; n i L v 1 1 4 THE CABOUNA' MESSENGER, PUBLISHES gmTRIlT A.JTD WKETLly subscription.- WeeJdy: one year, in advance, $2 00 " six months 1 V l i three montU " 60 The price of the Semi-Weekly is $1 00 ror three months. ' C7 Transient advertisements -will be barged $1 00 per square for first insertion and fifty cents for each subsequent inser tion. A liberal discount trill De allowed on contract by tie month or year, and fur 'onjer advertisements. MERICAN HOTEL, Chestnut Street, Opposite Old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA. 8. 21. HEULING8, Proprietor. rjHUE YARBOROUGH HOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C. When you visit Raleigh stop at the 4 Y ARB0R8UU , " a first-class Hotel en the principal business street, in the centre of the city. De. G. W. BLACKNALL, sept29-tf .Proprietor. gWIFT GALLOWAY, A TTORNET AT LAW, SXOW HILL, GREENE CO., N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Greene, Wayne, Lenoir, Pitt, &c. - jCCollections made in all parts of the State. Not. 30, '6S-tf H- MOORE, M. D. . Otfwe in tlu Cobb Building.' DR. W. H. MOORE, having removed his offlce to the Cobb building, can be con sulted at all times when not professionally absent. apr4-tjani mmaim s.. - . "V-.. . J 7 III I I I ii i 1 1 j - Mip it if f t v j ii jar. am m J. A. BONITZ, Editor and Propritfor. Tot us, Principle u Principle Right is Right Yexterday, To-day, To-morrow. Forever." Pnbliaked Seal-Weekly and Wrtkly. VOL.9. GOLDSBORO, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1872. NO. 28. ! J r. 1 i I-VVEEKIY EDITION. Remember Me. SMI JARRAT'S HOTEL, PETBRSBURQ, VA., BISHOP & SEAY, Proprietors. :rWM. B. BISHOP, GEO. W. SEAY. Formerly of Spotswood Petersburg, Va. Uotel, liichmond, Va. oct24-tf A TLANTIC HOTEL, NORFOLK, VA. R. 8. DODSON, PROPRIETOR. Bo aud first and second floors, $3.00 per Aay. Third and fourth floors, $2.50 per d:iy. Special terms for permanent board ers. marl4-tf R. TIIOS. A. WOODLEY, ate op kinston, h ., Offers his Professional Services to the citizens of Goldsboro, N. C, and Burround ing country. Office, at present, at Barham's Hotel, where all orders may be left. August 22d, 1872. lm pETER EPPS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, GOLDSBORO, N. C, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he still continues the Painting Business, and solicits patronage in town and country- Orders left at the Messen ger office will receive prompt attention. August 2nd, 1872-tf D M ALTBY HOUSE, When yon wander forth alone. And the shades of evening fall With their fitful, shadow gloom, O'er creation like a pall. When the stars are seen above, And the fire-fly on the lea, Like the meteor flame of Love, Oh, then remember me ! When joy is breathing near thee, A light and dulcet strain, When sorrow doth not spare thee, Its deep-felt thrill of pain. In thy hoars of social gladness, When the soul is full of glee, In thy lonely hours of sadness, Oh, then remember me : I shall think of thee at even, When the memories of the past, Like the pilgrim's dreams of heaven Come thronging wild and fast; I shall watch thy favorite planet In its pure unclouded flight, And shall lancy thou art gazing On the splendor of its light. astonished. Later I dnew thai it , leaving Uordeha to do lier s at the was a kind of conspiracy. The post house, and to remain in the inn girls all wanted to get some trust- ! in the middle ot the Village. worthy person to the postofhee at j "Chatting with this one, chatting Binpley's Mills to post letters and with that, and getting through Un getisome that were laying there, ;cle Dan's commission, the short not intended for papa and mama to ! winter day tiew away like magic. read." 1 i Meanwhile the cloudless, ice-clear "I'l really don't know why Delia sky had become covered over with sho&ld not go,' said the unsuspic- a gray thickness, that suggested the place. yMioQ wereaxouaeu, ana we diCer t much on politics as ever, but here lie ocroreus this man, who Lot a brUf time agr was a great leader in our land, and why do men of, all politics gather here in reverence around his remains. It is because the man is greater ths his politics. Hereto day, between tirt I two Toccans there is