V. plat?- It 1 1 1, anil 1 Ir.oJi, r . t ; HI r CI 7 l.n.l-f-vlull i :iiiAt it.. r :'0. 19. ! :-vt - r : - - -1 r- , 1 ! I I I I A' i m . .f T- -TZ. I f . I . I- JI I .1 1 I'll ! I I 111 yr II I :M ,-. m : X fl' ' I f II 111 1111 II! Ill I J li I V I i I ' -f- rdtJ ... v - 1 ill I II t 5-.. . 1 7 ' v' I! MM II i r. ! r . ' v. I, 111 1 1 1 ' 1 . - ...i 1 . . ' I ' , ., i . i i , , , , tt s . ' I .-i J 4 r, . j 4 . - , 4 filial (., ' .? f 4,)J ..' AW 1 I STATES BJAIEja V Post Orrica. .pArxjrr, R0POSAti i'U t the $S& ; '.Sfib RAH- ,fAROL I N A'vJ on the routesL. aod .th cbedule of depar-. ... ir t- I 1 Decision mo,uaded",pii orfcefore Mar.cJ aJSJ k '7'..": ... . . .... f M.i n "T MO Tt: - ni. (IjifUUri tkould eseaptin carefully the J jorms. ana wiiruawni unii. i ' 4S10Q FicmWUilngton, Biak&bd.WbltaHalV v. . -LandJnj, Titrbeel. PioepeM Lot lad. , ,,-tUubol, mice ai wee i P , " , ' 1jaL7is WllmiMtpa 5T.aefU7.'anJ Frldftj at .i Lmt0 FayetMfTllk Monday and Tburedaj at m , . I " r. ;i ,'Anirrak IflloileSHm iert daVa'Yirf'SknL1 , .1S1Q1 iom.ImtiixtJbTTpsairSoand. Stain J Bound, Sneed's FtrrT, aad Anwn'i 8 tore, to .nt JackaHIe, fijlea.aJiiatback, oio4ji. : 1 Lea re Wlciilngton iFViday h1,8 a m; 1 j 4 C. Arriteat Jataaoomie Kioraay dv i pnt Uve JackaMuLe Wdndaj at 1 p niji tract umc ot ips,xeparxraen. oniu pn Huof ftbrurt Tp 87 5 ToV conveying the . v, iaaiW bf ' the 1 United Slates from ; Jilr 1 . f 4 Arrive at WiJwinjEleK ,Tfirday by P.pvi,,!,.,. toq9S milee u)d bck, twice a week. 33103 .FoawftmIn?toBtomhhvWm!and, ; VJi!J5-fU, nl.r' ,R U - ArriaiSinitbvilJeby7imr I m 7 TteWJtTMlm- ; ja taive8uartrvileMonXyadridayatMm r W .W.W-W.W- I U. Arrive at Wilmington br Obi,' yj.BottdrWittirtrtFijk bid, $800. 1303 From WUmiagtoartb ShaDotteJ 39 miles a'id '. , j ,aod Wck,tuce 4 week win. j U. Arrive at Shalfotte' by 7 p ro; I 1 . .. .Leave BhalkHle Tnarsdar Jt 0 IV mi tr. t T ,f -Arrivat WiliJngfcii bv.7p m. 1 : ' .j M'-4! HohdywUkedwirU6i(L 400. 13104 Frola SmT.LvilIe,Ty Sopplv. and Shallorte, to Liltk? I River. (S. C-) 40 mills and bhek, -r iB.-rrbDCa wek" ' j Lt c?airbvilIeTBeedar. at7p m; ; Arrire.at, Little JJiver; aet de.by 7 p ml ol , IVeLntle IWver Tborsday at 6 am; -rt I -Arrivelat Smith vme"by 7 p m : 1 Bod4 'trtuirwd w'Hh bid, $400. . lfDG Frorn! Wbitesvfnj U tVnwttKfMrongh.(S.jc..) .:.4M ak Mad ba,'irftfcW week, ! I Leave Wbitvsville ThurwUr at 6 a m; ?n rs') Arivkt,towBylioToxiu.bv7liotrI 13105 From Wbrtesrilk.by Flreway Ferry, to Jt tle River; (S. Cl 3TTxaxle and, back, onte a r cU . i Lave WkitaavilW Ffllay a liin; Arrive at LUtle Rive bjr 81 pfaap Leave Little bttver Pa tarda tttam ; Arrive at WblteavHIe by 8pm;' ''it Bond required wJtu bid, $40a I 23107 From AbbotUbors to Hrabattkttwii,tS mile? ,. aa oacfe three )Limes a ,weels,,; , . 4' ""Leave Abbotfiborg Mooday. Wednesday and Fridays at Spra; 4 j .t 1 ... a.AivaLMiabethleby7TBi; I Leave Elizabeth) w -Taeadayj Thursday, XATrtve atlAbb6Iti,banr bv 10.30 a nt 1 I I Bond required with bid, $300., 13l8tFrom'X3IzbeUiltown, by Dowinj wineviile. Am m . & A. i . .11. .iL !!. ri i cKUKsaad mcx, otic we-c. - c. jIreEIwajlowttFrkUy it 6 am; ! Arrire at Clinton by 6 p m; , ,:Leave Clmta ardajrgt (l.affl c:Zil ' 1 Arrite at Elizabeth fuwn by 6 p m; -Bomi Required Vila bid: $400tT U4I 310' Fm' "Fair BuS'!by 're.Sea, (8. 0) GranUTille,Coqwybortagh: ana uuckaviue, . ;m rtd TDrtH lreek; miles -und' 'back, tbsee cr 2 i?. time a week!': ni it v. ovn-.! j i Leave Fair Bluff Tuesday,;. Thursday and Saturday, at 7 am; tj i . 1 'i r - Arrive J at 'Bull Creek Wednesday, Friday, .to !aiKlondi.br 11 re " - .i Leave Ball Creek Wednesday.. Friday, and ,;'.T!:i8inklayt. frmr' 1 " - ' ,T tmf ) lAmri at air limn jilooay, trednesaay, , i .and Fridar fcr t n m . I ; lpup From Burgaw JDtpot tcfAofeKSl miles aod oaca. once a week. . . Depot Friday a 9a m; Leave Angola Friday at 4.30 o i - ' Arrive at liorgaw lpofext tluy by 5 p av - " Ttnn.l rtvinirchrl vilk Url OAO . 1 13111 From MaCToUa,by Roekfih.:IIarTeirs Store. , ' ( UerringsviIle,Taj tor's Bridge, and Six Runs, to Magnolia, equal to 20 milea and back, once a weea. , , - V Leave Magnolia Friday at 10.13 am: ; ,- . Arnteat ilignolia Saturday by 7.15 p m. j Bond required With bid, $30a. : i '. 13112 From Magnolia ;to Kenai4sville,' 7 milea and . . Dacs, six limes a ween. Leave Magnolia, daily, except Sunday, at 10.1S am:: 'Arrive at Kenanaville by 1 p m: ' '! Tr' ir Leave-KenanaviUe daily, except Sunday, at j uopm. - - Arrive at Magnolio by 3. 30 p m I 41-' Bond required with bid. $300. 13113 Fuom Kenanaville, bv Hallavjlle, Beula y. ' ' Tille, Iiaw Branch. Rirhlands, Gnm Branch. Catharine Lake and Tar Landing, toJack .( oaviDe.'44 miles and back, once a week. . Leave Kenanaville Monday at 8 a m , ' .f ?l!Artive at Jacksonville b10 p m; 1 . . u Leave JackM$v)lIe.ndnesday a 1 6 a m; ... .Arrive at n-nvi1t w.7 ry-in .. ,l8U4.'Fron-KeanaTjJIeby Bancbe'etore, Out ia V-hiWS Bridge, aod Albertsou, to Kinuton, 42 miles and back, once a. week. . ' vl ;i Leave Keaaneviue Tbtirsday kl 6 m; Arrive at Kinston by 8 p m ' vif L-eaveiunswtyTKlaj at a nu-.l VArrive at KenaBvill by 6 p m.., i ajuuu imuimi w n 1 11 m I -13 H 5 rrom &.enaBSville. by Bianclfa i D ' -V - Oat ndgr AJbertson, ResaituTinki 1ir k. I4',J. I . fc- ... miW and hark nr.r-m rL- 1 aji cwjci uw 10 eoiniri mj SrIiLeavv Kenan svjlle HaroAnVy at 9 km-1 z ' f aoJ44rl"KM'aby lpm; I ! ' I-ot rW bidj$300l I S A311I FromBoAyPoldLlllti2ttpfaJinlCa..j Jfi -M'rf Creeklito ?lack River Chap-X53niilc aDdbackjoncea eek. ; Leave Rocky Point Friday at 7 a m; Arrire at Mack River Cbapel by 6 pm; - . Leave .Back Rtytr Cbaptl Tborsday al7 a m ' atRockjJrru ty a v .rt r rf bidy.