THE CAROLINA MESSENGER, PUBLISHES BZWWBXZI.T AXTt WBULLT, SUBSCRIPTION: " ' ' C TFtvJWy one year, in ad?ance, 2 00 six months 1 0 three mont'a 60 The price of the Skmi-Webklt is $1 00 tor three months. C7 Transient edTertisements will be harged $1 00 per square for first insertion and fifty cnts for each eubseqneat, inser tion. A liberal discount -will De allowed on contract by the month or year, and fur 'onger adTertisements. MERICAN IIOTEL, Ch&stkct Street, Opposite Old Independence HaU PHILADELPHIA. S. 3f. HEULINGS, Proprietor. rjpiIE YARBOROUGH HOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C. "When you tisit Raleizh stop at the 'YARBOBecii," a firBt-claes Hotel on the principal business street, in the centre of the city. 1r. U. W. Ui.Aun.Ai.ii, sept29-tf Proprietor. gWIFT GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW BXOW HILL, GBEKSB CO., N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Greene, Wavne. Lenoir, Pitt, &c. iryCollections made in all parts of the State., ov-u T ' - ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- m m 11 fl I I III VAWAVAYffM Y flA VAM WS-AW i m jm 1 1 . II Tl y r 1 t - ..- .... .. '.. , 1 1 "- " . - . if m ) ii ii ill i'i v i n i rv ii i ii ii' i I n i r I r- .1 .i:. i II. MOORE, M. D. 0e in A Cobb Building. DIt. W. II. MOORE, having remoyed his office to the Cobb buildinff, can be con suited at all times when not professionally absent apr4-tjanl JARRAT'S HOTEL, PETBR8BURQ, VA., BISHOP & SEAY, Proprietors. Wm. B. BISHOP, GEO. W. 8EAY Formerly of Spotwood Petersburg, Ya Hotel, Richmond, Va, oct24-tf TLANTIC HOTEL, NORFOLK, VA. R. S. DODSON, PROPRIETOR Boabd first and second floors, $3.00 per day. Third and fourth floors, $8.50 per day. Special terms for permanent board ers. J. A. BONITZ, Editor and Proprietor. For Jim, Principle it Principle Rigkt ii Eight Yeatcrday, To-day, Tgnacrrow. Fcmer." VOL.9. 1 X GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1872. f."l NO. 25. 'I1 Oid-J oha-ltobisssa -riattea-v bv IS. m mm m. number of spectator bad n eoV.eri. PTobyTttmberhff.fonr; rtby :snd. . 1B aaixaai were not erea tu-ja froja the tan, i;. I Ud .the pleasure of alteu jur xair.0 am eorry.: iy vtt en3thbgVte, We inoavi .'.boieca uaaiaoirK: gambling hS.&'&c jrUdLT tlilai, jhonVd be exd i .edTlroa I iv,oTOr jraa.e x oia not cat tm oppo tunity 'of Tis'lUog the Talr at "ay old home, Qpldibq ba beard jt , -Uly met ue expccUtiona of all who a! tded. - marli-tf J)R. TIIOS. A. WOODLEY, LATE OP KINSTON, M Offers his Professional Services to the CaTDGtS, ing country. Oflice, at present, at Barham's Hotel, where all orders may be left. August 22d, 1872. lm 1 L. Salusburv, 1 NORFOLK, YA. t DBALEB IN : - ' j The Finest anfl. most FasMoiialile BLACK WALNUT Parlor, Library, ; an d Oliaixi r , er FURNITURE, of new and original designs, and of the most superb style and finish. Also, a choice assortment of ' , 1 Tables, Wardrobes, DRESSING CASES, ETAGERES, SIDEBOARDS, Library & Book Cases, HAT TREES AND WHATNOTS. ' Also, a complete line of -WlliLV EDITION. Alili'S WELIi. The dav la ended. Ere I sink to sleep, .Vy weary spirit seeks repose in thine. Father, forgive my trespasaes.and keep 1 his little life oi mine. With loving kindness curtain Thou my bed. And cool in rest my burning pi'grim feet: Thy pardon be the pillow for my head So shall my sleep Uo sweet. or agents and such subscribers. Sec. 3. That whenever the sum of one hundred thousand dollars shall have been subscribed to the capital stock of said company, by solvent subscribers, it shall be the duty of the commissioners aforesaid to call a general meeting of the stockholders after giving notice, as to them shall seem sufficient, and at such times and places as thoy shall determine ; and at all general meet ings of said stockholders not less than a majority of all the stock sub- scrioea snau- const unto a quorum for thd transaction Of business; and said stockholders when so met in TTT r wo w. wucm- ry gwa,w noi, 1 