scarcely a mm ot child who has not felt a beneficial inf a -ence-of the character of Horace Gree:ey Horace Greeley gave the strength of his. life to the education humanity, and especially to the poor who could littb hel, themselves. He had a great .heatl that longed for sympathy, thongh ha them over the dash-board. This I "His plan had succeeded in ...vine us ,y ? remerabcrta bJ tnofc mCTO was why the mire had held so hard- -good old Uncle Dan ! But i don't Zr " mi vT i !v i.. v, i . . , i;ir i .it. down. He will In-remembered through ly she Knew better than I. I must hke the rd prairie at all nnt h . . . , r . i trust to her instinct. In twenty ham? of.Cordc minutes sliC had swung around so AB 1 1 1 tola ter coaimeasura:e. M it re. wih -v' 'Ut I (TArli,,a nf la rrrt it vamiKtis. Wlm 1a. - h m - -":r nuence has gone out to teach a noble iouj?, good-natured nncle. 'You idea of another snow storm, and willjbe sure to take care ot her, ought to have warned me to get Rolfe V done quicker- But it did not. "When ""til try to, sir." "Urown Bess and the sleigh came ."So in less than half an hour from round to the inu door, the sun, wad- the iime it was first mentioned, I ing for hours through the snow wasjgathering up the reins, and cloud, had sunk in a bank of leaden Brown Best was tossins: her head hue, and could not be more than an until the bells jingled merrily." nour high. U"ncle Dan, as we started. Don't glancing af the cardinal points of astohrin.r th ,u , , jou mj auni ana comins bore - - u III U UlU . quarter with us. It was blowing ""' . 1 T Tion. UlU. VOU UU'U heavy. I put my arm around my her pardon later, for vexing l, r coinpantonto hold the blanket in posing her Pct theory r "I did that, sir. I becrircd h, "Just then a faint word reached on my kr.ees. I told her that i.e; i.. i i w-j manhood to the Lit chanic, the laborer. i aui i iuc iiruicr. tt nil mi i ri" fun vrm . in eulocr? of the fJiaracter of this iiln. pardon trIou3 JeAd , A,a . . . j tbrouffh V sue had I nn.r n, , v my .startled car. A swilt shudder P"a in herU by her own kJTrr ir Shook me, and I came near crvincr good thing she had said of her tiA a. .u t .. would have drawn the blanket about Cordelia's head. be out too late, Rolfe, for there has Uecnja severe snap of weather late- y, ahd ' "The rest was lost in the cronch- ing of the crusty snow, and the ping, ping, ping' of the cup-shap ed bells. Caught in a Prairie Storm. "Prairies ! The very name can make me shiver. When covered with snow they are trackless as is the ocean to an unskilled navigator. I would about as soon cross the Sa hara without a guide as to try to get over the snowy plains of the West and Northwest. The real fright I once had in one of these tracts, sir, was bad enough to serve me for a lifetime." "Tell us about it, captain." "Well, I don't mind. My Uncle Dan and his family were staying at the D. settlement, for he had taken Baltimore, Md. C. R. HOG AN, Proprietor, , In consideration of the general decline in cost of all neceBBariPB appertaining to lintel Kfnincr. iYp. uric nf Ttnnr.l -sril! Vo Reduced on and after Januaty 1st, 1871, to the Western fever, and they were 2.50 per day, being determined that noth- out thera. TTncle Dan was alwavs iog ahull be left undone in the future t . roiika the "Maltby" what it has been in the a speculator though he did manage paoi seconmonone in me cuy. imarxu tO line hlS DOCketS Well. lie plir- waltkr olark. j. m. Mullen. phnspfl A vjiRt. t.rap.t ot lanrt at i). u it.h QLARK & MULLEN, ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Mar tin, Northampton and Edgecombe count ies. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. CIT'Col lections made in all parts of North jarohna. . marl4-ly JJENRY C. PKEMPERT'S FASHIONABLE an eye, it must have been, to such promises as were held out to Abia ham of old ; for acres and acres of this land he could never utilize though later he might sell it again to personal advantage. I was ou helping him. The family consist ed of his wife, two grown-up daugh ters and two young sons, and there was a niece, Cordelia. From the Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon, first moment I saw Cordelia Bard- well I thought a great deal of her. should married ie me ihc compass, and shaking his head slightly. "Cordelia, her glowing cheeks nearly as bright as her scarlet hood, came forward with manner. As I drew an animated the buffaloes ! around her, I thought, how, a week This is an unexpected honor, ! or two ago, I should have esteemed Miss Cordelia," I began, as the .he privilege of this close compan sleigh went smoothly along. ionship invaluable. Hut I did not "'Susan and Almira voted me!secsn;to appreciate it now. She heir minister plenipotentiary,' she jhad treated me too cavalierly, and responded, coldly. , I had grewn somewhat resentful. "Hand Cordelia who was no; "We dashed away. The air was blood relation of mine had had a Ulamp and cutt'iHg, and as we came falling out of recent date which j upon thoopen prairie it stung our made it all the more surprising that j checks like needles. Half an hour she should have cared to go with after starting I said to her, If the rue that day. She was one of those jsnow only keeps off we will get b!igh -spirited girls who never strike j along nickly' Cordelia glanced up their colors. ; from her scarlet hood ; she did not "It happened one evening about 'seem to think about it ' one way or aloud. Another melaucholv crv. T scx I llT! .1 -1 r- ... uiu sue lorgive you t "Not exactly." "She was ricrhL cantain. Si (( ( T I. . . i - . . . I- at r i lu-.-u- u, sue soitiy whisper- have punished vou levereN " i - - - j eu. Ana in my terror and agony I "She did. Oh! she did. She drew her eloper in a covetous clasp, me! Ow-w! Ow-w ! Cordelia "lt;e sound came again. The my eare" leave me my ears T' marc heard it also, I knew, for she gave o sudden leap, and then the jingling of the bells were changed , i , . . 7. y ew iorx, Dec.4.-The ii.toriorof i umanara xroi to a gallop. y the Ckurch of the divine W: : itv tre tllAltnlifn . 1 ... 1 I . u.ins Hi-wiuiueuiraosi Dounas seated to-day a sombre and eautlfal ui me enrin in a moment, and lrom appearance, and the pulpit wn hearil j . IT... . X 1 f . . I si w n rl 1 . i . . - tauii iu uavcn. i prayea lor tnej4"!" 'n cripo, ana ioig lire- : crape safety of my companion more than werc 8U9Pnded from every p:';.rt and for mv own. every butment of the beaut i f '. gothic in the a week before. My aufit had a par tyfor there were settlers enough in the- vicinity to give us social evenipgs and about a dozen peo ple were present. You may fancy, the other. tal commissions, !Miss Cordelia V " 'Oh, yes, thank you.' "At the very moment a particle of Greeley's Obsequ 3. dead that die in tfce Lord. May OoA grant that in rolenmty of these t hough jl in which we have gathered hrr, it mi be our happy lot that whei wc die, ai gels. shall open thu gates and receire into the glory of the Lord. After an ode In Quintette, from Sj Francis Xavier"? hurch was suug. Dr. Chapinsaid: T i day in freshneat bis power, Home. (Jrceley i laid by tfcft side of his bclovc t wife. Asa paaifi and a personal fr limd, I cannat now htt attempt to depic; tho worth and grt neas of thdepa:tl journalist. A Wonderful Clock. A Ocrraan of "'iicinnatl hss inrenUJ a moat wenderf'.! i lock. Wc cull ttf following descri:on from a CinclaaaU perhaps, that we have no intelli- : icy snow fell on my glove. I Would gent spirits on the prairies ; but that is a mistake. "Cordelia and I disputed about relative characteristics ol men and womep. She claimed the sweet at tributes of patience, purity, and consistency, claimed them entirely for her sex. I gave genius, persis tency Sand strength of character to mine.! To vex her still further, I averred my opirin that women not believo but that the mare bad flung the particle from her flying heels. But in a minute more a hand ful of hue particles sifted over us both. Cordelia gave me a half startled glance. "I spoke cheerfully to the mare, and tucket the blanket in around my companion. A half hour longer found the northeast wind steadily and perceptibly rising, while the lAlariA. TV. 1 mr t 1 ho. short rrv nml thn lnn I . wwv, .uS wau. lUhnrrti m .1 : i I inrv.r 7 ii- , ., . 