r v:,,-,v t : ,.:.... ... -;, - .-. -, ---r ..-r, : UT "r , rt .... -V,' . ' "1 W . I " . i k IS PUBLISHKt 82M1-WBMTLT . ASft,' WBKKIi SUBSCRIPTION & TTJWv; one year, in dyae - - $2 OD six months fliree mont' I M. .7 f j 50 -The Drice of the SBMi-WEisktr! $1 00 jrT Tranuieut advertiRements -t.irjkU harge$l 00 pec square for fcrst i&sernon od fifty cents for each nbsiqiient fB8er tion. A liberal discount iriU p$ aAlowetf on r-onttact by tLe month or y ear t. and ongct advertieeiaente. ''"If lj A MERICAN HOTEL, ,; Cn-ESTXUT BTM;CTf;; Opposite Old Independent HatiQi PHILADELPHIA. - .vt I' . 5. 3f. HEULINQB, Proprietor. When yott viit Tliileigh stopat thB YARBO-vbtn' a flis&Un Uotelef jjhe principal bueinres 9treet, in the entr of the city. Dr; G. AY. BLACKNALL, J Bept29-tf Proprietor. it t-1 s WIFT GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SXOTT HILL, ORKEXE CO;, TS'. C. I Will practice in the Courts of Greene, Wavne, Lenoir. Pitt, &c. C3-CollectionB made in all parts of the State. ' Nov. 30, '65-tf II. MOORE, M. D. - OJJke in il Cobb Building.' DR. W. II. MOORE, having removed his office to the Cobb building, can be con sulted at all times when not professionally absent. aprl-tjani T ARRAT-S HOTEL, PETERSBURG, VA.. j BISHOP & SEAY, Proprietors. Wm. B. BISHOP, GEO. W. SEAY, Formerly i of Spotmoood Petersburg, Fa. Hotel, Iltclumond, Va. oct24-if jTLANTIC HOTEL, NORFOLK, VA. It. S. DODSOU, ----- - PROPRIETOR. Board first and second floors, $3.00 per day. Third and fourth floors, $2.50 per day. Special terms for permanent board ers. marl4-tf JR. THOS. A. WOODLEyT LATE OF KIKSTOX, N. C, Offers his Professional Services to the citizens of Goldsboro, N. C.,and surround ing country. Office, at present, at Barham's Hotel, where all orders may be left. August.22d, 1872. lm p E TE R E PPS, " " HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, GOLDSBORO, 1ST. C, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he still continues the Painting Business, and solicits patronage in town and country- Orders left at tli Messen ger office will receive prompt attention. August 2nd, 1872-tf ; M ALTBY HOUSE, Baltimore, Md. G.R. HOG AN, Proprietor. In consideration of the general decline in cost of all necessariea appertainins : to Hotel Keeping, the price of Board -will be Reduced on and after January Itst, ltlto $2.50 per day, being determined th'at noth- iux shall be left uodont in tae future te ,uake the "Maltby'J what it-haa ben in th past second to none in the city. fmaiO WALTER CLAliK. , J. II. MULLEKi QLARK & MULLENj , A T TO It N FYS AT LA TTf '.!';.; HALIFAX, N. C-J lb t (1 Prnctice in all the Courts of Halifax, Mar tin, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In the 'Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. -V fn ES?Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. inarl4-ly ,, . - I.I . ! , . - 1 QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N. C. This is one of tlie best conducted Hotels in the State, (new and established sirjeo the late fire.) At this House you will find the best of Fare, comfortable fires, excellent Lodging llooms, a well furnished Parlor and accommodations for Ladies. Polite and attentive servants. jalStf JAS. W. MORRIS, Proprietor. FASHIONABLE Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon, Opposite Mttropolitut Hall, next door to A. TT. Trap's Saloon. ' RALEIGH, N. C. The only white Saloon in Town. Sha ving,', Hair-Cutting, Dyeing, &c, done in the Latest and Best Style. T7INST0N HOTEL, KINSTON, N. a The undersigned would respectfully in form hi? friends and the traveling