li: i SfrffScI otter woros pay for tneir wprs. We shouhl give sj FRID AY......N OV EMBER 12, !8C9, KHi-WKEti-T per annua $366; six months tlj three ifaoh'h $1,00, Payable la ftd vat.ce or, if not,' whene f er the bill is pre- hi Vt:ETtT.T Jcr annum $1.50; six months KtTrsTT rrrtt cents; three menths fifty cents; in advance. . . IC3" Parties sending a club of five eubi'cri berare entitled to one extra copy free for . name length of time bora or ns'er emra' each succeeding year will be an improve- tneut on the past, thereby ultimately f rjerfection-in tae agf taming j ucgivw , sfVflT i ieultural art, Y ' Vf j v. mountTi ursuit of life. I t&cpa-ent of our existence and the true fountain f .11 wealth. It is the ntanarca whosa .ir-ion stands firm ras &ejeYerasting tills. ' It sways all lands and reign? jm- . , T?..r TTimr Cotton. prentc eveywhere. 7 -TV Pi, caii"Vu powcrfuLf as he T'Ll":: -.-TWnKient advertise- : ,Ar .isMmpOTOT- SOere:gn meats $1 00 per square of ten. -ffS.! fl i. il.rona i3dhe:,aholeeartb,iliis can 'nrwi imv rents u fc , vr.zT tt c i . otVv .he widespread fcoaver.-iw-ieeas the tegryy clqthcs the nated, and gives for firt insertion, 'and fifty cent? insertion tbejeaf'.er. -Wkiuclt adtertkementa $1.00 .per square for eachinrtion.1 ' , , i,-rli of Ave nTfasiiKVTfl for an extended length pi tiina, subject to special contract Winter. rf.ct, to the weary North Carolina m her soil, her ,,n'l rrsitioD. Ler climate, her mine- S u - w f ' -.- ' i ' 'i! .'1 :.;nnmA nWfi lnxtirits in rai3 .ana iier. n;uu mn-Gttcr with her abun-i The' winter season is almost upen us. a 1 1. - 1 siM r AO A" T The tre'01 are shedding tneir farmers are about done housing they. Tops, while many of tie birds have al ready, taken their departure for w.rmer Ymarters. In a little time the lat o the crops w'.ll he gathered in anl the cjld'wiQd will sweep over the nakel fialds.' A shade of dirknesr passes over the n.ihd as we look back upon the eyents of iho eeasna that is now gone,! Vaboufi ding ii "goodnefs and meroT add filled witb hpe ar d premise. extraordinary, we hid alniDBt said, mir aculous outpouring of the bLssing of heaven upon our people. A fair 1 ar vest, rune1! larger tl an. generally antici pated, has been gathered in'o the gr uer of our farmers. Njtwiths'anding a verV backward soa30n, during plant ing time,followel by burning droughts, j . our farmers, wit but few exceptions ' in5yariou3 localities, hive been am- ley remunerated for their, jerx's Lbor. llappine.s and prosperity have crooned " the labors of the year ; and te xlth ani ' comf irt have ; fillea our homos with glallsc33. Yet a feeling of sadceis "passes over us as we look back upon the -'.the event3 of the Ecasan. Familiar face3 are misaed on the street 'and in the social cjre'e. Semd. who where here when-the Spring and Suxxnar be- gaOj .mong them tot a Isw ot oar .worthy citizens, have passoi away. Here in our own town the pa'e and as ly reaper baa left his mark. He has fathered" his shelves for the garner of tterni y and left sorrow in many a househil J, - ' IIow quiskly the seasons have pa'is- el away.; t sc.ema but a drcafr from the commc,ncemrnt to the conclusion. AH eins ot Summer are taking theie departure from around us, and we will see like beauties nj more until Spring 'returns wi.h itabuds and flowj s. inducements thoswho ir?a" ana "-who; tinder flwraill i-circumstanc tare .tBe moans ,and-ability to makefhomes for North Carolina shenild strive to obtain, ani t)y.ft dcrmbincd eSbrt, added to the . 1 3 i . - - n i . naiur-i aaTaniape3 our cta;e oners. such Inysgr-itton iji'teicrrtaiir as that it is invited. JW;e hap that much good will result from the meeting to be h?H ia Wilmington next week, i Still at their Work. admi ted to bail intUsuriof $10,000 ach, giving a jastifiei'rlwi3--"'without .ifficulty.i 4trSiT'3a? The cases fori;consiiracy knovm. as the Ku Klax case?, vee then tiken up. The-Solicitot, agaiQ;.; amdavit hat he, did totbeUyetbautne oiaie Could procure 5 a;ticeiu Lrfir eountj, vVimilar diosi ion w-s me of them as ia the case of Messrs a roo -and Herrin?. Ml the mt tics we admit ted ta bail. in the sum.of .llOO : each, fcscept3lr. Jesse u. ivennca;. me re nntftil "Srrath (Jommander.,l who was ar requirr d to give a t on( cf which he ciJ. Here the fsro-f eda i Tor Ihl p We were lead to believe, last week; says the Eale'gh "Sentinel, that the uirteringjof cesro milifii at Abram Scott's, in White Oak District, i;i this r .county, Tvfas done by an ignorant Magis t ato witbyJut Uavernor Holdon s know- Asrricultural Association. t tcettcr wi'h her abun-I ledge or sanction, and. that Le had al dant resources an j cp, made the very gem of agricultural pride, standing out cpnspicuou ly m our 'great J domain cf S'ates, We hope all ttIio pessibly can,. will a' tend t he f iV commencing in Wil ming ton on Tuebday rext. They will find much to iateret them and at the same timo gain much valuable information. 