society and the Ladies’ Aid were read. A truly good woman has gone to her reward. JOHN A. SMOOT. CHERRY STREET PRESBY TERIAN CHURCH, HIGH POINT. By Birdie Graham Saunders Our pastor’s text Sunday was John 15: 17, “These things I command you, that ye love one another.” Mrs. Graham and Mr. Steven son spent Sunday evening in Winston with her son, Hazel. The Westminster Guild met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. McCraven on Monday night, January 30th, at eight o’clock. After the business meeting the Guild decided to donate $4.00 to the sick and needy of High Point. We gave $2.00 to Mr. Willie Evans who has been very sick but at this writing is a lit tle better and $2.00 goes to Prof. O. E. Davis of the Fairview S+reet School to help some little girl or boy. Mrs. Eldora Boger has been removed from the Hospital to her home and we are glad to say she is getting on nicely. Mrs. L. B. Kearns is on the sick list. Mrs. Anna Saunders spent a few days in New York with her adopted sister who was very sick, but she has returned home and left her sister much bet ter. Mr. Bishop Keno has been in for some time suffering with asthma. He is now very much improved. uaras are our announcing me marriage of Prof. J. J. William son ajnd Miss Pearl Saunders, Saturday, February 11th. Mrs. Julia Saunders is spend ing the week in High Point with Miss Anna Saunders. Miss .JBloncfeiia Graves is spending a few'J^ays in High Point with hjeiP inother and father, Mr. and jbfrs. Madison Graves, i i . . 816, Hilltop St. Tiay? SC01W WOMEN'i) CUuEGE \ . ":^V■ v • > • CONCORD. N. U A well-equipped School under the care of the Board of National Mission* of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Division for Colored People, for the Higher Education and Industrial Training of young women. k A Seminary Course or High School Academic Course for those desiring to prepare for College, and a High School Normal Course tor those desiring special prepara tion for teaching. . As in the past three jreajp, Scotia will continue to fur nish a course in Teacher Training. Following July 1st, 1927, the requirement for an Elementary A. Certificate will be a standard High School course of four years. For the coming year 1927-1928 Scotia ia authorized by the State Board to offer a one year course in Teacher Training to the following types of students leading to the class of certificate indicated: J. Standard High School graduates—Elementary Class A. 2. Non-Standard High School graduates with 14 units of credit. > (a) . Finishing in 1921 or since—Elementary Class B with half credits toward raising same to Class A. (b) . Finishing prior to 1921—Elementary Class B. Note: Provided students had a four year High School • course and School has since become accredited. Scotia graduates of the years 1910-1918 inclusive are eligible to this course and on completing it will receive an Elementary-B certificate. Those graduated in 1919 and since will receive an Elementary A on completing the course. The President will be glad to hear very soon from any who desire to take this course. An Industrial Course, including Domestic Arts and Sciences, with special instruction in Sewing and Cook ing. for those desiring special preparation in these lines. Also a course in Music, including Piano, Public School Music, and Chorus Worn. There are two targe Dormitories with pleasant rooms, steam heated, electrically lighted, and pleasantly situat ed in a large and beautiful campus near the center oi the city on Concord and convenient to the Railroad sta tion. For catalogue, application blanks, and any desired in formation, address the President. mxitumD.D. ’.