1 u vi-- u qu i r-r-- y i cuuing cacu omer to appropriateness. The priacb U umong '-When it mar'- , the first quarter. fU th,e banquet. The moments fled ; them were the following: door of the left ycce of the second staj the storm suddenly abated ; but the I know that my Iledaemer llrolh, 'red opens, we see a Uild issue from deadly sound grew each mementl1 whiU ground and green ' oly ; at background, eomts forward to a llttl more distinct. The wind swept by Uxi rear of "c pulpit was a -hal of bell, give H one h!ow aad then uj us, and died away at the right ; no wteat from Chapaqua, ia the i .va of a Par. At the v-cond quartdr yoat snow was falling ; but nearer came CrWD' and P041 0Tcrf" ' Pn appra, strikes the bell twfee nn 1 the those terrible sounds. Every mo- Md Around the pulpit ,,re in. disappears; at th- third there coffltt$ . , .. . numerable offerings of flov.rs and uian in his primt at the ionrth hava mcrn e were m danger or striking wreaths. Infrontofthe nnh.i, w.. J a tottcrinir old ,n i leaning nn . .t- some obstacle, and being hurled beautiful design in flowers, v .th the who strikes tht four timm. Bai "We were actually flying over the ground purple letters andagic : bor- hours are full, th- hor of the ri-'ht pletf ground. We could not be far from der on a tablet. To the left oi ihe pul r-f the second st-.ry opens, and deithiA home ; but in the universal white- mt was floral wrath. bearin - letters, a ekelcton, scytiv in hand, appear?, aa4 II. O. There were ia flowers. ness there wero no landmarks, .md. I ii inn i alas !everv vein was now distinctly I vmmc uaeamcc; a , 1 rf the German nrrfTnv rinli a ! audible. Ihc dreadful animals must lowers, with a crown and a 8WU ul4. upu uh. i iuokcu irom the Lincoln Club, and a floral siao to side, expecting a gaunt form from Lotus, "Arcadian, 'Heral to spring against tho sleigh. Brown Clubs. Bess, true to herself and to us, bore As early as 0 o'clock crow on steadily and fleetly : she knew to thc cljurch, but only the the way. tickets succeeded in gaining i. .r. . , ... . By 10 o'clock the naileries, v. i tnea to draw Cordelia down to becn rescnred for ladies ...v. uununi ui uie sicign, uui sne-Abouta quarter letore 11 jloijgli, were a mass of sentimentality, im- icy flakes were tinkling on the crus- proniptu shreiks and vacillation. Opposite Metropolitan Hall, next door to A, TV. Frap't Saloon. RALEIGH, N. C. The only white Saloon in Town. Sha ving, Hair-Cutting, Dyeing, &c, done in the Latest and Best Style. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N. C. sThis is one of the best conducted Hotels in the State, (new and established since the late trre.) At this House you will And the tt vvp ruv tn lat Whit ?av st. of Wrn. onmfnrtnWft fir Axofiiipnt. Aye, iiKeiy to last, vv nat say Lodging Rooms, a well furnished Parlor you to taking Brown Best and go- ana accommodations lor Laaies. $W Polite and attentive servants. jaltf JAS. W. MORRIS, Proprietor Perhaps that's why I stay in the un civilized place. " 'Rolfe,' said Uncle Dan, one morning in the latter part of the winter, it looks like a fine day, does it not ?' " 'Clear and bright, sir, I be- : "I had gone too far. She took it seriouklv. With a flash of .corn from Her brilliant eyes and a heigh tened jolor, she arose, went to the other iide of tho room and busied herself with some other ladies. "Thjc storm h id not blown over. Cordelia retained her anger. More hurt at than I would conte -s, I would gladiylhave begged her pardon ; lieve.' JINSTON HOTEL, KINSTON, N. C. The undersigned would respectfully in- ing to Bingley'sMili me ?' " 'I will go with pleasure, Uncle Dan.' " 'The weather may break up any week, now, Rolfe, and I must have the lumber ready to come down the nrlacc around our way. Quite -Don there were small whirlwinds driving the dry, powdery stuff and i:ieu s i i n 1 1 1 1 i r n.n; in ;i nine eoi i. o resisted. "Don't, Uolfe. I would rather meet death with my eyes open,' she saidkpushmg away the furs from her face. "The darkness was as intense as it can be in winter, and Heaven ihavc mercy ! are they surrounding us ? Hear the veins ahead, the j i marks the hour l v striking r lV. Bal from t is at thc twelfth t,hat we bae & net ol grand spectacle in the rcpreFntntion al is from the day of judgMnt. Tl-en. wlitn deatls Tering has struck three blows vn the little bell. ai