' - - , " " """ - " '" " ' ' "' "' ' '"" iiEOAROLIKA MESSENGER, . .L'Trt I 1 MTrt t ! a 2 A.'"? U '21 -A a ' ! -: .v r-,-;-,0,-.; I. - .., If I I 'fmAJ ' ; 'iW ! rrVf9 Yf tr A AS i-rfWY -i.v Heavily fell ahaTrV wd ,wiuij I ' ! n f I HI I !l , I ' ' " " " 11 " " I ' , t 1 . Il SUBSCRIPTION: Weekly .' one year, in advance, $2 CO six months " " 1 three month " The price of the Semi-Wekklt is 1 00 ror three months. ., v irxTva.cint ftdTertisementa will pe harmed $1 00 per square for first insertion and fifty cents for each subsequent inser tion. A liberal discount will oe allowed on contract by the month or year 'ongcr adrertiseinente. A MKRICAN HOTEL, and fur J. A. BONITZ, Editor and Proprietor. Tor nt Principla ii Triaciple Bight ii RightYciterday, To-diy, Tcrrow Pcawter.J Mli&aed 6txai:eellj U ITeetkly. Chbstxct'Stbekt, x Opposite Old Independence HaU, . PHILADELPHIA. v S. M. HEULINGS, Proprietor. HUE YAKDQROUGH HOUSE, " RALEIGH, N. C. you Tieit Raleigh stop vol. 9: i GpL DSBjRO, N. ; CCv THURS DAY, NO YEMBER 21, 1872. NO. 23. When you Tieit Raleigh stop at the yARBOKHUii, a firet-claee Hotel on tne r.Tincirjal business street, in the centre of tne.ony. Pept29-tf OWIFT GALLOWAY, Da. G. W. BLAOKNALL, Proprietor, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SNOW HILL, OB8ESE CO., N. C. VTill practice in the Courts of Greene, Wayne, Lenoir, Pitt, &c. C3Collections made in all parts of the gtate. Not. 30, '6S-tf H. MOORE, M. D. Offiee in ike Cobb Building.' DR. W. H. MOORE, having removed his office to the Cobb building, can be con sulted at all times when not professionally absent apr4-tjanl J AK RAT'S HOTEL, PETERSBURG, VA., BISHOP & SEAY, Proprietors. Wm. B. BISHOP, GEO. W. SEAY. Foimerly of Spotswood Petersburg, Va. llotcly Richmond, Va. oct24-tf L. Salusbury, Tie Finest ani most FasMfliaWe BLACK WALNUtT 1 Parlor, TV" ' i if! 9 u i - - . . - - . f P : s lyT ' " ; -i '. W " ' 1 - " "' I'J r" SIII-WIKIjY EDfflON. irrvirTinrte m ii i l w JuL U iLi Jl Ji. A' TL ANTIC HOTEL, and OlisaM er tl II II I ITq 111 i of new and original designs, and of the most superb , style and finish. Also,' choice assortment of- Tables, Wardrobes, DRESSEN& CASESETAGKRES, sideboards; NORFOLK, VA. R. S. DODSON, PROPRIETOR. It - f 3 J a Q flA nyii. day. Third and fourth floors, $2.50 per IilDraiy & BOOK OaSGS, dav. Snecial terms for permanent ooara- J 1 A r I M mtm rm mm . fcB -i ers. HAi InrrS nnU vfnalflUlai JQR. THOS. A. WOODLEY, LATE OF KINSTON, M Offers his Professional Services to the O&jTOGtS, ' rit.iypns rf (Inlrl shorn. "N". O.and surround-1 ing country. Office, at present, at Barham's Hotel, where all orders may be left. August 22d, 1872. Also, a complete line of lm pETER EPPS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, GOLDSBORO, N. C, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he still continues the Painting j Business, and solicits patronage in town and country. Orders left at the Messen ger office will receive prompt attention. August 2nd, 1872-tf Oil Cloths, I li X Jm jr -a ai ' ' w STiades i ; r.;; and II kif3 t Give me a call before purchasing elsc where. All goods warranted as irepresent- ed. Office and Salesroomsnew JSos. 207 ana ?:um jJiam tireex; oiu x-u. x nuu w sept23-3m M ALTBY HOUSE, Baltimore, Md. a i. HOG AN, Proprietor. In consideration of the general decline in cost of all necessaries appertaining to Hotel Keeping, the price of Board -will be Reduced on and after Januaty 1st, 1871, to $2.50 per day, being determined that noth ing shall be left undone in tne future te make the "Maltby" what it has been in the past second to none in the city. Give mr a man with an aim, Whatever that aim may be, Whether it's wealth or whether it's fame, fit matters-not to me Let him Walk irv the path of right. Ana Keep nis aim in siijiu, And f orki and pray i faith alway. With lmCJQ oahft Silttqrjng HJM. Give me a man who says : "I will do something well, And make the flcetiDg days, A storv of labor tell." 1 hough the aim he has be small, It is better