-.iU- wi'i-r mm The C fteal and Personal Estate Agency CJirt Concert. "p,?., v .. V r,fr Jhrfl .50' six months I shTkxtt fits-ce ate; ' .nree ;nwmu rents'' in advance. , -: '- , rW. Wifc eluhoffire ben, aieentiUodto one extra copv.vree lor name length of time. ,. . jwrin . .... nfiii Imfsvor less. mews ?i u ptrurv. -; . - , . for fir-t insertion, ami HSoeOW-. fu eacii inseron then-af ei. - Bf.-ea for cachirnwrhin, ' w-th of A v ert i s ( m en t s for r.n extended ler.tot time, Bubjcc'j to Fpesial contract. It is an old spying that "the fools and rtsols are not all dead yet," a ad it has recently received exemplification here our own State. Nearly !hrfn--l re i ihousind person?, we vetiturcjto make Grand Agricultural 31 Hi I T l CJ- V T; THE COURT nOL'SS, IN CQLPSB.01lO,ON Saturday, Deeeihtoer 1 1, Et 12 o'clock, m. ,.' Thf-re will be a meeting neld atlhe ; . Courthouse, in Goldtry, on Saturday, j 'December Hth at 12 n'c'ock, u., for the purpose of organizing an A rrfcul.tdral Aswia'tion. Tile citizens of the counties of "Wayne, .Groer.c, Lenoir, Dep. in- and Johnston are earnestly requested to at tend. The oftaers of the Wilmington and "Weldon railroad will issue.return tickets at one fare to a'l, reridin- on the line of that road. attondin j the meetinp, and oth- j ; er roads will, probably, 'To the same. . . 'Special Notice. frc'w i he tha- n t Real Eskte Aifiey 0 it t Drawing, Th t concerti2tdver id se 1 about 00,GG9 tickets . tytirf lottety. and: j f ta -fr graa d d fa w in ' : wh kh Was. t? . . have taKen. Fl3? jiTAlt ' iast'fe'vcuty-five ihou-Wttftfewait-3 0f pits, toeing raonoV? houses, farms, p anos, p., wa-e to bViubiiiy drawn by the ticket -hold- t --i - t ers. The. day ; t vlUd tie fi-stj drawing Al jf mlrrtv. ve? maiy of the unf.-r.nu.ite tiaMVliolders liuUi!i ' L're-t testles in' V - J ; r, r-. the air, hen itw?:s antoMneeti f.eadq a t3rs o: ti e coiictrn. euoughU.ckets had Wen dipo ed of to wafr.nt t'.ie drawing ; which, ihcvefore, was fart cr postpone . This ctioo was tuauifrhtly unfair toward five y" peron who haft pureba ed a tivk.t good fail h, but pe'ple silly enough to buy such tickets at all, "could? ca? i y ha m pvsed'en in 'other mat tors. Notith s'taniing'tlis n- po .emcntKiy of the ikktt-h . Iders, tugetner with . e:her3, e eer y h.v. s!ed n more t;cke s. The time at v.hich the dr. wing, after the firk fa. lure, had b.en annoutced tiuatiy app cnchcJ. bu- ti c draw'r g did not Ttlcfl plic?, d vh uands of linf r iunati ticket-holders wcm gi'i disap- to Cherokee, what ear hly business in the behalf of the 8 ate, tho Adjutant Gene ral had in -VermOTtjfcnd- there arc not tett can answer the question.) ;-' We see, also, 3h at M. vv.!liool is l triced 4l MKft ''tfbTiirr-aA'I'en i fibKinc tSoarur oi . x0,'icarion, irra uw?iiiutr. 1858, oTHay under what law tt-is amount of $925 U i raid tmt of it he nublio Treasury," we Should l.k to know. TVe aionld alO lieu Ii'l IMv uc f.T r VH. lt' - mi. sio. ocwria brr'I omeM " rf the UmtT Starts ariny idurin Ex-tieTer-worTOVoVtV admlwistratiorrjras ub- oiitted ttt the consideration -of tfienate lation in relation to .the removal, f Yl 1ijim?A Snii'ih Tre4i0entTf the' North Carolina Kailro ff 'ompanrvfor va-iner- atirtn and disrespect -to ards members layrwFeQ e received 125. suspeoaHm of the rales in order toj ;u- ktWuunt of 025iV ff-"W calendar.- Loir. Laid over undtr the rule.8. "A m"esaWTpaa Tecenre'l froitk the Qouse'o.f iRiereentjl tl ry tramrui ttmB" reo uuoii w men. pusseu Mr.M'hA,' the loard of Education, or, as the Gov- Federal, arai?H Liil ovr. ernor in his! j6fiasage culls Ium, Assist ant. Saperintendtnt of Public Educa tion, is' appointed an! p-.id; while the Superintendent is allowed a clerk ;l30. j Wc have net time to-day toa' lude fur ther to this 'eubjegtv , We shall rc uiae it h6refter,ja.,d if not greatly mistaken hjaall be 'to show the people a cbn aUinpticii d?Jhvir ?n,rd eart.ed t&zcs in a- way for cbieet- they never dreamed oj. Mr. Resi-ass,va rewlution authnvix'n the OenerarXserably o ti-.Ve aypceps irora tue z-i asr oi l'ecenuier to the 3rd day -of Januarv,'akdV that the aeleot cprtllee .otihe Senate- report prompt! v Land for Sale. TriE unde'sincd offers for sale his tract of land, iitnated.on Nabunta iwamp, W1IU1I1 SUVUt iwv "vwv. m.-- - t K..n. Tfc farlS oontatna aixrar-suuio 4 sn ictm. fa three aOTf,aifr' of; rrnlcffc ii clearel,) we 1 adapted to ine cnltuta of cprn and cotton. Tne lanxiyB V a jood ad healthy neighborhood,' La ontt a new lo story dwelling and tuthouBca. 'alao a good . S -m iTf' 1 of Crater ana a touc orcnAry. waiwu ittfdiA4-tlre',owner'desirea t;r leaTrthci ade iowii VT. II. ATCUCS, ' ; Dec.'Ttli-2w ' - -.Nahunta, Ps C, . 