'; i THirEAGLE. H. J. If cSWEEX, & CO. J'uUUher an4 rrvjrietor W. J. McSVEEX. Editor. FAYETTEVUiLE. X. C. MONTUY. JANU1RY 111 1G9 m ' Dolor. We received a copy of thU book on Saturday last. It is very imtly bound and beautify printed. iW-m is tbrilHg1- pamfully thrilliajj norel; written by Capt. Bcj. Robinson, of thi town, and published .by E. J. Hale k Sons, of Kew York. J)otores Vavghn ppcar a the dis tinctive personage of the story. Her ill-fated and eventful life corrcaponda "with her" name, Jhltres, wkich mean despondency or despair. . R'anJ rem on tn to be tuo Lcro. He "figured in the late w ar, and from 'the fumplo, healthy happin? of a ijaiet Some to the depcrntO advent nn of aablirac destiny, tho atory of hit lifo thrill the mind till our very nerve trerablaio sympathy. , The .plot of . the work bears aome rcscxrJKance to " - Tho work containamanr' v7vid ilia a tration of some very exciting event -in the history of Favcttcville and I nnio of it" jHtp!e. The descriptions iire beautiful. After reading the en tiro book, we will notice it more full v. Congr... ,eu on-5th i0?L, and at Wv .? S35lr 5I?Ait IRirnCIlon. c oeuevr mo iui uicr ujii- nnce traction itia law of Coiicrcss has been orU to be repealed. A .bill lu passed, or is about to pass, fnrnishin; each Govern or of the Southern States -with a few thousand riites ajd sonic cannon for each Conryfe-sional district, for arming a mili tlaTforcc. There will probable bo a bitter contest on tho repeal of the Tenure of OCice Act A proposition "to nmend the Constitution by univCr- sal hanhood sujrrao.lus alio b ex n rice, St nd tobacc that of themselves "in fifteen vcars al debt." Bat to tukjt? care of 000.00 coming inmstiVated in railroad and O the O ... ... . J -.. -v. M. ... I n o orovomenU, w inch .w-ill mducQ fp aem t- fill 1,11 w . ' ,: i - grants, whowtli add. tWipo! BC lieu .it,,V f ,.n i Uen era I 'jAssr-nb. '.I if r a- f to pajr tho nalop-Jv y? .Certainly net it .a&dnt EufBcIeot ,A r V' if thvy ar.0 eda k Vf": lyedojMar, Hp ieettKb .ei 6'ense 6f llin Stalv H?1? thcniHeltea. tbia st aWatthTtX iVWeu riinna. fiaV the iiifttFt I Jr. u in every ycarUhWlf- f'hlj -taMi ihllK .t In tbeijr rr tors wi.;f tiou atid wealtli, and in titnegiv ib at which the Xorth.no v poaeHe iwilitiral novreiv In- vfer ol tli& brilliant iirospecl the .Norili. is to; Wj f 1 fined' to6 u5Hv4a " fufKr I .ftthe SfatA 'axnent . K I Vn'rrfWU'tli'rt IUti'i legislation will be bold and "radical, though but little has yet been done. The ""WhiAoy" ai:d' ' Bank Uings" and the pixigres.sivc nnd moral idea" men III prevail. " Grant's adininbtra ti'iii will be Mitlieieiitly radical. An trc intimated heretofor. we f. -l r cntcrpriMiifn-iMl, Mr. U. impelled -to discontinue our Semi-; ,Srbeo- established a sta-p line I I . w T A i - 1 ditJciicnt cfarn- men who will seek by industry to build up homes in the Sunny South: and liuaily, the Xorth and the v.-Jiole world will unite in eon fesiug that, after :ill "Cotton is King.'4 The Tax ou MstSHcd SpIrHs Sup .plententary Hegiilations- Hb-orfi,? tttih f .-Nfefe- ip.anHjrjiM?nyoipatioiifJ.tax.e$:tp .?if tbe working capacity jn. bushels, esti mating not exceeding thirty gallons to the bushel. They will also give the greatest diameter and least diameter and depth of each fermenting tub, de- j signating the same b' its number, as shown by tho plan, with the full ca paeity, the number of dry inches al lowed for fermentation, and the work- meut. T!ic following is supplement Xo, 2 inr capacity of each tub "Weekly fur the present. have paid fur "the SVmi-Wfekly w ill ' rw-vivc the Wxklv Jr thu ammMit Tet due thrrn. When we llrst. tuk , 4 harg? of the KhjU we t nacd t Jntie only a Werkly papr. I bit an active and excitng cainjijiitru watheii "Inf re uh, and we mw the mr-tty uf j ' Semi-Wwklv, at lea-t Ur the ram aign. The exprrinu nt eemcd to d vrcH. and we K t it continue ti!i the I.t fJanuarA w it hunt change. Willi i the quirt and dullness prevailing nw. we think that thrre are )m pcrVunt nd t !:! few here in town, who , would le benetittil or interested bv a Scnii- Wevkh. If we had put thesiili--eriptiu:i at $j fur the Semi-Wrrkly itmlrad f $ I. we believe it wuuld jicarlv sustain itmlf. We hae n jnaiU. and we iitiit tlrpcnd on tJie ioh u cirriil.ttiuii. .Mot f our advrr- .tiding tor th Wrekly pajier. 