public that he has recently assumed charge of the Ilotel at Kinstonandthe building has been thoroughly renovated and refitted for the accomodation of the Public. He is determined to keep a first-class House. i f G.lx. BAGBT. - novlO-tf " " "JOHN ARMSTRONG, BOOKBINDER AND BLANKB00K s MANUFACTURER, "RALEIGH, N. C. 1 ! Trial, Executiotr,-Minate and Recording , -Docket a rand to order. .. a.d ,6dd uumbcrf taka in exchance for fcinumsc. septl6-t 5 Tt f t LLdAM'IfAY i.i.n.wii..uiww rrdtsE'l siITpIunter. The! undergTued Wgs leave to give notuc Messrs Ciark & EbbeW, nt Newbern. pr Mr. W. yiKortiegay. at OfQidsboro-- J i iPrte.Tepr attentibnV U Patronage, from town or country, Folicit eL k fnt'K M )VUi-JXT. --,,,1 - . rvT Tfj .Tyi ETTROPOtlTAir HOTTJIT 0 ; Re-opened under 'ji.wti out;.. - ..a . iiii.ii.'. t uub n i.r . T uv iiiu-ieicrt: iiSTtr isaue jererv pt,v- rorth Carolina Reports and other Law fTBookB, bouttdn lurfir VaVBiadiitO ' u MisBing ntimWrt 6fltV Revors sunntied 1 tiou to adapt it to the (ouifort and convekil? JodlatlteSit ttlTJSfJtSiages ahd " icnce oT itsf at rcM, and hrfph'TttafwJiOtblwor F?.i.or exm?e. teecni-e ,tii.eau. 1 . ' i. i h m x w M. ? IF Id a & . TW'tBD & UAUrlELU, w eej.18- r Proprietors. . j i 14 I K p T ' : r - - . i .iii I. f t U a u .? n i' -; a . ....... : : - - f f li ii II 1 -vtvirziri3 Jb1 'lirlST I! l ill DP THE QF North. Carolina. AT GOLDSBOKO. La 1 1' I Extraordinary Attractions ! The First Grand Annual Fair of the j Farmers' and Mechanics' Association', will j open to the public on Tnesday,:0pt,c2?, 1872, and continue, four days. tW'ExJdbitors and Visitors from every section of the Country are cordially inijf Splendid Premiums for Racing ! Grand Tournament on the Grounds October 25th, at 12 O'clock, M. I J - Thef Honorable - HORACE GREELEY, of New York, has been invited .and is ex pected to be present one day during the Fair. i - Hi's Excellency, GILBES C. AV AtK ERGoveraor. ot.Yif gloia wiXL deliver the Address-' 6n ThUrsdayvtheh of October, at'USO,' A.T . " " ''" kBAVID DIOKSOK, MitheWtict- ton planter of Georgia, will deliver an Ad dress on Agricultural bibjeqts, on, NY ednes day, October 23; at iifecf;1!: '' Hon. C. W. McCL ImmY. o'f New Han over County, will deliver' tne chargdtp the i Knights entered for the Tournamelf, Oc-! tober 25th, at 1 o'clock, I M. . - . - For.copy.of .Rremium List, Rules, Keg-; ulations, &c, ; ' Address, ' ' . E.T. FULGHUM, W.FK0RNEGAY,o Setretaru ' President. , Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 16 1372.,', ; .'' mm mm WHOLESALE DKAXER, TN r M t n f 'it : i : . --j-. , .. , . . ' . f. - ' i ' l ? . . j 1 nil, r j i : " . t rz r. i.i is Mfiyiia tt ki u ' AHf fw!j o : i ft Mr vr . , i ,jrt i ... . . , - - " i iM ?s t. a-4 r? si ej fi in i Ts r7 i ifeit - - , xvji i 11 nil n -j-'ii ..... . i l 111 II 6 II II if If 1 I t-:tlOJ. iL . - li . : . -i- .'L 111 I f ;J . ..... . . 1, .. ... f 1 5 . ttpm -k . . ... . V . t : . . 1 i . .. ... -. xl . T"- .. .V. .1 . , . I GRAND ANNUAL Associatisa i mm0kB SlO.OOQsPreminms! XjidiiorS "WillBS 'S8f8rs'c-' tnat wears best. Above all, do Ltiud legal tendwr notes, each equal ' m k - not appear to others what you are ing or exceeding by ,faco mei.u; c- '.rli 7 A PPQnBQ' not. It. yon have any "iauit to find meut three-fifths of its original pro- E. Centre St., under Telegraph Office, &QLDSD0R0, . C. i HAVE now in store tore a full supply of itttxOheir advantage Liquors, Segars and '. Retailers will find it totheir advantage to give me a call Orders solicited and satisfaction guara2i - teed. 1 augl2-rCm S ii OF NEW JEKSEY. .' io -rt'i, ' nyLJ'v,'- Office, 178 Bit)auwa; ew lorK. , r 1 ' E. C. FISHER. President E. BOUDINOT COLT, Vice Pres't. ISAAC A. GIFlflNG, Secretary. EF. S.' HICKS, Assistant Secretary SPECIAL INDUCEIVrENTS. lPt The Lowett Rates of premium ot any Mi;t n- ftlCJolapapy, la America. . W.