. Li- CPf--A- fj I m 9 ' -: i - I t 1 t - i: : : i-..-; : ... , T 1 - l X : n " : : : : , I ....... I !' i l -' . J - rpHE CAROLINA MESSENGER, PUBLISHED 8IMXK1.T A.NO VlKKLT, SUBSCRIPTION: Weekly : one year, in advance. $2 00 Bix months " t60 three month " 50 The price of the Semi-Wkkxlt is $1 00 tor three months. r Transient adrertisements irlli be barged $1 00 per square for first insertion and fifty cents for each subsequent inser tion. A liberal discount will De allowed on contract by tie month or year, and . for 'onger adrertisements. MERICAN HOTEL, Chzstout Stkkkt, Opposite Old Independence EiaR, PHILADELTHIA. S. JT. HEULINQSf Proprietor. rpHE YARBOROUQH HOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C. When yon visit Raleigh stop at the YA.RB0R8TJH," a nTst-cl&BS Hotel en the principal business street, in the centre of the city. Dr. G. W. BLAOKNALL, sept29-tf Proprietor. gWIFT GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SNOW HILL, GREENE CO., N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Greene, Wayne, Lenoir, Pitt, &c. pCollections made in all parts of the State. (Not. 30, '69-tf H. MOORE, M. D. OJue in (he Cobb Building, , DR. W. H. MOORE, having removed his office to the Cobb building, can be con sulted at all times when not professionally absent apr4-tjanl JAR RAT'S HOTEL, PETERSBURG, VAM BISHOP & SEAY, Proprietors. Wm. B. BISHOP, GEO. W. SEAY. Formerly of SpoUfmod Petersburg, Va. Ilotel, Richmond, Va. oct24-tf a .TLANTIC HOTEL, NORFOLK, VA. R. S. DODSON, PROPRIETOR. BoAitu first and second floors, $3.00 per day. Third and fourth floors, $2.50 per day. Special terms for permanent board ers. marl4-tf J. A. BONITZ, Editor and Proprietor. Tor ns, Principle i Pnnciple Eigkt is Eighty Yesterday, To-day, To-morrow, Forever Pahliahed Scmi:WeeUj and Weekly. ; VOL-9. GOLDSBORO, N. CM MONDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1872. NO. 30. FRESH HEDICINES, DRUGS, &c For Summer Use? Popular anil Ma! Dn Store OF JQR. TIIOS. A. WOODLEY, LATE OF KINSTON, TS ., Offers his Professional Services to the citizens of Goldsboro, N. C.and surround ing country. Office, at present, at Barham's Hotel, where all orders may be left. August 22d, 1872. lm pETER EPPS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, GOLDSBORO, N. C.f Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he still continues the Painting . Business, and solicits patronage in town and country- Orders left at the Messen ger office will receive prompt attention. August 2nd, 1872-tf jyALTBY HOUSE, Baltimore, Md. C. R. HOG AN, Proprietor. In consideration of the general decline in 1 cost of all necesBariea appertaining to Hotel Keeping, the price of Board 'will be Reduced on and after January let, 1871, to $2.50 per day, being determined that noth inz Bhall be left undone in the future te make the Mai.tby" what it has been in the past second to none in the city. f mar20 Drs. miller & Kir uy. i in 120 oz. Sulph. Quinine. 40 ioz. bottles " specially for families. 12 cases Vinegar Bitters, at $9 per doz. A large and varied assortment of self sealing Glass Fruit Jars. - j Spear's celebrated Fruit Preserving So lution. Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Best brands of Havana and American Cigars. 1 Colgate's Toilet and Family Soaps. j Burnett's Cologne and Cooking Extracts! Lubin's and other Extracts for the Hand-? kerchief. ! Hair, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, and many other articles in the Fancy line too tedious to mention We keep our stock of Medicines and Drugs always full, and cordially solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore so: generously extended to us. Our Book Store is supplied with School Books, Novels and Music, at publishers' prices. We also keep a large stock of Paper, Pens, Pencils, Ink and Slates, Photograph Albums, "Walnut and Gilt Mouldings, at the lowest cash prices. We promise