: 7z TT'- rzT- T-: V -S THE EAGLE. ...... p aJaiii erjry Thursday nsralas .v. FA V KTTKV f L LKt X. MT J. McSwoou :mtuj; axd rch..ntLTu Ttrmn or .Subscription. mr i,mr, rw&i .MrjM- ? -i Vol. Bw j !.. 1 i i : -? I ' - X . 'S . , . , .... . o' tli- Mr t.u.-. Tt :.,. ,, ...m ...... . . . is r .i . i. . ! 1 k . 4 1 . .. s . r 1 1 1 Hi ki 11 jiiH course 01 ocui uxui iuu u- in! been uissoivea uy wio uumu v u-tv - . - . - . 7 REKOVATOB. ! I tu t IW I - I 7 ..... . T fr "wiii la r" l rur. 1 u r r i;.vrts. i 7t iON. Xr-rV tit a m-tll nffr tor &M JrillA the following property. tt estite of Wm. .Maclntyr, j f LimL'liai on l-tu iV " of t:i. Inown us M.avc r Crek Tr.tct." L .1. 1 . rt I .t.V- 1 w 1 TM jrtn cf Uoil. known lb; "Inmty I fi i 1 lut o rt-rsou -trrt conUiuiug H a:u-i 12 'ij "i r.11.1 in ('.mbklliMU ii..-or Ibc Kail Kuad ! ..ntjiiiiuif ivkHiiv mrtv I I i!,r.- vlrtrv I. rick Stole of! l'tlfcOU StrH;t 2 .nd l ool Spring All.-y-ki.own :x tho Mr- (Nil f..lr. l... -f' I 1 hirat Wuc Houvj Lot 111 tvvc of the a. aB. ... . l lll'tlMt.l, t 1.. .1 .n . l0 luoiith".' llw lu'iith. ! luoial:-. .t .u. ; i.";tJ. it., i.fntii , lut ulLft Ivi I -. - !t!tK, 1.. in v.. JESSE L. 1SIIYAX, Of XortU Carolina, WITH IIEXRY C. SHOU11, (accesRor to bhorb iyrotht:r.-,) I il POUTER and dealer in CiriXA. GLASS and MIOCKER 1 No. 40, .Murray Street, New York. Orilc-r nromntlv nt tended to. t - ... 1 juipu Aug j-SA AC f IOLLINGSWt UCTH, AUCTIONEElt ANJ I COMMISSION MEIiCIIANT, FAYtrrEviLLE, N. C. Jan 11. l.ivi. P. A. WILEY & CO, f,f in r.ih titan witU'.t i S-t.t.l rirt r Ht-iut I.-,,. Ur.NK-t.-. C . - H'L !. I.'';" 12 ; im .m nt ("s r. mi: r f-.-Mi.-l I- t tn. i . !. k !! f h. n ...lv ..ud !. .iry E U tt. I is..' 4tlv N. A. s 11 1MAN. INO. W. HINSDALE, Ari.u;. ids STATU ot XO;;TII CAIMILINA, UoUKSOM OlfXTY. SLM.K10B CoUHT. ,mts Wiikis. u Executor of N-ill Kelly. 1 ln;- :n i.-llr !-. orlm it j!- V i I h i us. A g reat ! Hop!c" call at the ;iiii(iir whom may ue mntif.n.-.l ilu? ii. Uuvvur': lne mm- many hciU t viduil who cuts a letter about once in months, hut who always strug gles to be tirt the window; the ono who regards hU solitary Iettrras a. natural curostty, tr:iing it over, viewing it.from an ujvhiU and down hill point, if in aatonWi.---.ent that ha Rhould get one at all; th man from the country who inquires ft r all the folks at his place; the sprnco Oikl. y McNeill. Jlu in irs r.t Itw .f Mnlcoui keliy whose ii..i.it r.s nnknowu ;.ud Dian Kelly, Jane Ktlly. Wui 11 llui.!.ry ami ifc .stwm F Killy. a!i f K. lly, W Y Kelly, N I) Kelly and Virpm i Kelly, l.on at law o! I).moau Ki lly, I-.cea d, lVtititi lor i-oiitIuetiin .il the will .t Ncill Kelly, dee d. Il iin-uurius to ny satisfaction tbat tho Lvin ut I-iw 1 Malcoui Kelly nro non resi .Irnts of the SU'-to ol North Carolina, nud eun- uut be jrvi-d with copies of this petition DKAL IN Gold and Silver. ; UWCURRENT MONEY EXCHANGE. i STOCKS AND UONDS RECEIVE DEPOSITS. Jan. I. lSCP. lyr. JOSEPH UTLEY, Grocer una Commission 3Iertiiant, AND DEALER IN . Hardware ami General Merchandise. Fayettevtlle, N. C. N. A. MdMN, i attorney law; Lumbfrton, C March J.. f Please PrijAlp. 1 T.t persons owin" me c-Nra ant J iAat due, are respfc pay up, without fail, ou jo Augu 31usical. Cm t neit not forget. Those 4 I and accounts, y requested o efor the 1st of ted will please J. LILIA. January 1, 18G'J. NEW GOODS. GALICOS, Muslins, Lawns, Baragcs, Bleach ed Cottons, Linens, i EiubroiilerPcs. Iiib- Gloves, Ac. T VlAVC roccMtlv r v.