:-- r ? THE CAROLINA MESSENGER, ruBUSHEt emnnr akt wbeklt, SUBSCRIPTION: Weekly : one year, in advance, $2 00 six months 1 60 three month " 60 The price of the Sbmi-Wseklt is $1 00 ror three months. ICP Transient advertisements will be harged $1 00 per square for first insertion and fifty cents for each subsequent inser tion. A liberal discount will oe allowed on contract by tte month or year, and for 'onger advertisements. ,! AMERIUAN HOTEL, . . Chestnut' Street, Opposite Old Independence J2aC, PHILADELPHIA. S. U. HEULINGS, Proprietor. mUE YARBOROUQH HOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C. When you visit Raleigh stop at the "YAKBoaecn," a firBt-class Hotel on the principal business street, in the centre of the city. Dr. Q. W. BLACKNALL, sept29-tf Proprietor. gWIFT GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8NOW HILL, GREENE CO., N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Greene, Wayne,. Lenoir, Pitt, &c. CJ"CollectioD made in all parts of the State. Not. 30, '69-tf n- MOORE, M. D. XOffiu in the Cobb Building. DR. W. H. MOORE, having removed his office to the Cobb building, can be con sulted at all times when not professionally absent apr4-tjanl me I"M fO I - it : ' ' '. I i. .1 . - ; ,, ii - - - r - ,, - -O- ' ' .1! . - .," I . ' - II I II II II ?JFor tu; Principle ii Principle Right ii Eight Yesterday, To-day, To-morrow. Pererer.N it PmsUaW Sexsi-WeaUj ami WaaUj. VOL. 9. GOIjDSBOR04: N. GM TTfRS DAT, "E(&EMGRl"i9,:. 1872. NO. 31. CANCERS CURED JARRAT'S HOTEL, PETEKSBURG, VA., BISHOP & SEAY, Proprietors. Wm. B. BISHOP, GEO. W. SEAY. Formerly of &potwood Petersburg, Va. Hotel, Richmond, Va. oct24-tf IIQKlilED 110 DtOOD.I Dr. E. H. GREENE, OF CHAROTE, N. C.; ,,r, u, i Formerly Physician to Philadel phia Bellevue Institute. Will, for the purpose of accommodating those who desire to consult him, be at Hillsboro, X. C, Dec. 9th, Bell House, Raleigh, X. C, " 10th, Yarboro House, WiUi jolly load ofCbriimaa chebr;ttotiidness. thaddered as the blast passed orer "Cfang, clari clang 1" came the me ; I felt the cold epray dashing hongh I nerer dare gay ao, and he' always told, me to come to yon for comfort. Lying in my arms, Ina listened tomyYersion of the itory of the wrecr, which tune, alas I prored only too trne, for when a year had passed, a sailor came to the agents reported himself as the sole sorri- rorof the Halberd's crew. The gale that wrecked her had come p on the morning of the 22nd of De cember, and ahe founded at mid night upon Christmas-eye. A' TL ANTIC HOTEL, Newbern, X. C, " 18th, Gaston House, And at Goldsboro, X. C, Dec. 20th, Prlnci- pal Hotel, where he yvill .remain, till April 15th, 1873,?forthe purjose of treating" those who cannot conveniently visit the principal office at Charlotte. CANCERS: "TUMORS and ULCERS, Cured by Dr. Kline's great CANCER ANTI DOTES. Chronic Diseases of all kjnds treated w ith unparaielleu success. Home Office at Charlotte in charge of Dr. A. A. Lindley, late ureon in Chief of Philadelphia Bellevue Institute, nov 2"-tdec 20 7-7-1 , li ' z-r ' 1?. FayettfiPfmn mjf njTfiM' UJCj iiiJajamsj WeldoiijXlC. ' ; I3tbj Ey Htel, U- . ; Wilson, X. C, " Itth.Tincipal Hofeir ; , ..XU ikli', s Sword dancers are known Northumberland as gaiters. "I Make no Hiitakeo." in And in a wink, like a flash ol light. Up the roofs tour -way you "will steer. M I bells, and a hnndmd vnlna emAt I in mv fa and rrv-a e r t. A "And adown the chimneys soswiltyoull ii' r' ' 7 -tT 9" 7: 7 . KO iiusij air, biugiug mo 01a ca- &sx u-ieuiosnrieic,ucoYer myeara, To where tha dear li; tie stockings rol . . . , and hide my eres in the nil low. hnt : - . I ..