, . -: . .: ; - ; ' !'.'" """'' - '' v, ' " I ,w ..T w iAr -. - v. . 4 ; i ; y.,j 2 EAGLE. . " " AT . , FAYIIXTEVILLE, X. C. J . McSwoon , 7 1)1 TO It AXD PUBLISHER. Term or ku&sartjttton. vSa IS idrtSM nr ( wina1r. l tna following rates : One OCT m Twr iv copy one Twer. $3 00 " aix aoutha. Vox. I. "T dab of fir talambr, at th U t v urn aouATt yer to on ful u J lvlLi"AWluuul0UUfcfcW' ' I "A rj onsowiDg mo notes anil Accountg, a t th"o Boioilatioapmany.iu -JL' inK been dissolved by the cieniu 01 mr. DO I I K-o HM Jnrfmpnt QIS- Z A?- ' 1' .. -i-..' 4, 4ti-H rrfm 1 TVTTFTSi i E 11 iwrainil hnldftlff Claims aStainb I ' .:....- ' .. i W .. , IJi'J vu VI : uv..w , . r j.j-j m IJYlil Uii"'- 7 . . r Uirtof Si W a yw And twenty Ipariog the-fr-of-tfeef40-wkb P4 w m w,2 .i (& ru oi ii 7x i number of tlores. -There are twenl Tb wcwr wio b M&i to TwW ' siioi: f dry goodt'and grocery atore," Ura, aJdiaaUt Oo&rUit moldierm a4 th tides a lirre nnmber est rfthrf ntib- lulimenta. Tbe is.atranee'to'say UrinJ flrrni5lnj. ' pot na bote!i:and that it tolerably (TiAxnsrT.) 1 un, or Ws, nt ixuwrtioH ca rgUr iarljoa iierwArda, ' CONTSaCT JUTEdL (FATXXXT IX ADTXSCJC.) two BOttlUL thxv moaLha, alz rnooUka. . two oa 50 00 . a co 4 iXJ 12 10 -half colamn, ov toonlh. tLrrw moiitLi aix aaooLba, twtiva uootha. Od eoloxsa q-aar) ana tuoath, threw months. six laoaLba, well kept by . tbo , ubiouttoui John 'In. . si oojoraun, iai, large, sociable landlord. Anere is one newsnaner.here ' the oeuiitmer. 'I he editor, Capt Biggs, waa aosent, and I did not meet him. There ia a monument in front of tne Court House (a rather-ordi buifdin for so rich a coonty- as Edgecombe), erected bjr tbo citizens g fjior iti county to the nrmrrr cfCo?. so oo " . . . r 40 oo I vera uroz on nia way to join -we Amencan army xJunng the war with v . .. & a A & o oo I will do, but it is falling to pieces tr. rat I . . . w . . w w I Ann ff fhAtlihfl hivini. ftlpAArfw f ,i Tint. so oo I out. 50 00 1 dep: ccmtiaed. For atkxraa ior- other informa tion apply to . President . G.- "Wilson iloPhail, P. D., L. L. D. " : "J ' By order- of u e Faculty,'. 4t W. O. mCHAKDSOX, CJerK. ; tnlversltyof rAortli , Carolina. fTUIE Fall Kearion of this Institution vilt I a. commence on the 18th day ofAngoBt,! prox., ana conunaa -waeicar jncevrmoiv and XoroiAl Denartmants. ' and ' a . General Coarse of UniTeraity Lectores, will be openeaV Entire axpeue, toJuumff board, -$85 to iiw. A2 the beneJH ol 'the Iustithtion are offered,' fra of charga. to a limited 'nnmlxt tf jresi- ats in tie fctate. Apply t tt)y:"iept. pay Angns pot iyr- !' 4 It) examil t Thope interested will "please 1 Ii. J. IjIJjIjI. 1 1CW Itly . received large.. adtJiUpns , Ul . 4i ABLE i GOODS, v.- .Merchants and pth'erltp - which is now compiOte t r. March 25. 4 H. MctEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, L , .Lumber ton, N. C. , . 6m published at ti 00 1 THE CROPS IN DG ECO JIBE m ! BwBtK. im m I are saporb. Corn is excellent and the cotton aa troou as the larmcrs could Oa inca is a anoAr. AdrerlixmeaU I well demr. The seasons have been for 6 nontha aa ai. may ta etand one I fMfcn ino MlinnTnrr tiMvithoQteoat iftbaicUotnUrgd. V" V " J" CI b Bpacial oonlracU aaada a rwoaonaM tenna. VJL , " "w b iUoaxxxa. Cabxm. Laaau, JUiuIIiuiks cnt OU the com, and no vrom to ilea-&ujiz-Foajcs, and all kinrf. of ordinary job- troy the cottoD, an abundant ield of wotk dooa promptly, naaily and cheaply. both mar bo well anticipated. rr rn i r . I . ar xraicung vonxaponacnuj There are auiU a numberof achoola C" 1 1 At . I . . . 1 oioce raj last, l nare laxen a inpiberc. Tbo best is under the super- into me upper poruon oi ureea. vision ox iteT iir. uweo, one or tne JOIIN W. II11VSDALEI,. Attorney .'and Counsellor tt Lsvr.m Fayettivillz, x.