4 to g to the euntry. We have to eaeriSeea par ol" the profit .of our "Weekly to keep up the Semi-Weekly. nnd we can bear thi no longer. Here ttcr our own pay for our time and labor, mut le derived ftitm the profit rt thf olice, and the'meSi if capital ii.MH iatef with uw arc not inclined !o make up dofieeneie in any part of the !uincs.- when the wh-! vields a rnt. And we are certainly not in clined to .acrinVc our own income, merely to accommodate the communi ty. In iSj-V.ii. ,o Fayetteville Ob crver.had alut 2.5U hubseribers fomc 2im0 Weekl-, and abut ."inn Serai-Weeklv. a we are informed b ' i ( lioad, to Cany, on the North Cirolina liail Kod, near Ualeigh. Tho distance is 40 or i't miles, and the roi;to ox tend., along with tho Cliatham rail road now building. Thin line is tri weekly and the faro from here to llal eii;h $7. Cuvv is 0 or S miles west of lialeigh.'oii tlar Central N. C. road, and fnci thin the Chatham road is to run u:;th-we!t H.'J mil.vs to Ilnvwood iu (hnt!:aui count v. Hawood isbitween Pe-ep and Haw Hi vers, and jiibt above th; place where thy coi::u together nnd form the Cupe 1m-, which runs by here. Haywood i.s;ais! in the eastern edge of the celebrated Coal EieM region of I.), ep !iiv-r, and some H lui.Y.s iH'l th-eaht of t".l:e:.lmro. This road is bni!t 0 miles na tlii.s '.side of Carey, ai.d is progressing t tic rte to the regulations concoruing the tax on distilled spirits &.c, of August a, 1WS: ixriu rr:oxs as to kkiorts ox roiii; no . .')' (;?if tf Internal lUrinw, Washing, tqu, Dec. 2(J, 18GS. In order to secure correctness and uniformity in the monthly reports of assessors on Form No. S!, the followingi'instriictious are ib.sued, and assessors will give them Having found the.affjrre'iatc workinc capacity of the fermentevs, they will divide this amount by the number of gallons of mash which the distiller makes from a bushel of grain (not ex ceeding, however, 45 gallons of mash to the bushel of grain in any case,) which will give' tli e number of bushels that will be required to till tho fermeu ters. Then taki.iuf the farm en tint pe- careful consideration, and be governed riod as lixed bv the distiller on 'Form frtrietly in accordanet Itherewith in ma- King up inosc reports. In determining tho ''required pro duction" of a distillerv. the assessor No. 27, which must be a fixed and definite number of hours or days, add ing thereto tvntj-fonr hours or one duv for the timi each fermenter is rc- will, iu the first place, ascertain and j quired to remain empty after its con tents are drawn o3", and dividing the number of bushels by this sum, the re sult yill be tie number of bushels which can bo ffcrmented in tvventj-four hours. If not even day dnidc by the number of hours and multiply by 21. They will then estimate the quantity of spirits which can be produced from a iKisuci ol gram Within j about two months after the Sheriffs havo paid in the people s taxes, jthe J reusury is cx laascd, the tiiopey is squandered and the clamor' is for more from the groaning population, ndt to be rai iu as usual, laitejin. the year, 'after a' little rest in . I L ' i mo oneriir and: his deputies, our, m part, before the first of April! This is iiuouici siepin liiu- Uuicii oi uie new civilization.'' But of this and tho proposition to put the State's; interest iir the Rail roads, ttc, in the hands oi lie 'King, more anon. , ! j ' ExKCUTIVEf D K tp TM E'NT flF N. C. llaleigh, January G, 1SG9. 1e the Honorable the J' (j tie "it I Assembly f Sorth Carolina'. GKXTLKMi:x:-i beg leave to lay before you a repoirt from jhe Public Treasurer, showing the present! coin dition of the Public Treasury. I earnestly recomnijend thatl the feren er;d Assembly j ihiinediately 'adopt the necessary measures to meet the iutejvsc on tl.:e ;p hblic de.bt -and to provide for thf?; current expenses of j the Stafo government. J have full of miles a We; k. lnct with the mad !Ierv thin" in lead hi J in :i s con-1 pro.