--o restriction -on npBfd.Mirfi or Travel. ?A Thlrtv Dav' (Jrat-.r in Surrender Value Guartrnteed ant endorsed on fev ,ery Policy. . 0th Loans ; made X6 Policjboldusrs. 6th Ail Policies aud Dividends Noa-forfeHaoit . of Dlrectious, thus making It aUomo Compasny everv where. 1 9 z h " r iiTii Jafr-tf ' uiaceftne uooo-tfa .1 ..o'j J " WHtESALE ' " ' ffiork c&rimic (Bfea Ulrs ID UUhiffil&blUif nit UnAii I d ,.K,1Wda: 1 ,j.r. ,ow-ntaa- j VJVJU WafnAMUujM; j j,aAA pioT W9lBAft$?ft ts" apply. , , fnm Apply to LIEN LRANC Ah-f?v."vlavJ:; como he 'desired to ba fouud. at his i BvltcwM "H W place doing his duty, and therefore IwiU , . S. PASniEIX, .GeaT AtnU I moved that candles be brought so WM; D- CAKlt & G6 Kenansville, N. 1 eepS(J-4w Tor us, Principle i Principled-Right ii Eight-Yesterday. , nGOLEORp, XlVtnlnat mini - - - .- --- -.- - n:ini urnmriiT immuniT X 1 -VI iK .V Itil 11 I I i I i . I Rurri Repentsth. ; They told me such a one had now Turned sober and repented quite; ! Amazed, I askt-d them when und how, i He'd SDurncd the wine-cu!) 3 pure dc W-Ahx. IaY-,him vestcirduv onco more, ' !Wn iOi'd f roGfslain , A (k'or. ffijit jofial tt beford ; ; Atid tlfen'thenystcrf Vas plin.wV ; For, wlien I aiked him what lie meant, ! And beed he would the cause re hearse ' ' 'f" Which had induced him to repent, R answered, 'Ttcu ouir y purse ! JJ Cancef to hio Lien. Son. 'During the Kvar North em jwipers published the following excellent and': characteristic private letter Gou Lee (0ilis son Curtis, the original 01 which was lound anions the papers which were purloined from Arlington House. It is inter estihg; and, althouglr written many year ago will, well repay .persual : Ailrt-VGT6rto'usAprir5, 18.52 . My Dear Sox : I am in the act of leaving home for New Mexico. MyjdinQrokl regiment has betfiror de"id;to thattl!stant region find I must, hasten to see that they are properly taken care of. I have but little to add to your letters of March 2&, 27 and 29. Your 'letters breathe a spirit of frankness. They have giyeamyself and your mothcrygreat pleasure. You must fctudy to be frank: with the world ; trankness is fthe eh i id of ;honesty and true cour age.; Say what you mean to do. on every occasion, ana iaie ii 10; -j and take it for granted you mean to do right. If a friend asks a favor you should it, H sViMrlV-, tell I,. ,., , j him plainly why you cannot; you m wroRCr xm and Vou will wronrivAU . regulations- honptoiore "in i voursei by e iuivucation of any kiiuL Never do a wrong thing to i of the United' States to discount or make a friend -or to'kbep one ; the i redemption thereof. are here)y ! man who requires you to do so is abrogated ;'btit no claim f-r re ! dearly purchnsed at a sacrifice. . lund'ng discount heretotoro with : DealliiJllj'?tr,iC-,'CiyJ tn your heJil wilj be entertained. ; classmates'; you will find it the po-; Defaced and mutilated fractional with anv one tell him,' not others, uf what you complain ; there is no more dangerous experiment than f .fai ug .to ba one thing ;belttea man s face and another be, hindhis back. W01 should live, xaci, and say nothing to tho injury of. I any one. It is not only best as a i matter of principle, but is the path nnd all national banks designated : to peace and honor. In regard to as depositaries, hnd will also be rc I duty, let me, in