0,000 The Sun It soemsu tOf Lihai.,ia the .present state of "affjirs,' aVleniltirrt'idescrves more a ten i n and pays better than' paluic ; therefore, vre eh.ill devote considerable space iu each of pur diffcreot issues to that .important ?ubje.-t. It :s an import tint elemant which exercises a great in fluence upon eurcal and ge oral wel fare. Thoref .re, we thinlc ic o-ar r,t dut j to direct special attentioa -to the speed -organization cf "Farmers' Cluhs," or coan'y and towrship agricultural socie ties. We have lon regretted that ihei e agricultural societies in this sec tion of orth Ca oiina. In th"s, the farmers of Wayr.e and adjoining coun ties are much behind those of the We t- frn co should form clubs where thf-y could dis ensi wla'ercr might be of general inter est to them. There is no rival 'y ia farming that is not truly honorable, and any discovery ikr-t cne: makes, l.kely to be of interest to the farmer?, should bo cheerfully imparted toothers. Let, then, the fanners of Wayn once the banner county in the tate , i,. . ii ,i..i. . uiJis iiu cuuii ; nuts d S, COUnty ass ciation be formed at once ; tuch club's acd associatip-as rrQm0tc cdmmou interest of every county. Awake, f-mcrc of AVam?.! let us n t be beh;ad ia this jrl , or would immediately, give"or ders and hive thenidisrerstd ; but it seems pur anrormant was mislead, ior, m- sead of t! . iiTB.p6n3lblo gang beTn recalltd, they arc theree'-, anl are dai ly, .increasing, in'puinbtrs by new re cvuits. - j ; . x 'f' ; "' AVe men:tion'-d last week, sofa cf which, Ve, know, Gov. Holden was duly notified by reiiabla persons fVom the neighborhood! such" as their ra'd upon the dwcllingrof Mtsr'BTfilSeTi a r esfec abla widoy laly, taking j her daughter ylo'ently from her sleeping ro m and leading' her lout ia her niiht clithes among thelrabble that had forced their w-y into the house ; their fidng a nuni bcr of bullets through the door of1 a peace able :i end: quiet citizen while his family were in the hous-; their visiting the preaiites of Jlr. McNeil in, his ab sence and fr'"htening tho females with threats of death, anil o:hcr unlawful and j-ays : J oge jLicftaiTivevi fd TTjtngton Monday ight J He says he will be elected Governor lr' Missrs sippi ly forty . thousand, mai&y." He and his oppd en1, Alcorn, hr agreed to withTraw from th sturo5. lit if said General Sherman U in favor ol relieving General Amqs from commands! Missis. pippi.j"b'ut the PiCs'dert' wil:ot con- 'scut -to -it. Da?-t iiis'sts the Tf of isam pie, in affidavits on file in thel Tar De piitmeut, t' at 'AmeJi threa'elcl o car ry tl e election liy baj one's. ALBERT JD AY; golds boro, nrc. . IV' .TJOK tht.eor.venienceeiconnrry merchants Sj I will kep, on -hand 'at wholesale, factory pnees, with freifkt ; added, a ; rood it-it stock of WOItTff CAROLINA PLAIDS rV l : AND : ' Cotton Yarns, - From the celeorated ; j Or an re ; fc CoTer Orcbard'f actorya. ; ' 1 niw'kate in store1 - BALESPtAIDS. i " 4 4 10 BALE3 COTTON YARN Numbers from 8 to 12. TP rTeimt Casli. News copy." nov2-!m Nortli Carolina RaifiaJ, 1 . President Smith hasiFSUcbVli follow- ing otder to' agents of, his roa4 V - Office N. C. TlAitnofs Co., ) ! yo. Shop, Nov; 2, TJ'V- J .' -NoTiqi: .to Ag ents. Set to persons attending tha-Capa Fear Aiicu1tu'ral B.sst?c!atlou; opoainff Wwfoivngton on he- IGth i Nov ember, return tickets to dn!dsbor.- fi r one first class ire. All ariiclea intended for ac'ual Achibition trill be shipp d to uokbboT(J of charge, also returned to original point of shipment free of charge, on premutation of certificate t our agent at Gfldsboro, from .the Secretary of tlr AsEia;ioa, stating that such aruclos we-e iceivecl for exhibition, and have n .t d tanged owners. As;enfs will be on thci .lert to detectj fraud. ! W. A. bMiTulProMlent eutrngeous acts. AVe wove informed yesterJay by a rq .spectable citizen of the jcounty, that on Thursday n:ght last,1 six of this crowd of negro militia went to the hou c ofawi- S. H. PishWate & Bro., WIIOLESAinG c RETAIL.. k -DEALERS IN-1 ; - : STAPLER TAZTCX DJiY GOODS, Trimmings ISationst c. READY-MADE CLOT H IN G, ; . CLOTH, li ; v-jt-; ., CASSIMERES, ' HI If 1 I ' -... BHOE9, ' - DATS,!