-eiveii?arge.aia and kivite Countiy McrchrJits and others to examine the Stock-whic is YuLl&. June 24. j : - " FAiraTEYILLE . 1100R-ST011E, : MARKET SQ'-ARE. 1 V, v keen constauty ,pn aauu ir ; ;m,. Tr:1vpr jimlHvnin Books, also i limn t i - . " , rl . the new edition of Psalrs and Hymns at published rates; Tabor, admody, -The,; vivalist for choirs, and oices, Golden Wreatht Shower and Goh Cham, and Glad Tidings for Sunday School. Music ordered if desired wc E. HALE tV SON b. June 10. " ' 1 A THOROUGH course of Vocal and Instru mental (PianoS Music. Ten dollars per quarter. I Apply to ; ,..,. i Mrs. THOS. J.. JOHNSON, Jr. Ft UTE and VIOLIN S12 for twenty lessons. : f THOS J. JOHNSON, Jr. Aug'. 19. lm ,! Guns!! Guns!!! I. HAVE on hand wt oi woboib c. ut- a 00 each ; Single Guns Tho best qualities ot ruHi'w, "V- CAPS always on hand. j. 4 , , ,nr T,a r rpmipsted to c.al or -send for repaired work that has been nmshed several mcSSE or I shall be j compelled to sell tor cost and charges. July lu. I WALTER WAtSO:,,--Gun Smith and Machinist f 49-tf DENTISTRY. ERVIN ILOYD, D.D.S. Hay Can be found at all time at his oflice street, Fayettcville, N. G: April 1. . j - I Tools. Turpentine I do not ask dealers or user .: to buy my tools merely 'became they are home-made but because I have positive proof that they are S?forTto anv northern turpentine too s . upt noi i !U1 i1;ive them made to order any shape or size you want. Ueai ers would doywell to send in their brders, .tor Hackers,; Pullers or B ers t .OX, ! i Edfe-'fool Manufacturer, FayetteviUe, N. eeled. Terms cab i Jf Ail kinds of touls re-steeled July; 15, j tf bonsand Fancv Goods,. Homespun, larns, T.H.liH unit' Misses iiata. xou- I v . I . ... ni .l Notice is h,rcby?,ven to the sanl bun o nets, ..ue f..i-...r, Krllv iMhosu names aro uiiwownj uroccncsnnuiiu.n., . - ... ... J . . . r v to U and pi".ur at tho Court liouso in wbi- re tlic lionoraoie mo tui,'j U; r ton. before .SuiK;nor Coiut of Liw, ou Moud.ny Ho aoi ,L.y of Anensc. IMiV, to aiuwer to the petit u Htriinst thtriu tle.1, or the wme will be l.ea; aoth ion ard M itu. . John M.'iV Cleik of tho Su perior Court for son Jonnty nt ofhee in GI4. '-Siftf'cSSoBE. C.S.C. 0v July clerk who gtca auozen ior ployer And iooki as wise- ad i if they tforn till intrtl ded for himself: .the in- ADULMSTATORS1 NOTICE. rIE nr'lersignd.1 hereby giro notice that ou thw Twentv-cighth day of Jnuo 18G'J, they .pxdLfied a-.adiiiiniirntor or. t!w estate of WU- iuta iiAcintjf ".vi.ftw. ..ft.IV. M. j: . ;..- n xx hn wonders why ,3.. rv ...... ; j.' bQ.'t Uper iidebved to tho eaUte.of said INES. lonuv with Ihu Troft-kerv. Boots and Shoes. Wo will pay thc highest price for old Bank Bills, R. R. Stock, Beeswftx, Old Rags, Dried Apples and Peaches, Cotton, Corn, Peas, Ba con, Fodder, and all produce in exchange for KOOdS O. S. HAYES ftt CO. Sho3 Heel, N. C. July t. , am Globe Saloon, Uy Bill McDonald, 2so. 4 Urecn aL.'Cuorth of the market.) FayetteviUe, N. C. 1 CONSTANT supply or ciioico u Aio, WINES. AiiK, CJ t ' . i i 1 THE BUGGIES AND R9CKAWAYS AT REDUCED PRICES. WE have now on hand a very large and complete assortment of BUGGIES, , IvOCXAWAi'S.. and . HARNESS, which we are 'offering at greatly; reduced prices. ; yT. Sl Griffin & Co.. IViolesah and Retail Grocers and Liquor Dealers, I CHARLOTTE, N. C. assortment of North Carolina' Virginia and Northern K his itT-P 1o firm nf T. .T .TONES tfc ij ai amw " fc- vp dissolvtsd bv tthe doath or Jir N. G. Daniel, on the 3d Inst ' Notice is Here by given to alii persons holding claims against the late firm ti present them lor payment and those indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. . p. G. WORTH, - .