- .1 . v. Y '1 j -1 WEBB, Pjunter 1 .&N'4vt-V.Y I1. ..VI- t..:'-. -fK -.1".' ! I. ' TITT-n f T ft rT niTV TTT tlsrl Tr T1"'- XT "ifTT T T TkT Tl Tk 1 -rr -- -r T -f-V -r -r- , . i . C i it : i ) ! NO: .19 I i it V si V. i. - r ' m LUST1EI SD AY EVENING editor; Ti3 i 'en H if ?naid within three f vubicnption ; S if oner time; . J f ked.at.lhe usual rates,; I dvenisement53wilt Ier cent, additional.-- inserted at lOjpcj; ! mis' if: : 'i43y ou citst editor. i ? Tra ve in : a f w years ago in the interior of it-v v kieland, we chancea to sojourn a momn or iwp fsivsa'bciore the. left, the . dingle iriwhicli ley iiadlocaied IhemsefveVJ1 we learned to ppyerse qjilte flutyni their own slang our ksH'ianguag e should cver usej it igai not expecting tp 4 a'Gjpsy family! ,h America.. Wa4 were lereforeiquiie OgreftUlv surpnsetq letti ng ; viral of the daily papers ihat' a ! Gipsy fiimU oaq piicneu iiij;ir -xenis uuur uic ,jjiv1'm ieidi and hooini to find our English friends, edeterniined td see them; so 'hrovvir:g aside jr'penaiH s6issdrW papers a nc! books," we set Jir face toward'the Jersey shore Upon land. ;i$g at Hoboken, several very polite knights the whip and wheel urged us to ride with -1'; ' ' JI " ri T7- U.' ' ,1 1 .. ' ,1 em to tno Jiiystan rieius, .mm- .is, caim ? i AiainJni Hrri'uid tr' takfi us rio-ht ur' to led Withl'men, wpmen : arid Hdren bojind r theOifcies, .'ad away" wle went through oilcls of oust toward t.neir ehcampiTjeutwbicH fiYiPfl tlif rrranili center of attraction, rus tlie 'ad'wfts. crowded with vehicles and pedestrian 1 1 nding thei rjoHhat poit dud her f .fit tie b rothe r, "they're ill MtJ and Ma's going td buy me Oh, nol IXjiaiies, aitt tbe mattier, some- kiinsies ar.aiyery, interesung anu peculiar ' I ' rjeople? crigtnitly- from Egypt, as some sup tiose. auu .acromrng iu uuiw I'.y j igt i ! Udated in :ital v. and were the founders 0 The children appeared conUunded at tlns lflaen uisniav ui leuriiinuj i.n.u . . ib. relbf tlwr , mother, took' a rapid survey of he mnibu auditors,. as it to. perceive whittle ier supeirior niiei lgence us nj;it--Kit:u, lulfl beeV drinki i )2 inniisman coarsen ret KDondedrT-- t qd .set oyiiieves, mats wnai iney hre'i ' And in a moment he sneeringly con in M Ffinndsrs' of Some! Well, 1 don t hmnw h Jit thnt'V rifht.' after all, -for . Pvome 5 J J rt lt rrulVrrrli Jinn F( b'dns!" ' il a Theladvfrdwne'd. a'klappearrd quite nn easy flS Hie liliUtniaii ;(ui;ccucu- 1 "Thely stole' the Sabine women, and--" . . r . i . . . ' (t Donft, Charts !" siid the lady, affecting lot to hear the historical recollections of the rator. "Arid thevve been stealing women anc hildreri ever since. So 1 think you re qit , By this time we hadj-eacheibthe end of our r'uip. anil dttacendincr from the vehicle we made fr.. . I "1 1 .t .. . ' K a tiitln ft ! o f a n - a fmm llin . road wt saw their tent, a couple of small wag 4 una wi ttiout horses, half a doxen men and wo- A. a .jr. - 4 1. Jw,u n 1ii.l 1 iMift' nnrl fepvprri flfKFS. A tua wdnlbet were seateuu upon uie ' ! ' : . j .. . .. .1 . i 'f gr.o4nd qearfa ImWidering fire, eating some W,f "spoon! victuals' oof a black and filthy look- 7 ing bh pot wliiclA Vas; suspended ;over. the dying lumbers. J j Ij5Ur vthem was an old hag J kneeling oh the ground before an elegantly I ii dressed ladv whose, hand she was intently ! surveying with a view of telling her fortune 1 ; W nalmistrv: a lot of old tin kettles and a few . I I - T ' .- - 9 .1 ... ' 11 nieces Oi rusiv iron, represeuuuK uuci - . ,- i . - ".. 