than none at all ; With something to do the whole year through, He will not stumble or fall. But satan weaves a snare, For the ieet of those who stray, With never a thought or a care Where the path may lead away. The man who has no aim, Not only leaves no name, When his life is done, but ten to one. He leaves a resord of shame. Give me a man whose heart Is filled with ambition's fire ; Who sets his mark in the start, And keeps tuoving higher and higher, Better to die in tha strile, The .hands with labor rife, Than td ide with the streomiTftn idle dream. Better to strive and climb And never reach the goal, Than to drift along with tim() An aimless, worthless soul ; Ay, better to climb and fall. Or sow, though the yield be small, Than to throw away day after day, Ard never strive at all. Divorced. -WALTER CLABK. c i. I. M. MULLEN LARK & MULLEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, "He'll go to the dogs now." "Of course he will." Bv all means. Onlv see how he rn.rn.rn . I WW antGui i!' acted when his wife lived with him! iiAiiirr i . . . rmar20 ANE OR MOKE good., solicitors tor the ow that she's left him, and all res- Und nnsinw. T.ihfirai com misaiona! will traint removed, he'll co the rest of the downward way in no tnne.- be paid. iialifax, n. c. kept23-2m Address JNO. W, BLOUNT, GenTAg't IifeAs3.;df America, Raleigh, NJ C. M Practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Mar tin, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal (Jourts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. marl4-ly QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, ; GOLDSBORO, N. C. This is one of the best conducted Hotels in Uve State, (new and established since the late fire.'J At this House vou will find the best of Fare, comfortable fires, excellent STRICTLY A Lodging Koom8, a well furnished Parlor and accommodations for Ladies. Polite and attentive servants. Jaltftf JAS. W. MORRIS, Proprietor. A CARD. RS. EINSTEIN begs leave as actually at work on hts farm. Had but one man seen this, and told it in the Tillage, he would have been as a man lacking veracity; but anmberjtjf ladies saw it and told it, and their combined testimony was worthy of all credence. The little farm began to loot healthier as the Summer wore on. The fences straightened up, the weeds disappeared ; the corn grew marvelously ; Iho briars and eld pes were rooted up by the fields and fence rows ; the animals looked fa tor, sleeker, and happier, and' the little cottage looked neater. Time wore on, and the great change was the more strangely re markable each day Harry's credi tors cAlled on bim andtoTd hira they would not be hard on him, and .he might have his own time about pay ing his debts and clearing his farni of the mortgage. The Fall came, and tho farm yielded an abundance of golden corn and fruits ; su'jh a crop' in deed as ilhad never produced be fore, and Harry found himself be ginning to drift along with tho tide ot prosperity. And Nettie Ray had begun to life her young girlhood over again, as it were under her father's roof, but somehow, it was not like a happy joyous girlhood of memory. It .was sober and quiet now, and Nettie foil into trains of musing; every mind a certain thought, she was neither maid nor wifo. She avoided the vioinity ot her late home, nor had she once seen Harry, sincethc separation, but she heard" of hlrh occasionally) knew that he was a change man. Still this knowledge brought her but a melancholy satisfaction. The re form had become too lat(j too late! There was a wide 'gulf between them now. ' ' r But one evening in the golden Oc tober Nettie found herself rather obliged to pass itarry's farm. It lay between her fathers house and the village, but sho had heretofore taken a round about road in comff to and from the villace. On the evening in question, " however she had been detained in the village un consciously till it was dark, and de- moment. No ceremony-sh burst into, tho'sittine room and was at ins siae. "Oh, Harry P Her voice quivered with emotion. "Why, Nettie P ho exclaimed. trying to hide his tears men are ashamed ot them "Is it you ?" 