-v. ! Surviving partners. JOAES & vl)UTH, (.Successors to T. J. Jones'ifc Co. ) GR0CEHS and COMMISSION MEltUUAJi l b No. 27 Hay, Street,. . irtifettevrri e June l. VIGOIIATOR! XTOT1CE. J3t Tho partnership of Jno. G . "Williams, of Raleigh, and P. A engaged in Jankiug. at 1 ayetteville, . Kj. in the! name of P. A. Wiley & Co., has been dis solved all responsibility of Jno. G. Williams, on account of the nra ended oii the 1st Jun uaryI8C9. .1-' I ! On tlie 1st January j irw, ve;orgo . -owti-soii of Raleigh, associated himself with! P. A. Wiiov, for the conduct land continuation the business of banking at FayetteviUe N. C, under the name, and style of P. A. Wiley & Co4 - " !:. f The business of the firm will be conducted as heretofore under the inaiiagement of the subscriber. NV. G..BR0ADF00T, Cashier, tf f FayetteviUe, March 11. n. W. DIXON. I T. C. DIXON, ! ; S. c. EIXON, IXON. 3m A. A. Jan. 1. IbG'X McKETHAN & SON. ; lyr. c. n. DIUBLE. E. G. WOllTII. GEO. II. DEWEY 3IGARS. Ac.-, kept for DIBBLE. WORTH & CO. 188 Pearl Street NEW YORK- PROMPT personal attention given to sales Of NAVAL STORES, COTTOJI, and COUNTRY pboduce, with quick returns. Jan. 1. thebah RATI Clerk a to the pr0b.JglCe cannot I. Ti ' well furnished with every SSr tiS : timo f bribed by nLaVdcon Thin the J5th 0Jo-pViMiv H. A. fc-rEDilAT"!, . JNO. W. IILSDALE. . Atuninistrators. July -".'. " -ut.. fti.. iii 4tt deteniion. till voting nun. with faint traces ol down on his chin, who expects a let ter from hw sweetheart, and who re tire in confusion: the big pannched n,:.n who tread on his neighbor . i... v rindoiner who ecu COT.:", .-.v..j. m 1,1 Ulli ior . you think UN a dralt; the?e, with he booby who wait- an hour on the t. ..-. who uoea in and come nut are the most prominent ol . post-othV'; iiUrs A Cukai- Way to c.Er uid . Tin AugiMa uonsiuunuii- n.iviTfiemeni oi IV ft. ft." - - D . . -u win.? r,rtftred in any stylo to oraer. . w j Mcdonald. Gras ntir rontnir.- tlie "-w? .... . L-nnnP gentleman o uuitriiy wuwiMw- roturnih,(orthepUtanceoffirrnfy..rc bv which larrncrs and cardeners may Ret rid of nut. r rrh nrnefceds ol the suoscniJ- ...nr.. tliis receintt are w .1 TVliTilXE WA1EW WHEEL lUldnz from oudded to rrrB HtrsnnzD .Ninons iM:r xaiuuw.. baves the Cog-work and Shalts that aro commonly rtniuired to get uo sid. ves the Friction on these co- and shafts. Jsve5 a great Mdl-wnsat woti " iuusj CU-TEST WHEEL to run yoor 5IU1 or Factory. Ye are making an improved Iron Wheel of thU class. . & I Snow Camp, N. C . Do you want a Mill to grind your Sugar cane? Send your order to S. Dixon A Co, Snow Camp, Alamance uouuij, Aug 5. i ' 1 DISSOLUTION. fTlHE firm'of CAMERON & UILL is hereby dissolvea uy miautu wifw. . ... JamefH-Hill will setUe the affairs of the firm. 2 .. I 77' fHM-oirn v;aroiiuwr- "nirfictors haw resolved to increase key. - ! j---'-July . ; - NEW GOODS ! Facts for the People! NOTWITHSTANDING the great political changes that have be.m granted, and the removal of old and tho appointment of new officials in the United States. j . J. Ki. Kyle.'