conclusion of the ccived at their full lace value by hasty letter, inform you that nearly j oih'cers of the Treasury Department i lbVEaVsiago HliJre wa"4 it day of : in payment of all ctirrenov dues to remarkable gloom and darkness, ! still known as the dark day, a day - P . , , ly extinguished as if by an eclipse. The Legislature of Connecticut was in session, and, as its members saw the unexpected and unaccountable darkness coming on, they shared in I the geimraha-ivq and cyor. It was 1 supposed by" iii any thatlhe last day the day ot judgment had come, S,-.m;i aiiH in l! OOIlSlornatlOn OI I in the consternation oi I - tho ho 11 rL moved ail adiourtimcnt. , f . 1 1 t Tn en there arose an old rurii3 Puritan j ; icgislator Davenport Stanford j ! ' iiU-fcriWid U.Wftr. if tho!: last day had rbo Hondp fonld Droeeed Wltii its the itouc couio, jpyocct.i jwyi 1 '1 . ... ;duty. There was quietness in the Duty, tJiliOhe'lijlimest word j in our language. Do your !hll thin T.kn. tho tdd.Pl ! all things' like Vmf ..onnnt dn tr.oro r YO'J SUOU d ! youriiolhe wear one gray k. partv ; jYiour affectionate father.; Part cldnyir$ mind -tljr quietiiesa of document named in scneauie ii ' TtiHsJloAi 'Ulinn irrf.6xhletltI(5'OiaL'iXPU'm5 taxrJin 3 i Willin.rnfks to obev nrescut duty. cents on bank checks, drafts or f C. ! To G. W. Cuatis Lee. N. C.f MONDAY, OCOTBER 14, 1872: - I Postal Kegulations. ' Jercnco to ihe meauiiiof the wo The following is anrfexlract from 'an order recently issufcA by W; II. lit Terrell, Third Assistant Post master-General,! n regard to mntil- lateii curieacy 1 ostmaiters are notireouircd by Jlav to redeem, or accept in par-. ment 01 pose oiucq aiie, money, or- ' i "v : vr0! " eurrcuey wULcKmay'ueso ma tilated as to be uncurrpt, nor is t anypartof their doty to .receive and transmit to the Treasury for re- J .1 ...i i longing to individuals, except as regular mail matter, forwarded in uiu usnai manner ai xne risK or i 10 , , 3, , owner, oucn pacKnges is aauresseu i nr w i- . n -iii States, ashington D. C, will be . f , t ...t. sent tree ot postage, but it the same , . , i 4l . r be recristered, the registry lee must . u ' ii . in all cases be prepaid by stamps. rp, .. L , : Ihe necessities of the postal service c , ,, are such that all funds received by postmasters must be kept in cur - r , 1 rent and passable money so as to be ' ., Jc immeuiately available for paying . , c . 3 the drafts ot the department, mon-i , , 1 ey orders, and expenses oi the ser- f. . 1 VI.' r . , , I ne lollowincr decisions have re - cently been made by the Treasury and Postoftico Department. Any package sealed against in- spection is chargeable with letter postage. : ' : !.'.' Miscellaneous" matter contained in sealed and notched envelopes is subjected to letter postage. To, be subjectonly to printed matter rates, the envelope must bo-left unsealed. "AnytiooTc ''pa'cket" winch is not open at the sides or ends, or has any letter or communication in the nature a Jet tcur written in it, or in, the mail; and it is the duty of postmasters, whenever they have ground ior suspecting an infringe ment of afty'of tho conditions, to open and examine "hook, packets, pattern, . sdniplcss or other postal packet posted at or passing through their offices. xi is a protection againsi loss to : register letters containing money, - but the registry fee must in all cas- j ?S "be prepaid Uy the party re;i I. i ting. nit- : force, subjecting mutilated cunen.'y ; portions in one piece, will, if in such 'a condition that their genuineness , can be clearly ascertained, "be 10- ': deeme whole emed at the full face value of notes, in new notes or currcn- ; cy, by the Treasurer, the several Assistant Treasurers and desigrmt- ed depositaries of the United States, the United States. 