-J ' I - w"lKi I " 1 4rfl mat vrin murixr raAntlAmAn I in xra . n T V a. J I t 1 I A A i - a.9 . Wa.ting 'for what .your hands shallu Jcr """uug yoa uismay ; uook upon me stormy sea. where a prominent man. who IiTed in De- bnng- Kemeruber, Christ our Satiour, was ship lay tossing helplessly. I saw troit forty years ago, and who at "And every one you must fill m a whirl. 1 oorn on nnsimas aay." line spars was tied orerboard. I tnat time owned more steamboat With nuts, and candies, and fruit, and r The children crowded to the bay saw men struggling in the pitiless atock than any man in the Wes-J- vVitholjheeked'doU'fbr each htti Mow, and turning to another I waters; the faces and streaming Urn country, besides other wealth girl. lound it already .occupied Mark and hair of women, and once the . whita to a larcre amount. Aau wnips xnci tops tor xne tiois v I ni Rtrtni fhra k a a ii a ram nv I uAa nf k i i a.j.i .i. j i til. ; 1 . jr". , ' n wuiojrcnujj w. 0 x,uivi AUV1 U1CU UllQirK lilU UUDJ UVQCr piOUDCrS WUO 1 V. n .' 1 1 1 I H 1 - . I '. . . . rtcnes, ne was rery '..I ' in ner r;'hd half hid by a shawl, ness became so intense that only aoqnired great rich . I saw his arm round her. 4 when the lightning flashed could I ignorant in all that o a m 1 j i.s.' t iUCu psuuEunnsnaggeunugrraujan, M gaw h,s arm round her. When the litrhtnin f1-h MT icrnorant in ll iVi.t: WV. And he kissed her. ttTinlermind cheek . . . ....... I .v. o . r - - r:-.i ; 1 j . j 1 ,j : : it ... ... 11 1 sored: -h uy my ucu-roora nre an iiBuuuisa vue wrecK, aunougn lue d uis learning is more like wis- And he satdiie nve ws so alad a manlliour after, a lirrht taD at the dnor I thunder of the temntcftf. nn-. don. and. in rnrnmon with . . . . ' o 7 I r " ..v.- 1 - " J oince me merry aay tnat taey were .u e .i Ii: ...tr-i m , . . . . j - - mciium my urmmg. ina uug mvuiooa. , ouaaeniy ine winds who oiTe 11 yea ana passea away. came in. her Ion? li?ht hair floating land waters ceaAAd thnir wr nA Ibntleft thir u t,.. r -i. nr ii. : , 1 x " " 0 I . , !, and the world I 43 i,oo- .. vmu ou ucvp wat 1 1 " to wuum iuko iuiua While Chrisfmas come- goes round, And my little reindeers a roof and climb. jSoJstockingjaliall ever be emptyfound. ANTAOLAUSAND JOAN. BY ENNA BREECH. NORFOLK, VA. R. 8. DODSON. PROPRIETOR ;lav. Third and fourth floors, f a.ou per day. Special terms for permanent board ers. marl4-tf lioAHD-first and second floors, $3.00 per CALVIN .G. PEBKINS 'bEALER IN ' ' : 1 Dry Goods, Clothing, BootSjSlioes Notions', Groceries, &c, WOULD resDectfullv inform his cus- VY tomers and the public that' he has returned from the Northern markets and is now receiving his immense stock of FaU , Goods, It. TIIOS. A. WOODLEY, LATE OP KINSTON, TX ., Offers his Professional Services to the citizens of Goldsboro, N. C.and surround ing country. Ofhce, at present, at Barhams Hotel, i he has selected with srreat 'pains anc I 1 1 .1 1 . 14. I wg-gown. I neard every throb of my Heart, and lea by looking at it. "May X come and warm myself, as I sat wondering what was com- He had, at the time of our story, Aunty ?" she said : The fire has ing, a gentle wind rustled past rae, just completed a splendid I new gone out' in ray room, and I am so a hand touched ray face, and Mark warehouse at Buffalo, and wanting cold.". She craye a pretty little shiv- Anibcrly's voice cried. "Comfort a suitable clerk to taka charce of it. Ina.' I be advertiaed for on a In tliA ninprt After that I seemed to faint, for I The next morning early, a candi- when I recovered consciousness the date lor the position presented him- rhile over the roof the loud wind blew, Then he knocked the ashes from his pipe, T V . b , P , . Da W sen, ramer too nasny a young man And the rain and hail seemed on- a r AndJpDlled his night-cap over his ears; tne hearth-rug, she clasped her dttil, gray morning was shining in- in appearaace, but the following And Joan gave her specs a wipe, hands around her knees.