m!lrrr .a,. . , r . i fi s s J "IT y w-r-m-ra-vr ViSTin Wvrirrirvr 1 f'-'UUliU .udtfi iuiti iliil i i it :, t , 1 , J. ' - 1 - . ..i . : C r f.;. , 7T? -rr-T-.v-'.' ., i. 11 1 " I " " " " ' ' . - "L A MfflPICEllT STOCK OF Ms. New Quarters! New Goods! J. A. BONITZ, Editor and Proprittor. For us, Principle is Prmcpl JRigkt is Bifffct-r, Yesterday, Tc-day, To-mcrroW, PoreTer.- VOL. 9. GOLDSBORO, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1872. j i .J" NO. 26 . Low P-rices! It was unquestionably 'genteel,' however. Miss Parley kept a -select school on the first floor ; Mr Johnson who gave lessons on the fluteancl piano, and Mrs Drecy, who fcut and fitted dresses in Parisian style' on the very lowest terms,' oc cupied the second;story and .two threaded her needle with black silk and put on a thrifty-looking 'silver thimble. I anything the t.watter, Miss Kate ? asked Harley as he observ ed the elder sister's flushed cheek and discomfited mood. Nothing,' she answered, petu- or three pale seamtresses, a wood lautly, but tho old story poverty EDITION. CAIili ME DARLING. B. A. Mnntoy & Co. West-Outre Street, Goldsboro, N. C, JJAVE REMOVED TO THE NEW building, two doors South of the Hard ware Store, and now offer to their friends and the general public a large and hand some stock of STAPLE AND FANCY BUY (BOOBS ! An examination of which is respectfully asked. 1 We offer in ach line a full and varied i assortment of desirable and substantial ar ticlea. and direct especial attention to our stock of c DRESS GOODS, which are of the choicest fabrics and com prise the latest styles and colors. CLOTHING! r A large and splendid stock, at prices re markably low. Mats and Caps! ' A good assortment of tho very latest styles. Call and sec them. Boots and Shoes ! Call me darling, darling call me, Speak it tenderly once moro, As you used to when we parted Nightly at your father's door; j Then your arms entwined me fondly, And your cheek was laid in mine; j Oh, my darling ! cll me darlirig, Gently, as in der 'lang syne.' Call me darling, darling call me, Though thy love be dead and cold, I would hear the foud, fond pt mime, Softly spoken as of old; S Heed my pleadings now, oh, heed them, While my eyes are free from! tears; Oh 1 my darling 1 call me darling, , 4 Kindly, as in other years. ' Call me darling, darling call me, It will love's blest hours recall : j - Though for years you have Bot loved me, I've been faithful through tliem all For the sake of children buried; Little children, one, two, three, Oh ! my darling 1 call me darling, In the accents dear to me. . Call me darling, darling call me, It will soothe thfe fever flame, r Could I hear the accents lowly - Syllable the old pet name. ; Years ago my roses laded; j White haiis gleam the dark among, But. my darling, call me darling, Though I am no longer young. Call me darling, darling call me, Though to-night I'm fever flushed; Pale will be my cheeks to-morrow, And my pleadings will be hushed, Through loag years ol silent sorrow, I have loved the pet name so, Then, my darling, call me darling, Bpeak it gently, ere I go. engravee, a clerk, a manufacturer of artificial flowers were packed compactly away above, like sar dians in a box ; and two young la dies bad the sovtheast room on the fourth floor, young ladies who, to use original .expressions of Mrs Ryau, the landlord's wile, 'had seen better days.' Kate Ellerslie sat by the window that dreary November day, her chin resting on her eves fixed mourn- ond humiliation, Oh, I wish I were dead, or better still,' she went on, with increased enerby, 'I wish the villian who cheats us out of our money were dead V ' Mr Harley winced a little, and no wonder, Emily thought ; her s.ster had spokened with unrestrained ve hemence. , 'Kate, Kato !' she said, softly, you don't consider. He is not to ! blame because the law has given LOVE AND LAW. eir wings. She;t,ie" sl,c repressed herself. 