' SEVENTH STREET CHURCH NOTES. Miss Marie S. Lindsay Dr. Wyche spoke Sunday morning from Isaiah 45:9, “Woe unto him that striveth with his maker!" The speaker said these words were spoken with the deepest emotion. When we come to that which we cannot understand, there is no need of complaining; we should take it to God, the Invisible. We cannot fathom the depth of His counsel. God cannot fail. We ' must not question or criticise Him. He does not reveal Himself fully. A father does not explain every thing to his child. To attempt to give an explanation would . only confuse the child. If we could fathom the depth of His counsel, He would no longer be a God we could serve , or worship. There are times in our lives, as in ancient times, when God seems to stand against us, but we must remember, He is a God we cannot see. We need not cry, “Why hast thou forsaken me? Why is it I am left in this state?" It is at this time that people charge God with their burdens. We should go to God (on our knees. Rev. William A. Grigg preached for us Sunday night. Sunday, March 12th, is the day set apart for the $12 rally per member. Mr. J. E, Hemp hill, acting chairman, urged all who possibly can to pay their $12 by that time. Visitors in church ana ounaay school were as follows: Prof. G. G, M. James and Prof. M. W. Wise, of Johnson C. Smith Uni versity ; Mesdames Ola Cook and L. Baker, of the city; Prof. Saul Perdue, Miss Naomi Morri son, Mrs. L. Froniberger and Mr. John T. Wilson. The Sons of David class met with Mr.' Thomas Goodwine, Jr., Thursday evening. A Leap Year party was given by the young people of the church Tuesday evening in the - Sunday school auditorium. Pro ceeds were for the benefit of the church. The Circle met with Little Miss Margaret Watson and Master James Watson Wednes day evening. Twenty were pres ent. Mrs. Carrie Moseley enter-] tained a large number of friends Wednesday evening at herTiome on East Boundary Street. Mrs. Moseley has a birthday every four years. This being leap year, February had an extra day, the 29th. | The Sheaf Gatherers Bible class gave their annual social Friday night in the Sunday school auditorium. The attend ance was large. Words of wel come were extended by Mr. A. E. Spears. Miss M. L. Lindsay, accompanied by Mrs. R. P. Wyche, sang, “When ’Tis Moon light.” Response to the welcome was given by Mrs. Beulah J. Perrin. At the roll call mem bers responded with quotations. Numerous games were played. These were introduced by Mrs. E. V. Johnson, Prof. Booker and Mr. I. M. Martin. A toast was given by Mrs. Mae Means. A chicken salad course and ice cream were served. A program that was to oe rendered Sunday flight, March '4, Has been changed to Sunday night, March 11. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boyd, of 400 N, Long Street, entertained a number of friends at their home, Monday evening, Febru ary 27th. The occasion was the fifth birthday of their twins, Margaret and Marie. To make the time pass pleasantly a num ber of little boys and girls sang happy birthday songs. Miss Marie Lindsay, accompanied by Mrs. R. P. Wyche, sang, ffFor Love’s Sweet gal*e ” Between 100 apd 125 guests galled during the evening. A chicken salad course, ices, mints and punch were served. Many useful gifts were received by these attrac tive twins. During the afternoon 80 little friends of Margaret and Marie were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd. pfcUr In all phases of its many ac tivities during this school year the Y. M. C. A. has not present ed a more inspiring report than the one made of the Duke Uni versity Conference held at Dur ham last week. This Conference is the out growth of the International Student Volunteer Movement held in Detroit, Mich., in late December, and has the same purpose in view as that Confer ence. It is composed of stu dents from all colleges of North Carolina of both races. The “Y” sept Mr. A. J. Clem ent, Jr., as delegate, and from his report one gleaned that the Conference was something new and altogether different from he usual order of things in North Carolina. Primarily this body of young students held the teachings of Jesus and surely they lived up to them. At all sessions there was not the slightest show of prejudice or hatred toward any of the foreign or colored stu dents there. Each was friendly and congenial and anxious for he other to get a good impres sion of him. At the reception given for the delegates every one met on equal grounds, regardless of color, and spent the evening making new friends and renewing ©Id ties. Better spirit of co-operation ;ould not have been found else where, and when one hears of such he is bound to pause and admire it. THEBAUD JEFFERS. BROOKLYN