- Presently I to the room. Gradually I began to conversation occurred : .,uu ir inmea lue nignwamp wim tne she said, but without turninir round, collect my thoushU. and as I nn- "Yonrm mn wn Vnn .V-. "You like Mark Amberlv. Aunt v." I dressed and crept into bed a feel- mlKtftk in MCrry'damflbriSht WCre tbC PlCaSant 1 acqicsced, and she went on, "So mg of horror settles down upon me. do yon correct it ? That came that night to their happy "do I, and isn't it funny, he says he I had never been a believer in the The young man explained, in a In their snug little loom in the chimney flue!!--. -: Yi Dill OUULiW viaua chii' o wciii, uis ii jiu , Wh strife The reindeers, every one, were fed, safe And curried, and watered, and Jrom storm, In the nice new stalls beneath the shed That Santa Claus built to keep them warm "For evermore shall their nimble lcet Be light and swift as the north wind t bold" And your fairy purse 'buy the, suirar er, as if to verify the assertion. SWCet , tlimirrh ffio wo rm ft nn eV rrnoo nA Thouorh sucar lilft worth ira vomer A in . :. o ' " a " : . t . a . . - i i h " i uu liitiiu niiuer cumraaiDiea ner fcVJ1V4, . i words. Thennestlincr down upon sleep; , i likes me, and , where all orders may be left. August 22d, 1872 lm pETER EPPS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, GOLDSBOKO, N. C, care, with a view to suit this market. i j .1-. , - i ! COME ONE! COME ALL!! My stock, as usual, is well assorted and large, and I invite everybody tooome' and examine it. Domestic and Fancy Goods His fine red.sleigh with the goose-necks tail, In which he rode on his holiday round, Was snugly stowed in a corner small, supernatural, and now tried hard to very profuse manner, how he should And w.hen Christmas morning gaylj beam.. 1 - O I . Andtue little ones in their stockings by me, and. under a cloud of hair. ureamiao- was determined to "A good way no doubt, to do it" PCLP- .. UnH imief it.nmA.nn:,,.. t mmr, i treat it as a dream, and. laDchinc roniiol ta ran v.n t .v.n v. wiutviov ouvit 1 J a A. I OOCO j A. vy A3 I f o i viiv vuv vv u UM A, DUAU tj Thensuddenly she was kneeling convince myself that I had been proceed to make it all right. i was determine! In Till the Christmas snow should cover They will find of beautiful gifts a show, listening to her secret, how Mark at mv follv Persistently kept down want von." the goound. AH safe and high in a corner swung The buffalo robes so warm and soft ; Begs leave to inform his friends and the of every description. My line of ladies' And plenty of hay for the reindeers hung puunc mai ne sua continues me xainuuK I "-j vvwakj whh.w-. m.. ivuove meir ueaua, iu iuo siauie ion. Business, and solicits patronage in; town and country- Orders lett at the Messen ger office will receive prompt attention. ' August 2nd, 1872-tf M ALT BY HOUSE, Baltimore, Md. C. R. HOG AN, Proprietor. In confederation of the general decline in cost of all necessaries appertaining to Hotel Keeping, the price of Board -will be Reduced on and after January 1st, 1871, to $2.50 per day, being determined that noth ing shall be left undone in the future te make the "Maltby" what it has been in the past second to none in the city. fmar20 WALTICH C'LAHIC. J. Jt. MULLEN. QLAilK & MULLEN, i ATTORNEYS AT LAW, IIALIFAX, N. C. Practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Mar tin, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. E3FCollections made in all parts of North Carolina. marl4-ly variety, in style and patterns, of CALICO Mv