1. The Spanish Army in Cuba is said low amber fifty-soven thousand men. Tor the first time withiri tho memory (6f the present generation, the balanc* of trade is largely in favor of the United Stater, the exports exceeding imports v by $40,000,000. The coKjitry ought to be prospering with thi8»jhibit. | ].,J * The repairing and fitting out of the jron-clads Canonicus, Dictator, Mahopac, ManhaiHn, Nahant, and the "Wyandotte, liumbcring fyurtecn guns in all, it being rapidly pushed to com pletion at the Portsmouth navy-yard. They have been ordered to sett. The -Georgia papers publish a card from the Hoik J. P. Benjamin, stating that the story about the twelve mil lion dollars estate coming to Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Chambers is an absurd fable from beginning to end. What can we believe in this lying *gC? ' : William Tweed, “Bo^s-Twced” as he ia.commonly called, hut-been convicted in New York, on several charges of fraud and embezzlement. Hb was a year ago, one of the ruling spirits, and one of the richest men in New York, and one of the greatest scoundrels. The New Orleans Picayune gays that tho recent sheriff sales of proper ty for State takes were prevented by the entire absence of bidders, but that a single buyer from the North was finally found, who, as the Picayune has’it, had “the moneyj'to; invest in the confiscated homesteads of .our peo ple and speculate on our sufferings.” The advantages of the decimal sys tem’of ^computation, as illustrated in the currency of the United States and iu tbe weight.Vbvnd measures of France, are so great tlpit its adoption by all nations ig. probably only a question of time. tjjjThe new currency soon to be issued by the german’Empire w ill be decimal throughout, though the coins will not correspond In value with thoeo of any other country. . The Forty-third Congress will com-, tncnce th* long session next Monday. This will be the first Congress assem bled under the new and increased ap portionment in the House of Kepre sentatives^ making the number of members 292. The administration will hold 198 seats, giving it a majority of 98. The opposition will be in a great er minority than in the last. Congress, aa it then numbered 111 members out Of 243, and now there are but 97 Dem ocrats and Liberals in a total of 292. THE SOUTHERN TRESS AND CUBA. We heartily eudorgo> the views ta ken by the Petersburg Ntwt, in the following editorial, on the Virginias affair. We cannot see why the Soutli should be so anxious to engage in a war with Spain on account of an in sult to tlijo- United v States flag. We have everything . to lose and nothing ‘to gain by such a wait Tho conduct of the Government toward us has not been such as to inspire us with any special love for the “flaunt ing lie,” since the close of the war. Besides, war is at all times to be avoid ed, if possiblo ; and a peaceful arbi tration of this matter i3 much the "best way of settling the difficulty'. .If a war should, however, result form this Spanish outrage, then those at the South* who are anxious to show- their gratitude to the “best government the world elver saw” aud to cultivate a closer brotherhood with our Yankee defamers. will doubtless be allowed to volunteer a$ fast as the most bellicose of them may desire: j . The leading journals of the South seem,to be more excited about Cuba, aud more anxious to precipitate a war With Spaiu, than any portion of the press of tiie North, with 110 excep tion, perlnms, of the Herald. In V ir ginia, the Richmond Dispatth and En quirer are’ enthusiastic. The Mem phis Appeal wants to “march imme diately upon tlie enemies’ works.” The New Orleans Times dees not hesitate to declare that “hostilities in such a causo will unquestionably meet the hearty approval qf_ ninety in no in a imidred.” The New’ Or leans Picayune