-ress-s. us i; on ti Jiaywotxlwnii it i s.-ud then- ' reports ! the oi-NliMer or storeUeejiei", will no dclav to eonm et wilh our ! but fdioiifd use everv other means iu his power, to tet the accuracy of tlj-e road. dettrminethe quantity of materials used for the production of spirits; -and for ascertaining this the rule laid down iu the law is that forty-live gallons of ni.-ili from gra:n shall represent not less than one gallon of molasses; that is, forty-five gallons of mush must rep reii nt not less than a bushel of irrain, hut mav represent more. If the distil ler :.etua!ly m:t!cs but thirty-live or j This de:uds a great deal iipou the ! eonlideiice in the ability of the Public Krtv iTaooas of mash from a bushel of 1 character aud completeness of tiie ht- i 1 reasurer. and trust that the ( Jenern p uatus; and while no fixed rule can be. laid flown upon this point, it may i i ...1 4 1.... - r: i . i , ;; r7 r l T ! r, which -they are distiller tins vanes from three to lour ' rr, ., -ailons, many distilkrie.i lircdiwinir I 1 ,,K Cm ht ot Jiftet n aiid sixteen uuarts to tho bushel. I '"nt.- unporlafiee j It would reouire n strong cuso to.justi-i niaintamed at whatever sacrifice, iu Having iouud the quantity of mate- j fy an estimate as low as three gallons, no other way can jour good 'name be !:- I .. .1--. A I . . - - r 1 1 1 . : i i i - i i grain, ii.eii tnir:y-;jve or joriy is rue divisor lt !: u--ed instead of tort v-fic. V lit C.lirv It rint! llii'ai.si'i.f.N Mil i i.-u-lmn ii he r he distiller's returns. II' 'II ! jss-miiv win give to ins recoim.'ii- dations and views the eonsiileratiou justly ei'itit led. -Stare is; of juira- It should be commissioue The Leoi. itii:i This body a5- m t-rriU ti uii -lh insl.. niulaviJLnKjLatWi remain in seshn until April. The 1 "sino, tbt 'l-ntity of spirits whicft ..... . , '. , I should hi- aceoiinted for Irom tnis ,......e4 Mi.oV,ee,io..e,ueao-; uat.j:vo.. t(. , , . . have !. this foiluctl mnUiplv the sormni: xopic. . gres. many mils are j ,. lilWiX. ,l,.r,j,ilo means of determin introduced, for eonsflidatin. chamr-' ing this, he wiil determine from the in railroads, aiel su-'-'esti'-g lar"v ' character of t h- material used what, give t!ie quantity of sjiirits -which cau nppropriations fin bondl, A bill has -1 Mntitv of spirits a bushel of such be produced in tuentv-four hours . 1 1 . -, , , ,, , i katen.nl should vield. and calculate Itie capacity of a molasses dmtillery been ininIucc. in the House to have liu. ..,, iu.t lo a,.,.oimtc lor. r is estimated upon the a we principle. term of tlx in thi rtint v than now. .Superior t pi ourt !i:irr j -re.piiivd produetion,' fli ere sms S-rppo-e, i'or instance, tin to be h gi nerrd !iiosit i n ts keeo ui ;'"" the vej-orts and otherwise lor al! old d.d.. andaUoto ;111"1 na "i" neuim -i..:w. gallons oi masn irom tav law aud in Kuch ease, the reasons or such! rf?aerved uutarnisliedt in no other TV tT ..:J i ' .: l - i t 1 7' irtbiii v thf number of . . . . . . ..' . 1 - L J i iitt.li if- 1 . Iiiiliui'kiil 1 1 1 I nci i.Mi.ir I M' I . i , ! . , ! I IIII.IC II l9 Ul'liriiu. V 11 I III UO II III V b-usucis ihatean.be lermented m twenty i . . j. .. , 1 t J hours bv this sum. a ul it. Mi me luture ma enaiiy depends. 1 trust that it may oe the -jileasure of .the General Assembly at once to pass a revenue b.illj which will enable the Treasurer to lineet the January, and also ' provide ng due during the II as for the ordi- eminent position of linancial. creorTjpeTbupa ftt half, otTthe Witw 1 m without putting our hand itito our pockets t and providing Tor the annu al expenses for interest well as supporting the State Government -by promptly, pdyingthein in cash." In the above paragraph I averred the practicability of. hoHrowiirg mo ney in advance of taxes, provided a sijiceni ' in y should be 'made. 1 also urged the expediency of the prompt passage of such a hill. A few days thereafter on the 2Sth day of No vember,1 1SGS, I reported such a bill and-. -recommended its immediate consideration. This bill, while fram ed to carry out the