4 M v i 1-4 1 . 9 - I i HE CAROIJNA MESSENGER, I C.) i PUBLISHEE 6MlwWp.T AND WEEXXT, RTTBE6lllpTtON : V ' f ZOO 1 00 one 7r tt advance, three montLs 60 The price of the Skmi-Weeklt is $1 00 tor three months. j tr rTraBient advertisements will be hareed $1 00 per square for first insertion fiftw cents for each subsequent inser- a liberal discount will be allowed oa '.. hv the month or year, and for lonjer adTertieements. 'pMERlCAN HOTEL, 4 Chxbtnct 8raro, Oppeat'te Old Independence HaU, rHILADELTHIA. if 'MioW MP M , I , X :) Iff 3J IF L n-.. tp. i..f .mars wmvJWky MUM w . ' : . . .. - - ' ::. v ' i 1 1 t-i r j r i 9 n i i niiviilimJaiii ii J. A. BONITZ, Editor and Proprietor. V V .... " "i. I 4 1 Iff.- orjns, Principle is Principle Bigkt it Right Yeaterday, To-day, To-morrow. PoreTer." Pabltartd 8emi.Veuy aid Weekly. 17 j .1 VOL. 9. j ililDBQ). C., THURSDAY, OCOTBER 31, 1872. 3j t B.M. HEULIN08, Propriety. I DR. J. MILES HUNTER & TEW. rjiIIE YARBOROUGH HOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C. When vou visit Raleiirh stor at the 4Yarborch." a first-elaes Hotel en the principal business street, in the centre of the city. Dr. U. W. tiLArtAuu, sept29-tf Proprietor. Special Practice. - t l Cancerg, Tumors, Bcrxjfrila, CHronic Ulcers, and all fAnalagons Disorders, SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. OFFICE AND INFIRMARY : EA8T-CENTRE STREET, COLDSBORO, N. C. Consultation Free. In conBeqnence ot increaeed practice, we have gWlFT GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW 8X0W HILL, OREEXE CO., N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Greene, Wayne, Lenoir, rut, SC. opened an Infirmary at Gokisboro, N. C, for the r-jCollections made in all parts of the accommodation of patients requiring daily atten- mHt7 rNfl'r IQ 69-tf t,on The fact that webava cured a large num- tate ixi ot. ov, ber of patleBtaiB the nest gnarantecrbfonr ability I. z to ao an we promise. OjjUc in Vie Cobb Building. DR. W. H. MOORE, having removed bis office to the Cobb building, can be con sulted at all times when not professionally absent. apr4-tjanl JAKRAT'S HOTEL, PETERSBURG, VA., BISHOP & SBAY, Proprietors. Wm. B. BISHOP, GEO. W. SEAY. Formerly of Spotswood Petersburg, Ya. JJoteLy Richmond, Va. oct24-tf We invite attention to the certificates below. which are selected out of a large number. Circu lars containing full particulars mailed upon ap plication. La GitAKoic, N. O., Dec. J8, 17!. Dr. J. Mile Hunter & Tew: Gentlemen: After frequent applications of various articles of the "Materia Medica." to the malignant cancoroas growth on my neck, I applied your "Cancer Rem edy," (which was kindly furnished me by Dr Hunter), EUREKA. according to directions, aad it tiibap- peared witnin ten uays, ieavm no cicatrice. The pain produced by its application, to my sur prise, was insignificant. Your obliged friend, P. I W. WOOLBT, M. D BrnrsA Vista P. OI. C March. 12. In the early part of the present month, I applied to Messrs. Hunter & Tew, eeftking relief for the Whom I crown with love is royal : Matters not her blood or birth ; She is queen, and I am loyal I T the; noiiet of thef earth. leithorplacfe,-noT allh nor titlid. Liacks the man my friendship owns ; ;5VUljVV I its 83fety- That spirit is abroad in .. that movemeut now. That , spirit is now consolidating its forces. It speaks to Democrats and to lie publicans now; and while it invokes that patriotism, it promises security to all our material interests, protec-j tion to coniinerce at home and abroad ; protection to manufactur-j ers, stability to legislation, to capl! ital ; freedom from Governmenta inflaence, and subjection to the laws of trade ; to labor, a freer enjoyment of the rewards of its industry ; to all, freedom from corruption, from debauchery, from. that base, sordid, selfish spirit which rules the Ad ministration ; to" all, merchant, ag- U. ricultilrist, lawyer, professional man, laborer, the free enjoyment of ! A I sutiering occasiouea Dy an encysiea "aor wajen Where true love bestows iU weptnpw' had located itself in mv mouth between the cheek n uere irue iovc uesu)Wl LS s eetness, and jaw. After a short time it was successfully Where tree friendship lays itj hand JTL ANTIC HOTEL, NORFOLK, VA. R. S. DODSON, PROPRIETOR. Board first and cecond floors, $3.00 per rin,;,l anA ftMirtb flnnrs. A2.50 Der Urs. Hunter & Tew, it was successfully removed. , ' . . . -monant hnard- and has not since returned nor given any evidence day. Special terms for permanent Dpara of Bacn lntontlon. Mrs. Aknie j. Rkoistfb, , ers. mari4-u , Rockfish, N. C. 1 -r-r, nurna A WOOntTT Y Fees from $25 10 50- Ilk. XllVUi ft -y-f J-.