oiu- i vjii mo i tif oi iuc lower Euuueor ly flaps his winirs. and crows in r. shrllj .ocked tone; and, after dc ith has marked th having twelfth hour wit!i his hammer, be crow uion. aain twice. In, mediately three angelf, a h had ho stand as gu ndians in a central per iowded. sition, raise their trumpets with thtil csident hards (in thc hfi t'.cy hold swords.) and lollow- blow a blast tov t!s each rf thc fotj Wilson, quarters of the f-.;th. At thc lfst blaJ Tt3 Grant entered, and immediate mg him were Senator Henr , Minister Washburne and Sc. -.tary of tne dnor of the t .vr opens, and thc War, llelknap. They took so: right of the pulpit. There were als present Ci Lyman Treraaine and Vice Colfax. Mr. Colfax took a the President Promptly at 11 o'clock tl procession started from Mr. , "i v, .1.,.., ......:.i mm. uma;,, v.a uu. huilgrv cric, . the ah- SQQmc rcnt i'.-. it, not iK iore e w u i :m in- i . n . ; , , . , i uemoniac yens, snares, ana i house- in 4 th street. Many ereased, ana the atmosphere was , slirU.ki1J howls ! scenes took place during the winie wan liny nawes mat urmea iy a- in loos?, bulging folds. 'Cordelia did not speak ; sl;e on ly lightened tlie fur scarf around buthef manner repulsed ail over- hor neck and sat perfectly quiet. tures of reconciliation. Once, when At that moment I would have given I had Accidentally caught hold of : a fortune if the girl had been safe her hand, she twisted her own away 'at my uncle's, and I breasting thc and gaive a seomtui luing to mine. storm aione. ve came to a ueit "Now vou know iust what our so- ! woodland, just ten miles of ourjour cial atfuosphcrc was, when fate, that ucy through ; nearly twenty more winterj morning, decided that we us. Heaven ! it seemed like a voy should start together on that long age across the world. And a most "Remembering thc short-handled j -Vr. Greeley's daughters were . -uso!a on tie churz, ': "sident it near f;:ncrnl - in:lair's ..lecting i.uninjr. ride. r I novlO-tf that he has recently assumed charge of the river as far as the forks with the Hotel at Kinston and the building has been freshets. There's a master lot to thoroughly renovated ana rehtteu tor the . , accomodation of the Public go down next season, and we snail He is determined to keep a first-class have a vast deal ofteaminer to brins? Ilouse. G. K.BAGBY. . , , 7 ii over uere irom ine rorss. dui, Rolfe, I know it will be a good spec ulation. By erecting a number of cheap substantial buiidings on sec tions of my land, I can advertise and sell flirt rate.' " Well, sir, I am ready to o over to Bingley's mills for you and JOHN ARMSTRONG, BOOKBINDER AND BLANKBOOK MANUFACTURER, RALEIGH, N. C. Trial, Execution, Minute and Recording; uocneiB made to order. North Carolina Reports and other Law . Books, "bound in HlinrrinT T. a v TAinrlinrr Mietring numbers of the Reyor s supplied make what arrangements you please SbTdinT nUmDCr8 lakCn in ?Lr hbout the timber.' " 'So, Hector, boy, go out and get W"- "A1' the mare hamessen.' HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. " 'Uncle Dan, may I go to Bing- The nnderelgned begs leave togUe notice ievs Mills too ? erled "a pleadiu tbat he still continues tbe PAINTING pretty voice, as iecior leapea on on BUSINESS, and all orders left with i Messrs. Ciark & Roberts, at Newbefn, or t Mr. w . Kornegay, at Goldsboro will receive prompt attention. 1 Patronage, from town or country, solicit cd. WM. UAY. Qoldaboro, Oct. 27, 1870-Sm jyETROPOLITAN HOTEL, BaoAnwAT, New Yobk. Re-opened under new management Auausx -rana,joT ine reception of LHiesu. The spHcions building has been thorough ly renovated, and newly furnished through out . his errand.' " I could hardly believe my ears. The voice was Cordelia's.' .'The child must be crazy !' cri ed our aunt. " 'Do you know the lengtli of the journey, Delia V . v " 'It's a lovely day aunt. It won't hurt me. " yes, it is a lovely day, mother, so clear and calm,' crie4 one of the i ne rropnetors have made every ex.r- otbpr mrlaMvTaI: think with o ; t lOn to adartf tt tn ill rnmfnrt anl aamvak ieace of its patrons, and have spared nei- quite an eager tone, and poor JJel-- kw waina nor expense to secure tnat end. -l A - a twt, n AHPTPt n, : : r ' never guw UJr sj,i8- Proprhtori. 