'Give 22ular featured j ,ue tne birts. Emily, She said, fully on the opposite roof, whore a ! him 'nat was rightfully his ovvu. colony of dust colored sparrows cHe s, I say ! burst out Kate, but wero! pluming th was fi hrirrlif room lav brunette, with larire brown eves and t resignedly. 'We can't starve. Now very dark hair, her figure slender j the fbqt-stool:and the wotk b.slAit., as a reed and quite as graceful. j And just draw that curtain ; the She looked up languidly as the i sun 1S shining m enough to dazzle dooi opened,- and Emily, her junior ' lbrt' Pairs ves.' by two years, came in. j Patiently Emily trudgee hither Emily Ellersile was not at all ; and thither for her sister, only too pretty. Ao one would have vouch-jgiaa inatinc storm ol Date's terap safed her a second glance in the j" was temporally averted by lr street; no poet would ever have : Hartley's ibrtnnale presence. The been stimulated to rhythmic rhap- i young man quietly observant of all sodies over the gray blue eyes or ; that transpired arouud him, began brown tresses ; yet when you came j to.think that, after all, Kate was face to face with her you could not j not so beautiful as he had at first but confess that she was very pleas-; supposed Emily had the sweeter, To Mur'ry Lennox !' She looked at him in surprise. 'My darling,' he said.'I have Re ceived you all this time. Iam no Johnllaney, but Murry Lennox, your distant cousin. I came : here to study your characters apart from the disadvantage which would sure ty follow me were I known as the unwilling usurper of your fortunes. or uo 1 reyret the ruse. Upon my wedding-day, Kate, I shall settle upon you enough to make you : en tirely indcpcndont As lor Emily,' with a smile, 'she must be content ed with her fortune a my wife.' Certainly Miss Emily looked more than contented. 'It's quite an unusual proceeding ' said;Mr Arkwi ight, when he-was called upon to draw out the papers; 'but I've lived long enough to cease bemjr astonished i . ioc iscertainiy a lettcr -mediator than law.' 1T1 , vjio can djubt that Mr. Ark- wnghtwas correct in'hi3 'conclu sions . ant to look upon ; with wholesome pink cheeks, a complexion entirely independent of 'rose balm,' or 'cream of pearls,' and pretty regu lar teeth, that shown brightly when ever she smiled or spoke. 'Good news, Kate !' she "said, cheerily, taking off" her hat as it were an encumbrance of the pretty head. 'I've a whole dozen plain shirts to make.' Kate looked distastefully down 'There are always two sides to these questions, you know;,' said Murray Lennox. ! Mr. Arkwright, the lawyer, bal anced himself on the two hind legs of his chair, and polished the end of his nose reflectively. ' j 'Not a doub tof it, ray young friend, not a doubt of it,' he said; 'but, you see, it's my business to sje only one side.' j 'That may be law, but jt isn't iustice.' observed Lennox, i ! 'The two terms are not necessar ily synonymous.' j 'I did not come here to chop log- i ic,' said Mr. Lennox, a littlej, impa tiently, j 'Well,' nodded Mr Aarivright, j with the least possible approach to a smile on his lips, 'I didn't begin it.' , 'Just let's sum up the question,' ; Raul LpnnftT. 'Hero I am made un-land threw tho unoffending shirts expectedly rich by the discovery of! disdainfully from her. an old paper whose very existence ! 'You never had any aristocratic has been unsuspected for years !' j pride, Emily. You would be will 'Exactlv so.' assented OLawver i ins: to slave yourself to death foi Arkwright, under his breath. nxe shillings !' 'And these girls these Miss El more Madonna-like face. Then she was so gentle, so quietly resigned. 