$3C0,l. 1 13117 From rtodJybyJrichoito..Strabane, 18 - miles and back, once a Week. ;LrX7 ndley, Friday al7XTnt:no-:'! ui 8&I i-e M twoaoe oy.i p-i; . -,r Leav Strabane Friday at 3 prnV T vTt.il Aitive at Dudley Try 4 p ra. ' ! i9bnd required with-bW,r $200."" CllFrm Etrtltvvir,erWFal1inVCrfA L - to BejrtofrrUk,j3tXitnika.aJdjLcJq once a y6 m--4.-t.,T.T. i ni-!iA ! .r iTe verettsvifle Satarday atl ntat ,VArriveat Bentonville by 7 p mf i nArrfM:EfretUvUle fcyJin7 '.C 'Wulre4wibid,$?0pi ;,; 13119 From Kinston, by Snow Hijl, to Hookerton. C5ii'-iiik asd-baCaV'twlcea week.'1 A " 'T : To-iITe iaiistan, Tuesday and rkjs atfliSO Teatnookertonby3pm; j.., ' - . -JTe uckerton Tuesday nd Triday at S i Arrive atHinsios y '8 As -vitiv , iTeek unoze. so mi leaaoa oacK.onca a wee. . Im Kin-ton rrl(3T.t Bern 1 - Arrive at win weea junqre dj o p m; v' -I I LfedTi 8wlft Creek Bridge Saturday ijtia And reqaired:witll bid$40a lm:iFntt'B:iatod!Vv!jC0tif6rf, to Ricblanda OiU fViiea ana vKKvvncea wees. . i LeareKinstQii Saturday ata.jn; ., ! - if r lajti ToM JticuiAnu uro D m: w. iJ st1,M'-B6hd paired ith b4. 40a iilii From Kintoi, by Flld od Foanlatl frill,' Arrire at Rldze BDrlntr r 8 V mi K YXeayt Ridga pr?u Tburdiy at 6 a m; t ' Bond required! With bid, $300. 1 I3l3 From Iloakertnn; by RJdge .Spring, J bn- r.'.r'lon'a Alius, i'Ozrtne,ana Kues tiiii, toureen . vllkt. SA itv! ln k ktI huk nnr A WMk ' ,i t ' ' V ' rt i njj -a - 'ArrtTeatreenTille by "7 P VK ! .Leave GreenvIIfe Salorday at 7 a in; j ; . Arhre at Uookerton by 7 p M. v ; t ; Boad reqtiiretl witb .bid. f 100. 13124 From New ferne; by Orantsborough and j t , iAy, JUvef, Ux Vattdtnere,59 hi ilea aod back, ; three tiroes a week. .f(l f f, f ! Tmta v.w Am MbndaT.'WcdnesdaV. and T,;!iFnday; at8am: ' : 1 ' V jr. jiArriteWt Vandemere -by 8 p n IT' .1 Leave . VBdeuaera Tneeday, Tborsday and Saturday atam, ... .-.! v-m, i Arrive at New Berne byC p m; Xm -s 71 Bona required witb bid, $900. :f 1 131 Frurn fcew Berne; by Tlloekirrine,-to Tren U12W.Frot'Iknfort bv ,11111 .Point and Porta mouth, to Ocracoke, 60 miles and back. J!iH rAJace'aiwee'k.Jii' Tjiain TlMafnr Tfuttvf or 1 fl n m Arrive at Ocraavke .Thursday by 4 pm;. ! Leave Ocracoke "Mopdy at 8 a,m; j ; I JLrHve'at Be&nfort ftcxt dav bv 4 d m. ? f Bond required wi tb bid,' $900. 7:Fn"Ocracote to Haterj SO 1312 90 miles and il vittkonc a Leave Ocracoke Friday at 8 a m; , Arrive at ilptterttt.uexttdaj; y 10 a m; A,t -Lewve Ilafterai Sa'tdrday at 10 30 a in; ;f1 I r 1 1 .Arrive aV Pcraoeke next day by' 4 p mJ T i J e l80?1 Jt 200. j ldl23 From Newport by Sander's IStore. to Pele- "T4 " , tiejtVe.iNCWDort at tVe .Newport batwrdm all p.ni; ... 4 - . ' ti.i ...iu i,iu Yij f,-2 : - - .t i nLeaie PeWiierfiWft itarfiny U C a m; V ' -.; .r Vfi'f ,Wi. . j;.ji. 13129 From Newport, to. iLuiourc-iO miks-and )ucMie iifjn oaiuroay ui a in; a -Arrive at Uarlowe by 10 , m; 1 . . j Leave Ilarkme Saturday at 11 m; - Arrive at IewDort by 2 n m. . i .? - T . X . . , . p, .. ! 13130 From Jacksonville,, bv .Ward's Mill, Dock ' Urcek,and.Qneens Creek, UtSwansborougb, . S3 miles and back, once a week. I. j .. ' Leave Jacksonville Tnesdav at 1 r mi ilf. r iJArTive at Swanaborousb next davbv H am: 41r-H.iaMv twaasborougli Wednesday at z pirn; la .. - . luiSf C"MriT' a rfKKaioiura next aayuy 15 m. yuIftp& required with bid $30L ; j . 13131 From Pol locks vi He, by PaV Alto, to Swans . Doroogb.27 mUsADuJback : twlt?e a week. Leave Pollockavilk Wednesday, and Satur ( dHjatll.30am; ' j t f4ii-Arrive at Swahsboroogh by 8 pn; f Leave 8wansborough Thursday and Sunday Q 'r. ' If 1 ,X''AmvealtYlocVsv i i! Bond required with bid, $400. , fiS i.JLt4.u s--Ji't f - - ' 13133 From Wilson to Marlborough, 23 miles and O-! bejck,-ewicea week.-'-'H.i. i-.. -i -i . Leave. Wilson Wednesday at p to; Arrive at Marlborough by 9 p mi- Leave Marlboroogh Wednesday at 6 a m; j 3 iArre at 1 Wilson by ;ipm: . , ji ;i4ond required, with bid," $300. ; 13133 TVora Wilson W'spygbt'a 'Bridge, 18 miles aad bark, once a-' week. ' ! r ij , Leave Wilson Monday at.lm: i'l Arrive at Speight's iiidgeby 7nm: leave Speight's J7ridge Monday at 6 am: .. , Arrive at Wijsne by J2 m.-?. I ' Bond reuqired,. with Vid, $?0f - 13134 4Fron.Spe1gbVi ,Biidge' Snow Hill, '"a a a miles, ana-oacx. once a wock. . , i Leave Speight's i?rTdgi Friday at 9 a m; i .'f ArriVeatSnow nillby Wm;. , i ;i Leave ttaow HiH Friday at 1 p mr ,,, Arrive at Speight's Bridge by 4 p nx " Bond required witb bid, $100,. r j 3135 From Siiow irill to Greenville, 23 milesland : back, once a week. '' r "- , '- ;n: .Leave Snow Hlll'IFednesday-at 6 a m; . Arrive at Green villa by 12 m;. ;4-. ! ' Leave Green vie Weducsday-at,.! p m; i 1 Arrive at 8now Hill by 7 p m. : Bond required with bid, $200. - 1313d From Greenville.' by Par tolust to.Washing-. ton. 25 miles and back, three diars a wuek. ' ". Leave Greenville Tuesday, Thursday, and T ' Saturday at 1 ft nt ' ; ' , V i .4' ,xnTo t -fra-ningion vr o p m; -. . ., , Leave Washington Monday, Wednesday, and T Friday, At 0 a m; j r .:. - srs a n . t ii . a i Dm at u-rcenvuie oy is m. , t Bond required with bid, $800.. 