, ' , ; ...... S' f PUBLISnEt SUIM-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY , TFitf&ty one year, in advance, ?2 i)0 " : Bix months ; " 1 P0 ; i-' three reont5 8 " i 50 The price of the Semi-Wekkly is $10 lor three months. . . 1 1 n -C7TrttM6ieat idvertUements i irill he ? harped $1 00 per square ffor first insertion and fifty cents fot each Subsequent ttiser tios. A libera discount will re allowed on ontiact by : the momh or year, and for 'onger advertisement?. RATIONAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N. C. The price of Board at this otel has bean reduced to $3.00 ner day. jii!ic25-tf REUBKN JONES, Prop'er. AMEHIt'AN HOTEL, Cuestxct Street, Opposite Old Independence IlaU, PIIILAI'ELFIliA. 8. M. HE U LINGS, Proprietor. I 1 5 w m .pf If slit - iIlii1 J. A. BONITZEditoT and Proprietor. Tor us, Principle is Principle Eight is Rigfrt Yesterday, To-day, To-morrow, Forever. Published Semi-Weekly ana Weekly. VOL. 8i .4 ' GOLDSEORO, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1872. ilia YAUBOROUGH HOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C. "When vou visit Raleigh stop .... " at the fiist-class Hotel en the TuincivaA buFimbB street, in the centre of the city. Ua. 0. W..BLACKNALL,, f.ppt-'J-tl iroprieiori S State of North Carolina, ) UHEENE .vJOUKTY. ) In the Supa-vjr Cmirt irpriur Term, 1872: Joseph J. Butts, -et. al, i W. TIlughes. ) IT appearing to the satisfaction cf the. Court that the defendant, W. T. Huirhes, vus a,rJou-jcsid;nt of this State, it !s ordered, iiiiH,puuiiiwu vi uie tsunijuons m tins nctfonWir!adc bn(sa;-eek,foT'x suc cessive weeks in the Mepskngkii, a news paper published in the town of Goldsboro, in this ttate. Dated this 1st day of June, A. 1). 1872. .)NO. D. GKBISLEY, C. S. C. NO. 100. WIFT GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SNOW GREENE CO., X. C. Greene County In the Superior Court. Joseph J. Butts and Bettie liarpev,!y her next .menu kuinmons Martha A. Harper, v fot- A ft . it I L, .. , , . j ""lL .11 ...H ftf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, gtitet , - : Nov. 30, '69-tf To the kjtert of Greene u.jtwj : - - i "TOU are h.ereby commanded to summon T' IT. "MOORE, M. D. X William T. Hughes, the Defendant T f j Relief. SIII-WEEKLY EDITION, Making Hay. : Hanging their scythes on the low Louf'hed trees ' The mowers sat down to rest a hile Each brow was bared to the summer breeze, do so if lie is to lc entirely and rightly faithful to his highest con victions. Well, friends, there is much said about aspiration and ambition in this country of ours, and it is well that our countrymen should be am bitions. The grand result, the foi wardmont of mankind, is created by the agitators, by the men who i stand out by the men who dared j to bo wiser to-day than their fath- crs were day before yesterday. Ap plause. I can only say for that class the class of whom I am a representative the class who are said to be agitators this, that ma iy times when a man is .".censed of absorbing ambition, he has been former end was attained, for early and J which I fully concur, that between the ncariy reconciliation ana peace among rih of November and (he 4th of March our countrymen, rortnese groat ends j next quite a number of governors and I have stresrirled. and Lodo issuo of tlio ! othor Himifr. ,k i o""" "uum iue ausnranimfl third is not doubtful. of Republicanism im.i ..v. ivrjanj uare ior years been piling debts and taxes non their war wasted States, will follow the wholesome example of Bullock, of Geoi gia, and seek the shades of private lif. benefits of this new parcel post, a pair of dress boots, if neither boot weighs over twelve ounces, may be wrapped up in two serparate pack ages, and be sent sent to San Fran cisco for twenty-four cents, whereas the express companies would charge for transportation to the same point as much as the goods are worth. The new system has not as yet been taken advantage of by the public to make, it remunerative