1 ... 1-T , f .- i i" : ' ( -; .- . . j ' - ' -i : a i -;.,! v -..-'i - '.-vv ';:.': U .. ;. ; ;:P:Yf:. : .- - j : .- - " .: :' I'-. I- I . ' - ' '-; ! ',' ' . : i --.!. : i . 1 ' . ' : ';' " . -j--1 ' . ! ':-v1 r-j 1 - : .'; . ' . : . ! , : ".-..!: i ! -i-'.i : . ; . ' . :! I- l ' - - .: ' '. , ! : , i . i . : ! . ; , - -- --:: i- ; - ; r. . - : - ' .; . -1 ' ;-'! ! . ,. " . -: . ; ' 1 . ' U ' I - !i - j' i f :''..!.!' -. " i , . i j. I' j" . ' 1 ' i - ' ! M .: L- ; ! ' :' --.J - : .... ' : t-il-. ' ' ; II 1 ' : -! ' (M:a i7f 1 - i TTTE II. A - I ft NEW YORK TlUIipVssceiapCoxrtoio .Claims, v i.'f, f. teUt-UT;. ; , TAK1! ,...,-..f.in,.!,.-.. 3? 2Trr 'S iH Vri Connnssarjr and Qua rnkster Stored . iHtt finml-nnhMalx. o: rue j-'L V A iJ J7 i I r i 1 .- Li t invent villi ir..;i.cr, l ifiir-Mf jur i " nvri. .1 w r j ,, jr, -a j.j ju,, tttiti U fi- i 5 V b d f 1 !. - ir.lii', t.l'l tl'.i.r.ll.li I.I 0 l I f UX IXVI I it. 1 cV(tit of t.t ii.ri'r Uic. irt clri-'lii i-'M the c:i? linn.l r S'i .. 'I !. rum. ' !1 th:.t co- 1 . frtur f. r til li..li:r' Jliuf-"I m '- ! mint wu ! - ' , In iiircwn i-nlrv. n'irnc t''ru;uxt at. I HiMilirm um h -.ilxuu iiaux'r:vJ iu iur City, rc- . mmrr fntiii n.'litit i;ns i.y irlJqM.K-nyi eg 1. :J ,1,... iiiJ t'.u ;I !t njl It. .!t vitally iirl.S li 'r.h. tf .Hrf'-i f , will rtrTotr it lM b.f f ixi:'u4, rt .trdo4,.' .- 4-koi.- of homl and faithful nu n 1. jTrrmot TtHf Tbfvirttml snrrmTcr bv tT,. D .ir!.-.T if bUIitT to EqiMl i:i-ht r.-.-ar i: M .'t Ci-r ! j diirrtM our current po.iin.- ..t I. ilt jsin-rr bv;rr j inivn;o. 1 "".- j --- . . 1 .ZiZJZTl.U. r-.. l,.-.r.hH- .bi; ! the . fr m 1 .1.. i . I .... A I .'.'III. nwm k o r.Jt.r.7- .:..vs prac t M liBHHt:ic 1 i i ana Mi'un' the nxr-t Miiirtii.tl anticiiM i.-i . I Kt'xlli' ot:ice until 11 lKi riul.cr 28th. ISUL ItsirUrrrn.ti ht !0tt f t'l't 'fwr fJi,,, tiie "Fn'n D.-.'f n4tiin-d W tic Mtguntol riMM.t. in i: pro-i. !cir-uni-ori.H-.l j,,.,,, ,. I), p jrlmi nT. V. iJ A., ul tl-i St:ttoc to mnt jiH-aliijrcr an? party, but tltalf- pOrffj v -jC . dnnn , jiUis c-..iiiUKiH-i; 4i.mi;iry 1st. JSX Influcare f .ltifcu t. be fr!t in vp prt of the f jjif ..",.,,,,, . (., . n.lMi.m. (.'jii.l'Hy of Invf, ."iKifi 11.1.41. tvbukine v.-n tlitr. exj in .hln-ryN u-K-st- ' 'tL, cai5 1.., t.!t:i:i.il bv iipplimtton to i ' ofr. mnn .obUown lin.i.. .-ol he roualitV of all ritwns b. f-n- tl.f Irwtk ii,Ulity4 r il.r.,i(inLi:ikr1t'!-crv rttizcfi 1I. - j a fjrtn'viiMrt f hi y 'iB, '-rM' hi; criw-Mi-ii are the lr'l anl f.rra tmsuhlKm -t or National ed;k4 i 1 ' . , t !n!.. thtrtrr Th,-h tot y,i ffij, xtfih'tjtoi th IV-pu : tt.r jrr'l f -i 1e1f the nwbl f.bri oj Kt.i t:;-:j.4:oii. and Ji.ay JUei&hrfv, iaift.w'ikr.. i;.a. : su:tiir.-t juau ni ..t Unml tKe bt ninirt MiiKe .r . JikYfor:U. the mii.h f oiir l om-of 1 1V4I1 Pr rrr-". To .n;-ct; ih v k ami tin K liamle fmin'hncf and opi r jn -U'm r,'4lbehiNtni)T!' nud d?fTa-H' the t kiaa"-t wt i. ;!:. , 41 jon anLjiiuuiat' Ii'iremiitv ta.----r.-lt:s-.to:i of new li.:i..iis f..r tp'L.n.fzii; Iv.l-.r :.u :hu- en!arr'C l'n birth ! lraw i.-:vt tuc;n h -tl.rr ; ti.nrtrrKj.fK4.l and "of I'ubrics. of (Iraiim .ra ..f Mri iL-Lin.l ikus enh iue t!e asin'a of I- dof MetaMnd lkun!i iH the gsms ot In-1 ..try by rednrit the t -I of trui t.j.rE iti. and ; i-hant.-ft U-tm-ea f ;rni f and :;r'i ins-siu h is j the inxjirin Uvk w.iteft Hhm .Mti"" no..i iln-' iiswlf. and bv whU h it viuuld fain on-1 txibufa' t"the proirr-. fcwttjrhtciinn M.-aJ tiii.T- j Be Of oar race. To ihi irn-it uiwi hI w..rk" The Trin4 ctmtribau- ii xeubus jirsL-'eiit cffrt " ' '; , ' ; 1 Apricultnre will rontitue m bc'tn.re isrwm.Iy -biril;ttrd in itKV;kl' aiid .w .ti".-W kly rdiu....v. t w aich.S"ir.eot the nhe and !-t MJ (.iitu! tilh'tf of "tlieit :: :i:id;!y v'r. triba if. ;.Nii I fifnir win. :: $::"' worth of pnaju-e pff nnr.um can afforfi to d witi i:t our Mnrki-i ii-ort-. .or j oiuer eqn-i:T i'u n..u;in..n,iiiii - '""i -i b uld mu! nothini; but ha: ;x l.-:tt- t.liNow;i j n.Tti Tm, i.l n-rl ci- tl.rf !iflr. - II II;: ' ralliiiff and it rew- !-. we Iv-l.i-vc tJeil r niii-r 1 wo fjo rtud.a n a3"ord t.io Vnifonl a th- rr.'.-.i..-. Au'l tr- r i ii r i a in it i. roalV 4nlunbV to 1 1. fti .1 i"i, oihi-r dv 'Ktrl. i lOent of pTJutlurtive Lalir. 'cx pend iiu. f and more tnont v on iir.w4aii.na .n,.tycir, t. i.r j countrymen r-.Ttfr-in- i:itroi -i.- r:i-.,.es 1 and were reo!vid that o'ir ! ti-n;;vr y-.ir. ball be exceetScd in vs.ri.-d '. riU-nx-e 4 tut inttn-H by jhoM of 1T2. Frd in ncrrjMutf ! helii.rt j i make our iuri;al t-ii,T :iii.r .1 :! r. b 1 i ; it in ronr snlM-rii'tii;i.. ai.d i.:cr-.-u ;'. r -.u. t''i "lue j'in.r ju?t ifiore u: -t .1 f Datbt TJirarsE. ? ii Sul.-riltfr. $W n jiinnnm. JiEMI-WEl-fcLY 1'kibcm:. M.iiJ !lh ri'-if.-. i-I 5HT ' ... I 1 . .. . . - annum.- . eive uipir or over t:i t .o.; '""" ra copy will K (nt r : t v. rr dab ..i" j fur- nt"-ne tir e; r; it- rreff-rtrd. n u-; ir.t (11V of r Krconecliomof a Ifewv Life. r 31n Oret dvv. Vri.i-f e ni.v friiL' vvi:!.'!.'! v 'rpii;l'Vr 1 I r.lk.nr 'I ini'i raaui'ino'v.ii'. - 4 To 51 !l S i . One tipyj"n.e year. ' '. Five topies, one ytar, )2 i.ti-.--i .. . 7V'f .Wlr 1 J.fiU i-ali m w h 4m na. I ' 20 copim. ... 1 2 each. 50 copi-!. . . . 1 00 ea. b. And One Kxtra copy to. f each ilub. all atone lt-tiRUf. u 10 cpie.-. . .fcl 'W ettl. ! 20 copli t. ... 1 ; e-u-h. j 50 :ii . . . . I" loench. ! t And pnt- Axrtn cvjy- t. l iih t.'itlh.- i " " g) l'foa eutitl In an -xtr ty c;vn, if pre- . 'ferrcu, bav- eulu r of Us wir.; koi;. rue . 'tui J Ivnr Culture for Hr..rtt. by 1. T. fjtinn : T'.ioEIc- . ..:,., tnoritiof Arrieulture, by Geo. Ii Harin. ; "Jmrn m -I I'M J. i I ."t ' 1 Tf T X' t 1ri'w.'- T f .. J '. , ! fhllV Tribune. SV . 40r-. Sic . JrS,-. and?lifrj Inej P.-iui-We.'klv Trtbum. i5 niid 50 t . ... . r. . ecntd ix'r is:;-!!!-- WxVy Tribune, '3, $tf aid J per liue. yr awrtling f poaiUorun tbo paper. , i j. , in i"-iik i m,; j .111 1 fcj; u n i ;ij ("i'i uiv:i ui.ui .in , Wt'l ore or a rwt tnre money Irc1 n.; f 'tM- . XA ,a Afbenneitb. r of thH can U pnx vjrt-,1, wmi f " tnney. out nlwavs :n a resjistifi-O !-tt-.r.- luc rYgistration fee hns Jeeii ii-tlu-d f" fiftecu .-enls . .11.1 lh. nrMi-nl rrlMtn cr.t,n I , f..in..I I a Iuii'iL bjr thepodtal authorities .rV iK-arlv? analluto protection against lossea by mail are ouiigea KLrvgiiifr itn n wn-tn ri.iua t to do ao. Terms cash in dv;iTc'. ! Ad 1 . Tee Thiiu-in Nen- Yor r. M.rf!' .'