wui punih chief product r eaiu county, cuj or town inau sub yoa more than ever a mtn was pnn- tioe. are tar, pitch an. turpta Bunuc vuesvocK 01 saia company ugncu." , t I will not intrude farther. forsuch sum as the order shall pro- UI have beentH said the soldier, jthink tbia episUe unworthy pose,andthe officer o appointed "about six weeks on the march. I P jour.quilfe with it suan mane return ot the number have neither Bible vnor common voting for aad against it to the said Prayer Book. ' I have nothing but commissioners or municipal auth- a pack of cards, and I hope to satis-orilies- fy yonr.lordahip with the .jmrityof Sec. That it may and shall be my intentions. ' - lawful for said Snow mil. Green- Then. inrMiUmy h mmAm t- . ' I C " 0 WW. 9 WV1 W Tillo and Qoldsboro railroad com- tho Mavor.' hebetran ?th thWmLm. mf W -Q mwm wmw "When I see the ace, it reminds me that .here is but one God. ""Wheal seethe duce, it reminds pany to make and issue bonds to an amount not to exceed three hun dred thousand dollars, to be signed if jo notiqr. wiui,many wisnet for the fu resup ceai of yeur little twinkler,' aadtbe happiness ot th two young co ! tht were recently married in your own, I am air - Yours, Ac . Too Yocxo To uTX 9fmmmmmmmwWmmmlmm9mWmmm. Lenoir County. by the president ot said company, me of the Father and Son under the common seal of the same, "When I see the tray, it reminds The morning sun may break. Railroad Charter. The following is a copy of the charter for which application has -La Gfas, Nov- JKi:." 187. Editor UESiBocHuV that our corretpondeot hia been vu , acgli general meeting shall have power m sums of five hundred or one me of the Father iwn ml ttm Ba 1 mia lrkJ? . 1., . ' - wv aaiy, m we nave not naa any oauaual ing in-1 Ghost. ' L.ft-i tt tJ president and nine directors for terest at the rate not exceeding "Whenl sec the four, it reminds MWltZ- said company ; and in electing such eight per cent per annum, to be' me of the four Evangelists 'that w not regarded aa a true cor-poad. president and directors and in en- paid annually in the eity of New preached Math ew, Mark, take h7 witer from thJt tecti eaae acting such laws as may bo nccessa- York or elsewhere, at their option, and John. - ' . signed 'Farmer. I think he w threw- ry, each share of stock represented aJ redeemable within thirty three "When I see the five it minilt totfgroaa a reflection upon iraar . . I wv.vvn Ittli Itl 1" comparing line commodiotrs atr" birild- were shut out. ; lbrough "iiwineSix, rennmis bly good except cotton. It la-imstfd larraera, that r1- cottS three-fidha. '-.i crop except where rdar' 1 r I f1 Ml s-t 1 . . . - I . . , - . . . . I . ' - Sen. 4.-That It shall h thn dutv rcenY"ie an troiasooro railroad minds me thaton th ' ll&te. - j .v,vm.uq, . of said stockholders at their first company to maice, execute and de- God rested from the reat work h 1 M "nodista held their arttilj general meeting to prescribe the liver 10 such persons in the city of had made and hallowed it. nectiBrl"f Saturday ud Bn ay it injo new vusrcu. i is roxnn' n J Tr A. .1 A-A- 1 1 til 1 t peace with all the world, dear Lord, in person or by proxy shall bo. en- years from date of issue, at the op- me of the wise virxins that trimmed ' and,Thee, titled to one vote : Provided, If tion of said Snow Hill, Greenville their lampsthere were ten - five No fears my soul's unwavenug faith . ... eu un ,,ir.nM0i :i t . wcrw ven nve ray soma uuwayermiauu 1 m ctrtnMini,iM ciinii Un,l 1,1 M;i.n.l Shake t t"Jv1 J va wvh pxwivuvi&vt asiuHi 1 -va.tiiv v 1 am uau JMUlMtUjf All's well, vhichever side the crave for not attend said first general meet- .. Sec. .10. To, secure the faithful ' 1 me ing, such as do attend and arc pre- payment of the said bonds, it shall me that in six days the Lord mada by our ataadard sent may adjourn from time to time and may bo lawful for the president HeaVen and earth. ' : is cut ahort by tl until a majority shall appear. and directors of the