our friends that we will eive them better bargains than they can get elsewhere, in all goods in our line. Goldsboro, N. C, July 1st, 1872. FALL & WINTER $HX0ltna Messenger rVXi-rT 1V-?PSJL Xfev impression on Lira. Presently they mountea a nut ana tue oia man gave a shrill whistle. Immediately a lit tle noise was made below and in j an instant a cave in the earth was ik i presented to their view. .The vdes- nDon hcrtiM tb fit vftn mmo ia h m ' ' m I ' " On the banks of this river, some dis tance below, is your horse, take this boat' and save yourself. All the thauks I ask, she continued as she sa w Terrell's grateful eyes turned quartered in the city, General t Repo.t fixed it at 10,000. General Emory All stuff and non- tense. But I am well content that the people here should think so, since it will I-WEERLY EDITION. FORGET THEE. WALT IB CLARK. J. X. MULLEN. QLARK & MULLEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1 HALIFAX, K. C. Practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Mar tin, Northampton and Edgecombe counties In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. CffGollections made in all parts of North Carolina. marl4-ly IP1 ENRY C. PREMPERT'S FASHIONABLE Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon Oppotit Metropolitan Hall, next door to 5 A. W. Frap't Saloon. RALEIGH, N. C. The only white Saloon in Town. Sha ving, Hair-Cutting, Dyeing, &c, done in the Latest and Best btyle. CALVIN Gr. PERKINS DEALER IN j Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,Shoes, Notions, Groceries, &c, WOULD respectfully inform his cus tomers and the public that he has returned from the Northern markets and is now receiving his immense stock of Fall Goods, which he has selected with great pains anc care, with a view to suit this market. i orget thee ! If doTdream by night, And muse on thee by day If all the worship, deep and wild, A poet's heart can p.y II prayers iu absence breathed for thee, A thousand in an hour, If busy fancy blending thee With all my future lot, If tb.13 thou call'st 'forgetting' thou Indeed shall be forgot. Forget thee ! Bid the forest birds Forget their sweet tune. Forget thee ! Bid the sea forget To swell beneath the moan ; Bid the thirsty evening flowers forget To drink refreshing dew; Thyself forget thine own dear land And its mountains wild and blue : Forget each old familiar face, Each long-r membered spot, When these things are forgot by thee, Then thou shalt be forgot. Keep if thou wilt thy maiden peace Still calm and fancy free,. For God forbid thy gladsome heart Should grow less glad for me. Yet while that heart is still unwon, Oh ! bid not mine to rove, But let it muse its humble faith And uncomplaining love. If thine, preserved for patient years, At last avail me not, Forget me then ! but ne'r believe Tb.at thou canst be forgot ! Written for the Carolina Messenger. "MAUDE." I cended many feot"iby.; steps -wnen hmnan being, anything that yon iDey came to a narrow passage have seen or heard to nlcht and which led into a room brilliantly when yon aro &alo at home, think lighted up with Jhe finest lamps, of what mnst be the lot of an J inno Here the old man turned, and mak-r cent irl in a den of robbers." ing asign to the others they left Terrell raised her hand to his the room. Then removing a cloth lips and tried to speak but his heart from over a table, revealing a choice was too lull and in an instant she supper, he said in a kinder tone man nis auuuor expeciea : iiere, CHAPTER II. , . A Gently and swiftly the little boat J glided over the laughing waters as in an instant he was jjone, leavinj .1 .. t' i , ... . , rr. 11. . juy rusuea over tneir me excueu lerreu 10 mentally ejac- i. lwwlo n,. ulate, "Well, for Heaven's sake what will come next ?" Thus left alone, and feeling no inclination to taste of the choice mealbetore him, Terrell for the first time looked iuc ueus. Ane storm was