-C. ;!i ' WILL attend the Superior Courts of Cumber- Una ana Hew llanorer Cxantiea bupreme Court of North Carolina, tha United States Cir cuit (hurt at ItaUigK and U. S. District Court at Wilmington. . -- ., . .i . Claim collected in all parts of North Caro una. " ....... May 13 . : ; Cm GILES LUTCH. ' ALFBKD BOM"LAlfD Lcltcli 5i How land, . j ATTORNEYS '-.t AT LAW, ' ' . .Lcaoraioar, K C. . ; , Jane 17. . . 3m June la nbor. and Hymn Books, also Psalms - and Hymns: at p8almodyr The. JSo- . V?rWiL?ri;-. Prices' vrill be datinS IWr tbe Say ormbnth. , - j I "j ' " -'" PI' viralist foicl)irs,nd Happy Toice Golden . V . - 4 y-a n rf-n i-j y rcatn, biot Tidiugs forSi Musiq orii Golden Chain, and Glad w cnoois. i-At erain a1 if Alsired.' ' " I mington,. oi 7 o'clock, A. March 25 DENTISTRY. ERVIN FLOYD, D J). S. 7 Can be foual d all times at? his office,? Hay street, 'Fayettville, N. C; ' V The road from Wilson to Snow Hill, finest gentlemen iu our State. He is cV ...... .. . . . I r T? . I .1 t 11 OT la that d.recL'OO, IS the best I CTer P x w genuemeu mu nu u I 1-0 flOLLIXGSWORTn, ' trareled. The erom in Wi!mi nnrl hhoso openor traita of character" that U. . , . - Green are prodigiously promis ng. puu men of that region. : The cottoo ta high and baa a health- . uLixaaroca. . ' Ini-Tiporori!! nn'aranr- ThAmml . too ii lookiai capitally and the Dros- A S?& d hJ. ?.adS? M- ractfnranabnndint yield ii eM. p. Manly aotlonS.emee. lent. The farms lyimr along this road are among the best IbaTBn.lrnt society. It Indeed, I hare but rarely seea in any would ear. to th Newbern baa rreatly chanced. That place waa oncexamous for its rehnea and tele- is now aa Sajxi Weller thd contrary, quito the State finer farming county, than I raterse." The distinguished ex-iadse this portion of North Carolina. A said, "it was nr. eagle nest filled with few words more, and I take leave of buzzards." ' , ; ; .. ... . wilsox . I fofgot to mention that an lmpor- I orer-estimated the inhabitant. -;w tobacconist i has LnppoM .bout 1,500 woold be tb. ST, yrTlTi. .hi'rfor m t T m . i nn iiiir.i rn n rw r 1 1 i :i i i .1 . . . 1 . a? w . . a a . , - . - vuwm.. 714 . . 1 louacco lamps ci me enuajesi &ize. t altogether, u pleasing. It has! It will do.lhe work fa tlozentir inoxa AUCnONEEB AND .:.. . COMMISSION MEECHANT, - : ' ' ' Txi kTXli T1AXB,' N. C: Salea Boom one door East of . L B. Davis. Jan 14. ' ; ' - . ly : J.-.-D . ' R AD C L I P P Eif ! ? s r'tOf North Carolina,) f . , ' ' j r f WITH . : noTT, :busick & co.; ; TEALEBS in Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, XJ co. Noa. 43 Chambers A 21 Iteode ats. , .p. . box 4010.:? , NEW YOBK.V ', Orders solicited,. ; . .'. : , I May 2a. ' ' . ' 3mp4 1 There will IIERHURT.! V nA Jr is d:tc. the btcftmer A.. Jf, I 1. mmT a-ffliAAwe FaTetterille ' for! WiV ' v ,, , Teiy Monday and Ehnrsday JOS AwoETn; Agf :i ; .,, -Cm AMD ROCKAWAYS BUGGIES! ' J 'AT ItEDTTCED PRICES- rfTTE haTa mo on hand a very large and I I.V.-.i .comriu assortment of : J which'. we ar prices. Jan. 1, ISC! EOCKXWAYlinA?! ; " HABNESS, ofering "t 'greatly reduced k. ii McKETliiN ,& SON.' ' ' Ml . ...... i. I yT.i notice.: ; , ei election held oaTLorsJoj-, or against the 5th of Auinfct ntxt. in the different Towu. amps jor we t tne inncung of rpose or votanji for je indebtedness of the Countv of CnmberlandLMa accordance with an net of the General Assembly passed at session 18C8-m-' . ' ' J. V. HOPKINS, Chmn. ;. Board County Com.