'Emily always was a drudge;' said Miss Ellersile, contemptuously. r (Wha n nkA kn,l I 4.' 1 1- i. kjhsj uv wi tiu uujr iuui u tiriv uua a canary-bird.' , So fimily did the work of the con tracted little room, washed and ironed Kate's laces, arranged her sister's luxuriant dark hair, sat up at night to finish the sewing that Kate had thrown aside 'because it upon the bundle of 'plain work' j made her so nervous,' hours before, ami was sunny and happy through it all, while Kate sighed over her late, and persuaded herself that she was the most wretched of, crpa j ted beings. Ana one day .Mr. llailey aston- ! ished her out of her equanimity by i proposing to marry Emily. I non :nv word !' eiacuhi'ed " J which her sister tossed gleefully into her lap. 'Shirts r she sighed. 'Oh, Emi ly, who would ever have thought we should come to this V 'Shirts aren't disagreeble to make,' 6aid JLmily, cueerlullv. "All we have to do is to fancy 'them cmbroi dprv or oroohftt work !' :. ; tne young man must have a jMy imagination is not so power- r. 1 . .... , J a. " 1 ! very good opinion ol himself! Ol tul as that . ; course von said No !' 'Cultivate it, then, dear,' saiu the imiiv jmn;r v t r n " PI fi f a i J a ' 3 - looked lik Old Ladies. v ium; mo loiiowinc mm & London paper, endorsing its senti ments to the full : ' 'A .pleasant, checrfnl, lively, gen erous, charitable-minded woman is never old. Ikr heart ia as young at sixty or seventy as it was . at eigh teen or tweenty ; and they who are old at sixty or seventy are not made old by time. They arc made old by envy, lealousy, by hatred, by sus picionS, by uncharitable feelings ; by slandering, scandalizing, illbred habits; which if they avoid, they preserve their youth to the very last so that the child tdiail die, as the Scripture say, a hundred years old. lhere are many old women kwho pride themselves on being eighteen or twenty. They carry all the char actenstics ol age about them, with out even suspecting that they are old women. Nay, they even laugh sneer, and make themselues merry with such mirth as malice cau enjoy, by sarcastic reflections upon the age of others, who may step in mod estly between them and admiration, or break down tho monopoly of at traction which they have enjoyed lor a season, either imagaination or reablity. Pride is an old passion, and van it v is Hi! fa! Let Who will; get down o Mi mirrow-bosestura hit tnott , heav- wird, &&d pour out fcU grttitnde iht e onc mijJitT aad lUostrioot cUloa, hilf ft litmlspherr, ft Ijound he&dlasg frrlpeU it ft t:iO girt. Bat ftt'fbr cs no.' ooi Oathski2lTlss: day will "come, otT psaltery sad hftrp -rlag Xbrth a peaa of joywhea all these horror, !nftmieaa4 tliamei and then. perpetxatort and top portert, are hurlc l, yelping aad acreecV Ing, back to the devil, their dad. . Political Proepocta and Probr abilities. VoieTih,faVn free en, b- calling on them to return than ka for the extra v aauce,'the rwtiag and debaiLbory, the extortion, robbery and oatlf.rry, by which they have been beggarc 1 and he enriched! Thanks! H comiinded cs to be thankful ? . For what ? Thank, that the,Republic cf our fatkers a le funct doininiea, a dead cocVi:-. pit ofnatiohs. Thanks, for the uruauing pwis oiooutn Carolina mul Arkansas-where nigger dragg. . ns stand fmanl over wprin - broken spirited American i-:t?cna. Thanks, that a herd of perjured outlaws, ruinana. sworn to support the . jistitu- tion. the foundation ct all lav. :fi I lib erty on our continent, hare r. t the sa cred parchment into a million tattrrt aud trampled it beneath thei: f inish boors, in the muck and mire o. :.c mod ern S.dom, .Thanks, thatoncc glorious. sovcruign Utet are kicked in .nd out of the Union bull pea, at the v Hl of a dranken cabal of Congress ..;U con- Bpirators-Siateatopaytaxeg. n-l ratify hideous mortrositiea known a