CHURCH NOTES. Mrs. F. J. McGill. The services Sunday were very inspiring and impressive. Visitors present in the morning service and Sabbath school were Miss Watkins, teacher in S. W. High School, and Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Herring of 7th St. The Woman’s Missionary So ciety held its regular monthly meeting at the church Monday evening, February, 20th, at 8 :QO o’clock, with thp President, Mrs. McClain, presiding. The meet ing was very interesting, Each one took an active part- The So ciety was pleased to have Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Shute present. Mrs. Shute, in her charming way, gave an interesting talk, and also Dr. Shute. We are al ways glad to have Mrs. Shute present with us. Those on the sick list are Mr. 3. R. Harris, Mr. Carlock and Mrs. Edith Grier. There will be a grand leap year concert at Brooklyn Pres byterian church, Monday night, March 5th, at 8 o’clock. Music will be rendered by the famous Johnson C. Smith University Quintet. There will be a lively iebate by four young men of J. C. Smith University on the sub ject, “Resolved that Women Should Propose. Come and en joy this interesting concert. Ad mission, 25 cents. It is given under4he auspices of the Brook yn Brotherhood, Sunday night we were pleased to have with us Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Vanlandingham and their two little nephews, Mr. Jones of the city and Mrs. Nance. The Teachers’ meeting was held Friday night at the church. Last Thursday night a play was rendered .by members of Little Rock A. M- E, Zion ehurch in the interest of ©no of the clubs. Supper was served in connection with the play. NEW HAMPTON CHURCH COMMUNITY NOTES. By Miss Alberta McClelland It has been quite a while since the readers of this paper have heard from the field qf New Hampton, but this d§e§ not mean that w§ are asleep, We are still aj$ye and doing good work, On last Sunday morning ^our pastor, Dr. F. T. .Logan, preached to us a strong and helpful sermon. At this time we were delighted to have many visitors. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Knox, of Rockwell church; Mrs. S. Gray, of Siloam church, and littjb Miss Hyrtle Graham, of HunKersvflle church. The collection was taken by Deacon S. W. Walker. We have paid our pastor and now we me collecting on bur General As sembly and benevolence funds. Death has visited our church once more and taken one of our members/'Mr. T. 0. Grissom, who died Monday morning, Feb. 20th. Mr. Grissom was a resi dent of Brooklyyn, N. Y., but a faithful member of New Hamp ton church. The funeral service was conducted at New Hampton, Friday at 2 o’clock, by the pas tor, Dr. F. T. Logan, assisted by Dr. L. J. Melton, of Charlotte. The pall-bearers were mem ber of the Masonic Order of which Mr. Grissom was a mem ber. Mr. Grissom leaves to mourn his passing a devoted wife, one daughter, two sons, and a host of relatives and friends. Inter ment was in the New Hampton Cemetery. Misses Mildred Martin and Louise Alexander, teachers of Oak Grove School, Harrisburg, were guests Wednesday after noon and night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. McClelland. Little Miss Doris Davis, who is attending school at Rockwell, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis. Messrs. Morris and Oscar Gil lespie were the Sunday guests of the Misses Alberta and B]an* iena McClelland. Miss Blandena McClelland was the Saturday afternoon and Sunday guest of Misses Mary L. and Sarah J. McClelland. BIDDLEVILLE CHURCH (Continued from page 2) us out in the singing; among those were Prof, and Mrs. S. D. Williams, Mr. Young and Miss Louise Bass. Miss Bass ren dered an excellent solo. We were also favored with a selection by the Quintet from Johnson C. Smith University. Sunday evening at 6:30 Mrs, M. G. Davis delivered an address to the young people. .This was a very informing address, She urged the young people to make a special study of Africa and re ferred them to a number of books. Miss Vivian Shute, our effici ent secretary, with the assist ance of some of the other young people, planned the program and it was a success. Miss Shute is the Secretary of the Sunday school and also the President of the Christian Endeavor Society and she is very faithful, McClelland presbytery. The Presbytery of McClelland will convene in Spring meeting with Oak Grove Presbyterian church, Sleighs, S. C., April 4, 1928, at 7:80 P. M. The opening sermon will be delivered by the retiring Moderator, Rev. J. M. Johnson, D. D. By action of the Presbytery, churches seeking aid from the Board of National Missions must file application during the ses sion of the Presbytery. Mrs. R. C. Barr, of the