1 "That was true ; but still I felt awful fear was tugging a my heart. "Thp bells danced merrily, the ; "A white gloom was let down all air was clear, the sky blue; all around us. On and on we went. I thinsjwere pleasant except Delia, did not speak to the mare nor with say what I would, she was ungrac- her ; there was no need. She was iousanul hardly answered me. I trotting like a race horse, her tail suppose she wanted me to under- streaming over thc dash-board of stand tiiat she had not come with the sleigh. me to leasuic, but to get the let- ; "Another hour passed. The light tiers.! Wo had gone miles beyond snow was mounting above the run- the Hast settler's cabin that we ners and driving obliquently across shouldjsee until we came into the our laps in blinding, smothering Vicinity of lingley,s Mills, when thickness; still we were getting on 'she apparently thought better ol her well ; I hoped we were neanng behavior, and spoke of her own ac- home. cord cqeenuity. . " rre you com .' i asscu, uraw- ; " 'Hjnv natural it is for the grea- ing Cordelia close to me. ter part ot the people to attach " 'Nothing to speak of,' she cheer- themselves to home, let it be where .tullv rcmied. But I felt a stiontr it ma'v ;!' shudder shake her from head to -True.' ,loot. " 'TnVo years ago I could not have "Presently the sleigh pitched bclieveid that I should follow my . considerably, although I had a tight aunt's family West, and be content rein. to live Ion the utmost bounds of civ- "Jiolfe,' she began, and I thought ilizatiop. I'm sure I wonder that I again felt her frame tremble, al- you stay, Mr. Wolfe. though her voice was cool and stea- " 'D4 You ? How well Brown ,dy, 'the wind does not strike us just Ress goes to-day !' ; as it did, neither did we pitch this " 'She always does. There's not morning as wc do now. Have we her equal in Uncle Dan's stables.5 . lost the road V "Wejarrived at Bingsley's Mills " 'By Heaven, you have spoken --thelargest settlement thereabouts my thoughts. Cordelia,' I cjaculat and the post town a little after- ed, while a damp icy coldness broke noon.; Brown Bess had indeed tos- out lrom every. poret in my skiu. Bed her nimble heels well. Ap- She shuddered again, but said noth pointing three hours for the mare to ; ing. , .. t rest, k-lwent about my business,.! 'Iknotted' the .: rVms and .IhreW axe in the bo:tom of the sleigh, I threw off my gloves, and seized it with a grip of desperation. "With my toot braced upon the iron of the sleigh outside, I half kneeled, axe iu hand, expecting ono of ths dusky fiends to leap each instant up on us. The mare wavered a moment a. the sound grew fiercer, and then with a shrill neigh leaped on again. Somehow the wolves did not come nearer and Brown Bess flew along as though ihe knew our lives were in her power. The awful sounds jrrew leas distinct, and with :i reverent (7od be praised,' I strove to be calm. "'Cordelia, look ! Cordelia, we are saved I phouted, breaking into some thing between a laugh and a cry. Oh, Cordelia, 1 ok !" "The foaming mare wat dashing through a line of torches, and the set tlers sent ap a joyous shout, mud tbe yelping dogs dashed about with a cho rus of delight. "Brown Bess, good lady; would not pause; she thought the wolree were after her still, and dashed on, reeking with foam, to her own stable. My weeping aunt and excited cousins bore Cordelia in, while I felt more thankful to God than I ever had cause to feel. "But that terrible fightunr of : wolves close upon us what did it mean? asked later, when, before the blazing fire, I in vain essayed to steady my sha king nerves. And why they did not come on to the attack ? Was it a mi racle V 4'It was one ofiny stags, explained Urc'.e Dan. 