now over and the pale moon was cast ing a lingering look on the beauti ful T permission of the United SUte IfuihU Your memorial it ta learn th&t . g&id occu pation hi been tinder an order from the United Sr&tet Circuit Court, purporting to issue, on account of in alleged viola tion of a restraining order of the United State Circuit Court by the Governor of this State, and ordered the United 8tatea Marshal in the meanwhile to prevent all unlawful assemblage therein under guise or pretext of authority claimed by rirtue of pretended canvas or returns, thus making the United States Marshal the Judge of the qualifications of tha t mem bers of the Legislature. Yonr memo rialists submit that said action is un warranted in law and entirely subversiTa of the civil government of the State, in asmuch as the subversion of the Execu tive and Legislative departments of the State ot Louisiana present a political tPnri tfc tft.. question -to wit, the recognition of the I status ef the local eovernment a 01 TOS SOLDIERS AT UI3 COVXX5D. ...v...:, uicuu ani: sas through fnv AnT she sank in the western horizon. Renortcr Manv . 1 j -..uuw ai luj uiuucfb ljlttlo did lerrell rrfir.n nn. fh 1 r rnr.rto,i ;n around him. 1 he furniture was cood, K,nfr;r,, m--t. . , , , hanging rocks and majestic cliffs General Emory There are none here thouhgold.tho walls wero neatly above, or tba vorVaint valM rn-l on service eicent Cnntafn t. o.,i government a ques tion rHn1ir1v wttMrr tV Mmit.. Reportep-W.Uhow muj haxeyou the Fcdiril TernmCTl. , Gerl Emory Onlj the nineteenth ... . .. . .. . infantry, a portion of which was lately I .-. .r-ii. a i i aZ irtered-arBaton Ron two ba.tene. l7JEi?!SS I ; . .""J r-rr - J J and earnestly arpcal to you as the Chiel mpn iiiroiv TrAm m v v 1 &, n a i w ly from Barancas, Fla. Besides these I have at my disposal a squadron of cav alry which can be brought here at any moment. Reporter flow did these exaggerated reports get abroad. General Emroy Well, you see, we are now changing the troops, relieving a large number that are in the Indian country.' - This cavalry squadron was so destined, but ia consequence of the Louisiana difficulty they are en route Magistrate of the nation to remove from the State House the national forces, so as to permit the free and rntrammellcd performance of their duties as the Legis lature of Louisiana. After reading the above the Speak er announced that no answer hid yet been received. They then adjourned, to meet to-morrow at 2 p. m. No General Pardons to be Granted The President's Policy. COME ONE 1 COME ALL!! My stock, as usual, is well assorted and large, and I invite everybody to come and examine it. Domestic and Fancy Goods of every description. My line of ladies' DRESS GOODS is complete. An endless variety, m style and patterns, of CALICO My stock ot NOTIONS embraces every thing calculated to come under that head. Ready-Made Clothing, at the lowest figures, and styles and quali ty to suit all. Boots and Shoes. I claim to have the BEST STOCK in town, and am prepared to sell at the very lowest prices. Groceries, &c. ,.1 l 1... .1 . . VV I i I I.H IV.l.'MltTll. Illll. 1 1111 I U. 'IV !l I 1 T.II ll . . 1 Him. little Old he notion in ot mystery about the whole, lerrell bluWirmament of hon trirno it if urnrn olio . I .0 A f m I the the or the SentYo rav8 Qf the .wanintr moon. arms of Morpheus he was IIis thou ht3 wcre on othcr sub. passing through some, ancient cas- ;ect8. "Was it dream ? Had ho tie. He was crreatly surprised in il,t,o,rmJ f t? 1 :i hnding on the mantle a golden brace- through such let bearing the initiats "E. C. l."4xo, it could not be Lieutenant Andrews, with the batteries from Bar.ncas. Reporter- Have you any objections to I giving some information concerning your orders. THE COCBT-J ACTUALLY 15 COMUAXD. ingntiui scenes Hero his WxsniifOTOX, Dec o. The followirg letter, addressed to Gov. Scott of South