to the gov ernment, but it is believed that when the parcel post becomes more generally known it will prove pro fitable to the government as well as beneficial to individuals. Applying the Platform. I thoroughly comprehend that no per sonal consideration has drawn this vast assembly together. Othei higher and grander considerations have collected . ... f you arounu mc 10-uay. it is part el tne J The darker and deeper thosr ahadr. unwritten law of our country that a j the letter for themselves and for man candidate for the Presidency may not - kind, and the hope that my election may make speeches in vindication and com- hasten thi mTi ,t:.i .... . . . . . I ucancu mgcra 01 tniev Oflee in tlie Cobb Building. ave numcd, if he bo fout wliSn j u7 ! Each face lit up with an honest smile, ; thinking not of the plaudits of the eountv. to be andtiiwir before the Judse For over, the fragrant new-mown grass the larmer s nn w tt urnn-pv u0,rr,cr T-r.mrw ot our bupciior L ourt . at a Court to be :;oid ! 1 ripped merrily Maggi ioCnM . Cty ofGjc, at the pourt I laf3. . . .. . . ITntlcn in MiKiW Hi! l.fi' t.1u Ivtli Alrtt.rl-iir i . i nr tnn-i after the 'ith Monuay ol Avgust, 1872. and answer tue complaint wmen will be depos IT AH R AT'S HOTEL, PETERSBURG, VA., BISHOP k SEAY, Troprictors. AVm. B. BISHOP, Furnu.r'i of Spoifncood Jjo!d, Juc7t)iio?ult Yd. . 'cct'i'I-lf john a. men a uppoN, r ASTON HOUSE, VJ lilCITAllDSON & BELL, Proprietors. . T open for the reception of guests and so- lietih the patronaire uf tne puhli. Giit ts ot this house will always find coni fer' able room 8 and attentive servants. ICprRIUES MODERATE. ited in the office of tiro Clefl of tfit- Superi or Comt of said County, within ten days from the date of tins summons, and iettlie said Defendant take notice that if he fail IlllUl.., bU. L 1(.U1L110 n in i'l'J v ' 111 vuat for the r.ilio4' demanded in the -complaint. : lieroot lau not, and ot this pummons make due return. r n Given under my hand and seal of 1EAL-J saKi Court, this 1st day of June, t 2373. ; :JNO.,D. aPJMSLEY, aug3-Cw-$12 C. S. C. Greene County. JOSEfil A. BKLI. Eet18-tf QOMMEUCIAL HOTEL, GOLBSBOBO, Nr C. ictail k Mtili Wmi NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. COHDEN&D 5IHE-TABLE; Tn effect on mid after Sunday, June Of.7, 1872. GOING NORTH. mumiuue, not oi tne cnances or the prospects of personal elevation. Vorv often bis mont.il ov is lixod Roger wjis young and brave and true, . , , r,. JLiio livu.1 u J LIUUHLU 11 1111 au 1UIUU.1. love ; Aud which was brightest he scarcely knew, loyhood, where sits an aged moth er, widowed perhaps, gray, wrinkled The girl's blue eyes or the skies above: i ami tottering, dividing her attention And theSunchcon all unheeded lay, j between that great book, wherein i . . ... . STATIONS. 4 ilAIL. Expuess. This 'us one of the host conducted Hotels Leave char-otic in the Htate, (new and established since the late lira) At this House you will find the , best of h'are, comfortable tires, excellent - Lodidmr Rooms, a well furnished Parlor au:.'! accommodations for Ladies. Polite and attentive servants. lalNU" JAti. Y. MORRIS, Proprietor. ( Ion cord Sftlisbin-y T.oxiiiton lli-h ivint Arrive nt, Groi-nboro' Lciivo (Irc'CBioro' Co. Plldps ' Arrive at (ioldshoro1 ' .40 V. !.' (..0 A. M. U.-VA l't). " 10.57 " 1 8.17 11.: !.:l " li.-s A. m. lO.l'.t " i 1.0) " 11.00 " l.f-! .11.10 k - a.3!) " . h2.-a t. m. ... 4.:iS ' i . 