asserts that “the Uui ted States de Cuba.” “our govei __stands committed to avenge the mnrder of the gallant Fry and tho other citizens of the United States who have been massacred at Santiago The Mobile Jie;/lster says nrient should demand of raran;-1* |i-,j!iwiiigLT[. Spain that the butchers and murder ers who committed the,foul deed shall be delivered into the hands of the government at Washington, to be tried under the laws of. the nation for their crimes,” The Charleston News hopes “to hear soon that the timid counsels of Fish are disregarded and that Presi dent Grant has buckled on the sword.” The Mobile Register demands that “vengenco be visited upon the murder ers of Fry and his companions by our government; and if it fail to do so it ii the duty of the people to take it in hand, and, by sweeping the last ves tige of Spanish^ dominion from this Continent, teach Spain a lesson which she will never forget.” The Vicks burg; Herald trusts the government “will vindicate the honor of the na tion at any cost and every hazard.” The Columbus (Ga.,) Enquirer af firips that “if the government says the word, ten thousand Southern men are ready to gird on their sword* for the patriots of Cuba.” All this is a very spirited manifes tation of Southern courage and pa triotism, but we very much doubt whether they have properly considered the cost and consequence of that for which they clamor. For ourselves we are decidedly in favor of exacting from Spain full measure of redress for the past, and. indemnity for the future; and in case of refusal would make war, and, if necessary, take Cuba; but we confess we have not yet been able to satisfy ourselves of any advantages that are likely to accrue to the South from such poliev. Wejcan understand how the .North may be benelitted by a war; for it would open her workshops, kindle her fires,' give employment to thousands of her unemployed people, and enrich thousands of her manufac turers and speculators, as did our civil war. But what industries would it advance in the South, .what class of her people would it favor, and what markets will our great staples of cot ton, tobacco and grain seek, while our ports are blockaded ? We ready ask our filibustering Southern cotempora ries for information upon this subject; because we well remember that, dur ing our civil war, these great Southern intersts were made to suffer disastrous ly for four long years; and the first gun tired now on the' ocean with Spain would produce identically similar re sults; for not a cargo of our staples would ever find transportation to mar ket while the war continued. We can not afford to buy Cuba at such a cost, and had better hoe more corn, bill more tobacco and pick more cotton before we do more than protect our national rights and honor. This is Our opinion. LETTER FROM BERTIE. Comment) on the kite communication of Temper a net"—Inconsistency of that party —Popularity of Major J. J. Yeates—New York, Norfolk, and Charleston llailroad *<•., ke. Windsor,^ov. 21,1873. < Mr. Editor :—In your issue of the 1st November, is an article purporting signed “Tern pe rim eiyrr widen T"MfbTffil treat with silent contempt, which the author and article alike deserve, b.ut for the fact that he arrogates to him self the right to speak as by authority for the Democrats of Bertie county, and in the discharge of his executive duties, attempts to malign and traduce men’s characters, whose shoe latchets he is not tit to unloose. This mighty man has issued his decree in behalf of the Conservative party of Bertie, lfow, Mr. Editor, claiming to be an humble member of the party, Task to be heard. And! first, I will ask who is “Temper ance?'’ (I think a name the opposite Of this would have suited best.) For what docs he seek to harm these gentlemen? Have they ever done him injustice? If they have, is he not man enough to go to them and demand reparation? I hies he have to go to the public press and abuse aipl villify men to get revenge? “Temperance” did speak well of Col’s. S. B. Spruill, I). D. Ferebee and Mr. James Bond. In re plying to him, I have not a word to say against any one of them. Two of them arc my very particular friends and I would like to see them fill the places mentioned by him, because they are men of ability and “ayailibility;” But I doubt very much “Temperance’s” sincerity, when lie says he wishes them to be elected to any office. He simply wanted to pour out his venom upon Major J. J. Yeates and nothing more. Tint to flmfivcf' rmoaHnn tt’hn is But to the first question, who is “Tem perance.” I would like to know who tliisjmagnato is,that is running the Con servative party here. By what authori ty dbes he speak? I think I know who he is. I wonder if he ever was a can didate for constable in his township. I wonder if he ever told Dr. Ransom iii the town of Williamston that his party had treated him wrong and then and* there declared himself a Radical. Did lie ever try to be Radical Senator from the ’2nd district? What relation doe3 lie bear to the noted •“Veritas” of the Norfolk Journal? Does lie recollect that little unpleasantness caused by those articles? Is lie not the great “PerCie” of the Norfolk Vir ginian? and dees lie not carry with him a lasting recollection of those grand. productions he sent to that paper? I think Mr. Editor, “Veritas” “irercie” and “Temperance” are one and the same. Did Major Yeates ever prosecute him for any offence, and has lie not sought to injure him by means of the public I press for it? Further, did not Judge Albertson administer to him a severe rebuke at the last term of our court, and jience his abuse of him? Ilis accusations arc a; corrupt as they are uncalled for. Judge A. has been riding this circuit for several terms, and is regarded by both the people and bar as a fair upright Judge and of de cided ability. There is but one class that question either, viz. Criminal. The Wilmington Journal having seen the yicious and corruptly false article, thus alludes to Major Yeates, in con nexion with the Weldon Fair. I think this is a true reflex of the opinion of all good men who know Vf"-J him. lie is not only “worthy of the highest |onfklencq,”bnt isof unbound ed pe -5i|n;il and political popularity. 4s an evidence, I have but to citie his own oo|mty,; (Hertford) which with a radical; majority, he carried in 1871 for the Convention; which was a gain for on r party,tand that too in one of the very few counties in the State in which wjs did gain. He is all that the Join nil claims for him, and even more. He is| tie Zeb \tancc of the 1st dis IIcould nqt' sav more. I will trict.. not sar Its; I But |‘Tempera|nce” says, if Major YeacesiJ the candidate, there will be an opposition Deriiocrat “of true prin ciples'’ flit againsf him, and that many will votelaguinst hiin or not vote at all. Wl|o will be! the “true principle man?’ t|e party Would like to know. The defeated candidate for constable, I suppose. How many votes, and who arc th|ey,j that Major Yeates will not get? the' party would like to kuow. “Temperance” alias “Veritas” alias “I’eceie,” and that, is all. Seriously, does “Tefnperancd” aspire to Congressi onal honors? Cobb look to your laurels ! You hare met ther Hon. D. M. Carter, who' it | was said, made the ablest speeches; that had been made in the district for a loijg time. But when “Tcmperjinec” as the “true principle” man corpses before !the people with that powerful^weapon. that he has been in the habit of using, namely “rotgut,” you will |bc a dc;jd duck. Peojile of Bertie, imagine tljis great man “Tem perance lyour candidate for Cbngrcss. He wpulfl poll at least one vote. He pro fesses to live near Windsor this I believe to be lujtrue. Windsor disowns any such a bdjing. We have no such among us. Mr.