1 1 . ., 'L . 1.. 1.. tin i V n rrinnnrl iiii, was careicssiy suuueicu upuu o jjiuuuu , in 4ier l immediate, cicioitya large dog chain, ed, under a wagon the children at ylay, and 'h rh nf the (Tinsv faniilv "lollinff" in thSer (I T ,-w. Y J "' J O ; :T..:. i. . i. 1 shade. Derfect personifications of hopeless in- indolenceand :vagabondism clothed in rags and , fifth, completed the. picture. As . they somewhat looked "the Gipsy character, a,l though we had our misgivings, we. approach. j d one of thefemales and addressing her in li 5irsY language jsaid, r"How do you do, my IRomniany sister!" She made no answer, but gave 0 stupid stare, as though we were not un drstood: Ai?aih!we said, noiitins to one of the p children, "Is that your chabi" Stiiljno answer i but gazing at us for a mpmect, turned away. A: few steps brought iis to the pair who were taking qiQOer OU 01 iue uioreaiu poi, auu ..auu leas ing the man, inquired if he spoke Rom maiiy? surprise then at cch -Qther, ,and filled theif lat;fhi$ Xiw kettle) said wet Nonswer save a look of sur- ; t JLjus junctu re oqeiOr.lhe , Gipsy mpnt'; v ho appeared to, be ctvidil some orders to hii cam. pauions, approaqliea ana presuming Tthal he wasr tne. "neaa oMnG iamnv, -nius aqaresseti H fTr7 rT rnti KrrklVirli'7 A l-o vriniti TTrm' Withont.deigningtp Y' ply, he passcia pn..-l f One of the children bavini;i ' iTurl itself limping'Uj) to its'motljeri find puuing 6ur;hand whorl i t" h'paii- nid tri it?. lrf"in l4f?J Hi I wen. my jJiuc. cuuu;ij is uiai y uui ;vcvctii . (mother.)" -. Jjf . .- . ' I. , , f The chltf tumed'lup .. ;diU 'faCe a'd'teaf ? fill eyeytindfgivlhg Wextra whine,-sat dowif and Teceived; a spoonful 'crditiher E c nJpQinle," said: we Jagain Cpme jniy v little Rommanv chabo, tip us a stave, (sing us a son:?) and T 11 give you a ghihng andyour bebee ahothe r," a t )he satne tt me Jdispla irW mon-y.,'i't''--t? W;'M.;.( jau'" f-l:. .5:f.3' r The child, made a jdtvefvir, the silver, bur hq song would itsiog, except.wjiat we Jiad. already hea rd . f. Lieay ing this ; g roup, , we a ppuoached .the old 'w oman who had justfiHhea ''te tune ot the1 lady before alluded to. She5 was apparently '.about fiftyi years old, tail and sleni derr h vujgar 5featurf s,; and - Itbough more dfecent in tier personal: appearance thali nny of iefWmWnions. Avie filth v.i slight itidrmation bf ker liead ack now lodged our preserice," atid as this jwas ' the first httetiriptiavanything like civility ,we. had yet seen manilt'stec', we concjuded that, this mast be the .speaker' for the whole family, and so we said to Her-- 1 . "'') '"' "-y loa& beebe, do you understand iukkeri ens?" (fortunes.) f i Stepping back a pace or twoj she opened her great, saucer grey eyes and stared at us as tho she thbu2ht'lshe had encountered a lunatic. I repeated-- ' 4 f -."Gan-yocr tell mo my dukkeripenl" s JW auswerf saved a faxed, vacant .stafe. . ; r Are y ou. llo ma nso r gogios?' ' . ( gi ps i es o r. common peopled) : j j "An w hat thediyil da you mane?" at length SJicr me. siuni.siieu oiu :rtiiie. . . Mad a m,! ' sa id we,v "I inqui red if you- we re Ti Bu O TT -Ti 1 I T tver 8C.e ibetlilccs ivusthatwasivtKomanfe'f. Uiv itter Roman can you find in all Ireland." "But, Madam," said we, "1 did not jmeati to inquue if you were llQiriau catholics; jwheri l ;said Homan$ 1, meant Gipsies. , I was itojd that you were iipsies. I ''(jtpsies! ' echoed the old Woman "jan Faith and that's jlst what we are, thin.' . - "Well, said we, "you are the first Irish Gipsy I ever saw." . .