&c, &c, No. 23 Market Street, . i WILMINGTOM.-V.G. lC3"BiiTer will do well by calllnz -on us before purchasing elaewbere, as we guaren, tie lia:timre prices'. t '. nav2dmi ':'' ' . EMJ?IRE I, : Sewing MabIiinei I rinnj: sewivg jtiacuixe IT RUNS OVER SE .3 ALL 1 1 HT NEW ADV-UTISv IEN ,t4'. ri ft; ale C & TXTORTII & WORTH. JT ' ! The undersizhed bare tbs day form.d a copartnership for the purroBe oi coniinumg ue uenerai . . coirnnissiof nni siiirnxG j; Birsirvcss. astbe immediate succtssora fothe late firmi i of WORTH A DANIEL and D.O. vvout-.j. I anil hope Vy gtrlot attention to the Vtevest if their shippers and friends, to give good satisfaction to all vrho may fvjr thm iritb. business. -j- " . K. G.tfOttTTI, rrv 1 , T D; 1. WORTH, Wilmington, N. V. OcL 18, 1S63. We are alM A sen is for Newftfrk and "nti, CrrM somin line, Semi--wefJfy ; rhiladeIpKia ;nd southern Mail Steamship Co.,toPalladejp( : bfUitha Line'NeW-YorV, small rackets. Cape Fear Steamboat Line of. River Bo;ita. Dealers in Bassnnx, Hope, Iron lies, Lime, Oeinent, Hair, Pfcrcyian Quano and Baugh'a uper Phosphate of Lime. novs-lm E5IPIRU BEVIG ItlACIIIXE IT WILL TAKE Fifty Sticlics to the ineli Finer than any other IfacJiinc. New Goods! -.j: New Goods! - - v New Goods! TVE would reapectful ly announcu to tbe citi zens of.Goldsboro and Purroundinf .eo.itry,. that 9 bate just re ceived one of the 4 .-- ' ; LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT- ED ; Sto&s of . Goods ever brought to tliis market, which -we are Very Loy lor Casli . THE tallies are respectfully invited to call at Mrs. EinfdeinV " v " Einporlitm of Fasliion, where the latest styles may be found. Mrs. E. has just returned from the Northern Ci ties where vhe has purchased every nove'.ty of the season. "Come one, corne all," and give us a all, before buying elsewhere,-as we flat ter ourscive that we can sell as cheap as 'he cheapest. ? ' j Z. EINSTEIN & BIIOS.- Sept. 2, 1 SG9. . ii v. k:s, AVILLBAMSD &Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MEUC17AXTS, FOR THE SALE OF Cotton, Naval Stores and Com try Produce, . 105 W? Lomcard Street, Baltimore, Md. Liberal advances made upon consign ments. Ordeis solicited for Ujggingj Iron-Ties, and supplies generally. SPECIAL NOTICK3. T)AIN KILLER Ccres SokeThro' " A Favorite Medicine with &n cla,e. IF yoa have Painters' Colic, '- Usethk'paih k. NO Medieine ijso prputar ""-Ui. JEEP the Parx Kill.e al Ways 0ft IF you have a Cocun or C(-m, t'SE T1IK lTv V. I out ana not be ciu-rht wv 1 XJ Bottle of Pais k ,, .VJ ' ET everybody ue the K TVERXeailor fhouM c'-nsts LV both Internal n.l r ."f . The Pais Killfr ia bo11 by all lr,-' Cure for Consumption wnat tne Doctors Say . AMOS WOOLLEY, M. D., 0f Kc'-, conntv. Indian. savs : 'F.. ..' 1 ' llM y past 1 have used Ai.lex's Ltxu Ui.i tenjivcly in my Trjictiie, anj ani there is no better ne liciue for lua .i; 4, in rise.'1 " , - ISAAC A. DOR AN, I. D.,of Lin Cv, Ohio saye : ,4Ali.kx's Lcx; l:.u.;iM only sells'rapidly but gives ptrftct it: iicn. ia evrj cahe wuiua my tn navicg ronnaeace in it ana knowing t po? sesses valuable medicinal projt.t freely use it in my daily practice ai unl ounded-enccees. As an expectr-r is most certainly far ahca i of any ; t en Thave eyer yet known.'! NATHANIEL IIAKRiS, M D., of r. lebury, Vermont, says: I have no a.u it will soon become a c apical remedial ip far tLe cure tf all diseased of the T BreiKhial, Tubes and Lunw' Physicians do n&t recommend a mej; which lias ne merits, wtia icey ay atnt ALLEX'SI.TJN, Can betaken asafaci. Let a'l z2.ll test it at once. Sold by alx Mtmcixa Dealkr. n id A "NEW Marvin's -a. rr&FSafo, larg antics, and they should at cnc j .yw ady? 111 the vicioify of their carnr, t mad :o look after their laurels ; they fordbly dragged her daughter, a Wu.i- " tul and respectable young gu), fron'tn caj Cursor a-J mad..?. Apply ;o iovl2-if ;'jTaxes. :Be net'decoived' said one of our re publicjm friends, v ho is enjoying a va'j Itt'cjathe effice acciden.Iy bes towed upon h'm, a few dajs vgo to one of our honest laboring ; farme s. 