Board of National Missions, and Dr. S. L. Haynes, representing the Pension Plan, will be present at this meeting. Annual reports (statistical)* General Assembly Assessment and Sessional Records will be called for, Those expecting to attend the Spring meeting of Presbytery will please notify Dr. C. M. Young, Harbison College, Irmo, S. C. J. H. TOATLEY, Stated Clerk. Due West, S. C. CARD OF THANKS FROM ETHEL, MISS. We want to thank the friends and neighbors who were so gen erous and kind in their sympa thy and help in the sickness and death of our beloved daughter; Mattie Thompson. May God bless each one is our prayer. MR. E. R. SMITH, EDWARD SMITH, WILLIE SMITH, ELMA SMITH, MRS. KATIE BOYCE, MRS. MARY WASHINGTON, ^ 7 LITTLE GIRL DIES. Lessie Robinson, twelve year daughter of Eider and Mrs. yohn Robinson, of Mt. Pisgah church, near Waxhaw, Rev. S. L. Fulwood, pastor, died Febru ary 2, and was buried February 3 in the church cemetery. She had been sick three weeks with complications of pneumonia and measles. Text for funeral ser vice was Rev. 21:4, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death.” She was an obedient child, having joined the church two years ago. She was conscious of her death and just before she died she sang: “I heard the voice of Jesus say, Come unto me and rest/’ She leaves mother and fath er, 8 brothers and sisters and many relatives. By reason of her kind and loving disposition in the church, in the community and in her home she will be greatly missed. A FRIEND. SERMONS FOR SALE For sale: Several hundred typewritten sermons, prepared by the late Rev. James E, Springer, of the United Presby terian Church. The sermons are evangelistic, illustrated and include funeral, patriotic and commencement addresses. Use ful and suggestive to busy pas tors. Large or small lots. Very reasonable price. Inquire of MRS. JAMES E. SPRINGER, York, New York. PRESBYTERY MEETINGS All ministers expecting to at tend the Spring Presbytery in Durham, N. C., with Groveland and Pine Street churches, will kindly send names and addresses to Rev. W. Geo. Avant, 305 Pine Street, Durham, N. C. The Presbytery of Le Vere will convene with the Leonard St. * Presbyterian church at Chattanooga^ Tenn.r on the third : Wednesday la April next at 7 :30 P. M,' All persons planning to attend this meeting will please notify the pastor, Rev. J. B. Barber, 405 West Tenth and Poplar Sts., Chattanooga, Tenn. W. C. HARGRAVE, S. C. sponsibilities of life and digs in. All ministers and delegates who expect to attend the meet ing of the Southern Virginia Presbytery which meets in the Holmes Memorial Presbyterian church in April, will please write Rev. C. M. Dusenbury, Ridgeway, Va., Route 2, Box 38. C. M. DUSENBURY. Fairfield Presbytery will con vene in Calvary Presbyterian church at Winnsboro, S. C., 7:30 P. M., March 28th, 1928. An reports, (statistical), General assessment, and Sessional Rec ords will be called for. All per sons expecting to attend the Spring meeting of Presbytery are requested to notify Rev. G. M. Ulmer, Winnsboro, S. C., the chairman of the entertainment commimttee, at once, so that? proper provision might be made to take care of them. A U. FRIERSON, S. C. NOTICE. To the President of the Local Missionary Societies of McClel land Presbytery: Dear Co-workers: Please remind the Young People’s Societies of your church that the year is almost closed and their reports should be in, as (lie books of the Foreign Board will close on March 5th. MRS. ELOISE WILLIAMS, Secretary Young People’s Work. All delegates that are going to attend the Spring meeting of the Yadkin Presbyterial Society will please send me their names as early as possible. We are plan ning a Pageant and would like to get your parts to you so that you may have them committed in time. Thanking you in advance, MRS. J. H. CLEMENT, Presby terial Secretary. 284 Rockford St., Mt. Airy, N. C. > ®URKEVILLH^ In a most healthful section of the “Old Dominion." Now giving complete preparation for entering college. Growing each year in equipment and in quality of work <3 Living in many States in the lives and the work of its nae. Every expense most moderate; every consideration given t - # worthy need. Supervised study periods give unhampered opportunity to achieve results. - yy->vyy;.^ Individual attention for every student in every department. ■ Developing a sense of responsibility—the fundamental in character building. Endeavoring to develop a devoted love “for Christ and the Church.