1 ' 1 it 1 1 1 - -- WAITED ' lnmroiATMTi! Four good 1?; icftlaver; ' 5 v Dec. 3 (f doldoro'.N. C. I - ..... J ...... . T?OB SALE- .': .r . . iA WOOD nOUBS, CART, .dfS dccStf f W.;g: MQISET Ad- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE. I: Satubday, Dec. 4, 1869 Alum Aiirtf Praetor ItlUtll M 1 JlUWl ,3; y HEE PEOOf -": -' " " "flnlih ancl price. RVIN'S jSorth i:aro5i"ia Tegislatrre. "Ve are requested to call a meeting of the st kholdi rs (- the "Goldsboo V&'r .Grounds Property" to met Ht the "Court -houp, on Satn-day, ' l'ecember 11th, af 11 o'clock, a. m. A full attendante i- desired as buiincss of great impovtauce is to be transac.ed. ' -SENATE;. TnuKFDT. Dec.' 2, 1&C0. . 'Tbn Serale ttas called to Mder'at 10 o'clock. ' , ; ' Resolntion concerning tve p x apse.'--sed on the" Vilmirgton &We,'don Rail toad and be Raleigh G -ston Rail- road. (TheYjoSpltititiri" proposes ,0 i.und the' cnlb'ciion of s:i,l tax?s un'.tl , coatit utioualitv c;i O r motion of wqre suspended in order to C' asV'.Cr the rerlutfon, tsme:ita were . uiVcusscd at Suit-.e lenpjtlu' . ' , RegidutiuTi to prov j Je f.j. i'.lQ Tnane. Thin resi';la?fon -i-jstructs the Board of fub ic Charity to make ii.q rrry ami acrtain il l..rec biick b ihtings Cin bc obtatt ed taat Will accou.od.tr efcch 100 patient said buildings; ob situated one in tbj Eastern, one in tue Centra', and ''"s o'her in the Wei crn part fthe Ti VTi FOR 'FARMEHS AlD OTHERS X The fJoa Min'v rat'.Pa'nt C6., are now tnnntyacturing the Beit;' Ceiipest aod most f'arable Pa'nt in ns-t two coaU we'l rr r -v i . i !"" u, ujiien nun pic u'uun.'. t... -ne iioaw.mei at iu ociocc. A M. )jkSt jq br1ft,e.n; it ia ,.f a light brown cr sBy- Mr; IseaaM Resolution instruc- , -k, tr,lAv undein hcha-atrl to siveii. ting.- our Bena'ojrs ard r-rqaes-in ur j -.eaj? Ptonfc, drabv,olie er cream, toauitthe Reprea ntatives in Con;res3 to ub heir tastecf tlw consamer. It ia valutb'.a for inffiienc'i-' to have th? bartkrui law sr Houaea, Barnf, Feners, Can;iK Car a mix vit-u j.B noi 10 require i,,piic-i(!'R to taaKera, rails a"u ooae-i-'-ic, iwi.u- , -. pay a peV ceiiiam, and tnfteadMf tho rai iMipleaianti., Canal Bats, VaseU and CDUCDIPAI D1IDPI AD exemption now allowed by sai 'aw Mli"A' Btt-aw, Ca- vaV Me.l and -InJe OrilMllbAL UUllULAfl auow me oxemptio'. 0f i860 known a rVMM"-- i- r the homestead e-mprion ' f U ''' l?ne Ml,fuirer1 -VISS .t K.rar-M.A i - tPi-" I. S,i0: bb'.--. the pa-, 'xcarj'an'l ratal IS m J 1,6 u'J,0'ary .CoiOin.ttee. ,or an pnrp(ffttt ittwtirp..iel for body d-V- . i?y air. Durham; Resorutiob t-ft-thor- aility, OaaCcity and l'-e.i-tenes. Piffea iae the- Speaker to appsi'it'a commixtoo s per M I. of 3 lha , which will sunpl - a of Uvee metabers to proceed at t.nce to fmnir tcr yf rs tocmio. Warrentd in all N.ovv YoYk'Ho iovestisa e tho S't'i; and caes an abc.-ft". '''e?:d or a c mln which No-i 1? ujnp uieo Mineral . n.l 1 New Goods! New Goods! IVevr Gqos; f - ;- r WE would retpectful fZT ly aaaouBCis.to the titi- Jj -pL i?ns of Gbldeboro' and j. e-orrotaodiaf cowalry, that, we aay jaat re ceired one of the -'-" LARGEST : AND JiEST ASSOBT- St6c1cirff Goods Ter brought to tkia market, which -we are offeriag Very Low Tor Cash. THE T.adies are TepdotfnUj iniited to van ar. jiib. ijiijdiuu m Emporium of Fnslilon, Intion proposes to f-us- :nan-pui ,t1oiiS of the Stats bond author- '. jrivca fntli-c-artica'arp. No s-njnp ttnh .mofsai.nax-s until '. iz,d to btlstx. last ie?Mo.., and re- hraut'el i.i a t-ae'e ma k Graf.on afme cantea-certniued., p..,rt to ;u, ComilMUc . f 'h UJe. linl. Vev-ons can y,der .the Pat t Mr. KohbiMs : b j ruies Adorlej Ullder-a suspension of-ho rule. mit J 'ept f.E"od. poi'tcJ. Since th. t umc but Utile "d; tiotliing h s b-. cu h ard from the eocce n. Wi:l u jt. ur Pialtigh exchacg-a throw cam HrVt nn ti:ft 'njattcr ? TtOViS nd'. i tate, up. n w hat terms. said property .-an he procured, ana ti repcrt by the uiaot Addr-!", Pec. -G'i. BID VELL &. CO., Tnil St. K. 3 , l , ' 'I ' fST Owing to an oversight a portion ,d' this .wiuo is dated wrong. -X3 The TJInjoralty. Mr." Mookr" of Ctiowan oifcrmi an imemlmeht. tha' until futhef orders ot the IT Mise the Chairman oTihe Cctnrniitee 'rf the Whole correspond Lb pariiej in FrcUi Garden, Flower. Fruit,! New York for vf rra tion. ; " Ilrb, Tri-c, slinil nt dlvrr- After iomc further d'-acur-sion the Rrcen Seeds, vith Iircctionsf.r amendn-enl ' was a tcc I to, nnd the cultiirr, prepaid ly"V,,J. raaoluriuri xvasrliected bv the fallow in- t'OSX ronininc . vi-. ia- v , An i 1 assortment in 1 n 1 of di appoiutel ti. Vet-holders thro a h ouf the State are seeking enlsghtjnnieat. If the co.cern s turned oat to 1)3 a hwiodle, (and from 4 U prese .t appe .r- ance we fear such i? the ca e, the Man . gers of the CjV.zi -xn should He expo ed. Eat we M m.5 the North Carolina Le- oil-tnT- whi h inrornirr.t.