-j May A . ; i j .; , - ' ,3m- :- town 'Wt:i3Trt)etleTe U nourULfng;- X did not meet the editor, Mr. UcDanlel, but I had the pleasure of forming the acquaintance of Ma j.J.W. Dunham, a gallantCoolederate, who still limps from the effect oi a Jeyere wound in ihm Ur. Mai. D.AM the associate of Maj. Ilearne i the conduct of the iWrtA CarvlUM formerly published at Wilson and allerwards at itaietgn. lie waa the maa writer and achieved a fine reputatata as a skilful journal- TTm ia rtiw nracuciUK law in y HL lie is npw pracucicg ' d fi. . . -& . h wnnectioa stth Col. Kenan, another UItUe bark of theBIacfc Oak that brave Coofejerate who won honors rrowaia Eastern North Carolina. upoamany Jl0wdy fields. Iranstnot ft ia used as a .dje and' supersedes fail to meet the admirable school some Turkish importation. - The prof for TOunjfadies located here, under ita are - represented aa veryt great and th maAgement of the Messrs. ttaeoatoJ machinery aa comparatiTely nw .1-1.5,-', r&sl " T: t a ' ?r. pjauen -"j j IeaTe to-day and expect to write abl ct. W. Hooper, D. D.L.L.D. wu absent. He reminds me of the roet Owper, and is roaster of the puresi English of any living North hYaiTCntOn Female College, ir, ta tho same lensou who lu rtnita n eocrrannc machine that attracted con- aideraoie . . auenuon , some eigntecn months or more ago. lie also invent ed a very ingenious rat-catcher which jon could wind up as a dock. Its capacity was fortv-eight rats. It is a Capital place in which to hold a 'ral ification mectiog, but ll is liable to be interrupted by the sudden intrusion ot other members. , . . 'aw' rrt f I ha to eecn it recently stated,' that cohx.:'3aid:.bie ; whiskey : a nrm near ew xotk is aoing a larre aaanavsilver. ' UN CURRENT ZUONEY, .: EXCHANGE, ; , t STOCKS AND BONDS RECEIVE DEPOSITS. . iVoRTH : .CAliLOINA C. B. CIS SIX. j Si- O. WOKXH. I OEO. M. DSWEX 188 Pearttftrcet. NEW rofiff. T3BOMPT pSi-sonal attention given to sales JU Ji JIATAX STOEJiS, UUTOK, UUU (JUUXSI Augusts. 1868. ' 1 y - 1 H ' , , 1 T"fc 4T.r.Tf:Tr VATTHVAT. XV '' ; -1 - - - of North Carolina.'' The Directors have resolved to increase the Capital Stocl of this Bank to Five Hundred Thousand DolUrs." Persons "wishing j to sttb- senbe with trfesTqaiSliiesf iWDILCSlTOT" and" - Persona are- requested tai qair;o send;for repaired work that gaabcen " finished, .several months, or X shalli.Ler compelled to sellor cost and chflTcres:.''--'' j - si'. - . 0 - I JarXSueceesdrs tb T. J. Jones & Co.0 ' I ' " - : . wT- d " TTlf GUOCSnSdnd COMMISSION M&HVtLA 1 o nNC- , -1 1 AS ', . ( - -AV; ? ; J V -TW -July 15.'- . f ' 1 a ? . i WIT ,TP1? VJ Tcnv f Gun Smith aud Slachihis f"1 no TbolsrK Hp do not ask dealers r users to" buy my tools 1 merely becau they .are hcima-'iuade; but because! 'have positive proof that tiny ire superior ;fo anyj northern turpentine -tobls mad, ana pecause you cr.unaVe.tL.eni mads to order any fehape or s:z$ you want. -' Deal erg would do well .to send in their .crOers, lor Hackers, Pullers or Dippers to . ' . -' " -waLTeh Tso3r,; t i,;.- T . Ii-: --'i .Edge-Tool Manufacturer, "I t ' '; ' V ' f v, i PuyetteviUe, N. O.. ' 1 "All kinds of tools 're-steeled. Terms-'casb; GALICQS, Miislins, Lawns, "Bar ages, Ble'ach ' ei Cottons',' Linens', Embroideries, Bib-' bonsh3idr Fancy : Goods Homespun, i; Yarns; : Gloves, '&'. Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Ion nets, &c.', Gfents'-Hats and Summer Clothing, Grocerie3,ftndProtiJJs. Hardware, Pot-ware,, (Tin-ware, "Crockery, Boots and Shoes. : - AVe ti)l pay' the hi'ghestl price for old: Bank Bills, B E Stock, Beeswax, Old Bags, Dried Add! es and Peaches, Cotton, porn, Peas, '.Bar' con; Fodder; emd'nll produce in exchange &r goods. i . July ij. O. F. HAYES i'cd.Un .1 '.I, Shoe Heel; N: a t ' . ;V.'S.. Griffin 8c Co., m- Wholesale anct 'Reta it Grocers and ;i lAquot -Dealers, u- -;CHAEL0TTE,N. a' ALWAYS fon hand Vlarge'nisortmeii't' of Ncrth Caroling Virginia end NorthernJWhis- ker, July 8. i r,, 3m w- gJ , TTST receiverl and iii stoe. a now tttuT corn el-: plet9 af?jjortmeJiK of Cradfcs, Bean Hooks, Blades of all. sizes, Pots,; Ovens, Spiders," Ac' A lame lot of Bells ot all sizes. 