-" , XJ removed, and I amat present enjoying the bles- ,T)wena fti Watness. all ConinletpnpRa. nipr tnenreinmqia - 7, , , ' , L ' vu ine weaun oi every lanu cesB of these gentlemen as exnibitea in my case U XT -kt ,0-' Man is greater than condition, Duplin Co., N. C, May, 1872. . . , ' I had for ylars suffered with a cancer on my lip, And W here man himself bestows which resisted pertinaciously all eflbrts made for He betretAi and ff'.VOT nosttion lis removal. Auer ircniiueui lur a piiuit nine uv LATE OF KINSTON, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Oct. 14, 1872-tf Offers his Professional Services to the NrWXH MK N K H US M . i a aijjuxx iiiujjxuxAiiJki, miuuu, U.U citizens of Goldsboro, N. C.and surround ing country. Oftice, at present, at Barham's Hotel, where all orders may be left. August 22d, 1872. . lm p E T E K E PPS ", HO USE AND SIGN PAINTER, GOLDSBORO, N. C, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he still continues the Painting Business, and solicits patronage in town and country. Orders left at the Messen ger office will receive prompt attention. August 2nd, 1872-tf -JftyjTALTBY HOUSE, Baltimore, Mn. C. R. HOG AN, Proprietor. In consideration of the general decline in cost of all necessarips appertaining to Hotel Keeping, the price of Board will be Reduced on and after January 1st, 1871, to $2.50 per day, being determined that noth For Summer XJse,r AT THE I Popular ail- Reliable Dn Store - OF ! Drs. Miller i To the gentlest that he knows. Neither miracle nor fable I' Is the water changed to wine ; Lords and ladies at my table Prove love's simplest fare divine And if the-e accept my duty, Ii the loved my homage own, I have won all worth and beauty, ! I have found, the.magia st,one, I . v . i i Try ine shall be left undone in the future u many omer articles in ine r ancy line too make the "Maltby" what it has been inthe teaious to mention t paet-eecondtonone in the city. rmar20 We kfep our stock of Medicines and r I DmcrR ji wavfl Tnll nnn nnrnifl lv on int. a TT a iliatinrtf !rn f n : A r r-k . 1 irif nl . ' 7 ' f hn vniro Ho rr hih 11. It. Shinea - supreme io'er xrowns audr"" "mv,1J' uaj thrones. aiu in the fruitful fields of a peace ful people and a reunited country. Could any Democrat doubt to-day the duty which patriotism exacted of him ? Could any Democrat to day be afraid of Ij is constancy and honor ? When wisdom, honor, pa triotism spoke, should not the Dem ocrat obey ? The speaker did not expect that if Mr. Greeley were elected he would cive them a par- tisan Democratic Administration. It would be inconsistent with the spirit of the movement which car ried him into power. He had pro mised to restore peace, fraternity, and good faith to the power of the George M. Pendleton Speak- country; to give them a sound civil ing lorrUreeley ana -Urown service reform : that he would in- in Chicago His Invitatioir troduce honor and honesty into the to all True Democrats. Administration oftke Government. It would bo folly for the Democrat- MrajendletonandATOvernor-elect ic party to refuse to accept these A large and varied assortment of self- Hendricks, were at the great loe- acquisitions because they could not 1 -I, T, f. X I 1 . Ji 1 I seunng viass r run, oars. rai maSE Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Best brands of Havana land: American Cigars. . Colgate's Toilef and Family Soaps. Burnett's Cologne and Cooking Extracts. Lubin s and other JbiXtracts for the Hand kerchief. Hair, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, and South br ibe city, and a messenger was sent to' them to.koow the cause of their assembling.