-.d lr r'nnr.i ) tnodofl to 1'eoOUimit. The motion beinj ...... I . . nnt. tn a vnfjt as !) t (VI . fr. as 'Me Ntnth Oiroiiua hie L Estate January, oif as soon thereafter aa possi b'e.J 'die resoluiion liesoyjr. . S ' HOUSE Vl- REPRESENTATIVES. : i ' TncasDAT, Dec. i2, I860. Ilo'isa met at 10 o'oJ',ck. j The bill enforcing tho attendance 0 witnesses upon investigating Counnlt tee.B. Tlie Question recurred upon the As frequent1" :.s vrc have cen ii.ter- rrgnteJ of late, icgarditig the peson we think best qualified to 11 the office of .L:rd Mayor rf Gcldsboro.md tho one we inter d to advocate for the po.-ukr. in the approarh'npr eh cticn, we have in variably answered an 11j the?e prcsen's dd answer all other-, that we-are the advocate of the candidite who c- n, with out much hesitation, or mental resorva tion. at swer in the atfirnmiive the fol lowing fifteen, amend men's to the old REGIME 1st. Are ym d:gniiv:d? If so, to what extent? 2nd. Are you in favor, of public im T rovement? 3rd. Arc you an f.p'curc? If ?o. let's have an oyster s-epper at your expense. (This- question we, ixj on first bludi, thought to defer to our fifteenth, upoo econd llioug'-t, tho fear arose that we Vn Vtc pfeTrtftqc uf cut 111 umg- a'orics, 'overlook it.) 4th. If you-wcre nominated for the office cf Mayor, arc ya v, o:thy enough 1 toleserve to.bj fleeted? Oth. Suppose you were elected, are you honest enough to as-ume vhe respon sibility of that offiea. without the fear of wen, or defect? C tli . Will yen promV to he f'.oica'dy indiSerer.t und impartial in the ditpcrsr mcni of iiotrrs rtrd ci'-tu:bers cf tiie pablic peace, (should any rioi or dif--tnrbanc s occur dutinrr onr-: ?.dmnis tra'ion, were yon ccted?-' 7th. Will you fithe.- promise end swenr that you will faithfully execute all laws and ordinances, including ,:the vagrant .act,'.' aa may be p; escribed in flic tvn ordiuaujes, nov in forje, or to tefbereafter adopted? 8.I1. Will j:ou promptly exam ine into pll violations of said ordinances and fear lessly bring to trial all offenders, be they It lends or of the opposition party? 9th. Will yon always, in a most sa pient manner, at each meeting of ihe boaid, oppose any and all extravagance, such, as the purchrt'e of another hook , and ladder apparatus, the erecting of "ao account" town puntps, &c? lOth.Do yu fur, th?r mere promise that you will lend jourtid aud influence with tha board cf corutnissi ners in es tablishing firtr cisterno" at the principal street cottiers? ' .-. llth. Will you sse that the town s'rects, TaTfroad cr'oss'rtgs and the ceme tery are .constantly kept 'in good ordrr? 1 -2th. Will you; lend your influence U ward improving the main business por tion of our town-paving the sidewalks with brick, either at ihe expense of the to n pr property-holders the latter preferred?: ;. " Agency," eqially as much as the Mara gers. We, for our part, have never in dorsed tli 3 concern : indeed, we have in one orj wo ii.istatiL-e.3 cautioned the p-o- pie in tins sec 1. n to "Otwaro 1. Lut to coma to tlii LetiAL'aApe-jt ojf the case. The lotto y (f r nothing lei- it would have bt cu) wa3 an open violation of the taws of our State. Why wa; it allowed to exist,' and with its headquitters at Raleigh, um'er the very eyes tf the Govetnor, the LegisLturc, the Supreme and Supeiioi Conrt3. If a candle the concern w.s a disgraceful and Lwiess a!T:i:r, and an insult ro every law-abiding person in North Ca oiina. Let us have light ! For UeOcciioh. Our readers Imvo n t forgotten the late fire that, oc-'urrnd in Us town but a le-.v months, since, hv -a-in-iA omo: business p rtion was laid i a asli -s. A put to a votewas adouted. Bill t : compensate K-h ol Committees, wa nt-x. teethed. Biil r.ive- 41 per uhiy. when actully "t-naed ir. their duties: reported unfavorable- upon by the Co:r-mitt-e on JEduc-tion. The qinsfion rt curred upon tua adoption cf the Commit tee's reporru A per a debate of 3 me Ion th the bill was recotnixiiucd to tha Committee on E locaiMn. ; The bill lo amend ihe nc pre'ntin: the destruction of fi-h in kittio Ri?er, was next reached aivi passed i8 readings under a suspe'sioti .fthe rup". Bdl to investigate tt affairs of var ious Railroads in which the State is in terested and other works .if Inte.na Improvement- vxatnir ation to'e cond uced bv the vSunerinreitdi'nt of.Pulilie" Works (BilTpubiished before.) w'as taken up. - ' 1 Mr. Justice moved tomnd bv ad ding a joint Cjinmittee of v to act with the Superintendent T Pub'ic Works three 0.1 the r art of the Koue and two from the Senate, to ba chosen by b .U ;t by th ir respective Hoasc3. f Lc imcud ment wsfs dopted. - tti couutry. j a grents warned. I 25 Sorti'of either ' far S3 00; rre -a ul by ! 1 Till .vekate. Mr. Orahsm r-fT.-rf. ! m il. Alao.vuall Fruits, I lantp, lln t)i,U. .1 r;, .. 