7.:K) " ; 10.10 A. M. HOI ALT BY BXi.TIMOUK, - MD. C. B. HOG AN, Proprietor. In coiixidfivd-iui oi'tiie general decline in (iOING SOUTH. STATIONS. As he looked at Matrsrie that .a ay. Oyer the fields as she homeward went, 'Make: hay while the sun shines, boys," she cried With a glance of roguish merriment ; But her lover stepped (juiekly to her side : "Ah, Maggie, please, was that all you meant V "Why, yes, 'twas the message Hither sent." ."Well, then," said her lover, "it that be! so, To take his advice I'll surely try ; 50 here is a kiss I've saved for you ; ' Perhaps you'll give me one by-and-by;" And Maggie, bhc blushed a rosy red ; lay, summer i are gathered up all her lioj.es ot blissful immortality, and those jour nals and records, wherein she reads the story of her son's efforts, possi bly achievements, and hopes fortho day when ho may return and find her still living to greet and honor him as no shouts of applauding mul titude ever could do. Friends and neighbors, I am in the decline of life. I have passed the sixtieth year. Many of the pre ceding years have been years of agitation and trouble, and despon dency sometimes, or, rather, of the f Vnn't'i iin om'irloe- vrvm oil ' eli a 1 ' of the sunlight of hone. These years have made their im MR. GREEIETT IN HAMPSHIRE. NEW U Mait,. ExPIlEiS. press upon mc. 1 am older than I was when our late terrible trial be- Lcavc GolclHboro' cort ol jui n-'OP -siirios sxpnertaintiij; to J Axriyc aL Grciiji?.!Kro- Ilotl Kccpicp:, tlie price of Board will be -. VV,1?,.iyi-. I ,'iak T.,v. 11. 1C71 I iiin i unit Al.'lliV'..l' lI till 1 ll .1. (lllU.iHY IDi X(.IX, IU $'il.."1 per day, being deterrained that ncth- ine finail he left undone m . the fixture "te make the "Maltby" what it h&s been in the i ant yccond to none iu the city. fmar'20 be:, inu'tou " Salisbury " Concord ... Arrive at Chariot te ;i 4.00 r. m. 0 JT1' ' ' :i.ii p. m. Hl-2.'t a. 1 1.30 L" W5A. gan- f . M. j His Reception and Speech at Lancaster. :;..vi 4.09 t rii leaving O.i:; " 8J0 9. M. 1' WALTEH CLAUK. J. M. M VL.T, EN. -QLAUK & MULLEN, . A T T 0 R N E Y 8 A T L A W , HALIFAX, N. C. PrirtiGoin all the Courts of Halifax, Mar gin, Nortliampton and Edgecombe counties, in the Suiu-eme Court of North Carolina and iu the Federal Courts. "Collections made in all parts of North A Aiil DU. maxl4r-ly II1 Lanca'steu, N. II., August 3 2. Mr. Greeley was met at Plymouth and Littleton by large crowds, and made brief speeches similar to those resolutely declined lialeieh at 7:50 IV'JJ., connects at OrcoiiBboro' with Novtliern boiuul train; nuikinir the oiiicUcst time to"all Nortlicru citlrs. Price of tickets haul as viaothcr mikcr. j rciiorted He Mail trains daily. boib ways, over entire leii.'th : 1 ; of road. Express daily between Company Shops j to dlSCUSS political topics, Owing to and Gbarlotte (Sundays excepted.) . : 1 1 ' a Ail 1'aesenser traiiip rormect nt trrCeh'sbdro' the misconstruction his language witti trams to ana irom lacumouii. Pullman Palf.ee .'ar or all iiiKbt trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (without cbnne.) ' S. K. ALLLN, (jiL'n'l lickci Aireut. W, II. JILEEN.itaer..TransporttWi. . -much older m feeling and in years ; but old as I am, mendation of the principles whereupon ! in he is supported, or the measures .which his election is intended to promote; though a candidate for Vice-President i3 under no such inhibition. I not merely acquiesce in the restnetiou, but I reco gnize and allirm its propriety. The temptation to misinterpret ami misrepresent a candidate for the higher posts is so great, the means of circulating such perversions among the people who never see a word of their refutation ate so vast, that a candidate has no moral right to subject his friends to the perils he must brave, if not invite, by taking part in the canvass. Yet there is a truth to be uttered in behalf of those who have placed me before the American people in my present attitude, which does them such honor that I claim the privilege of stating it here and now. This is that truth : No person has ever yet made the fact known that he proposed to sup port, or actively did support -my nomina tion, whether at Cincinnati or at Balti more, or in any action which resulted in sending delegates to either convention, a3 the basis of a claim for off.ee at my hands. No one who favored my nomi nation before either convention or at cither convention has sought office at my hands either for himself or for any one else, nor has any one suggested to me that I might strengthen