CH ARLOTTE GROCERY AB PROVISION M A. IT IT E T. Closely Revised and Corrected Weekly By & I. SILLER & MS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —AND— WHOLESALE GROCERS, COLLEGE AND FOURTH STREETS. GOLD, 115 COTTON— Ordinary, 9@12 Low Middling, 15«14A Middling, 17A@18 Brem, Brown & Co.,' ■ GHARLOTTE, N. 0., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Importers of Hardware and Cutlery 0W GOODS WHITE ODO# • AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Hats, Hoots, Shoes, House- Hurnishiuff Goods, &c. OUR Wholesale Hardware Store, which is separate from our Dry Goods Store (beisgsituated in a differ ent portion of the city) is the largest in the State. In our Dry Goods Store we have a separate and distinct department for wholesaling, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, and Yankeo Notions. Our Retail stock of Dry Goods is un limited in size and assortment, and hav ing a Ladies' Department we Emke a specialty of Ladies’ Goods: Slav MX 187$.—1m. EAST SIDE TRADE STREET, [Over Coit & Suggs,] CHARLOTTE, N. C. -—0 This old established House is new better prepared than ever to do work promptly, and in the highest style of he art. Cards, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Circulars, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Schedules,. Notes. Freight Bill’s, Checks, Statements, Tickets, Handbills Dodgers, Programmes, Labels,. Pamphlets, And Every Description of Jeb Priming Neatly and expeditiously executed, at living prices, and in a style unsurpassed by any house in the United ,’States. THE BEST 21A TERIAL USED ' SA TISFA CT10H 6 UARAFTEED To. regular, prompt-paying city cus tomers, work will be delivered and bills collected at end of current month, but ALL TRANSIENT WORK MUST Bt PAID FOR ON DELIVERY, Positively w deviation from this rule. Brooklyn Life Insurance Co. 380 IBKO-ATyW^UV- ^. ^ Assets, $2,c00,cco Christian W. Bouk, President. William M. Cole, Secretary, j Daniel Ayers, >>k D., L. L? D., Medical ! Examiner. •D. P. Eackles, Consulting Actuary, i The Company which first guaranteed 1 a definite CASH SURRENDER VA LUE j in case a Policy’ is forfeited for uon-pay- ! merit of Premium. ’ j AG-EM'TS W^jS! TE13. 1 Apply to A. W. LAWRENCE, State Agent, Raleigh, N.G. [ ARRANGE FOR EVERYBODY TO GET VALUABLE PREMIUMS. SEWING OCHRES FREE I The Publisher of OUR WEEKLY will give away, in Premiums to Subscri bers, one-fourth of all money received for subscription to the paper; and in order to give all Subscribers a fair and equal chance to receive Premiums, hat adopted the follow ing ; Plan for Distributing Premiums I The name and value of each Premium I is printed on cards, and these cards (one j hundred in number) are placed in en velopes and sealed. Then four hundred blank cards, of the same size and quality are placed in similar envelopes and sealed. The one hundred Premium en velopes and the four hundred blanks are then placed in a box together and' thoroughly mixed. "When a subscrip tion is received, an envelope is draw;, from the box and given or sent to the subscriber, with the subscription receipt If the envelope contains a blank card, the subscriber will receive no premium- but if it contains a printed one, he will recieve the premium named thereon, at the Distribution of Premiums, which will take place as soon as all the five hun dred envelopes are drawn out. The names of subscribers and number of en velopes remaining in premium box will be published each week, so that all may- know when the five hundred are made . up. By the above plan it will be seen that all have a fair and equal chance to get a premium, and that there is one premium in every’ five envelopes- Our Cash Premiums are in sums of one, two, five, ten and twenty dollars in Greenbacks, with from two to ten Prem iums of each denomination. All other Premiums consist, of useful articles, suck as Serving Machines, Bleached Domestic, Pens, Paper and Envelopes, &c., Ac., ranging in value from twenty-five cents to twenty-five dollars. The Home Shut tle Sewing Machine is sold at the Sew ing Machine Emporium in this City for twenty-five dollars. These Machines are considered, by all who have used them; to be equal to any, and superior to many sixty dollar Machines. Every Machine we give as a Premium is war ranted nerv and in perfect running or der. All our Premiums, even those valued at only’ twenty-five cents, are serviceable, and all are valued at lowest cash prices. Nothing we offer can be bought at any store for less than we value it at. AVe give no brass jewelry, cheap pictures, or tra-.h of any* kind. This is no lottery scheme, but is a plan gotten up solely for the benefit ot ,om Subscribers, and for the purpose of increasing the Subscription Lists of OUR WEEKLY. Therefore, no Prem ium Envelopes will be sold to any ex cept actual. .Subscribers, and no name will be entered on our books until, tilt- subscription is paid, when a receipt and a Prcmiu'm Envelope will be given. Send in your names and money at One hundred out of every five 'hundred will be certain to get premiums, which is better than any lottery you ever tried, qr ever will try, And eyen those why get blanks will lose nothing, for wh are' sure they will consider OUR WEEKLY worth more than one dollar and fifty cents a year. Persons at a distance sniy seed mom; by Registered Letter, P. Q. Money Or der, or Express, at ou^ risk. WbeM'S.enP to any other way, it will’ke at the risk of the sender. J. O. II. N VLTALL, FAA.