r v i .in- I,. i., . s f i . 7 1 w -iff m A c . ;ftnja& , ! . A PAPER FOR EERY FIIIKSIDE. - ,- Tli,.: , .' ;. , ; .; . , j,,.-. ' j", ,j ; ; , 1 - , ; ; , !:;. j , , - - , - ,. - ; . ; ' : ' '. VOL II. CHARLOTTE- Nj C.,-SATURDAY, AUGUS1 30, 1873. NO. 22. . -i T " - " ' ' T?m'mmmm , , ; , , 4i , It is ike Prod-nce of J'oelry to hallow the xjihere in chich it moves, and breathe around it an odor more exquisite than the rose or the lily. i --'"' WEEP Original. i NOT FOR PAST. 1 ! THE BY SUK J. DICKSON. Weep not for the past the t cold dreary past; . T ' Weep not s.ul child, though' sorrow's Chill Mast, : : Hath shrouded in gloom, thy life's early ' path-; .. - ' " ' ". '.-';"' And over thee blown, -in' darkness find ... wrath. - , -iy Weep not for the pa:t the . star of thy . youth, :j - " Is glitterins in love.' hope, joy and truth ; Thoujrh sorrow's impre.s hath sat on . thy brov. . . . .. future of liirht'? a waiting thee now Weep notcist .from thee, the .grief, Widow. Hawkins' ITrials. BV . .VIOLET. Solomon ie;hiriid, ftliat' E1 was 1 n iikiug a loo I of him.self,- iroiiiir the imuihIs of the whulef 1 VT tun i. i 11 v 1 1 1 1 1 10 uiv'iuv 1 , 4vli-it slio het Kli wouhln't j ask tluit, ar Shaniblv wnrnaii to add Ikr fortv voars to liis'ii bufoil) lie - . m 1 1 1 . . .. wus'tlmmnh with it;' 1 I vomaii with. such a tefliper would nlako an uncomfortable wife. The widow groaned, hut Ehraim told her "not to be dis couraged; for he did not gi ve 'tip UI went fromtliere over to so. Bv Tiine o'clock Ephriam ar- ! rived, but .nothing' could be ifath eretl from Ids' face, and 'hcjTe-r fused to answer a single rnuK'ftion until he had his supper. They waited with what patience jheV could ; Mrs. Hawkins said, ! 'he alwavs ; was dreadful trying,jjiirfi j Sol-olilViTthVml i t E ph 4 Mr. Wh color's and I thpugbt ll woulil n't waste time in ci'inpli hients, so" when Sarah J uhc came t the door, I asked her at once ifshe'flil be kind -enough to an syer a few question and I told Ijer a good deal depended oii her answers, so I hoped she would II the truti:. ' At that she; got mad and called to her mother ,;ere is Eph Hawkins come tq take the census, and fiefs afraid Vll tell lies; yon had better; conie and answer him," and wwit sh' uld sh e do but ; 1 ea ve . , S iste r AVheeler came, and T said I think I ill call when JnitherXVlielq r Live tortue mture-.ne orient comm.- , U)mH Wuiz; 4om Jiiian- W inv's swpct bAlm. on their swift ! i'otltc- hyiii-win- : - j ! At last he seated himself by To find thy F.id heart, lone one, will tjlc broUd opeti fire-place, (and, theybrin. placing his feet upon the feu j- ? i commenced, 4I went over to . V. r 1 Snntrt! a and lound Ala havehown I " 1 . ,1 , . , .4.m- -1 : .4T,- ! hnrniiicr. so 1 tooK! ; nola morn. I' : helped her. 1 She said sbmotiing Oh Sister ! woep not for the years that aout n,y running away .trotiji her ; have led. Korour bs.st 1 ve I Friend v oli! they 'j der, the rthv auo ! frou-'rallv, but T didn't s take any cr fipsiii nonce o.thfvare living in Heaven's own ' about ii-ht; ; ; j And tread incr those Ktreeta which ever are bright . ' i of it. work Wc talked lover 1 xone filing fanirkeql ami ..t,fl finutlior. She Iauirheci- at i most evcrvihing,, but gavef. me ! some kind of an nnsvcr, uthtil I j asked lief, Martliy says I, what's vour ojiiioii about raising a jarge tamilv ? don't you think, it it's Weep not for the past, my ;Siser, and - Friend, ' -. 1 For alas ! full soon will thy slight f form bend, j " j r j the Lord's will, it , is bettei' to Full soon will the brow, grow payid, rivc a o;ood many ehildrefi to ano pne; ; iMrothir.- than to 1 Siave when I askel her mother as to And soon will thv htcp row fceblo and r; i - . . fp . . ! " i . 