J. 0. H. NUTTALL, Editor Office Cor. Trade and College Streets, over Wilson & Slack's Drug Store. Saturday, ^Vor. 75, 7873. WAITED.—We want an honest, energetic, wide-awake man in every town and county in the United States, to act as agent for Our WeeklV. Mon* , oy can be made at the business. Send j 3 cent stamp for specimen copies of pa- j per, Premium List, and Terms to Agents. 1 Renew.—If you see a red cross mark on the margin of your pa* per, it means that the time for which you have paid for this paper is about to expire, and that the paper will be stopped un less another $1.50 is received from you. Renew at once, and get a Premium Certificate that will entitle y^u to a share in the next Distribution of Premiums, in which the leading Premium will be One Thousand Dollars in greenbacks. — ^ ^^ Back Numbers.—In answer to many inquiries, we state that we still have a small supply of back numbers, containing the “Dia mond Bracelet,” on hand, and will send them to all new sub scribers, as long as the supply lasts. Agentswill please make a; note of this. j Letters Received. VV, R. Terry, Rockingham, N. C.—Editor is not at home. N. C. DeJ., Roaring Gap, N. C.—Communication at hand. A. B. Lindsay, Prosperity, S. C. Thanks. Receipts and cer tificates subject to order. Sub scribers entered. M. A Green, Durham, N. C.— Paper changed. Mrs. F. M. Gibbs, Middleton, N. C,—Paper sent. A Legend.—There is a legend that two Dutch lovers at Little Falls, N. Y., who were prevented from marrying because their fath ers were enemies, took ihe dire re solution of leaping from rhe heights clasped in each other’s arms. This was long before the days of the Erie Canal, and the : story goes that the man was dash-! ed to pieces, but that the girl es caped with simple fracture of both her arms, and that she recovered and married the husband of her father’s choice, and was a happy wife and mother. She must occa sionally have dreamed of that leap, and it must have spoiled her appe tite each time for a few days. A Happy Surprise. We have read somewhere of an ingenious stratagem, devised by a French lady of fortune, for securing a husband. She kept herself secluded from society, and gave out areportthat she was fright- fully ugly as as a counter influ ence against her well-known wealth. As she was not accessi ble personally to her suitors, they had recourse to their billet deux; and among these one Belgian pleased her fancy, and to this missive she replied. An inter view was accorded, and the for tunate suitor proved to be a man of fortune also, and of noble character. When they met in her saloon, the lady wore a mask. She warned him not to risk his hap- ; piness by allying himself -with i one so deformed in face and fea ture. He replied, “Well, accept my hand and never unmask but to the eyes of your husband;” for he was so charmed with her elo quence and grace of manner. “I consent,” she replied. “I shall survive the appearance of affright and disgust—perhaps con tent-yon may feel after marriage” “I shall not shrink from the proof,” said he. “It is your heart, and not your figure that! charms me.” In a few days their marriage took place and notwithstanding his refusal to accept it, the whole of her fortune was settled upon him. Returning from the alter, she threw herself upon her knees be fore her husband, and placing her hand upon her mask, lifted it ex- claiming‘ “You have not deserved deformity; you merit the love of beauty.” And a vision of angelic beauty now stood before him. TO THE mMEBS OF MIGK-j LSNBUBU COUNTY. WE hear from all quarters that our approaching Fair will be well patronized from other counties in the State and from the adjoining States. I We respectfully appeal to you to make an exhibition of the farm pro ducts, and let your wives and daughters exhibit specimens of their handy work, and thus show the world what old Meck lenburg can do. Books showing pre miums offered can be obtained on ap - plication. Remember the Fair com mences November 25. THOMAS. L. VAIL, Secretary. Nov 15—2t A German who was asked if lager beer was intoxicating, re plied: A ell, I drinks from seven ty t° eighty glasses a day and I feels all straight in mine upper shtory for any kind of peesincss, but I can’t tell vat it vould pe mit men vat makes a. swill tub ofhun,- selfF American Humor. The American humor partakes slightly of the Spanish character and extravagance, but it is never theless the growth of the soil. The vastness of the country, which is said to be bounded on the east by the Atlantic ocean, on the north by the Aurora Borealis, on the west by the setting sun, and on the south by the day of judgment, and the peculiar cir cumstances in which the people are placed, can be traced in most of these stories. The hyperbolical or tall species of American humor was much in vogue some years ago, and such stories as the following were once very common: “A man was so tall that he had to go up a ladder to shave him self;” another “was so strong that his sneeze would kill a buffalo across the Mississippi river;” a Massachusetts pig was “so lean that it was necessary to tie a knot to his tail to prevent it getting through the chinks of the pall ing;” “an American Artist painted a snow-storm so naturally that he caught a bad cold by sitting near it with his coat off;” some land was “so rich that asqaash vine, in its rapid growth, overtook a drove of pigs;” “the reason why cream is dear is that milk has risen so high the cream can’t reach the top.” There is a capital story,, in ■which it is related that “a coach drove through the country so fast, and the mile stones passed so! quickly by that the passengers | thougt they were in a church-yard.” j This coach, however, was beaten! by the “skipper, which went so | tarnation fast that in sailings round Long Island she left her; shadow three and a half miles behind her.” Major N., when asked whether he was seriously injured by the explosion of the' boiler of the St. Leonard steam er, replied that he was so used to j being blown up by his wife that a mere steamer had no effect upon j him. The evidence of a witness! in a life insurance cause, involved in the blowing up of a steamboat on the Ohio, is droll just because j it is characteristic. The witness! knew the missing man, and saw j him on the deck of the steamboat j before the explosion. When; asked by the lawyer, “when was 1 the last time you saw- him ?.” he j answered. “The very last time II ever set my eyes on him was-when j the filler burst, and I was going | up; I met him in the smoko stack coming down.” We all know that the Ameri can oysters are large, but; that j one must have been of extraordina ry size which required threa men, 1 to swallow it whole. SECOND Grand Distribution TO TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY,. FEB. 4, 1874g $3,742.0© IN CASH GIVEN AWAY TD SUBSCRIBERS TO OUR WEEKLY READ THE LIST’ 1 Cash Premium of-$1,000.00 ICash Premium-----500.00 2 Cash Premiums, Each, $ 250.00 5 do. do. do.. 100.06* 10 do,-. do. do. 50.00 15 do... do. do. 25-00 20 do. do. do. 10.O 25 do. do. do. €>.(&' 21. do. do. do. This Plan is gotten up solely for the purpose ofincreasirg the circulation of OUR WEEKLY, and none but actual subscribers can participate in the Dis tribution. Each and every subscriber will re ceive OUR WEEKLY one year, and a Certificate entitling the holder to a share in the Distribution of Premiums. Renew as, as well as new subscribers.. participate in the Distribution, which... will be conducted by gentlemen of high standing, and well known to the public, whose names will be announced here after. The Premiums will be distributed; among 10,000 subscribers. Only 10,00®^ Certificates will be issued, and our books- will be closedion Monday, Feb. 2,1874 Subscription'- price, $1.50 a year and a Certificate, free, which will entitle tlxr holder to n share in the Grand Distri bution of Premiums. E. J. HOLTON & CO.,, Charlotte, N. €L