myself as a can didate by promising to appoint any one to an important cfUcc whatever. In a g carpet-baggers, has reconciled to the necessity of supporting me, many who wouhl otherwise have hesitated and pro bably refused. Fellow citizens, the deposed and par tially exiled Taomany ring has stolen alout $30,000,000 from the city of New luat was a most gigantic rob bery, and it hurled its contrivers and abetters from power and splcnder to im t v.,, -nv juiauij, ; uui me ttueving ':lrnpt lllicrirr.i-0 li.n .1.1 i ... i -os"0 uica at least tbree times that atnountr-stolea it from peo pie already impoverished and needy, and J they still flaunt their prosperous villainy iu tne Highest places of the laud, and arc addressed as Ilonrable and Excellency. Applause. I fhink I hear a voice from the honest people of all the States, declaring that their iniquity shall be gainiul and insol cnt no longer at the farthest than the 4th of March ncxL By that time a na tional verdict will be pronounced tha will cause thein to "fold their tents, like the Arab, and as silently steal away and that, I trust, will Ixj the cad of their stealing at the cost of the good name o our country, and tho well being of her people. The Prospect in Connecticut. Mtt&O NTH O US' lYSOREHEAD CITY, N. C. 7 feu I "i KNH Y C. PREMPEltT'S FASHIONABLE Shaving and Ilair-Dressing Saloon, Oi'iionile jl tri'pvlitan Jl'Ul, newt docr to A. II'. Friii? s Saloon. RALEIGH, N. C. The only white Saloon in Town. Bha vin:, Hair-Cutting, Dyeing, &c, done in the Latest and' Best Style. JINSTON HOTEL, KINSTON, N. C. The undcrsiencd would respectfully in form his friends and the traveling public that lie has recently assumed charge.of the lltd at Kinstonandthe building has been thoroughly renovated and refitted for" the aecrinodation of the Lnihlic. lie is determined to keen a first-class House. G. K. BAGBY. r.oviO-tf -JOHN ARMSTRONG, BOOKBINDER AND BLANKBOOK MANUFACTURER, , RALEIGH, N. C. Trial, Execution, Minute and Recording Docket h in ml e to order. North Carolina Reports and other Law Bocks, bound in superior Lmw. Uinuing. -Misnina: numbers of th.9 Repor a auppilecl atd odd numbers taken in exchanr for binding. fseptlG-tf W.l. N. U. SMITH. OKOK6B V. STttOSQ gMlTIl & STRONG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. ? OJTicc over the Citizens' National Bank, bichangc- Place. . A. K. S.MED15S, Esq., partner for Wayne and Greene Counties, may be found at the office heretofore occupied by him m Gokls- boiii. mayiiJ-dm y uJidAM mj, ' IIOUXE AND SIGN PAINTER. The underpinned hegslcnve to give notice to hia friends and the public generally I.... , :- . i n ? : .u.i TiiiiKirTMn: mm- lie -flllll COETlUiieH LLC ivjioiiiu liUSlNESS.nnd all 'orders left wjth; Messrs Ciark & Roberts, at Newbern, cr Mr. V. F. Kornogay, at GoldBboro vill receive prompt attention. Patronage, from town or country, eolicit cl. WM. HAY. (loldhhore, Oct. 27. 1870-.na : ETROPOLITA'N HOTEL', , Diu)Avi'AV, Nkw Vor.K. Re-opt.ned under new inhnatfemeni Avffusi 22 nil, for the t'ecepiioti of Gnests ' ' The epjicioub building has been thorough ly i ejigy itHTi""a g3 wly f urialred thrugU- .'llT. . The Prpprift-ft haye i?dQtpv.erjrijB?:tr tionNto adapt it to the comfort and conven ience of itn nalroiul nnd buvft . pnarod nci-i ther ; pains ir? 4? 'peneo, f 6.ecrcjEj . tliat 'endi T HIS, most i")oprdar Bummpr Resort will be openetl on the 5th of ;Junc, 1872. Having been thoroughly renovated, refitted j and refurnished with em tire. NevT Furni ture, presents nnequaled facilities for the Comfort of. its Patrons., It, has all the ad vantages oCthejuot pap Ala-Y-iJea-Sidc. Wa tering Places, such as Loatin, Fishing, Sailing and Hunting, and . in addition to hese, it embraces the unequalcd facilities of the Famous to be found at no other Watering Place on the Atlantic Coast: The Rooms are large, easy of access, and communicate with com modious Piazzas tor delightful promenades. The TABLE will be supplied with the The, Bat24n Houses arei large, ;commoj-! dious and my of access at all times. ' I A Band of Music is always in attendance for the conyejuen.ee . Pancers. ' The Cars on Ihe' Atlantic & Ijjorth Caro lina Railroad stop directly- in front of the House, daily. Special arrangements made with families for tha. season. Boarders ' taken by the month, week or day, on reasonable tcrrns. Good and attentive -servant?, ana every, attention paid to the comfort of Patrons. 