* Editor, [were I to stop here, you might think I had written in anger. Not so, I am sorry for him. He says |e is sick. I am sorry he was. 1 wish foi|his sake he had not been. He mustcertfiinly have had a severe attack. I si nee re hope he will soon recover, especially his. mental faculties. 1 see ip ypur paper of the date with “Teihperftnce” article, that you say you are liot lespopsibilc for the views of your jcorifespondents. This was very yell said,11 thought,.just at that tjime. I now bid;“Tempctancp” farewell, and hope wliefn he is sipk again, he will con sult liis doctorbefore writing ; undone thing I a.|k of him! is that lie will never sign hi in Jo If “Temperance” any more. I read! .your Stricture on Greasy "Sam's chilrge at Halifax with pleasure. You were lhu’dlyj sharp enough. We voted on the lothjinst, on the proposi tion to i|ppropridte $5,000 a mile to the building of the New York, Norfolk and Charleston Railroad. It was car ried by 14 votes. I hope we will soon have the foad run. In conclusion, Mr. Editor,I don’t care who calls me l Avaxlablk. The extract from the W'Omiugton Journal, alluded top above, waa not enclosod in the communicalion. A M&DEL NEGRO FARMER. jMonroe Advertiser.] The model negro farmer buys an old mule dr blind horse on credit, rents tomanytt STTfffTi fty’fflfo’trre W<m as best ltd can, buys corn, bacon, Ac., for whiehflie gives a lien on his crop; and then jjbout April he commences to prepare ftfrplahting corn, cititer break ing or layfng off in rows, to break out the middles after the corn is up. Corn planting over, he proceeds, some time iii May, tp prepare for cotton. “Cuf fee, gwine to use any juanner ?” ‘'No, bless youijj life,;I’se not going to (buy planner to put on other folks’ lau’.” Well, after dinner, soiqe sultry even ing, be sainttefs from his but, and after surveying his prospects, be says: “Whew! |sun gitten hot; time I’se plantin’ cbttori. Hitches up his mule to his ond-horSe cart, anjl oil he goes to hunt cptton seed. Well, after cot ton planting, then for a fish and hunt. Some June Monday morning he wakes up about one or two hours by the sun, and, afterf break fast, he hitches up his mule to fun round his corn ; after treating hi* cotton in some what tin same way, he proceeds to chopping, Then for another big frolic, to saj nothing’ about going to his meetings and to town every Saturday. Aftei this fashion he gets through the year He then jtafcqs what little cotton tt market he makes and sells it for pro vision hills, returns,his mule to its for mer owrnir, arid goes home broke, con soling hiipself! by saying, “If I diidui get any i money, I’se had a heap o: freedom.'; He‘takes down his plan! and fire cf>al and figures thus: 0 is nmight, 5 is a figure, All for cUs account, and none for de nigger He lavs his plank back up in tin crack, au| while reaching; out for tin poker tojjpulf out his potatoes fron the fire, die breaks out whistling hi, fuvorite song— Nigger work hard all de year, Wh|te man tote de money, Sc. PROSPEcfrS OF A WAR WITH SPAIN General Longstreet has tendered ti the Government, in case their service should bej needed in a war with Spain ten. thousand men, to be raised fron his old cc|rapahiou3 in arms. Genl. Hickctt has ottered to raise on hundred jjiiid eighty thousand .men. Everywhere the spirit of war seem thoroughly aroused. The National Republican gives : list of vessels in the American Nay that can be put in commission. There are four steamers, classed a first rated with an average of 45 hear guns eaqh, thirty one second rate averaging 20, heavy g^ps, twent two third rates, everagmg 8 guns five fourth fetes averaging 5 heipv; guns, and twenty sailing /frigates o the old class, all with a heavy weigh of metali, !