1 1 , - I the new I'otatofS &c, prepaid by 'mai'. the following pubstitute, entitled a b..l i . lb8 EnrW Potato,prf paid, for '1.00 to provide for th payn.ent aud interest , Conoerrg Colossal Affarais, $:i per 101; ; of ihe public d' bt, tr-uit ; j rubbish stilj reniain as a warn hg to our property holders,1 to procksti iate no SKNA'lE. FRinAYt ikc. 3' isr.n. The Senate met pursuant to aljouTa menr. a'l pubstitute ?to the bdl arnendiri section 4S5, title 19, c .p 12 of the Co le of , i vil Proc"du'e and rec mmenued the pas- lonrer, but secure as soon as nossiHc a 1 saPp of the Fame. 1 A " T- r tint IV.-. Kill fire cng'no for the pro'ectiop uf uhat j buihling that are left in our beautiful town. The necessity of suci precau' ion 'n apparent to every one. Jwhat pro-t-. c-ion have we against fire? Are we to depe-.d c;i a miseral;! s w;igm loid of lalders the longest wlih-h 13 about thir ty f, et? Numerous buildings have bch destroyc 1 by firri'sineo the j t wn p ir b'lased the ''car and in no instance '.'.'""J If. hO.IH f' Oil TT C 1'1 -.r. ' 1 ' On VT-i .-.:, C .. - 1 r. ! . -. 1 uie except tie saving ot an ouc house at Col. Humphrey's. j We hope our proper' y holders will reflect 011 this matter and tjo s'ir them up to the point, wo republish the fol lowing little item fiom the Norfolk Journal, hopi-g 6oldsv oro will dis play th same energy that oar neighbors in Wilson has : "A firs'-clxs.-? Amoskfc engine was land 3d he e est-: dav, from the New l or.; s earner Haf c as ?N TRANSITU tOWsls-Qr., N. q. It is pro- nounced a splendid p-'cee t?jTir appara tus, ai d the Wil oni es are supremely fortunate in possessing Mich, a supeiior cviui.ui cr macum rv. a-er,d sociion 2G0 title 21 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and its enb-titu'e enti tled an act in relation to costs in crimi nal actiors bo tiken up. The substitute was adopted find pas sed its secbrd reading. The re-o!uMo!i toprrvi1e f- r ac' 'tion al buildings fi-r the Insane Asylum was ad.-p'el. An' act tn ircrpora'e the Valley Kail road C-mnr.ny p-sed its, second reading. A messa.? was received fr.tn the IIou -e -f Hep! es n'ntivgs tnin-t;iit;ipg 1 biil v.hicbnassed that body, atnerdiap; an net relative to tne estern 1 nrii- pik Road leading-from Ashvillc'o Mur phy. - ' Mr. (j rah am movelihat the lull to repeal the first sec iori of an act entitled an act to rt quire the registration of deed, ratified" April 12, 1869, and it substitute, entitled an act to repeal chapter 203 of the lawg ol 18669. The substitute was adopted and passed its second rcidiu.: seam fira- IIOUiE OF UEPUKbENTATIVES. . Faii)AV, Dec. 3. 18f9. The House met sit 10 o'clock A. M Mr. Downing asked a suspension oftho rules', in a.'dc-r .t'o take nj h s resolution, redoein"!; per diem to G for nicuibeia and doorkeepers. . ; , The IIuse refused to suspend the rules. ; ' By H'-.LMokwill' Bill to compel rail road cunipanies to pay full value of sfock ki lad on their respective mad. Referred .(-to tlw Commit tee on lroposi tions and (ii ievances, . -T. 1 n I vooaI 11 ! inn st.- 5 a - - ' 1 v- j v j u v miu-n VJi'v- iiiiiiX U UK v l y owtknel, several weexs agr, to call at- -'estro- ed by theTJnion army waaVead- Sec. 1. That in order to provide for the' payment ol the interest ,noV ouc nd which may Lecme dm on or before the 1st of October,' 170, on bonds issued by the State of North Carolina an-ler the authority of A cts c.f the General Assem bly ratified prior to the 20th day ej May, 1861, and alsoon bonds isstud itnderthe j authori'y of acts of the General Asi ni bly cf ISG.VGj and of 180G-X7, and or der ordinances of the cons! ituti iifel n tentionof 1868, the public Treasurer is hereby author ized i nd dire. 'ted to cuise to be prepared cotiT O'i bonds of th" S ate of North Carolina ben.'j:.e six n?r Ant. interest and made payable thiity -Neais after date "nd to exchange said bonis hi j ar f r the interest due ou the U nds I aforesaid. ; ' Se. 2. That the public Tress-inT i heTebv authorizid and diro tul upoi. the surrrnder to him of any ol the bonds of the S at9 of North C rolin 1 issu-d ui der -uthority of acts of the General .-setn-bly ra'ified prror to Mc.y 20, 1SGT, 1 1 is sue a like amount of. li e bonds of the State of North Carolina heari.i per ctit. interest and m.-.dc nivab'o th rtv yeiira afier date. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect f;oni and 'after its rat fixations. IIojIESTE'DS rOR M l.vois Iitf NT kiiim'.i. -TW. Ar-Krille Pioxr.r.Kia -Informed by a member cf the. rni-t that Judge Henry m de an impoi tnt deci-ir.u on the circuit just cioeed, n hich a ff.-: ti the rights of minois arising nrI;r 1 e 1 proviv'ons of the Homestead. Tie p int aniso on the application ol Lvwisjautni -istrater, to the crurt for have to -ebre:ii estate to pay the debts of bis iotestite, Edncy, decrased. It ppcars that tie di ctated died duru '-the wa-, an! t'.iat ow ing to stay laws, military orders, io. the administrator had not 3'et loon ab'o to close up the estate. To his rpidica-ion the heirs ?.t la-.v responded, lllegin that one of their nu.uher had not vet attained his m;.j rity, :.r.d prayin;: to be all nvc 1 utufer the provisions i the copsti'u'i.ni to have -the Homestead exempt :.u la d j eff iiccord'n to law. Hi.