Snow Hill, "When I see the seven it ' re- excellent, excer pETER EPPS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, GOLDSBORO; N. C, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he still continues the Painting Business, and solicits patronage in town and country. Orders left at the Messen ger office will receive prompt attention. August 2nd, 1872-tf M ALTBY HOUSE, Baltimore, Md. C. R. HOG AN, Proprietor. In consideration of the general decline in cost of all necessaries appertaining to Hotel Keeping, the price of Board will be Beduced on and after January 1st, 1871. to 12.50 per day, being 'determined that noth ing shall be left undone in the future U make the "Maltby" what it has been in the past second to none in the city. f mar 20 1 XT -r 1 . . . I - manner and time in which pay- xw xorK or aoy tner cuy, as the "When I seethe eight, it v.,, ,Ai fi 1 a.okk, mentRof stofikon the Riibsr int on wmpauy may seieci or appoint, minde me of th io-lt ikMn. - . " T . uu .Uluc vu uic ucnuai nsiuui;, r L .uiPt . 4 , " ft-- ' 6" 1 XateS WES M OmcJatCbut Or. -2COBnt and which will doubtless become book shall be made: Provided, r"11' .r rigge, unaer persons that were nared, when God of h4 absence a irreat manTo- v Not morethan three fourths of said e common seal of said company, destroyed the world Noah and his sadly disappointed. The fr: id. bf subscription shall be called for un- wherein shall be conveyed to Jie wife, his three sons and their tempenince hare a tery protpen -i cn til the track shall have been com- person thus appointed trustee, the wives. ciL A great deal of pood has '-ealc- Dieted. road ProPerty, income and franchise "When I see the nine, it reminds complished. God grant the so work I 1 1 ' 9 I - Sec. 5 That it shall be the dutv I 6aia company, acquired or to be meoftho nine leaoerfl that ware maJ leeP 0IL Oaeofourp: Sec. 1. The General Assembly 0f the president and directors of squired, conditional for the pay- cleansed by our Saviour, there were of North Carolina do enact, That a said company to appoint a treasur- meQt 1116 lDterest and final re- nine oat of the tea who never re company is authorized to be form- r whn hall remain in nffinn snfth 3emption of said bonds. I turned thanki. WallPaper. ed, with a capital stock of one mill- length of time as the company in Sec. 11. That said railroad com- "Wheal see the ten, it reminds 1 ion dollars, to be divided into ui,mo jflffi.m;n pany may build their railroad tracks I Uiveme a call betore pwcnasin0 cisi ahareB of fifty dollarg cach tQ be ident and directors 8hall over any navigable stream by pat- God handed down to Moses en the where. All goods warranted as represent- called and known as tho "Snow rpmain in nffip.o nno vpar until nth- linS a sumcieni draw in the bridge tablet of stone. OilCloths, I Mattings, j Window Shades' and ! law without any alterations : An Act to Incorporate the Snow Hill, Green villi and Goldsbo ro Railroad. young men returned from t5 Council wlth'cbecrlng new"a. mor of importance. IUapcctfully you Meu jaL olive. -suu .'otislpj ed. Office and Salesrooms new Nob. 307 and 209 Main street; old Nos. 58 and 60. sept23-3m Court Notice. rpiIE undersigned having been commis- Hill, Greenville and Goldsboro Railroad company," for th J of building antl constructi reman ers are Edttob Mcsarktfca, Decor 5tr. Having teen no your last Supplement from Mt. concluded to writ too a fcr WALTKB CLARK. J. K. KULLIH. QLARK & MULLEN, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. TTi?fx Mm. in the same. A- f IVVIW A LA MA A VUU V VA WW W M. m. v Am A aaha I v All tin, Northampton and ISdgoconabe counties. L i aii paraes anu In the Supreme Court o? North Carolina mal Actions pending and in the Federal Courts, Af I A chosen, and shall have a mother structure so as not to im- "When I see the kinsr. it reminds ne purpose general direction and management Pee navigation, and may ran the me of the Great King of Heaven, ing a rail- 0f the affairs