-"-;' ' i n 'Faijth, thin. I've seen-mony.a one." Continuing this amusing dialogue, we inqutr ed, "AfeoarGrpiesr? . ' H f KAre wejall Gipsies! f I Sure ah' we ?re." s 'Hovv long have you betn Gipsiesf" ; "How long is it? an' ha v. n't we been Gipsies lver since railroad." addy got turned away from the "And do you tell fortune.-i?' 4Do I tell fortunes! An' didn't you iist see me tillin' that ladyjV fortrnne that's right for. ninst you?" and diyil a bit, iv a thrue fortune liller can you find." ;. . ! ; -And is Paddy a tinkeV?" . I ' r' 4 .'"A tinder! -lsPadev' a tinker? iAn'what the divil yo jTon mane, you dirty blackguard? Do ycu think Paddy would be a tinker whin his .brother's a praste?" - ' ' The lady whose' fortune had just been told now approached, and handing the impostor a two dollar hill desired her to return a dollar and a halflchanjie; : s . "An surei" .suid she, 'I've got buta dollar', but -I'll give . you tha,tand tell'vou a iilile more for the other half;" and taking t'he laqv V hand continued "Och! What a fine ciiiitleman's coming to sa "you! and its rich that he is and--handsomejlarid you'll soon have him,1as you're already ingaged; and you'll . have sn'x nice liitie childer' At this last announcement the blood mounted to the- lady's cheeks,! and in. d gnarkly : withdrawing her handhe told her servant o prepare: her children Jor, jhome as her husband would expect her to dinner. , The servant girl, casting a scornfol glance at thf? Gip;y fortune teller, fiercely' opened her. battery by-way of giving her a parting salute; and placing her arms akimbo, commencjed .in true Irish style- Och,! ye dirty hijzzy' itt r'i rflr tra.ora nrolin'itlrv'. f n Kotfar 19 pa pie ye, are, preUpdin' to bejGo p jtillia fortunes Ye might as well r! money aS'ciate 'em but ir it- IiV 1 UUUIU, MIC siesand stale their4 money as ciate 'em but iv it Black well's-Island where the hole iv-yes ought to be! instid iv the,ILysiani Faldes"! c? 41 j In answer to this, the old gipyi seized a oi,;ttoi hiad, had we not interfered. The noise at tracted the noticeiof the'lady who called the girl off, and the war ended!5 i .if 4 1 We now retraced our steps, repassing the nrroun who were still indultrinr in khe ; luxu ries of the, pot, when a good n a lured I rishrnan, wun nis lamuy uressea in ,ineir ooiiaay cioines approached; and upon discovering Pat, sud.M dehiy xclaiiiied- Oclf ! Patrick, rny' darU i ng, is-that y oii a nd what the divil aire ye doin .herein iM : Ud i:f w . f. tj'l . kul ,; "U it dojn here, you raanetDinnis--aristjre re nr '-tier And ' ,ou. )ad, Pat- nck?ak ! "-MVhin .arjl-le'ftj & ' . -r - I haire ; uit3irailro: E rif .stire. liin tth4r, constables txiakrtafier, "thev ketc fed Den. I nQtke'tchf f gepsiesl lint of JiU HU'hg both ;h;:at the ":oie?tv5 Jtr ". If t. y,4-y Ji. u , haiidtfoohih for 1c. saalWAliuJmr - ih r;he' MGepsiesl jPairick.O iepsy! Och! th divil burnyou but jjrre a broth iv a Gepsy! A'id Kerens Judy jeljrn Irta n es.! Ochl bejaber, Bu ye'fFhi ce1 Gpsie$ a nd tlieif heM b tigh' di thkigh his Very -sides wld crackras he; irpe&tt edl it y eculia r, emphakithe iworcU ;'f Gepsies ! Iratrick, ihowever,?dia not reksb the joke so wel, and vas half jachabd'to get; arigry and ft si tig - fro rri y f tlie??g rouftd! c said' ;i it h - some Warrdt-bf 5.tlr!i i?l!tDiOnisi tdsJtiinakilfH in;lfyersilt; tho gintjemen iherel fefthink that, I'm no (j epsy? and that Jud no 