1 The otlicers of the national bank i , . . , . . 1 cy shall be red?cmed or received, j will not use in it their disburse- ; ments, but may forward it to the ! Treasurer of the United States at Washington, at the expem e of the ' dcj)artment under the contract with Adams Express Company. i - ' ,im,,tm ''- , nQ W Oiamp XttJt The new law concerning stamp taxes, went into operation Oct. 1st. Underthe new arranirement there - be ho stamps required on anyl . - ' " ' . . promissory notes, time araits.i 11 . -!.. L-f-'j . ..!. .. a. . m i oonas, ceruncaies, contracts, cos t yT, .. ; torn nouse entr es, or any o uerj. - . . . y, two OT- ; ders.' All notes trsed' hefore Odt. r duty in ! 1st, nj.matter whentheVj werQ ijat .aritan. j ed, "formerly requ! retf lo te stamp ed. But all these or any btuer dob-! nmenthoTy4?Jgjb rftjjirrjng a stainp )Ut n6eds rQ stnip, e v4Atod fecJor6aUR4icliQA mhiu aayiilutiiCI ftMrIU K.lI.JirfOVitttWlrigiVcn for alebt - eoti tracted prior to tnat uaic. in rei To-day, To-morrow: PoTtsrer" words "excepting only ' the tax of 'two cents on bank checks, drafts, or orders," the Departavent has 'onct? decide that" tho tax extends to in land hills ana iorei-n'billsit paid orders at aight otr-private indirid- uals lor any 'sum fopi liri doljar'i This id of .course pcriectly ridicu lotis as a question of either law or equity. ti4..- t -j vuuuw, voma ttxiu Oommento. A dispatch from London say The result of the State elec 'ih, . r iT ' . Ihe result of the State elections in America to-day is awaited with S,C;U anxiety by the London jonr- Jt , rP, . , J , uaIs- "hey all recognize that a de- w , ., jeision result on citlier side to-dav 1 ,, r , j will go far towards deciding the ! T,,. . , . , . . . T . 1 resideiitial election m November. i rP, , . , . . ihe election in the District ol i n , , . , I Columbia results in the return ot , x" i m i hipman, Republican, as a .iairtBt 4 0 , , . delegate to Congress and the choice i r10 , . Cn. , , !of 19 out of 21 members of the ter- , . ,, , , , ntonal house of delegates. His ma- .. , , Monty shows a Republican gain of 1,520 over the last vote. ! THE CIXCIKXATT RIOT. A dispatch from Cincinnati, dat ed election day, says all is serene, and adds : It seems well ascertained that the riot was started by tolored men in terfering with tho Greeley torch light procession. Though seventy shots were fired in the melee, only a few persons were wounded, as stated in last night's 'dispatches. Unusual precautions were taken bv the Mayor to-day in the sixth ward, tfic scene oflast night's disturban ces, to preserve the peace. An Ir ishman, who was swearing' ven geance against tho colored people. was arrested and relieved of his pistol.and the cartridges lie had iu his pocket. ThcNcwYorJc Tuinr.vit on the morning of the electiou had this to say.' Though' very desirab'le, jt is, not necossarv that thn .idvn"tnc rit . ... v B vv,- vvMviiu.nvii ..ii lutui iii oiivjuiii c.ir- .tOHlay. Pennsylvania alone would 1 1C hJ tl nkinf th 7fionc. IT r. -swellour e!ector:il vote to 102-a ' iadt.. clear majority. Irrespective ot that State,-which we feel will .not be doubtful after to-day's election, the vote of Ohio alone would raise our electoral vote to 18j, aud Indiana of herself would isciease our aggregate to 178, s-th it Illinois f.lono ot the other still doubtful States would give us the victory -beyond all contingency; or