'He tpt deceived about the high taxt s cf which the newspape s are stufiiogour ears with." In our last issue we stat ed that the public debt cf the State o' iSo:ta Carolina would amcutt to be- tweon. .inQ00,006, ' and $20,000,000, pnt including the many enormous ap propriations made during the last ses sion of our' Legislature. . The ANNUii Interest on this debt runs up in the neighborhood .of Two millions" of dollars which mutt aEnoally be p-tid . by the tax payrr, of North Carolina- In aditibn to this enormous amount of interest, to be raised ly tax , payers, nothing ehoi t of $500,000, . will be Euffice to run the machinery of our tate governmetit, a- school tax must be paid : in fact under tha pre ent State government ten times as much money is needed as was before the Stite fell into the lund. of carpqt- - baggers and political turncoats. "Be not deceived, indeed." Ve tell our readersagain you Vill be taxed out of house and home if tho "present cor ruption in our Sate affairs con tinue. Te taxea ara already epprest sive and ruinous, yet we must pre- are ourselves for still worse. In our older times, when Democracy held the reign of our S'atsgovcanmenr, t x cs were light aid nofc very oppressive.' Now you are taxed on, net only what you own, but on the very labor jou I e form t) earua honest lh ilihood. You now pay about $3,25 on each hundied ol'ars vaha'.icn of Ian6e4 : ents on each horse, 80 cents on each mule, on each cow or calf 8 1-2 cents and on each ho or pig 2 1-2 cofto'siy anything of other! and personal property Yoi now. pay ; t&xeson thelandhe hore that tilled the eime.the; cropa that are gro wn upon it.the v cattle and hogs that ate the grain and fodder and then! the bacon made from those articles on which you had already , paid such heavy taxes. Those of our tamers who have naid thcU are not tOTicus vrork : only rauko the. propci- effort, and the once fioar;stg Yayce ag-ricnltural associa ci?n can soon be rc-orgauiaed. We know of eo better time tb an the present to begin ; therefore, we would saggct that oui- county friends would disenss this matter with tfeorr fcoigTiEors thoroughly, and rualra prepa-at ions for a grand meet ing, to be held in Goldboro ct-some ,,timo in December, (ve woujd sugeat Saturday, the 11th, as the day,) fr Ihe purpose of effacing an ! organization. uuuw iu iub Hows, uu -.uero violated her person-a themo Drnt ;! and shock ing manner, Th, nneof the family is m onv r.'ssessi but we forl)ear to give it ublirU, out of regajd to them. Ahese things, if they are as thoy have been represented to u, cannot co tinue : if 3 over Holden does not stop t cm and puni;h the' perpetrators, he will le re spons'ble before God and man for the resul's. What we stated in regard to the lawless actions of this rabble, has been fully jaiid public'y corroborated by gentlemen of undoub.'ed veracity fiom that section of the couity, both by Dem ocrats and Republicans ; and as we have stated above, the Governor was informed of the facts, lsst week, but simply refer red the gentleman who told him of theni to" lis adjutant general We were i.ojd by a gentleman, on Friday ls, that the Governor, declared. this militia m fcCU theie by a MatistrAa n; tt order : bat he cannot plead ignorance of the fact longer; and we can furuish him the names of respectable parties to substantiate the d Fire- (TO civo i A Klof m tf.-h.. J. A. Goldiba o. V. C. I i I v "POR SALE. A eplend d jrOW LO cont-inn;r aoont tv-thiris V C e 1 I' i 1 ; T" ui an acre oi ?rnun.i, upon a rucu there is A DWELLING coutamingfour foom a KITCHEN" with tvyo roniQ-ind a sraa 1 STAI1LE, situated in a haa1;y duality. jil ue 6ia cue.p. ror p ruculars ap ply at novl2-f THIS foFFIPE. IIO I FOKTI1E not-tDAYS! v y TUST RECEIVED, on consibtr.en, in PtO:e, it 20 bbf. Wataura Family r)ur, I opulir brand To arrive, 50 bhl. SupcrOuo Fl ur In store, 5 h,U, Mulnfi.s 5 'iitto Vini5-r ' 12 d2en cm- Oytrrs 12 d 7." cans Voetablea 4 b '.ves Candy 500 Oocoanu's 0 I oxos Cai.dtrs 5 ditto Soip, fr -q in jlots to su and FOIl C A aII ONLY! ' cou-u;. rxiMi'llUHi CO. r,ovl-2c New? copy twice. s t o Ij e x : 1 S E OR ETARY'S OFFICE, Wilmivotox & Welpox Railroai Wilmixgtox, N. 0-, Oct. 28, FICE, 1 AD Co., J8..9. ) TnE TniRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEET ING f the Stockho'ders of the Wilr ins- ton & Weldon Railrcad Company will he held in Wilmington on Wednesday, the 10th of November proxinca. J. W. THOMPSON, nov2-3& ' Secretary. p. Creech. 