4 " Also; at very low prices .superior grads of N. C. Whiskey. i i ULUVJSJU, !At' Draughon's old stand.' the- late firm' to presiLthem for payment nd v, ,-r,vifovi , sfnid firm are renuested'tp make immediate payment-to the. undersigned, Sur.Sving partners, AND JiKNOVATOll.3 A If' ' r 1 v TkTOTICE Ji TJir.'-vf J3i - The partnership of Jjixo. G. Williams, of Baleish. and P. A; V.llejl of Fayctteviric; engaged in Panking, at . Fayetteville, N.-C.in the name of P. A-Wiley & Co., has leen dis solved all responsibility of Jno. G.' Williams, on account of the flxm, en&eq oji the .1st Jan t On the 1st January 1SG9, QeOrgo y.Swcp-' s6u, of Kaleigh, associated hynsell wuu i v A Wiley, ibr the conduct : and .continuation the business of banking at Favetteville N.' C, anderthe name, and tyle of P. A. Wiley & Co: ! i: : ;',.- : ' . 4 The business of tlierfirm.ill le condircted as heifctofbre tmdor the management ' of ; the suocnoer. - i . , K - . i i A? W. G. BEOADFOOT, ; . , Cashier. ,j '.' a t f-o .IT ' 'y'',,f' : ' ,'f . ', f mi of sale Cash. ( ' r. . . " Fayetteville, SIan-h.il tr i" NORTHEAST OF THE MARKET, (iriirKtVect, ; '." ' "t Faiette ;TTA recently; btn'ihei-nghlyiittedup and. jLL enlirged,' and nowaffords; accummoda- ilicmd iorsgnasts'tm&'Mrdssea 'itvfM'Htati. - ' - ;-! i- . : ., 1 - I- , J . Is. well the marled. I supplied vbotl sibiire 'Sluties vhii?e hbff;es ''ar6f 'provided well carertipr; Ijmu ifotl U ' . '." . j' wire. provided with every convenience-1 t both; fronjiavtttiii and; from f " : ww : '. :." -',:' AkJ uje?orranft? fiaihpwj-roimis hayoiusit been added, th .all Uie. modern coaifovt-i. j... -' ; And and well 13 kept Wyli-" supplied : wit$- thbfceat foreign Gin and Bum.' Alt hind.pf, drinks' prepared to suit the most 'frstidioWtaste ..'.. -r,, '.f " oebieh i iept .constantly on hand iif, 1 he store adjoining. Passengers "conveyed to and iivui uio u?pot ana ooats.-;: Uliarges moderate. . i ' ; V JONES. , May 27; . -- vh, r f . Cm JHvAVIlEriCE'iS '.'' :!.'..;:.; C O N 0 J T lt A TED -' i v :- : - C.OMl'OtrN'i) EXTRACT OP I V KG 8; : K 0 0 ! A SAFE AND EFFECTUAL BEJILDY ' I'. - ' j " , f ..: -:;-m ' i . . loa .' Lu nwcAbEs AEiswo rao.i TOBPIDITY OF THE LIYEK; HirURITIEa ' OB THE BLOOD, ' L DJLUBDEIot?HEI2?ABY OKOAN3 : 's.vl i-r ,,iAJl- 'J.-ie;? - rT.;iJ..Vo iiK'i'-'ti.' ti'-. LEBILrri'OT TflE'lTEitVOUS Jti c JSYSTEil, Ac. ',' ' ' . f . ' . a . . . ' I FOEMDL'A ABOUND EACH COTTLE. :,;t -Junfij 10.) ay. CfiODDS:!. uooaana ioiurs. jrersons wiismug ;tw sue A. f X 't jJll Ti .' s to the sime wm pleaseconiea J aCtS 1 1011 1 116 J JreOplei .it' :;' 'r? ( -'. ' K 1 President1 OTWHSTADING fh great political March 11 :.6m V iV APPLE BRJXOT, IVholcsale and, Retail at ; .. . . : 1 : R. T. SOANLIN'k 1 - ;.-.t ilaylS. I-- UDOLPIIO WOI.FE, r f 22 Beaver: Si. -JSewlYorJcA ::i 7 . i . Jaefcaon HoteL: again from other points. Tarboro' July 28, 'CD. TCSCA&OBA.' Care Union. His humor is at good as WARREX COUNTY, X C. Waahinston Irvine's, whilst his style is as Dura and fresh aa Goldsmith's, rruns ixsih uiion" will u opancd on the He is a man of very rare learning and is cow aa ornament to our State. Hia associate, J. DeBernier Hooper, was for' a Ion;? time Trofessor of Latia ia our University. He is an excellent gentleman, scholarly, in-1 jjd wmodioaaad j - G. T. LEACH, of N. " I wfK ' -' H. ' K. ' THTJBBER A CO.;"1 ' Importers and Wholesale Grocers, 173 A 175 Chambers St, - , 294. 