'Yo'rjtuhe tell erv so colnrie.ilorl' qM Ca'rjty' an"d 'take something tb"dff ifk'.anid dont be iaTrer makifr a: foll in yersili.? L . , -1 -p i;? a -i t 1 3 Wli. r i . , sThis proposition, put a'n end to tho comical sepnee by the departttcet-' ot -Jhe two tnenas fr;McCaty' 'and 'Jljcng satisfied 'that nhe Hobokert Cipsy, Ta.v.as-'one4' nhe4: best practical jokes of t he season, weJ too took pulr departure lenvingHfie Gipsy fortuneYeller. scanning tnnana ot 'jfc well uressea gentle- man,jwno appeared lo swallow every worasne said; J - V . i THE- Vf IZARD AID HIS iWODEaSJ Prpfessot AndersoB tile : great, Vizard of the Nprtj, has already co$iiiTienced' his extfaofclii nary e r.te r t ai n meats t ifif jour city. ! ' VV e shai I occasionallv furnish otjreaft'ere'wii'h accounts -oHthe doings of -the famous deceiver's, as his- rejiutatiorv placed iwoirphe top of 1 the magic tr4e.j Speaking of tho magic tree, we are re. minded of the, wpadTuj tories told of the fa; mous Oriental professors; of necromancy in thb eastern piVt.4 of thei&lobe one of whoso f jjrincipal;delusions wfes$hat of plaminj; ,a seed 1 3mid"a rowb btpef most, mysterious matibeisi' bona Me tree, pro gnessively. ProfessOAndersori,j we learn, performs this truly vvpudrous- feat an account oflwhich Kvegive; ot, r.dprs-and ,will but add another.rmte to the past?: reputation of this ex. trfordinarV:man. ... ; ... i. if Infi nf t hp KnrrlKlT .Tfkiirna la savs tins rrrpat add - '"e" j,'" r-" - - --jr.. " . most extraoruinary ot teats i in natural magic, so weii Ktunvn.;! i,inuicu, niMury s ueu.g one of the wonderland 'miracles performed by- theiancientEastern necromancers, is knwon wijEngland bn y- W. Mrrrt 4n!e.rso?, ,m the person some years tion1 of this lows: f--;; whn taiifCT'hrnnm.' who" lived for I T ! riiF& T j Vm- j" " in the E4 Indies. The descrip. trulyextrproinary feat isas fol ' ' r"-' ' t v ; JA ..small quabtityol common soil .is taken Phn fible or the floor, and a simple seed is deposijad-rit i covered wUh a loose ciotn,j- wnicntnorougniy jexamineu,, and; on. being removedJf5m the soil, discovers the seediha .vegetatedd is seen .sprouting, Ills UOiU cov-eieu, .a.UH-UIIUOSL d uulu ic- moved, and; is a stem 'y Again itjis cove reef a.iia. removed, and a small treissqenin hlossomj? jAgain tis .covered, and: when next removed-a rose or -, iruit-. tree annears in full bloom-Sthe flOwers.pr iruit are pi.ucKeu auu given 10 ue jiauies, auu uio-.irce and soiircximihed bjfiQ audience, W whose hinds it gradually lasjaway, to jne utmost asiojiiishmerit and delit pf all who witness the gret eastern feat. . 1 Ayl , fiavel .ofjen .lieardff TCe gvptjahs look upon it as the most ntiful ofall their com.; positions ot nccromacv. - Professor Andersqmiyill doubtless create a S!.. - ! --I f cih-nncinnf doncohnn. -hoi ,fAVtrifnn. l"ifrtnrm t"'u5.s?um"w'H w:r"r .J r:;::" V-r r r ! iVlv;";''. ".f " r" . t even oescnoe.- IJav n00!C. , i--: - -- f INGUDAltlCASEi' On the -lst of lstot July during tflei thunder, I storm, a,m an uameaaeourn, resiaing:in ine Croft. Pa isley, was strbek dumb. Reab'urrt, it!appehts1 waslstamlunear awnidowi Wheij bnej of the flashes of ligMri ing, more vividthan u?uni,..jiu;.suBti.inn bcv uuhw .wrguiwj.wj opiaineu. uuijp 10 na.purpue, auu, wiwiw strangest of all, 'no'ihurt pr 'detect Whatever could bd observed. pit day, Kaeburn1 was - ,dM v-" " fc',?"v3.Yf?w.",v o, " - 7 dob street. : Here,; after the application 'for a few minutes of 5the bitieryl toliis neck, he was able