13137. From Washington." by Chocowinity. Be. :mi leriew,! and b wift Island, to New Berne, , ,. 7 86 mi.Ksnnd back, sithnes-a week.- 1 , Leave WahpgV?n jdailyj except Sunday, at 6 a to:'"' j ; . -,t Arrive at New. Reme, by4 p,m; , ; ; r. i j 111 I'll f XTr Trao finn.ir . i ... V " 1 " 4VIV UUlIJi V44VL.I UUUU.I, f i' 6 a' in; " i.--"! ' ' ' . iri.Jf Arrive at Wasbf rrgton by 4 p ilul 13J3 From Washington, by Batb.iPnhgo Creek " ' ' v "-a . B a aa,,. na a " raniego. Juieecnvuj4j burger a AUU, Mades-j ville, twaii Quarter. Roa pay Lake Com4 n tfct,LakeLaoding;Mrddletown; and Stencil House, to FaJrheldi .19 'miles -and back; buce Ji wt.i j , I u 1 1 . t i ' its Leave Washinsrton.TnesdRy at ft i nt Arrivs at Fairfield Thursday by 12 m; . vXeaveTFaliJc"eM Friday at 6 a m; ,,,, - Arrive at Waitilngton -Monday by 7 p m. : Liia rcMoWno reqoareu wiui uia, iuia 13139 From I Washinrfin; V hy Choceowinity, 11. Aurora, and slaud. 52 miles .,. and berk.p-cea,.wvelo., t T 8CSCI " Leave W ash iugfoai. Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Gokc Crrtk'.TelandiWfcdnesday g3 iLeav Goose Creek lslknd. Thqrsdayat 6 a in; Arrive at,WasUngtm. SHjrdiiyjby p m; ' lidj-equjrd.wlib bid50p71 , r 1346 lm'.TarWirooh, by Bparo,and Falkland, tui 'tnrGree&ville; 2d miles 'and.back,' six time a 4MMi wi vsaa U41IJ V arVuuCJ9 3 ra; f :,4 l--ji"- n I : t'l Arrive' at Greenville byl2tn; t Leave, Green villor daily, ) except Sunday 1 , ' l pnS; ' . - i t j Arrive it Tarborough by ' 7.80 pm; Bond required with bid, $1,500; ' 13141 TrooX rborough,' by Bethel and Robinson- " . a a a . a a-r . k . . aa . v.J ?;tUieMt ttiuuuiwion,. ao-miies' ana back, ' three times a week. ... -J'i -I" -. Leave Tarborotjgh Monday, Wednesday, and ee times a week. . ... -jrn r i ve.TarboroQgh. Monday, Wednesday, i day at 6 a m; "' " ' tn'WinhuiBt:ysp;iii;V, ' im TFrid ta a bArriVe Leave )Vtuiamsion xaesaay rnursday, and Saturday at 6 a m; , ,r r aV.i Arrive at Tarhorough byp m' l'i t-I.. I f.Ti. -BopreqiUred wftk bidv$t203L 142 i.Frpm. Jfalklandj toanriyilkr, 8 miles and pack, ithrce times a weekj f..- .?,", a xaesc a; ... . . . ugh by wftk bid t to.Farn a weekj Leartf 'Falkland Tpesday,, ;T1 ' '.ta arrarfiVrljfifl a trV.- "4'' LeavJFalkland' Tuesday., fThrsdar. and Y ,J v atrriTfl at Farmville by pto;-.fn. i fi T.ri Parrn vi Vn TV,. r1 Tv Artive at -Fal bV-lft ' i V t.Trl wwwka hiifhVM - --, T ! 1 ...... in; ,utv iicw iraw iiauiwiu Jiuu duiuit i townr CaUliJ aqti Cedar t Bock, to Loais ' Kr.ril 17 milea nd back, twice a wefeto1" b r 5 Leave Eocky Monnt Tuesday and Saturday: 1c V r. LArtlve at lxwisrorgrj oy o ttuj; , i f i LeT LouUburgb Ho a day. and Friday at 0 fi a MS,,. J. ,;,.. n hc.'.H U.m IB, ' -'(! .C'jU 'AJrle kt Rockr Mount by 8 p m. . . i .Pond required with bi.$80Q.;G r 2 15 iiiiTPram TvmiMth. , bT AvQcai E.lenton. "r,JtoiK.i Tiaiilavlllfl 1tfl' Ferrv. Fettv's Uj ,4-.iBhore; WintonRfddickBvie, South Quay Va.,) ana UoDOSTlue, -"wr riin.jin wptn , v t I Vl,) f 10ft miks : arid -Aeckby steaaba three times a week.- .1 nr. n i' Leave Plymouth llonday, .Wednesday, and J jt Arrive at Franklin Depot tuesday, Thursday Xeave r ranun iepui- inyjr, cuutuj, and Friday'at 9 a m. otafter arrival of mail from Norfolk:-. ' I 1 Norfolk;- K5 Arrive at Plymouth same days by 6 p m. I Bond required with bid, $4,500 . , M 13145 Froba Plymouth' Loiig 1 ldge and 'Fork Hwimn'in wasainiTion. 'oo miies ana oacK.ii three times a week. . .;. - , ; ! Leave ,PlytrTOuthTffesday,.irbursdayt and 8a.tnrdftv.at7 a-tn: . .: ... t ' 1 1 i- Arrive at. Washington, Dy o 6 i m; '' In Lmn Washington Monday; ri Wednesday, and . Fridav.t7a mi ' if rr""-' Arrive at Pbrmouth. byj$ pin. .Jit' r joona ntquimi 4111 ui.u, fouu 18146 From tplymouth. i by' Jamesviile 'iaa Wil ;.' ..jliniston,' to. llaniilum, .. 85 mile's and back -three times a week..- f - h , Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thursday,! and D Ju Saturday at 7 a rh;;' M ' If ViArnTPBiaiuiuuii-u uui:4 i i Leavo,-Hamilton AIonflayi;i Wednesday, and 1 TMiay ai a m: .,, ..( vni ai riyuntinu uy 4 n in.j i Bond required with1 bid, $$60; 13" 47 From Plymouth' tr Windsor, 80 miles arid , , back, three times a week.f!; ir.c, t Leate Plymouth' Monday, Wednesday, and . Friday at 9 p m; ' ; Ui , Amieai vinuor jiejik aajw w j ui; - . - . i I a . . a. J . ! , tan i Leave Windsor, Monday- Wednesday, and i' Arrive 4t Plymouth next days by 6 p m.1 1 i Rich miles 13148 and back, twice a week to Jackson, and) six .MimM it wff k th mddiH ftlOl' t t6i, 1 .4 Leave VN ilOsmi: louwT a8d.ll hursday at Arrive at "'Jiickson Tuesday and Friday bjrr- Leave;. Jackson Wethiesduy ; arid Saturday . at 4 am: . v -. f Arrive t Windsor ? Monday and -" by 11 am; ; ' " ', . N Leave i Jackson daily, except BIK r -! i i vArrivekfil-Seaboartt Lyinrrn-r Tj t rf.T.r l , , 'Leave I , Seaboard ;d.-ujyl Vxceptf Sundavj at rkHia -requircu wiiii uia, i,ruo. i fSliO From Plymouth, by. -Lee's MjllsJ and Scup- I ' Dernoiisr. to Columbia. miles and bat i-k' tit s : three times a week; " m : . ' , Leave : Plymouth TOeedayThiirsiluy, and i Sat nrday at 7 a m; i i .: , jvrrwe ai vvoiuraoia uv u mi ' Lave, Colombia Monday. Wednesday, and Arrive at Plymouth by 6pm;. I-.i.Bond required with bid, $00. 