206 A 298 Greenwich St. Horaco K. 'i nurber, f w if t . a r brands a. x nuroer, ililton HalL Jr. David Lawi. " .. Jr. O. Box f March 18 , . , . Bm --2SEW YOBK. The subscribers beg leave to t inform i the citizens of North Tarolina thatt they have been appointed agents for UDOLPH0 WOLFE, of New York, for the sale of his celebrated SCHEIE AH AP.0:iATIC .SCE1TAPPS i And "Billed Wines and Liquors. ' Mr. Wb name is a household word in every part of the Southern States. "-- - r. ?'' r f' - :' .. ' .) Wilmington,N. C, Agen ts at Fayetteville : . ; f f - S J 4&nixz. - ' r - f .1 : Ja8 N SMrra, Nov. 27.1. H B Hobke, - d .'w-y; 1 12th of Aoguat, under the direction of Her. T. 1L Jonea, formerly President of the Greensboro Female College. Warren ton, 3 miles from the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad haa long been - famous for health and rained and intelligent aociety. The College buildings, situated in a beauti ful crove, in a retired part of the Tillage, are uj be putin thor- JOSEPH ITLEY, Tusni'c A?aiust Fire! ; changes that have beon g&ahtedV find the removal of old and the i appointmeni of new officials in the'United States. ..;" j'.---?,- btul -maintain their position in the est.ijna.tion,' of their numerous patrons i'and : continue to dispense every article in'thej-.r.f'T sf ?:.' '.; j DRY i GOODS ILlHEfei - They have opened the Snriiur Camoaiero witli the linest exhibition of Dry Goods ever oflired for sale in this place at prices that cannot fail to please Below are : enumerated a few of the ; . , -j, . " to be found at their establishment " ''" J Ai-wboF (3rayani ''Chtfngeabie i'op Una at 50 to 60 ccnts-wbrth 75 cents to $1. I ' vu.'--h- u, fc-j , Colored ; Alpaccas 50 to GO cenLs . ' it nr. . i i . i -.- .. - Tvuriu to c;ius to ?i : f , Fayeitcviite Hotel JTeiv Stock and Prices Reduced. - -w. ; f.. - . . a, . r .YAtVTOJfs OF. LfVEtt COMPLAINT A5D O . BO-Vi! OF XyosE - DISEASES moDCCKO .liY- it: ; : : , ( , A sallow or vtllow color of tlin kl in lowish-brown snots on tho face unit nllivr- parts of the body: dullness with frequent headache; bitter or bad taste in the mouth, dryness of the throat, and in ternal heat; in many cases a dry, teasing courh with sore throat unf-ttadv "i" i.mnuiz oi lua loan, mm n. i J,'jHbSA.tf& can 18,. fiacttd awl' from cuoains sensalioa in ILo throat; ekkneaa and the Boats, abmt. TrwnJ6utinVi&xiintruA J,m . '"V heaviness, or a bloated or nr MVmi rtfthpJfjhh,,-'' ' 'l MB. aboDfe stomach and aldoa. JACKSON J0I1XS0S I - - r -' .'VJ , Black 41paceds;40, 50, GO aucl To cts. tellectuil and capable They ought I ugh repair1 and wall fitted up for school par- tO have a much larger School than long experience So connection with they have. Tbo building occupied Ffmla College, a large library, an extensive by them is thunne in which Key. Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, and llr - T).rn V fin r .? Vw lb-aid of an abla Faculty, atnont wbo fci lUt I left Wilson and by 2 O dock F J Hahr. wa offtr superior facilities to young r XT . r,..t,t Xnlr . ladies, daairinff to become well educated and k . ii . as i ii i i i in ill w a a iiau af a ak a.a n jZT 'Zi:rr"::rr.v hlghlyamphahed. i . ' . " " , ' KACOliUGE STAIIS lA&li'A'L'liUfl&l UV u' cents, 1 antH ma will sell low. to close them put. Al : 4 . r Aa. axuua a v. .: , r .. . - . ? . v, j i.a.v? if.ri n' Wnd3 of Tinware,' Bheoi Lead, Zinc, ' ! Hardware and General Merchandise. ! 'Tr.enM' VnrfH finrnYina Vf?-1 J Corsets jll-jwdrth $1 50, r , J J iron Russia and, common, steel i wanuarvi. iooif. - - ' it i . . tt xt - n w hlii hUUU 0j cem p(,;flnm(,i r t i . ! . . . . .. .. 