1 "Yes Harr' holding her face in her hands, "I was passing I look ed in I saw you sitting here so lonely, and could . not help coining in. I thonght of the tirno when we were happy hero and Thenef womanly tears could be ?L J- 1 mi rcpreseeu no longer, mere was no use trying to hide them. Be sides, her voice broke down and she could say no more just then. "Nettle," he arose, and took loth hands from her face and held them in his own, I thought yoa had blot ted me out of your memory. "No, no, Harry," she sobbed. "I could not do that. I could not help leaving you ; and I left yon loving you more than ever. Oh! I have been unhappy." "Nettie you have heard that I M "Yes I have heard that you have changed that you do not drink any more that you aro again man ly and industrious as you used to be; but how lonely you must be here ?' and the tears gushed forth anew, as her heart felt that her lips spoke. "Yes, I'm lonely, Nettie more so than you may think; but I de serve this punishment for the way I have acted. I had no discourage ments, I had nothing to make me do so. It was onlv nassion for drink. ' X that it seemed impossible for mo to overcome, xou were all a wife should be or could be. When you left me, I thought I should become more reckless than ever. Onlv a day or two after I knew you had lett me tor good. I was in town drunk, and I heard some village people they thought I couldn't bear them across the street pass ing all sorts of remarks about me, saying that now I was a doomed man certain ;that my destruction was near. Although intoxicated it ncavlly fell ;thar ralnaid .wiUlj wept the wind through ft'riirrbw slreeV )a the buaiaeM part of the town,; as a merchant, cloelnhVdooYf hi's count, log room, prepares. tor' hU SmWaK walk: ItwMnotponbfMoiiij toil which aow Hia &S&itilfch pretitng hit tplrit'idrf! hbi Tiewapf life ; hgajrjat .th'day with' deep dtsappolatiaeat" aiwl base ingfat" lude, iarolTlng J6SCT H phuu, bla prospects, hb futnrc ca recr, which but the day before had t ed all glowing with sunshine, now look, dark and dreary :the trail .of thcser pent was over them 1L t Act) ajn ;lia homeward path he drew: near a cHunM surrounded by its green Uubil-pUctx,. . enue exercise to the aalaul fa rood weather aad gmrig him light bat diges tible food. Whether thui treatment be! eflicacioua. exmrienM Itaa 1. i strated, but It U the txcepted method Vf" "f? d ' wans far " ' " I "w wuku uoii perwrni wdo tit is to be booed. haV.t hare passed the springHime of existent renUou willmake heedless' "lay (est of fwnUUr; fcn4le4aiB8 00 the lov . 1 I wall, as the hesdstonMf th tul 1U vixsiaia. r ot there Is er-Li ; . ZY? -' 55 ery reason tof believe 1hat the disease hia dArknC8 of ho murmurw' aucto uo wiccou cuu irom iroaoimp, coca milar .TTvrnrr n tl.... .aav- " mm, vui i North, and we have' theK VtiWWV if owwV,-" :"J our nelghborslo irable ua U' anVtM! "'" P 100 P Prc. I ft A . A. - ' - ' m am wurst consequences. be Poor Nettie ! I wonder she stood it so; long !" iT 11 .. u: :..a a. . v I J iiac " J oue 1 w u termined to hazard the nearest road buried." to inform J "Well., I pity him, too ; but I pi home. It would be fully dark when she would pass his house and the r .1 . i a T a an oi ner inenas ana oairons, iuai u tt i she is now prepared to furnish j anything J i"" 1111DV1 chances were that he would not see in the lineof MILLINERY, at the shortest on both." possible notice. She has established her millinery up-stairs over the store f Messrs. Z. Einstein ifro., ana secured ithe servi ces of competent milliners, who will be found in constant attendance, i i ' oct21-tf . MRS. M. EINSTEIN. her. She wouldn't have him see COMMISSION HOUSE o. . . t. ; . - i -i ducu was tne gossip oi nan a uo- her for the worid f . . . AVhen she arrived opposite to the one of the principal stories, one , v- '' , .. XL . , .. , . . house she perceived a light in t .e sitting