stock ol NOTIONS embraces every thing calculated, to-come under that head. Ready-Made Clothing, at the lowest figures, and styles and quali ty to suit all. Boots and Shoes. I claim to have the BEST STOCK in town, and am prepared to sell at the very lowest prices. Groceries, Ac. In this department I shall always keep on nana uonee, sugar, jriour, Aieai, to bacco, Snuii, &c.,&c. I take this opportunity to express m sincere THANKS to my friends and cus tomers for their liberal patronage, and .hop by close attention to their wants, prompt ness and polite attention, to deserve a cot tinuance of the same. C. Q. PERKINS, Sept. 26, 1872-tf Goldsboro, N. C II ENRY O. PHEMPEUT'S FASHIONABLE Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon, OjyjKisite Mttroj'ioltian Hall, next door to A. W. Fran's Saloon. PvALEIGH, N. C. The only white Saloon in Town. Sha ving, Hair-Cutting, Dyeing, &c, done in i?the Latest and Best Style. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N. C. This is one of the best conducted Hotels in the State, (new and established since the late frre.) At this House you will find the best of Fare, comfortable fires, excellent Lodging Rooms, a well furnished Parlor and accommodations for Ladies. Polite and attentive servants. julStf JAS. W. MORRIS Proprietor. INSTON HOTEL, KINSTON, N. C. Tha undersigned would respectfully in form his friends and the traveling public that lie has recently-assumed charge of the Hotehat Kinston and the building has been thoroughly renovated and refitted for the acconiodation of the Public. He is determined to ketp a first-class Houg. - G. K. BAGBY. novlO-tf A. B. HOLLO WELL GOLDSBORO, N. C, Tl ESPECTFULLY infotms his friends JLv and the public generally, that he has removed to the brick store, next door to John II. Powell's and one, door north of. C. G. Perkins , where he will sell his ' Stools oT Goods, - CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, &c, as low as they can be bought elsewhere in Goldsboro. Hoping by a lair and honora ble course to merit a liberal share of public patronage, he solicits a trial. A1 LL PERSONS indebted to me either by note or account, will please come forward ,and settle, as further indulgence cannot be- given. My Books- and accounts are at the store of A. B. Hollowell, who is authorized to receipt for money due me. octl7lm' , -4ESSU HOLLOWELL. DR. J. MILES HUNTER & TEW. Special Pritcticc. , Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic . Ulcers, and all Anaiagous Disorders, .; SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. Joan arose, and humminr a song, flhe dishes piled on the small tea-tray; But Santa Claus1 face looked sad and long, And never a word had he to say. His suit of furs hung on a peg At his stump of a pipe be puffed away, "Don't spit oh the hearth," said Joan,"I beg, For I scoured it clean this very day." "Now I ask your pardon, my darling wife," Said Saata Haus, "for it's very clear; In just a month, as true as your life, Christmas eve will again be here. "And Dasher is lame in his left hind toot, And Vixen has Kicked poor Prancer so His hip is as stiff as an old dry root ; fco how in the world en my reunds can I go ? "And sugar is so high the candy to make, I fear there will be a scant supply ; Ar d it makes my old heart ache To think how the litt'e ones will cry. "On Christmas morn, if I cannot go To fill stockings and caps for the lit tle dears ; Just as I've done, Joan, you kqow. For over eighteen hundred year3. " Then little Joan stepped up so spry, And sue close down by Santa Claus side. And a twinkle came in her bright blue ' i eye, And the rose on her cheek like a bride And she said : "Dear Santa Claus, once more smile, T can charm the reindeers1 hurts away; And if you'll listen a little while, I will make your sad heart light and ;; ' gay. "My godmother was a Fairy Queen, Yho lived in a-couHtrylair tasce Itt'a eautiful wood forever green, Where " sweet flowers hung on every tree. All saiely stowed in excellent plan, i i. i . . v: ... mv tears. leaTintr nArf ;(Knnt I xr .t. : . 