- honor held tln.t they were so entitled, on ihe br'iad prir- c ple that the law was enacted for the 1 . benefit of the 'helpless' ones- widows ard raVis. Wc understand that ir. thin opinion the leading members of j the bur concti' red." : ! I Weom'ng Hpnn Hoa-yBnckle, 5c'i. each, prcp-.U.-, True Capo Cod Crauberry, for uplau 1 or I. -viand on tare, 31 .'' per 1 0, r repaid, wi h d rec.vns. I'ricel Ca'i 'oijue tony Jdr sj, gratis ; .Uj trade lit. eC'ls on 'onri ision. ' - T. Y. WAT?') Ol I "oJ-injf Vnr'cri p tni S?vjd H'ai-cfJe,.- Plymouth, -ss. tea -iiih'ed iulf:4-. . D.c T-5m FliVlT TCEGS. io.(vi'pep. 100, soon;R moo. t N "r rriMienFe etock othr-fty trees J to 6 xX f .t hVt, best orclnrr kinls, at low l ui. s for tail aud winter pi in' ing. Corst j'lsr in p.-irt :.a fooW'': Api h', Peeh, Peir, P.um, Api 'o .t, Vecfa i-e at 5 Grpe V:n s . f the le idrnT kin ls il-o a firt 1 hic D h' 'biarth nio t manifi -iert of a.!l Auiuojm flower. 1 .. itli re rt!rtriie a jv1! wprtli- cai tJ (rrntit. Addreft O L.'ANlHONY. rtnx 77, Urce jsbor i, N C. Decx7-,lS692n w Cannot "bo Sledged! Cannot be Wedged 1 ; Cannot be Drilled I BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS 71mm send fvr a caulogne to MMVIN & CO., --h (oldest rafa puura(actrere) " r t i ( Broadway, New York. Frmclpal J r31 Ch wtnut St.. Ihtla. Warehouses j 10y Baak Su ci.veland.O And for sale by our agents 1 the principal cities throughout tho United States. JP VIN KILLER Ccara SnaB Throat " A Parorlte Medklne H1 alUi. xl 1 Date P..' ,3 TT you Uve Painter.' Colic, ru?2. NO Mediti.e Li ao polar n. AsthkPaixK - -EEPtbePAW Kiixea alwfcySoar F jou haT.a CoUiH or Ci!j.a, Use thePai t ; r OOK ont and not be eanbt vritvi. tEl . - Bctt!e f Pat XltS 71 ' ' ' T eVeTjbodj use the Pirr KauJ- 7 VERT .ailor atould carry m ui 3 EM EMBER tha Paik Knc, h . A ' ' both Internal iad e xtenx ' The Pa ix KiLL.ru is said hT K and Dealer In Family Medicine. Cure for Consumption vWJhajiIje Doctors Say. i AMOS WOO LLET.M. li:; of K ' J couaty, Indiana, says: "F.r tLrr -" past I have nsed ALLtVa Lisa Util tenively in ray Pfa'cice, i 1 am there 1a no better aedicine fnri.i ... t y ... - - --"S uli J in use. v ' .v 1 ... 1 -" ISAAC A. DORAS, I. D.,of Lyr,n ro,. . where the latest styles rpayonnl. Mr.. 0h- . Au9 LahlT' E. h j,.8 returned from the .Northern ti- r idly but g.Tes perfect R T f ttes-wherevhehas Furchab.d ery noTelty . ererycase within m kn l,H 01 me se son. -Conner come W & V - a .aiu;;, S an, ociore ouyu,S eicwicref a we ui- u.y use it in mv uailJ practioe , ler ourselves that we can sell as cheap as unrpunded fnece. As n etp.ctor r. necueapMt. is most eCM Z. EINSTEIN & BROS. Sft. 2, 18G9. - - Great Attraction I The Sharp Shooter AND Anti-Fogy. riKST-CI.lSS GOODS AT FABULOUSLjT" LOW PRICES ! W'm- COHEN'S on Eat "Centre Sreei, adjoining the GohL-bors p.ust Ofijce. We have just recHveJ a Istj aud general shs rtment of " ". Dry Goads, Cloth in j;, Shoes c. which we offer to the pntlie at Fair and Itcasonable Price?. THE LADIES Ae parflirufiirly invited to call and ex amine our goods and price. . All kiuds-o' country produce taken in xc-bange at market rate. W. COHEN. Go!dboro,Sert. 14th 09-tf. Wholesale and Hetnil Dealer iu P U R E DRUG S, M KD1CIXKS Lamp , Wind ok Gal. J'vtfy, UCLDSBOKO,N. C, hadical Extravagance. N EW A I V ERTI ? KM E NTS. A Splendid Umncr, 1 . .An Extraordinary Offer, Don't llelay, Sesid at once. Lnugh and be Jolly! Uproarious Leuihtcr will Ccrtaln'y attend h Icrn-r.'l of TIIR SllAltP SHOOTER! next number of the t'Hi p ?i:-v)Tff, (: ilustr iti .1) full of U:ii:.tb of wit, choice, rich, r.icy auJ rc Pi cling tu m, kklis, o tfy, eiltfre nn humur, -k ill appear on Saf- url:iv, Dec. I lt. - mil unl subscribe. Only 10 ce its foi Three Mouths. AcH-cr"'' SHARP PIIOOTER,- Gohbjoro, N,. C. hOI,. BEAR A: IiROs., IS M:irl et tieot, WIL.Ml N G T O N, N. C. Uhol; ale and PeUil Peakrs in CLOTHING, , Di'.Y UOODS. HOOTS and SHOE, 11 ATS and CAPS, " NOTIONS, JLr. trTur Merchant Tailoring Department is complete in all its P-,i"'s.tOJ irrji-ihcMl ii.dubc nier.tsoiiered to whole sale buyers on city acoep" ance3 We respectfully t-o'icit a cull 01' buyers nnd country dealers before puichaeing clse- LCJs3.VT:SFACTinNlGUU.lNTEED. SOL. UAlt & BUOS. Novl 16, iSfiu.-lai i ALBERT DAY, GOLDS BOKO. N. C. I7'Orl the oo'.Teniencsof eonntry merchnnta ! 