.i - j 1 : - ' tlr7vAv TOM tPIf IS. ! r.-r a' IVa-df 'yvr"? ' SPKCIAL XOTICI-: T KMi;i:AXrs,! it.. ..I'ASSlENV.F.RS GOIN J ToLMI MritlS KST. Mviga at 8 p. m.. ! . A tIly train now lnvts Chat aad runs through to Mt'iiiidi;. r ;iiivwie, in kours, and without charge f lacsaor tvtM-n: rer. Time as thai over any FOIi Ci:iST3!A!! ! - tune, SfctOitf; riat ln. &rp W ZJvfct'. .. Aatrftafl WasWSaWa Honey: Timej t..u ii .: v i--.W..Ift DANL. , . . ,tc .... r ,,lrv , i - i ' Gni'iPaMii-trUi.d Ticket Agt, ; , f 2d ; Dmdjery. J 1 TV. J. TATLon.'EiuirantV Act. . S The Fatigue of Washing D.ry no I)nj;cr Dreaded, dectf. i Wolf I m k, oHrstoF. Trrr: ' hxlK.Einomyt Efflciency, and Clean Clothing. StC I D. F." DAMS. EaiiinM't ArttIarblU,-N.C "fn n!i!.. p.svi- .venti..v to thn lirtla mh. a frWcf' t 1 i jT ; i . i . . - ttw invaluahle quaiitii. m" poi!.-d l.y acy othT washing .. HO! yvie ii the IIOL fitf Aire 13 the IaceoM 't-J yrtnft yr " f-, I DAY PR ESF. NTS Q roc.tr and Confectioneries. 4v.it'a.- . . . . , . - ' 4 "ITTJi hlfe just'tfcelved a large, and varied ; C.ROCF.11IES AND CONFECTIONCUIES, onlstiaj in part, of whi!e and brown ! Sugar, Coffee, I lour. MeaL S dt, JIaekcrrL aivl all nec- j dine, iiv.k!. rt.i.-lr;. Cltnma, "Ahnonds,va'nd .uia oi lantici mhos, in i act. we h:ivt Practice in th r"itrirt a-.l 4 .1 , J ,, " - it-fUIUUO jtr luitaJ. vr ivuuvl ia n Gnicerr- anu Omfevtioat I tHxn t- J" " ui ui.iue reaeu ot ev-wy hone- Wo7 whi rr ww wuuld be piuard to see our eus- ' ... . - ''' r ' y (. r- Aotner aT.d fruu--. CatI uhi eximine our Ntock. ! ''" '' ' iO Oif'1 ' n ; a'aeina;D,c. l9 .1,V fi" .5;. i All that I'ncd ' jir 'this GlfEAT.LADOR Wft l 17 1 V 'WI-,. tfl,77x ' t chine toiloits wwik pvfft-tt,iy.! .ni-itnh - .lofX I JLLr. JS . C. . 513 Jlarket St, Philadelphia, Pa. PKlTCIIARO!. r:f ,v.ycn THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE v:i.i, taid. A. II II.Vl.Ii A. Ci S.. r .-iv rv t : "vtiut r loth, I8li) 4 m 1 j c.- A ttVrh e y at L! a w MAIlloN x. c 1 - r i " w .'iT IVill A rirtice in the Ci.nrnics of JlcPowill, t ...... ,, - -f..,i:.. 1 jiiicoiubet and llurkc. ' , lllirill-SI .111 1 . tVLA l.-XiiU A 1" bf SujtlW? CoWt .fUtJ .LltfaUpa, DlUltt CVnft of flu- Imtt-.l .t:.; while ab- o ,b, C.ui.:.., , . .;, n . .Varcli ..l, w i. nil', -it.1 I'cicT rowcrful inviKTiratinjr Thtje llittcrs Oru x-iuvily luvaluutlo ia EI i They jiaiiiy tho system, and XtiA eura E t KoraitttTit and Intermittent 1 ever. 2 "?iT'CTTCl ftntl ars ft pre ren tire ef ChCU and Fever. ' Ail yield to lhau powertut ttlicacy. Are ska untiUoto to chacgti cr W atcr and Vict. to the wasted frame, end correct all .1 ,1'.";..II."IIJW J'l AY ill save lay. of snffs-in; to th. tick, and Xh grmd Tanacca for all the Ilia of life. Be Staniari PEISIUIAaS IHERE FEESCEIB2 IT 13 ditteh mm '. rElCTiCL OF ; Relief fir Nev;prUg ri AsheriMe. a I DB. JJ, -r. SUJItlEY, Agent, t.iki-s fhi-5 im tnod o f infonu 1 ii; Jipenph;.J this section that he has opened si j i DRUGSTORE in A?bfvilh. in tl e idd Cape eas L'ank liuildinj. and is now pre- Ivircd to furnish them v. hh everything in the way )aius n! li.if-i-f.!i-vmbraCitv every article for Uie k and uiiiictvd .',;! :d : I Also. f FAISTS. OILS, 'AKD '.DYE .STUFFS' - WHirOW-GLASS, PDl'TY. SPICES OF EVERY VARJETYJ.W i -TT. V a vr-v xoilettii'so Ts' . i ' 5 J rKT.KfMr.UY . - . : i ; andlVLAVOIl- . IXO' EXTRACTS. , . !1IAXI, rooTn , . . .. .. TAINT AND -.. - .,;., , ' vAiisu.r.piHis,J ... ; i 'l if it .i . - : i WKITINO PATER. l.lLU'l IA l'l.A!'. I K. 1'LM I L, r. Aiml ll i' ini 'U'l ki'iit in :i Dni'X Store will be found therei M hieh he - r - oiri-rs at low prices ir (lie rasn. f j no , P4V ISOVTV" . will be Miivtly fjiniyd o'a iy leaes. Fbystcians wiiioe -ii;pMei tit re:i..'iaJii; rales, ar nd if. he has. Vnot the articles On tirtid 'w'll f 'rnlsh them nt short ' noiiee.- 1 hVfh-BirtC pnerirUuns m nt promptly ' will 1m. In Hi-. Ptnr.. wli.-n I.a ho fonnJ it;ib-t' Tj"'"'on 'y en--iged. He will iiqw be ub.o to ive his patients the -heiielit Of all the ; new and iri 'nived remedies, and lajjt but cot least, i'be will N(in 'l)t!'' l!tt t. cl6 ' -'viu ICE COLD cii Call a: lne hEE'lIta 9 " " ' 1 pne221y i mrm a it mT3Tri au ttt a cirmT) i lllXi iilYUjHlUiiD VVilOUDXbS - I th invaluable qiiaiilii. inl poi!..-d l.y any oth r i ui.H-l.iin. vi-l i:i . ,iit.-d. 1 ar.t in-re eimmorati-.i. 11 ij ihe Mtiaikt. io.-t cvmpaetmui't ponanio.moM nmpie i tiiri-tfuctii.n. nif.-t easily ojtrated. i A child lea yearn wi'ha few ho ii practice ciin tlioronirhly -comprekesU 'ff-Hii!b JlrvU. There i n adjuiitiu?. no wew. tn tv. jk Ahty iniM;i':ii p ! It 1 aiway reaily for nw It .ntul InMv i a liiiaiature irianL. rinn2,niorp wotk ami of a bett.-rqnalier. lh.m ibemo.-t i lalmr.ite and cmtiy. Onu-half of the hihoria fully av-l by itne, a;ul the eltrtfe iitlt oi-.--ha'f louder lanreKiH: a TliF-A J.iits at ft tira. vtahiDl thorou"blv In a !!. ilMi.tlHit.iM f ty fuhtic. fruni luil' to a Lace Ctlitaia.!- .'ai.ibri.- li;i;ilkiT-hief. are eijnaliy withia Ihe ca-pac-itv i.t tui- I.1TTLK t.EM ! Ittan be lartcoed to auy vttto Na niiK ft"1"- ilr-p TrwA n ifiintiicc mar exit .eajnat Wi.hit Vaeiiinf. uie " a.-tit t hi iittle liuichine ir fevnto rx-rtotso it xK.iut-y-. ail dnnht of its rleanyinsr i fUcary and urilltT a ViiWtefi. and the oul)ter and detiacter at once breotir Ihe la-t fru-iM!. of the matl.liie. We lui.e u-iiiiu.'iial-. im. ml end. ett1nir forth iti nnmer- ou uri.ai ,ti-ci oer nil others'. a.iul irom hiiiulreriii whw baw tbiowii ant.. Uie r.nwieUiv. ut lrKt n::irliiDei, which ha.-v it;a.!v tailed t ne.-n Hi-h the ohji-et brnmiccd in protni lu iit 5A,)-ud ftiBj':f W-at5'.,'Tt! U I a r.i?iT"i ui."..'i pAawiln.rl'tlol'vvrin-finp. Th. prw-e. ai-uiiier wiiiouiii liiflr.rt nu-iit : to paienners naa The largest and cheapest WOODEN' WARE HOUSE iu the United States. Oe5.ini ; , I - l - , . ' 1.I Ti.t .Kill tiU .. !i4fl . r ; .... ' t"il!,.rv (' L ..L...;. 1 I at.- " O inuiW C2 j . XCOA-T Mir Single, these 1. liters are unV ' iqualii d and have . often been'tiek j 'neaas of sarin? life. j : TRY ONE BOTTLE. v - - r ' r Nlifti .f' ... Kr--;:. ft- ' : : r . 1 :xlx I The! largest and cheapest WOODEN': WARE ! Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar. XO YEARS i OF A- Pnblic , Test V";.--Ha8proTed DR. CROOK'S Trt liare more .1 merit, i tlian f any tffx. f on ofTcrcd the r3. public l(r J,f Ta proved itself " in thousands of canes . ' capable of curing all diseases of tne tit? fTROOK'S WINE OF TAB ) - .- j- . ; - Cures all Chronic wnzan, . and Coughs and Cold, ! ' v.nn ffAtiialiv- than any other remedy. DB. CEOOK'8 WINE OF TAR j; j . . ; . ) lias cured cases of ConBomption ); 1. i pronounced incurable ; ' ' . by physicians. Tiu rrprwiTC'S WINE OF TAR j ! . ! Mlas cured ao many casei tof . v ' y Asthma and Bronchitia i j - thaf it "has been pronounced a specifia :" ; j :i for these complaints. V DB. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR , , f iBemoTea pain in Breast1, Side or Back. ' j Cures Gravel and Kidney Diseasea. DB. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR : 1 i s. r: -I x Sliould be taken for t. all diseases f the Urinary Organs. DB. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR " PosBessea Vegetable Ingredient! 1 t ... which makes it I - f . the best Tonic in the market." . ' ; . DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ; .. t - .-. Cures Jaundice, -. i w or any Liver Complaint. DB. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB i , k M ' . ..r-. r f 1 -1. - Makes Delicate Female", li V .-" - . who are never feeling well, ! Strong and Healthy. DB. CEOOK'S WINE OF TAB ' 5 Has reored many persona . t ;, whi have been unable to work for years. DB. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR i j i Should be taken if your Stomach, j , j is out of order. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR i Should be taken if you feel j ' I weak or debilitated ; DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . . . ; j , j Rapidly restores exhausted j I strength. ' DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. I i " Restores the Appetite and . Strengthens the Stomach. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ! ' 'Causes the food to digest, removing . j Dyspepsia and Indigestion. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR , f j ' Givefl tone and energy to ; ( Debilitated Constitutions. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ; All recovering from any illness, t i will find this the 1 bestTomo they can take. ! DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR i , , N 'r t: Will prevent Malarious Fevers, 1 j ' f ' and braces up the System. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR j : j Should be taken to strengthen and I . . . i ijuiu 0p your pystem. DR. CROOK'S WTINE OF TAR Should be kept in every honse, v ' and its lite-giving Tonic properties tried by alL' PUrify your Blood. 4f Dli.CBOOE:S .OMPOO I Pbke-Bod'i;! I Wherever Poke Root stows, it has a local . --Tcpntation' an a Blood Purifier, and for the ; cure of Rheumatism.,. With all this local ' reputation, and the praise of distinguished ' physicians ( Drs. Coe, Lee," King, Wilson M. Hunt," Grifiits, Copland and' others,) who. have tested its medical powers; it has been neglected by the profession al large, as much - through atrant of a proper appreciation of t iu merits, as a knowledge of the proper way v"'- to prepare it for medicinal use. Dr. liver Crook," (a physician-who devotes his entire . ' ' time to the duties of his profession, has fully t ; . . tested the active medicinal qualities of Poko Boot during the last 25 years, ind nnhesi- t T tjtingly pronounces H to have mobk mekit for diseases depending on a depraved con 1 v . 'dition of the blood, than any nid all other ' rticles1 named in the Materia Medicu. i Un der his instructions' our Chemist has com r bined the active medicinal qualities of Poko ;E6ot)wUh the best Tonicf Preparation of Iron, and we offer this' preparation to'Uhe J public Under the above name, , 5 ! ( pjt CROOK'S SYRUP OF fOKE ROOT- j . Cures Scrofula, Scrofdldn.4 Tiiinori : j; . Scrofulous diseases of the Eye, i f '.'.i . j j. ;, , pr Scrolula in any forrrt. U DR. CROOK'S SYBUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures lineiiuiatisin, Pains in Liaibn, Coiies, oc. DR. CROOK'S SYRUP. OF PO KE ROOT. . t . . s Lures all diseases A , i. t depending on n depraved !i ; tf f j ! if : condition of the Blood. yj'" DB.CBOOK S SYBUP OF POKE ROOT. Ik . j. , Builds up Constitutions i , broken down by disease, or from Mercurial or Mineral Poisons, McaaM IIMd. Olrt.Hore. Boil. Clrera, Any Dieaiior Kruplion l (he Mkia, " - I.bC fttanUns; dbtonler. ! ie Ll ver, . NTpkiliS is ut tortn; or any nie-e enin.le.l . by , are all epeftJily and efftiu:illy cm ad by ' ' I iVr.Crdok's S)Tup of Vtike Boot ;1 Dr. I Crook's Horning Sedative i nOEIIIKO SICKNESS. 1 ' All vomiting which occurs on rising in I the morning, as well as all the .mors severe forms ' mi of muxea and vomiting, are perma-t itly relieved. ; - , .ff -'v t 1 nent i In Torhltlngr and'ilarrliea j Of Children'' it is administered with ! the greatest of success. Try one bottle, . - " OTJE STORE A-T. MAESHALL ; tttp Tvn'F'nRTGNED beg leave to inform their f. k i.d.s.. and t lie public generally that they are now adding weekly tq their aireauy jarge nuj..w.-c. letted btock of s ' ; American and Foreig-n Goods! Consisting, in riart, of DrvGood- Groceries, Drugs, Jlrtlicines. rve-nns, i-ou.mm omra, -"iJ j Jlliule Clotbiftg, Saddfcsnd Bridles. Hard, ware, QueensWhre. Ipper and Sole ? -Leather (Oak & Hemlock tanned,) . Jlen and Boys'- Wool and Fur - r - IFntsj in fact, all kinds of t" 1 ! j Goods usually kept in a 1' ' -"- rk thriving' country f r ' '1 I U U STORK. t: : , t . .