1,1 , va 4- i : . i r iiku as&cu ucr iu uu ins wne, uui J o - t cm owuauuuicr uuirautpui m L 1 , 1 . ... . . ..... I fllvinrf o nrrxni tr I no flfi . . . A "Merry Christmas" from pood Jo- now ne n.ia nrst settled it with his i j& - ur paruug an appearance, a similar quetuon I 'fntlfr 1T11 linr'c tliot Vl tiros rrr 1 was a coia one. ior my heart was n oV him in Irmr mrA to India until his promotion, when Iull and 1 new lnat lne slightest eloquent manner he pointed out the he might leave the army and marry aemonsirauon on my part would remedy in all snch cases Lore Stronger fa Death. 11 it . -iiristmas comes due once a year," and once a year the old hall is filled from basement to garret. Once a year old scores arc wiped out, old wounds healed, brothers become boys again, and the -battle of life, with all its inevitable short comings, is forgotten. The hearth round which we clustered at a moth er's knee is an altar upon which every worldly mistake is sacrificed, and if wc miss some dear face from the gathering, we feel that even on earth we have had a foretaste of the her. T 1 .1 . . . i iNexi aay me party uroso up. Some to their own homes to receive guests, some to join other parties. Mark went to India in February ; and during the . year, although I overturn myself-control, and give All the reply was : "Young man, my sensible resolutions to the winds, I shan't want you. &c. With a cold kiss and mutter- Some three or lour otherg droop ed You'll write, of course," we ed in durinff the day. and to each parted. one the same question was put, and A fortnight after I saw Mark's they all had some smart wayot cot heard constantly of or from Ina I promotion in the "Gazette," and eringup errors in their books. did-riot meet her. So that when the following post brought meal The old gentlemen was entirely Christmas came again, and I 6aw letter from Ina. "Mark," she said, ignorant himself of the art of book- her at the Hall, I was truck with an "had left India, coming home round keeping, but he bad wisdom in all alteration ; what I could hardly tne Cape to shake off the effects of things, which is more than a match tell. She had grown handsomer. a slight attack of fever." for learning. Everyone saw and said that, and The letter fell from my hand. I Jast at the close of the day a plain yet no one hiuted at other change, saw it all now, and the cold drops dressed man with a bright eye Yet from the moment she eame up stood upon my forehead, as I seem- an a brisk step called for the sit ed arrnin to hear thft ad vnir rrv. I UatlOn. to me with her greatr gray wistful eyefi, my heart chilled, and a fear I ii . it couiu.uot uenne,- came over my ing, Comfort Ina." Mark was "Take a seat, sir," said the old eternal home to which we aie hast ening. Soitis that year by vear could. not define,- came over my drowned. By some mysterious gentleman, "I want to ask you one the old house stretches its sides, ! face. power I had seen the wreck, and question. When you makes false and tho church round which onr Nor was any anxiety lessened, as love, stronger than death, had entry on your books, how do you go forefathers sleen find us Icnnolincr I wo were talkinn- of Mark. Tna Via broucrht the dvThV man with h in K "Ork to correct it?" even to the third and fourth gene-igan to cry passionately, and rushed message of love. His last