4 Webbville, (near GoMstoro.) N. C, PEALKR IN Dry Goods, Read y m n dp Clothing:, Hoots and Shoes, :'' llatnnd Cipsj j CJrocerios, Aotions, CROCKERY and HARIjWARE. WOOD'aiid WILLOW WARE, i CUTLERY, &c, &c, &c, T) EPBCTFULLY announces that he Ins JLv just received the .arrest stock ami great est varietv of New Gol evr opened tit Webbville, (comp rieir.g rvcrv clas of pt-.ivl usually kev-t or ever called fur,) w hich he i determined tc, svll as cheap as the c1 eapest JCJ Cotton ai d a I kird' of country- pro dace tken in exchange far good ', or in pv rncntof Kack acoouatd. o t. 9-vttf ririnE scwac iriAcmxE. IT WILL SEW 77 EA VER A XD TUIL KER G O ODS Than any other UXacliine. REFERENCES : Hon. Tt. E. Rriil ers, l're-, W. &, Vf.TJ.R. C.'. D.Vhitford, NeUerne, -N. C. lion. Wni. T. Dortcb, Goldsboro, N. C. D. Sprig:, Esq., Cashier Merchant's Na tional, biitmiore, Ma. au' 28-d3m Great Attraction ! I DR. KIC:IIAU S G O LD EN 11 E n EDI K . ASK lor no other, take no other, an will save time, health and nioiier $1,000 REWARD for any case of 54 ia any E;a2e rn:cn they lan 10 cu-e Dr. Richau's Golden Llsani No. rjRST-CEASS GOODS AT FxVBULOUSLY LOW PRICES'. Wm- COHF.N'S on East Centre Street, adjoining the Gofdtbor Po?st Office. We have jast received a large and general assortment of Dry tioods, XotiCES, Clotiiin?, i Shoes &c, whi. h vrc offer to the p'il.l'c at Fair and Reasonable Prices. t',Y, SIS' $2C We trust some of our leading men will tact oLerimes and outrages, it he wanjs tbem. We learn there were some per sons out there last week inve t:catin; make a move in this ma'.ter Our col- j ... umns are open to all dcs.nng toenbance the project. Let us hear frpm 3-ou. ' Imtnigratiou. "The Carolina Immigriiion Associa- tion ill meet in Wilmington, on Wed nesday, .Nov. 17th, 1SG9, at 7 o'clock, p. m., at ths City Hall, (wesk of th Fair.) The public are invited to at tend. Business of importance will be transacted. Distinguished speake:s will entertain the meeting. Railyone, and all who love North Carolina, to this great movement for improving .brer O.WFESDAY LAs.1Von th en ground?, 'ihy" TO C K:T?fc B the au-ir, but nothing-so f.r has com6 of it, and if the s atements of the dc; re daors along are taken, we dn't sup pose anything ever will. A Present to Gen. Lee An ad. mirer of Gen. Lee iu Norfolk has made him a present cf an elegant cane made of a piece of the Merrimac. The Yir- nCY TIIE DNT.Y GENLTNE INPROVK' jitomr c5oli watches, MANCFAt'TUPED UY THE OROIDE WAn u C )MPA"Y. They all the best n a, t;untiu Case.', finely chase ; look and wtnr like fin gold, and are' in ajpearance 'o tin best goll watcuei usaiTly 0131111' Sl") Full Jenled LevcT, Gents and Lad-e" tdzel&t 15 each OUR DOUBLE EXTR A REFINED FoU Oroide Gold Iluntiag ncs. Full Jewete ! Levers, are equal to $2)J Gold Watches : Regulated and Guaih'eed to keep correct xirae anu wear ana nai tara eu, w.a x.xir; t'ine Cae, at 20 etch. No money is required in ad vance. We send by ExpreFS anywhere Within tne United St a es. payable to agent on delivery, with the privilege to open' and examine before paid for, and if not i-atisfac- tory returned by paying the Express charges. I U0O43 vut oe sent oy ma;i as negistereu ci-- noou was stolen out c f rav pclet by sonie ptTS.)ti unknown, contninin about ten dollars in currency and tho following notes : j One note of civer. by Phillip 1". June and li. II. Jones, sr. ma time in Oc to? er, 1SG0. One noteof $2). iven by IS. II. Jones, about tbe same tim '. One due bill of $10. given iby Phillip . Jones. 1 All the above no es are payable to Pinkney Wynn, of whom I obtained them, and were given at Dud'ey. The Pocket-Book contained some other papers vhch I do n jt now rfco lect. I 'orewrrn aa persons agnrst trading for I'ackage, prepaid, bj sending casa in ad- 1 " A-c partiv uhirl- invit' d to call and ex amine i-ur -i -d-s arid prk-es. Ail ki:.ds n' i-ouiitrv produce taken in eid;an-e at maikcl rsav. V. COHEN. Col M.nro, Set.t. 14ih V0-tr. Ulcers. Ulcerated , Sore Turoat an l Sore Eyis, Cutaneous or ?kiu LY Copper Colored Blotches, Soreness Fcalr, Scrofula, &e,; ithe uveatet tr, Altetnative and blood pu ifier kn niove3 alldisease from the system an. the blooHrpure and healthy. Dr. Richau's tiolden Ualsarr. io Mercurial Affections, Rheuir.atLiEi i forms, whether from mercury 01 causes ?ives immediate relief in all No dictinz neccssarv. I hae thin" certificates proving the miraculous fected by these Remedies, rrlce of- No. 1 or No, 2, $5,0'J per bcttle, or tics for $9,00. Di. Richau's Golden Antiilote, ppeeiy, pleasant and radica' cu.e Urinary Derangements, a'-coaipani full directions. lrice j,uj j t":e. Dr. Richau's Golden -Elixir d'A radical cure for Nervous or General y, in eld or young ; imparting ere wonderful eiiVt. Price, !Jd,00 iir tuo I o'tlen forS9,00. On reccil't Oiprice, tl.cse;o be shipped to axy hi ace. . 