3150 From Winfall. by Belvidere. Wardville. and i-t, Smairs eross Roads, to Holly Wharf. 20 t .. milea and back, three times a week Leave ; Winfall Monday, Wednesday, and T- Arri.e at Holly's Wharf by 12 ni; ; r, Leave Mollj-a Wharf Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 pm: -. r. . :. 1 . ... i Arriye.at Windfall by ,7 pm;.. 4 !r Bond required with bid, $600. J 13131 From' Harreirs Wharf, by Harrellsville. to tr Pitch Landing, ,12 miles and yack,:oupe a '2 Leave HarrelTs Wharf Wednesday at 8 a tnf ! t .utrtve ai riicn ianaing.pyi3S m, : .'Leaver Pitch Landing Wednesdiiy at 1 p ni; . Arrive at Harreirs VVbarf bv 5 p m. '1 Bond required with bid, $200.1, r " 3152 From Columbia ; to , Fort Lending, 20 miles ana oaca, once a weea. , , . .r,tf ,i I Leave Columbia Monday at 1 p m; . ' Arrive at Fort Landing by 5 p to; ; Lea ve.Fort Landing Jonday at 7 axa; , -. Arrive at Columbia by 12 m. ' ' ' -" ' ' j -MH n 'Bond required with bid; $200. P 13153 From Columbia' to 'Gum Nick,' 18 miles and back, once a.Week.- f-T- . '! - . . Leave Columbia Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive.at Gum Neck by 13 m . i i I 'Leave Gum Neck Saturday at lb m; " -avava a a a vvjuuivin wj v L aja, .1 vi! Bond required with bid, $2001 i: . i i.i 13154 From Eden'on; by .Hertford. Winfa ill d' l'i v I ' Wooilville. Elizabeth City. Ship Yard ti.l ' South "Mills.' Lake Dm tnmond Va.,) Deep ureeK, ana r-nsmoutn, tojxorronc, Ti) miles and Imck, three times a "week to- Elizabeth City, and six times a week the residue. ; ) Leave-Eden ton. Tuesday. TUJUrsday. and f-r (: Saturday at 6 am; " Tr JT I; Arrive at Eli&ibeth City by 3 p tii; j. Leave Elizabeth City Monday,' iWednesday, aud Friday at 6 ,a m; :' , 711 f Arrive at Edenton by 3 pm. , nf Leave Ellzabelb City daily, except Sunday, Arrive at Norfolk by 5 p m; ?H 1 0 1 , Leave Norfolk after arrival Of" Baltimore 1. boat say 8 am;. .. r j ., Arrive.at Elizabeth City by 6 pkol ; 5ond required with bid, $3,100 13155 From Elizabeth ty, ' by Csirhden. Shiloh, vurnincK u, h jiaztKK; xsortniw.est land ing (Va.,) and.ndian Creek, to Great Bridge 64 miles and" hack, once a' week. i Leave Elizabeth City Thnraday at 7 a m;. r : 1 1 i Arrive at Great Bridge nexlt dayj by 5 ptaf 1 ii . Leave' Great Bridge Saturday at 7 m: . i Arrlva W.nm V.lt. . f 4 Wt V. S.4 l.n K ,,r Bpnd required with bidf $7Wl 1 J , i Vi;i-ij1'. : ' - 'i :' " - 13156 From .Elizabeth CuVto Mantoo- 50 milea anq ,Dic, nee a week,' R fJ v i h v a ' w ; i toy at nr 1 . . .' ' in Arrive "at- Elizabeth iCIiy;. next) day by 11, am.. v Bond required with bid, $600. 4i1r.'tie- uipci,. to HatterasTd -miles and back, ''K':..'108 liiweeknf,l.;',T . 4?"!,''!'r ' ' ,;( . Leavg jManteaundaJ)aiO a n;i.t V-4 Arrive al Hntterns next day by 6 p m;' Leave Uatteras Tuesday At, 6 a ai; , - i )r v Arrive t Miinteo' next day by 5 p m; ; " Bond reouired with bid.'800i i 13.581 FrotnjTAIariteo:; Jorhfe, Lnke 25-! guiles and j.4'1 back, once a week. 1; f -7,f Leave lanteo Jotday at 8Ta m; r ku ?f I Arrive af The IakehexJ day by la m; .5 v . Leve;Tbe Laket Tuesday at 2 p mj : . Arrive at Manteo next day by-6 p nj; Bond Beqaired-wkh-jbid $300- 1 f Ar-v .1'' ' i i' ' T 13159 From South 51111 4o Rosednle. 8 miles and V. sti backtwicoa week' 1 ifc "i ' I it Leave South Mills Tuesday and- Thurday at l Da rriFeai osaaia nv a m- ' 13160 From Currituck C Hi; by Cbirijpcfc. Poplar - Branch, and - Jarrisburgb, to California, 30 imiles and back, once a' week: - -f ' ! Leaye. Curritack C, W,' Friday at am: Arrive ai usuiurnui uva buk 1 Wi6i 'From Wood ville to1 DurnnV Neck, 6 miles . at)d back, .qnce A-week. ;f ,(tt '-J Leave1 Wobdville.Thui-day it 8 Jmj - ? Arrive iit Duranvs rNeck by 1Q a m;- ; , jLeav-Durant's Neck. Thursday at 11 am? Arrive at t uonio oy i pm. b ;m r Bond reqmred with diot,v$ow; FWin Windsor, by Lewisfoa, Koyobel, ..''. TSaoare, ; ahd Jackson; to Seaboard, 61 1 T 7 " Leave 'Elizabeth pijy Friday at 2 p- m; Arrive at Manteo next day by 6 p m; Leave MeUleo-Thursday at' A a ih: " i '10 a ni;''J ' 1 f : 1 ' i ." , ;13181 From;) eaksville,Lby Ridseway and Mayo w e"0Arriyeatth illllsby:2;kff :J I L Eor& to- Ptnn'sStore (Va.,) 28 mjlesand . iv4 ntrnA rih nA; i tn R ack; twiie A week. iv r 1 1 . r A 1 ct. ' ' . ... . .. - . . S ' I ' i ' I lSltSS irrnm lintAOVi IIa tn natM'nrornr H mllM bn1 I WW 'I a'f back.'tbreeOmesfa. weekr ijcsrTM 1f Mp' -.XJ Leave Gattss,'t Ferry Monday, Wednesday' auu crtusv at, d nu i ! ti Arrive at Gatesville by 5 p m; f. jtiona Tequirea wiut oia, f idu. 13163: From Gatesvine to Sanbarr. 12miles - i.fi l, 1 . r - t i - . .5. f ,.; . -t 1. t i:.- mrBZ.1 ' 'r 2 a and I DaCkJ-ttpIce a week. ' J''.'JLI- J'l I . o i ijeava GatfesvIIIe Mondav and Friday at 2 n m - Arriva at Sunbury bypjni-, . , IvrfSunbary MondayaFriday5 fijriYQU QatesvlUe by 10-.30; aim; "Rnnir ranniroA milk KM Q(Vt 13164; FronGatev01e,Tpy IBucWand, to Reynq son, 11 milea and back; once at week. .ueave Mieavuie x fiuay at .,m; Arrlvi at Reynoldson by'5ytn; LeaVe.Reyooldson Friday at 8"a m; Arrive at Gatesville by 11 a m. ,ii BondT required -iritl bid, $100, i - cot f 13 165 invnrrt KWi-rAiV irVA V hV viivwi Rrtiro nub 4- som UUl,; Currituck Cw4i (N. C), Knott's iBl40df and iuijock to i'oplar Branch 75 roues au packtwice-a W4peK, py tcamboat, Leave Norfolk . Monday ar.d Thursday Arrlvo At Pdnlai Branch byi5 p m: 1 Mi Leave Poplar Branch , Tuesday and , Friday at 5 allTU i iiiUil J S'0'l i - 2 it i ; mo ain;- 4 r) Arrive at Norfolk by!5:30 p nc 13166 From Morfrecflborbugh,'a iBoykin's Depot - - v (I ty-)rl4 Pities and back, six tones weekU. dayi'ai.6.a-m;!;;,-u -V"" '" I . 