thought ration. But though we miss a face sometimes we also often welcome a new one, and at the Christinas time of which I am going to wTritc, a brother after twenty years of exile, had come back to us, bringing with a a . i rm out or tne room, lucre was some thing wrong, and missing her that evening from the drawing-room door I saw Ina,. She was sitting at the window, but not alone ; a man was beside her, bending fondly OFFICE AND INFIRMARY : EAST-CENTRE STREET, GOLDSBORO, - N. Consultation Free. c. TORN ARMSTRONG, I B 00 k BIND ER AND BLANKBOOK MANUFACTURER, RALEIQU, N. C. Triar, Execution, Minute and 'Recording Dockets made to ordei. North Carolina Reports and other Law Books, bound in superior Law Bindine. Miceing numbers of th Re?or s supplied aid odd numbers taken in exchange for binduic leeptlG-tf illiam'hay, house and sign painter. The nndersisned bees leave to give notice to his friends and the public generally that he still continues the PAINTING BUSINESS, and all orders left with Messrs. Ciark & Roberts, at Newbern, or Mr." W. F. Kornegay, at Goldsboro will receive prompt attention. Patronage, from town or country, solicit ed. ' . WM. HAY. Goldebore, Oct. 27, 1870-3m JETROPOUTAIi HOTEL, Broadway, New York. Re-opened under new management August Ji2nd, for the reception of Guests. The spacious building has been thorough- ly renovated, and newly furnished through 1 out .i Th Proprietors have made every extr- . non to adapt it to the comfort and conven ienc4 of its patrons, and have snared nei ther pains nor expense to secure that end - TWJ&EU & GAUFIELD.- ykl t-Proprietors. Iu consequence ol increaeiit practice, we have opened au Infirmary at Goldsboro, N. 0, for the aCCOuiinouimou 01 paui-iu rcquii lug uany tint-u- tion. Toe fact tht we nave curea a large num ber of patient Is the best guarantee of our ability to do all we promise. We invife attention to the certificates below, which are selected out of a large number. Circu lars containing full particulars mailed upon ap plication. La GRA-gv5ir C Peo. $71. , Dr. J. Miles Hunter' &rw: Gentlemen: x After frequent applications of various articles of the "Materia Medica." to the malignant cancerous growth on my neekiTappUd your.-'lJanoer .Rem edy," (which was kindly furmatied meUyDr. Hunter), according to directions, 'and it disap peared within ten days, leaving no cicatrice. The pain procruiced,by itP application, to my sur prise, waa UiifcHificait. ;Yout obliged friend, P. W. Woolkt, M. D Buena, Vista P. O., N. C, Jtlarch, 1S72. on our wedding In theearj,irtof th!peent mvnth, I applied! to Messrs.-Uunter &. Tew, seeking relief for the suffering occasioned by an encysted tumor which had located itself in my mouth, between the cheek and jaw. After a short' time 'it w successfully removed, and I am at present enjoying the bles sing of being free from pain for the first time in two years. I Vear cheerful testimony to the juic - . i a : - f . . . j Wilkt Smith. Dentin Co., N. 7MiMay,1872. I had for yearB suffered with a cancer on my lip, which resisted pertinaciously all efforts made for its removal. After treatment for a short time by Drs. Hutei;'wAtwa8ucccttfuily rf moored, and haafioi increyirBedjaor given any exigence of eoch intention. Mrs. Annie J. Register. lie. Fees from $25 to $500 Goldsboro U: G.Xfct. 1 f - - 1 -J ltockflsh, N. C. -a. ' - . Brick! Brick! Brick! For sale by GREGORY, GALLOWAY & CO. "And she enme to me : ' day To wish me joy, from her own fair land'; Saying, in her kindly, pleasant way, And she kissed my cheek and took " 'IIow ierlad I am. Joan, to hear That Santa Claus will your husdand be For he is the friend of the children dear, And will ever be kind and true to thee. " So