of said coraDanv. and same along any public road, when which is God Almichty. road, with one or more tracks, to be shall appoint some suitable person Jt may be necessary by keeping it "Whenl see the queen, it reminds let you know what we are doin used with steam and other motive as engineer whose duty it shall bo in Kood repair or by constructing a me of the Qnoen of Sheba, who Tis- here. For the last three or f power, irom Goldsboro to bnow to make the necessary surveys for newroacior roaas when they ran ited Solomon, for she was as wise a Mt. Olive has been iuproTing Hill, in Greene county, and Green- the location of said railroad and ang any portion of an old road. woman as he was a man. She There are at present about aixt -L sioned to hold a Special Term of the I ville, in Pitt county, over the most furnish the president and directors Skc. 12. Anyperson who shall brought with her fifty girls and fif-1 nouses in hlch huinea is d "f-'--"- " y - j to begin on Wee December next, relation to the bt for the information i nrnnnna i o rnnr.A t hr.ninrh run nnnn. i i 1 in iuv w;iv iu uru or uusiruri haiq tvhAva ii fpoaa& ;n iwufcwcuj uncumx uuun, Lnesciay the bUth day ot i wnii sucu survey or surveys auu 'j -.uivoocu u uwj a ujjur- . . " the following order in ties named, and such company when estimates ot cost. Said directors road, its branches or connections, el, for King Solomon sent lor water , f!f f : op' isiness of said term is made fvriin,i no uftn. oi,nii , , . hesides beinr linblA tn th rra. -u l.u -. . . , , oeSJ bmlding a fine bri of all parties interested - . snail nave power to nu any vacau- - . - " - ---r - w wu , we gins wasnea lwhh th. flt nr Mt pave power to receive, possess, own, cv that mav occur in their hoard. ny 111 a clvl1 actlon lor treble the to the elbows and the bors to the . .i-... .w. r. j 'i. : i i f i j y ' i - -. . . i amic iiuuii. iuc ciikiu uu x 7rAn King Solomon told by Un m ,.: tSTCollecUons made in all parts of North term- pear and answer upon tho first day of said al property, to have a common seal Carolina. marl4-ly and to pass such by-laws, not in- JJENRY C. PREMPERTS FASHIONABLE Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon, 02poiU Metropolitan Hall, next door to A. W. Frap"t Saloon. RALEIGH, N. C. IT. Issues of feet uoon the Transfer Dock et will be called for trial on Thursday ol consistent with the laws of this the first week January 2nd 1873. Stale ag bo n(JCCssary to carry III. Issues of fact upon the Civil Issues . J Docket will be called for trial on Wedneday out the object of the corporation: of -hj second week January 8th 1873. shall be capable in law of sueing IV. Issues of law will be for hearing at ... , , , . at any time when the business of the Court and being sued, pleading and being may permit without rererencet o tneir piace impleaded, and shall have and enjoy upon the Docket. r, . J V. The Clerk of said Court is required all the rights of other corporate bo- The only white Saloon in Town. Sha- to cause due publication to be made .of this m;Po under the kvc rt this Ktitr- tr ying, Hair-Cutting, Dyeing, &c., done m order. ALBION W. TOURGEE, , . . . , " . . : ' - the Latest and Beet Style. Judse 7th District commissioned to have land condemned for right of QOMMERCIAL hotel, GOLDSBORO, N. C. This is one of the best conducted Hotels novl4-wlt-swtd hold special term. I way, according to existing laws, MARKET NOTICE ! and for all other purposes necessa- ry to carry into enect the purposes of said company ; and shall gene rally have and possess all the rights, privileges and immunities and be In the State, (new and established since the I hereby inform the citizens of Golds late fire.) At this House you will find the boro and vicinity, that I i have taken best of Fare, comfortable fires, excellent charge of the Market, recently occupied Lodcrincr Rooms, a well furnished Parlor br Mr. T. J. Johnston, and am now pre- and accommodations for Ladies. j pared to furnish, at