The Habit of Reading.—I have no time to read is the com mon complaint, and especially of women, whose occupations are such as to prevent continuous book perusal. They seem to think because they cannot devote as much attention to books as they are compelled to devote to their avocations, that they cannot read anything. But this is a great mis take. It isn’t the books we fin ish at a sitting which always do us the most good. Those we devour in the odd moments, half a dozen pages at a time, often give us more satisfaction, and are more thoroughly digested than those we make a particular effort to read. The men who have made their mark in the world have generally been the men who have in boy hood formed the habit of reading at every available moment, wheth er for five minutes or five hours. It is the habit of reading rather than the time at our command that holds us on the road of learn ing. Many of the most cultiva ted persons, whose- names have been famous as students, have given only two or three hours a day to their books. If we make use of spare minutes in the midst) of our work, and read a little, if| but a page or a paragraph, we 1 shall find our brains quickened! and our toil lightened by just so j much increased satisfaction as | the book gives us. Nothing helps i along the monotonous daily round i so much as fresh and striking! thoughts, to be considered while our hands are busy; A now idea! from a new volume is like oil which reduces the fraction of the machiney of life. What we re member from brief glimpses into books often serves as a stimulus to action, and becomes one of the most precious deposits in the treasury of our recollection. Al' knowledge is made up of small parts, which would seem insigni ficant in themselves, but which, taken together, are valuable wea- pons for the mind and substantial armor ft r the soul. ‘Read any thing continously, says Dr. John son, "and you will be learned.’ The odd minutes which we are inclined to waste, if carefully availed of for instruction, will, in the long run, make golden hours and golden days that we shall be ever thankful for; Tlii) lady who tapped her hus- Band^ently with it fan at a party the other night, and said “Love, its growing late, I think we had better go home,” is the same one who after getting home shook the rolling pin under his nose and siad, “you infernal old scoundrel you, if you ever look at that mean, nasty, calico-faced macka- rel-eyed thing that yo.ii' looked at to-uiget, I’ll bust your head wide Send us a new subscriber. Initial Paper. T WILL send, postpaid, one box of Ini 1 tial Paper, containing 24 sheets of Pacer and 24 Envelopes, as follows: Oue box ‘‘Favorite/' (white) 30 cts. One box “Norwood," (rose) 35 cts. One box “Florence,”(ass’ted) 40 cts. J. K. PUREFOY, apr5tf Charlotte, N. 0. ASTON PAUL, SHAVING & HAIR-CUTTING BOOK & JOB PRINTER, TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N, C. [Office over Coit & Suggs’ Store.] *** Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Circulars, Posters. Pamphlets, and every description of Job Printing, executed in the best style of the art, and at reasona ble prices. Parties at a distance, must send the money with the order. Otherwise the work will be sent C. 0. 13. When paid for in advance, work will be delivered by Express, Freight or mail, prepaid. Sept. 8, 1872.—29 tf Dealer in NO. 4, WEST TRADE STREET, [Opposite Brem, Brown & Co.’s Dry Goods Store,] CHARLOTTE, N. C. Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a full assortment of Furniture always on hand. May 17, 1873.—tf HE LADIES’ FRIEND. Beautiful New Premium Chro mo ! All know what this Magazine is—and that it contains the most admirable Sto ries, Engravings, Music, Fashion Arti cles, Patterns, Receipts, etc., But all do not know that its publishers are offering with it, “ LITTLE SAMUEL,” a beautiful Ch romo of the Child-Proph et, starting from his sleep at the call of the Lord, and which has the rich and glowing colors of a line oil painting, and a spiritual beauty all its own. This Chromo will be sent to every $2.50 sub scriber, and to every person sending a Club, and at special rates to every mem ber of a Club, SPLENDID PREMIUMS.—Sewing Machines, Plated Ware, Gold Chains and Wtaches, etc., will be sent to those who get up Lists at the $2.50 rate. Send for List and Terms of Premiums. A great offer! Five serials are announced for next year—The Master of Greylands, by Mrs. Wood, author of Hast Lynne; and also serials by Miss Muzzey, Daisy Ventnor, Amanda M. Douglas, and Fannie Hodg son. TERMS—Always in advance.