Carolina, indicates what poMcv the President intends to pirsue in regard to pardoning indiscriminately persontnow undergoing sentemce for committing ku klux outrages : Departmkjtt of JrsTicx. ) 'Washington-, Dec. 5, 1872. J BY IIAWTnOEN. (1 Avt rts 1 T v . ... I vcuii.ii niory i merely hold my "Kobcrt Scott. Columbians. C: ' troops ready to obey tho mandates of "I have the honor to acknowldge Wishing to looknt it. hn misrd hin Li u. , , , , . . uih x uc iao receipt or your communication of 0 , luuuLMits were lnierruoica ana lie no discretion. unio anm nin.i.w k. I i i -j-i j n. . i-,..,.. j , . . , -i i I ' i' j uc iaiu uiu. auurcMcu w me a reiiQenr. nana to taKe it aown, out tne nana Nvas majQ to f.lZfl on hiR cnrrnnml. I SUrd Service was ronni-Ail nfm. I i v: r . ... , a iti i ,i i - i . v.. uu mm iwerreu io me, enclosing to I ta Hia Piifl xtT inn lino i,l fin . i . I T . -ir-.- I ' ...iv..! -"MingS,ior. trio moon sank behind the "-T"er- ere tnese orders ceneral the anoeala of tha Grand Jnmr. f v-v 3 SiiiT " -.i i. i r " i - uoor open anu me oiu man wun cock- hills, her light was forbidden the or special 1 and Chester counties in South Carolina. "1 . I 1 ITT- . I w ea pistol in nana snont "young man, earth, and all was nerfectdarkne emcrai imory Uefore Judge Dur- in beh-li f the citirens of thoso coun- your rr rerrell, there was poison in that i,ht 'lWon tt T7nnn- IO lQat eUect 8mce I have tentiary at Albany and in the jails of wine which you failed to drink and ,..' im nrA t uBI k1..i. " " mer the Mate of New York, under sentence reporter And that was ? ror violating the Enforcement Act ef He heard General F.mnrv tv r., --;, -ir . 1 t-. i . -.r. jouauvc. the neitrh of the faithful animal shal with whatpv-r :4. rr. .u. v. J5y what authority do yon ask some distance below but with it quire to carry out the decrees contained ney General and the Secretary of State is? "cried Terrell, somewhat came the rough voice of a sentinel m that decision. of South Carolina, with others, endorse comprenenaing nis situation. ou the bank. "Who toes there?" reporter uo you anticipate any re- their concurrence upon 'the- anneals. ' -.---- . - i - - He Dointed to a window and Ter- In an instant 1ir r.iw n. Mnfim of 8iSiance . ! have to say. in answer, that in my 1 I AflArel l?rrt -. "V a ..I.. .... . . m . rell saw outside a gang of armed light. Ah ! it was the dischartre L - j o.mepeopie would judgment it is not only impracticable soldiers clustering around a fire. of a i.istol and noor TWpII folr ,n- " nce. 1 he orders arc to b but improper to grant an indiscriminate v-fi " i i n ii o5ii-- u i 1 ana it is best for all of us pardon to the citizens of York and Chu . W VV A J v-l-Vy Vj ' AV LA V V kj I J W t J J 1 v I It VII V lVUtt i til CHAPTER I. The black clouds overshadow and the thunders shake the earth, r,. r. ... , . , vnawney oe quietly obeyed. ter counties who have been convicted of er roar as they rush, over the pre- U never Knew wliat it was to tear w hen lie came to nis senses the Reporter-The people intend holdine violating the Enforcement act. er to any cipice, the woods on every side aught on earth, but resistance is gray streaks of morning were steal- an indignation, r, rather,general mourn persons described only by the locality look black as death, the rain pours useless. Take my purse and may ing through an eastern window and :ng meeting on Monday. Will you in- ia which they reside or designated as a down in torrents, but they tend not you receive trom it the curse you so lie iound himself upon a bed, in a I centre wun mat f I of offenders against the laws of the to frighten the undauuted youth as richly deserve. neat little room, the manv sheets nerai r.mory o; certainly not. United States. I have no meant of - I - I . ' w IT III .. .! 