•’XKfrwyC’ NEW CALVARY CHURCH (Continued from page tijb Sunday night. These who gave their services were Mesdames J. Thompson, C. Oliphant, Miss es Mae Ryan, L. Moffett, Mes dames D. M. Benson, M. E. Ifan berry, W. G. Hamilton, Messrs. J. Thompson, Rhinehardt and McKissick. Mrs. Hanberry was in charge of the program. Many were out and expressed enjoy ment of the entire program. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor have had with them their moth er, Mrs. Taylor, of Sumter, S. C. Many of her friends were glad to see her here, and re gretted that her stay was so short. » The sick of our number are Mrs. L. McCorkle, Mrs. H. Wil kins and Mr. A. Mahathey. We ask that our members visit them, please. The mid-week meetings pre as usual. Prayer services and choir rehearsal are held on Wednesday night of each week regardless of the weather. Every member of the W. M. S. is asked to get her assignment for the Spring meeting. Your individual amounts will 'be as signed to you as members of the W. M. S. Services on Sunday, February 6th, were well attended. The sermon was soul-stirring, theme, “Seek the Best.” At the close of the sermon the door of the church was opened, at which time we had one to join with us who desired to seek the best as her standard, “Jesus Christ.” Mrs. Barr, one of the W. M. workers, is expected to be with the Society very soon, at. which time all of the members will be expected to be present. The date for her coming will be an nounced later. Mrs. Barr is a grdat, influential missionary worker and we want all of the members to hear her. The telephone number of the Rev. W. G. Hamilton has been changed from 5527-3 to 5712; The members are asked to get in all of their old church en velopes before the end of the church year which expires in March. Please remember your obligation to God before the end of March. i CHURCH STREHT CHURCH, SALISBURY. By Mrs. Julia Hipps. Sunday morning we listened to a very interesting sermon by our pastor, Rev. J. M. Morton, from Daniel 5:27, “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.” The sermon was one that we all should give consideration, for Christ is weighing the Christians today just as he did in Belteshazzer’s time. Sunday night the Christian Endeavor had an anniversary program at which time the facts were brought out clearly as to who organized the society and when and where. The program was fine. The children had ex cellent papers, recitations, solos and duets. We want to com mend the young men who sang the duet—Mr. William Vander holt and Harry Fisher—“He Careth for Me”—They did fine. Lewis Partee rendered “Sing, Robin, Sing,” played by his brother, Arthur Partee. We are glad to see the young people in terested in the programs for it helps to keep life in the church. We want to thank all of the children and we must not lor get our President, Mr. Thomas Caldwell. He is a wide awake President and has kept the soci ety from lagging at any time. The Parent-Teacher Associa tion will meet Tuesday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Moore on Cemetery Street. The Woman’s Missionary So? ciety will meet with Mrs. Mag gie Fisher on S. Caldwell St., Friday evening, February 10. On February 16th the Wom an’s Missionary Society will give a Leap Year Supper at the home of Mrs. Feaster on East Fisher Street. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening and bring your friends. We need you and you need us. MEETING OF PRESBYTERY All ministers expecting to at tend the Spring Presbytery ii Durham, N. C., with Grovelanc and Pine Street churches, wil kindly send names and addresses I to Rev. W. Geo. Avant, 305 Pirn Street, Durham, N. C. Mr. Thomas'Joues _^ 1.00 Mrs. W. L. McNair- 1.00 Dr. J, D. Martin ,-10.00 Rev. E. U. D. Goring_14.00 Afc«v. J. u. Murray-36.00 ft«v. D. T. Murray __ 3.o0 claualord Church (white; --100.00 Cameron Church-1.25 nev. J. E. Cooper ___ 2O.00 ttev. A. H. George-10.00 Dr. i. M. Ruaaeli- 5.00 ul. j. A. Savage- 10.00 Mooresviiie Church S. £>. 5.00 ou&iand Church —- 2.50 jttcoieliand Presbytery in * session--— 32.00 aouinern Virginia Pres oytery in Session 3H.00 Dr. j. Jl. Miliei- xx.uC ur. T. A. Long —-10.00 ur. W. Edw. Williams-.. 10.00 prof. ,1 .C. Bryant — 10.00 Ur. B. fe'. McDowell_25.00 ttev. and Mrs. N. Bell - 10.00 Ur. i>. A. Dockery-10.00 Ur. H. W, Cooper - 10.00 Utanuonia Church-10.00 Kev. W. Ji. snopperson lu.uo jfctttv. K. J. Davidson. 10.00 Dr, C. Dillard _ 10.00 Dr. W. E. Parte®_ 10.0© Dr. i. D. Da via ___— 10.00 Dr. G. W. Long ___ 11.00 Mrs. Johnson C. Smith 26.00 , Kev. H. B. Taylor-"10.00 Kev. A. A. Jones_ 5.00 Dr. B. F. Russell _ 10.00 Dr. H. L*. McCrorey -_36,00 Luuisburg Church _ 6.00 Charleston Alumni Chap ter of J. C. S. Ur.iv. $200.00 Dr. J .S. Williams _ 10.00 . Rev. J. H. Toatley__ 15.00 Kev. H. McFadden 10.00 Rev. J. P. Foster . 6.00 uev. J. E. Jackson___ 10.00 Kev. O. M. McAdams10.00 Mrs. R. Ethel Cain. —_ 5.00 Rev. Thos. B. Hargrave 5.00 Kev. J. C. James_5.00 Rev. R. E. Foster __—. 10.0,0 Rev. B. H. McFadden. .. 10.00 Mrs. J. D. Martin 5.00 Prof. C. B.tfehlfeoii 1.00 Dr. C. J. Baker 20.00 C. J. Bakeh Jr.^ _ 2.00 Miss McDonald __ _ l.Ot Mrs. Robinson _1_,_ l.0( Prof. A. A. Adair . ... 1.00 Mr. W. tS.VillianKs .__ 1.00 Rev. C. W. Franc..* _ 11.00 Mr*. LC Peaceon ^.. 1.011* Mrs. 1. D. Davis _ __ 1.00 Mr. F. L. R’ce_ 1.00 Mr. W. T. Reid___ 1.00 Ur. J. W. Washington __ K00 Mrs. R. T. Green 1.00 Miss Ruth Foster _ 1.00 Dr. & Mrs. S. D. Thom 11.00 Dr. G. E. Davis ._■ 10.00 Dr. J. L. Holloweil _ 10.00 Dr. B. F. Murray _ 60.00 Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Ew ing - 10.00 Dr. J. C. Alston . 10.00 Lloyd Church, Winston Salem . 10.10 Lloyd Church, Woman’s Missionary Society Winston-Salem _____ 5.00 Carver Memorial church. Newport News, Va.. xO.OO Dr. Reid Morrison (white) __,___ 1G.00 Dr. W. C. Hargrave 15.00 Mrs. J. E. Graham_ 1.00 Mr, John E. Smith __ 10.00 Woman s Synodical So ciety of Atlantic Sy nod ......... 26.00 Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Hac tor _ 10.00 Rev. W. J. Nelson 10.00 Rev. J. J. Shepperson __ 10.00 Rev. E. W. Carpenter 10.00 Rev. J. J., Foster .. , ... 1.00 Dr. R. L. Douglass .. . . 10.00 Rev. D. T. Murray . 2.00 Dr. L. J. Melton ... _.. 10.00 Dr. E. E. Cady (white) 100.00 Dr. W. H. Carroll ... .... 10.00 A. A. Adjahoe ...,_ 1.00 Elijah Paarett ........__ 1.00 J. R. Dundee _ . 1.00 W. R. Mayberry __ 1.00 Bellefonte Christian En deavor . .... 1,69 Mrs. R. L. Daniels _ 1.00 Paul Davis .. l .Of* R. W. Parker _._ 1.00 R L. Crater . .... 