|. ![ ' ; j ■ , , There ire also 54 Iron clads. The Spanish Navy contains 9 Iroi clads, very heavily armed, and adaptei to auy service, 10 wooden frigates o the first,(llass.jBG of the seclmd class, 1 of the third class, and* gun boats. The Ajmeridan Navy consists’ large ly of ktengm vcfesels; the Spanish, w-itl exception.of its Iron clads, is compose' i of s.iijlinif vessels. :i. :'I . HWglHLUL^ "L j)[j JIJISHSga. j..PJllkBHB NEW ADVERTISEMENTS To the Merchants of Halifax County. All who are engaged or interested in the business of advancing to farmers, will please meet in Enfield on Wednesday, 17th Of December, for the purpose of forming a Merchants' Protective Union for 1174. I. LEVY & BBO., JNO. C. RANDOLPH, R. B. BRITT, O. B. CURTIS, H. E. VICK, W.H.MeOjWIOAS * CO,. P. B. KEV, JNO. T AiLSOP, II. BOND, BRANCH & COOK, J. COHEN, BEAVANS A CORBITT. Roanoke Neat copy twice and sand bill tio this office. 47-ct The Wilmington, Start ESTABLISHED ONLY SIX YEARS ! DAILY STAB. Has tho LARGEST CIRCULATION of any Daily Newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wlimingtoa NEARLY TWICE AS Large a. that of any other paper. All the News of the day will, be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligent, and interesting manner. SUBSCRIPTION (in Advance:) One Year,..... st.. 1... .■.f7.00 Six Months..... .. 3.50 Three Months,...j.......... 2.00 W ¥ w I Alt. Price Reduced. THS WEEKLY STAIt in now combined with the CAK0L1NA FARMER, and in oiio of the cheapest papers in the country, at the following REDUCED RATES: One.Copy, One Year.if 1.50 One Copy, Six Month*,... 1.00 i3J“CUibs of 3 to 10, On* Year, ft.35 per copy. • Cg'-Clubs of 10 or more, On# Year, only $1.00 per copy. ' ^“Specimen Copies sent on application. Address, WM II. BERNARD, Editor <£ Proprittor, 47 * WILMINGTON, N. C. | Ur TO-DAY,” THE PEOPLE’S ILLUSTRATED PAPRR, Is a thoroughly American enterprise, il lustrated by the leading artists, and teem ing with the best efforts of the meet able writers of our country. It is a paper that, once introduced in the family circle, is sure to be,eagerly watched for and car of ally pre served. The choice of TIIP.EE OS'THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS •ver issued is given to each sub»crib*r, vis : “Just So High” and “Little Sunshine,” two beautiful Child Pictures, by Mra. Anderson, and “Among the Dewdrops,” a beautiful landscape in wator-eolur by tlio celebrated Birket Foster. All our agents have copies of each, and are prepared to deliver them together with a Subscription Certificate signed by the pub lishers, at the time the money .is paid.— Agents wanted everywhere, and liberal in ducement* offered. Sample copies with full particulars and description of the Chro moj, sent on receipt of six cents. J { j Only ti*o dollars and a.half a year. '? 1 f Address, TO-DAY PRINTING & PUB LISHING CO., 73J Saasom St., Philadel UhJi YIOK’8 FLOBAL (ilJIDE For 1874. 200 PAGES; 500 ENGRAVINGS, and, COLORED PLATE. Published quarterly at 25 Cents a Year., First No. for 1874 just issued. A German edition at same price. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N Y. E. EICHTEfi WATCH, MAI EH AND JEWELED, ■ • Dealer in. Fine Jerolry, Clocks and SPE CT jV C L E S N«. 53 Syethora St., Petersburg, Va. All work pe*oaally attended te and1' war ranted. 1-1 Improved Home Shuttle SEW Mi MACHINE. m TUB BE r’sif Makes ji Does all Every m I.OOWbqI Agents v—__ D G. MAX Gen’l Ag’t1 for LEWIS General r bap MA OHIITEI TTo.H,W’ ;<r»rel, D. rfitch, and will not ! . work, any machine will do. Warranted for fire years, tb Carolina in 1873.. territory not occupied. ELL, Charlotte, N.C. .C., 8.C., Ga., and Florida. fLLET, Goldsboro, jN. C., Eastern N. C. ' 'or l(BGNI>, Agcht for Halifax Co. Bill THEft JONATHAN, A LAHUK •• j V . a Daily Paper, PulisKed h'eekly at $1,25 a Tear It has een‘ enlarged td 32 long eplumns and is nr v the cheapest: paper of the. Kind 11 the worl . Ten DdlariIn greenbacks give: to one oft of each fifty new subscribers. Specimen criwes senFiaic. A “ !' Catalogue Sent free. rders to ' L Jonathan Publishing Co., 88 i ; 1 48 Beekman St., N. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS, Panic! Panic! Panic! In nonMqnene* of tba great Financial Criala, and tba eearcltj of nonoj, wa ara da tarvunadta ■] If. Reduce the Prices of all kinds time. bf Good* to suit the present Our Stock is Large AND WELL SELECTED. lateb lateb i Prices given below will satisfy tlio pub lie that this is no humbug. The best calico® 11c., new style. Heavr 3-4 brown Muslin, @ 8c., latch 12fe. Heavy 4-4 brown Maslin, @ 134c., lateb l«3-3e. I Good 3-4 bleached Muslia, % 8*., 19c. Good 4-4 bleached Maslin % 12f«., 16 3-3e. Good heavy brown and bleached Drilling ® 15 and 16 2-3c., lately 39 and 258. [ Good Tickings 3-4 to 1-4 ® 134 and 18c., lately 10 2-3 anil 25a. Also a good assortment of heavy striped Domestics, brown and blaackad 10-4 Shout ings, very cheap. Good 3-4 white Flannel# Q 35c., lateb 40c. Good 3 4 red Slanaala ® 25 and 30c., lata ly 40 and 30c, Good line of Luisies 20and 30c., lately 41 and 50c. New styles Del* in us 20c., lately 35c. New stylos Poplins-23c. , lately*40c. And many- better grades Dress Goods a' corresponding figures. Good assortment of LADIES' HOODS, II BREAKFAST SHAWLS, and BOULEVARD SKIRTS, At Yefy Reduced Prices, Verr large Shawls, , i' *3.50. Msw style $5.50 end 6 Our stock and select stock of Ladies’ ic» Shawls <$ $1.50, lately Shawls Q 3.00 aad 3.90, lately 00. of INT o t i o xi si is complete, all of which we are selling at the nme reduced prices. All numbers of Gottoa Y nr» oek of at $L50 per bunch. Onr stoe r HARD-WARE, ■! - CROCKERY, WOQD & WILLOW-WARE, & a 7? 0 C E R I E.S, is large and complete, all offered at reduced prrc^ S8°airla^feFlour « *700 bbl.. lately We are selling o'u^KbW. proportion. SftFhiedoubIe-barrel Gnus and Fine Pistols j ^^peWWrurr ctons-M-w*. _ Large assortment of Clocks from $^.00 to 6.00" Heavy Bagging, 2* lbs to the yard, @ 15c. Arro w Ties is same proportion. We offer great Inducements to Wholesale Buyers. We name the prices to shew the public drat] this i» NO HUMBUG. Our4 Stock is Large, and Bought ^since the Panic. This enables us to sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. All we ash Is a call, that jrou may satisfy > WA;pay*the highest market price for Cot ton. I. LEVY &BB0. ENFIELD, N. C. N TB. The above prices are etrictlv fc Cash. 40 R. R. R, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF CC7BBS THS WOBST'PAIM In from OnotoiTwenty Minute*. NOT OM£ HOUR r r»dlii* thla newt *■* o «DFr*E WITH FXIX. HiDWATl RE APT RSUBT IE A ODU 70* irtKT FA1X. It wM’.fc. first.ad t« TIi© Only Pain Remedy lhat lne'.nnHy*top*lhernoet«xeruci»l«ng pjvinc, alTnrs laflammhUon*, »nd curve Cengeeiioac. whether cft&« Langs, Htonueh, Bjw»U, er other gUnieur organ*. Ujp •ae application. I1C FROM ONE T0 TWENTY MINUTES, Bo matter bow violent or axvrueUUng the pais the RHEUMATIC, Bedridden. Infirm, Crippled, NorTisi, N eunJgjc, or pruetremd with dUeaae m*y *u0V, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF will afford ixstaxt ease. IXFAMHATI0X OF THE ElDNKTS. isrt.iyiliTmiifir tiii , INFLiMEATrON'OF THE BLADDER. IXFLAMMAT 10X OF THE BUWH.R. CONOKSTIOX OF THE LUXQH. •0I1TU0AT, DIFFICULT BR1ATUINU. _i PA1.PIT ATION OF TUB UBABT. HTSTEEICB, CfcOlIP, DIPHTERIA. _ CATARRH, IXTLUBXJA. IUIAC1I, TOOTHACHE. ■ EE0EAi.au. xhioxatum. MW OHTUS, AOUE CHILLS. TUwVxIhXAi R»mij RilltftolkapMtw |tna wk*r«lh(Mia«r RtH.ultr uba will «H>r4 (MS Bed Oemfort Twenty drope In half a tumbler of water wtlllnnfbw moments cure CH R A M PK.8P ASMS,SOU R 8TOM ACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC. WIND IK THE BOWELA, endall INTERNAL PAINS. _ . Travelers should always eerry a bottle of RM* Way’s Keady Relief with them. Afewdrepein water will prevent etckucas or paina from change of 11 t* better than Fretuh Brandy or Bittern an n water Stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FETE* A ND AGUE enred Ur Arty rente. Wot a retpedial agent In this world that.will < and Ague. aud all other Malarloue, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fcvnrs [aided by H WA Y’S PILLSJeo quick aa RADWll’l BKADY LIEF. Fiftyeeausper beuto. There'to cure Fever Biloas, Scarlet, . RAD U> HEALTH! BEAUTY!! •TEONGANT) FUR* EJCH BLOOD—INCREASE OFFLKSHANI) WEIGHT—CLEAR REIN AND B E AUTIF U L COMP LEX luN aECU MED TO ALU DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparilliai Resolvent THS QREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES : SO quick.so rapid, are the changes, the BODY UNDERGOES,!/’NDKR THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, U^f Itery Bay as Increase in Tlesl aii Weitlit is Seea and Felt. Every .drop of the SABSaPARILLIAX REEOL TENT communicate* through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, •nd other Fluids andjuieee of tke system the vigor of Ilf *, for |trepairs the vraatee of the body with new and round material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Connumption, Glaadujar disease, Ulcers in the throat. Mouth, Tu mors, Nodes i n the OlanUa and other parte of the system. Bore Ryes, HtrilmorouadLtvhargee from the Kars, and the worst farms of Esin dlseaeee, Eruptions, Ferer SoresJSealdll-’ad, Ring Worm,salt Rheum,Rryelpeiae, Aeae/Blle'*kSpoie, Wnrqisin the Fleah, Tumors. Can oersiathe Womb, and ail weakening and pxlnful die charges! Night Sweats, Loss *>f Sperm and n?l wastes of arrest Nigntan the life principle, are within the curative rang* of thin wenderoi Modern Ghrmfsu-r. auda few days’ use will prove to any person using it far ether of these forme af disease Re potent power m cure them. Ifthe patient, daily becoming reduced bythewaetoi and deobmpoeitiea that is cobuncally progressing, sue eeedelnsxreetlag these want)ee, and repairs the sarao with new material wads front healthy blood—and thin theSABBAPABlLLlAN nillaud da**s secure—aoum Isoertam; fur when en*e this remedy eontmencee Hi workefpariioatieu, and ssooeeds in diminishing the leps ef Waetee, lto repairs will be rapid, and every day Mae patient will feel hiutself growing beuey and stronger, the feodjdigesting better appeUM improving, and fleah and weight inereietng. Notoiiily do«stheilAKSAr*nitUAa Rrsei.vniiT exoele allk'KYWe remedial ageeUin the cure ofChronie, Sere fuloas, Unustitutional, and Akin d^seasee ; built la the only positive «ure for Kidney <f Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb dieeaaes. Gravel. Diabetes, Dreney, Stoppage erf Wstor, Inoonttsenoe of Urine, Bright's Die ease, Albuminuria, and in all eases where (here are brisk-dost deposits, er the water is thick, cloudy, mixed wlthsubstancva lijkaAhe whlteofaa egg, or threads like whitesiilk, orthereisa morbid, dark, bilious appear ance and white bone-dust depoaits, and when there la a pricking, burningseojaatiou when passing water, aad pain in the Bituilpf the Bank aad along the Lolaa. MM&jtW . ■ iOSSSB Cured by Mad way’s Resolvent. DR- RADWAY’S Piifsct Pu?gati?a I EfilatiagMi, perfectly tasteleea, olegantly! eoated with tweet gnu. purge, regulate,purify, eleaaseand strearthea. Ttad way’s nits, for the cure ef all Utaor darter the HV»^ * . ... -,-_fthe Htemaeh. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervons Dleeeeem Headache,Constipation,Ceeliveaeea. Indigestion, Dyv pepshi, Biliotuaem. BlUeueFevdr, Iiiammailow .rthe Boweto,'Files, aud all DvreagementH ef the Internal Yleoera. Warranted to sflWt a poelttve cure Purely Yegetabie, eonieinlng no msreury, mmernlaordeletelil eus drugs. A few doses of E ADW A Y’R PILIjS will free the eye tom from all the above named disorder!. Priee. 