room. Her first impulse JENRY C. PREMPERT'S FASHIONABLE Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon, 0yposUe Metropolitan Hall, next door to A. W. Frap't Saloon. RALEIGH, N. C. The only white Saloon in Town. Sha ving, Hair-Cutting, Dyeing, &c, done in the Latest and Best Style. JINSTON HOTEL," ' KINSTON, N. C. The undersigned would respectfully in form his friends and the traveling public that he has recently assumed charge of the Hotel at lunston and the building has been thoroughly renovated and refitted for the accomodation of the Public. He is determined to keep a first-class Uovrse. G. K. BAGBY. novlO-tf A JOBINSON, McLEOD CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i. : AND : ; - j PURCHASING AGENTS, No. 15,,Gheapside,' Our experience in the market enables us OTHER I PRODUCE,, andjto fill Tbadb Orders for Flour, Pork, Groceries and Merchakdise generally, to the best possible advantage. Our correspondents in Goldsboro, B. M. Privett & Co.!, will receive orders for our House, v i We eanfine ourselves strictly to a Commis- $ion busineta. - : . ; J OI1N ARM3TRONO, BOOKBINDER AND BLANKBOOK MANUFACTURER, RALEIGH, N. C. Trial, Execution, Minate and Recording Dockets rande to order. North Carolina Reports and other Law Bocks, bound in superior Law Binding. Miesii g numbers of th Retor e eunnlied aud odd numbers taken in exchange for binding. Iseptl6-tf ILLIAM HAY, UO USE AND SIGN PAINTER. The undersigned bees leave to give notice to Ids friends and the public generally that he Btill continues tbe PAINTING BUSINESS, and all orders left with Messrs dark & Robert?, at Newbern, or Mr. W. f.iKpvnegay, at Goldsboro ill rcceWe prompt attention.' Al Fatron&ge, from town or country, solicit ed. WM. WAY. Gddsbore, Oct. 27, 187 0-3 m METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Broadway, New York. Re-opened under new management Augun 22nd, for the reception of Guat. The epucious building has been thorough ly renovated, and newly furnished throuxh out. . 6 The Proprietors have made every extr ou to adapt it to the comfort and conven ient? of i patrons, and hays spared nei thtr paing uor expense ta e.cure that end. TWLEb&G Aft FIELD, "i18" ' I Prorrietorg: MARKET NOTICE ! I hereby inform the citizens of Golds boro and vicinitv. that I have taken charge of the Market, recently occupies by Mr. T. J. Johnston, and am now pre pared to iurnisn, ax, living raiea, luuivery best meats that the countrv anoras. Those havme stock to sell will find it to their interest to give me a call! DOv4-lm -A JESSE, BI2ZELL. B. M. PRIVETT & CO. wilL for tlie present, occupy an Office iuM. II ,Priyu Strt oppoaite their former warehbnieilate3y!d- Tr Their regular bmineu trill be oonUn ued mViw titierruptton. , Uoldshorb, Aug. 12th, 1872. Fresh Norfolk Oysters AT FKEEMAN'S.1 T WOULD rearjectfully mronn X the citizens of Goldsboro, and of Wavne and adioining coun ties, that I have opened in connection with Jr, Freeman's Confectionary, a first-class OYSTER SALOON, and am tpared to furnish KonoiK uysters in every conceiv able style. . . . ; The ladies are invitedi JYJ F,amiliea supplied, by the quart or gal lon; With; fresh OysteraitlaUyii ' By strict attention to"tKeuyster business I hone to merit a share of the public pat rcnagl, .apJTCILBORHE, . JSsOrtf f if ; &ipTiNTfolk, Ya. Mimmer evening, while the subject of their remarks went staiLrerin2 along on the opposite side. It is evident he was trying to walk straight, and not to appear in- oxicated, bat snch endeavors al ways seerrf to make a drnnken man walk more crooked. Well, it proved' one thing; that he was not yet lost to all sense of shame that he still re tained a lttle pride, and a lingering iversion to be ridiculed and despis ed. But Itarry Rogers had carried on at a fearful rate for a year or two past. He had just one vice drink but that was enough. He had married a worthy farmer's daugh ter, Nettie Ray, only- a few years previously and such has been bis conduct during more than a year past that she seeing no