provisions of the Constitution requiring the taxation of all real and personal property ac cording to value, also was designed to fairly rate incomes, privileges and licenses, as the Constitution permits. Doubtless the oill has defects, but its, prompt consideration with the view dlUd r i - . or removing sucn detects, passage' of that or a siniilar one, would have enabled me lo have avoided the great evil of not paying the January interest. Finding thatHfc was unlikely that my recpmmendatioiis would b? car ried into eflecfin season, I found, it necessary again to commuiiicate with jtne AssembKv I made a frank state ment of the condition of a flairs. Ow ing to caus es which all underslaud, ive cnnfiot borrow money at par at the corrynercial centres without a dedge of collaterals. ' In my report iu November last. I nrorosed that payable' tho 1st of 4pril, n burdon which can oasilv be borne bv thence- pie as their crops will then bo aohl. ' In my opinion, it will still bo nccei sary to atithorir.o mo to pledge a (-ol-laterals. a part of the intcret owned by tho Stuto in Ihiilroad corporation . If it be deemed that tho powers grunt cd mo in tho bill heretofore proponed were too great, let amendments bo of fered making such restriction a.i will, in your view, guard tjie public interest. It Is necessary not only to provide tho sum sufficient to pay the January iu torest. but nl? that to become duo on tho 1st of April. ; Money is liknwisj needed to carry on the State (Jovernment. It become my duty to inform tbcGoneral .hhcih. bly that the treasury is now1, nearly empty in fact, with tho oxccplion of the sums deposited by delinquent .Sher iff to their credit' tho iTrcasu ry i cx-( hausted. 3Ioney is tight in all tho financial centres, and I niuit. have powers adequate to the emergency or and the ! it .will be impossible to provide all ne cessary itinds. . 1 have the honor to bo, Very Kcspect folly, Your Obedient .Servant, D. A. JK.VKIXS. Public Treasurer. 1'roiu the hvtaia Thu-M. TIIE .'RAMIE PLANT. D.w.i.xm Co., Dec. 'A, JSrtA Editor Timks: For the curiou, and agricultural experimentalist, cu- . closed find specimen of tho ucwtoxtilo V Jlamic.'' Upon application to the agent, Mr. J. Bruckner, of .New Orleans, 1 re ceived a circular giving inxtructiomt 4.no u, na Forcnun in that oflicc. rr,m"st f tie, removal of all raijl T;is 4- Unt- Jo lht. upon tiie same jirmcit accordingly, i Having found the working fermenting interest now due. assessor i capaeiiy oi ine lennenters ill gallons, n,r lh(, ilUl.est ftj, as aoove stared, tuvnie tins uv tne i . , f ,, r , i , present year, as vt number of gallons of mash which the I 1 . J .i;,t;:i. r... ...,n f .,j..o i nary expenses ot the government. fni I i . i t-4 . ... ses, ami it wiil give the number of gal- i people qt tne atate must expect, i h xt lir... -Shere whs ,! .IK- nit'd ' IM,Iinal disaboit i.s. Very littl busi- , .,ih1ioI. would call for :.4!i."i l.ish.ds of Ions of raolass required to fill fermen- j from the condition fn which they find ,m m v, w-m-w- - - - - - " " ' ' i . a . . L . . . . . ... -a rt M , '1 I 1 . I I . . "I . I " I I I icrs. iiue tiieiermenung. perioa, pins iiiemseives, to contrmure uperaii.yin the iwcnty-fonr hours, and divide the taxes to the PublictTreasurvi I have to Raleigh and Warsaw; semi- it I lies-has been di"pie I of v.t. It week IV . I I... :. ... . i. .r . i. . . : . f i . . t i i . . 5..ui- i line ii in " uii- lit: ioij l.umo ri'oi. ii.'f i nei.iw ami t wsii . gram; ne a i.r.t ii t hiekei the distilier actual! v mash, so thai -4o . .... troi w.imIi! r..-.r.-s..ii -i liiish.' rheti 1 amount louiii as aoore. ana it aviii . .... ,i...,,u. ,. ,r i- ,,ii.;,i.. ..n t I. ii .a ... .i. ..., ..I .... I ....!.. I. - .