- jr. iTitefeOoiKlswere " - ' j purchnsrd bytheorisr- ' ; y I inarpat knge, in and of the ; . , ' lct nialkcta, iu the United , ; 'r.' States, for CAS ll, and are direct ; fnnii the factories, and most of them have been iJI u p f a c t u r e d to order. oq it rwirsiins who trade know, is the. WAY TO SAVE MONEY TO ALL CUSTOMERS, for they thereby save oms pront Jess man gooas bought in the usual. way from the Jobbers m ' -We also keep cotton "i arns and Domes- , f tie Cloths, of the most popular - r ... brands, at the k west cash pri- ; . ,! tcsjin fact we buy n? goods j i now but "from first j . ... li. K jhandiAllof our 1 . f$ f .:( J j . extensiye stock r:j.".'' : ,. :' BOOTS AKD SHOES tt are made to iorder expressly for us." We have an arrangninentwith one of the largest import , ing houses in the. United States for our i : AS 'li' ' . Coffee, which enables us to buy it , i .4 for at least 25 per eent;less than -Uyh. we ean buy from Jobbers. ; 'Wehavean experience of thirty 3cars iu tliej business, and know what we 1 nre talking alwiut when we tell )-ou we can sell I THAN CAK BE SOLD AT ANY OTHER 1 j "ESTABLISHMENT IN WESTERN 1 V v NORTH CAROLINA 1 1 v We don't ask tlie public to believe this, but to; comc( and try it, and you will ne Donna to go ikiiuh and tell your neighbors to come and set- for ' themselves. We will also buy COUN-t TRY PRODUCE, and will pay a-- I little more for it than you can get elsewhere. Come j ' . and try us. WAITED 1 000 Bushels of Corn. , 1 10,000 Poundsof Feathers, 1,000 500 1,000 "1 v neat, 1 lo.utai Beeswax Rve. ! 10.000 44 " Sen. Hoot '1 Oats, 1,000 " ; " Ginseng, l?vr vrtiirh wp will oav the liiirhest fieures. e al so inforn our friend that Ave are Agents for the HOLSTON SALT & PLASTER CO., and can furnish salt to them at exact ly what the salt ia worl h at the works adding freight We are now iprepared to tan 50.000 Hides, and will always keep A FULL AND AMPLE STOCK OF &OOD LEATHER ONj HAND, Both of-ouir tanning and Hemlock, which ! w will sell at wholesale prices, or retail as low as it can be bought any where for cash, or beef hidei. In returmng our tlianlis to ine putmc ior neir liberal patronage, we solicit a continarK;e v !-( of the anx i BAIRD. ROLLINS & ROBERTS Marshall, NjC, April 27, 1871. j 441y i r R. R. BEADY EADWAY'S EELELT rrn T nci rTTT TaTAT CP TJ 2 TTlTQ from One to Twenty I Mi Minutes- 12 I NOT ONE HCTJE ! after readin? this adverf5tini'iit need any one j SUFFER WITH PAIN, -- ' j It was the first and is The Only PainJlemedy. thatTini'tantlvitops the'iaortescnuintinvpa'"". !!;! IndaTi matioiitf, and cures Cop.gtvtioi.s. whether Stomach, Btuvel. or other glatifls or organs'. of the tuli Iry one nj. plica tiou. wm mtt..r violent or excroeiatlntr thei pain the KIIICl' JIATK". Bttl-ruMen. Infiim. Ciippled. Nervous, Keorai; 01 prostrated with disease may wifter, KADWATS EEADY BELIEF ; . WILL AFFORD. Hi.TAXT EASE.1 . ! ' 1' 1W TNFLAilATION OF THE KIDXEYS. ! J IMiaJAiiu vr NFLAMATI02f OFTUEI-LADDEUy IXFLMAT10N OF THE HOWf.I.S. ! li r j ,1 COXOKSTIOXlOFTHE LUNGS r-.-.i-r. n.Ttrvi 1 4 T.iiprTrt'1 t i;r?riTinvn . i . PAL1WATION pFTIJE IlEAKTy 11YSTEKXC; CltprP.DYrUTUEKIA j; HEAD .CUE, TpOTIlACHF. ' ; NEURALGIA COLD CHlLLS.lAGUE CTIILLS, I.aEL-MATI?51 '1 he application of the Keady Keliet to .lie part or part where, the pain oil' difliuulty ex SleCi i ill afttJid ease a. rt com fort. i twenty Jropa in half a tumbler of wh rwill iu a fe mnnionttt enr rciVN. XPASJIS. SOflt PTO3M0H, HBARTBritXi PICK UXftDACKKI MAVRHKA. UTtlMilll, cil.1 INU lU TUlf BOWELS, nud allTKMiAI, FAIN. ! " ' Travelers r-honld always carry a bottle of Sadi'ly s. KeadJ Belief with them. A s ew drops in water will pieveta Mekiu or uain from change of Wi.tcr, It is be ler tliaa frt-ncii Brandy or Bittets au.a stimalant, : FEVER 'AND AWJE. KF.VEl? AXtltAOlTK rnre4 for flftv centc. There i not i remedial a-rcut in thia world that wUl tare il'evcr atid AL'iie nilmiK. Srarlot. Tvuhold. lellow and other Keven.. .aided by RAPVAY'S JPILLS) so quick as RD"AY"S IJltADY 11ELLKF, Fifty c ;nt-per home. HEALTHlisEiTJTYl STE0KQ- AITDPUEE RICH BMOD-nrgREAKE ! OF FLESH: AND WEIGHT TLEAS SKIS A2fD EEAUTIFITL C01L PLEII0N EECTJEILU TO ALL- " . . - f j OR. RA A WAY'S I SARS APEAEILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE fUE. MOST ASTONISHIXG ?GCRES; PO QUICK. SO RAPID A KE TIIE CnANGK8 JIIK HODT UNDERGOES UNDER . TUE INFLUENCE OF THIS TKULY .WOXDKFUt MEDICINE THAT f. Every Day an Increase in . Flesh and Weight is Seen and iFelt- " '' f THE GEE AT BLOOD PURIFIER.; Ertry ttr'jpai theSARSAPKILLlAN Itfe SOLVENT coin munirates throiigh the Blood, Sweat, Urinij, and other fluldu and jnice of the svstem therivor of lift, Ifor it .repair the waHtee of the bodv with new and Miiuid material. ! tirrafiiUt, Syphili. Vontvinplion. Glandular instate. Clefts in th throat, Month. Tumor, iludt the Gil1 -and other part of tlit tyitim- Sort eyei, Strvmorou (ticJi(i roe from Iht Ear, audthe irorxt form of Skin di(axe. Ervptkm. Ftttr Sort? Staid Hfd'l. Ring Worm, SaWRheuvi, Ery ipeta. Acit. Ji lad Spot. Worm An tMFktk. Tumor, Cancers in tht Womb, awl nil trratittiintn and painful dis charge, Kighi. Sweats' Loss of Sperm arid all life princi ple, are within the. curative range, of thiM icondsr of Mott em Chemistry, and a Jrm fays' w frill prove to any per son using it for either of these forms of disfast its potent Itoictr to cure them. t i, ; . J. k 1 If the patient, daily becoming reduced tiy the wastes and decomposition that iu continually profrreinir.- sweeeda ia arresting thefeiwor'tcii. sad repair th Mibe with new ma terial irTadtt from health? blood and tills 4SARSAPARILL 1AX will and does wsaire a ctmiia ceitaili : for when oik thin remedr wimmeiicof it work of purifiention.und iuoihx-(1b in dimiiiixhin (he loss of waste: ltsxvnaiira will be rapid, and eveiv dar the natient win feel himself drowing better and monger" the food diircftingr bettor, appotiti laipcuvlog.an. 2Jot oulv doe the SAUSAPABiLLtAK Resolvent excels all known remedial agents in the cure the Chronie, tierofHlon. Conxtitntioral. aud Ski dide: bat St iWth oaly positive care for ' ! 1 ' I -' 1 J'- KIPXEY' & BLADDER COMPLAINTS. 5 Frtny. and VVomb disea-. Gravel. Dlahetoc. Dropsy, Stop, pasro'of Wdti-r. ineontinence of Urine, Rifrht r)i'aj, Alhu minuria. and iniitll caiB where there are 'brfck-6at deposits.) or the watet is thick, clondr. mixed with r.ihtttance like ' tlie whiter) an rve. or threads lik3 white s-illt. or. there ia u morbid, dark, biliou appoaratiee-. and white bone-d;ift depos itr, and when there is a priekinp, bnrniug Heiisation when pansins water, jand pain iu the small or the Back and alone : PERFECT PURGATIVE ; PILLS, . j perfectly tsit(-lesii, clerantly coatnl with nrerf pnm. pnree rctrnlate. Dbrift. cleanse, a ad arrea'-tlieiu. Radwav's Pill' for the cure of all disorder of the htooiach. Liver. BoweW4 Kidney. Bladripr. crvou Diseases, Heartache, Constinntlon Uofttivemw. ludinftion. penpia. . Bilioasnef. Bilious Favor. Infiaminntion of the BowMa, Pit. and all Dornnre mentf of the Internal Viscera.:, Warranted to effect spondee cure. Purely Vegetable, contalh'ng no mercury, minera1., or deleteriotisi droi'. " !v! ..