1 PALMER & RICHARDSON, j jelT-tf - Proprietors. ' "doE anIh o o seT BEAUFORT, N. C. .Xtcli-ttetl aticli! U,iirnisliel, AND is now open for the reception of guests. Its location is directly in front ol the ocean, has large Bathing nouses anct might rciceivc. At 0:00 P.. Al. the train arrived at Laneastdr, and crowds of people had, gathered at the depot to receive him. A; procession was form'ed, and Air. ; Greeley was escorted to the Lancaster House, amid the booming of cannon and ringing of l)blls.Mle was welcomed to Lancas ter by Colonel ' Henry O. Kent, whose guest Mr. Greeley is to be while hepe, in brief remarks, to which Mr. Greeley responded as follows : Ladieii; and Gentlemen, Friends and Felldw-citizens : It has never before bcien my happiness to visit this beautiful village and yet a na- tivo of this State. I have often re meiuberejd the day when, more than half a ceiitury ago, I lelt it in pur- ThcXcw Haven Register says: "We congratulate the friends o very few instances less than a dozen, I Jtnc Cincinnati candidates upon the piospect m uonnecticut. That the electoral vote of the State will be cait for Greeley and Brown is al ready certain. Many thousands o staunch Republicans have already declared for reconciliation and re form, and the. number is constantly increasing. They can and will place the Grant party in a hopeless minority in November. On the oth er hand, there is no division in the Democratic ranks. It is true that Mr. Bond has 'spoken at a Grant am certain some of the smaller fray of politicians have since my double nomi nation, hinted to me that I might in crease my chances of election by promis ing a postotVice or some such place to my volunteer correspondents respectively. I have r.ot usually responded to these overtures, but I now gie general notice ihat should I be elected I will consider the claims of these untimely aspirants after thoso of the move modest and reti cent shall have been fully satisfied, J Ap plause. 1 In two or three instancs I ha; e been usked to say whether I would or would not, if elected, confine my appointments to Republicans. I answer those by point ing to the plank in the Cincinnati plat form, wherein all who concur in the principles therein set forth are cordially invited to participate in their establish ment and vindication. I never yet heard of a man who invited his neighbors to help him raise a house, and proceeded to kick them out of it as soon as the roof was fairly over his head. For my own part, I recognize every honest man who approves and adheres to tho Cincinnati platform as my politi cal brother, ami as such, fully entitled to my confidence and friendly regard. Hon. John B. Baldwin, of Vir ginia, in his speech in the Convcn- ion at Richmond, give an amusing llustration of tho way in which he applied the Cincinnati platform and Mr. Greeley's history, to answer tho objections of those who are opposed o his acceptance by the Southern people. t Mr. Baldwin said he had lately been in New York and had met there several of that class of gen tlemen, one of whom had anDroaeh- i . od him with a very determined res olution to pcrsuado him to drop the Chappafpua farmer by some means or other. How can you Southern men sup port Greeley?' said this anxious pa triot. I)on't you remember what he has said and written about you years ago? Ah, well,' said Mr. Baldwin, wc have granted him a general amnes ty for that.' But,' continued he, 'you must re member his course daring the war. It is impossible yon can snpport him after that. 