1'iompt to an correspontlciltj. -wre without the r-auio of "DJl. llICI AC; LN l;EiED;l, D. B. PJCilAK: b:oprietor," b"own in g'aB of b .t:lc Addrci-s Dit. D. 15. RICA I: No. 22.S Varick St., N QfSce hou.s f.uui 9 a. ni. to p. m. lars seiit. I July 2-lyr. tuit-. in t 1. fii. 1 s V. IV? Ik- er t-: it it it(. C. 1 Mr" - Now is tlio Time to pull at II- WEIL & I3ROS-, ia ;Vie I'crriugtoii li;il !ng E.TXPIKE SW!.G IT U5E3 5IACIIIXE. Any ami every kin 2 if TJiread. SELLING ( FF 1 SELLING OIF ! ! drs ET;ns Stck or srz- GooC, Cloitiiiier, Motions. frc I Ac : Ac ! ! I to ma';e rconi fr an Entire new '.Stock Fall Gaods. MACKENZIE I-RUTIIKRS, Nr.: timorettrc it, near Ci.arltf , U i Importer cf Coach, 'Wagun auk l ar lsia.e, liarnerfs Matt ri il" bp .kes.Hu'-.s, How--, Mait-J, A.?f l-Iuame U-l an l 1 a'. nt CanvabS, Daeh and Coiiar'Le tiber, f oa-.h 11 f.i ii Pn;in ( 1. I V.-i: lit! a al Le;it:.r rarcM,, a:i' Due-Mi. Axis Cr.3160, 1 air,...?! Band- 'd Cloth, Ruck:, Tei re Bitts. Oraiment?, Han:, Lsce. i.-j., til at the lowest price. v. ' 1 Hi r-i. oj GINIAN thus describes it : Surmo lifting tho upp3r ond t f the cane is a massive and. richly chased and beautifully' engraved head of fine gold. The co'lar rart or band of this gold Cpmmorce, Agriculture, Manufactures, moun ing, clasping or encircling the head Mechanic Art, and Internal Improve- of the cane, is composed of eight fiV m-nts. The As3cciat!ou ii a co-laborer pannels, and oa these pmnels appears, with the va ious Agricultural Asecia- engraved in tha moct chaste and beauti- tions and Fairs .of the S ate. The fare M style, bygone of New York's most oa the Railroads leading to Wilming-" skillful artvTs, the following'in-crip ion : ten oa this occasion will b3 merely non:- To Roljert E. Lee, from a profound inal in amount, offerings fa-r opportu- admirer of his clraracter, October, nity to all to at'end as w oil as to sje 18G9."7 the Fair in Wiiming'on,-! " O the Summit cf the moun-ing, at Aue Bys,wjm iae aouth requires js one i s centre,- and forming a small circle, wu cu can co accomplished, and f , om appe JTS id .small capitals of a unique waicii, consme-nng aHfe advata3s and, chasteUtyle the name of Robert R. i sou, cuuuw aia maricit, tli3 most Lee Revolving jpirally arcund the shaft of the cane is most beautifully inecribdd, for the space -of about eihcen itches in length, in. indelible ink, the following Navis Praj'.o iaa Merriimc 1 1 '11' ttesirabi-advantiges- would nitn-ally spring to all whomigl t be iatercs, ed. A n .eneral rule the Immi, a t leaves his own country to tcek here a wider fiVld of enterprise that ii denied Wend .11'.. 11 i i. I uiiu t nume. jie ayKs mst cl all, a Pars Fui." Bubsistenos for lus family, . and ulti mately, that wealth whieh amon.-r n 1 lilE TVU lVLUCX h-LAN iARCE. is not i unffeqnen ly gained by those The prisoners recently tried for - con who seek it intelligently anl iudustri- I spiracy, and muder and Ku Kluxi-m ously. His chief aim iVthe mems of a says iheNcbern Journal of Com txei understand this "and ' gomg to be deceived by ctich flimsy ar gnmant as our republican friend,above alluded to, put forth a few days ago." Cape Fear- Agricultural Fair. . . ' - - ' -,: - We observe, with no little pleasure- that greit interest is rhahifeted in the coming fair. ' Nothing can be inore com rhendable, Every county, every town ship and every, farmer iu Elasfern Jfortb ' FatoyiQav nuid' strive to eonVage Wdable rivalry by endeavoring to pre- , setife someihins better. ! choicer andrf possible, raore attractive and meritorious ftt tnc ppprovibiug fair, than his neiph decent livino- - ho miv indeed have vagr-o notions of liberty and of a higher social consideration, but hi moving im pulse that induces him to seek a new mbrce, were brongVt before . th Superior f Co-irt tf Lenoir County Judge C. R. Thomaa presiding, to an swer the several charges. Ihe b 11 o indictment icoos;sie f of "no less than home, across the Atlantic touches him-j sixteen pages of. c'osely. written legal self and his family iuuih more. Here in North Carjlica, we b. llevc, that all the" 'intelligcat are unvtcd in desiriDg Immigrationhut njea filler as to vvhat kind of poop' e should "be Invi aid notes, a3 p ivinnt vviil be stopped. J 1 MtJ ill Y RE AY ES. Goldsboro, Nov. In, 1SG0. f nol2-lt J. MILES IIUXTER, Who'esale and Retail Dealer in PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, vance. AI AEXTSETVD1XG FOR SIX WATCHES GETS AIM EX Kit A WATCH FREE. SE- YE3 IIS WA'ICIIES FOIt &, ore slvex $20 watches for ALtSO" ELEGANT OROIDE GOLD I1AINS ft 1 at oat a n mncf Aafrl r qK1pb frr T .a 1 ia ines, l,iqcoks, ; and Otlemen, from 10 10 40 inches lone a Vye-brnlTs, rerfumery, ramts. Oils. 92, 4, ?6, and ?8 each., sent with watches Lamps, H indi-to Ulasi, rutty, fyc . i lowest wnosjiie prices.