'Anderson came in and said thc late unusually cold weather had made the cowardly creatures bold and ravenous; and he and I heard them sig nalling the pack soon after sunset. "We knew they might overtake you if you delayed your return till after dark ; and so we slew the stag and drove out with him as far as we deemed advisable, ho ping that they might find.it and .font over it while you were dashing past. We grew wild with fright as time pass- j ed 0o !irc raing ourself et. with torches, rushed to meat you.' "J v men. f State States ble in their grief. The corpse wae borne by Next came clergy and inour.rs, and then the Tribune Association. U Her ald club, then followed in sue - ion tht military and civic officers of . U.S. located in this and adjoin;- cities, officers ot the government of of New York, and of the ot: now in this city, the mayor a. a bers of the common council, th ana rnemocrs ol the common t -uncil of Brooklyn, Jersey City, Lo:.- IsUnd City, Newark and Elizabeth. :rreen- tative. from Philadelphia, ;:;ltimore and other cities, then came ju" e- from all the courts, and a line of cl:;.cus ol Immense length. At 11:20 the procession eu .ed the church, and the solemnity of scene was of tht most impressive character, the stillness was such that it - --mcd as though the people In the chv: scarce y breathed. Among those present were P ?t Mas ter Ceatral Creswell, General Gov. Morgan, General Sheridan, C v. Ran dolph, of Aew Jersey, and a remittee of twenty from the Union Lea-n.- Club Rev. Dr. Chapin opened th funeral ceremonies, by reading select: from the ScriptBres, many of thc Elusions being peculiarly appropriate to the char acter of the departed. Miss Clara Louise Kellogg r.. .;t sang very touchingly, ! know that ! ,y Ke deemer liveth," after which ' e Ihv Henry Ward Beecher deliverc 1 ike fu neral oration. He said no one I.cs whose death is not the most moment o ;s of all who have passed away; not on- has gone lor a long time who will carry .'.-ith hitn so much honor, so much reverence, so much devotion. Who is this :::an who gets all these honcra t Who i this man! Was he one of those great r"r.ccV pf wealth t ,Was he one of great military renown? No I And yet here arc cafrom every walk in life here. Is ou - Magia tratesheret Are the most prominent citizens from all p-rta of, tho country gathered around the bfer of this man who is now no moro. Hero wc see that criticiara i disarmed. . - ,";; j 1 i 1 A little til e ago and men's political urrected childri i of earth nppear, whb the tlestroying n--. 1 sinks out of sig&U Tho multitud stand for a momeVl full ol awe and v.-"ruler, when, sudd enij Christ, ia all his majesty, descends, tr r.mnded by ang-;- On thc left there It an anijel who lm" the scales of justice o:i liis right an -'icr carries the bookpj lifi, which oitfi.- :o show the a'jha ao4 omega the l ";ming asd thc cnd.- Christ waves hh hind, anl instantly t&t good among thc : :surrected arc fepar. till lrom the wir :,..J, the former go fag to the right, thr- letter to the left. Tit archangel; Micha-saluiesthcgoHi,whlJt on the other eid. . btamls the dcvi.l radV ant with licndiJi delight he can hart iy wait for the l;i il s ntence of thosy who fnll to him. imt, in obedience to the command of the central figure, bf withdraws. Tic figure of Christ ratio his hand again. v ith a threaten irgIea and Uic aceur"d tick down to tla? realms of his s-tanlc majesty. Tliaf Christ blesses tin chosen few, wh drv9 near to him, ri:;allT. we hear a chats ful chime of bell , durinir which chrttl rises, surroundeii by angels, until it disappears, ad i.ie portal closes. w The Presidential Election. The raturnjoi" the Presidential Xtt Uon chow that Giant and Wilson lacV on Lave been c!:oeu by thirty SUSs harm; t94 votes; and Greeley ss4 Brown electors by seven States, hamj 74 votes a majority for Grant and WH son of 222 vote.-. .; The following are the Grant and TTlb son States: ' Maine, 7 N. Hampshire: ." Vermont, " ifassachusetts, I') Rhcdc Island, I Ccnnecticut,- J New York, .'"j New Jersey, i Penn'jlvaiua, Delcwarc, '' Virginia. H West Virginia, - N. Carolina, 1 S., Carolina, T Florida, l Alabama Vissirsippi, Arkana, Ohio, , Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas,. Iowa, 3Iinneotft, NetTrasltfi, Calilnmin, Oregon,. . Ncvads, Total, The following ire Brown States: " Maryland, Georgia, . . i Louisiana, . ' " ' Total S 1 1 the Greeley " a y - ! ' - Kentncky. ,r Tennessee, i Missouri - . - ! :yo , 11 . 4.--. u tl tl ac4 "It "It .1 Tt Thif moit geScral 'aisortmcnl "and bib laid-ia stock of geods to' Ixj found liT tbx ist Mm' HVTbVl 'c&r faiTtS p tliere bcfore buying. f