hope :of his reform, - had been oLaed to cut him1 loose to pursue his profligate course alone ; and in a legal sepa ration had just been effected. It was said, indeed, but no other courseseemcd to be left her., , . Hrrys 'home was: orj, a little farm, a mile from town. He own ed it, but then it was heavily raort Jgedand ;n ,another;.year fore; closures? was Jcertain.w It was not likely his creditors would spare him when he made no effort to meet his uThaVi the matter, Bob !" Sam, who ami!" "Why, you are youmU; Bob Harrison in't jou P - " -"No, tar from U.n MWhy, wliat's tn mattr' imir,i mao mixed ut. I docrt know who I am. "Don't take It ao hard to heart." " UI ain't ; Vm taking it la m handker- chict" "Well, sjr, whafi the matter r "Why, I'm married." 'Married ? Why, sir. yon ihonld happy." Yes, but I aint,0 "Why, all married men ara $ opposed U be happy. "Yet, but how many are so," Weill tell us all about it," "Yon see I married a widdar. aad this wldder had a daughter." . 0 yes, I tee how it U. Yoa have been making love to this daughter." -No I worse than that. . , You see my father was a widower, and married this daughter, so that makes my father jnj son in-law, don it t Well, don't you see how I am mixed up. P . . . "Is that alll" "I only wish it was. My atepdangh ter is my stepmother, ahrt shat Well, then her mother Is my grandmother, aint she f Well, I am married to bar, ain't It Bo that makes mo my own grandfather, dontitl cebdsd to his own dwelling ; there, tov aii looxea aars: ana Cheerless the. win , ddwt were closed, ahdjx warm" ray "of ;. UghtYotaid tUjrajr 4hrpgh: 'thfnrtfi . welcome his approach. 4 "Like the r.t of Ihe" world The exclaimed; "like tl a rest of the world ( 4 Nothing to bri hi cn or gladden me." Drawing tho ia?-.-kt y from his pocket, he turned the lock a::d " entered. As the sound of his fLi p was heard within, a bright cirl oi:nM the parlor door, and cme for to greet hlra. "rather, dear father rLe qx claimed ; 'how wetjyjou arc ! I have been so troubled abont you V" aad pressing Lex. warm cheek to his, she drew hira raU the apartment. Everjtding there t.ill of thoughtful offection. . An arui-t hair was placed rcadj for hiin by the sid i.f the blaring hearth ; tbe hissing urn, stood in its place npon the Ub'.o, v. here, a nicely prepared meal awaited him.wnd the tender tones f a. daughter' vuica sank to the depths of his weary heait. . "Mary, darling," he said, as t.ar. dimu-ed his eye, and he leaned his acl ing head upon her shoulder, "I have had a sad and a weary day of it :. but there is symething to lire for yet, while I have, such a daughter's lore to gladden zuc ?' uDear father," sh replied; uhccd not the storm and tempest without; our oa fireside is bright and warm; our own hearts honest and true." And tuuleama. bright sunbeam r poured from Maty. eyes, , causing sweet flowers of cheerful hspe and trust to.ipring up in her Cih. er's bosom a soil which but a few boor a before be had thought would sever agiq produce such blooming treasures. Two Oatises and one Effect. Beelnff the Point. A boy returned from school one 1y with a report that his scholarship hod fallen below the usual a? eragc, "Will," said his father, you've fallen UMud resolved never, to touch whisky again, I had tried it long enough to know that I could not drink and be temperate. It was hard to keep 'Howdld th.thsppen I" Don't know, sir." The father knew, If his son did not. He had observed a number of cheat novels scattered about the house ; but be had not tbouzht it worth his while ta ssy anything until a fltticg opportunity should offer itself. . A basket of appUa stood upon tho floor and be said : uEmpty those tapplea and tsko . tiia MiMOUI5liY,ttHUi .1 ATTORNEY AT LAf, ! 