1 just two or three like yur ;- v Live for t!e futrre, its music, and mirth, Iv and mine ? Wftitrelv.it the short Iived-ehildr?n of ! 01, r, ;ilTrt'l po that WC ai'most 13 at nome; ami tnen jl leu. . Agai n the. widow groaned and accused her son of being more; "trying than ever before. Solo mon kept quiet for fear - of being excluded from the confidence of the family. 44Muher,"sail Eph raim, "don't find fault with : me, tor. I never, worked so hard to please you in my life as 1 have to-dav and I have gon'e accord ing to the light I had." v I know, s my son, liut you'll never marry now. O dear, ram so tired." . 4 Yes I shall ; I jid not lose' from couraire a bit, btit went there te Eden lEowe's.' ' x Doil't 3'ou tell mo Betsy IFowe is coming here to live on ' T,'8ho wasn't at home, and ami- earth Soon we'll be down 'mid the dust of the tomb, . ; lie hidden away, and lost in the rloom. i upset the churn; nd then snapped out, 4Eph Haw what dn von mean talking she Kins, like God, , So vhn theKe bodies fnd rest 'neath the M;d, Our soul may 'rise on the swift Avians of love, . . j ; To meet the lost ones in Heaven above. Let us live be happy trust in our ; iat to m0 ? don't yon cver;maro to speak to me again as -long as vou live." I tried to explain, but she wouldn't listen to a won I had to leave, and 1 ieit 'twas ordered just as 'twas, for a so glad Betsy's views, slie owned that 'Betsy hadn't aiy ; so that was settled of course, and I left word with her about some town; busi ness for Eden, and come away.' 'At John Read's I found quite a company. Yon know by the time I utit there 'twas in the at ternrton. - Weil, I felt ao tliank f(d; tor there was Ann Simpson, Abbey Cole and 'Nancy Fisher, besides the Road girls. Some how I didn't feel quite as ;clear in my mind as to the questions; ' when tliey were all latighiiig 1 round rne.' : . ; , 'Oh,V interupted Solomon, Uf ; t: IM onlv been -there.' I was bound to be serious with them, sp I asked them at once if tl ey didn't think a vo man ought to be willing to (lo the milkini; if her husband was a iarmeiand was called on town business. 'Of course,' said two or three of them. 'Do you want to hire a hand, Eph ? Take me, oh, take me ;' and they all ' huddled np around me until I was almost crazy-: I don't know how 1 should ever have got away from them, but T was tipping back in my chair and somehow it went over and I went my full- length upomtho dioor; Thcv all " 'com hU'iiced screauihg,',aha-1 sni'S.lr pose they thought I was h u rt, ion' they called to their father, and he came , running in. Says ho. 'Brother Hawkins, what is th matter, wha have you hecn do- ihs: to frighten these jirls so?" Says I, 'They can't be moiv ; friglitened than I am,- and if you will get. the chair mended, I will , settle' the bill. I wanted to talk ? with you about the school in our" district but I guess I will see you down to the corner some daV;' and I was corning away, . but mv hat had been mislaid "... , ' somehow, ami after a long search. Brother Bead lent rue his best one, and tho'-it was retty I arge ; I managed,, by wrapping my handkerchief around my head. . Becky Read was in the yard, and ; she said, lif she found my hat, she'd bring it over, and if I weren't at home she'd stay and do the milking.' I was going to lnive a little more talk with her, but I heard the other girls snickering and it unset me com- V "-.I- . -'-. pletely. . ; 'Oh, Ephriarn, the whole town will be laughing about you, D know.' '. ;U I 'Oh, no mother, there's lio oe- '; f ; t'- r l :3 . ; -1 . J J t- HI 1 it - 1 r 1 11 hi 1 ' . y'Y-.1 i ::';.-i ::;ji ; :n I "; - I . t Thoma.svit.lf, N. C. f

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