- Their answer yas that they meant to .'' BUEX TUE T D TOWN, The deputy sheriff went 'out to them and. read .the riot act, but they would not listen and threatened to kill him if he persisted. A little while after the whites, who had ta ken a stand a half mile above the town, moved down to. tho town jnat as the -negroes were marching in from the other side, and the tteht commenced. The contest was sharp and decisive, the negroes beinjj routed and pursued about thirty miles with severe loss. Yesterday Fitzpatrk?k came to this city for the purpose of getting up ' MEMPHIS RECRUIT. ' ir 'yt I r .- NO. 17. day prelection that Mr. Voorhee would not beat his opponents. ... , i What are Mry XJreelcy's- dxancca for carrjing the State. T . .lVrnnAH iA 1 T t . . I i ..... a bi x us re no nest-1 ia our c&a&, ana carneauv inais: on uu own township, oa Tuesday, the ith daj of Noye tuber, and e -tha JTOUT neigh bora do likewise. Let tho registration book bo closely examined' previously, and PopVaBerisci made t o all illegal vtfbtCfcsJlcnetoo,'on "tbeay of clec tioo, cferCtUppt'af tliealVWag. It 13'all imjwrtantftp our Bocoesanpat a fair elio"nd.jrjUf ttef ott'f friend, both D7Kaijbis"rraiive an J- " Lib end ttepublicaa,' be"cit at the baP.ot-1 ox. This will secure a pertain triump ia North Carolina, and on our vote may depend the nalVof tha. Presidential elation. We therefore earnestly urge our friends to seeto this in etery township iu the Ute. , Ajid wo especially sugent that true and active jen, some fife vr six in nunabety io-eury neighborhood of-cv ery township be appointed at one a to call and see, in person, every Totcr friendly Utiwia, sayinghat Mr.i Gredey- ma- going to trie ejection, and, ii n csarv. jontjill txfced that of Mr. HefldrlekA assist in getting him there, and assure TJicirnajoritj of our people are, opposed hirrtthafcttfare is tfganeral-understandiug to GraatarxL his Administration, and amon; our friemla that erery niia is to wUl .vote agwnat him. I havtfitraTelled vote at this election, if entitld to do so. over the entire State to satisfy myself of Th s dtity ie urged upon our Irici.ds and the sentiment of tho people, end found it expected to be done ra every township, everywhere as I have stated.' l of every county in-North Carolina. Uui- JtWrll.Qrantpoll'a,lsxg- a. voters versally pursued, as we expect it to Iks Brown, in the October election in every county, this course will ensure No, . Though. Brown is not a popular ua a glorious tlctory. And success in man, I still think ho received a largrr North Carolina, in this new trial for number f votes thsn Grant will, and for peace and' freedom, honesty and local thee reasons i Man Republicans who fceifgovernment, will not only be on hon- votcd for Brown, bad attended, and took or, ever to be held in remembrance by part in tha proceedings of the Convention our own people, but may save th. tnt:ra which was held on the 22d of last Febru- nation from th Uanirer which now so ary, bfcibte the Liberal movement had fearfully beset and environ civil libertv stating that he was on his way to as6umeJ strength. Again, Grant will itself. ' Lour watch-word the:, from Little Rock for assistance from the a P0"1100 votewhlch Ken- now till election day, be, orUaniz State authorities. Tie went frnm tu,:ky f"tai. Bo yon sethere is very -FORWARD-,nM for o. here to Marion,, and going to the D"lsLt AlUainUtrtion aad our noiaine, the reprt, aativo church where Kev. Mr. Grimsby i. the Liberal' lLhn u Chimpi9 ! Vtion and pifica- , 18 lIQ A,lbrM Itepubhcan strength tlou and true rep ablicau libertv. WORK Our cause Kiiw. 120 oz. Sulph. Quinine. 