1 H 'if QOLDSBblUV N, Oi j, t ! Havins Kaumed the JracticeJ Lean b found at the CklWO Ip&J , , tjjgs Onlcc first door on the right hand. noVl4-tf obligations. And ispent Uila time in riotous and disgraceful conduct. A week passed after that summer evening on which all agreed in pre dicting his early rain two weeks a month or two. What strange misery is here ? To the .utter be wilderment of the prophesying" sa- ges. Harry discontinued visiting tha tavern, . and .was rarely- ever seen in the village.' When he did come, in the store, he spedily trans acted business land then went home -s sober. But wonders never cease when they get a starti i-He was next reported was to hurry by ; but some power ful influence prompted her to stop. She did'so, and stood timidly at fbe further side of the road, gazing longingly at the house that had been a home for her first of happiness, then, of misery. By-and-by, sire felt an irresistible yearning to look at the interior of the room once more. He was evidently within, and there was no danger that he would see her. So she walked hur riedly across the road, opened the gate, and softly stepped into the lawn. Another moment and she wasatthe window, looking in. What singular behavior 1 But she could'not help it. The little room was as neat as when she herself watched over it. A cheerful firo was burning in the grate, although it was not very cold; and a lighted lamp stood on tho ta bic. It Was there that Harry was sitting. How her heart bounded as she caught sight of him! He held in his right hand a book from his scanty library. She recognized it at once ; but he was not reading now. He had al lowed it to drop, with its open pag es looking mutely to the ceiling -and iiis facq was supported half con cealed the lett hand, tho elbow rest ing on the table. Was he asleep or was he buried in sad reverie J- Nettie thought that the latter was the case and her heart was touch! ed. "I wish I had borne with him,' she said. But a moment later her heart was touched when she saw a tear roll down his cheek, and drop upon the book. The lonely man was not asleep he was crying, She could not -help it, - All that was womanly tn her heart was aroused and sho was at tho door in When Doctor Dodge, an eccentric puyiician, was lecturing In the States on the evils of tea and coffee, he happened to meet at the hrttkfit thu witt son of Erin of the better elass. Conver- month, have J0Q 1 ftAtinn tnmri mvm TVwfC r.nAl 1 es, SIT. VI . . jm . startled me, and for tho first time I follows: felt .he full force of our separation, "Well" said the doctor, -if I convince and realized that ruin stared me in you that they are injurious to your the face. I had a bottle of whiskv health, win you abstain from their uaa." in my pocket at the roadside, and j I willi H". 'How often do you use tea and cof fee!" " "Morning and night, nr." Well. aaid the doctor. "Am exoeTience n ht dlfRMM f tv basket and bring it to me half fail of . . . , - . . 1 M B - " I . my resolution ior tne nrst . week or DrftIn on to ttups." . . . two, but I fetood it, and soon my "I do indeed I do," replied the sen 8 nspectins nothing the son obce-l. taste for drink disappeared. I care of Erln.M ' VAnd now" continued, Mput tiu.-o. nothing for it now, and would not "And a sharp pain through the temples ftPP k Into the baket . touch it if it ran in streams. Now, in the morning? When half the apples werw- rrpUc d. Nettie, if you love me as woll as ev-l -Very often I do, sir." "v.v nVi ' . ' ' . . . I w.Ht..M s.v ; -rl "Father thy roll off. IcaatP'itia aw m vS m 1a i 11 viii satasi uiD sas. H' i nr. wills sx n n.ir III I a tji ttwu. vtuu Miuwo iiiiaw i iuvv jvu : 9 w " w- the same, let us get married over Satd'Sffe RMUrMC ls the again, and tho bitter experience of "It Is, indeed 1 Faith, and I always the last two years will only enhance thought it Wat the whiskey I drank;" m. j a a v a a m . . .. yuurnappincss. neiuc; aear, wnai aoi The company roared with lauchtcr iputiuoa in. uo ,jou, expect to mi you say?" and the doctor quletlyretlred". bosket half full of chips and then fill-it She could not answer: sho wis crying . m , B ' I with applet t Yoa aaid you. did'tkuos asifher heart would break.and her head ,..M,.ftM K.-:- any more." . "I?ut them in, I tell jou.V -3nt, father, I caat put them in." 