0 1 Arrite at Boyklh's Depot by 830 a m; t J Leave . Boyktn,s Depot daily,. exceptf Sun Miil.fHII'Jtar:,atE:B&1nti,tf. " r i i d;Nii j'Amvoat aiurjreesuuruugu oj p in.' . .1 , .J- I Tlnn1 nwinirMl with hiH '. ! 131671 FromiMuTfreesboroitglii by j Wheelersville, , -f PotecasL Wood landJ and r Saint John ; fc to 4 ' T Trt-arJ-,ivl OO ait " 1ao on1 fitiilr r.no Vaolr ,lkVAVyvl W. tXf a (Sftu. VWVia jtj v w- ('--i4Arriveat Murireesborobghby 4 pttu A H n.ifi i IMuoareqturwiwiiiiiJi ftfuw i .j 18168 Fron TSnfield,1 by SfcAtlahd Neck, Palmyfa, I and Roanoke, to:-. Hamilton, ixo miles hflr . ihron HiTWa a.. WPftk .. , t... I :m it J fc.ts Leave Eiifitdd Tuesdayi Thnrsaay, and TT' OH 'A'iitu; nmlitAn hvT n'rn i ua a. I im w aaai a a ill. ... m . MHn III 11 t tn.. ' ' mj lire ca uauuivtu, a v i- aa . : r Leave Hamilton Monday, Wednesday, and 10I n rtiday at pa- ms .vn?' ; ;n n i ..;; i .-lAvriveat Enfield by 1 p nj:4- :f esday 1 Arrivej'at iEnheld by6 p m. .Bi)ud.roquirtd . wiUt-bid, Frm felleizhT y Flgleti? 13170 ,3Ioore's Mi Wakefield. " and StanTiope, to Wilson, miles and buckrTwu;e a! week tQ Eiigle Rocik, nnt onceerAteck the residue - tk?.' ; f hfM '-' XieajHrmieigu ijiouuay misufMi-j I' - ! - ' ( U . Vo ,rl Ti. I,. (Thmv ailllQ 4 44AW ' ' J " "J J Leave E-igle lto:k Friday at a ui; Arrive at Wilsuir by 7 p m; Leave Wibon SRttmlay nt famf Arrivo at F.mitIp Tif.lt 7 n m : . r- i Leave Eagle Rock -Monday and Thursday at 8 a m; ' ' ' ' I . '.'! ." . Arrive kt Italefgh by 12 m. Bond required witb bid, $600. r '- 13171 From -Raleigh, by Hay's Ii Store, Kelvin i fimvo' lkvtm KisliHam. StVllle. KOUOd f t " ! Hill,1 Red Mountain, and Mount Tirzah.ito i ' eiRoxboro: 52 miles and batk, once a weekj lr- Leave Ralejeh Wedresday at p m; Arnye avitoxBerpugnJiexi aay.ny (piuj Leave uoxborougn i uesaay at o a m; Arrive at Raleigh next day by 12 m. BOnd requiied with bid, $500. 13132 ' From ..Raleigh by Banks, MyAU'i tore I, , 1 JJarciayBViiie, ana ,AveiysDosoagn, w sui r f " Vtifn. '45 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kaleigh Thursday at 6 a xn Arrive at ElevAliOn next dny by 10 a m; Leave- Elevation Fnday at 12 m; ; Arrive at Raleicb next dav by 3 p m . Jft i Bond reouired With bid. 5W. From Forestiille, by. NewjUght, 81ab Town, Wilton. Brubkville. and Fairport, to Oxford. tn f t Vi l"S r--n i --i ... r ... - ' r ' ' 13173 , 39 .miles and back, once aweek- r pr.f: t : Ieave Forestville f Wedne,9dayf at 6 am; a m- ui i r Arrive at Oxford bV 7 p m; . , V i4 iirford 'riiursduv at oa nv ,a lAxnve at eorestvuie. oy t p uu r. - i ii 13174 From Franklinton ' td Lbulsburgn, 10 miles r , and' back.? wx times. a weelc-i 'f -k Leave Franklintou doiJy, except Sunday, at 3 p m; lJ Arrive at Louisbargh by 6 p m: r ... 1 Leave Louisburh daily, except SundayJ iat I r iT-amirHiD :m?-ii.-.:t. iv:a, 1. 'i ft 1 . .' . , .f ., ArnYBW .cranaiinton in Vime w cuuinjuv I' ' it 1. m.i, 1 rrnir nnpl lia v K t O m nJ,U UAUI gj 1 4A4 M ryJ J V '-A' Bopq lequirea with bid, f ouUw - - t i T 1 i- - " I ahd t oacK. six times a weeie 1 .? -4 a .. il,- rt ' r - r , 1 . . ci i . . 2p'xn; ,. " ' ; ' . X J ! , Wpt lArrive at Oxford "byonm; 4 Hi 1 Leave! Oxford daily! except v8unday, . at ' j -"Arrive at Henderson by i 1 Bond required wit,h bid. 11.30 m.r 13176 From :Oxf0rd,f by Tallyhot aod Dutch vi lie 1 ' to Knap of Reeds, 23 . miles und buck, twicC '1 Leave Oxford Tuesdayahd.Frldayl at 8 a in; JAfrivd at' ELnap-of-Roeds by 4 p in;1 Leave; Knap-of-Reeds Wednesday andj ,.!?. -urdajlatiB'it m;j HiUztf ... irf-'i IT Sat-: Arrive at-Fxford by -4 P m. sr. r- ' Bond required with bid, $300. , 13177' From Oifofd.vby Sassafras Forki Browns !i ville, Young'ft Cross Roads, Bifehrfnan,! and Ii ' r Oak ijili,-to,Qxf eqiial to niles ahd : ?' back,'twice a week, I"' V i .iit.'LeaVdxfbrd Tdesday and FridiiyTtt 6 a n; : .Arrive at Oiford 'next days ? by Op xn. j Bond required with bid, $600., ,r j , 13178 Tromf Oxford'to 1 Bereai ; l6 miles and hack, U'.epibUeea;'week ?'''-''' 1'f . ; ?! jsLeaye; Oxford Saturday it I p m; fT p- t- aa v f 4-.a vpr vtiu v c AU a ' Xave Bei ea . by 4 :p nl j Arrive (ii. vjLiyru fy. i in., Bond required with' bid, $100. It 13179'F'om Manioit. byi Townesvflletdltcfiirii ojHV'ille!(yA-f,)f25 miles anW.bactf, tbreel times a ' .Leaver Mansoq Monday, Wednesday, and - X i Arrive at Clarksvtlie oy Sp m; "f j.i - j Leave! CJarktfville -? Tdesday Thvr3ay. 5 Arrive at Man son by 2 p m. -J . Bond requ.ir.td with bid, , sf yj(;n1iundred j . .Odollara x u ii vr v-. i j MJoyi 3l80 -Fpto RMgeVay, by Palmer's Spring W&j j T t.,iun&4T 4 Animatty f ancl Meurv 'i : ittpun t,f " Iiidgeway, equal' to , 17 miles and back, on to once . Leave Ridgeway Saturday at ? p.m.i. 'liArrive-af liiHgewny by ,7.m. y "-K .. Bond required with bid, twp, hundred dol lars, e ,;;Leavc Leaksville (Wednesday and. Saturday Arrive atPenn s Store bv 9 nm.- 1 I ; tit 'I Leave Penn's Store Wednesday 4nd 1 &tur- !