40 ioz. bottles 44 specially for families, r it: TIii. -j. j 1 caaes v ixiegar xuvers, ai $y per uoz cebla to arm for their defence. A Survey of the Field. -WALTKB CLAKK. J. H. MTILLKN. QLARK & MULLEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TIALIFAX, N. C. Practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Mar tin, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. rat mass meeting in nicago on get more At this point the speak er read an extract from Greeley's marKSj speaiangi tneautyoiuem- letter o acceptance, showing- what ocrats at this time, Mr. 1 endleton he had promiscd to do that was ac and entirely consistent with its i party, instinct with courage and principles. He asked if that was wit'i patriotism, responded prompt- not go0(i Democratic doctrine? ly to the appeal and the indorse- if this were the prevadins spirit of DrualSvs rail.Tnd the actlon. 01 Greeley's Administration, ,f the continuance of the patronage heretofore so the Liberal!, at Cincinnati." -They Democrats conld not "-et into tho soioiwuaij cAKuueu w us. , nnnlnile.d 1 A l.iv aside fill minor dif- : i w j pusbusiuii ui tuu r uuurai vrovern- OUT Book Store ferences of opinion and all prejudi- ment one of their tned and trusted is supplied with School Books, Novels and ces in tbelr Present organization, men should they refuse to take Hor- Music, at .publishers' prices. We aleo keep and unite in restoring peace and ace Greeley with these doctrines, a large stock of Paper, Pens, Pencils, Ink . , n . ir J ' and Slates, Photograph Albums, Walnut purity to tne la-overnmeni. numan- and thus procure the reinstalment and Gilt Mouldings, at the lowest cash lty lias been ennobled by deeds ot Carolina. marl4-ly rsw-flniwinna marip in nil narts nf TTnrth prices. We promise our friends that we Mill give iiicixi ucuci uaii;aui3 mail tiicj VJilli get elsewhere, in all goods in our line. MILLER & KIIIBY. Goldsboro, N. C, July 1st, 1872. LIFE ASSOCIATION of ALIERICA. ASSETS $3,613,153.50. Principal Office St. Louis, Missouri. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N. C. This is one of the best conducted Hotels in the State, (new and established since the late fire.) At this House you will find the best of Fare, comfortable fires, excellent Lodging Booms, a well furnished Parlor and accommodations for Ladies. Polite and attentive servants. North Carolina Department. OFFICE AT RALEIGH. ialStf JAS. W. MOlUtlS. Proprietor. Kemp. P. Battle, Pres't. I S C.'White, Treas. ' I A. G. Lee, Vice-Pres"t. I Dr. J. McKee, Med. Oft'. lENltY C. PREMPEUT'S FASHIONABLE self-denial and self-devotion. Men have dared to die for their firesides and their God, but all history does not show a more magnihcient ex ample of self-denial than this oi the Democratic party. At the call of patriotism it stilled the cry of party. At the command of the 4 in power of Grant with all his er rors and wrong ways ? From the Memphis Ledger. Bleeding Arkansas. was preaching, called out the ne- very grat in Indiana t" . groes and commanded them to. or- -"Well, po, they are not as numerous as ' ganizo and prepare to follow him to we supposed; bat they were trains steel" the attaek under nenaltv of fifrv dol- .aua 8Pi no effort toi elect Mr.-1 Jjc'a- lars bv the league. Yesterdav k Uick however, at tbe Nevem- meetinrr of all the enlnred &inti'p ,irelctf tbey will be strongerf for I r.i u j , am certain ths fconest Republicans of the of tins cny was held, and several kf.f : . fuwibimombb , ... a , , vw "Toroi ousting wrant.T? turned out with flags and drums -Do you know thc situa. iiia reporieu uai winy or. ioriy mon in Ohio.tJTiJaimjis IV 0 . l- 1 1 1 I . . -r , . u aireauy gone up 10 us- : "i Know that Ohto-can be carried for oeola from here and that others areUhe Liberals. My impression is that that preparing to'follow'. Captain Athy, &atc wa lost rromhecr ca'relcsshess Chief of Police, has been appealed Bnd intltitf. Certain as Indian is, I tokton them, and the white nf Oa. "eve thslOhio is mote cerf Am 'still. In , 1 r , leverv State I :IaJtd.') T Yr$P lrw v y pains to- gather information1, regard in the Ohio defeat, and wrs surprised warn I ascertained tie in some small localities at least fifty "Demo6fats remained away Eticouraoina Predictions for Novtnbtx irom ""pons. I uo not, however, wiSTi 