'Put them in I Ho,ofcoursoyonrau, was pillowed upon his br.ast. It was a maU of hU f.. more eloquent 'Yes,' th.n sho could have u thni . CM0 (Jm)6t basket; spoken with the tongue. .Atn ti.'- . wit- much. lhc moon was rising, and it had never h,., a - a bc u up with cheap duteaj, noccU ' looked so happy as it did while hel.j v.. i ; . . I The bv turned on his heel, and i.i; walked home with Nettie to her fath-l ..." ,. U I tied, and said, "ffWw: I s'eHhc i.ii.t. '"cuu uaoi can . . - . , " ... .... house from that dsy.ib tltis. why you fell behind at school, a ud I will tell you. Your mind jisliks thaC it will not hold more ibnn s much. And here you'qe been filling It er's. nlav the ftdr11 m.nA h m. 1Vn.. il uuiiau; iwgcio uuu iicii ivoj j trades." married again and there is no divorce that will seperate them now. Just as a traveller was writing his name on the register, off Leavenworth Relapce in the Maladay. I Hotel, a bedbug sallied out and took' its way across the page. Tho man paused Tho Horse Maladv has taken a form reked :,"I ve been bled by. 6s. in many parts of the country which we fly bitten by Kansas dry spiders, should be careful to heed. In New Interviewed by ..Port Heot gray York and New Fncland and aa nAr n- hacks, but ITl U cussed JfJ WM evit U as Maryland it has been very genendly P?06 before where.tha bedbugs looked bund incautious use of the animals, be-j0 we nouureguwr w nna.oui wnere fore their convalescence fs assured, is yor roouiwaa. followed bv a relrnse which rarelv fails - I AAi - . . M t . . to be more dangerous than tha original 0010 ricr 1MJ disease. This tendency seems in many at . to 1 Wack Walter. fThere cases wholly due to the premature expo Mi .! Why what'a that oa sure of horses to cold and fat gue and re-1 itaeDoaro, la was aisa werai suits in the form of dropsy which Is U. u" IUH . ." diousand uncertain of cure Among l"1 ,,mP,J wr coif rice, fan., rieasa ourselves the malady haa not been great- U CXAcl ,n yur 8h ly utal and in many instances seems to uu vxao vu uauwuiia ' be losing its hold, but cannot be too of- ."!.- . . ten repeated that great care is necessarr ' 'A Kansas paper, m reporuag a inai, in keeping the animal afTected warm and eoacl.dat witlvJmy iatarnad a ver nnirl until hi. ere haa been infirm! diet Toot guilty l.but if the prisoner Is 1 . til 1 mt-tmi -. . r time, j " ' isaarpro9.wiu scare wwb juwhiouw time.1 morality invplved.it it surely poor econ. Very much confounded wss Dr. Doanp a few years since, by a remark of f.ne of hli "patient. The day previous, the Joc tor had prescribed that safe and pa'utahlt remedy, the syrup of buckthorn, ard U ft his' prescription duly written '-Syr. RhamiCath." OnMaqulfieg if the . tient had taken the medicine a tuuiidrt cldud "darkened her? face, lightning d ri, ed from her eye, asVhe roared but: Ni t I can read your doctor writing, and ain't SigOibg to take theSyrip of Ram Cat$ for anybody underheaven I" Lewis," said a fklhtr the other day ta his delinquent ftoa,-lTni busy now, but a soon an I can get time I mean to give joa floggu g.w Don't hurry yourtelf pa, replied the lad, T can wait " - .s a ; - - Isay, Pat; what are you writing tbera io such a large hand t" MArrah, lMnry andisa'titto my poor mother, who i very deaf; aad sure.I'ra writing her a loud letter. "I don't - a a a a a mucn aooot ine.Dugs,- omj to mk th. d.Uv of bonei for tt. Mia Wot! , t,," w ,f ',, gated at aAW At aa'wwetaiV' f aAM wl 7:T7 -r " -'ac1P11wJW practice at the North haa bcea to n a h -l f Vi liniment of csjnphor,' ammonia and rweej yrafa'4 TTTv sjTlff rrn'a TTtssn oil, rubbing' Vie parts "aCectedgiHn V Ml fjlargary, what did you do with : that ta'low Ifr. Joaea gTsaaed his boots w Ub thia morning H PJease,xnaras, I l-akcd -the griddle cakes with IL' -Lucky ya did Has, I thought you had wasted it."- ' a lira. U. E. EcniU, haa Just reTeA.. new spedmenj of EmbixJdcry patterns., nnkina and Stamping done at .herNjjj Thrivent In tho ncaicst sljle. " t it ji iv ,11 t A m I 4 -A i t- L