1 I . ' J 11UV4 tl L I. . A iJ J i. . .IU . - - - i --. . . i- ? -. " " i . - . I Board. exelusiTe of washing and lights, and tuition in retro lar College course. pr aesaion af 23 weeks. f 100 00 ' ; Extra studies, moderate. r T ' ' ; For fall particulara apply to 4 . . ... 4 Tf. it JONS, Brest 1 : Jaljai . ' ' 3t;-r Plttsboro : ScIentiHc Aradcmr. Ninth Term cptnt August 2, 18C9. TASBOEO Before I cive my impressions, I, woold par varatihac say, that I am cot informed whether the spelling of I the name of this town lias been set tled or not. Some years ago, there was quite a discussion whether the w7. fl 7 iT v- . rruns Institalioa comprises three Depart- rOOgb, or as spelt aboVO. Neither IS I mentsVcUssicaL ScienUHc. andCoiamer. Very euphonious, and it JS to be re-leial. BtadanU prepared for any profession retted that ao handsome a place re- J rST ui av UM.IJ n U4uic jiuvviu I vauineia of jimerais, &, wiu ueciom. is .nrH Knf t K nfnc ta Tr I Board. S12 to S14 per month. Tuition, J . . , ' .VlS 1A S23 and S30 ter tenn. No extras.' Be- wvers a vast area considering -IE ft.r ia FayetteTUle to M. J. McSween and Dr. ffSwa.k.H Lit. - " 1 1 I f - 1 t . wuuiauoa WOicn IS, BS 1 learn, only I O. w. itoDinaon. Aaoreaa ior circuiarB, abont one thousand. Its main street is long and level. There are many I jnne 17. ' ! oeaatiful residences on this street,! r rr r ' '7"! T" omecfthem ai hindsomo as are to ' BOCklllffliam ,-rbCllOOI, in. PHAR.OB. ; - , . . (Of Uorth Carolina,) )- : . - . ' with . ' ' nOUGH, CLEJiDE5IN0 & CO , COlTOtf 'IACTORS, ' .1 iXmrtnlBsion Merchants, and Doalcs in ; - . V lProviaiona.-'"-" ' I - t j . i . tOl S Entaw SL.' Ttftlt4mor: 1H. "Special attention to the filling of orders , lOTercnanaise. ... ? i:s,, , 1 Feb. 25,,. , ,;, .. t ' ; ,cni lAltEBON A HILL, 1 j t -i r KJ successors to B H. Cowan Ac Ca.l General Commission and Shipping Merchants. Agents for JL Davis te; 3ons . (Liberty, ,.Va.) , : : . Chewing Tobacco. '. ' . i " Lester Bros. Uupct-Phosphate of Xiime ana xone uanures. . Vulcan Iron Works, Eichmond, Ya, uroasaaie s super-pnospliate. JNO. W. CA1IEEON. I J Wuroington, N. C, JAS. 1L HII.N : 1 f Ka 32 N. Water st. . AugS. - . '?' -.ly ,i Chartered gapital Now lia !a V.bsS?S., $20,000 D i ' lor $500,000! 7 ;$isi;qoo! in u su ally ; ch eap . j , adies' Shoes" , Chikiren'i wide. sft l v 1 -Hoop flirts Men s . bhoes, , Ladies' Shoes' V Children's snoes, and One Hundred other articles just as cheap to !be '.had at the ' Emporium; : No. 1, me AXtedawith the Stato ..Treasurer j 'Use Coat's Spool Cotton, 'get the best, on th t6ari of Policy Holders! . ' 1 corners-next door to the Crockery Store. ; : ; r'.f J .?,'Jls-v r.f April l,;i;. ,,:, .i ' .. f ly;, This HOME W-l Y is-already ,'a success.. ,. ' f n. i uuxjs, Prest. - ReAtom ditBsiSecV -.:--- : 1 W. H. MCT-J51. Asst. Sec and Local Agt ' .C A McilciV: JulyL i F. Agent at. Fayetteville, Jf.O. t: 3m 3VIAYOU' S O FFICE, aikDENSON. Principal. t . .t . i2n '' I - if .lfayettevxlle,'. July a3L 18G9. f , ... . . At a meeting of the Hoard of Mayor nnd;iCOTnrnissipners, . he;d ..at ; their office,,, this day,, the .following, action was had, to-wit: 4 '-, - ' '. ' ( r . , . f Whxbzas, Difficulties have arisen in regard i 1. m Bat ANHOODs Petition, for, Dower. ta!al Physical IncaDacitv. Im-' pediments to ,ri?5t etc. ; also, Consump tion, EpuepBJ "I1 i mauced by self-indul tratwia nr nflTTftl traVaffailCfl:-'" -i ' .iai j . .. . - i 'Price in a cuTeiope,i only ( cents m-.