1 ...... I he manfully rides his foaming steed "Mind how you talk, I might take and pillows of which had been stain- . unoiao anvltnnS to interiere with knowing the names, numbers or degrees up the mountain path, Suddenly your life with it." Terrell was si- ed with his blood. lie could have L "ju m oucying oraers, out, (af- of guilt of the citizens of said counties groceries, c. he nausea. What sound m-eots hi lent for he knew that. ho. u-.i now- sxvom he hoard in an adioinincr , . 1 ' . Jcvtc" "ug now imprisoned as represemea m taia In this department I shall always keep i . 1 J suouia ue constructed into a mark of nn.ifl nn Vionrt fnffoo Sniror 'R'Imit fa1 Tf Mr f Hark'! 1 1. i s inn vnifo nf a. I O, V fiss. hoi n rr sn r io u n (I oil iv ? lioilv room t ho voinn ot t hf nalo snii votl.i: I ri """i , - - " I j - j i, i J ujsres peci ior ine court 1 miht hn rnrp I tc: i:-:- A.- , , , , . . , I r. , . , I '. .-., , , . i I " . OCUaitbO BUUilMtlUUS IU1 L i UUU me, shecnes. , on. learned to admire so much. Lend- Reporter Have you found any irreat L, fMu T-rnn.f.tSnfl.-liu "Gentle maiden, is it in my power j So he sank, into a chair by the ing an attentive car ho heard the antagonism to exist between the people J the circumstances of crime and convic- bacco, SnuflF, &c, &c I take this opportunity to express m sincere THANKS to my friends and cue tomers for their liberal patronage, and hop by close attention to their wants, prompt ness and polite attention, to deserve a con tinuance of the same. C. G. PERKINS, Sept. 26, 1872-tf Goldsboro, N. C to assist you ? May I not have the window as the old robber left the pleasure of conducting you to a room. Here a thousand thoughts place of safety ?" shouts the youth, ran through his mind. He could as by the incessant flash of light- see a silvery stream running along ning he beholds a beautiful young on the other side of the men, and girl leaning against the trunk of a he knew that the hill which thoy large oak tree. had mounted previous to entering KJ lUl j til ID Will UUU HIS jULI 111 C 1 v - j v- v t - v oiuuva wi vnv. rv J a QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N. C. This is one of the best conducted Hotels in the State, (new and established since the late fire.) At this House you will find the best of Fare, comfortable fires, excellent Lodging Rooms, a well furnished Parlor and accommodations for Ladies. tW Polite and attentive servants. jal8tf JAS. W. MORRIS, Proprietor. JINSTON HOTEL, KINSTON, N. C. The undersigned would respectfully in form his friends and the traveling publicj that he has recently assumed charge ot the Hotel at Kinston and the building has been thoroughly renovated and refitted for the accomodation of the Public. , v He is determined to keep a first-class House. G. K. BAGBY. novlO-tf JOHN ARMSTRONG, BOOKBINDER AND BLANKBOOK MANUFACTURER, RALEIGH, N. C. Trial, Execution, Minute and Recording Dockets made to order. North Carolina Reports and other La-vr Books, bound in Buperior Law Binding. MiBeing numbers of th Repor s supplied ad odd numbers taken in exchange for binding, laeptl6-tf , y-ILLIAM HAY, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. The undersigned begs leave to gi- notice to his friepds and the public generally that he still continues tbe PAINTING BUSINESS, and all orders left with Messrs Ciark & Roberts, at Newbern, or Mr. W. f. Kornegay, at Goldsboro vill receive prompt attention. Patronage, from town or country, solicit d. WM. HAY.- Goldsbor. Oct. 27, 1870-Sm JgTROPOLITAN HOTEL, ; Beqadwav, New York. Re-opened under new management Augun T&na,jor tne reception of Guest. The spacious buildine has been thorough ly renovated, and newly furnished through out . , , The Frocrietors have made everv en,r tion to adapt it to the comfort and conven ience of its patrons, and have spared nei ther pains nor expense to secure that end. ept8-; - Proprieton, A. B. HOLLO WELL, GOLDSBORO, . C, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has X emu v wW uxxvy s - XXk. kj a. v uwi wv l . . - . t T V .1.. tt, tt Tr,wii'a onrt nno Hrvr T.rrtv. rf assist vou to mount iiiv horse." he stream, lie Knew that no was in O VUU . X. JL V- -1 1 k wy W VAM. Vl I w ' I G. G. Perkins', where he will sell his added dismouutiut? and tossini? the the hands ot the robbers and now Rtocii Ol IxOOQS, maiden's hand. the truth flashed upon him. This VUUMDIUW W I ,,-rrf, 1 1 , 1 ... 