2fi ee«» per Box!. SOLD! BY DRUGGISTS. READ “FALSE AND TEUK.”, Reid one letter Stamp to RADWAY A GO.. No. 32 Warren Bt„ New York. Inforzoatiou worth thousands will be sent yen. Steam Cotton Gin, STEAM SAW IJJILE, STEAM PLANING MACHINE. STEAM GRIST MILL. Jantes M. Merely, E N FIELD, N. C. has ft 60.saw G|in of t-lw-i mol npprorod kind, run by steam, and will |gin|ot;on at the low toll of one twentieth. Paries bringing cot ton can have it ginned andjiacked on same day. ? STEAM SAWMILL. Tie is prepared to fill jcoHractB for lumber, of all sizes, aud in any ijutility ; lie has ad ded. A STEAM PLANT NT MACHINE, ' size. Flooring and will dross plank of a todgued and grooved. II if GRIST Jfl.L makes meal of excellent lality. ^ -SsJEiuCliaqberlame. Sole agent* f<it 1 STONEWAl The most populal FertiLl North Carolina anAGeorgiat Its results oh entt'A uiisquti A liberal discoan\ 7-* SNuFr, 'NSNUJrt JtA.IL ROAD MILLS, ?' GAIL & AX'S and; RALPH’S, IN B! BOXES and B. IIOWKLL'S AND MAI . Eld For Sale bj AND GROCEll Fresh Ale always pn hand. S Fine Whiskies^ Brandies, Bi'iies, j Cigars and ConfectI I-;v-14.; # j- q ' m Eu 8 1 rr. »•; | . Kh ADVERTISEMENTS. D IS^OI^ UTION. The Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm and style of TAYLOR, MARTIN & CO. terminated by agreement on the firat of July last. W. H, TAYLOR. „A. S. MART1N.I T. E. ELLIOT. • J. U. WATTERS, Norfolk, Fa.. Aug. 8<A, 1873. Co-Partnership. The undersigned having'purchaaed the in terest of \ TAYLOR, MARTIN & CO., Will continue tly» Hardware Business In all its branches, under the style of TAYLOE, ELLIOT & WATTEBS. They will occupy their present site ea COMMERCIAL ROW. until they can re build their own store, recently deetroyed bf fire, which they propose to do immediately* Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended them, they respectfully ask a continuance of the same, with the promiso and determination to do their utmost to merit it. W. H. TAYLOR, T. K. ELLIOT, J. II. WATTERS.! Norfolk, Va., Aug-usKSlh, ’78.—> Patterson, Madison &. Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG. VA. t-t Just Received. Horsford’s Bread Preparation, Canned Milk, Choice Clieeae, Extract Lemon At Vanilla, very nice, Amber Drips, clear ai honey, Gilberts Patent Gloss Starch in 6 lb. wooden boxes, handy and cheap. Grouno Ginger, very strong and warranted genuine also Mustard, Pepper At Cinnamon, at CEO. B. CURTIS’. S. Shearman, And MAKER. X3T Repairing cion* in the nentttt manntr. - 2* HENRY HiHTMXN. I8RJU.L WHrf**rL». Hartman A Wh ft ©hill, Wholesale Clothiers * • i ‘ .bLOTDS, OASSI MERES, AC. Nos. 321 and 323 Raltimere Streak,*, BALTIMORE, MD. 8-§ Mn Arrington '& Sons, i Commission Merchantu, PETERSBURG VA. . Solicit consignment!! of cotton and other produce from the planter* and farmar* of Aorth Carolina, Jan DENNIS & HORNE,' MANCFACTL’BERS OF Carriages, Buggies and S U L K 1 E S. Also Farm Wagons, Carts, Cart wheal, and A, ,?• Special attention given to repairing of a.l grades. Satisfaction guaranteed. 2-* Winter is Coming. preserve your fruit. Gem Fruit Jars. ‘1 and 2 qt. sizes. Just the thine*for pre eerying fruit for next winter. Tho tnut is much nicer, besides saving augur and the natural flavor of the fruit retained.' Jars can bu used every year. For Sale by GEO. B. CURTIS. ... Death. Stonewall’ is (bo title of, . Death-bod of • P 'nciies in size 'e r>aP<T. Officers, are grouped w ,r<f. " great aid titfn soldi A, whoa* Ki en for hmeountnt *fn beaT&t7:'f% cT 11 *? a P^ture tKit will e,7 Southern heart *n/» ,or 20 ““■wST'anES* Add^";W - - * BTRRQW «:&%!;»■ H’ tt r

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