1.00 F. D. Nance .1.00 J. L. Smith _ 1.00 U. L. Brewer 1.00 E. W. Clark _ 1.00 L. C. Alexander _ 1.00 Prof. H. S. Wilson_ J 00 J. A. Squire -^_ 1.00 A. H. Prince ___ 3.00 ‘ A. R. Lord **____ i.oo P. H. Burden ... i.or Broad St. Church S. S. | Statesville . * lfi.OC T. A. James _-1.00 | Dr. J. J Wilson___10.00 ( Bethlehem 1st Church .. 2.50 1 Tradd St. Church S. S. Statesville, -- 1.00 Dr. R. W. Williamson— 110.00 Rev. M. R. Lana.-. — 1.00 Prof. J. W. Young-10.0* Key. 1). D. Davis. _ 1.00 b *rst Presby terian Church Courtland—_ 16.0*' ML Tabor cnurch, Yad kin Presbytery —_10.00 Dr. G. S. Loeper___2J*.0C Rev. G. P. Watkins__ 26.00 Rev. R. K. Smith. 6.06 Rev. T. J. B. Harris _ 10.00 Mr. Wt H. Pearson-16.00 Rev. H. L. McFaddan—10.00 Cnestuut St. Church Sabbath School, Wil mington ...- 16.06 Dr.. D. T. Dillard_ 6.00 Rev. Joseph L. Myers—10.06 Prof. 11. a. Rice __16.00 Mrs. K. N Dent__ 1.00 Rev. J. P. Crawford_ 6.00 Rev. S. Q. Mitchell — 16.00 Prof. H. 1. Dunn __ 16.60 Dr. William Mack— 110.06 Mrs. Dora Coleman— 6.00 Do.oiook Street Church auxiliary, Danville. Va. 16.00 ur. M. J. Jackson_ 6.00 fcev. A. C. Johnson xw. t tujy Le Conte *,ev. A. A. Wilson „ u*r. a. U Frierson L>r. A. W. Foster _ li. C. Stubbs_ Univ. Vjrs. A. C. Johnson mhnsun C. Smith .✓mb, N. y. City __ p lorence H. Blackburn L>r. C. H. Shuts_ A. J. Clement, Jr._ W. A. Clement_ Lbenezer Church S. S. tv. C. Donnell_ La>1. L. P. Berry Dr. C. E. Tucker_-_ 2.00 10.00 20,00 5.00 10.00 i: oo 1.00 uev. George E. Caesar Dr. W. D. Hood_ Dr. J. A. Rollins_ Dr. T. J. Frierson _ Dr. H. o. Johnson_ uev. J. P. Harrison_ Rev. 1. P. Pogue __ Dr. Lu ij. Ellerson_ Kev. J. A. Ramseur 29.00 1.00 5.09 5.00 6.00 1.00 5.00 30.00 5.00 25.00 10.05T 5.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 1.00 Special Donation by Altun ni Association interest .. ___ Mt. Tabor Church _ Missionary Society, West. Dist. Yadkin Pres. . H ermou Church, Rock Hill. S. C. K^n^Swlienn Church Prof. J. W. Seabrook .... Sunday Sihooi of David son church _ Mr. Geo. P. Dudley ._ Mr P. A. Knox __........ Atlantic Presbyterial S. S. Convention.... 50.00 22-49 1.00 10.00 2.10 %Mr 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 West Presbyterian Church, _ 20.00 Binghamton, N. Y. Lincoln Presbytery ._ ‘ Rev H. W. McNair__ Morgan Grove Sunday School _ Dr. T. J. Smith ... __ Di. George L. Winstead Rev. D. S. Collier_ Dr. R. E. Jones ____ Miss Ophelia C. Smith_ Rev. E. W. Allen _ ._ 50.00 1*0.00 5.00 5.00 10.0b 20.00 10.00 5.00 , too . 5.00 Western District S. S. Con vention, Yadkin Presby tery .—-- 10.00 T. L. Hart __ L00 Mrs. Amanda. W. Brown 1.00 Dr. P. W. Russell 6>X> W. C. Jones____1.00 Mrs. C. R. Means _ 1.00 Mrs. W. E. Means .... 1.00 Bellefonte Sunday school 5.00 Mr. William Phifer _ 1.00 Mrs. Mary J. Phifer_ 1.00 Dr. Field S. Russell _ 5.00 Rev. L. H. Fuller ._ 2.00 W. S. Moore __ 2.00 Dr. F. J. Anderson__ 5.00 Sumter Alumni Chapter 30.00 Ladies’ Aid Society of Grace church, Winston-Sa Salem __,__ 5.00 Rev. Charles Lee (white) 10.00 Lawrence Chapel__ 1.00 Mt. Lebanon church ____ 1.00 Miranda Missionary Soci ety „„ —__ 1.00 Miranda Sunday school_ 1.00 New Hampton Sunday S. 1.00 Jas. Daniel (white) _ 1.00 Mi's. M. C. Pitkin (white) 2.00 Dr. T. C. Mitchell_ 5.00 Miss Susan Peacock _ 1.00 St. Paul S. S. __ 1.50 Mrs. Hedrick___ 1,00 Prof. W. S. Peyton_ 4.00 Miss Afwilda Means - 1.00 Huntersville church Sunday school_—:- 10.00 Mrs. Louis Ray _ 1,00 Rev. J. A. Davis_ 1.00 Grand total ..$2,276.18

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