to'prticulateoneor twoisyllables; .bw joy: at thii. it may be; imagined, wasyery great; liiiu ,v. .v upjr vj-, oiaupjiin.. uuif, Hi 8jcLu HJ'4ti uui itv,cicuu3 iui(. mer fluebey'Reabarii abotiid years i age,' and: alt he ielt at the tiimeihe wa-? t ruck du nib ws a -kii4frfgji&ewgfdr about a minutci -t.W ? - -' . r GAftlBLiNJN .CALIFORNIA. w i -II r.." Jj i fl' . thrilling detail i'-which may prbveAntercsting fo outTeadersra-V''N-tr vhfe4gamUng;$alpo(T5 pfSaji Pxancisco are the most splendid in tiie.v'prld, Tiie saloons pf Lpndon, Paris,' fTavanaNe w York or'Ne w .OreansVrefaV;'behcah5thenr in splendor 6f decoratloa i and 'magnitade lof Jdealings. .f The f5!la, ynkn BlDpFpdo: aijd thei'Verajidah'afe conspicuous fojrthejr:, interior arrangements, and the' number of persons j'whicb nightly can be seen inthem." ' It seems td be 'arnonomabia their arrival There; t.TheyJvrgenhaiKrsHui tions theyJ94rmine ;toraplir; ticquire(au independence, and. rush at once to the f iraor monte bankthe roulette or vtngt et ua tables or I the Puzzlinge&chroktalWck';rtthVe to tempt tho Mind iddessi afnd becoirie.eaiy prey for-lb cu prtiri, w ily and , i eisper iepced ;ga m bjers yhortsq plausibly. encourage them to-try again. Men who at home never thousut. of tryidg gamers of chances become intatuated, 4ind eagerly seize every opportunity apparent ly, Uo lose ;their mooey.vjii ii.ii; b v-.ail td ; .The .hej a refitted up vviih superb furniture and, appointments. : On the gilded walls, often painted' in fresco, are grouped - copies of the mcfet "' beautlfuPgems'"6f : mode rn ' a nd a ncien t arw HAmong.11iehi-.the world famous dancing girjsoC Canovat .with their -rounned. arms wreathed aboyp the loyelyf Pytherean heads'; sea. born Amphitrite,, rocked to her lily ed Vest bythe glad jwaves: leaping 'tumultiious about her' cradle shell 'eager to kiss the 'new-born loveliness; A nacreon, crowned wilhlwine bath ed 'rbses, hafping to.lh.e Cypfiarv maids Apol lo, jvyith-the Eliseas poised, and the Greek god breAthing tlj rough every ' ethereal limb; Cas "sandra withj ber violet braided tresses shading witlr their . purpled splendor those 4 prophetic' eyes, alas ueverto be .believed;.. JoyeVimpeV riU eagje, ; iyithjt his. cu ring , neck ft ba thed in nectar by the gleaming fingers of rosiest Flebej C!eopyra, 'ldokrngs if she desired another Antony ln rier strong coils of grace, smiling with. royal eyes at the worm of Nilus trailing the death ;staiq across "the r sphered beauty of her ivory bpsom; Mercury hovering with wing, ed j feet between he" 'earth . and heaven; Iris, gliding dri her" rainbow chariot' into the. pres ence of her! mistress Juno; and many other geducingarjg voluptuous jrngerips, most bean tifully and artistically portrayed, at tlrernendbits" cost. 1 he couches. Joannes, divnnsi etc. scat tered along the sides dfthele temples of chance, witl, rbshini n'rVrlmn. rt god. purpie and azure,, and of every graceful and lOVely:shapo. tiNow a carved sea shell, an antiquated chariot,. a Gothic nondescript j 11 ' " . . . - carveu wun an me exau sue minuteness ot tho T?ii7 hpthori n 'niro' TTnn vr are scaUered flower shaped vases of alabaster or Bohemian nlass ofeverv h,.o. and nnaint - T viv k 1 w iars of costlv norcriain. Th lamns nro titi edi uhtir their Iiaht sofilv floats in thnalr.and -t r.i.