'by competent judges what a thorough to 8y any thing further concerning that canvass of the Western States shovs 6tate The late'defjat has proved' a les- PYominent Visitors attic Rooms of I011' dasfarasl can see at present, 1 - I , 1- A. -1 wnaisnonra nave Deen none In Sopten her, is being done now." wnatlsyour opm'on cf Illinois? Have yrm visited that Stafe T 4,Yes, T was there about two weeks ago. Wc have a very large majority to overcome there. I can't say we are as certain of carrying that State. The Lib erals are hopeful, and are making large additions to their ran s everyday. Ner ly all thc representative men in the Stata are for Greeley1, and my impression ia that we do not carry the State, we will come near enough to frighten 'toffan, Yates and the otter Grant men. ' This cto?ed thc interview V ith ifr. Mc Donald, who has the reputation of being one ef the shrewdest men in the Wett. Among the. visitors at headquarters were Congressman Roberts, of thli'cltv ; I, M. BARRINGS K, Ch'ma Stale Dem. Con. Ex. Com. . 3. u mo. n - Chia'a JUte Rep. Ex. Comiaittee. Miraculous Eecapo. state ed at ; r the 'nt the d was ' on the Is exe : with J got the National Committed plains h the der -f ounty, of lust From the New York World of 24th. The Democratic headquarters yester day, was filled with persons who Visited the city for the purpose of conferring with Mr. Schell, the chairman of the committee, and receiving further instruc tion respecting the remaining days of the campaign. Many letters were abo re ceived giving information which was uet only impbrtant, but encouraging. One irora Governor Hendricks, or Indl ana, says : l4The Democrats and Liberal Republican? are earnestly at work, and from present appearances, I am a liber ty to say that Mr. tee ley will carry the State by a good majority." This news, coming from such a source, created con siderable enthusiasm, and was the topic J. M. Tate, Sec'y. C. M. Busbee, Att y. Gen. II. HETH, Manager. From a gentleman who witness ed the scenes already described in the Ledger, which occurred in Os- country it silenced the voice of pre- j dnril)ir the Mst week, wc learn hcld in that Statc' gtber with the 1 1 . ' -flL. 1 1 jaaice, ,or priae,,oi araomoii, oi Ujditional particulars. He states honestjlne-long antagonism, ana Ufiat TT 1 . A J - r 1 " . -r r-. - r .. . t: rv i I - " ' ' - J' ui t'liivcre-iuuu uut a " I of Now York 1 J. McDonnell, of New Orleans, (who states that the Radicals evening, irom Mr. uormacK, unairman of the Statc Committee of Illinois, a let ter was received in a part of which he apprded a long list of meetings to be 1 List 1 week we published 'r. merit that rT.artin "Barnard was hr Headers nvillePweek before la? murder of th6 Xdair familv. Rutherfonl Vindicatoi says Bay . not hung, for rlc escaped from J morning of the day set apart fc. cutioii. He Vxchangcd" cloth : 3.1s wife in his 'fcell, and in that off.leaviiighis wife in'Jail. ThciTick'ofy Tavern Eai'lc" the escape' tWs 3Iartin- Barnard, who, (-. Adairs) was convictcfl of the m the Wetn family inltutherfor nt Fall Term, 1P71, of Renders rior Court,4 and sentenced h Henry to bo hanged on thc 12tl Tunc, and who was respited by t';e Gov ernor until last Friday, thc U ::i iust , made his escape on the morning 1 that day, from the Henderson Jail, u;..!er the following circumstances : The Jn:'or had permitted Baynard's wife to v.it him during his imprisonment, and f he was permitted to rcMain with him during the night preceding the morning of Lis eseape. As usual, the Jailor v:..:ted the, cell of the condemned man alout sunrise, when Baynaid, disguised in h;s wife's clothes, with his haudkerchief to his lace, sobbing violently, walked out of thc cell, and made his final escape The Jailor cirx ied Bayuardbii break fast, as usual, about two hours at. cr ward, when, to his great surpiisc, he diovcrul that Baynard's wile, dresst-d in litr night clothing, was thc only occupant of the cei:." on Tuesday last he reached Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon, Oiriwtite 2Tttrojolilan Hall, next door to A. W. Fl ap's Saloon. RxVLEIGH, N. C. The only white Saloon in Town. Sha ving, Hair-Cutting, Dyeing, &c., done in the Latest and Best Style.