living rates, the very j subject to the limitations and res- UI'ISCmK Itafl icli"s f incorporate bodies in ;t t hoir ir,rpt trivft mp r r.nJl Uhis State, and shall have tho exclu- T IN S i ON 11UTKL, nov4-lm JESSE BIZZELL. JLY. elect one for the time. They shall also appoint a secretary whose du ty it shall be to keep a fair and cor rect record of the proceedings of said board and of all the proceed- jinijs of the stockholders in general meeting in a book to be provided for that purpose. Sec. 6. That the president or board of directors shall at least once a year make a full report on the state of the company and its af fairs to a general meeting of the stockuoiders whenever taey may deem it expedient, and the compa ny may provide in their by-laws for occasional meetings being called, and prescribe the mode thereof. Sec. 7. That all persons, tho commissioners of any county, or the authorities of any corporation, be guilty of a misdemeanor and pan- i i isnea dy nne or imprisonment, or this. "Well4" said ing 'ia lm I intt to down yaart pidly. . atore e, and d tT- l Xer atore, ire, s teem f the I country. the Mayor, "you I In the last election the Boutho both, at the discretion of the court, have given a description of all the taffered one of therem'ett defct Skc. 13. That said company may cards in the pack except - one. begin the construction ot said road What is that ? at any point on the line of location The Knave," said the Mayor. according io nieir discretion, ana "I -wilt give your honor a dls thatforany portion of said road cription of that, too, if yon will nol actually constructed the said com- be angry." pany shall bo entitled to all the I ttI will not," ald the Mayor, "If jou privileges of this act into nnd over! do not term me to be the knave." sue ti part so constructed. an nala of history, but we ahoul discouraged. 44 Where there is there is a way," and we have p work and try oeam: and the. probability that we will detent ' netn is the election four years hence. people Uthe not be h will to but UaU KINSTON, N. C. The undersigned would respectfully in- sivc right to transfer and carry per- p-ftol, JJMh- rixrafavaW ' v1"" ,ucau,"JU'su auu suan nave lull power and aumomy " 3 - XiOU ilUllUJLU VTHWViUl nt .opmntnnn a nn nnrl n nnrr cn.. i i 1 a il r JWUUIieU II1C form his friends and the traveling public AX Ji ku.xia . railroad at such prices as they may Hotel at Kinston and the building has been J citizens of Goldsboro andiliy ' thoroughly renovated and refitted for the Qf Wayne and adjoining coun- Sec. 2. That for the purpose of accomoclation of the Public. ties, that I have opened in connection with CPeatin the e-inital stock of such He is determined to keep a first-class Mr; Freeman's Confectionary, a first -clre creating the capital stock ot such House. Cr. JL. iJAviiJ i . OYSTER SALOON, and am prepared to company A. J. Galloway, W. T. ZLTLr - mrmsn jNorioiK uysiers m every conceiv- Dortch L W Humphrey, J. A. . Qn fl HIV P I mm- JOHN ARMSTKUNU, " ThVladies are invited. i Tinnjrnrvnnn Arn nr. A VKKOOK Families supplied, by the quart or gal " ion, withhsters, daily RALEIGH, N. C. Tria.1 F.TPrntinn MinMtft m.n Tteoordinc ronagC Dockets mad to brdei'. I 8ept30-tf . North Carolina Reports and other Law Book 8, bound ia superior Law Binding. MissiDg numbers of th Repor s supplied aid odd numbers taken in exchange for binding. septl6-tf Bomtz, A. C. Davis, A. D.Speight, W. F. Kornegay, E. B. Borden, and W ILLIAM HAY, By strict attention to the Oyster business John V, Sherard, of Wayne, and II. I hope to merit a share of the public pat H, Best, John Harvey, W.J Jones, ronage. B. Q.WILBORhL, T n . , ' 8ept30-tf , lab of Norfolk, Ya. jas.-i-. peignt, josepn uixon, a 'mLy.,1, T Chas. H. Harper, W. A. Darden, A. B. HOLEjO WEIjJj, Jr.,andUzzell Lassiter, of Greene, GOLDSBORO, If. c, and James Jovner. Albert Move. E. "SaIeneaffiS J' Bloant Robt' W' Joer, E. G. to the brick store,; next door to Yeliowty, Chas. J. O'Hagan, Louis Peter's Kuaknl Monthly comt . tos iU "Well," jaid the soldier, "the greatett Tenth Yoletne with the Decernl mtm- Sec. 14. That the said comrjanr knaTe . 