-s j - - mysinousiy ireveais ine surrounding objects, .; But the Parisian mirrors reflect from'their p0lished surfaces, in contrast to all this splen. dor. the. haanrard faP!nf Hfcnprnto rhon ti?;M witu WnH ovtnt TfUmtK;. o.ta' d6r is taunting; it afibrfls nothing of pleasure, bal a1 of dis-ust. The dailight softly streaks tbe skies, -but stilhthev stake their little re mining- With the vain "hope of a sudden run, dntil, completely, drained, they rush exhausted nnH frpn Pf fmm tViO rnnm amentedsilver box, sit at thetable the keep, erofthe fara bank.' ;The game requires alt U-IS altention and that of an associate, who gen. I erallv sits bv his side lo aid in navinit nnH tn k,D& . The, crowd press eagerly to make their several bets, until.: ''time" is called and the cards slide but of their confinement for either Jdss ongaia. Perhaps a series of winnings draws attention to.'a particular, card, and hun- OIfr 'Astt wtnsVr loses,4 rejbicingsr cuW sin8,-fi the airbntieedlesscrboth, the gamegoes: on, till j sheer-exhaustion or'the bank's. ill leek closes it. , , U I , - i. .. . . 1 I ' 1 t . rL? .1 r i , :. . - - inoneoiinese, tne iii noraoo zamins house, we saw a young man, certainly not more than nirieteen wa t hnMlv'tfiiKA !nKloeQnrt.?or;, , . . ' r. . : rr a targe su m npon ine ace he won -a nd let i ting the increased , amount remain, he , won a. gain seizing the whole. he walked coolly a. way the winner of twentv-thousand djilars in - dust: pa ? 'V'-;- u' : s;He was followed'by a miner-r-a rough reck., , less, liardy yetJioncst .looking- fellow, , who placed nis, bag o) qust, recentiy. acquired, upon j tet, he- won agaii placed thewhole on theisame card,' pd was fpllQwed by. at least dozen others. iA'd a.round 6tJ iiciiiai itauijr iuutiy, an. were muucec to risk a great desdl Time'was callcd'Hythe'deal. errand instantly all: was.-hdshed.nd still'-a? deaths The faces of all-were, lanehed with suspense, beth the dealers and Kettpr S1nr! v line carus weui ioriu not a fjound was heard thiiii ine ac& w as re veatcu favorable Id the bank. -Curses andiimpretfons-shouts of .fpulj.foiiL': ;re$oandediti Hrlar itirMt4rl expressions until the t.wo dealers ippollj-pro. tbeir, revolver. Vdedaring; everything fair, and;anndunoing- the bank a n inner Id mnctyfiTeihpusand doihrsL These scenes art ies, Xrf nuf?nl !l?,w Jban hi tho commencemen; I of the gd dxcltdrn'eut, but the truth of then. J wiff be readily fjstified to by hundreds ot rcl V ' H ' tUrrted aHvohtucer&r-.r I,.; .4,j ;;.. -' L- v.f-f j'Aiipthecleveiiiiitinr the Rella Union we saw i ,rrnes pf even ip played jfor lourf ; thousand dollars a game,' 4 One inan 'won th J wo,tWentyoner'tho6sa'hi dollar and - walk! V I " v. "i, acriiitu'y uuconcernea as rpossioief to the faro rfnk . where. he risked and lost; ; , ten thousand dollars at one bet, and; then de parted satisfied with the renlaioingt portion lb Atrintfere vfnendUhoAyri'tcrhatin? ixi t f-J u smaii fiteaitter; ,' t Un, the'way up he jad a lit; ' " V tic uSer.withjhe.captain.and won thirtvfivd V ? ... tt..". . n . v . . ' t , . bundrep .dolWs'ln cash, nd the earnboal a'n V ' ali lfer; fitting He gerterousWr returned :iL . Kx.i .v-J '-..-i. r-i - - .... ; ! . 