1 I 1 . tl O .1 1 T . 1 DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS.'SHOES, :"itianK you,' sne replied timid- was me "nest oi mo uana ol rou- Ij, and the lad thought reluctantly, hers which had for years robbed "I hate to trouble vou; but I was the people of the vicinity, and a taking an eveninur stroll and admir- branch ot the crreat line of robbers ing this ebautiful mountain scenery which extended at that time all NOTIONS, GROCERIES, &c., a3 low as they can be bought elsewhere in Goldsboro. Hoping by a fair and honora ble course to merit a liberal share of public patronage, he solicits a trial. .- . . ; ' .1 -ill t T .1 1 ALL PERSONS indebted to me either w.ucn tne Rtorm carae npon me and along tne mountains ot iNortn ana by note or account, will please come L6 t .,nnnt nrnoo fa-t0- T mnat cjntb Hamlina nn.l To.mnpn. TTo forward and settle, as further indulgence i r . I , , c , . i cannot be given. My Books and accounts accept the assistance you so kindly was in the hands ot men who stole are at the store ot A. B. ilolioweii, who is 0ffer everything they could lay hands authorized to receipt for money due itcXT tl , i:.- octl7-lm JESSE HOLLO WELL. j irouoie, jl assure you, ue uii,,iuu muuui hcmwio iu wm; replies, as he assists her into the lite of a man to get his purse. "Can DR. J. MILES HUNTER & TEVi saddle, "but tell me lady where you a woman who seems so virtuous and live." noble be engaged in such a work as "On yonder hill my uncle lives; this ?" thought our hero. "No, I but yonder are my unele and some cannot, I will not believe it. 11ns of his men with torches who have matter is involved in mystery and doubtless come to look for me." if it cost me my life I will hear her TlihmflQ Tpi-taII (fnr Kno.h w.istlip Storv." V lth SUCll tllOUtrlltS he young man's name) looked and be- fell asleep. held three rough mountaineers When he awoke, the lamps in the witl tnm.hpo Tlifiv wore mean I room had been imt out. the fire f V A ww-W" J ' - i nntPn9nr.Maiil from his heart he around which the soldiers clusterei Special 5?rivctice. Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic Ulcers, and all Analagous Disorders, SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. OFFICE AND INFIRMARY: EAST-CENTRE STREET, GOLDSBORO, - - - - - - N. Consultation Free. c. ollowiug conversation : "My dear uncle, you ask me why I am changed. Why the color has forsaken my cheek and the smile my ips. I can tell you. I have been brought up to believe that you have sutfered some jireat wronjr and have r i . . ... ui juur uepanmeni and trie troops. tiort. When such an application is mide uenerai tmory-ot a particle. In it will be considered, without delay and fact the people are only too glad to have as favorable as the President's sense of the soldiers among them, and arc always justice will permit. "Very respectfully, Geo. IL Williams, "Attorney GeneraL" Compliment to the North State. Old comp aining when we withdraw them through measures of economy. OKDKP. TO BE MAINTAINED. Reporter Do vou serriou-rv antirinntn tied to this secluded spot, scorning any Uoul,0 from'tUis polltical emeutetl all mankind, that you niignt lind General Emory Clauehinir) No ! I the peace and happiness that were think everything will pass off smoothly. denied you in the fashionable cir- This ex:tggerated idea that the people! cles of Europe, lint in the last few have about the troops will help to pre- laysl have discovered the dreadful serve onItr- ITT. truth that vou are a robber. Oh ! lPWDOOD