take; dear Jchild, with my wishes kind, . sTliislittle purse for a wedding gift ; IU days to come you may sometimes find Sorrowrand care from your heart 'twil lift. " "Tis fairy purse and is always full-: Andif evtt fc'aatal(7laui want's .'more igoldt He hai only the silken string to pu-1, It will give him all that his hands can hold.' . i- : - ' ' ' "Thougb sugar- is htech. my good old , mair, . Here's t)leaty of gold to bay itnd so, A.? we have rfo children the better we can Give to others the more, you Know. fTiriatmas eve dawns clear and , bright, . And thfi dear little ones are in their i beds, And papa aad mama haye put out the ' light,!;. . ' And . 'Uader the covers have tucked their heads. "You shall harness the reindeer all so had been of Ina, what of her ? What wonld she feel when she knew that at the very time she was false to him, Mark was in the jaws of death and snch a death ! Turning upon his questioner a cold sharp look, the yoang man re plied: "I don't make that kind of nb Uke, iir.' MAhlmy dear sir, you are jolt tha man I've been looking for til dayv" and in a lew moments after, the man who For Sale ! A Turpentine Still in good order, cheap. nov I In siWef harness, withliakling bells, And bring from the shed your new red tr sleigh, And Just as the old clock Laid night him his only child. Ina was a half over her. There was no light save Spaniard, . and the prettiest girl I that of the moon so I did not recog- ever saw';' her uncommon beauty, nize hitn nor did I tarry to . make for she was utterly unlike auyof our the attempt ; to tell the truth, I was girls, and her quaint ways took onr indignant with her ;and closing the hearts by storm at once, and com- door with a bang, I marched off to pletely subdued that ofl Mark Am- the dnwing-rooiiv. ' People wero berly. Now, thoufh Mark was not, seated here, there? and everywhere, strictly speaking, a relation, he was so 1 could nots make out who it was a sister's step-son, and admitted, thai was with Ina, though I tried first for her sake, was speedily lov- hard thanigbt 'nii the next day ed for his Own. -A 'soldier, and a J.o discover who had made our Ina son ofa soldier, Mark had won lion so ipiserable'. Wp were all busy ors which, in pur- olit-of-the-world that day and Ina was hard at work as county, established him a hero at any jf ns ; but when ' midnight ap tmce, and 1 verily believe the dear pfoaciie'd.with its bell-ringing and lad was half ashamed 'of his V. C, carol-singing, I fnissed her and, with so deep and earnest was the wor- a feeling I could neither withstand ship with which wc forvored it. nor explain, I went, to.. the little Mark wa always at Ina s side; room. . There she was. This time so we all saw how it would be, and the window was open, and the man the love:raaking gave a new charm for he was there tdo was standing to the j gathering. . qhristraasHCVQ oy her, hisarni fpuud hpr. . I heard came ; the church had been decora- her murmur something in a sob ted, the "gnisera" feasted, f the bing voice,. and saw hr lift her Christmas'-tree dismantled, and, tir- hands above her. head and wring ed of dancing !'Sir . Roger," we them. Then, traitor as she was, I eio all gfouried about in the din- cmild'piay.theeayjesd'ropjyir no.Jon-iug-room waiting 'A fdr?midmght, ger, but hurried away, and when I when,apording:to au old custom, got to ray tcdfo6fa' a iiltle later I the "devil8 knell" was tolled at the sat down .and cried ; of course it church, and the Squire dispensed was foolish ; what had T, an bid cakes and the mulled ale to all those maiden aunt, to do with the perjur who came to wish him and his a ed faith of a heartless girl, or the merry uurisimas. my oroiner oroken neart