** Stressing daily, definite living for “Others.” Engrossed in developing winsome, womanly “home-makers” —woman’s highest vocation. Molding leaders for school. Church land home, and helpers for the leaders. %*-;3 Instilling the law of love and the love of law. No other schrol with an atmosphere so “like home." Aims always for a clean mind in a dean body. Reaching out for girls who covet the Master's word: “She hath done what she could.” Ves-—two grammar grades; four high school ones; piano and vocal lesson; sewing; Bible. Seminary opens September 14, 1927. For catalogue or other information write: REV. ROBERT L. ALTER, Ph. D., Pres. BARBER COLLEGE FOR WOMEN ANNISTON, ALABAMA. A college for young Negro women under the direction : of the Division of Missions for Colored People of the Board of National Missions. Combines Cultural and: Vo-:- „ cational training. Emphasis laid on all-round develop* ment in a Christian environment. Special attention, tq - . individual needs. -r •• • . ~ : ^ - College courses leading to diploma, B. A. and B. S. d©- ■ grees. • Vocational courses: Teacher Training with State certi- v fication, Social Service, Religious Education, Secretarial1 Training, Home Economics, Piano, Voice, Violin, Physical Education including Corrective Gymnastics. * j.- \ ■ College Preparatory: Accredited Senior and Junior High School. No student admitted below the 7th Grade. Mild, healthful climate. Outdoor sports. Home atmos- ■ phere. Attractive, fully equipped modem building. Catalogue sent on request. . i . REV. JOHN F. SCHERER, President' " f , MISS MARY E. FORESMAN, Dean. . ■ --i :■ 'A'. Churches That Have Raised Their Full Quota. Yadkin Presbytery John Hall Church... Carthage, N. C. Shady Grove Carthage, N. C: Hodge Presbytery Christ church ... ....— Augusta, Ga. Haines chapel-— Augusta, Ga. Morgan Grove--Keysville, Ga. Birmingham Presbytery Bethany church High Point, Miss. Miller Memorial, Birmingham, Ala. Westminster Aberdeen, Miss. Trinity ......__ West Point, Miss. Cape r.ar Presbytery Bethany church_Lumberton, N. C. Mt Pleasant - Franklinton, N. C. Shiloh _—-Goldsboro, N. C. Timothy Darling - Oxford, N. C. Fairfield Shiloh Second _.... Wedgefield, S. C. Ladson ....- Columbia, S. C. Bethlehem 1st, McConnellsville, S. C. White River Westminster _ Cotton Plant, Ark. Southern Virginia. Holbrook St. —:— -Danville, Va. Knox Presbytery Moore’s Chapel _Albany, Ga. Rogersville Presbytery Bethesda - Johnson City, Tenn. McClelland Presbytery Irmo First -...__Irmo, S. C. Mt. Pisgah —-- Laurens, S. C. Allendale 2nd Church, Allendale, S. C. Emmanuel church 1_;_Aiken, S. C.' Mt. Nebo. —__ Lone Star, S. C. Atlantic Presbytery. j Salem --- Wadamalaw, S. C. Emerson’s Chapel .... Blackville, S. C. . Lc Vere Presbytery Leonard Street . Chattanooga, Tenn. Churches That Have Raised Their Quarterly Quota to . Bate. McClelland Presbytery Bowers Chapel —...^ Welford, S. C, Mattoon Church .._ Greenville, S. C. Oak Grove _—.. Little Mountain, S. C. Camden Second —— Camden, S. C< Bethesda-_ Gaffney, S. C, Walker church Reidy^jf, S. C, Birmingham Prfsbyft£|| Clark’s Chapel_Aekerman,1 Min Southern Va. Central -- Petersburg, Va Catawba Presbytery McClintock ...-— Charlotte, N. C Probably what these elderlj couples mean when they a&y CHURCH YEAR—1927-1 THE STADiUM FUND The following is a list of Idle persons who have subscribed to or paid on the stadium project. We asked the question who would be first. Rev. R. L. Isidore was the first to pay. He says, he will pay more later. ' ’ ' ' Cash Rev. R. L. Moore ...__$ 1.00 A friend_„_ 25.00 Dr. G. E. Bomar ________ 25.00 Prof. J. W. Seabrook -10.00 Mr. John Beaty _______ 5.00 Mr. W. P. Robinson__ 5.00 Dr. A. J. Williams __1.00 Mr. Bishop Dale _______ , 5.00 Rev. A. A. Hector____ 6.00 Mr. C. R. Blake, Jr. _____ 5.00 Rev. S. L. Fulwood ___ 4.00 Mr. F. M. Beaver ___: 1.00 Mr. C. H. White 5,00 Dr. E. F. Tyson _____ 10.00 Mr. S. B. Harris ______ 6.00 Miss Willie Blackledge _— 5.00 Dr. W. E. Partee -____ 10.00 Dr. Gibbs Chisholm __50.00 Joseph Pace ___ 5.00 r Subscriptions f 'Z / J Dr. H. L. McCrorey_^-100.00 Rev. W. R. Mayberry _ 25.00 Student body _i_—_256.50 Prof. W. H. A. Booker 5.00 Rev. G. G. M. James ____ 5.00 J. E. Bowman _________ ,50100^ Dr. Geo. L. Winstead.. 100.00 > Mr. W. H. Pearson ___ 25.00 Dr. G. P. Watkins _ 25.00 Knoxville Biddle-Scotia Chap* ter _ __ __ 100.00 Prof. S. H. Adams_- 5.00 Rev. G. W. Long ___ 100.00 Dr. I. H. Blue •_____ 16.00 Prof. J. N. Brown __L_I_25.00 Mr. Wm. Hines __ _____ 6.00 Dr. F. L. Lander, Jr.-25.00 .<• Rev. C. A. Washington _i.HS.00 . Rev. H. C. Miller 10.00 Rev. J. W. Smith 1000 We are anxious to add your name next week. "'-r' - STADIUM CAMPAIGN COM MITTEE. that they have been married forty years without a fightr . that each party knows the oth ■ er’s danger signs well enough to yalk away whenever the argu-' *ment gets really heated.

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