Amend, menrv' TWrrf-.t.:a c. larles, in everything else. Thanks, that gibbering here!. r'u3y plantation nigges, and twai -v.uutod imporUd vagaboads, the oflkl ci Africa and Yankeedom, meet in ten n. Ae State Capiu.ls to legislate for the f. , of the Washington, Kandolpba, I'.i.cknevs, Rutledges. Ilamptons and Lees. Thanks; that u Pinchback negro barbo; ..wla his uncouth crossmaTk to o:'.: actg and edicts, as Lieutenant Governor of qneer.lj Louisiana ! that anc;. hotel waiter issues comuiiasions as sretary of State of Mississippi ; tkat n i VnusylJ vania uigger fills tho Supreme .1 "tl-.uip of South Carolma, and that a grinning nigger tWef, from Leaveaworth, :iusas, until recently, picked hiscanni-. .; finga and combed hi veTmin-crecpIr ; wooli in- the seat once filled by the "'Vat riot) Boldieriicholar aai tUtcsman, Jefferson Davis, as VniUd BUtcs Sena-v..- Irom Mississippi. Thankj for the :.i Icons corruption ofthe ballbox; tie paladi 101 our republican liberties, ,ul the flagrant and. scandalous abomination j lately witne6ed ia Pennsylvunia, the President, cabinet officers aad c.iur high officials openly in the market, hucksters ol damnation,, buying up and ' i- ping scoundrel voters, like swine, fn , city to cuy. l hanks, that the wii commerce have . be-en swept i ocean like butterflies before from hell. Thanks, that our g stands like a remorseless hig) a giga;itic foot-pad, with its . at the hend of forty millions denanliug imoney or lif,.' that our taxes are geven fold v. j capita, than tho3e of Great Bi;t We desire rtate some rv na'fcx our opinion that iC c':.cnnc? f a rt?i val of Democr.i pri:-cipkf width victorious rc-et .1 !ishiuent of th Deac crat e party have not been so promisiaj at any time withir. the last tit't.-ea jearf as they arc at p.r?v nt. In the lirst pla j the republican fxi ty, in spite of iu roccnt factu i-.u ncr cess, has lost it it.i'.ity and i irlxC pie of cohesion. It hanutlircd th t su s on which it was founded, a;U must go to inevitable iucay so.n as otlktf questions that ictcicst the public xais4 sb&ll come into ;he foregrouiMl. Tlrf Kepublican paitv has rcprcuUl th negro cycle in our politics, a c$l'c that ncccsiariij cnis w ita the compiv ucquhj . ccncc of all citi.-c ia the civii and fttr Utiial euality o; tho tceditiou. aadtkt lc trench meet of toir right; bvluid AS) longer disputed w.i-'itutioual .iaras tee.-. The is jtt- .. hica ireccUd iod I and grew out of J l war, are mailed bf uaiveml pubii consent. They havs passed out f politics iuto hist iry. Tbft Upublican jMrty went iuto ciurt ftft p.niniui, ana na . ; cniro. ct5.- prst syutcd, argutnl; f. s ,1K dee id d withfiji submission to th; .judgment n the part of the delendant Li haa n. I)n 'er a&V s aodio in court cxrein ia no-, s&ii. and against the iH-.uocratie party, no new suit to br'.n. It Lhs trd tU day, accomplished ul n objex (and having no longer uny principle ot hfa, tt mast go into ihu 5?rc and ye":T .w UtX To be sure, thcr- remains th. '4coar sive force ol pub! plunder :M !at that ia ciera flax in tho tlame as s .,i vltaj questions arise wh c'i take a ftroahoUJ on the public tlu rht and co ncieacft. TLe Democratic j rty can easily under stand this by its .-.vn cxperic'icv. Vf- kadall the advantages of th puhlJa pairoaags frota to 18C1 ; bat harm little did thoy nvaJ! us 6gint th" moral corn ietious of the country. PAmnajt canoot stand its irc nnd against vital suss. Moreover, tVis indu?nce ' '.' weakened by th- ircumtajrcf f A4 neit President' cauipaigu. ric-nerrj Grunt will then piito out f t)J field, for the couiji . y will never c unseat tothe re-election -.fa Prei l:it ,torf third term. Theso willl-a general n o V r inntmiriina ! - I 1 unDK i lint ono UliAMnx . , - ..v- muviiUt i nev are o!d women tint have much 11: her head until she'0' 'either. They, are dry, heartless, .e a sweetpea vine that had 1 By paturday noon ! cried Kate, : , fretfully. Itis not possible.' Oh, yes, it is. Come, dear, get you thimble.' Kate Ellersile burst into tears, 'I I'm afraid I sed yes,' she fal tered. 