no nQW move Uaa been my uncle, cease to live in sin and luti , ra,ma7 aunougn several Uponse paid th following tribute to cw0 vjiv-u 3 prujetteu. North Carolina: wARMorTn will xot helext. Q ejttlkm en : I thank you profound No election returns have yet been de- 'y lor .the compliment you have paid livercd by the State authorities to the me. I appreciate It most hitrhly coming, Custom-house Board. Federal troops as it does, from North Carolinians. Da- still hold possession of the State-house, ring the revolution I had large oppor- During a recent visit to Raleigh, that tough old fighter, Gen. Ilood, was sere naded at the Yarboro Ilouse, and in re- misery and reform. to be continued. .Louisiana in Vinculis. The ,N.. Y. Ier-id's correspondent givej the following particulars of an in Two Legislatures will probably as-j tunities for observing, and I must say if ber of patient is the best guarantee of oar ability to ao an we promise, opened an Infirmarj at Goldsboro, n. c, for the pitied the youngand beautiful dam-J had died away, and but tor a ray ot accommodation oi paiiunit requiring aany alien- I . . . , , l.u l.: n .i i i tion. The fact tnat webavecurod a large nam- sel Who had to associate Wltn SUCU ', muuu, an ouiv uaw "Annie," cried the foremost been perfect darkness. A white hand was on lm shoulder and an almost angelic voice said : "Come my friend you have no time to tarry." He seized her hand and she led the way through a door he had. , not seen, and which fitted in the wall hnres. which are selected out of a large number. Circu- and apparently the meanest Ot the la.a AA-alnin full ita.tinnl. matLvl . M . I . Lt inree, is mau yuu . plication. La Granoi, If. C, Dec. 'JS. 1S71 Dr. J. MiUt Hunter t Tew: Gentlemen: After frequent amplications of various articles of the "Materia Medica." to the malignant cancerous growth on my neck, I applied your "Cancer Rem edy," (which was kindlv fnrntahAd ma hv Ir Hunter), according to directions, and it disap peared within ten days, leaving no cicatrice. i j ne pain produced by its application, to my sur prise, was Insignillcant; Your obliged friend, P. W. WootiT, M. D Bcxxa Vista P. O., N. O., March, 1872. It is, un cle," was the reply. "Uncle 1" it cannot be ! It is a mistake ! thought Terrell, "such a character cannot be uncle to the beautiful and well-bred girl at my so nicely that no stranger would no side " The manner in which the tice it, out into the open air where Terrell had the satisfaction ot feel- In the early part of the present month. I atmlied relative treated him did not tend tO Ua.bm MnntAP Jb T.nr --!.! 1 . - . . I I... IV jhvod. .UM . KCKaUif reiiei IOr in - . I I lmr hn nrr ft -- YnrtTn rnet nrrr snfferine occasioned by an eucvsttntnnrwhtnfi Urain his fisteem. lor lie advanced "o "" Ci "i" ha4caaiUelflnmy , .. .u.wD hishrnnr. ITo had hardl v rceovar- ana jaw. Arter a enon wme 11 was guccessfnllv and COldlV saiu. Auuic, wuat, uuca i removed, and I anrat prent enjoying the bies. it . Q tn rr ed his senses which Burnnse had b U I 11 i 1J Ll J- i sin? of belnar free from pain for the firBt time in this mean t then rBKseSrnw said, "young man, of course stolen away, before they stood on will rest with me to-night. WlLKT J-MITH DuTLrx Co.. N. C. Mav. 1872. vou T YiaA fnr vpura anffrred with a rAncfir nn mv 15t 1 1 Till 1 J U .r " Its removal. After treatment for a short time by I Terrell felt that there Wras dan- Drs. llanter & Tew, It was successfully removed, l and has not since returned nor given any evidence ger but followed for he was . anx Fees Goldsboro, RocJtnsbN. c. 1 ions to find but more of the young $$Stt uf Igiri who hka"m&e a very'&TbVable the banks of the stream whose sil very waters were glistening 'in the moon light, . and the fairy-like maiden, pointing to a small boat, said ; . ,'!.'