- day t-4 a xo;?H r.jnsMl --ut y-h - r ii.:. j y Amve at LeakSVUle by 12 nC 'r r f J r ,Bond required with, Wd; xjinndred dol- .-.-Ij HV f! 1 1 -US t"-i8pt-:l ? v 3182 From Littleton, by .Areola,- to Ransom's s ju'. JBridge; 21 miles and back, once a week.' Leave Littleton Saturday at 6 a th'e t ' ., Arrive at Ransom4 Bripge, by 12,ipj X 1 ?t LeaVe Ranspm's Brjdge .trday ,at X p mi v Arrive-af Lfttleton bvPm..' 1 !, 1 ;ir BbnAi-eguired fwitB bid,8 throe" hundred , dollars y.l eri,.v'-i,f S.r 'jirr Murfreesborongh Thursday ateafajjjr , .?affliL"WL" on? -t. UrriveRoxobelby4iViij J P ,r ;i TVaViii, ."1. m f T,,n, 13169" From -Eoflejf, y.HeathsviIIevIfiinkleyvHle, Thursday. . -njRingwoudto Enfleld, equal to 16 mi es i 1 : -: ! land liarl.'hnre'ft ti'eekJ I- Y" I" 1.. Sunday, at 1 ,!.. -!-t.1l.- va taL k;2 ir I ; - . - " i I If M ArfCUW Alfll lie IU X Ut!?uai v JJ, . J U- ill' f . Set ..' 1 1 - - iai o. - r - - f --j -. . ..- .-.j?- .r and Saint A ta a FronJ ravetteville.-bv 'Roslin i Paul's, to Lnmberton.f 83 milea and back, . Leave Fayettville jdaHy, except i .... . Sunday, at ' Arrive at Lnmberton next days by 1130- a in; w Leave Lumberton daily, except eunaay at Arrive at'FayetteviUe bv 11 n m -. -! 4-i T J . r 1 ? . Ltj 3 nine hundred doUari j; ? ". I j f,, 13184 From Fnyetteville, by Blocker's, Dismal, , r and, back, twice a week . to Clinton, and aix i'timeS a week the residue, U-., 1 -i - -1 TaIt ITBVOtteTillA TllMilav an-l VrlHi a Leave Fayetteville Tnestlay and Arrive at Clinton try o n-we a- nri Leave Clinton ; Monday and Thursdayj at6 Arrtr a Wo watfovilla T.r M n Leave Warsaw4 daily.1 except Sunda; f .69:p' jniiu:;.C'i;U-' Ij Arrive at Clinton by 7j! j .'11 uu nmti 4r Leave Clinton dally. except fiunay, at 6 VAX ta ta: vfl '.tiuo'l ! -tiB Klt.l - r , w i i J j Arrire at Warsaw by v.SO a m. 1 Bond requ'red with ."bid, .one thousand six hundred dollars.JL r- .1 V-1385 From Fayfettevllle, - by Afgyli, Inverness, Clark's rMiHa. . 56 miles and back, once a wees. z- f iLeave" Fayetteville Thursday, at 3 p m; ! Arrive at Clark's Mills by 6 P Oi: Hi Leave Clark's Mills Wednesdavat otmr ' "'i 'Bond required withi&id, jfivehundred dol , . ,,1 aEa.c;'.t..v-.' - T r f 13186:From Fiydtevilleby Ddndarrach, Antloch iiuLand iMelx4ise,:to. Shoe lleel;, 40 miles and ; back, once a week,! - 1 f , Leave Fayetteville Monday, at am; . ; . 'Arrive at Shoe lieel by y p i Leave Shoe Heel Tuesday at t 0 Arrive at Fayetteville by 8 p ".. ..A Bond rfiouirwl with bid. S400. ; '"'i t ti T ' i- fi if" f " .. 13187 , From Fayetteville by Little RiverAcAdemy. Jfl,'l..4 i.lj'J- : -14 Tr'-" A ' , i 1 . t ; . " a U.....II n u' q K.,,1. ahaa a I Arrive at Harnett a H. by.6 pjm: i Leave Harnett C. H. , Saturday at 7 am; ' Arrive at Fayetteville by 6 pm k .j vnK hv Vm ' j' Bona reqnlrec with pld, fW? h v .4 , Averysborough; 25 miles and Imck, once a f 7km; m1 week. ! - i " : . Utrv :'. iroti wees. -1 -!---., ji. Leave Fayetteville Thursday 11 Arrive at Averysborough py Leave. ' ' Arrive ty saai v v wa - ifc J . J-T-- ; Avervsborouarh Wednesday at 12 nt fer at Fayetfeville-Tliursday "by 9am.: i j Bond required with bid, $300. 13189 From Selma to Smithffeld, 4 miles and back; .v'-.J-Mrffines a week:!- f ' T'i ' ' ; .-. Leave Selma daily.except Sunday ,at 9.45 a m; j Arrive at smitnneia oy iu. a m; -; P Leave SmithSeld dailyexcept Sunday, it Arrive at Sejma by 8.3Q a mi : ' ' j uonu requireu wiiu w. j JLUlifV J4 rom rJ-umoerton. i dw jeesviue, oierung s lilla. end Brooklin, to Fair Bluff, 25 mile and back, once a week. . 1 i j Leave Liimberton Friday at 7 a, m; j Arrive at Fair Bluff by 6 pj m; 1 ' Jeave .air lilutt saturaay at i a m; t rrive at Lumberton by 5 p m.. I Bond required with bid 200 dollars. ' 13191; "From Shoe peel,' by! Montpelier, to Edin- borough, 20 miles ana packj once a wsek. s Leave Shoe Heel Wednesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Edinborough by 12 m; - -Leave Edinborough Wednesday at 1 p m; Arrive at Shoe Heel by 7 p in. f t J ' Bond required with bid, 200 dollars. ; 13192 From Clinton, by r Newton 'ji Grove, Black man's Mills. Drauehon's tMore, ana uiod'S Cross Roads, to. Averviboroueh. and back by T Beaman 'a Roads, to Clinton, 374 miles and PacaTonce a wefc ' Ii ; Leave Clinton Wednesday at 6 a m; a a A 'a . .. . j Arrive as verysoorougn uropm; j f ?-" lieai ve Averysborough Thursday at (am: i . Arrire at Clinton by 8 p nxf - ' Bond required wun bid, 'dollars. 13193 From Jonesborough, by Morristown, drain's : i"a-'.. Poftl.. rr i 'opiu.'s ii Tkf i 11- Rmvni'a m4VA, vm luogv, -ww 0 n wiw, jrv .,v Mills, MofLtt'a Milts, Kemp's Mills, Asbbor pugb. Brown's Cross Roads, New Market,' and Bush Hill, to High Poiftf, 77 miles and .-..backwice.awees..",--t if Leave! Jonesborough Tuesday and Saturday at6am; r) j-' ';' ' ' i ; Arrive at High Point next days br 6 p m; ' Leave High Point Monday jand Thursday at -5am; ' ' ... i i ' ... l - i 1 Arrive at Jonesborough next days by earn. t Bond required with bid, 1,5U.1 r,l. t i : ' . n.l4 13194 From Jonesborough, by Harrington, Noryal. and Summerviile, to Harnett U. tl., 30 miles t. r - and back, once a TVeekL JiJh ." (' 1 " 4 Leave Jonesborougai Tuesday at am; j Arrive at Harnett 0, If. by 6 p m ; j sLeave Harnett C. H, Saturday at 7 a m ; .Arrive at Jonesborough by 2 pm.? fti';! ; ! VM Bond; required with bid, $300,' r i 13195 From Merry! Oaks,! hy Martha's Vineyard, : Chalk Level, and Knminernue. to Harnett u tr.. and back by Norval ahd . Glenaloon. tor:'.. Leave Durham's daily, except Sinday. At iiif MerrvOaks, equal to 27 miles and back, onceU u l week.M4---V'- '' J " " 1 ;' '-tT . 