- t Tha celeDrawAor, an tins admirable ts- Bay, clearly amxes irom a thirty-years' fenoe-ccrfYii Trfl.ftWi that trift- hlormirv .rmoa. to the inspection of Flour under a late order I ouehces-of selnse may .be radically cured of the Board, requiring the .Inspector to in-1 without the daJSJousnseof internal medicine STATEqOtf ; NORTH CAROLINA, Maryl. VL Covington, ) . - vs. ,.: J: Edmurid' Covington and others. j In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the court .that J; Edmund Covington, laono ( the defendants, i and resides beyond the X "st nVmmmiO Ti 4 i a ; a 1 ' "L ' ' j 1 7.1 . r orainarv manner; cannos.oe servti uix: mux, ' it is.tJaereforo ordered by the court , that 'pub- VVeiDS weeks In fife Eagra weekly newspaper ptib,: Loilal Losi'fl.i t lishea in the fifth Judicial Distiict, uotitving i.'oitl tv..:. i rr .J.' iv " ,1 enirl .T "Rrlmnnr! Covin rrtnn.tn nnear belore the Clerk, of the Sup.eriof Court.- at the Court House in. the TbwliJof Rockingham; on the 1st day of September. JL D.il8o9, and answer said Petitioner jt will ba heard e.x-parteis to Pttblished, a new 'edition HOW IIs- I .. ofI4Culrerwell's Celebrated Es. garcft the radical curs without miaiiiie; 01 bpennatoxrnoaa, b found in any Southern town "of Male 033x3. inemal tha same aiie. I had heard Tar- V . . M'0.; ; :;.V; -". boro so often praised, that I cenfess Bar. a. UcHoxajc. ... iiaj. IL aIcLxcchijs, to Some disappointment. Tbe'dead j - Aaaiated by competent Inatructors. . , vi LAm mwn nrrsrrjt anmo. i ....... . - . la.imv mm m in r. urik i iiiiii w ui Buaiuirjuua wu es ar ,i or Augnat, ana eonunue weeu. Toiaon, si. io, a.-u, ana xo. Board per month including every! expense . . t "i... am ci ate . icrpi UgUt iV HI f j i Pennants in advance. . ' J- ' 1: Circa lars sent ca application.' 1 spect at the Stores of merchants, and Whereas, Persons 1 or theaplicatol . . . . - wna; ixora iU beauty. Itisperha qoai to any town in the State atiracuveness, but is scarcely "as haodsome as OtforJ was before the WIT. Business is COnai-rarilw nrr. , , . i virc un cone fcerevif one may judge, coa- JoirX- of the knife;, pointine lout burinff Flour at the North -Uaode of pureai once '.flimpJe, certain, ,and Jo not always Report their receipts ot! Flour I -ffeetiiBV ' every (sufferer; to ma xnspector, therefore r . , :;?' I Xe:ZZVl i Ordered. That hetealter all Flour -brought 1 vu.tY;;n fhfi "vli "uicairy to this maket for sale shall be insnected at the I '"TAl ItS a ? Row Warehouse. : - . , - . . r- ' . - T I 1 aJCAAfc, is-- -. -r f;"uu AJ.YCAUpe,tO laDT I l"dl)rAd. Tnaf 1 1 tVAMAVI a wlT it ' I w n t n a I 3 J wt i - . i u -1 . ; . numuug wo ktuo i Kuuress, jjv.f w '-(jji ui six cents, or Musio aad I jnteat and meanim? of this Order. halt Ko I . rwvjt stauPl- Also. Dr. -a rnf a.iv2 ""j" u peoaiucs imposea dt previous I ilarnace uuii ; price jjo. .centn. rKtArotd Ordinabce. . A-i,ti,. . n-- Uli-nnblishers,J . .Li it & July 22. . A. IL CAMPBELL, - - Townaerkt' .;-'- 60-St ' sin tH r"7.--- t i'.t!!' sept 24. Bowerv. sTa vv -rost Office Box4,ta6. ' " .--.y-j'.'xJj-r.aw-Jyifs i July 8.' 'r x j.. A? long, a sjo; ? Cumberland .CoTiutyIn y Superior. Court ! Ahdrew J. i jitlorgan, .'and others, . PJaintiffs, j. Theodore- Martme, dMiitstratbr;loi James. -Ji5- yi Martinedeceased.f i'j"? " I ;irSnanitb ?deereo fr Waid Court,' niadef ftt FalLTepn,' lSGS.'th creditors of the, estate of Jam es Martine, -4eceised,; . are;, hereby notified; to come hi-befora the .Clerk pf said Court and Srofe; their debti'ori or before Friday, the first ay'df Odobfer' 1869,'br they'shait be exclud ed from fhe-:beaefit8,of'8aid &eejx&jm;-MT Vdtness Jna C.rCpuahan, Clerk of oar said ' . - - m - V ' - - uourr. an ouice, in .x ayettevilie. tbe 7tn,tay oi July,'A,D. 1869, ' ' . J,- ."vf 'i nui JKOCVCOLLAHAW C S. 0. iCwtuy, lly Icsf-ts!) ': zttf. iS-tltoct 5 Is?