'So it would be, but we have re moved his disabilities.' 'But, my dear sir, he cannot por sibly bo elected, and you are put ting yourself in a bad position by supporting a man who will surely be beaten.' 'Well, we don't know how that may turn out,' wound up Mr. Bald win, 'but anyhow we iiavk goxk ins UOXli.' And the solicitor decamped. Pleasure Boats, within a ; lew. loot ot the Hotel,--and in l&ct.-iu nation is snperior to '-nnv'tfuMmer Resort on the coast of -- North Carolina. the: Wjll be, supplied witli every luxury that this' and adjoining ' markets afford. Polite and attentive servants always in attendance. Particular-attention will be paid to the- neatness idgoc4rdt te rojBj, 1 "2 . ? TH E BAR will be supplied with the choicest Wines and Liquors. - A BILLIARD SALOC-N is also connected with the House, A BAND OF MUSIC will be in attendance for evening hops, The Mailbontctmri6etfng'with the trains of Atlantic aud N, C. 11. 11. arrive and de part from tho Hotel Wharf. Thankful for the very literal patronage Of the, past, the ?Pxqprictor aims to make this Hotel second to none in the State, and no effort v. ill be spared to make 'Guests domforVjlqmlcontaittad; j TliwW.OTWwe!Ah8iTectfnlly solicit the patronage of his numerous friends, and the public generally. ant events, and with-, some of them my nameihas" been somewhat con nected, as possibly it may be in the future with other events. I can on ly say that, from the beginning to the end, I have tried to pursue that course which seemed to me consist ent, with eternal justice, and there fore calculated to advance the pros perity ef my country and its people; erring often, doubtless, for human wisdom is at best short-sighted; sometimes harsh when it would have been wiser and jnster to have been, temperate aud kind, I can only say that froin the time when I first entered upon the discussion of pub lic atiairs to this hour I have not much regarded party, considering party always simply means to an end ten times, more important to tho well being and the. upright conduct of our Government and of our peo ple. . . 1 ; Always acting upon that convic tion, I.j have ; sometimes alienated friends on this side aud friends on tlat,6i,!le nQWi hero aud now there, I have an ear still, I think, not deaf to the call of duty. I have a heart which, I trust, does not fail to beat responsive to the impulses of patriotism. There fore I am glad to see this company of people here to-night. Many of them, doubtless, disagree with me in the present or have disagreed with me in the past, nay, disagree with me in the future; but I trust tfie most of them believe that what ever I have done, and wisely it may be, harshly it may be, I have done iu faith and love for the best good of my country and her people. In that trust, friends of my native State. I ?reet von. Tn that trust T his neighbors to help him raise a house.) hope you will follow mo iu the lu turQ as you have followed me in the past. Judge me kindly if you may. If sometimes you arc obliged to condemn me judge mc kindly, and i uiuti uuiui ucuianus a woru : r . : t i I xui or imperiecuou x may navo ex- Those adverse to me ask what pledges I hibited in the past, or may exhibit have given to those lately hostile to the m the present, I still rejoice that Union, to secure their favor and support. here in my native State I am appro- Inswcr, no man or woman in all the ciated. What if my lot should oouth ever asked ofmc, either directly . or through another, any other pledge than is given in all my acta and words, from the hour of Lee "a surrender down to this moment. No Southern man ever hinted tome an expectation, hope or wish that the rebel debt, whether Confederate or State, Letter of B. Gratz Brown to the Baltimore Committee. j. ' . JJ T UUill UlU UUU1V LU LUIS Illy IKllIVe suit of onnortumtv and possibly J i . Stain to snend here mv Infect ve-irc? tortuno elsewhere. The years that 1 j j..,. I harassed awav from it have If snch luture should bcfflU