1 will kaop, -u Inn 1 at wholesale, at tactory fricee, wtk freight added, a gQci Stock of .; I I ' WORTH CAHOL3NA PLAIDS AND ITIATIl'IA'S TIKE PKOJP Burglar Safe. FIND OUT WHAT YOUR SAFE IS Mwror er. - - t AS jn -tr-e?vel per Express Extracts lor the iiandkerchief consisting "a nart . LubinK extract of Jock? dub, UPPi K TEN, UF.Sf EM), IIKLI TR PE, PATt'HOLLY. VIOL XT, ' NKM' "MOTS II y. Phaloti's Nfcht Blontnin ' Cer u, 1 LOR lK MAYO, II I M M KIS I'L X NG T'L V NC. , QUEEN OF FLOWERS, Ac, Frenrb, t man and Am-rvan c i.ck; x E . ro M D ES, II T't OILS. ic. PhalotiVs Vitalia for theHair. Ac.. kc , &c. ijTSO receiving daily per Eipres f I XK TO? LET ? CTTS. FLOW U VASES, 0 ldsboro, N'or. CC-tf inly farabea-i of anv t en I ha,eTer ret known." ' t . NATHANIEL HARttlS, M. D., of Mt clebury, Vermont, say. : I &ae no ,iX it wil! scon beconv- a cl.s-ical remedial frr the cure of edl d; seated of the To,, Brenciial. Tubes' and Lui.rV " ' .... .1 r . 1 . i-nyicius uu recommtM a m?; which has u merits, what. 1 heyday about ALLEySLTM(JBALS Can retaken as a fact. Let a l test it at once. ld bt aix Mepicixe Pmi ;x. DR. RirilAU s GOLDEN KEMKDIE.S. ASK for nw other, take no other, ajV .will s.Te tim, health and rao'ier " 81,00'J BtlYAl'.D lor any case of j; ... ij any tajge wh.ch they li.il t. tu Dr. Uichau's Golden Balsam No. l cv Ulcers. Ulcerated Sure Ti roat r.a l M. .t J?ore Ej"g, Cutaneons or Skin Lnit 0,. Copter Colored Blotches, Sureties f .'L afp, Scrofula, 4c; iathe greatest l:ers, tor, AltcrnitiTe tdood pu ificr k:iowS. mores all dice iee irora the sytttui aad lei the Woo-1 pure and healthy. . Dr. Richau'i Golden BalsaT. No. 2 ti Mercurial Affections, Bheuinatibm iak',!:i forms, whether from" mercury or ,m caares fire, immediate rvlief in all ccm1 No dieting necessary. I hare t'nuMu.:,'". certificate- proTing the miraculous cu-e-1. f'-cte I by il'Cse Remedies. Price of fi;j. No. 1 or'No. 2, $j.0 per Utile, or !w. tic. for $0.00. Dr. ULihau'd Golden AntMoie- a gEt ppeedy, p'easanf aud i a L. h.' cu.j f;r ti Lnnary Per Higcn.c-'t6, a i ompan ei t -full directioue. Tiice 3,00 jer Ce. Dr. Richau'i Golden -EI'it d'Apen-. radical cure for Kervous or Crnf-Tii Lti. ; . ty, in oi l or yor.njr ; imp.iit:ie eer2T wonderful effect. Trice, 'per betu A to o-tlep for 0,00. I On rpecipt of price, tLepe remHi fclupptfU to nny bl.ice. P vnipt at:.;i.. paid to ait correspondents. None pc- ni, without the 'anie of 'DR; HlVl AU'iGt LI EN ItEMEDilS, D. B. RICH IKD., ('.. b.opiL-to," b'on in glats or bot:lc. ' Addref DK. D. B. RltAl'L. No. 22S Viiiick M., New v.v Oface iiours f oiu a a. ni. to S p. -1. Cr. nir- senf. Jvly'2--lyr.. agents av.vin"; ;i By our patent we entirely -.bvrat all ob jection!, as we ii!e a piloo'.iy dry fc'.ir.p, cmpoed of Diy CnlcineJ Fluster cf 1 r-s and A 1h in. 'e ack the mixture rctween the innei and outer ca&ea where it remains undamaged any number of years, until fire preserves the contents of the Fate. 1 he planter, by beinar wet, S"ts fi m'y aid even. 1: the lini near tiie out-idc is entire'y melted it ornpJ" eells rhich retain tle prec't-;e shape o tie lumps of the Alum, an I the fill ing of p'aster keep th Safe a- waH fiile i as before the fi-e. The adan:ea of uain? a dry filling are Tery ; ppareut, tiz : It doe not moul 1 the content of the Safe. It never can rut the iron. It will aKays reraalc. perfectly Fire Proof. FApaiON'AELE. MILLINERY. MRS. MIRY E. COMTZ. 70ULl) reepect:ull, announce 10 .the IhldieS of (aIi!V.nr.-i .l .iinii. -nelts the Alu:i, (which coatains a larpe , she has opened a quant'ty of watei) and tl.m g lturaten the ! p 1 11 1 A . . i, w Flitter and frms the tun which al-v- AIWAIL.E MILLINERY, ia th Store formerly occayied hy Mr. W01. Bon.ti. L- died and iIiMis Hats and Loa uets trimmed and made 10 order. Also cooitnntly kept on hand the latest and most desirable etvleo -f UAXcJ - ' 1 RIBBONS LACTR FLOWERS , 1, , ' PLUME.5, an.I all articles eenerallv found in .a fir-t. clr.ss etablishmen. . ' Stamping far Embroidery and Braidin" don. at tne modt reasonable rat ' .c 3-f. LOCAL AND TF.AVEI.IX-. IT'OTt the AMERICA SI E T N D TT-". A ETAl LE rilOFI'ER. Thebes: t!i?t: wi bout exception in th m'rVet ; zi? 1 er tent, ia tin e a id lubor : cut Id n It pii uu of meat, bnScient y fine fi.f k. n tour m uutes. Agent: re coining meaj. Cut of machii', ttrms. kc. Free. A'ldtM D. A.NEWTUN L ( '., - X'"2T-.m. Cotton Yarns, From th celebrated Orange & CIotv Orchard Factory. 1 mw hate in .tore BALES PLAIDS. ! "Wo took occasion, says! the Ealeiph ;ntinel, several weeks a, to call at tention to the fact that th TTiTfnrp Pro i lea to request our ReprcgentacTves hoA rr'rnn iv ..r.,.