'What on earth could have induc ed you to accept him ?' demanded Kate, with both Hands imploringly uplifted. 'Because I loved him 1 said Eini- ":ly, plucking up 'courage. lhe selhshness of some peole ! In this department we defy competition, and confidently invite an examination of our tremendous stock. NOTIONS ! A. large and well-&filected stock at the very lowest rates. Oar assortment of Goods for the present season is, by far, too large for enumeration, and must be seen to be appreciated. All are offered at the Very Bottom Prices w For Cash. V tSTCall and see na in ottr new quarters. D. A. nurphrey & Co., 1 GOLDSBORO, N. C. 1 ; lerslies are made beggars 'by the same discovery !' 'Not beggars, my dear; young friend not beggars ; you are alto gether too sweeping in your asser tions.1 But they arc seriously impover ished ?' ; 'Well yes ; I suppose th!at is the state ot the case. But you are not responsible for that.' 'In a measure I am. 'Quixotism, Mr Lennox- mere quixotism. Pray dismiss any such far-fetched idea"frora your head, I assure you- ' ' i I beg your pardon, Mr Arkwright I did not propose to detain you further than to obtain the address of Miss Ellerslie. i The lawyer shrugged his should ers, but nevertheless wrote a lew words on a slip of paper. Murray Lennox glanced at in surprise. 'Why, it is a tenement house in Bland street !' he exclaimed. 'Exactly so ; but is quite a res pectable neighborhood, I believe.' Mr Arkwright plunged once more into a drift of tape-tied packanes and his books bound in dingy rus set leather, as his eccentric) young client departed. Tenement honses may ari$Wer ev ery purpose of shelter and j protec tion, but they are not the exact beau ideal of horae. And this ; Jtall. red brick house in Bland street was no exception to the general rule. sobbed Kate, burr vino bor tiro in 'Five shillings is a very bandy he r pocket hankerchici I suppose snm now, Kate, baul Emily as .she 4U - ,4 , . . ' J ou never once thought what was to went patiently down ou her -Luces e J become ot me . to pick work. up the scattered rolls ol Innocent Emily felt that she had ; indeed been a monster of inrati- 'But it's a shame,' went ou Kate, : tuJe and eirotisin . flushed and indignant, 'that I, who ! 'We must provide !6f our ' sister ttt 1 r noe tti frv Vntf rt tl inrro ! , j Kate in some way or other, said 'Ir Harley, when Emily timidly She pansed, with the hot current , confcssed her tribulation t0 him of words'yet on her tongue, as a.ait and see little cirl.' knock came to the door. Kate Ellersile gave hor brother- 'It's only Mr Harley, in the next-, . . J' j in-law elect rather a cool greeting room,' said Emily, as she rose to ; that evening when he dropped in, a ; usual, about 0 s'clock. 'I hope you congratulate us lie her feet. 'I know his knock.' ' Mr Harley was a tall fresh look- j inr voune man. with . bright hazel ' , , ' . I Of course you have my best wish- who had recently engaged the one , , v.ii 3 , 4 , es, she answered, with some little vacant apartment on the fourth sto- , . t 'It will be your turn next, Kate. nun, com, mtiiilcn nt. Ihey want tho well-spring of youthiul jilfeetion,1 which is "always cheerful, always active, always engaged in some la bor of love which is calculated to promote and distribute enjoyment. Old woman, old lady, old grim face, old gripe, or any other nickname with the epithet old prefixed to it, is as commonly applied by children to badtcmpercd in mothers, nurses, or aunt, as paety, kind, sweet, dear and other routeiul epithets are in stinctively applied to the good-hu mored grandma with her wrinkled luce. .There Is an old age of the hesrt, which is possessed bp many who have no suspicion that there is anything old about them ; and there is a youth which never grows old, a Love who is ever a boy, a Psyche who is ever a girl." Th3 Presidential Flaydoodle Prayer and Praise By Proclamation Religion Ac cording to Law Devotions Manufactured to Order. ry of the house in Bland street. 