1 know of constable that ber. bed idol Mr. Peters bot simple sbaU issue certificates of stock to broagbt mohereW Jtlee to itata that hU excellent m- its members, and said stock may be - 7 ? ?&7-T' 7 xlM W ia Vlth U transferred in such manner and ' " ' 7 ll!" '. r , . , great fool." eppearaDCe, and ithaa been te uly ica form as may be directed by tho by- Whea x how nuy a proT pwent ime u laws of the company. pack of cards, I find three hundred and can only be prcmounccd perfect, ,.nd in- Sec. 15. That all the officers sixty-five ai many as there days in a dispensable to every lover of m- sc. i and employees ot tho company be year." ; The December number, price t kcentJ, and they are hereby exempt lroml "When I count the i number of carde jcontalna three balada: a Christu. s Song in a pack, I find there arc fifty-two the aQ Anthem, a Four-handed . ! .ce, at number of weeki In a year, and I find played at Theodore Thomas' O.'.lieatral four suita the number of weeks in a Coacertand three ipleodidpiac piece, month.' any single piece beiag north i .sheet I find there are twelve picture cards music form-more than Mr. Pel s ukt The Soldier and the Pack of I in a pack representing the number of for the entire lot. Cards. naontha in a year. . OWlng' so much really cood r M for wAnd on eoonttag the tricks, .1 findlsnch a tmall sum, it Is nd won' r that A private soldier by the name of thirteen the number of weeks in a'qnar-1 Peters' Mtalcai Monthly has ta ot ler. do yoaea;sir, a pack or cards friends among our music lovm;. ..eopla. serves for a BibU, prayer book and ah Those who have seen it will.ol "ourse, almanac. This will tell you all about a renew their subscription for the oming day of- A.D. 1872 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. The undersigned begsleare togW notice to his friends and the publie generally that he still continues tbe PAINTIKQ BUSINESS, and all orders left with Messrs. Ciark & Roberts, at Newbern, or Mr. W. P. Kornegay, at Qoldsboro will receiye prompt attention. Patronage, from town or coamtry, solicit ed. WM. HAY. Osldsbore, Oct. 17, 1870-5m jyETR0P0LITAN HOTEL, Beoadwxt, Nrw Yoar. fit-opened under new management Auguu 8SwJ,&r th reception of ChtesU i The spacious building has betn thorough 1 j renovated, and newly famished through- T ESPECTFULLY informs his friends XV and removed John H. Powell's and one door north of HiUiard and Germaine Bernard, of . m w m i 1 1 . mt i x i . lit . n hi iiu i 1 f- rArlsa Pitt, are hereby appointed cornmia- - " s to subscribe to the capital stock of said company to the amount they shall bo authorized to do by the in habitants of said county or incor porate town, 6r the proper authori ties of any corporation ; and they may issue bonds or other evidence of debt to enable them to borrow Richard Lee, was taken before the money to pay such subscription, the magistrate of lilasglow lor playing said subscription to be made by cards during divine service. The any agent or agents of such county, account is given in the English town or corporation properly auth- Journal. A sergeant commanded orized by them to make the same; the soldiers at tho church, and when so made shall bo binding on when the Parson read tho prayers enrh rnnnt tf nnmnjnv or enrnnrnt he took his text. Those who had a . -j , k j r i pack of cards. Dear ColnmboB County, miterine, Not. 18tb; 13Ti. Bonitz: Truttmg that a few year; other r, iesa fortunate, shot! . send the Publisher, J. L. Pctert, 390 ' 15read way, New York, fl, and sectrre f e last ! fomifumbefiaj sample copies, c 1 for a year's inbecrlptlon. '' , i -' -i A remarkable criminal'- tsde oojssistino OF DRY GOODS, HA.T3, BOOTS, SHOES, it t e Dass-c 0f this ict as TtfrkTTrW nnmnif.nTRS poou aiiei me pass.ige oi mis act as as low as they can be bought elsewhere in inay be to Pea or dircct the l)en- Goldsboro. Hoping by afair and nonora- mg of books ot subscription at such ble course to merit a liberal share of public . f- na na f n patronage, he solicits a trial.! places and at such times as to a ' majority of them shall seem best, ALL PERSONS indebted to me either ; , i e, . nn1 i., by note or account, will please come and under such rules and regula- i forward and settle, aa further indulgence tions as thev may prescribe : such cannot be given. My Books and accounts . .. 