oi a loo-casuy uupea stood upon the harth, watch in baud; lover? As I sat, thee -before the presently tlje time-keeper r. was dying fire, with the tears still wet thruaintO-his pockctfand hecroes- upon my facei T became conscious ed the room. There was a general or a sound resembling waves break hnsh, Laughing faces grew grave, ing ; I listened ; the waves' beat Lips quivered and eyes filled, for in grew louder ; I could hear them the silence memory woke up ; and distinctly, and 1 ss too conld I hear ghosts of the past came trooping by, J the wind and storm howling loud- I was wretched. I could not corrected hi. blunders by not makinz write. I dare not see her. I went them, vu in.uiid in thm ffli A Sufficient Heason away by myself where none of my people could get at me, and compel me to tell (as I felt as I mast) ray terrible secret. Weeks passed: I A certain parson !n a cormtrr town ..... . grew ill with anxiety, and at last waa accustomed to preach in a Taeaat went to London to consult the ship- church in the suburbs every Sanday tf- ping agents, hoping against hope. They told me the ship was due the end of the month, but that there having. been rough weather she might be delayed. So leaving or ders to telegraph tha first intelli- ternoon. Oa the occasion ol this anec dote, the day waa warm and the church windows were open. In themlist of his sermon, the preacher was disturbed by the sudden exit of two or three me tit ting near the door. Glaaciat; out of the window, he taw his old horse Charley gence, L went back to the villiage who had been indulging -in too mock whenI tad pitched my tent. f -fresh-cut gras,' lying dom la the kar. A'month overdue now, and peo- ne- klad mcod w pie at the office getting anxious,- him to hlswpright so wrote'my sister, and I pnt her letter away and eti II waited. on ouUlde. But, on returning honte,the "Two months overdue, and hope parson called hit man Patrick to account, dying; Ina is in a strange way, and and asked him what ha had been feed keeps talking of you. May she ing to Charley. come ?" so wrote my brother, 'An sure, "why do ye ask me that ques Ina's father, and before I conld Hoar answer ves or no. Ina came. She Ro enough. He fell down In the I . tt m. a . .... rushed into my room one afternoon :rocM wnen uea 10 im P0" J to . 4 a.at f the church. An wat you preaching; sur V '' What has happened, Annty ? ocb. aa sure.' thin. I ertt Why will you not Ull me 7 ne baa thought he might as well jitt take a ntp come iwice ana oia me go co you wita tne rest or them.' for comfort ; what is it V "Poor child," I said, "how can I n cried a girl looking down from know ?" : I tne upper story of a grocery, addreailng Thcnwhy did he tell jmeVto a,,Ctherglri, kjia to enter the come ? - Why look at me aa yon did 7. w l , ,r ii i , - , log, ana we nave neea eeaveneo; to at tne, tiau, nearly driving me wbca you wast milk on Saaday, youIl mad 4 , I V. . ivm mrrmnA j (Vat K.V I told her, and was frightened, I door. for she sprang up from her knees with a cry like a mad woman, and! An Illinois editor thus sarcastically .u n mw.jt -v: : speaks oflae marriage or a pjofctslonal wuic.i Bii"4, brother U Indiana: -He stepped upa on the ground. -It was Mark, Aunty. I felt him some laughing, some weeping,, un-ler. and loader and louder ; it broke trt it watbard to- -know' whether lagaiVt Ibewndd'V 1blWnSba;,iieai'fte bid Christmas was a time for mirth 'nay, in the very room itself. 1 T was sure something had happened, the hymeneal platform, adjusted the fa tal noote, aad swung off into the. .uaih ent bourne; whencehe caa never return, t u sav tby f-the lad Unspoilt ' cocaecting lines.

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