- NEWBEKN BRANCH OFFICE. B. L. Perrv, President, G. W. Dill.'Vice-Prett't, Ueo. ween, Attorney, 4. JINSTON HOTEL, KINSTON, N. C. .one! n tV nrncanno rF tlilc irrOQt W.Geo.Brinson.Trea. - - - Sr'fianiwky1?: calamity and to avoid this danger, prGives ail the advantage of tflocai Compa- adopting their platform and their ny, with tho Htrcni;th of a National Organization. r. '. , . , MKeeps tlu money at liorne, aud loans at 8 per candidate. 1 hat candidate had DCCn cent interest. , , , .... C"Locai Agents wanted. , the, earnest, determined, bitter, per- Applyto I. T. CARRAWAY, ' . ,i ,. .i t District Acmt. sistent, able opponent ot the Demo- names of the speakers, among whom are Governor Hendricks, of Indiana, and united with the Liberal Republi- nc(lon, onA r . T . ,u rtf senator l rumbuii. . J. a. lhompson, 1 Usceola and lound larcre bands ot r,, - r c : negroes parading the street,, with L3ure8Mr. Schell "that Ohio will render drums beating, banners flying, and a different verdict in November from making riotous demonstrations. j that of "October," and concludes hs Jet- Knowing Rome 6t the negroes, belter by saying, 4,Our defeat has aroused went to them and 'told them they them to action, and thoroughly awak have given Up the the contest in Louisl ana) ; Captain Yt P. Montague, with members of the New Jersey State Com mittee ; James IL Nicholson, of Louis ville, Ky., and James F. PreHton,' of Connecticut. To The ."Democrats and Con servatives of North Carolina. The National Democratic and thc Lib- SVlonev Advanced on onthe q,iestion of tho da' The yni l y u m u. uu iiiituiui iu ii i iu he has been faithful to the cause. It would bring to his support all Hotel at Kinston andthe building has been chison & uo., New York, to be held one to six the power of a crreat organization, The undersigned would respectfully in form his friends and the traveling public that he has recently assumed charge of the Cotton to be Held. I am prepared to make very liberal cash ad vances on t'otton to be shipped to Messrs. MUR- thoroughly renovated and refitted for the months if desired, at very low rates of Inte .prnmrKlat.inn of th Pnhlio. Storage and Insurance, all fully explained by He is determined to keep a first-class House. G. K. BAGBY. novlO-tf erest. ing on the undersigned 111 be furnished with all thc particulars and cost can-Jail its strength, its growing were doing wrong, and that they ened the careless Democrats who avoided oral Republican Committee have rect nt- ." Ll . j. v j j , the polls under the impression that vie- ly held coTJsaltatiftns iff New York, and ought to disband and go home. 1 - , ' . A, ,, . f , -.t. ,, ,. . , , tory was certain without them." This stirveyc i the flrld 'of thc Presidential xiicj ....vx wwu t.UCJ ir hut a mettle exhibition of the eneour Mpctoo. tn tftkr nUm - In tho. TTnit-Mt knew they weee doing wito.vG, aging news received. From Connecticut,) States on Tuesday, the fifth day of No- but they didn't care a d n ; they Wisconsin and New Hampshire, prcdic vtmber. meant to take tho town and do as tlon8 r v,ctory come Wltn the are nopefdl and even couUUent In conversation with the distinguished I of the succes or our nominees In faci'j.lthey pleased. - The whites com- this rr rrrt ml fr- nna rf tn r A VTwrrrx'A?1 1 ifirvn ' Parties wishing to operate in future contract ty, its history, its traditions. It racea armin0 soon auer, ana me i bQ g served jn the-Congress of thelTof aputand honest adrainistration .of OEN ARMSTRONG, BOOKBINDER AND BLANKBOOE MANUFACTURER, RALEIGH, N. C. Trial, Execution, Minute and Recording Dockets made to order. North Carolina Reports and other Lav; Books, bound in superior Law Binding. Missing numbers of tho Repor s supplied aid odd numbers taken in exchange for binding. fsept!6-tf of doing eo by calling on A. IA.Y, Agent, FOR nrniil.l nivo ni- oil tlio llin-a in t K o I QltlZenS honors, the