-- w . - - -- I . - I II UUIIUli I 1 (.'Hi . Ill IMIUti IUiii; Kt 1" High I.i..tUI-artluge:wckly mail," .,-,''. ' ' 1 wouM call for 10, (M.si bushel of give the quantity which can bo fer-1 , j h e !" , jjj J t)- . . - . ... - . ill lllli I'l.'l-l'IHIi III-. I. I I I I II .. I . . . , , 1 1 i. t 1 Illlll tlKIKItll I, llltlt LI 1 1 V Wll UU LIIH ...Sxv n Inland l.i-Hhte'.s bridge and , , . , ' ' gra.n. Mii.i.ose. then, tne assessor , ia uteu iu emy-uou u..,.,. . , - ehee-felly and tiron-mlv inasmuch ..... . . . rrtli.r thin- I.tf..r t.o.o ...re-w ..a r. .1.. ... A ' i I! I : " h finnnlilv f ro rits v hi eh. Ml) ! Cm 4,I1U piOinpuy, lUilS.llllCU 'UW:,ri,: - N1' ,,n Urt' Ihe body. lho .p,,;,!,,. sloljW n. d.arired with a ' bo produced from a gallon of nmlasses, j it i indispensable to maintain the I ! r.naiiniown ana miiuhkt- , i.. .. . ...... i..t...i. i. i vmhm ith thn enmnlete- ! pliirhted taith .-of t 10 fctate, land to E - IU IIIIMrL III- It IMKill.l Ml I11U I lil VI. 1 IT i ixitt.ix - I 1 i . i . . t'l I to an ville. TIcr. w.iv twn or three other rutespndablv in all about In roiitf Now we have n jilIvLut one mail that i r,,,: Nl w riin:;t riiircos Tiir r.r.Axn ofw.e to n "the daily mail tl, j ti kk i:k: osi: tuk.m t:.. Warsaw. There U mail I wi, , Ve. k The Memphis Appeal, in a ive nt up the Western rail road, bit it feav; i.-vi.:w ..fth- coi.dttiou of the plant liere on our publication da vs. and ev-', cr of the .uth. eoncludes that thev i.rl l..nr t for.- w .- , ., .r.. TI... I are better otX than ever b lor.-. :md Colton Is rii:ig. would iheu enter on form No. '.) uu- lu'ss f tho ajp.aratns and thoi quality . render efteetive such me isures as may der the he.d oframount of sj.irits re-u "fine material,-from. tsU to ner cent.; ; be adopted to develop our great riafc ouired to be produced." &c.,- ::.J.i27 fib- j irom oo to W per cent, oeing prouamyv ur., resources. 1 KiU gallons, At 15 irallons of mash to j ir average, and in no case should a j j ,ave tL. i,onor i i , , that their prospects euul I not be well mail lrni Iicr t I.iinu'roii has rne - , ' iinnrnvi-i' vvcry Wednesday, and we can send The largtM eotlou cnq. ever raised 4mr Monday's japer to I.timl-erton by j was in lsT:i-"t;o. which was about T, Warsatrand Wilmington qui ker than ! um.i.)o bales, realizing, at 30 a bale br th Wcilnesdav s mail. On the Sl.,,.;. Thi. year t he crop will . ..... I , .it- be about 2.U.M.0 id halo: it is worth ll.th ot last August wo began the 1-a-UJUJ, a ,.no aI( hl ,e :,roi;:lI., gle with hi!) ul riUi. Our IhLs t ,.'i noo. or only oi..--tilVh Iclhaii the now show a cirvulation of iver It'OO jenqof l.SoII-T.O. Now. to the protit jkliitUO mi weekly and 700 weekly. !0, ,,,i-' year mui k atlded somo i:m ,.-rf fc:n .r.t....iu. Iwrta:it item-. Their expenditures . . do not incluije interest on the moiiev and we find i.. ditluulty in getting j;l,ort.r. JlS a ave u:4" aubscribcrs; wherever we make any worth: nor taxes on the same; hor ncrrvtic effort, tarlvall these .uU tor the idler, the sick the youii'. ecriler are in X. Candina. and within . !" :,u tin biihri- nr A7 -i t-lull i'.'iiliiis : less allowaucu' than tins average Oe at 10 iralloin to the bushel. " i'nder i Ul;u1 without ; first submittiug a fall th:s he wili enter the quantity report- j report of the reasons therefore to the le.M.vthe dUiilh r sm nroibieeil To i commissioner. ! determine the K0 per cent, of the ea- ! I" case Rny question arises as to the j I - ' . ! A . . . . J I ' - it... .... - pacit vf the assessor will take the mini- ' correnness oi ine sure, iae assessor , ber oV gallon!) lixed by the survey as ! will forward a draft of his report to tho the oroduct fur 24 Imurs. multiply commissionei ueiore n is m-Ucu, iu uz this bv tne number id" days for which tlor, that cuch quettions may be deter- lln iir.-viini Inr i-:io:ieilv slmnl l bit i mined. . ..hI-o.-r eei.t of H,e r-.n. wMfv i ' In estimating the number of dry to be, gents, Very resp'et'v: your idj't setv't, W. W. JIOLDEN, Governor. State: of North Carolin Treasury To the General Asscttibh of Depart menu . J'au.'-o, 1 I beg leave pgai 1 respectfu call your attention hortli Catolijui: .... i... : i i... .. ..i : inches to fin allowed for fermentation. ; c a ueiei in mo o i i lie su r e , uiiu . . l . r . i o. - . ..i i i . j i .. i.. ' lho nnr nnrli oim-soii dftshrn.