North Carolina and Mississippi tonotf.er world help us out withont Illinois. We hoj)e for two of the. three rcat State? thai vote to-day, but if our friends carry eith er f.f them we shall have the better chance of success in November. The other sidei must carry all three to-day to give them the prospect of re-electing their Presi dent. 1 THE LESSON OF THE KI.UCTiol?. The moral of the Pennsylvania election is a dreary one. It shows that any r.d- ministiation, with the resources of the Treasury at its command, a legion ci'l Tlic Now york York Herald is in,; oulce-holdcrs at its beck an 4 call, the j l)Cndcnt in politics and consnently it negroes as .1 suplementary force, roughs j cannot 1C with any l)artUan iu - and repeaters ready to do its bidding. ( tlvcg wiieaitgivc3 utterance to the fjllow and thousands of men, styling themselves j jn.r . 'free American citizens," standing in the) aQ independent ioutnah labot';.!-politicalmarket-place ready to be bought j the pmirity of the city and the in can carry any State it pleases, and that jterwjt people, tho Z;ra'arnc! the faction in power, so long as its mem-. (e3UCJ tho reform, without reirard u oers act in unison ana orK viorousdy togither, can continue, in spite of all the effort of the honest and true men of the Republic, to hold and maintain control of the Government Wc are now in tbe mmsc 01 an era 01 corruption, ana settne ns we&reuestiftei t tread ttwn ward the path until all authority become ronoPr.tritPrl In a few hand. nn.l from , ' . . , T , . r an oligarchy wc pa by natural trruisi tipu into iinperialisBi.Juh'i'iiirt Gu 1 - i . . 1 , 1 1 WTT1T A TlATllCVT. PIPl'P. ClV! . 1 , ,. r '" r : y r "T 1 . Kim toe 1'rrsKipntini rnntut - - ' .-r . nmcticatW sett ed: The Gh?filev Ttb?iUartJOtQt3lkltifiJftlttal5r-as still.kten ppea, their room.". but the callriyirjivwACia rfrythJwnr.4 1-' crs will be fow-and the dUfxirsemerits money by'no'trieahs1 generon.'Ths' av erage American Citizen ii not rauchi yea to making investments in a losing caus'aicoald; nodo'aht'be doao-avetrkUatry t?. Kentucky aad Qogiaand Texas an Tcnncsco wiU,ca6 leif.tjjsctui pvotes -fnr flrplHTid Ttmd-h htit! xrn : lianff-u ridusnWubb Wto whethcrar7laandLt',l -'f .V' wUrvtutt AVA.lialiVA 4lia ttA urn lnrl nlntmrr ir, - s -AWiKW Wi!lrry dMirBlrtor?r1' -KTOgcWoS'cWntr-'t - jQf JInson and Dixon Line. Tiie result ! strceU of Ilillabore. Pnblisied.Scm(-Weeiiy aad WUy. . : .r f NO-11. ofyesterday's elections' clearly demon itatesthat Orreley is a positive incnbas-V iv me ucraocr&tic parrr. Mr. Buck uniirai. anu we are not aware that h- ... a worn nanng the whole campaign U TV W ! Tcrtne: tn e j nUwilVi,- V- T .we pro hara necessity whica-rt'ove tbe JVmjI- I iDcnurtV ' ' ' " : knew rMJ ,ntoXi'berali?m.' u7 . &c&, a Utic, .oWcr. ,.-.c in iuw Siitioc.1 Convention 1 1 t- c-n i . . . that ,Uri - .JV.. . .v- - ,tInse- Tb m-ht, as ussal, Sa!'i i -rant lfeat wss ineviUfi!. Mr. Buck. ' " i -r , W')iHi,.nm;- . iceivevl & visit now her voun" nv-.. e nuae a mighty sacrmcewhen he or.- i i , - ' rnt.l -n ! r-. , which his irtmtuuiu it was Hcurv - ; : d cnud toallowtho.LiUrahto munaso , - . i , . :iis canvass. ;vnmn,.,u-!i..;.... . , 1 '"u.itj wouroai.J Outrage in Cloveland County. The fHatv?., i ... , . icuciVCtl chara.