-' ! if., -r, and itstruct our SViMtms iu Cmurrss to 6i.. lauuus oiaccra ot tiie Jcx- ur&e the payment cf claim to loyal citi- ecutive departmcnr nnlivnitle J dt-cretitm l-?e's. occasioned bv the destruction of iri the cxnandltnrft nf m nA property! taken by the .National army, . -i ,1 , ,. i J? ,n land to father request that a Coonnis- feC.. Lucv. auoau, mir.g nejQr beard sion be anr.oin-ed to eit in North Car - of in the S!ate before, and that it was I bna to take testimony ; and allow claims. calculated to foster an r4riMr.f f0:) - ' ,v. , ,. . T I Mr. KtSFROw had like the gentleman penauure oi tae peopie mon-y. from 'ifthrtit., lost heailv in property. He havo before us thelrerrt cf the "e thought the passage of the re.Joiu- . i . . ..u i . u i rvv... 4.- i 'i"ii3 iiihiu uciicui Hinders hhii ine Tho Lcadina; Agricultural Journal - 0 JHE COUNTRY Free For One Year; 4 10 I 3LES COTTON YARN Numbers from 8 to 12. '- - - ' SBfSI' PATENT Alum & Dry Pfaster FIRE PROOF Terms CaUi.' ?eic.i copy. n o2-l m Are most deiiraLle for qiality, finish and prip. ' Fire Extinguished ! MAR7I"N"S nUDDICK $team Engines The most compact, the Simplest and clearest in tUU CvjCry or abroad. Th rd power and lest workmanahiu REANEY, SON & CO., Ch .ter Pa. rvn w ttitt . So"8 MnufactureT.. GLO. W. TIALL. Ajent, 0S7q,":i Broadway, NT. Y. T)EYEREUX. RICII A CO Z "William Street. New York, General Avt.b June 20-Cmoe, I Auditor for the fiscal Voir cmr inn I . . . . tQ.t' ''rt risn frfTini.TTr.-. . - , J i""0 rich - loser mm-e th an any body else. , lh: JJM-TQ pr0Ql5e' 80tb,. 18GS, and tup -n a slight The poorman would ne unable To obtain that you vrilP cter use your magisterial p wer and authority) lequiiing the po lice to disperse tie qrowcjsf vagrants, who daily' congregate uuder the car-shed giving 8traigcrsa ' bad ' opinion of our town? l lth. Are i vou" willing to ."admit our Leal newpps'per reperers to your se cret scssioUi meetings,. and : peVm'it thorn io t .kVcu Ii'iiotes they toay think Would bo rfjicncgt to tie t .x-payers ? 15tb; Ajre- youT 1, but enough ; if you c:m pledge' Youa Hosor Jto f tilfil , the f jregoiug rbquirftmetitui b ou are vuf "l-TutJi 7 i T ' . a-Hl with a hp, hurrah !. we- eav. Viead nn nnA vn ri Now Storo-New Goods ANP n nw PRICES. - THS AsfERTCV 57CK J'TUXAT.! firfit- clae roOBtKly, eontami-p 3? lnre double column payee devoted to Farming and 5:) Breeding, contain'ng renlar iWj)artments for the Practical Farmer, Uairrir.anj Stork Breeder, ool Grower, FmPtrv"lveepeT, fcc, kc, &c., Hluratei1 'tli numerout fine En- grarings and bound in hacdcu,ly; tinted . pj. WEIL te T3PlOS.i covers. . rarara win nna tnis ,monrp.y a T7 OULD ian-Sunce to the nublie tht thev very efficient a.o in ai, me .lepanment. 01 y y have oecnJ)ieJ the!r Veter:flary Deoar nict under th. charse ot one of the ablest ProfeMrg in the Unitot cn MeEMJentre Street, and .re opening the Spates, wfao answers' through the fnvKSAT., largebt and be6t .elect r... .f .h.... .til .....t!.....i.i;.ii ViAk 1 Injurert or Disabled Horses, Cattle, Sheep, tStOCiv OT ixOOuS 1. t r .. j r? r f t. I 1uw....1.l ti. .V.l . .1 . . . ttt i , are selling at pri ea within the reh of ill. e tave made ar angerocats under ani that will defy competition. Taeir rtock ii , . m .1 1 emorures a inn nn 01 - Tirr.irtr xwr ava m m w nn . 1 . f r.un. f r 1 iiUOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS. CLorHINq'of etery kind, f- VALISES' WOOD WARE, ' HARDWARE, wlIiLWWW A Ii. CkOCKEiY, .. . CUTLERY, .4 te 4c.icM -American Stock Journal asaFREK GIFT for. one i year, to ALL SUBSOttlBBRS (or renewais) to hurrah !-f a, rieadoqlaod we'll fol low i hee is tuft! lasit.gaepr with truth and tv!ti'""H- '' '"' ; " -' : ..- giauce at' theitems of thp. rlkhrrrcmbn CJ compensafoii, because of his inahilr of the n iV f 1 ' ' i. , I 'ty to tr secutehissuit. In hi section, , d-s Pnd alunda: tithe Confederate ba 1 paid special at- lUat cousideruble sums of the ( tentiotftoull wi 6 were loyal to the G- vern peoplc's money have boenf cnt .uv I ment,1 and had'i generallv stole every on Aivn',.4- -. . , I 1 . " I thinr -beloncin? to such "'that the could r . " seemed t I GIFT forf onei;iear, to ALL NEW A i',l.ni:,. l. it . I.-'..:. . . - . . . . -. y , V . ro us matter be.- be their taim ; and be asked if it was the caDSC: "l here is not one in five thovnd I urPiof fhe frienils' of th'e iresolutton -fu'.l. t o..ii , 'o bare tne losses occasioned bv the Tiie rurallnn WTesriirr r " i . -,wuo vui eyer I Confederate-.. -hidftVt H jvm,M ' ,.! " '' ' Y " ee the details ufT ties a e!ipenditur-8 0r f 4VOr n7 8U,h policy, and; was opposed v a'"0 w')sere immediately and pay kuowJfofailicy wermade. Indeed, to l.iiL. LJ vancc the yearly subscription price, .1 ..l.u f :x .I.L . . I . - ' ,v uvui y - on iiie; tara.mu!, i u reporc w-eit mww Mr. Ren fro w. th.t the ohiect of S3.00 ' TW ?- r nAnnitv wbi1. throws no lifiit. ' ' I J ' ,e Confederate arniy -was to stei, an , x , "" ' '. ... In 'act eerytain that eaa be desired In FrinrancTthere k o-e item f h flood- Called to' order "u people oi our section will their Hue may .behad at their atote. Hew r or. jus ance,vicere oe. item -or bv-the ineaki.i . - ' . , . . . ! ana r;nj -n. k- t r.j. . .t '.