-iied to COIldltlOU Of the btatC. snouiii oe eiuere:i as sweuon ronu n:t. " - " j-- . - to the liu .More than this-, their ranco ot ayettevd.c. We have but fiaV orpr,n.W(lll . Ihr wha eVl.r ;,. little tirtulatiMU towards Sflmjon and thi ir pe.ple require has been produced Harnett a yet. These are fuels, and j from their own foil in great e.-t abun trdefv any one to show siajfjar (tuc-l,,Hmt- Hcn- it is asi rte I that the r with any other paper i:. the State I p will bring in as mud. i,- ; . , money a- over was ivee.ve 1 l v the incthewar. A e thiuk we 4-an make OIlI j, ,rom thu MIirro iu ju... ja'ini- M firt -class wevkly paper, and also f et da though it is: admit ten that . . . i - . i I . i . i i mere are some icnqiorary urawi-acKs growing out of the -late unpieasarri nes." Another condition i 'iua!lv favorable: Formerly the commission merchant iu a measure held a m irt- joab!e the present subscription. We can give better attention tt a weekly, and not be run to dcalh as we are now. Jf vc hai some projcr assistaut edit or, wo would spend much ot our time! gage on all the planters possessions, la travt! for the interest of the paper. lr he made advances on :u-io;i h-fo;v But wc are so poor that we niust crawl 11 waivn, ami inisconiinae i iron. . . year t vear. without a prosiK'Ct ofde- bfore wo walk. We are aiued to learn that our es teemed and honored friend aud fellow townsmio. Hon. Jesse G. .Shepherd, it now in the hut at ages of consump tion. He baa suffered from this- fatal diselso for many months. Xo man ha boc n more distinguUhed in church, aociety d state, than Judge Shep herd. We but express ihe universal ympathr ftpJ .t his ypnditin. liverance. .Hut. now through the in strumentality of the bankrupt law, a modern jubilee hm dawned, making one man as good as another. Thus tho fouth has a new1 and a fi'r start: aud with a certainty of fun ishi ig ti the markets of the world S-uuoin.oiM' worth of cotton year alter year, a jKr tiou of which will be retained among themselves by rcasou of their newly established thrill and enlargement o. the list of farm products, they are ev iJently eipjering ii)on tmirse of un- if this exceeds the ' reported product,-' ai(i 1,im must of toulsc be governed then ail additional assessment will be in a Z1 measure by the depth of the made. When the dillerence between : tormenting tubs. J' rom the best m the -mpiired proiluet." as above found i formation received, it is believed that and the reported product is greater ' a fair ailowancq will bo from .V-ree to than the dillerence between the SUper j ""Vl " "iciies wriwu.aiiuaiij ixtuie and the repi.rted product, the assess. : of corn .and rye not exceeding, oue ment will be upon the former quantity, i balf corn; ana from seven to twelve When tho reported equals or exceeds ; w:ies tbv rye. and any mixture ot rye the SO per cent., but is lets than th- exceeding one-halt. While it is per--required prnduct' a abo.e lound ; haps, natural that the distiller should the assessn,eiit will be made upon the c,:li,n the maximum allowance as most ditlerenee between the "required" and advantageous to him, it is incumbent report i-d" product. j upon the oflicers making the survey to lint if in any eae the required pro-! ,aako hU' " allowance only as is. fair duct and the reported product are ; an,i equitable, having regard to tho each less than the eighty per cent.. interest- of the government as well as the assessment must be made for the" tnl l:3tiller. - , ditlVrem-e between the reported nro- i ShouM the allowances in any district duct aud the eighty per cent. Oa this 1 in a11 elunl lhe iaximum allow- point the law is iinperative. i anCl'' ul" ia m,st t:l!SGS exr0('d the aver" To determine the number of barrels ' ae between the two extremes given, ofibrlv proof gallons, each to bo re- lmp "''vey should be accompanied by prte l" on fonii No. si. as assessed at 1 so!!,e explanation cf the reasons there; s 1 p;-r barrel, the greates: number of i;,r? t. rebut the inference which might proof gallons, whether the -required 1,0 dru'n fru,1) plKh action.. prwiuetion. i uomas xlau.o, ' t h - A. Z . ir,,.i,owi II v to incial .f 4hp Statiiaraiiliil nd preparing root Two to (o frrJshouJ to bcF1' ' ' ymarket.' - kept in' the Treifi V, and ! used .as , 'Kfi guaranteed lx L it.M',Uu..n V I he suTf to bo $2 per thousand. T' eolla tera whet cVeNj-mporary loans tUoUHS rootft wf yjdu ;ul!U.icnt ilea . intni tri rrt-ettf m i i m. . T ;. v-r-Y""11 -'u" 1 plant TjO acres thesucceeding year. Ho was afterwards made mon the bonds 8tate that the plant is pecuhady'H issued uiider authontA J a law pass- dapted in its growth to tho cotton ed in August last forSj benefit of tutesf preferring a rich andv toil, ihe Chatham Railroad, ou tWcrotind fTho Ramio is harvested three times a that tliiey were unconstitutional. y?iWt ?,lcft cutting producingfrom nine This assault, although '-probably iU ""XroUto twelve huuilrod pound per ils notlso intcnded bV the assailants, VTn1"5 m',m1W y'M i , i r i i I. otjOO pounds ot crude uupreparcd produced such a profound distrust of tih,T,il,,t r,vr! V ,r,L in A c t i n r Co m m i ss io ii e r. production." the reported or eigntv per cent, o; the capacity. ' will be divided by lorty, and the quo-; Lord JJacon insists that mankind is t.cut, K.s the number exempt under ' ii0hted to the unmarried and childless tjie sp.cial 4 tax will be the number its highest benefactors in science so to be assessed, discarding fractions ; linds.mg. The opininou of society has and taking whole barrels only. j i, "i c;,. ti.n nf th "saw I O w . J t:... ,i ..... ...... ..... oo ...v ,iw .....jMwu iu is e up-; philosopher. UM bachelors are nifw on the tirst twenty bushels capacity, i c.linsidered as unproductive consumers; or less and Si tor each even twenty j K.iSSOrs with but one blade; bows with oushc.s m excess of the first twenty; out tiddles; ii-ivgular substantives al .r..ttioiis ol twen.tVA m excess of the ,V.IVR ; the sini'iihir mimbei- Hn,1 ob- irst twenty tu be. discarded ijective case; unnilv scholarn," who. The nuinber of days upaa -hich v hor. tedd to Ci:iji:g:e always decline It is with the deepest pain that I am compelled to report' that h was found vtteiiy imjossibIe to j raise money to pay the interest on the Public Debt dne January 1st, lS(i9. Every effort was made to borrow the money needed, about $30o,000i both in this State and in Kew Yorlv, but ... .K.av... mi. i. i J :.. w iiiiuou eoeci. ne omy power in addition to the general creiltt of the State given 'mo by the General As- aemhly under AnAct to aut mnze the Public Treasurer to supply tem porary deficiencies jn the treasury," ratified 21st, December, 'A. D. l SOS, was to pledge the sum? amount. from the taxes firs't thereafter recei .'able. The same power was conferred under "An Act to provide lor the payment of the interest of the lawful debt of the State," ratified '4-Qih- August, 1 SoS. I could not induce capitalists to consider this pledge sulficient, be cause no tax bill hasj been passed ad equate to the emergency. TheUle'v enue Act now in force is only cal culated to produce about SGOO.OOO. As of course the State government must be supported, requiring jiiore than this amount, it is abuudantfy evident that the security of taxes to be received under this act is yery rncagro, aud capitalists so believinr refused to advance their funds. ' It will-be. remembered that imme diately on the opcfling of "the ;late ijll issued uiider recent acts, that the j conts per pwind bn specie:: The fibre Stock IJpard ofNew York. refused to j prepared tor iuaifaelnriDg purpose, regard njs good deliveries any. North in. the form 1 nenBkm, is worth C5 Carolina; builds dated since April. 1st., i cents per jiound ; but Vbriug it to f SOS. It was too late to prepare this state from the crudo 10;. about and issue new bonds to be . used as i OIV,',,mi'f', ' . , , , A , ?m x n , j i . -i i ,i . , i. . , l he olant is stated to I c indigcnrm Collaterals,, and then take, steps, to . ; , , -,. t ., , , , , " . i ,. 