4. uui u -cnpiam, noweverr ana co:itentcu hErnselH. with the money.";: , A remarkable ;.f:h pathy quickly becomes extinct! Boston Mil VM5 . v.Vruil!J,f Cl". au eieni, inai an sym CONDENSED1 HtSTORYD6STEA5i1 ; About 2S0yarsBJCl; Ilerdof A?exnnrJrat formed a toy which exhibited some of the poW r ers ofi steamand was movaitby its po.we . A. D..540. AnUieniiusian arciutect, arratj. ged several caldrons pf water each cote nil with ttie wide bottom oi a ieatherntube, whiclii Vo'-.e to a narrow top "with pipes "extended td f ineraners ot tne.anjouilng ijuildhig.:, -?A" firfej '.was-kindled baneath the caldrons, and ihB house Was shaken by the efforts of tle steaiSi' ascending the lubes. This is the first 'notice ofl 1 the power ofsteanfrecordcd." ' ir In 1543; fJune 'Clasca De Garoy tried 1 steamboat of 09 tons with' tolerable success dt Barcelona Spain. ' It consisted of a caldron ol t.t:'.AAV'il u;:j'-;Jl';l, t'. t . ' l In 1650 the'first railrqad was coustructed e iw.castle.bn-Tyne. ; " j H New The 'first .idea1 of a sfeam'entVtnri in RAfrto r. t' was in the Marquis of Worcester's "Hktory j Inveniibnsf-A;Dvl663.-i ;?: v j Uj- j In 1710 Nefrcomer made the first seam er j cifte in England J. ' - . 1 1 the' first application of the steam engine" In 1764 Jambs Watt mideuhe first tierfeit Iu 1,736. Jonathan ; Hulls first set forth iUdf idea of steam navigation! T i ' In 1778 ThbmW Paine first proposed . .thli application in America.- P In 178L Marquis Jouffroy constructed one 08 the Saoiie. i ! M ,..,iu,175 Cwo Americans published a workorf it '' ; " : Inl786 William Tymfngtbh made a voyaA in one W the iforth arid Ciy'd'Canaj. 'V ; In 1802 this experirpent'wa repeated. 1 Intl78!2. Ramsey proDeUed a boat by steartt atN.ew. Yorjci,. i t; , In 1787 John Pitch, Vijiadelphia', navigf r i tek a boat by a steam .''engine' on - the Deli ; ware. ! ' ' ' ' ' ' In 1793 Robert Fulton first bganjto appV his attention tp steam. j In 17D3 Oliver Evans, a r.ativa of Piiiladc I phia, cpnstructed'a locom :ive steam Engine ta 1 travel on a turnriiice rnad. . I .1 .. ..j . . . j . 1 The first steam vessel that ever crossed the Atlantic was thelSavaRnah,, in the month o" June, 1819, from Charleston to Liverpool, i h,nfs hrerchanls Maszaxine. Ejaculatory Grayer requires Wot tht sanctuary, the more, retired circles, i nor the closet, although in either, it may, and ought to be offered; but by the way-side, iiuhe thronged streets, and the cares of commerce. and of tradl, or in the social enjoyments' of life,' it is not only appropriate," bit sems the ton ly. -resort' fdry keepingup communication between the soul arrJ heaven. ;, A Kir.t f h inm,.,i Vrit.L I TT ,. - :r "6,. " V - ouilll H I i " 1 . groin uuerea. an unsooken sentence a'.vearniitt i I Oi me ncarr directed to the tnro le above,. mTV 1 reneh tho rim K rtr0 reach tho ear of him ' who never fails to'ua ru his tried and tempted one; and bring the blest- j : : i : . i . . '4. mg uu'.va just ai me momenta wnen ji js. moil needirjj. ,Under the sudden invasion of angeK ; eovy, piide,lustcovetousntss,revengelde.po4 nency, lct the heart go righ'up in an instant to "ypuj- gieaf Leader, and there shall cpme" toar needed help. 4 ' f . . , . . , j ;fy i A Fair Business Transaction.4 A fellow yas engaged to a gir!,in Maine, bnt, liked her sister better; than hedid Ken" Wish ing to be off with the old love before be 'waVn( with the new," he. asked his bethrotbed 'whti she would take to release, him she.. rcplieq that about sixty.tfo dollars she thought was ait much' as she. was "worth; whereupon tie pbniei ttr tfip tiiet iisMr ntiTr1 ft?m -( d 'm rrtorl tV J t iljy pu want anenemyc j person ana expecj njmio oe one; and il he fi I now 5 par friend,' ten Jo opoif ybu,-do not sobbl? er!OT3ater realize your esrpectationsJ Buroa the other hand, ifyou taVe a'mah to be friend; Jy, (eO tot ope, if he jloes nptl become so.ri 1 i . 4 - i i' ,7 it ' 5 - 1 U . " ':':i! 1 f , 3 T-t'tV V