CHARLOTTES SOOERY AND PROVISION Closely Revised and Corrected Weekly By 1 M. KILLER & SOKS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, “-AND— WHOLESALE GROCERS, COLLEGE AND FOURTH STREETS, ify RWIHWIIIII I«IIHW1WWM/M^i wiRwi»ywwii«M>^w^O;«y»if.i WAL'D, 106 COTTON— Ordinary, J0j Good Ordinary, 11J Low Middling, 13al3$ Middling, none Brem, Brown & Ca, CHARLOTTE, H. L, Wholesale and Retail Dealers is and Importers of Hardware and Glittery 0RY 80008 WHITE 6000S, AND YANKEE NOTION^ JTatif Soots. Shoes, Jlo^se- ^umishinff Goads, £&., O UR Wholesale Hardware Stere, which is-separate from our Dry Goods Store (being situated in a differ ent portion of the city) is the largest in the State. In ®ur Dry Goods Store we have, a separate and distinct department foi- wholesaling, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, and Yankee Notions*.. . Our Retail stock of Dry Goods is no- limited in size and assortment, and hav ing a Ladies’ Department we make a specialty of Ladies’ Goods. May 10, 1873.—1m. SHAVING & HAIR-CUTTIES SELDOM. I TAKE this method of saying to the pub lie that I am still at my old stand under the Central Hotel, where I will always he glad to wait upon them. My establish ment is complete and no pains will be spar ed to give perfect satisfaction. Thankful for past patronage, 1 hops to merit a con tinuance of the same. I have also connected with my Barber Shop, a Bathing room, where baths will be administered at any hour desired, GRAY TOOLE. june 21 Nmaicffsl^^ Cor. Cortland & New Church Sts. NEW YORK. ON THE Et’BOtFAN PLAN. R ICHARD P. FRENCH, Son of the late Con. RICHARD FRENCH, of Frnch’s Hotel, has taken this Hotel, newly- fitted up and entirely renovated tho same. Centrally located in the BUSINESSPART qf the city. Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s Dining Rooms Attached. June 21-6m. Brs. Greece, Bindley & Bentley’# Great Family Medicines, Prepared expressly for and adapted to the Southern climate. Compound Extract Corydalis is the most powerful and efficient Alter ative and Blood Purifier known, prepared expressly for Scrofula. Secondary Sj philis, Eruptions on the skin, and all diseases Which arb produced by bad or unhealthy blood Dr t Greene’s Fit Cure, cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms, and Con vulsions which depend upon irritation ef the nerve centers; often stops the Fits from the first day’s use csva where they have existed for years. Medicated Honey,, the great remedy for Soughs. Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,. Sore Throat and all diseases of the Air-passages and Langs. Tt does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in ita-aetion, does, net injure the appetite or impair digestion, as- Most Expectorants do. Our N euralgia Specific ai perfect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, and all muscular or nervous pains- wherever situated. These-Medicines,are prepared with great Care from, perfectly reliable drugs, and for tho especial classes of diseases named upon each;bottle. No one of, them, is claimed as a “cure all.” They are identically the same which we have wed in our practice for years, and in th,ns recommending them to the public wo know whereof we affirm. They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask your Drug gists for them; For sale by Druggists- generally. Pre pared only by DBS. GREENE,,LINDLEY &B-ENTL. Charlotte, N. 6 N. B.—Canears, Turners- and Ulcer treated as heretofore by ' : KLINE’s GREAT GANGER ANTIDOTES,” h Charlotte, Gol.dabor.o. and. Asheville, Jane 16, 1873,. N AI IO WAL HOEL, Raleigh, N. C- In calling atteatifia to this Houso, it is with the ardent hope that I may have,a lib eral share of travel, and I promise to en deavor to make it worthy ef patronage. Rates /er day, First Floor, $2,50 “ ” Second Floor, 2 0a Oct 4-tf J. SI. BLAIR, Proprietor. REAMS Legal Cap Paper, at PUEEFOY^ FJENDERSON HOUSE, South Stole Public Square, LINCOLNTON, N. C. WEST SOWEHS, Proprietor. dancers Owed® B Y Dr. Kline’s Wonderful Cancer Antidote which destroys and re moves the cancer entire, without the uw- of the knife or the loss of blood, and, at the same time overcomes the tendency to cancer in the system ! We also treat all forms of Chronic, Long-Standing and Obscure Disease, with unparalleled suc cess; especially Epilepsy, or Fits, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Asthma, Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis. For full particulars, circulars, &c., call on, or address E. H. Greene, M. D., Goldsboro, N. Cl. A. FI. Lindley, M. D., Charlotte, - J. E. Bentley, M. D., Sumter,^. C... feb. 15—1 y. PHOTOGRAPHS ! THE LARGEST AND BEST ESTABLISHED PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE CITY,.. Is ©ver Nisbet & Bro.’s, where evary Picture- is finished in the styles and every PHOTO ¬ GRAPH WARRANTED, PICTURES TAKEN FROM OLD DA- G/UERROTYPES, LOCKETS, AND CARDS- AS' LARGE AS LIFE. il 29 6m- Give me aeall. LI. BAUMGARTEN. HE SPIRIT of the AGE Official’ Organ, of the Grand Lodge of 11k Independent Order of Good Tem plars in North Carolina.. W. J. ED WARDS,..Editor & Prour. Rev. T. II. Pritchard, Rev.H. T. Hud son and N. B. Broughton,. Contributing; Editors.. - The Age is a- weekly Family Paper,, adapted to the Home Circle, the Farmer... the Mechanic, the tradesman, alike in every- section ofthe State 7 it is not sectional in its-character,partisan or sectarian. Besides^ all the new® of the day, collated with a view to correctness and accuracy, its col umns will be filled)with the choicest matter- appropriate to the different departments, Stonies, Historical and Biographical, Sketches, Travel and. Adventure, Sabbath Reading, Wit and Humor,. AgricaltwaL. ’ Correspondence, an. Epitome of the Nows Ml’ the Day, &c.. ' ORIGINAL STORIES. The publication of Original Stories is a?, special feature of the Age, and for this year we have procured several from- tho pens-of popular and interesting, writers, lir thw Department alone we can promise Mir read-- . ers entertainment equal in character to that, of any ofthe popular story papers. 'P-11 MS— lit- A® VAN CD: Ona copy one year, - - -■ $3. &m lOae copy six memtlisj. - - 1 265 An Agent. wanted-in every towiy and!city - i n. the Waited- States, to whom- liberal- G®® PREMlUMtS will lie pabk A mrvad-ir coir- 1 taining feUGntfewdfons sent on application. - Address W M, X EDM ADDS, RaJeiglrr N. C. A convict in Maine cut hiA wav through the- ^>M blasonty of.VW jail with a pi-ehe of. liacp-skii-f; iron, Hoop-shirts wilhept then;, way thtough ^Vh^MMw-.- They , arc irresistibly -to 1 - .V