What Did Paul Shy?—Many years ago, there lived in Virginia a Baptist preacher, named B. Though uneducated, he was a sound thinker and an eloquent OUR. WEEKLY RAILWAY DIRECTORY. Brooklyn Life Iwrawe Ce. speaker, and no minister had a more devoted flock. Lt was the custom, during inclement seasons, to hold meeting' at the resiliences of members, mid once or twice during the winter at the house of the preacher. For many years it was observed that B. neither preached nor conducted the meet- ine when old at his house, but secured the services of a neigh boring minister. He was often. pressed out sue spouse some 0 lowing: for an explanation witk- :ess; but, finally, in re- to the importunities oi floc! A the fol- “When I was younger than now—in fact, not long after the commencement of my ministra tion—I held a meeting at my own house. It being customary for many of the congregation to re main for dinner, Mrs. B. sent our negro boy, Tim, to Paul’s for some butter turned, and located standing' on' me foot at neighbor Tim re- himself, a time, in the outskirts of the congregation. Being well warmed up in my ser mon, thinking neither of Tim nor his errand, but only on the most successful mode of pressing my strongest argil me'fit, L demanded with all the energy in my power, bind what did Paul say Tim, at the top of has little voice, exclaimed, as Tim only could have done, “He said you couldn’t get any more butter till you paid for what you’d got!” This brought down the house, and cut short one of the finest efforts of my early ministry. Since then, I have kept my preach ing disconnected from my domes- tic affairs. A Columbia, Pa while preaching his Sunday evening, perceived a young man and woman under the gallery in the act of kissing each other behind a hymn book, and did not lose his tempei not flv into unseemly and call upon the sexton IIe did rage, ;o rush up t’ne aisle and disband the rioters. Ko ! he remaind calm. He beamed mildly at der spectacle BOOH AHD JOB COR. TRADE nd COLLEGE STS., [Over Wilson & Black’s,] HARLOTTE, N. O. O' This old established House is now better prepared tha ever to do work promptly, and in the highest style heart . Cards, Letter Heads Circulars, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Si CAROLINA CENTRAL / Railway Company. PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) at Arrive at Wadesboro at Leave Wadesboro at Arrive at Wilmington at FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) at Arrive at Laurinburgh at Leave Laurinburgh at Arrive at Wilmington, at ef Assets, W A00,00-0 Drafts Receipts, Schedules, Notes. Freight Bills, Checks, Statements. Handbills Programmes, Pamphlets, Tickets, Dodgers, Labels, Every Description of Jeb Printing Neatly and expeditiously executed, at living prices, and in a style unsurpassed by any house in the United (States. TILE BEST MA TERIA L USED ! SA TISFA. C T10X G1 Ai R A X TEED To regular, prompt-paying city cus tomers, work will be delivered and bilk collected at end of current month, but ALL TRANSIENT WORK MUST Br PAID FOR ON DELIVERY. Positively no deviation from this rule. often- and when the young man kissed her for the fifteenth time, he merely broke his sermon short off in the middle of “thirty,” and offered a TO ' WWWMPTWBS, fervent prayer in behalf of the “young man in the junk necktie, and the maiden in the blue bon net and grey shawl, who were pro- fanhrg the sanctuary by kissing one another in pew And the “Amen.” congregation Then the voun bp. said man pulled her veil down, he young wore sol man himself. Ges not go to church ow as lie did. as and and . Ile much 8:00 a.m. -5:25 p.rn. 7:10 a.m. 4:35 p.m. 6:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Passenger Trains leave Charlotte daily (except Sundays) at Arrive.at Buffalo at Leave Buffalo at Arrive at Charlotte at 8:00 a.m. 12:00 in 1:00 p.m. 5:15 p m. Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the road as the business IS L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup’t. requres. ALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD.. MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh, Arrives at Weldon, Leaves Weldon, Arrives at Raleigh, ACCOMMODATION Leaves Raleigh, Arrives at Weldon, Leaves Weldon, Arrives at Raleigh, TRAIN. 9:35 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 9:15 a.m. 3:20 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 6:20 a.m. 9:15 p.rn. 8:00 a.m. Mail train makes close connection at TVel- don with the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail road, and Bay Line Steamers yia Baltimore vo and from all points North, West and it orthwest, and with Petersburg Railroad, Na Petersburg, Richmond and Washington •Tty, to all points North and Northwest.