- - j t obwrve the following rytaptms rexultinj; from Dis orders of the Dilutive Orgrniia -it t ;-, ConMipation Inward Pile,' Fulthcs of the Blood in the Head. Acidity uf the Stomach.-NaniHWi. Heartburn, Dispart of Food, FollBem lof Weirht in tha StoinacJi. Sour Frnrtationx, Sinking onFnUiTing at the Pit ot th Stomach. Kwiinntini; of the llead. Untried and Diflicnlt Bn-athins. i ;- A few demiof KADWAY8 PUJS will tree th system from all the above named diordera Price, S3 centa pt r Bvx. SOLD BY' DRUGGISTS. ??- i . READ -FALSE AND TP.7JE- Send one Mter-sfamp to luuv.Ai.t x., no. i .Mauien ajiiu!. Npw lort-iiilor million wftpth I hiMwnTirla will ft. M'lit. 1 . ' Jnte l.ly. t ' . 1 -- G. H. liARitows, JLD. j ', G. T. O'bryox, 3I.D 8- . - i . DOCTOHS i.---' j 6ARRQWS &' 0 B R Y O N , OTTICE AT TEE . KESEDEyCE , tT CAPT- riAlfCE .ash EviLi.i:;rii; c. , -VTERVOUS DEBILITYt X5ATARRII. ASTII-1 X . nia, lironchitis. .;onumpuoB ana- uyspepsru. All affections of the air passages, and all impuri ties of the blood arisins from a defective aeration successf ull v I treated with, tMedictnaC Oxygen -itbdt atomized: liquids. This treatment In cases ot u tirrb, Oziena and DjBpe.iia is sJmoet gpedfia : September m.0 rans and Cure of Consumptioti.. . i The primary cause of bonsoihtioB ia'-derMige ' men ,t o? f?e digestive organs, Thi.. gement j : -jirt nntritiim and assimilations liy SonlmeanMl.t-pro. triment of the looct is , ennveriev " ... thence into the solids of the lx,dy, ..persons with tligesta.n thtw. impaired, haying lue VP? gZ. disnosiiion to pulmonary diseiuset, or, if they take CO Id; will ihj very tiaow u, ,ia. ----r-- - r s Bnme nf itaforms : and I hold Hint tt the A,. .ooihio t Pn, one case of Consumption it; win - "f ..,i,,-H h.-rtlthv i . witimtrti oTsbWWTOR ma iw'r r r, J..V...-tV.7i-' Ttvovrv fit thins to be done is to misTnn ' diseased- hi mucus and sliii which; is clogging; these organs f 1 thai tlev cannot pi-rfonit'. their ; function and U en rouse up and restore th(!f liver to a henlthy c tion ; For 'nis purpi.se ihe sirest and best remedy. Kchenck's JVrandn.kof illWThese Pills cleM the KacliSd- bowels of Wll (lie dead and; morbid Stbat is causing diseaseand decay in the wlKile Lstem They will clear put: the liver, of , njl- dis eased bile that has'acctiinuted there, and' rouse It p to4 new and healthy aetipri,by wh natural F Tlie soruach, IwweK and Ji vera re thqs cleansed j by the useof Schcncks Mandrake. Pills; ., nut inere: renialM lit the stomach ah ejees's of acid. the wgan is torpid and the appetite poyr, -In Uie Ibowefe the the lacteals nre weak, and requiring 'streugtlvand Support It is in a condition Eke this that Schenck s Seaweed Toinic i proves ' to jbe the. most valuable remedy ever discovered., It is alkaline. and.3ts Use will neutralize all eScesfc of acid., making the stomach sweet and fresh; il will give, permanent tone to this important organ, and create ,a good, hearty appetite, and prerwrei the vsem for the first process of a good diirestioni and ultimately make mod, healthy, living blood. After this preparatory treatment, what remains to nre most cases of Coiv gumption . is the. free" ; and px-rarrvlns , use ' of Schenck'8 Pulmonic SyrupJ The Pujihonic Syrup nouri&hes the system, purifies ;tte.,.b!()dnd readily absorbed jhfo .the l &culati6n;; and jthmce distributed to the diseased luugs,; Therejf ripens all morbid matters, whether, i" the form of, absces ses or tubercles, and. then insists Nature to expel all the diseased matter, in. the form of free expect bratioh,3vhen once it: ripens. Ai .is then, by niy Wat healing and purify inspiperties of feclienek 9 Pulmonic Syrup, that all ti leers and cavities arc healed up sound, and my patient is cured. I The essential thine: to b dojne in curing fJon Kinnniion is to cet' up a tfood aplMrtite and a good digestion; f that ftfie body f wim grow iin flesh rnn get:jstron jlf Ja person, has : dis eased lungs a cavitv .or abscess mere ine ayuy cannot heal, the ihaUer caiAot iipen, so long as the svsteni is below par. What is neccss.-iry to cure - is anew order of things a good appetite, a good nu trition thft Imrlv to arrow 111 flesi ll ana get iai- men j Nature is helpetl. the cavit-s Vill heal, :ne; natter will riiu-n and lie.thrown oil in liirge tiu.au nues. ami the nersori rccaiu liealt1i:a?wiwrt'tirtn tin is me true ana only pian 10 ii!re,vi uLiiju.n, .n,..i . Iwtl. if the lanns sire not entirely le- stwived, or -even if ono-,-iWir is entirely -(jinc if their is enough vitality left in the other to henl up, iIk.ik i luinc. ' it T imvc scpn manv lxrsons cured with only livp "and ehiov life to n srfiod old :rr This is what Schenck's "Medicines will do toJ cure Consumption. They-Wiiljtlcnn out ttia siom ach, sweeten and strengthen j . get up a goint ui- get-tion. ami give Mature the assistance she needs to dear the system of all tha disease tuat is in the lunss. whatever the formsJrnay be. , ' It is important thrft whij using Schenck"' Medi cines, care should , be excrcivi'd not to t.-ike cold ksi'ti ui-doors in cold land dilinp weather: avoid niglrt air,ajid take out-aixxelrcise only in a geni.