4i,-r are at the store of A-a HoUowell. who is subscription, or any part thereof authorired to receipt Tor money due me. may be received payable in money, OCtl7lm ; iJaoOA IIXJUUKJ YI JULiU. : nf i.nt tV.r cl.lio I wom frtnk this section T of th country ooay in me same manner anu to - .. 1 cribedbv the AshevilL N. O. I'-neer : the indi- had neither Bible nor common -ray- , , ,T Thoex-Rer. Wm. WiUoa, of :,pcej vidual subscribers ; and such body er book, but pulling out a Pct oi 1 coniy, ; r stand one anal , - t- corporate or company or cou sloners whose duty 'it shall be, as ; shall be represented in all general him. He first looked at . . 1 ..! . ! . . . . I.t I"!. . then at another. The sergeantof Lttedone and a Quarter miles from the . 8. That tho county com- the command saw him and said : Wilmington; Columbia & AcguetaRail ners of any county iu which "Richard, put up the cards ; this 1 road and u the Hetropolti of the coun ty. ItU a Terr pretty little littre Til lage, ofabout &ur 'hundred inhabitants, and although a very old place, and the When the service was over theKonxity st; too, Us ncrer bn Ifirpcv. meetings of the stockholders. Skc missioners ot any said road may be construct- no piace iorvnem. j o.i nf said om- "Never mind that," said Itich misQinnra rAnrnrrin(rl. Or th nor- ard. ..Uw.wU.w ,. . ---n j porate authorities of any town or oitv are autnorizea io maKc an or- ru"ku,fc i, 1. - der requiring the sheriff of such and carried him belore the mayor. ttpltjalltj XlU, tight or ten .fV fn fi.oo.nn. "What have you brought this seU rL -U.. t Wanted ! lands, labor, or material necessary out. I The Proprietors have made every extr-l " ' . .. .... . bonds, stocks or other valuable ere tion to adapt It to the comfort and contea- OVvr 1 A BALES each, Of good bngni - - i ieuceofitspatroM Ubaal dits, m such manner, and ou such ther pains aor expense to secure that enaJca&h pricei ViUlpk0 pterins as shall be agreed on between X II StSttf A UAAI Ittltif, I An sept8- Proprietors. InoT7 county, of city or town, the con fine stores. ." TXHC9 counciL two in the construction of said road, stable or any officer of their own dier here tor 7 -; I churcbetTj Uethodlst and Tmbytcrian. I .... . . . A . . . . J . . 4 - . - . j- body, at such time and on such a "or playing cams in cnurcn. iM 0f which is a.yery elegant buildlDgv nntironstliov shall direct, to ODen i ")ve soiaien wnavnavo.TOti.goi built by one person aione, air.rJonB lind't: the sense of the vo- to say for yourself ? 'r.A IHalUbyJ Had they alewiaoTeauch as tcrsof such asare qualified to vote.l "Much sir. I hope? yy...i i iJeboUity aral4tooa!baxiAitsivi; U4 isnau re a ixaruwiire ujiw w ? ' u "j w - lm? and command the respect an- .-aXtra of a large circle of acquaintance . Io mestic iniclicity Icl him to abac- -a his wife. He thus fell into disfav. : with the religloui ' community, so ' at he abandoned the ministry and retook himself to highway robbery. Sir mlarly eMUgh. he goes to prison torro mg a wagoa in l&W., or nve years .. j ct. dd arreaLwaa then tried, carr 'jd his case up on ' Uw points, and n iw th verdict. The Salem press says th; ia or der hie been received from Eng'. nd tct a ' thousand pair of live partri Tet to stock the downs and stubble f. 'da of old ttu&z,.:::i' iAdlei. llUset aid Children z Host laryiiE0VV t Q CI O t c3' ' t .' '. i- f . :-. .-(. i i.. in v.: .uO i ! --:-t-T4jd !hK-r r! runt '.v tu i

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