offices: th eifioluments. torney j W ILLIAM HAY, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. The undersigned begs leave to give notice to his friends and the public generally that he still continues the PAINTING BUSINESS, and all orders left with Messrs Ciark & Roberts, at Newbern, or Mr. W. F. Kornegay, at Goldaboro ill receive prompt attention. Patronage, from town or country, solicit ed. WM. HAY. Qoldshore, Oct. 27, l870-3m jyj-ETROPOLITAN HOTEL, BRoiDWAT, New Yoar. Re-opened under new management Augusi Mna, jot, ine reception of Guest. Hubchisok & oo., wittTAKB a MrRCHisos. I that oeace should be restored to an W?n York. Vilmit.nt.-.n V C I Goldsboro, N. c, Oct. io, i8Ti-2w ' ' afflicted neople. The' Democratic , . , , JQQ BBL.S. PORK, ao Kegs Lard, ! IO Tierces 44 I 100 Bbls. Flour, ! 20 Bags Cofibe, 25 Bbls. Sugar, ' 500 44 Rockville Lime, 2000 lbs. Hair, 50 Bbls. Plaster Paris, I dO 44 Cement, I 50O Bundles Iron Ties,:! ' 000 Yd-. -Cotton Bagging 1 0 Bb1'. best Itye Yhiky, JO j.mmoa Rye Vhisky, IO 44 Corn Whisky,' 5 ,: French Brandy, 5 44 best Grane Wine. On hand and to arrive. party has shown itself to be great in its triumph, greater tstill in the consistency with which it has borne danger and darkness and defeat, but grreatest of all in this act of self-ab-negation, it has laid aside every as piration, every human weakness, in the hope ot benefiting its coun try. The effort might tail, but it was worthy the faith of the martyr, worthy the courage of the devotee, and worthy of ajustGoi. It ha ii t 1?. - IB 'III i ocon saia tuai me ' eigmncaiico oi GREGORY, GALLOWAY & CO. I this great movement was reconcili ation and purification. It was this, A ,1 . a-. . T li n .1 fr-tAAn noiil tlinf it j t UV1 IUUI C. J.O 11 1. U.-U DUtV. UlUt II House, Sign and Ornamental meant a great administration oJ AainWr S ; , I constitutional law. It meant this, GOLDSBORO, N. C. land more., Its highest value and tS" Havini? located permanently in I Its siguilicance was that, uuderlay- bsk a. - . it ... a xiic opauiouD uunumg nas Deen tnorougn-1 wiasDoro, x wouiu rcpcv,uiij auuai, lQrf. Q stroTte-o'lartie3 in Dur iy renovaiea, ana newiy lurnished thrsuKh- portion of the patronage coming unaer my i , y - v , - out. Sne. ' '. v.'-i. ' T t!l-!qql country, aud animating those strug The Proprietors have made every exer- House, Sign, Fresco and SOrnamenta; I aes ijes spirit 'Ot tmttioUam, a tion to adapt it to the comfort and conven- Painting ; also, Graining;HiaiBg Glazing I f . r , '. , . r icnce of its patrons, and have parsd ni- and Par-Hanglng,' d6nt Mliheirstyle love of country which rises supreme tue pains nor expense UsecurtBthat end. Jand at living rates. k r-r r .5 .i-j ' io thc presence of thoiperil bf Ithe MPt8- Proprietor i. I &An5-if FRANK E. MITND, FRANK E, MUND. country and still speaks to silence l i ' - . - J - . aruL Jiecnanica node a vrv ..ULaltlA Superintendent of Public well andnbblyon thc 1st August ia-t :j . n.rtY,n . .JTu , which in our section is a &od trat for the frauds and gross vioU-Tf,n Thursday, pound in torrei.!--. We lost two of our old Itions of the election laws of thisbtate in Judge Merriman's ?pr;cch p. V cdncs- For the Mvlju. The Goldsboro Fair. 3fr. Editor : Permit mc, if you please, to sv a word or tjvo.in commendation of thc Fair, nclu in your town under the auspices of the Farmers and Mechanics' Association. The good secnmplished, and general ucoesf t.f tb Fair, is so obvious as to require, no extended, remarks. The in terchanged opmions. the culture of mind through the eye. and tV- conse quent improvement of household life tW elcvatidu of sentiment and aTrction by looking and redacting upon tho beau tilul, rcsulti ni; in purer thoughts, higher resolves and holier purposes ct tiaot be otherwise' than profitable to the immun ity. ' ' . But what is especially comn ndable in those having tb rrmnareTi) t, from the worthy, Presidtsnt, W. V. K -ruegay, Eq., down through the attenti. .