-dJ and warm sunshine. . H ; - J '1 I wish-it distinctly nnclerstoon ; that wiien l re commend a patient to be ireul' in regard to taking cold, while using v.y Metiiiics. I do so for a sje cial rciison. A than .who Iks but partially recover ed from the effects of a bud cold is far .more liable tou relapse than one wlio has lieen entirely cured-; mid it is" precisely the sainj? in regard to Consump tion. Jo, lpng as the lungs! are not perfectly healed, just so long is there imminent' danger of si full re turn of the disease. Ilenice it is that I so strenu ously caution pulmonary paihnts against exposing themselves to an atmosphere t :iat is net genial and pleasant. Confirmed Consumptives' lungs are. a mass of sores, which the 'jleast change of atmos phere will inflame.: Theigriind .secret, of my suc cess with my Medicines Jconsiiis, in my ability to subdue .inflammation instead of provoking it, as many of , the faculty dL An it flamed lung cannot, with safely to the patient. be exposed to the biting bliisli? of winter or the chUlings winds of spring or itutumn. It should be carcfti fly shielded from nil irritating i: iflucnces. Thfe- utmost caution should lie observed in this p.irtichliir; ns without it a cure under almost any circumstance i.s an iiiiMsibility. Tin in.Tsoii should he kppt oW a wholesoiiie and 'nutritious diet, and nil tftelMedicines continued un til the body has restored to it he natural quantity of 11 sb nnd strength. ' ; i I was mvseif cured hy, this tl Vtment of the worst lived to get f;it. and one lung mostly kind of Consuiiiir1n. anc' have hehriy these ninny years! . wit gone. I have cured th'onsan ds since,- and very many have been cured b this have never seen. ' I I - About the. first of October I treatment whom I expect to take pos thc northeast cor . where I shall be njiiv rcnti ire it. , scsstun of my new building, at ner if Sixth and Arch , sjirectsj pleased topive advice to ah wh Full directions accompany al my icemcdies, so that a person in anv usirttff tlie World can be readilv cured by a strict obscrvaiAe of the same. s II. ScnExck. i Philadelphia J. PflK. TV F.TITKnTI.T. v to. Newsimpcr Advertisinrf Aareiits. Bulletin Build ing, No. (JG7 Chestnut JStrfcet Philadelphia.' Pa llATER WHEEL, Mill GeariniShaftinPuIIeys I 0; LlSEND FORACIRCUlAR-JSr. THE GEE AT CAUSE .OT- i' HUMAN; IVriSERY. V: Eiwekpe. iPrice fix tent) Just pvbtinfied; in a Sealed l' Tctnra ijmf tie f ftTaturs, Treatmeat and Badical ( ureot em'1uar Wenlcnens, or tSperMiaririh(r-a. indumfl by Helf-Abnse. Involuntary miii.ioii, Impntoocy. Nervous De bMitv, nnd Impediment t Marriiie jrmemlly : Consimp tion" Kpilepv. and Fits: t.yital .iud Physicjil Incaptieity. A-cBv ROB. .1. CTJLVEliVVELL,1 M. .,' anthor ot the Hireeti Book." Ac. i - li - - 5 ' The world-nmowed , author, in this - admirable Lecture, clearlv proves from his own e?cperienc that the awfut con fetjneiices of Self-Abnse may beffec tint y reniftvel without medicines,, and without daB;flroa ainvical ojMiratioii!'; lwv pies. IntranK'ntu; rinjrs, nrwwdiiil. volutins out A mode of enje at fince certal aod cfferQial by which e.-err ufterer. no matte what lnU rndltlotf mrfv be. miiv cure himself dieaply,. urivatclv. and radir-allv. THIS LEI 'TURK WI Lit PROVE A BOON TO TIIOUftAXIki i ANO TnOlTS ANDH. ' Scut, under eal, to auy addntaw, in a plain envelopei 'nn the receipt of fix eentii or two postasre stamps AtanUr. Culverweirs 'Mnnla'c Guide," price 23 cents. " Addicts the PubliKherB. . i , i:T. n. ' t'HAS. 3. O. RLIXK CO., . - " - opril B,ly, 127 Bowery, new York, Post-Omce Bo 43sfi. s i WILTBERCER'S Are warranted etjunlte any ntade c They ajo' pre pared from Xhefruiti, net "will 1e found much bet ter than many of the Extinct "that arc sold;' ' ' Ak youi Groder ot Dcnjgutfor Vttilbergcrl Ex- BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE Is, without doulthe b&tfriicU in, Uie jmarket, for bin tin g clotJte. ftHvillbiloYmore water than fout times the same weight of indigo, and nuch inore ttinn anv other itnA blue in tlio hiarkti The only oenuine is that pntup-ati;i ? &i ;') ' 4 ALdTRED VILTR'ERGER'S DRUG STORE, C'n1?- Ninth. Sed 8triiladelph Pa.'- ;.-The Lalelsliave bQth 'WiITaEBaER's and BAa-j t.ow'r nania on them. aU othem 'are coa aiert 'ett rof ssjle by most Groicera find Prpsgista. ! - I, '-T Z fJuly27, jS7L-ly ji f f . Main TT'nvino-leased fids welUmd favorable knerwn Hotel, I am mtnt TfCTutred'to reive,Tre.fwho may fee assured tuat qeryiring snau oone to coiitryute to their consif ort .My table will be supplied with im Kt ttiA roiinfrv affords, while irood beibt. well ventilated rooms and attentivo Pesvsjits shall Vei. marked feature of my estabrshment. Good stable? arc connected with the house. Riay U tf WM. O. t'SBCMiX. -3 . J n w. t i . mrr, rx-r t 'bi sal u fcf. j.-r ftaJS f3 ' I Ji Wlis. fnvrittor. TL Hi MWaW1w , .. Sri. Aff'ta, San t raiicisco. Cat, and 3i and 34 Commerce at, K.Y. t U L MIXlilOX911eatTetini-r " their Wnderf"l . Curftilr.Xll. cl5. They are. not, a vlto Faacy , made of Poor Iluni, AVbiakey, Proof Ppirlt tod Re . IgteLloitni doctored. cl aad .aweeteaod .t IpleaM tha taste, eaUed ' ' Tonia.," Appetizra" f Restorara,' tead the tippler on t "tfrnnkennfesS n4 "rain, bntalreatnie ! laedlclne, iptiderrom the Fntlve Roots and UerbaoPOllfornlft, ifiree from all Alcoholic Stlmnlant. Tl.pyar.thft ' 6REAT BIiOOD PUJlin-Btt nn4 AiXIFB GIV ING PltlXC JPLE, a perfect Renovator and InviKorator ot ' tiie byateiiicaro inK off all poisonous matter and toI"' tha . blood fo a heajthy conditioti. Ho person con ttJr,t? , koeording to direcUoiis and remain long nnwell, proridod U)e ,1 ionesarenotfleMryedtjyminalri , . tha vital organs wasted beyond the point of aepair. ' BThey arc a Dentle Portfaflve ns well nd a. Tnlc ; i oweWt. iso, the peculiar of sctinR Powerful .crntinlievintr Coneostion or. IiiflammaUon of the AJVW. f ...a 9 all H Tfarsrat Oivanrt. f ji FOBFKIAIiS pOMPUlIT. wneinern,v..ft a UA marrii or sinitle. at the duwu of womanhood or ftt tha i Itnrn of life, tbesft Tonlo Bitters have no equal. 4 " .Sf - ji Tor IaBammatsfy Had tursaie unesmai m 4 teoaWDyapepai"- Iodigeatioa, Bllloasv Remit tent, nud Intermittent Feveris DlmeaaeM f thm . , Blol, tlttrt Kidney a aad Bladder, the Bluer. Ihave been most BtrcoerafuL , Shci Diaeaftes awl caused by Vltlatei Blood, which ii generally produced Mr derange inentof the Digestive, Oran. -J - , ' ' TdySPEPSIA Olt IJiDIUESTIOX, neaiache, Tain tnAftahootders, Conifl Tightnesa f the Chest,! Dizziness Ll-jng-ti-luli I of the Stomach, Ba taste m tuc ioutn, u- loosftftCts, Palpitation of the Hearf, Inflammation of the Longs; Pain in the; reRiona of he Xidneys. and ja hundred pther painful symptoms are the ofTaprinK of Dyspfciwia. j They invigorate the Stomach and rtimulate the torpid Mver and bowels, which render them of uneqnalled efflcaiiy in cleans- ing tae blood of all impurities, and Imparting new uteana vigw tothiwhpteystera.' ,-!.:!'