-. .iiS. ,...; .l.V. ,v '. M T. s. da vis; t South -East Cor. Market Square. CALL AGAIN A T the old stand, south east corner Market iXi.-Square and see my assortment of ritoves, both Cookin'ar and Heatins; as I have the . . ' rt- , Al . ... IU.llb.tL, so, nil Sheet- Traps ; for usciul spout- and at the lowest nrices. and of the best materiaL ; . ALSO, 1 full Bet pi Xinners" tools, as good as new,; will be sold low for cash. yy'-'-y l-y- ; - M I. B. DAVIS. ' Jan. 11. -:' 'I y r" '' tf rtaitiA Anil f t . derness: fiffcTavntlnfy or breast, and about the shonMom? J und soreness through tho bowels, with Lrat; wuBiipaiiun oi mo Dowcia, olteniating with frequent attacks of diarrhea: nilea. flatulence nervousness. coUimks of ilm fr ,.;.... .....i. of blood to thtf head, with symptom of po- a plexy; jiurabaejis ef tho limbM, especially at night: cold chills, attcruatini with Lot fl.i..h. low spirits, unsociabilitv. and clciitnw f,.r bodii!y;n.' ; - -'a, ,; .' V . Aoai:oo rerctablihlics the Action of tbo Livrc, and at tho same time rini- fies and i:xnicnEs.the.Bi.ooD, a,nd toses up tho -herruUs 'aystem. i .-' Tl.ifl !s ati ELEGANT. PLEASAVT. PflW. EBFUL and . , . . .. : , And .nu lh;it lulinit.s of ft wide ranco of nn- plication. i . . . It is udajHod to fulill the morbid indications of disease to, iM'i ii.ips, a greater extent than any other remedy yet known. It is an .' INVALUABLE T-FURE' CIDER' VINEGAR !' A choice article of Cider Vinegar. ' . .1 i Imperial Tea, Gur Powdcrt'Tea, . Bhick Tea ; At' 1 ' ' ? W. ti. MATTHEWS', ' b-W' .-f li i;nu!.;-f .1- y.; 58 & GO Hay st. , ; april 2'J , ; ,- .. -r ly,. ; We' now oiler a' wcill: selected stock of Groceries'; consisting of Coh'eo Bib and La- gaira Sugars various grades from brown to. crushed. : Tea-VCominon find Family-Syrup. A cood stock of Hardwai-e.; , ' . . ' . A larce and well aborted Rtock 'of Swedes and! Enclish refined Iron.;! - Plow molds already out up 1' s incites wide. Plow steel b & 7 inches wide. No. 1 Peruvian viuano and vt.ouiiie r;?iio Duftt?; J .t t ' ' -' Single Horse PloWS--G ,M,, 6 E, 101, 11, 43, XTQ- XlOrse-f-jMO XVJ.';VUlil oiteuia... Jujr Cutters.;": We sell.Jow for cash." lo. 13, Hiy fctTAt. 'Pjivetteville.' hi. C.f-L I '-' ', . i - .. . "r . .... -m f-.rr.TT ff v f AH1 .Uucivallnl Itemedy I roirAu.' v !fti-LAUBINBUE&H BAB milk undersigned keeps constantly on hand I . . T.niirinW?rh.;N. tt. ft supply of choice Liquors,, wines; ah &o., lot ;aie in; largo or small quantities. , . r , s- j L-jL;, .v.' tsupplietl with.' the best of Whiskies; iJroii dies, GinScuppernoug an4 other Wines; Ice, Cigars,' and all tho - nedessary materud and cohvomences c lor paiwwD u m,kuWuuuX i i?Cor effort will bet made to meiit a continuance of the very large patronage of this InrinbiirEh.N. C, May 20. j -fl l.'om r SCHOF13LOUS, ' - '; ' r ST1UJMOUS ' y SYPHILITIC. it-. ;- oanceuous, . . .; . cutaneous. ' : ' j '' - hepatic,- - ' ; ; - : .: .v . RHEUMATIC. . I . . UIIINAUV, ' ; .ND NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, :-,- .,- : , . . Iu fai t, iu every form of ' CLrouio Disonito it laay bo advantageously psod. ... . This prfpaiatioii has bom Mibmittod to. thoroughly ttcd, and approved by boiua of tho must euiiuc-nt members of the Medical Faculty. ' Prepared by an exjK'rionccd and well knowu physician and chctnuit, ," '-'A Price, - - - Si no per bottle. 1 z c. ;'fXy ' f I if.; piiEl'AIiED ONLY BY ? ' . . .' ' 'I - ' - ' ; - T 's i- " "J - ' .,!-.: ' - " J. J. 'I-AWUEKC13. AI. !.' ;" ORGANIC CIIEAflST, j 'i No: $ Mala Bfreet,' Norfolk,' VirgiuU ' .'FoSaioP.y'' . ' ia 'J. HINSDALE,' Fnyettevil,0,N.C. ? - JAMES. Nl 8MITIL ' t . . -and Druggists ecrywhcre., July 1.' - 6m ( C 4 i ;.t', i r- . ', , ? - . I. Y