1 . : tt the island ol Java, and has received procure a revocation ol this ivsolu- f of late thi. i)0t:lIli.u lulfne of Jt.rhmtr- t-ion of t ie Stock Hoard. herefore, ! rt':tQcixi,nt. uiid is the finest nt Vr- actuaterl; .by.au intense anxiety to j tv of the utica;t, or nettle family. avoid the disrepute of non-payment ; .Mr. B. says that it was only intro of interest, I was forced to seek for dueed into the United Slates hist year other securities which might be avail- , m Ia'reh,and has already excited much ..'l,!, i interest among Kuropean inanulactur- ers. i he hi ri is contained in mo in I was assured that money ;jiight ,... bark of the stem, and cannot bo be raised on a jdedge of . the interest ' hurt either by wet or long continued oNviied by the State in variiuis Rail-i drought ; besides it requires a umall pad Coinpaiues. I coiihl not, and i capital to Mart a Kamie plantatiotf, tho Jtnnot now, see1 how such a transac- ! PlVMt being easily propagated and cul- i . t . . ' . - ! tlCotojl tl O 111' KAlllliol ll llll llf 4.1(1 luit Hon con hi. lntlict loss to the State, "v-w. i - v....u .. ! i . . . . . i, . i reouire renlantimr. 3lr. Is. also Male irroctaea ttie General sisseiuoii t arena I . , - i i . i J : a J tl.-it I lie. lilin. ruii'il lici'ii u linor limn to. Vass an adequate revenue act. oth-' that ot-JaV;L am the yield per aero nig is more common than to borrow J .rrt.ater. ivjoney on collaterals. Indeed, thisj When tin- stem have attained a has become a favorite mode of eflect-; height of 6 or 8 feet it is ready fr ing temporaty loans in all our com-: harvest and can ihe cut with ucommo'i niercial eitieJ Of course the collat- ( se knile. The fibre is extracted by enals are requHed to oe of greater ! breaking tho s.ttms with a maclnioi value thun the amount of the oan, Jndar to the ord.nai-y flax breakers, Ti i i i . ... - br whio'i meiui.s the planter can nukj I was bouml- to assume that after the ni:u.lcc'tll,,lc atmall expense. t Crencral Assembly had passed an act! , .,..,.....:,, t,0 n,re for t.ackiu-' oreiuiniiif the nnre lor t id; August last, directing me to be- , it .should hedoncuoiu hanks and pack- gill paying .in teres?.' in October, ami cd in bags or I tales like cotton, to continue thereafter without inter-i From the uncertainty of cotton at rulption, lit was their bor.a tile infen-"a 'crop, and the unreliableiiess of free ticm to provide the necessary funds ,' 'o:ild not the Ihim.e plant be a . . ! V. . i i- better and nuiv remunerati re crop tor for carrying into eflect such direc-" v. ., ,, it,5- M11 , . ft, : the South than cotton? Itw imlycct t.ons And.iMhe Jievenue Act re-; lQ Wf ,1,.,. easily cultivated, and ported by nie, or one calculated tojy,. t;K. jirRit, year's growth, no.v raise a like afnount, should be passed, j sprouts will issue from all parts of tne it jis absolutely certain that I 'would bed,. the growth ybvconiing very dense be able to pay the sums borrowed out ; choking out all Other vegetation. Tho of the receipts (rum taxes. The bill .fibre, as you will percoire, ,i very su recommended bv me was carefully j W being white, soft, aud rcsc-mb.. guarded to prevent loss to the Slate; j aplearance. John S'rnoTT., Iti provided that .money might be Iwi'iMn.orl Crnin timi. tn time be:lll in the first place the interest matured i Mark rwam , lectunn- on t.u- rind. f . f- ,; ... I ... .!,,. wich Is lands, offered to show how tho from . n.meto tiu.e, and tp cannibal eai their food, if some lady sec6nI place, if frour any. cause. mo- Lu.fmld ,ejd )jm n bll, , Tno cclure it vh.iiilil i.nf l)i in the I ri'Mtiirv i ... . . m... ...... . ..i i .-..v.i... . . f . v - - - J l WJLJi nilt I11L1M.IL1LULI. . . -T exactly at the matunng"of any loan, s utuc lent to meet it, cuner an exteiir could -be-procured or els efteeted with other parties on l'nvicuxM who picsi-iib, iuki fnmih wuvi'. ' -rt''' I W.-- U...I l.i....., dllAIlM . o. sion could be -procured or else a loan j rence totluwiu inn .rcd nit iKtilnt by etlected with other parties on a feinre; l.hu wilif, '11 igiUvdrt. ft. i. j-u-li but . . . .... ' fi-1 J lie heurs the crtU tlnf rrerlior. mJ lan pledge, ah oangrr or loss - was . . Xmtr i otic. In tL- averted (supposing always an . d- j of hupoctxti " cpjaf loll ttat iuu tax - .-m bill passed) by the pmvis- sal? f the stocks or bond Jr iu. icttnra id certifWt oi U'l HtdicM Faculty ot N ' t i f i. 4 V J

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