--oiate Kind ana GODSBORO, N. C, TTAYING -emoved to the Store for- Ktt v. i j vtv F v- J - - aaa w t f u b fiehl, with a large stock of i DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY. &c.; &c, j I will be g'ad to see all my oldcustomers and new ones. ..! Thanking .you (or the liberal patronag heretofore extendoJ, and hoping to re- ceive a ooniinuance or tne same, i am, Very respectfully, i nol -tt J. M. TltJNTER. FOR SAEE. THAT very desirable residence on Is Wet-t-Centre Utrett, :n Goldsboro, known the Atkinson building; . If not diep.Tflel of at private sale bv the firtt Monday in January, 1870, will be sold to the highest bidder. Apply to W. F. ATKIN80N. Nov. 9-tf Goldsboro, N. C. and si of watch required, and to avoiJ bogus concerns order only from !. TUE OROIDE WAT JH Co., Novfcdra 148 Fulton St., N. Y. Veni, Vidi, Vici. what Everybody Says 5ust Re ' , . So. unit L.KASL'. rfnri i' O EVERAL good Cotton and Ftock farms to. fe(JO I U K- neat ur u;iuie. i fi ri A ALSO,, The Conquerer of all Snuffs. 'J.W.G.GOOOG & AX'S O. W. G. A A A A A & AX'S G: W, G. I I I I I & AX'S G. W.G.LL L L L & AX'S i CELEBRATED j CELEBRATED CELEBRATED rt m -wr rcTTTr h; js i i NX I H cap p per,. , put notwitnstanding this formidable 'array of charges arrd spe cification" the State Solicitor - square ly 1)acked" do wn, as will -be seen. . Then: st. cas,e called was that . cf Messrs, Ai Munroe and Calvin Herring, Two valuable farms of about 300 acres each, for sule. Either of the farms ore convenient to market in the vicinity of Goldsboro. Apply for particulars to THIS OFFICE. Sept. 29-lm j Exchange Hotel, " . GOLDS BORG, N. C. ' THE PROPRIETORS of this faniDus and popular Jdotel assure the pnblie thaf no ef fort will be spared and nothing wanted about this- House to make the'itay of guests Sat. 8- The -buildir hum imt Mnltinrmi EE SNUFF EMPIRE; SETflXU P1ACIIINE IT SEWS StarcUed Goods AS WELL AS UNSTARCHED. Ha-,n fully tested and pronounced by all amateur, dippers to be the best Snuff now in use. ' Itssupeiior taste and purencss from all drugs and injurious in gredients, commonly ued in the prepar ation of other snuff, has gained it a wide world reputation, s ii : Do riot fail to try it for you will like it. Ask for it arid take no other, Foa-Sau bt" ' 1 , ? ' ' II. -Weil Jb Bros., D,. Creech, J.'W.'Mcrru. ' s II. S. Ilazell. G. Edmundson. 1 r I i m m, Liiki TO THE PUBLIC. In '.he lte fire many of our Goods were dam aped, in order to dispose of thtm at once w propose to tell them elf At and Uelow Lost! CO JIE AN9 OW:XCli YOUR SELF. We arc now rcceivii p an entire new stock rf "Dods. comnr:ciiri2 all the most desirable etvles kxtant, to a 1 cf rhicb ve irouid in vite the attention of our formci. customers. Ii. WEIL &. EllOo. Sept. IGth, 1SG9. , . FASHIONABLE. MILLINERY. 1IR. Jl IRV E. BOMTZ. ""7 0ULD respect !'ulL announce to .th T T Ladies of Goidtboro and vicinity, that sne Isas opened, a FASIIIokAULE MILLINERY, in th btorc lormerly occuyied by Mr. Wm ""ii". ii'iuns nnu -HlbSiS llats 11U1 A.OB- ncts trimmed and made to crder. A !so constantly kept on hand the lates and nioet deirabie styles ci RI EBONS LACES ' FLOWERS PLUME?, and all art:cles generally found in a firct- C1:1B? CSta'llS,llUPn. St inpinrrfur Embrcidery and Braiding done at the most reafor.ab'o rated. Oct 23-! f. " LOCAL AND Tit AYE Li N TlOn the AMERICAN ME T A.NUUf V ETAELE CHOPPER. The be without exception in.thc m rket ; rer cent, in time and lubor ; Ci.ta poinds of meat, pupaientiy tne ,r tour minutes. Agent r re coming k Cut of machine, terms. &c, Fnf. D. A.KEWTON & I No. 33 Courtland St., Ncv Oct 23-"i m. AGENTS AYATi:i) est t PJ Yoi" cs. Low Taxes and Small Iikou RAKE 11 & JONE3 ARE still manufacturing Carria.'