1 Leive Merry Oaks Friday 7 a m - Arrivp at .Harnett C. H. bjli 4 p m ; Leave Harnett C H. Saturday at 7 am; , ' s Arrive nt 3Ierry -Oaks by 4 pm,!; ' ' , . l iBond required with bid, $300. 1 13196 From Morrisville, by Green .Level and Grove, ' to Pitts borough, 28 miles and back once A .week.'. '.'vtt" ,Mi4i 'HM'4 l4" - Leave Morriiville -Friday at 8 a m; , Arrive at PittsboroughLby 4 p m ; " Leave' Pittsbofongh Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Mrtrripvilie by 3 pi m.., H Ai Bond required with bid. $300. 13197"FromTtiborough to Lockyille: . 'l . 4.'-ui. : i ,'. ..1 9 raijes and .'i .i , v,' Leave PiUsborongh daily, except Sunday, at meK. six umest a wecit "Arrive at Lockville by 6 ptb: 4 ,, v A -Leave Lockvilledaily. except Sunday, at 7 :'4i-;4''1-)''i-S:''J":f '"f ?: ' - Arrive ''At Pittsljorough by 10 p m. i I Bond required with bid, $400. r I -'" ' ' ' '. '( i T j II ' - il. ..." 13198 From PiUsnonmirb-.' by Beaumont; Ore Hill, ..BrnshiCreek; and Bffa Ford; .-to Momtt's , , Mills, 35 miles and back, once week ,- t. i ' 1 Leave TittsborbuSrii I Saturday at 6 a m ; t t'-AbiVe a Moffitf's Mills by 6 p ni ; , j Leave Moffltt's Mills Friday At6 a m; 4 iT i -Ja J ' 1 v ri i itiinMyuu;ii sy y J sis. ' 4 Bond required with bid, $400.. fi ft aaiim t UiflehnaAnMh' MM a v - t 13199 From: Putsboroue:h,'?iby' Pedlar's Hill, to hi r l FoTP1 nepot, 18 miles and back once a week: , f Leave Pitsborcni-h Thursday at o a m; Arrive nt Eg vpt Depot by 12 m; . . . - - ' v . m , . - mi . . 'i ljeave Kgypi uepoi? 1 nnrsuay ai 1 p m y Arriveat Piitsronsfli by 7p mJ 1 . Bond reanired with bid. 200 v rrot 300 Front Pittsboroueb, by Rlggsbee's ifftore, to Chapel,: Hill. .: 18,1 miles and back, once a I week, i- ..;-.''!.' " ifiw r.-i"' Lenve PittRboronh Tborsday at 2 n m: ; Arriva at Chapel HIU by 7 p m; xeave chapei Hill Friday at 7 A m; I j.. "Arrive at titt8iK)rongii bv lam j Bond required with bid.$200 , , . i -. .. - .j- .... . ..... . ; j- 13201 From Tittsl)orngh. by'Kimbbltoa, to Saint t .. , s..Lawrence, 14 nn 'es and back, once A week. ' .- 1 Jieave nnsoorougn Jfnoay at 1 p mj , J , j;Si Arrive kt Sain Lawrence by 5 pm: 1 ' Leave Saint Lawrence Friday at 8 a xn: ? jciArrive at Pittsboroogh by tZ-xaJ f-i j j Bond required with bid, $100.! i n ,V 13202: From Carthage. ?ly ' Cntriersyine. ' Clark's i -; v. Mills, Sulphur Springs; Pekin, Mount Gil- I !,,ead, and; Edinborough, , jto Norwood, 51 i , 1 miles' and back, once ft VvcelCa ;p " -V..-:.-Leare Carthaff-e Thursday at 6 am: ; C-iC -.. v.iAnive at Norwood next day by 10 A m; .Leave Norwood Friday at 11 a rati rt ?:il4iArrive At Carthage next day by7p m. t-- V ii Bond required with bid; $50ft - IS-bS1 From'Carthagelhy Branch, to Pedlar's HilL ( m luues auu until, uiica(wee, .. " Leave Carthage Wednesday At 8 A to;; , 4 u Arrive at Pedlar's Hill by 6 p m'j'vJ Leave Pedlar's Hill Thursday at 8 a m: .1 of, n.- 1 - . 'I f , Arrive at Carthage by 6 p m. ..: ? IMIill Mnftliil with ?nri j JS204 From Carthage, by Fairhaven1, to I . av 1 & AMua ha alki III! 25 milea and back, once aVwbek, v ...j Leave Carthage Friday at 8 ata; " i irrlTitDn mil hr fi n tffi 1.00 J 4 tm on, nil! RatnrdkV at 8 a tot rrive at Carthage by p jn l vvx i Boad required with bid, SOQjJollara. 1.1 av.Xl' 13205 From Reed Creek, by ijuffaJor Ford, Foust's - 1 -aa a nit. "aSTtSSj TTJt 11 . ara-.l TTl i iiiltT alius, uoie s jixiiia, rinivn-, iiu(a..;i and Mooshaunee, to uartnaget nuiea auu " back,once a week.' " ' L "X leave Reed Creek Friday at 7;a m; . Arrive at Carthage by 6 p m; L Leave Carthage baturoay at t a ne R L Arrive at Reed Creek by 6 rrive it Reed Creek by 9 p m. Bond required with bid, . $300. I iS2un From 'I rov. or '4-JUaeedoma ana C'aieaDilia.iM miies ana uaca. once a week. ' ,v, fi5CI Leave Troy .Wednesday at 6 " i ArHre at Carthare bvOBia ir n Leave Carthage fhorsday at 6 mj Arrive at Troy by ft p m. v. , . . i 13207; From Troy' iry Htrnsttckert etort' and Au- man's Mia to llrower-a muca vw Arrive at Brower'aMilis by 6,P m; ; Leave Browexa Mills Tuesday. 6 a : '. Arrive at 'iroy oy p nv , r .-t ; r 13ond reqwre4 with Wd, $3k ' 13208 From Bostfck'i Mills, by OapelTs Mlllsul r phur Bpringt . Macedonia, Ridge's Creek, I" - - RneQrove and Bauer's Ford; to Troy, 80 miles and beck, twice a weeki. Leave-Bostick's. Mills Tueaday and Bator- day at 1 m; . .r pcr.-y iAiriveat Troy. by 4 pm;'-.. . 1 5 Leave Troy Monday anarnoay at I Arrive at Bostick's Mills by 4 m. 8 am; , ;kBond required ?m fif 13209 From Bostick's Mills, by . Covington, Pow- , elton. Little's Mills4 Mangum, Mount uiieao, L' Montgomery, and Swift Island V Albemarle, ' ! 41t miles and back, twice a week, -Leave Bostick's Mills s Tuesday land Satur- ,1 day atl2m;, r.r, .i) Arrive at AJDemarJO ay4ana jmaay by ,13,: by .12 m: - ' . t -. . . . r . . . 1 . f Leave Albemarle ' Tueadar and Friday ai 'Arrive Ive At BostlckV Mills Monday andTri- lbrl2tn.v,J'i lJilu i'iii-,' J dav.bv 13210-From HiUsboropgh, by HoxdVtMTlla. Rox borough': Woodktale, Harmony (Va.), and Black Walnut, to South Boston Depot. 