me 1 boon full iof remarkable and import- ! shal1 Sl)eud them auion those who" nave loosea upon me, many ot them, kindly from boyhood, and who will be glad, at least, to welcome mc should be assumed or paid by the Union ; and no Southern man could be elected to a Legislature or colonel of a militia regiment, who ever suggested the pensioning of all the rebel soldiers or any of them even, as a remote possibili ty. All who nominated me were perfectly aware that I uphold and inslifWl Fnl- ji vi v - ii"- i- T I. . . J uesuuy, wnicu suaiL uo a guiding cral legislation to repress Ku Klux con light lor the nations ot men through spiracicsand outrages, though I had Ion all coming time. ago insisted as strenously as I now do: The reception accorded Mr. Gree- I that complete amnesty and general ob- ley has been more enthusiastic here n of the blobdy, hateful past would among them whenever I have a lit tle time to spend here, and rejoice withmc tjhat through my, efforts and their, efforts, our country is great, prosperous and free; and our people, I may say, are destined tin the future to work out a magnificent Beaufort, N.;C. May 25, 1872-tf v.f - ,. Tbut thai iridisiiensab'le to an in n:! ft tio-tumi i!i.1nd.4Ji ncqtalWd !-t .Assortment. FALL- dt ni ' l Planting; ii'-jll. J ' ti t ; . rriccd List. dependent and honest political con viction. No.mah has, ever yet pur sued a thoughtful, observant, manly and inSpcudGht1 ..course without sometimes ofiondiiiff -and alienating than at any place since he left. Con cord. Mr. Greeley's Speech, at Port land. Horace' Greeley arrival in Portland, Me., Thursday, and received a brilliant welcome. t His address on ,tbe occasion was one of admirablo, tone,, and in part do more Jor the suppression and utter extinction of such outrages than all the force bills and suspension of habeas cor pus ever devised by man. Wrong and crime must be suppre3ed and punished, but far wiser and nobler is the policy of the legislation bjy . which . they are pre vented. . tFrom those who support rcc.' in the South I have heard but one , deuaad Justice j but one desiro Reconciliation St. Loris, Mo., August 10. Th enr n'sjKmdeuce between J. 11. Doolittlc mnl B. Gratz Brown, respecting the nomina tion of the latter for Vice-Prcsidcut by the Baltimore Convention, is published. The letter of Mr. Brown is as follows: Executive Dkpartmkxt, Jeffeb-son Citt, Aug. 8, 1872. Gentkmen of the Committee: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt nf meeting, but he is only one out of vm,r communication advising mc that I 0,000. 1 he only doubt in Connec- didate for the Vice-Presidency of the Uni- ticut will be whether the majority ted Statca fit Baltimore. For this mark of for Greeley shall be over 5,000. W """reprc. J sent all ve Uxly of my fellow-citiscns I are conhdent that it will exceed cannot too deeply express my gratitude. that number." ie distinction Is one which I feel to be riiu ... . . Xr . . ma great measure undeserved, where o With respect to Acw Hampshire manv more suitable could have been found the Springfield Hepuklicax says: 1 aad yet should your action be confirmed I i.rm... i r i suau cuueavor io uiscuanrc ine ouues oi . i,ujr c-.M,ucu to eicct rceiey, thftt ll5(rh r,Uw wlth fivl!Yv . vonp tpn.t and claim from 1,000 to 5,000 ma- with devotion to the public interest, and jority in this State, which the lie- Wllh tbc inflexihle resolution to prove not publicans admit is lost to Grant. In The fact that it rcDoscs also unon the Manchester, Concord, and other I declaration of principles affirmed by the large towns the vote for Greeley ,J,Dcral VT0 u . Yncla a . was proclaimed, without amendment, by will surprise them, and it would lthe Democratic party of Baltimore, givea not be stranire if the 5 .000 limit assurance that in this combined expression , , ' ... there is sought only the deliverance of the was exceeded. The Republican nation from a present great peril to Its rally at Concord last night was re- peace and liberties. To that end all ml- an.i.fohl ; i . nor considerations have been Biibordicated, spectablem numbers and enthusi- and an illustration presented tothecoun- asm, but the presence of such speak- try of unselfish patriotism rat' cr than any crs as Harriman, and the absence "lc"nS J pany auvantagc, wnicn .. .. . . , , should convince all of the perfect smceri- of better men, showed how the par- ty of this movement. ty phalanx is broken up and its I has involved no surrender on cither I -T T. 1 eadcrship gone into bad hands.