'A literary gentleman,' . Miss Parley ! had called him ; while Mr Johnson asserted with less elegance, that he She tossed her head haughtily. 'I am in no particular hurry.1 Woaldn't it be a nice little chap- av s-tf (jvanl 3 1 4- m i -m V ( 4St4k A f u' ter of romance in real life,' he ad Pu,ucci uc v' um ; ded, smiling, 'if Murray Lennox, to rvur Fwriw "ltwhomthelawhasawardcdthepro- readily than those who surround i -uia J ierty that was once yours, snonla m . come ana marry you I xorm sou crmuuy , uu iu u,., iNonsense !' said Kate, sharply. uc wux .uc. i"- 3uch things don't happen in real imity, iir nariey ana me im.ss , , I 1- .1 1 - 4 1. t..-. rf icrsues uuu c fcU v. 'Bo they not?- But just let me irienas. suppose it only for once. WJiat 'The loop has come off my nectie ; wquM ?, again,' Mr Harley began, apologet- ,x of course lcally. uare I veniure 10 ass you ' Ami vmi Kmilir to sew it on a second time, Miss Em- 3iy heart is already given liyii ' r rr . ihe an sw.ere& .siiriliiig and Emily smiled and nodded as she, j -fi J 4 , away, blhsh 4 ''four !Mn the breath ":;j:ni'tit nvman, Is- i lUi3, 'ib'-nksi, Mfr per in, ml -v LiiirL. .sus to " anje . "1 10 j tUnk- :'.ilrmk . -. ir a Mii their u. add .1 '".!age ait H The whiskey steeped bundle of old hides and cigar-stumps, ignorance, ava rice, and brs3-ino anted insolence, that recently return ed to Washington, from a four month's carouse at Long Branch, as Issued his third annual piety -blast proclaiming' Thursday, the twenty eigth of November, a day ol thanksgiv ing and pjayer.' What has 1c, the in ebriated boar, to 0 with our thanksgiv ing! Let hii4 g'ue thanks for bis brown stone houses; his sett-side cottage, his hundred -thousand lollar):estimonials;his eneca quarry and Wisconsin copper in terests; -his 'Little Emma' scbenckiai mining bnckanec-rini; rains; his silver table sets; his carriage?, jewels; hundred and fifty dollar boots; demijohns, de canters, kegs, barrels and hogsheads,-hit Imported haranas, his free lunches; dead-head ticket, stud horses'," and eighteenth and red dojlar bull terrier, pup. Let him thank Ood orl)cviI, as he pleas es, for lia picking, stealings, gpbblings, andV VriiicUkfes.t:. .Bnfi let biraoiof 4balt iorcy minions 01 aening, groaning im pay sixteen dollars for the v casaimere coat which a Cana.:: lor seven.- Thanks, for a iu. per cent, on our salt; 138 on o,i: ets; lyo on - our horse shoes and on'everything else thatw-- 1 or wear, in proportion. Thau. debt of 13,000,000,000 for wui scientific lymj and fancy. fiu; one year'a'infereRt, leaking, er and stealage, and that's just amounts to. .Thanks, that if.r. very foundations- of right, order, mb: .iity and common decency have been ov.i ;hr.,wn; tbat from , laine to Mexico, :. perfect avalanche of crime and outrag- i roll ing, dark, bloody and terrible: . !! r.vcr .the land; tbat murders, rape., iroas, ana suicides, iniquities and lu -n nf every tlye, are the 'establised r , and innocence the exception; that t- .: ha'f our churches have beceme int.