— Apd at Raleigh with the North Carolina 'tianroad 10 and irom all points South and Southwest, and with the Chatham Railroad to Haywood and Fayetteville. Accommodation and Freight trains con nect at Weldon with Accomir odation and F eight trains on Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad and Petersburg Railroad. And at Raleigh with Accommodation and Freight trains on the North Carolina Railroad. Persons living along the line of the Road can visit Raleigh in the morning by Ac commodation and remain several hours, and return the same evening A. B. ANDREW'S, Gen’l Sup’t. EABOARD & ROANOKE RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Weldon, Arrives at Portsmouth, Leaves Portsmouth, Arrives at Weldon, (Daily, except Sunday.) 3:20 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 6:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Connects at. Weldon with Wilmington & Weldon and Raleigh & Gaston R. R. train At Portsmouth with the Steamers ot Bay lane for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. E. G. GIIIO, Sup’t Transportation. SMITH’S LUNG PRESERVER Is a sure and effectual cure for COPS UMP PI OP And all diseases of the THROAT, ASTHMA, &c. Send for circular to WAI. A SMITH, Concord, K. €. For sale in Charlotte, N. C., by Smith & Hammond, F. Scarr.. J. H. McA.den, Wilson and’Black, and all the principal ‘United States. druggists in the inch 3®^9m. Christian TV. Beus, President. William M. Cole, Secrete re. Daniel Ayers, M. D., L. L d. Medial Examiner. D. P. Fackler, Consulting Aco-try. The Company which first guaranteed a definite CASH8UItlIENiT.lt"'ALITE in case a Policy is forfeited or non-pay ment of Premium. ^GUETsTTS ■W-A.JXT'rm) Apply to A. W. LAWIITT c Jan. 4 Raleigh, if PROSPEC, FOR 187 H Lid An Illustrated Monthly Journal, universed- ly admitted to be the Ur Imai,ret Peri odical in the U opd. A I'momen- taiive and Champion of Amer ican Taste. Not for Sale in Nook or Wcws Stores. THE ALDINE the regularity, h while issued with all rary or timely inter ordinary periodica 1 none of the temdo- est characteristic of s. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature ; and a collection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in A’thoi Idine will be as been bow aiue Host li each suc- esLi pleasure and beauty appreciated of the may e ini superior nd up at the close other publications. heapness, as com- pared with rivals of a similar class, The Aldine is a unique And original concept tipn—alone and u 11 approached—abso lutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete voluble cannot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or n umber of volumes for ten times its cost; and then, there are the chromos, be sides ! Art Department. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last Fall, when The Aldine assumed its present noble pro- ILMINGON & WEL ¬ DON RAILROAD Trains on this Road leave Wilmington at 6:15 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.; and arrive at Web don at 4:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Leave Weldon 10:30 a in. and 7:35 p.m.; arrive at Wilmington 3:40 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. The day trains d > not run on Sunday. The 6:15 a m. Passenger Train makes connection at Goldsboro for Raleigh. Connection is made at Goldsboro with the North Carolina R. R. for Raleigh, Greens- aoro, Charlotte, &c., and with the Atlantic & North Carolina, Railroad for Now-Born,• and Beaufort. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen’l Superintendent. portions .racier. I WILL send, postpaid, one box of Ini tial Paper, containing 24 sheets of Paper and 24 Envelopes, as follows : Oue box '‘Favorite,” (white) 30 cts. One box “Norwood,” (rose) 35 cts. One box “Florence,”(ass’ted) 40 cts. aprSt-f J. K. PUBEFOY, Charlotte, N. C.. the edition was more than doubled during the past year; proving that the Ameri can public appreciate, aud will support, a sincere effort in the cause of Art. The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have ex erted themselves to the utmost to devet op and improve the work; and the plans for the coming year, as unfolds fmonthly issues, will astonish and delight even the most sanguine friends of The. Aldine. The publishers are authorised to an nounce designs from many of the most eminent artists in America. In addition, The Aldine will reproduce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest ar tistic success, and greatest general inter est; avoiding such as have become fa miliar, through photographs, or copies of any kind. The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873,. will reproduce four of John S. Davis’ in- ’imitable child-sketches, appropriate to- ithe four seasons. These plate ing in the issues for January s, appear- April, Ju-