-.-, I ....... n.t. ,:r , . "J .. i" uuuui auiy annreciatrt ilatx " ... . P?- $ou w "tor expenses incurred oy A. vy.i AU resolution was adopted. ? - 1 . r .- .-r- ,voia9ooro, ieo3rd,89n - -'!-' - I . - " 1 " oV IrT 'U AIliOWAT. DTOCK Journal tree for a year. . ATTOlNEY XT CAW, Address "" - j r '. , j ssoy mux., orkee t , c. A." 9'-m - - SPHERICAL BURGLAR J;isaerJr'-Adjut4n.'.enerpl,.,in going to Vermont od- bus'ness for the S ate N. .. SENxVT-E. Satcrday. Dee. 4,. lRr.9. Carolina." uThere' i the item and the I J The Senate met pursuant to adjoum- -V '''? -V j r. -:V- ."' -l-fnant. I --. - -. -sS in 'Mr nnn..:'!,.. 'L-i -.1. I menu l , - t i- Aiiv iuiaim oi ilia executor Ol ."1 mat!, wofnan and child, frnn Ourrituok ( jSovcmor Worth forcomnensatioa iu . ; ' ': '' 11 ;;,'tJtl-jH"'"? " I' S -'""i i,"-'x'-- Cannot bo Sledged , Cannot bo Wedged ! , CannQt be Drilled I dawk vaults; -. ' VAULT. DOORS. . . EXPRESS, BOXESp family plate safes, comdi nation Locks Please send for a catalogue to ' ' ' CoUmI tafe Vasaofikcrarera) "f "'i Lt t'l't Croadw.T. New Tori. Tr", 721 CheataUt tSL. PhUa, MLbbLNGER, n . Wayne, Lenoir,-iitt,.&c. Aad for tale Is onx. agenta hi ' J. F1NLAYS0N4 CO , Lon-.mitsion amd Forwarding Mer cian fx. ; ooLnftcrtrrn, y. -East Centre Strwet, ne dcr If orth of the IN r . Tork, Lard, Fbh, Hour, Com, SaU, IHr ?irg and other Frm .applies. We pay strict attention la ih ehipment of count y Produce end prepared to make liberal advance, on all IVadne. r,,n- aigocd to tht tru; qt Finlayson & Rroa. Wil mington. N.C " irTTft,We bur Cotton and otores.-a Oct-lltf. T Enlted Sin tea Advertising A?eii- --.- - W- ; . RSTABUsuan lf(3 : ' J. A. YtSE. Pronrietor. 125, 127 k FcLtax St ,' Coa. Samuv ' . . (old IT?rald Buildi .iPH . J NEW YOBK. ; V - - . - i - n AdTertisenjentg Ricervedfor 'all City .ad Country New.-Papers thronghodt th.Ttatep, vuu, uu arai. at r uuiuaeri Lowest Rate&r. i- -- t '-" ' . - -'Tac United List oaipocing. 0 Leading Arauie. at m rtnt das weeklies, baa aa f gregaie cirt ulatiea f aoaxiy aiaa million, per month- caataiains mivb address as tk. New York Herald. Tribuivt, Fra.k" Leall and llarpersMVceklj, . ' Th.e who wish a rdwd AdrtV Field should .end fir files 'of papert'and esti mate. '.'.,' J i T SSBft . OX" E, L.ow Taxes nnd Smal! Ir.couifv BAKER & JON ICS ARE still lnanufacturin Crr'ar'sB"- jreft, V.pn?, CartK, c., alsi- Berlin:: of all kins in their lineucne witn.tr: nes and dipateh. Charge" stnail, with little prollt. Prompt attcnt on guaranteed to lobs s'tTfrn 13 their care. They keep nne but the l es of r"i men in their employ, also the lt n'f- rial that can be procured, tact' ry ite the Baptis: Church, G.ldbT, X '-. We invite tur friends .cd acoaa xw to come and sre- August 8th, llC0-tf MACKENZIE FROT1IKKS. Ne. J22 C timore S?tie it, near Charles, B't.Eort. Importer. f Coach, Wan aud Fadlen I ardwa.e, " Harness Materiel-, Fe'. c--Sp kes.llubs, Rows, Starts, Aides, fi Lnaraeled and patent Canvass, Enttrt Dabh and Collar Leal her. Coach rsM Japan and Leather' Yarr,tBh, Ilaram Blacsini. Axle Grease, Crriage rx'a Bands, Oil Cloth, fliick'es, Teirete, Ho ks Bitta, Ornaments, ITame, Lace, Fir te., 11 at the lovebt rr.ee. Carriage Factory. I AM now maaniacturirgBuggief, tfr Carts, &c., in the latest styles and on t moat reaaonabU terms; and wwld solicit patroBagr of the public. Special attft.ttC' given t. repairing. Sew Jinithed 'ark band. Satisfaction guaranteed. .' --" examine my work and my price before f' chasing elsewhere. D. CEf-Eta- . Viebbiille, (near Goldsboro) Sept. 3, 3tw-tf FOR sali:. TIlATvery desiiable retidence :a West -Centre "btreet, in Goldstoro, known as tne Atkinson bjniuifcg. ... If not disposed of t private sale r j ,t- firat Monday in January, 1$70, will " to the highest biddw. Apply to W. F. ATATNfON- I?OT. 9-tf Coldbor, S-c' FORRFXTORLrASE. SEVERAL good Cotton and Mock f Bent or Lease. ALSO. . . Two valuable farms of about 300 acres I for aw1?'Kther of tte farms -re connif-I to market in the vicinity J(rr Apply for particulars to THIS OFFICE. Sept. 29-lm ' . . a-nxf KT .a uimiSi PLYofi. NEW .nd VERY SLPJJJJl prennunted the beet table fPfVg t(t It i. earlier tha. the Ba-tf-fd ProUfi fl by mail at $18 JSS, of rt fk. Lading rietiearflW--J5 rioraaaliiy, very ! ca mu paay all orders. . -pnTpv M.n- - 1IENBT M. PRICt. fl Oct 1. jTP YOUJVANT Cards, Handbill., 1 JL Billheads, ProgramoieB. Books, Pam-. ... . i. . . " ;:- 1 . .;--"-;., i'(U v t, . t..t' t:. '-. t" '-.'- 4 ' . "-" 4 -'-4 " ' MUSIC! "-IT Ah A fISI Auction of theUt' dbt k;p"b-eBOOKSTorx 1 i Bumps.- Everybody .who JfJffilS PUMPS .bottld bay MORBEL'S ' JiKGiE DEEP WELL aad YVt end for CireaUr. ' .... POOLE s H"14'! Baltfnrtrc.

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