49 miles and back, twice a week r. Black Wal- nut, and six times a week the residue. .'Leave Hillsborough Monday and Thursday ; at 6 am;. : .. j - " 'J"'"'" A v Arrive at Sooth Boston iDebot next days Leave South Boston Depot TieAlayand Friday at 2 p m; .v ui ,U:t . "Arrive at Hillsborongh next day? by fl p m; Leave Booth Boston Depbt daily, except ' Sunday, atT a nc;-' 4 ' J' l Arrire at Black Walnut' by 8:80 f tn; . Leave Black. W alnut dai(y, except Sonday, 'atllam; . . T Arrive at Sohth Ubston Depot by T. p m. .lu t. i Bond required with bid, $000- 13211 From Hirisbdrongh; by1 Rock Sprlnf , Oakav Saxapahaw, and Clover Orchard, to JBaow 1 J Camp, 24 miles and back, twice , a week to V ! " Oaks, and once a week, the residue. Leave Hillsborough Monday aod Thoraday -: , at 2 pm; -: :.".- ,v . i-.. Ji.v-t Arrive at Oaks by EL80 p xn; :2 iA ' . Leave Oaks Friday at 7 a mj (; ;.t vi 1 ' Arrive at Snow Camp by 12 nc-1 . : Leave 8now Camp Friday at 1 pm; x Arrive at Oaks by 6 p m; ' ; ' a . . v Leave Oaks Monday, and Thuwiai,Ail ?:Uisin:-": v' ....T:-- '-Vi -"-&ti , , Arrive at UUtaboro by 1130 a utt ' ' 1 '". - I Bond required with W, $300, r 13212-From Hillsborough, "by Cedar Gfove, Prot- I p:t Hill, Ridaewilt, Pea IUdeand Ijeas- ourgn. to Jiiuion, on nuia anv w, i"iw a :ftreek.- '-"'"' r" " J n Z :...Xeave nillsborougli Monday ind'lursday at 7 a m- r j- Arriye at Milton by 7 p m: -jJi' i. Leave Milton Tuesday and Friday at 6 a Arrive at liiHsborouga by 7pm; jBond required with bidj $400, , r C S e 1 13213 From Cannlngham'f Store to Wood lawn, 4 miles and back, once a week. . ' ' Leave Cunuingharu's Slore Wednesday at 5,r Jl am; 1 ; "' " ' ; Arr.ve at Wood lawn by 12 m;' n ' Leave Woodlawa Wednesday at X p Jn; r Arrive at Cnnningham's Store by $ p m; 1 1 -Bond required, with bid, $100. 13214. from f)urhain'si by Orange Fatrtoryt Itound Hilli Flat lbver, ana itea Mountain, io I ... sooth LowelL . 87 . miles and backi of I t'-jAi iiwek'k' r- " Leave Durham' Wednesday at 7 A tnc - :: i Arrive at South Lowell by 4 p tn? ' . Leave South Lowell Thursday atl a m; . Arrive At Durham's by 4 p m. ' , 1 '. r Botidjequired wilhbia, $300. in 1 1 - '' - 13215 From Durham's by Patterson's Mill, to Cbapel mill 12 miles and back, six time f....O ftlTWi, !' V. 'I i. !,.'. (. ill 1 I I I 6:30atn; ' ' : Arrive at Chapel Hill by 10 a m;1 J- v ,. Leave Chapel Hill, dally, except Bon day, at si , r.pm; : t . ,-.f (.,.,-..-;-.;. o7; -ki 1 C J - Bond required with bid, $30CL, f . 13216 From, Chapel Hill by . IHalto, .Rlggsbee'A ' ; Store, Bellevolr, Snipe's Store, and White in 1 r.mn tn Chnrtnl TTnL nnal tn 30. mllna and -'back, ohoe a week. - i " 1 Leave Chapel Hill Saturday at fi A B; n o f- r ' -Anive at Chapel 0111 by 8 P m. : , , J" 4 l .vaBondreqttird with bid, 'laOOLj1 13217 From Iieashureli. . Hester's Stoie. Win- : stead. Bushy Fork, Long's Cross Roads, and Van Hook's Store, to IloxborQugh, 19 miks 'and back, once a week- j in t.-rin. -Leave Leasburgh Saturday atjl p JO; 'Arrive at Roxborough by 8 p rnr , , Leave Roxboronh Saturday at 8 Ain; . Arrive at Leasburgh by 12 mi" . . . Bondrequired frith laid, $200.' i ; 13218 From Roxborough, by Allensville, to (?fatpf -5 ' , Grove, 13 miles and back, once a week, -:. ! Leave Roxborongh Saturday at 8 A tn; - ,- Arrive at Center Grove by 13 ; ' . . (i t Leave Center Grove Saturday at 1 p' mj , ' , Arrive at Roxborough by 6 p Di-,1 0 iu. p Bond Tequired with bid, $200.,,, 13219 From Milton, by Delila, to Whit lock (Vi), n ' 9 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Milton daily, except Ann day. At 8 am: "s AjTiveatWWtiock by&30Avrt' i Leave Whittock daily, except Sunday, at f 2:30 pm; - - Jt ..V Arrive at MHton fer6pn.U uu Ci . ;.t: j I Jond inquired with bid,.$50(k..f.a 13220 From Mebaneville to Pleasant GrovAT mika i r,-. ,nd back, oncAAweek.' AA-m.'l vi . ' ' . Leave Mebaneville Wednesday at 1 p nc ' ,ir'Arrive at Pleasant Grove by 8:15 p v Leave Pleasant Grove Wednesday at &30 A ttt '-';-) Arrive at Mebaneville by 11 Am; " . .Bond required with bid; $100. A 18221 From MebaneviHo to MeUrtne, 6' cJlef And i Leave Mebaneville Satarday kCXi a m i Arrive At Melville by lpnj ; ; Leave Melville SattrrdayatS a mi I fecrtl -- -Arrive at Mebaneville by 10 a nTj ;i i . i .Bond rUfed wlOt Wd, 10a.,A:lJi ,v 13222 From Graham by Curtis' Mills, Rbck Creek. I S iatr8on 8tor Long's MUls, Troy's Store! , j Sandy Creek; Soapstone Mount, Reed Creek. X - ..and Franklipvine, to Ash borough, 43 i milea and back, once a week. . Leave Graham WednesdAy at7 aka;' Arrive at Ashborongh next day byll a tn; Leave Ashborongh' Thursday atl pnj t - ; Arrive at Graham next day by 8 p m.r r. r . f Bond tQlred ir toSffSto . 13223 !Fron COthpany's Shopa, hy BIj Falls, Ifo- VTsy s Btore Anderson's oiora, xanceyville, J..and Parley, to Danville, (VA J 44 miles and back; twice a week. ' Leave Company's Shops Tuesday and Triday I; at ram; : . , -i . s - Arrive at uanvwe oy 7 p m; - J Leave Danville TTe'ns'dy and 8at'day at 7 am. Arrive at Mpauj- ooopa dv r p in. Bond reqoiryd with bid, 800 dolknL ! r : : j . v.J v 8 UoDtl required with bid,$3Ca ' "7 . 4 '-"' "'"' - " ; 4-1 ' , : I : -.cote fiJ Iiit - 2tq t- r i 5ri'.i'i( la vinA. .a I.'ro. lift.'. 5 71 A: t

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