-s,' ;ies, WajroiiF, fJrts, Ac., alsu Kcpa of all kinds in their uoi. witj i ness and disparch. Charges smalL with little profit. Prompt attention guaranteed td Job? given t5 their care. They keep none but the bps': of men in their employ, also the best mate rial that can benrocuied. Factory iv" site the Baptist Church,' G .ldabiu-o, p. C; We invite our friends and acquaintance.! to come and se- . August 28th, 1 GQ-:f- Carriage Factory;. I AM now manufacturing Burgicp, v (innr, Cartp, &c, in the late-t styles and tm : ' '. most r.asonable tcrms;.and vfvuli' son r.l y patronage of the public. Special att -ll' giren to repairing. brushed vtuKf i hand. SatisTaetion truaranteed. Callia'ii examine my work and my prices be foi f-uv- -cha!in e'.sevrhere. ' " P. CREl 'll. Webbille, (ilcir Goldsboro) Sept.., 'oJ- 3tw-tf AGE.1S lVATO TO SELL CIlAMIiERLI'S ted,!and H des not tnd t.hU I changed with " the killing of Kadir . - . .. i.' --. i i , i i . 1 1 ' , -i -way ratner than othcr xegion?. Oar I Fea OQ 11 e rvmsion onag'. people should,.however, recollect that J J J&71 f. .- M - trial was not all Immigrate, when, they corne here, affidavit that be did noV bolive wilt expect to ; conferm to their, own 1 th State ebuld obtain justice bahl in ormttii ens onas iuicv,, n4Diis oi, lite as iwwuuir county, ioe counsel ior tne nihtas5ptssiblerT flBHHy J is Hon- .1 , ; , t f- v ; :?-. - . or fixed upon .Wednesday after the first gqcdshelters, foq3lsju.ted Monday in Febauarv next, for a final alk. 1 I . ; oiner imnrovemnTS aiii jtMiventfincen- mien i . r . vrr.. -ir . as are usually met with in a fir,t-cUss Ho- r t, VT,Ai.,t- P, tel. have lately been added We ara confideot of our ability to please the most fasti leous, and cordially invite the travelling public 'to the "EXCHANGE." D. A. SPIYEY, Sup't f ctiber lBt, 1869-tf ' ' ' i ' UNTER & CO. biug fair, than his neiph- taste-?, : and the melns 1o ' procure ;all I hear: hearihs of the tase. . The accused were COTTON FACTORS AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MER- .chants., ; i' .,' - CORKER HIGH AND VTA TB 8TKEST9, ..." roiiTsxauTiit V. A , Cou'3nniaV8 SoliciUd. i '-, L, Ji BossreurYholesale Confectioner. Agent'for Richmond. Va. ' V '" Notice. The h'gh' rephtatipn that our Snuff has attained nas induced certain manufacturers to imitate our TKapc nark. The superior quality; of our snuff does not lay in the trad mark bat the superior quality ot tobacco it i manufactured of. G. W;GAIL A AX. EJIPIRE SETTIXQ WACli:XE. Sep.! 13m w LLLIAM Q.-MCfRRISEY. I A TTORNET AT LA. GOLDSBORO, N. Ii Sacs tie Most Delicate -Tain, Soft Frabric, without drairing. t .. . It Sews a Ri is Seam ns well as unj other. The extracrdinary demand for tiope supe rior Sewing Maenfnes, compels tha Company to increase it production -thereof over 2u0 per cent every twelve months a sricces un- ktown to" my other article of manufacture. Liberal discount given to Agents. Apply for Circulars and term to the" . EJIPIRE SEWIN MACHINE On NoT2-tf " . i Bowery, Nw Yark. , FOR UUS1XESS MEN! INVALUABLE Tl Every Mirchar.t, Etery Mechanic. ery .nanu acurer, hvery Farmer. very business Mac, and Every Yonne n. - . ,- Mor.ulca tim?s Us pri;e. genfa are having great succpss. Fur circulars and lull inform at kn. address " O. D. CAST & CO., rub'bhers, Oct 23-1 mc. Hartford, Ct. KUDDICIi Steam Engines The most compact the Simplest and cheapett in this'ry xr ubroad. Th rated power and. teat workmanship REANEY, SON & CO., ; Chester Pa. Sole Manufacturers. GEO. W. HALL, Agent, Offico, 71 Broadway N. TJEVKREUX. RICH & CO.. 72 William Btreet, New York, General Agents. ,Jne 29-6mo. . Beef I H H AYING iust iccelvel -IS heil cT splendid j "lountniii ReerCatlleL; I would resf eclfii'.y announce to tl.ocitir zens of Gold-boro tnd vicinity tba , roni mencin Tuesday morning Nor. 2J. ti c very best of beef nity be found at try s ad in the Market IIo'i.e . evtry morninpr, t'unays ezcep'cd. Thanking the citizens for the very liberal patron -age heretofoic bestowed upon me I solicit a continuance of the same. nov3: T.J. JOHNSTON. iend for Circular. Feb. Sth. Baltimore, 'd. Court blanks lor rtle at Ihu bGc I7UMLLAM GRAPE-HIE SUB-CJICF.U li I prepared to furnish a LIMITED SUP PLY of this NEW "and YERY SUPERIOR GRAPE stock direct from Iona viceyr.!F-- fronounced the best table grape of "Amiriea. t is earlier than the lUntcid PriEficV ircnt by mail at 18 per dozen.' A large stotk tf the leading. aiieties or 4 rape vines, cf fcuyc r ior quality, -.Tery Uw, Cah must accoia pany aU si-dcrs. . HENRY SI. TRICE, M. P. 0:t 15. " Scottsvi.le, V;i. MUSIC! . TT v lairsicj A FINE Selection of the li.tei r d best Aluic Just published. t At ihe - BOOK STORE, aog 21-lw : . j . Ptiiaps. Everybody who has use for PUMPS should uy MOEREL'S FIRE ENGINE, 1EEP ELL and FORCE PUMP" 1 r. 1 - S . POOLE A HUNT. Ar b a 14 0 3 till S-iX?i .i "it if u iJ';vj;iHt-r". i'"-ftjji;w&. fu"?t " ' "M ' '