-- ol in. Tta The withdrawal of Mr. Fogg from origin was from the people. Though dif- hc editorship of the Statesman and fertn$ tn,tlie ln ?me J881" of Tr Monitor is seriously felt by the there b hearty concurrence between us up- Grant men, and was unexpected. a TltaI question agitating the public Ho has not declared for Greeley, lhat mTolve8 Convention has been 1 1 ,1 ... . -.1 ...... r.. .... ami peruaps win not, but many lead-1 well set lorta in its puiiorm, and its true I " if. fl Al . A ng Kepublicans in Concord are wuu itl . . t Greeley men. Among them are best guaranty that it wiU restore equal Joseph Wentworth, a brother of nshts, tranquility, development and con- Long John," Mr. Mason, a leading Pemiit centlemen, throurfi man in Downing Jo Abbot's carriage you, to express my thanks to the great manufactory ; Judge Dana, o the SSS:- xoaceyoun; j. I. iJiugriage, ine ty; and to aay to them that, In accepting law partner of Col. Tappon, &c. t"1 tQeir nomioatioo, I do so believing t- , i-T t a there i nothing In honor or conaeience Indeed, , Concord iSi as. likely as not uoald prevent the most conllalco- to give Greeley a majority. opcfaliciu henceforth in behalf of politics presented. unitea States Parcel Post, hrpre ninesa w intervened iinMthn. ception of your communicaUon, which has foreshadows his course in appointment They wish to be heartily reunited and at toxiricer if clcctedf. vVgi Ve the speecn peace with the If orth on any terms which entire: 03") y.OOX itli H do not involve , the surrender of their Mr. .Chairman and Indies and Gcntje- manhood. . They ask that they should be men": ' It is cerjamly true t'at through- regarded and treated by any Federal out the course of my iife-so far as I have authority aa citizens not culprits so been connected with public affairs, I haye long as they ouev and nohdld evur law struggled With such capacity as God consistent withpquality and 'right. .-They has given mcrifpf, first, impartial and desire a rulo which, nikd i for white1 and universal liberty ; second , for the uni on black, ; shall encourdgc ;. i ndiisfry aacl and greatness of . our. common country, thrift : and. discoufagQ rapacity and il- TrW0 ?rrf ncn tnc -1 WW . They cherish' a joyful' hope; in 'According to the new United delayed this reply until my recovery and i i mnm iinmp States Postal law, which went into With very great respect, youra truly, operation on Julv lat. nackafea of I B. Okatz Baowx. a , A fiy i dry ges!haTlcrwiafe, dfagd i(except liquid drngs) iirid other merchan-l A Sox Accidentally Kills Ilia dise not exceeding twelve ounces in Mothee. Geneva 6a., was startled weight; can be mailed to any part of Tuesday by the intelligence of a the United States at a chargo of sad affair which took place abont a two cents for each two -ounces or mile and a half this side of that traction of two ounces. 5 Under this) place. ! Frank Golsby was attempt- law, the postofheo authorities will I ing to shoot Zach. Anglin, (both for ward, a twelve-ounce package to young men,) when his mother rdsh San' Francisco for ' twelve - cents. 1 ed between them. In the scuffle the whereas the, express, carapaies de- pistol ' accidentally, discharged ' in mand at least twentT-fiVe cerifbr the hands of Mr. Golsby,. , The ball thc;l jjraisj entered the head of bis mother bowcycr small,-. for any distance! above the right eye. bhc died al 4..- i . lauiiiiai. iiiudbriiuuu Wii vuu iuvv tusiauvijr. 1 I 1