. ;'-! if-- ' j FOR j SKIN DISEASES. : Eruptions, TMter. Bait Rhenm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, PmUes. Boils, arbnneles,' " iRing-Woi-ma, Bcald-Heivd, Sore Eye, Erysipelna, Jtoh, Scurfs ,: Discolorations of the Skin, Hnroors and Diseases of ihe Skin, of whatever name or natnre, are literally dnff np and Urried oot of th system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One jbottle in nch cases will convince the mo incredalons of their jcurative effects. . J' ; : 1 i. . ... !, ' . . j Clennsei the. Vitiated Blood whenever yoit find itsj impurities Wrfinff Ifliromrh the skin, in Pimples, Eruption or Sores; . cleanse it! when you find it obstructed or glucguh in the veins; 'cleanse it' when it is font and your feelings will tell you when. Keep theblood pure and the he;ilth of the system wui louow. of so many thousands, ore effectually, destroyed and removed. For full (directions, read earemllv the circular 8.und each , ; bcttie. printed in four UuiguaveInjfUah,, Ucnuan, J reach and Spanish. J . . I I ' . Old prejudices are lyiBg oat. New facUjare kinin them. The idea that Invalids, weakened hy diseasd, can he re- ( lid bv DrostMtiDir them with destructive dniJM. is no lonsrT h entertained except by monornaniao, 'Kw since tne introauc- that their rejmlatin and invisoratine properties re all-iiffl-cient-for the cure of chronic indigestion, rheumatism, conBtipa ti6a.diarrhoea, nervoos afl.-ctioim imd malanou." fevera. and tliey are now the standard remedy for these complaints in every ec- . tion of the Union. - i . I . i I SOLD liX ALL DRUQGIBT3 AJ?D DEALERS. . , . t -rt-,r t,m.t. R. H. MoDos.r.t St Co.J Druiri A crti. ska Francisco. CuLnd m Uommeijoe at., S.i. ssiu mw mmn ' j i 1 : THE NEW DISCOVERY In Chemical and lledical Science.J VI -J r fcL -ri1 'f . -.... -, SOLUTION &C MPOOBD ELIXIR or U ' I i FIRST AND ON'r.V'OLJ'TTOV e-er ns1ft In one mixture of Al.l. 'filTl TWEf.VH Taluaclo active priuciiiula .of th well ii"oa curitive apent, " " . ' V'- ki n"H TitmE TAn, ; - UNEQUAL EL 1n Cb'iphs ' Colds, Cajtarrh (j Asthma, Broachitta, aud conmimptioa. J ' CTJItlifS AVITIIOXJT JrAlI..! A recent cold n tiiree to i tonrs; anil also, ! bv its VI i ALIPI.NO, PURIFYING and fcTI- 1 MULATtNii efT-cta upon tlw general tsssteiu, ' ia remnrkiiblv eifi'-acious in s!l l , ' DISEASES OF THE m.OO. lnciuuiiiiT bcrolula and Erupnons of tta-lsMn, ' Dyspepni-s Diseases of the Liver and Kline s, i I i Hsartiiuwtse, aadilrtau!rui.JA waiy. v - I , ONE TJ3IAL -CONVINCES 1 Volatile Solution ' of Tar: Tof INHALATION, witbont apT'li'tlo" ' HEAT. A remarkably VATAIABLEdiwtovery, as the whole ptiriltuscun beeiirrle.1 in the vest pocket, readv at any time fur tlie luoatelljL-ctual And jwn't.vely eura'he ujsi in t s r l ' All Diaeaaca wf th OSF, T2IIIIOAT t Tar and Rlandrako Pill .7 for Ipse i:i . o"tiecton wilh 'tlie r-L.TXIRiTAR, li. a crtni iii ition .r tlie iiiu most vamaoie ALI .K.V1 1 a. .Ueiiiciiies Know n iu rn i n ftjwioa. mid lcmlns n.is PiUwiUiwut exvjiption j XU bOLUTluX ttii-t CpM'QUD ELIJtlR of :-.l.t "1 : ia .vriihout eases- of - doulitf ti.u Lest remedy known ill 'CHOLERV'-fiSDtTELLOW FEVER. It i.t a fiji ifi'.f.ir jiii.-h liijo-iiws, imd HliojiM he " kept tti the H'-b..t-er ev.-ry fauidy,t:SpciitUT , f ' , v , duriaijtlioMj u.oiuiiiiiiu wliitji; , . , i Ji CHOlERi YELLOW FEVER1' -are liable to prevail. A smnil .jn-itrttty (taken, ( , , daily irili pnjvvtii; cwutruniinir thesa teTnblo ' dlMluSiiifcf ,. .; j J .-i! 7 Kolaf :oti 8:id"orapo'tnd Kl'Jiir. $t f pen fcotllo il - V'dliiic toitlo for rtiTiat-Jfioh. .v.cojicr fox ' . ? Taan.lMnn.:r.keri!s.itaeNcrlosif. r; , ; sendf i-y-irriiiif' rosaTivii cn-'iti;s - to yuur li.uiat, or to il",; r. ITT DEt COl. .vi l n t rr,JTf iflPPWi a i; i no us. van x&tjxew x orjc For sale lv Dr. U. F.JSomrtiejJ i j: -i m r FOUTZ.'S CELEBRATED ...,i. Tills preparation, lone I and favorably known, wiU thoroughly re-invigorate brokea 4owa and, Vsw-spirited horsea, t by atrengtlienins and clcassios tha . atomach and tntefttines - I '. It is a sure prawentire of all diseases Incident to this aaiaial. such aa LCKO - ' FEVEB. GLAN0JCR3. YELLOW. .WATER, HEAVES, COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FEVERS, FOUNDER,;; LOSS OF APPETITE AND VITAL v i-K 'f ENERGY, fcc. IU use Improves the wind. Increases the, apietite gives asmootn ana e-iaesy aaift na J.:J tr f ,.i t; transforms the miserable sfceleton Jf m ', k ii;to a fine-looking and spirited horse; To keener of Cow this Brenara- tion is iBYftloabl.-. Hisasare prov; f ir , tt r. siralnst Rlndernest. Hollosf . . 1 Horn,et. . It as been proves by I actual experiment to increase tha quantity of milk and cream twenty j 'percent, and make the butter ana. i'l t : ftutl I.CCh . I. mttcmug value. I. t jrhrea them alt appetiH, ioftfteoi their bide and toakefl ' ' 'j :H lACBUmn swt . .( .!:.,:- T ; 1 J )UJ tf. li.,,..,,. 111 I , I . - V'.iL ' , . i hi all dlsnues of Swioa, such as Coughs, Clcer U' ''J .. the Lnn)?. Uiver, aKV-Uilf aruole acts aa ft speclao-i By patting from eaa- . half a paper ta a paper ia a barrel of swill the abovedUeases will be eradii 1 eated or entirely prevented. If given . f'ta'tlini a ' oertalr. -wfevvqtiT and cuC tot th Hog Ckoera,. , k , :-, ,' r r - ' . ' . l! . : ii i. i 'IHI..II -i i . . vtiTTTTk tt. . nAimnr r.M i...M a.h . ij jl. . avvadt iivuuiivii"' . n a T. T. T ht t t if. ' 1 !T A ! L - ,. for sale br Prugirists and Storekeepers ttiroughoui ,,,,,, the, raitcd Statej.CaAadtu sad Sonta America. ' ' ' ! , I .ii 'l r.H ! Weim?tek, N C. Feb?, tf ; '. I 'j . 'I.: morse ai CatflB Pollers JV- ' l't.: i 1- r n mMs -L 'sT MIM i ..M 3JL- !- HENRY. T. IIELMROT.TVS I ' . , , ,( J W - l C O MP O UNO rF Ij U i js.viii,wj.' UATAWIJA Component P(trt8FMTUrtrart Midt, Grape eWKT. I. These Pills nre a pleasant purf itlve, snpmeimt aauI... ..1 u.alt. m ,1 IT 11 lu I .. Tlki.M I- . ... ft iimre acteitilile to, the stomach. Titer' fire i,,h.Ti and cause ncilhor nitusea nor gritlng iwius., , fhey are compnMd of the finest liigrcd irntu - Aftrtafry nays" use ot uinn, mien am inriKtiraiion or ihe . tire nysteiri takes phwe as b appt tnlmcolon the weak and enervated.' H. T. ilrliiih.il's (;4)tI1. pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grnpe I'ills arc sugar-coated; mgar-itiated 1111s puss through ti stomach without dissolving, conacijuentk do roduce.fhe desired . effept. . THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS beinjr pleaswnt In taste and ml,,, do not necessifnte their lieimr sugar-coated, and iri prepared nccoruinp toruiesoi rnarmacy ana client, istry, and are not. Patent Jledicines. ' ,if 'vv..J.' ! I HENRY T . IlELMBOl D'l k UIOIILT COSCKSTHATEO COMPOtUD j Fluid Extract 'Sarsaparllla Will radically exterminate) f rnm tlie aynietu Scnif. la. Syphilis, Fever ISorc. ITlctrs, Sore Kvi-n, S,.r Legs, Sore Jouth, Sore Head. Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, 8alt Rhenm. Cankers; Jlnhnlnjrs from the Ear, White Swellings. Tumors. (Wrrotis AfTtr. tions. Node. Rickets, Glandular Syri-lHiu;.' Xlu Sweiit:, Rash Tetter. Humors of all kinds. Chnmie Rheumatism. I)yspepill, and all disease that ban lieen established in the system for years, BEING PREPARED EXPRESSLT Fflll Tltr. ABOVE COMPLAINTS. iTH BLOOH I'VIIIFY ING PROPERTIES ARK.GKKATEH TIIAX ANY OTHER PREPARATION" OF 8ARSA I'A RILLA. ' IT GIVKS TIIR COMPLEXION A CLEAR AN D HEAL I II V ( OLOIC AND fir.. STORES THE PATIENT TO A STATF. OK iTPAT.Tir ivn it:itrTV, roll pchifyivi: THE BLOOD. REMOVING ALL CHRONIC m ft- - r -x s W I t I Ll I I L lJ I lll.itt1.. COISS 1 1 1 U 1 toi. Alt mi.i-arrn .ini.i.M. (ROM AN IMPURE' STATE OF TIIE UI.OoU, ivn Till-' nVT.Y ItKf.l VTtf.K AH KFFWrTf. AL KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE Cl RE OF PAINS AM Uf i nr. iM..r. ULCERATIONS OF THE THROAT ANUI.KO m rvrin. s l'IJIr.EH f)N THE FACE- VLltV. BIPKIaAS AND ALL SCALY ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, AND UJSAITIMIAU PLEXIOX : . ' ' ' I ' . ; MA - I f : HENRY T. HEMROLIVS j COXCKXTItArtD i I iTluid Extract Buchu, ;;, ... ,. TIIK.fi It UAT Ull'liKTJo, .... has cured every case of DIAEETE. In whl. l, It' has been given.' IRRITATION OK TIIE NKt K OF THE LADDER AND 1XKI AMATIoN'iF THE KIDNEYS. ULC.KUATION OV THE KID NEYS AND ULADDEIt. RETENTION F LiltlNE, DISPiASES OF THE I'KOSTATK GLAND. STONE'INTIIE I1L ADDER. CAUT M S. GRAVEL. BRICK -Dl'ST DEPOSIT. AND M CCD US O R M I L K Y 1 J SCH A I M ES. ANU Foil ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON'sTITl. TIONS OF BOTH SJ XES. ATTENDED ,M ITU THE FOLLOWING hYMPTtlMSt INDIS1is. TION TO EXERTION. LOSS oF POWER. I,(M OF MEMORY. DIFFICULTY OF IIREATIII.NC. WEAK NERVES. TREM IlLING, IIOURoltoK DI S FAS E; W A K EFl LN ESS. DIM N E.s V VI- SION. PAIN IN THE HACK. HOT lANDV 1.-.1 itLiiTvif imii. iniiiv im rs .".sx tlr THEMvIX. ERUP rioS ON THE FACE. PA - LID ; COUNTEN ANt K. b.MihliMir lam TI DE OF THE MUM'UIyAR .sYNTEM. Etc. Used ' by jH-rsons front the ngi-M of cijrlititii to twenty tivu, nnd fMia thirty-five ! f.fi vtlve or In tli iK-i lliui or . hiitiL'i! if life: nfler ColllllUilWIlt W labor pain; betl wetting in children; I . 'Hclmliords Extract .Buchu Is Ditirvllo and I5h1 PuTifyfng. ' and curt all disease nriflnn frwi liibitaof Dis1p;iti.n. xccm;k and ImprtMh-mri i life. Impurities of Ihejlloort. ote.. iH-rM-.lin f pluba iii affect .on foffwhlch It U n.l. and t-ypliili ticnffef.tioiis in tlieM-dicn.sca umxl Conun-li with Ilclmbold'H Ruse Wiixli. ; ' ;; . ' : ; LADIES. ;; - "' ' . In many affect Ion's peculiar tifladl.es'. the Ettrtcl Buchu Is uneqiuilled by any other remedy m "J chlorosis or reletitimi. irregularity, Puinfuim-M er suppression of customary evacuation, ulcerated "f stJiirru stale of t ho Uterus I-uorrhrtM or wlii'r. sterrillity. and for all coinpl lints Incident to M i-cx, whether arising from lndicn-tIon or hahlu ( dissipation, it is prfcriliul rxleiislri ly by eminent l'hyHifians and mid wives fT enfeebled t-l delicate cunstitailoiu of lioth sexe and all t t ; :i 1 1 Vl." T. IIELMEOLIVS EXTRACT Bl'dRJ CU1IE9 blREASF.S1 1 AltrsINO 'WtOSl ' tMritVUFItCK v-!,ilci'4- UAIIITS OKtllHSfl-ATroX. KTT. in all 'theh stages; at little ex Kiise. HtlU ar M changp in diet, no inconvenience, nud no ru' It muse it frtijiient ilcsin. and give-slienjttb Urnato. therrbv removing Oln.iruciu.ua. prrvrniml and curing strict ures of the Urethra, Allylng I ' and Inflatiialloii. so" frequent In this rim vt uw da?es, and ukpelliog all jioii-oiioui mutter. .t .. ii en it Y t. irKUin(iT.i)'s, niruovKP cannot bo surpasM-d a a f.icc wnsbi arid will J found the only p.i ifie renntl r I- W-T h CUtanecus affeclior.. , It Ma cdily t-rudicnl w phi'P Ms.ts. scorbutic dryness, inditr.nions of the cm ouiiembinn. eU: diars ls rcdm ""d tncip' iufl:toiitimf hives, rn-'h. moth batches, ilryiic scnlp br hkln,' Frost Rite, and alU puri-s XV II 1C IK SllITCi nr tMlllllK-lllft iud . - r ; j SklJVto abUteof pyrity iwyl soflnrs, 7 K rontiniied healthy wilon i tho tis-uesnf iu n-is bV-1ieb dep'nd'lhe-Mgricabl.!eJearDHS ''7 vacity of complexion s.i tmtch sought niitl Vn"Ivr But however va'.uubl . as a rcmitly for el'i"8 r. foctsof thorhin. H..T. HehnboUI's Rom V ( ' ' long susuincd it prinMp.il claim t-i W'"'u.; iwlronnge.' by possessing qu.-ilities whlfh rcn ht p ttltoiletaprwndiigilof thd most 'W"? genial character, combining In n .Iegnl form" those pnmiinent r(-Qisltes. safety ""d inviu-iable ncctimpaniUM-iiU of its uaor-ns a 1 rrsc. ative and Refresher of the com pics "... 4 cellent.Iotkn fovlicfof syphUilie dsIi as an imectmn ir gisHw ui ' v.- nf arieing from hbirs of disniwllon.- nscil in r." Uon with tho Extrseu uwun. oanwi-....- j. tawlM Gre,Pill.S l discasts wiiwus ed, cannot bo surl!t;', lit t. J;..--:l 1 ,. 7 f I 4 I .tr, i...f Full nd expMt.aircvtK .ewntpinr r- ctnea, thousands of Bvlnrwrlnm, ant "P " M 000 unsollcttea etnintaiics an '"r,'', Srs.nahyof whhbaro from including emlnenv l'l.ysicwnft, , WJ' V men, etc. The irK-tor.' has m-er n their pubHctlon fn ti.e rteHfr,r. t X this from the fact that bis anhrles -J. h; prepaniUoiit. am. d iHt peed tu Jl " 7 IlEiott T- IUjlbol' GstnxB p,fcrA L, ' Delitcre4td ay adrsa, i&acur iron fl Tniioa; .,.!,?, .if l i- it , b... r: ... i .' n'V FOR LIVER' COMPLAINT, JAUNDICF. Tin IOU8 AFFECTDNK.' SlrK- OH N EHVni'a HEADACHE, COST1 VENEKS. Etc.' prn? -l.Y, VEGETABLE. (XiNTAJNINU No MriiL CURY. ; MINERALS OR DELETEHiJl'j . JllTG9w .v f . . . y. (f m , ll- TlT ' i!.-v-fV JLJL t. . i , ...M ; L 0 L ..;,,. JL-A-.'. ll , JiitabUheO. upward OL iJ"V ' -rr r infnr Drugget every tr hero. Auorcss . y prof nuufon. WilllhncvM Henry T-i HtJ" gist and chemist- ..'; ":J I'L n'j cl n th.lv Dent.ta: lit Ti Hemlkl s rej an f to II. T, IIcm1sJd-a Medical tDiJ lv Tenth Street: Ililladelphln, IV. IeoryT. H-f Beware of counterfeits. Ak. tot UfmtAT bold's. Tk uo other.

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