-trr nn,i cuarauter and position, and well kuowr. . tn ii n,.r.M.ii ii- . to us personally, statements mv. ' iH, i;Mi .... in i t . . ' ic rc.ietl uion as slncly true. And vet in tuc lace of such outr-gca as the, we arc told th,t ti.. ' - . ...v, v.viivii:uaiii.u oi orani 3 administration in power nromis C8 Peacc and law and order in the countrv ' Editor Wilmington Journal : On Sat urday, the 21st instant, a great outrage was perpetrated in this county by officers and soldiers of the U. S. Government. WhiTe the King's Mountain Baptist Ar- sociation, a body representing over three I thousand communicants, wa3 in session lit TTr'tMnlinm fdnvol, -vr A. i Hon, T' V Ar i , J-ong. a Deputy TJ. S. Marshal, and oac Arch iJ i ,n , u vitiu bald Moss, who Pceracd to have som nv.5t-r-. t , j authority from Lons, rode up eccomn-- niM l .r;' J ,. BCC?r- ..j oiuau j. soiaicr.'. detailed fromColoud Hart's co nimand in Lincolnton, surrounded the Chtrrch and forbadfc the people to leave. Long and Moss were both druuk, and Long cursed and swore very freely. The proceeding of the Association were comple tely bro ken up. The pastor of ihe Chxrch wer.t OUt and CJnIPftvnrrff 'J , 7- l" Icav, aad on .their refosia? to so, th- ' bhcriffot the county arrested Low? f,r!, disturbing a religion 3 jtsseiablj. T.'j sol lic'rs cocked their cuas unon thr ShorilT. rn.l rnmmnnla 1 r . . , - vvi.iuiniiub.1 JJV'il k. ll CJ1 ! '.'TOr . , . - Olii. JjaOrifl Wrff Tnlflr to inliir 1, ! tli-- Church mnri'Tr'1 T?iV.- m.tn . ( ; tt 'J v.vj(.u i.' . . p. . . uiu. . r - o ... p. .mui viii.ii iy11 ' I aud piBtoli, anrU'rokeup tho Asoi:lHti . that cvet log. V'bch the peopls tfnrt: i j holiiC they "found the roads picketed sohtiers who were Under Loni'R comma.'. and ven women and children were nr rcsttd;ifti uns pointed at t'uein, and j compelled to wn.it th plt0urc pi thi. fellow Long, befor.: they could get home, i Mv, I am informed by an eye witnc cocked hi3 pist-d at a vounir. lady' v -L w:4diiving oil' in a waon, and threat cncd-Co shoot lier if she didn't st-p at once. The whole proceeding was :.: outrage, upon rcligeous liberty perj-c-truted by ofHcera and soldiers of the c. S. Government. Tho cxcu-m; thej ren dered for their conduct, was that t!::y were searching for one Maybcrry, w;.. was charged with being aKu-Klux. The II. Y. Herald's Opinion j tllC politicians, and -wilt .' bupport any , party tLlt will ia wnc5ty aad ainceriry crry oat the work of official puiici j tioa. Ia tbe naticnal administration w fimpKOOd crulence that,. Congress is b it ualo less corrapt than vtir1 own note-1 out: State -'-Legi statu re 'W have ho gosrcci iw uibo uiJiiusi any inut mnbi 1 k i. w : i..if.t j 1 ! , ... t ...,v," ; ouiK itumieonnio insi me 1 ciiic naii - oad scheme, thOredltMobPerim i - Xmx. hHn-mrriA t 'ntA'Ar throjJi tKftcwtti-WbnejtililWi n i l at the expense 'Tf the Tfeop'eTn fbe n; ic( m onirrs luctl' is iouinccs at everv Cfa.36e:, of ! the excuse for fanning aliftJlf idle pensioners upoa tne-pnblic Treasury. Thw tarries . Ut J all ' Jie depart th . id ? t to behave, and tii ey were pfom sed ih't , 1 ' -' they would not, be arrcnted . further fir 'V, - ' . . ; . , T - ' ! Thca he iruw rri,-5 ra i ivc lav : : violating the JAw3,of the State, nndott'.;-' " . ? " r V , ' GnilStatlfthcvwoltldr.r-IoMvi.... i fS Si,4-..-.-.lf'?u"! ; - at abepieseilt tltie wl Hi rVry material rod uetidBfofithTorce'&n'ia great rtrlrig I of MOfhKft.iO Nt .... CnT-ST,o 4 mkti -ca LrH1 A fAtherliot Tory Ui froxd here, read in the paper the other morning, that the lj5 RlfrL wh want their Wan x to io h'omolhe same night they call, pull a WngatfthVi pipptr hour which re rksfc pietuVe.Wtlifc hark" of which J iPioQ'clock'ljmybed- kuw, mna las oaugnicr pivin to late hours when a certain youth sits thon'ht hd would try this Utica plan, sohewr tt in Urge ( characters,' 'on the back of a 1 ...