AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH. AND THE! TRUTH SHALL; MAKE YOU DAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930. BY THE WAY The Editor of The Columbia (S. C.) State is using a deal of printer’s ink and expending much energy in ethnological research to prove that the Abyssinians are not Negroes, since, according to native tra dition, Menilehek, or Menelek, the son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, was their first king. These people are too rich • in history and traditions to be Negroes, as the Editor of The State thinks and has a desire to tell the world. He gives scien tific reasons for the color of their skin, but none for their thick lips and blunt noses and wooly hair—those of pure Abyssinian stock. This brilliant Editor, in so many cases of this kind, seems to feel that it is his whole du ty to keep the world informed as to “who’s who” racially, if there is doubt; especially if the arrow points toward Negro or African extraction exerting it self as one of the factors of world powers. The question with the Negro is: If the Editor of The Colum bia State can succeed in prov ing that the Albyssinians are Semitic and by no means of Af rican extraction, what has he gained for the reading and thinking world, and what has the Negro lost in body, mind, heart and soul; or in anything in reach of human opportuni ty? It is strange that some men, who seem to be wise, set up pegs to knock down, while quite a number exchange six for a half dozen; meanwhile they assume * the air and postuye of one all victorious, or^ffle man otf^fM'