- corps nX geptk manlBianagera, and .ioctors, ii'lhe absence of "side shows," unken :css, gambling, etc., and all th efforts to popularize vice, - which hal reached 6uc.ii point as to wolr-nigh -dura the best men from -hamig anjthiiw: to do with Falra. I. . The LadieV Department of h ckeep- ' Bwx") nwne-worir, arm r-i -j arti det, was very mpx rior, nd the i' A-nxrs' arul3Icchanics made a .a that strugjTe, our victory would iayc I day, was, m thtejlement of 11. prcucnt ;..,f Ar Ut;i I writer, the mot telling, prae'lral and was. SO. is then appealed to the iTjoitcd States, and who, in 18M, ran for I tloVefument, and the preservation of, v.. . ... i uoyernor against aionon, ine ioiiowing I me sacrea principles or civil nueny u- efforts to quiet the disturbance and information ws gleaned:!"! self. In'thla review of '(he' poiitical ' sit- lisperse the mob. Captain Clay- "I think the political sitaation isln- uatibnt'they tlo not hesTUe to say that ton said he would do all he could, diana is very bright. The last election m rich, very much, dcpencLVon fhe vote. of and hpld a narlAv nrith Fitrnntriok. was a sort of a doe fall. . We trained a H ortn uaroima. ah aumu mai wc a:a fhom tn dU- Governor and nurse the mob. Fitzoatrick reDli- Instruction u. - ...j- 'nyrhatjcASQas do yougiieXir-thc ton promised him they would do Jni r..-.a-t 4,Tbeoause of our partial defeat was! We&pncalio vok.Jrtfnd ..re THE WHITES WE tE DISATtMKD. ' I the iuactyraj the jlrtiocats, tMaDy publictfn freedom and 5xk1 gorernment, assoonas thev learned what Fitz- Democrats ;did not go to the polls, bej- Ho b readjox the final contest, to. soo - I.. . ..... . ... . . M . . 1 TXT 1 .1 ... J k " ' I r Patrick had said: The negroes 1,e?n ttxxt Mr. iicnancxs naa do wocaccmea. nor. iaruj wiuman-tfil mankind, and then foliov. -:-.g this however, instead ot keeping tlie ; T ,,w sh-sw,-rSrm. and resoectewl ss ft fnsht to be. lies at compact, reinforced, and extending! . , . . . . . . :w;nW. Prw.htnVircfHhe kjontUttonof ciTl.izationrr.ppuiesa, " ".7t" would Jiave- been eiectea by at Isastlriwrty., jopoi oeprneu vj jzw jefwc-prgitions he dsenssed for au hur ia ery road and by-way leading into 4 000 raajorjty. But , notwithstand ng sentationsorawenredo from 4.hat line ofUn'able manner, solhat old Far.r.c.sand town. Early next morning (Wed- this important cause, I am satisfied that (duty by the threats of those who thus j jourrg girls sat, looked, listened and un . .1 . : r il. It . V. l ..: r tt 1 I ,1 MCt V.A-;f n-r fr'nti S. I ueiAiowi. ... - . .. ". . ... I . 1 T ' . . r i ' ? . ' L 1 . ! while on their way to town, were 1 01 Kauicai if Dealers, wnicu,were prfoci- halted and searched for weapons Pa11! negroes; airu 'wirr tiumbefed at 1 j'.e lias erer listened. Thc spc j.- cr laid down first as the ?a;:s of Ins reech, c ertain reat pripeiple unHeri''i2 the fesbject . lie defined Labor'1 to r j pnys- icai or intellectual effort applies to ben f A A M . - , - m ft . befora.bcing allowed to proceed in-ie1 'wonia navi carrita: lao lo the Village. Arriving in Osceola, 0 " S Jm they reported what had happened ' . A . . . , r . A vote in the State ?" ly began to armto protect ttie city.lTletrei fxl MfJ Voorrreva district was Meanwhile the nejrroes had formed la inrnne to evervbTv Tn thp St-it a 4 B X J m in solid phalanx about half mile (there was nothing to indicate even oa thc Vcry truly, E. A. Yates. er means, of Intinidation or corruption, nor seduocd bjM Uaadisbtneota of om cSal pat rotate, so freely yfSeml Iff-those I who iireonpuDHc pirmaer. ana loeur res psia or sxi lrapoTcrunea auaoppresaca. P600.?! tlP tge;ypa to vote as treemen, freely and Ac 4pen4etly, i tbe ulVm-i a recruit from rutkCaruliTFu, Why telligent. and untranimelled exercise olj donH little llcnderson of the Jw lYork , , s of ah American cltiieo. j Ard.f put in an appearance for the Lovaltv 15 Rontsos. Siocc the Pcnn- . . sjlraoia, elt;thD, the outlaws arc get ting , t quite 1 Irjiky and are again showing them- t selves in their old haunts. luey ;:uregot- , . all the frills Be sure to attend your precinct, ia your put in an appearance charming widow "Hhotlv? (.