—One copy, with Chromo, $2.50. Four copies, with four Chromes, and one gratis, $8.50. Flight copies and eight Chromos, with a paper and Chromo gratis, $16.00 The above Clubs can be made up con- ointly of The Saturday Evening Post and The Lady’s Friend, if fifty cents is added for each copy of The Post, with Chromo, taken. If the Chromo is not wished, fifty cents may be deducted from each Lady’s Friend subscriber. One copy each of The Lady’s Friend, Saturday Evening Post, and CHROMO, will be sent for $5.00 Ten cents extra must always be sent for mailing expens es of each Chromo. Address/ • BEACON & PETERSON,. - 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia 7 BOOK ANO JOB EAST SIDE TRADE STREET, [Over Coit & Suggs,] CHARLOTTE, N. C. 0 This old established House is new better prepared than ever to do work promptly, and in the highest style of heart . Cards, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Circulars, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Schedules, Notes, Freight Bills, Checks, Statements, Tickets, Handbills Dodgers, Programmes, Labels, "Pamphlets, And Every Description of Job Printing Neatly and expeditiously executed, at living prices, and in a style unsurpassed by any house in the United (States. THE BEST MATERIAL USED! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED To regular, prompt-paying city cus tomers, work will be delivered and bills collected at end of current month, but ALL TRANSIENT WORK MUST BE PAID FOR ON DELIVERY. Positively n® deviation from this rule. Brooklyn Life hiwaiice Co. Assetj, $2,000,000 Christian W. Boun, President. William M. Cole, Secretary. Daniel Ayers, M. D., L. L. D., Medical Examiner. , D. P. Fackler, Consulting Actuary. The Company wh'ich first guaranteed a definite CASH SURRENDER VALUE in case a Policy is forfeited for non-pay ment of Premium. Apply to A. W. LAWRENCE, State Agent, Raleigh, N.G. Jan.4“ 5 tf T TAKE this method of saying to the pub i lie that I am still at my old stand under the Central Hotel, where I will always be glad to wait upon them. My establish ment is complete and no pains will be spar ed to give perfect satisfaction. Thankful for past patronage, I hope to merit a con tinuance of the same. I have also connected with my Barber ^^dp, a Bathing room, where baths will ba administered at any hour desired, /GRAY TOOLE. June 21 TRENCH’S NEW HOTEL Cor. Cortland & New Church Sts. NEW YORK. ON TUB EUROPEAN PLAN. I RICHARD P. FRENCH, Son of the late 1 Can RICHARD FRENCH, of Froch’s Hotel, has taken this Hotel, newly- fitted up and entirely renovated tho same. Centrally located in the B US INESS PAR T of the city. Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s Dining Rooms Attached. June 21-Gm. Hrs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley's Great Family IWedicmes, Prepared expressly for and adapted to the Southern climate. Compound Extract Corydalis is the most powerful and efficient Alter ative and Blood Purifier known, prepared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Sy philis, Eruptions on the skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or unhealthy blood Dr. Greene’s Fit Cure, cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Con vulsions which depend upon irritation of the nerve centers; often stops the Fits from the first day's use even where they have existed for years. Medicated Honey, the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat and all diseases of the Air-passages and Lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most Expectorants do. Our Neuralgia Specific. is a perfect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, and all muscular or nervous pains wherever situated. These Medicines are prepared with great care from perfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named upon each bottle. No one of them is claimed as a “cure all.” They are identically the same which we have used in our practice for years, and in thus recommending them, to the public we know whereof we affirm. They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask your Drug gists for them. For sale by Druggists generally. Pre pared only by DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTL. Charlotte, N. 0 N. B.—Cancers, Tumors and Ulcer treated as heretofore by “KLINE’s GREAT CANCER ANTIDOTES,” S Charlotte, Goldsboro and Asheville, June 16, 1873. J. HAYWOOD, M. D. W. II. BAGLEY. J^ATIONAL HOTEL. RALEIGH, N. C. W. H BAGLEY & CO. Lease KU Tf A BOXES Initial Paper, from D 25 cts up, at PUREFOY’S. 'K REAMS Legal C'ap Paper, at D PUREyaYU

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