. .. ' r THE TRCOP3 GKSttAL B.ORV IXTEBriWKO. the Capitol this day, preparatory to con convening in extra session on Monday, Cnrrent rumor having constantly mnl- lDe yin 01 uecemoer, 182, In pursuance tiphed the number of troops, your re-raProclam-tion DJ the Governor of name. Your troops were better provided for than any other, and it was owing to your superior management at home. Gentlemen, I again thank yon. Tennessee Legislature. "M friendydu1 are in danger porter, about noon, concluded ts visit General Emory at headquarter. We found him seated at a table, in undress u liform, busily wiitirig and evidently disposed to be very reticent. Upon be ing informed that tbe Herald desired to be accurately posted in regard to the number of troops at present quartered in the citj he answered that he waa in a very awkward position, and desired to say as little as possible but, on being assured that all information given would bd withheld from the New Orleans pub lic, he s last consented to-be interview ed ak io lows : '? ! ReporterIIow many troops have you semble one recognized bv lhe Oo?ern. I I were caller! nnnn in nxr.r rii ti1m te.view with Gen. Emory, commanding or and the other by tht Custom house I any State it would be to North Caroli- United States troop in New Orleans. party. n3 Having served thre years in the The Herald, editorially, in commenting memorializing ran pkesidkxt. army in Virginia and one year in the on the tone of Gen. Emory's remarks and The fusion Legislature (Wannoth's) army of theSouthwest'j I must give it as his manifest ; indifference' to a bloody re- ra.et in caucus this evening at ' the city my best conviction that "more men were contre with the people of that city, sug- nall fifty-two members being present. left upon tbe battlefield of the South from gesU that General Sherman or some oth- ,r Zacharee read the following memo- North Carolina than any other State. I er commander of prudence and humani- fil hich was dispatched to General do not say this because T Stand here ia ty, should be sent to take the command. Grant at 2 o'clock p. m. to-day. your presence, but truth and candor There is a strange inconsistency in Gen. To nisExceiiency the President of the United compel me to say it. I believe that your Emory's position. In one breath, be t,, . . mtr,f- State had more men than Vircrinia had 1 ' , . . . T1,e undersigned, a committee ap- . , . 6 . represents the pciple as being delighted ... , . . -4. f. on her own soil, and you and all North tj have the soldiers among them : and . , , 0. . T I Caroliniins ocsht to be proud of her c in the next he studiously msgnifies his, titnti a . con8ritational naorum of forces to preve it the people from rising both bodiea thereof, would reDectfullv t . 1 1 : 1 1U - - r- I fU. .1 Y.- LI 1 iciwcuk iuk bucj uavo auemuiiu bi i The Herald's reporter writes: the said State ; that they have been duly p-rtiea are thua divided in the Legis- chosento represent the people and re- I at ure just elected: -Senate Democrat-, turned a members of the Legislature by 14. IUpoblicans, 7; Independent, 4; To- the Board of Canvassers appointed and tal 25. . House efltepreaenUtiveaDem public proclamation made thereof ac- ocrata 40; Republicans, 27; IndependenU' cording to law. Your memorialist fur- 7wj.a A tie in one county between ther represent that on' their arrival'they Democrat and Independent. Total, 73. - -- - srm . una me otate uuuuing useaas ine uapi- u. r"" f -r ir "t? !)--'- innt mwTi United State., and the sad bnildingand I - oroiderV r-Uerni-all the approaches thereto are occupied lncking and stamping done at her Eatab- uy guarus 01 armeu unuea oiaies aoi- lifilimeIlt m the neatest style. . . I diery, subject to the orders of said Mar- , . . - shal and mix ;deputies,and ' all , acpeii ' yj yottCwt to aell - yonr cotton for a thereto denied to the citizens,' and offi- good Tprice and buy , your goods cheap, cere of the State hate only entered by I don't fail to call on John II. PowelL X 1 I