-- tip doors to damnation, sin-agogi:cj f dis cord and hate; and that'ealab v-s and penitentiarea have become re; - ctabJe, compared with our Congress ar I Legis latures. Thanks, that .an oath 1-ound conclave of gallows-worthy p'rifp. Las within the last three years, sqi-adered 175,000,000 acre ol our land; tl PJ-:o- PLE;S land, bought and paid St with the PEOPLE'S money, upon b cor- 'ws, 01 wcicn every jorsv.;-.. sen ator and Kepresentatire who x:sjA for the monstroua villaioj, is a m;; jonary wocKnoiaer. Than at, Tor the -.'antic congressional, senatorial and . v. , . -rcsi dential 60000,000 Cred it . Mol i r rob bery and bribery. lhanksT that the ermine ol . .i'anhall Taney an3L riert is polluted bj u cent clave of pirblind old rsprobat'. "very one ol whonr baa Perjury,1 star:pdd in letters of heirs own indelible t. irkness, upon his soul by that most Jannt of all politicolegal atrocities, the' Missouri Teat Oath "Decision. Thank's, for the soon expected sife return of th. Young Tumblebugcss, Princess Nellie Oiaa vardis. from . her Earopean k'nc: and queetr boot liclting.'toe-kfsving 2nd slop tub smelling 'pilgrimage, .Thank, that -all over the South, land of our Jirth and fondestlavotion, thOosands of foe-born, tax paying white men are UltVfr barfed every right and privilege of clii.ecship 7-kickcd like leiqprom the ballot-box, wlulQ.com ldj.raggexs vote, impost scrnmble fur the li which tvill hav- on the party. T:: ican statesman c eminence that h-j inrTmgr-s of th." y -. and leaders arc ; out of f tvor. Chisc loc u' - ions: Greek-, S r Brown Palmer a nut thcmselv by their particip..' position niovci.v party has not ( on winch it wa esstranjred an-1 di ublicn !.o. li ?!! -1 or died 1 reW :inkj, . hart ' - holct ntopr . -licaa 13S1 inaUoa liiitUcgra:i effect : rerr.ain : epobt such cwn-c !- l pro in easily tht v. Ibe r!d chlafa . -rdoa K in! li.is latf'j ; fi !ii - ! -. m .. ;.-,Tru:n ! l'.rnvo:t :d tlje j t!" : ::i tlu- : ;:. The H-.-i v .,it" i vf 'A 1 1, und-d, hu it hat : irde-1 the s'n'(so who were raoU in-'. :"i.tial in 1 i : Itlla it up and accom'i;hing its rnisioa- In 1S76 its nonnii -i jn will Ik-' :mpblr tcl for by second::' leaders wh.j cazas) late into its rank3, never cr.rci mcCi for its principle-, and have no ttroag hold upon its confidence. It w likalj. enough to split inM fragments : i.d rca several c;indidati , as t!je p irty of tk same did in 1324, when it wn- on tst) point of breaking i p. It would seera to follow from thistai offrcts and the?'- prospects, thut tkt best thing to be d. r.e now is n t 10 ifc- eist mnch on uc:; nriiC6 or fel:ib!-olc4h, but seek to inter' the public mind I kc great piin.'.;- i which all forms Democrats held -ramon. if, cieema ctrtnin, the polite-; of tho country ai to be recfnstrr,..' d on titian' aad commercial issue , what is moit needed is fervent apostle-1 !p for sound ;rtnci It must b. ir pupo.-e in Ult p!es. new era to bring t to act together. " Democratic edif! the stones carrio-! strnctorea. Or, i mut reunite all . doctrines before t" was formed,and i namtrons recent c . rsc who think alik mu-t rebuild tkt by bring! btck msicatly "a. otho pTam lan-M.-e, 9 ho held D-:jxratlo : Ilepubltri party '.wee theiu 'y Utf - fcils to the OZ der of economic a:. 1 p liticl idca.4. TP accomplish thi w -: must drop rM-rep-tisansbip and dii-: :3 principle. First the fuarrjHiaa, thva the architert ; flru beliercrs, then the church. An ancient od t -.citing rp:c L Uif parodied to fit th limt s: Ping "Wing the Lilian's son, Was the very w r,: boy in all l antaj He stole his mtj .r'd pickled mice. And threw the cs; in the boiling rfct And he ate her up, and then sa he, Ie wonder where? the mew c.u lef There is a town :t west cnll?d Raa doin. A res Meat f ihi plico beisf askeil where he hvr-d, paid he Pved it Random. lis wis taken up as a Tiv grant. What are dome-tic migarir.r?i? Wlro who are always blowing np their bo bands. v txes, elect their rulerl,'ad-mVthcTr'p jfad&TIlflWanaiffi lawf. Thanks ! thanks, for these things! large variety chvup attSTitouafi'a. t 1 : sr.-- ; J --i .

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