-e PFf.pcorgc Washington, this :i scrljptron i laVclocfc Sallied Ltd- "f KTb& l7t WrSfcgccr tie pittUrs ro j ; at -1rl4nlhifl.aa Vtrroi to the .i..q i tjr !Y."- wi "i . . xlt latcf. h'er cthctld TVC W.TS rai:ci, byoUcmngtfccpcriraiK.f -V G. W. porfrait, and retired to h i d y conc.i. ! 'About 10 o'cl ock, w LIlc Hc;;rj i Silie wi-ro deeply absoibed in : ,'inotty problcnl with thrir heads s. SoUtvJL, with. thrirheal ,,f tissue paper between thcia, tht-1 , , , . i , V , ! hisCouaUy jsatl lenly luroid In , , e wail, as if he wa aahiiia'.'.I , , . . .... " dcn strt' S'-"d at t.ic pi. iurcr.i. ; the han lwrit! on the .vail, at it J which read ; "loehek is Sallies ' . time. Then Henry looked at va'i. with aa interrogation in his eye, w! " u v.ms partly dispelled by the fur ;.- .1 r.inrranring, Its all riht.M Ilenry . I of course it was alt right that h !; . 1 long known 1 o'clock was her Ik-. hi . . . j fr i and he thought it was plenty late civ - a voting rrl to be out of bed : : .1 wiat busiaess.he said, had Cc. i -. i a v.ashingtona portrait to be flopp: , , c m- about la that way? Then Sa.li- i t f in - i plained-and the twa.n resumctl wor.. the problem, Henry patting his : around Sadie to prevent her fillir.-; . : the ciiair. McanwhUc the old man was lisUM : for thefront door to qpon, and his ".' be son-i.n-lav s yvivlep pattering the pavQirrt, wjth the tots ol hii L.-f. pointiog from the huusc. The c 'uotCdlirv; upon his car3, ad thiuKi,.-,. 1 , . " Ti vV i ' innr m Pn Aid tninr dr f MnrL t- ' f .v,. . , lie gave the tiring another pu!!. George IV. agvl fucd the. audi.';. Then hp iisletcd ; bat ).e heard d. .i-i . ,, a . , , fill. Jj-TUiMIU U U V. a i'IVUII4l ' . lT'l rl 1 sti'l ii is 'u:"t I'-'u'w I ohl.ici.ow vrr.sjastrc.i4pj. t c - I . 'i w:;e. fox. full j iilteta ninuU, 1 i ;;iave, the pu trait of, ;-tcf W ! ; could iiot teli , Jier tijrukioxiti thpo and thi:; oa the w.ll, liku wiicaua gymnass, uuui iu izii .-.i -1 liiusted S Jiic'sTathirlcliuf 'vcp, i' pcrtrail. .: 4. ... ! Heofy k jfrfd S.iiii'j ochI tiht i. 1 o'clock, A-iI.ircmaikiag'a3 ha t..l that it wiuVl &ee:n like a lorj - - y year exe h w-HJ bt-v her auia li.r. r, you knev, Jjc I'.klu't expect to m.-- i r igain until the eveaiajr of tkw . Tlioncxl motnintj her father cx.ir. I tint portrait, and, when he fully r stood the situation, he wn pained. Jle hed a siieTt l--r, detcuod tlm -i.rU.jr. soged out tbc inscription, and v vi d away-' with the wciqht of yean on LU shoulders, tint loin; hisogc. Hf srv-a girl thatwHl back on her fitL'i th.;t r,-uy would just as Htf r.s not dh r.ee her parents by marrying a Comrrevs man. B. Dadd, in Norristown lkr.ill. - m What if Hart ran ft is Elects ? A reporter pf the Tribune, wlio, ;i ib r viewed' Governor OViinx, report . fd lows : . . , 4 What woiiidvibe the ciTect .a the Grant lie publican portjiitPennl, iiiia if llartranft hoild . be Ucuttd . I aski tL i . - .1 . . "It yi?0uld be the latt victory , the K3 publican party would ever wia in thia 3latv;,w the, reply. ,Tbe people of Pennsylvania aro not as patic&t a thr.st 1 01 uu;a.ri;..MUw ruiu : r x-. . . i- 1 . 11 1 . , .. . aa upri&uig A hai never been seen. v xjjnjvnt.who haa.vtbclintejt&tft..of the itepuUlicaa' MTty ftt heart - bhoulii v.-tt psiastHsxtxanfLiI kboW Mr. B"4Cf:a.: w toLeaBhtJCCatmarvUtdbtt pyhi b. I IxkctcdJ: i .7;ii'. ; f ir ! Tiie'ldrest an1 Varicifcr Heck 1 rViys ntT- ToUti& Ol'oHhirtS5 r.:-.y lc at STRorstfsr t tr . m ujf ttuari.ii.My . nuX.vii:u4' e4 i "...ad wanifl re rT.c;a:iv t.v nt-ait 4 VATsaCjtiPxTiM ViNtwuJJifTci v. I-set t t:at2 LTCit TiteJ maT I TigoruHho whole y:i-nu 1

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