.&'Co. -. . ih Air position in the estimation of their: numerous patrons and continue tcr disoonse tevery ajucie in iub i Inm nnnno I lUC Un7 uuuuo Linti the Capital Stock of this Hank to Five Hundred Thousand Uoliars. jrer.'oiis x.h scribe to the same wm please President. ic i. 11 om with UDOLPHO fVOLFE, 22 Beaver Sk. AW Yorr. fc1 iTT& ft mics that cannot foil . TLiw ota p.nnnierated a lO piUOBOl ? IV ' the , , few of Yilmicgton, Aug 12. J0HN "vV. CAMERON. .IIMESH.HILIi, nTN.-.y27' Iw D tion to e NEW i GOODS. . t-. n . ti zT'Tic' CTV7 7". 77 . -r TirrvnT. TTrirTRS with shftrn Coint- I ed or tenter hooked Teeth; a great im provement in the preparation of wool for the Carding Machine, and at prices to suit the times. These Cards have iron frames with steel shafts, with Card Clothing Belts, and everything entirely complete and teady to put immediately to work,-8imi ar cards to those I lately put m.operauon ior . v. yj, ..I tha okftdonaMilla. The two Machines fur- !.-. mrft of $2;j0 casn. or uloiicu ai vlmj v o . , The subscribers beg lealre to inform tire citizens of North fttox tgt they have ten ippointed agents tor LIpLPHO VVLFB, K . i- c cole JTTiis p.pleorated SCHSIDAM AE.0MA.-3.U toUiUMArro And i?oZed lFi?ies nd Liquors. Mr. "W's name is a housixold word in every part of the Southern Statel. . F ADRAIN & VOLLERS, JWilmigton,N. C, Agents at FayetteviUe: S J Hinsdale, t - Jas N mrtn, I H K MOE5E, Ixicon, Lard and Pork. npnlied to the relief of the poor. A - forfeit of SI0.0 will be paid J casts where, the uireci.ou " "J i0 UoxCjiaua iihd White Bacon. .n..ft.1 tlii information does not U-wf KUa. Leaf Lard. I I I 1 111 LV""""- . t I result in the total destruction of tne prass. The ad vcrtiscr refers to Messrs. E?P. Clayton & Co., well known factors of Augusta. . T X f 1 1 ami 1 -w- rr i T" .net rnirnea iroiu wMvft. cities where I have purchased the 12" at marfcet price, etock.of UoOiU l nae " uuv .... market, all of wUicn are nowiu moic, ov. 27. I Insure Agaut Fire! ENCOUEAGE STATXtNSTlTUTIONS! Insure in the Noi Carolina w-y; to be found at the eslabliskinenL All-wool GrayVnd Changeable Pop i;a f. nO to 60 cents worth 75 cents to i- . . . . t nwl Alrn.r;eaa 50 to GO cents V,v,Awiv'v 1 TJ- ' worth 75 cents to $1. Black Alpaccas 40, 50, GO and to cts. and $1 worth 50, s75, 85 cents, i? 1 and fc1 25. I"-' ! . v Corsets $1 worth Sl 50. White Flannel all wool, lull yard wide 60 cents, well worth 85 cents. Table Damask 1 25 per yard very Hoop Skirts unusually cheap. Men's Shoes, Ladies Shoes, Chilaren s Shoes, and One Hundred other articles just as cheap to be had at the Emporium, No. li Hay st., rayetteviue, . . TJse Coat's Spool Cotton, get the best, o&the corner next door to tne rocKery otuic April 1 Snow Camp Foundry, S. D1X0N & CO., iron-Fouiiflers, MiUIWriglits and j . Machinists, . t Snotc (Jauiji, Alamancc County, X. C. j ABK MASrACTpaKsG Improved Horse-Powers and Threshers, Straw Cutters, Corn-Shellers, Cane Mills, Saw and Grist-Mill Irons of every Descrip t tion,. Shafting, Pulleys.r Gearing, &c. Also, are manufacturing an ' Improved Turbine Water Wheel, Which at no distant day, j it is believed will supersede the OvershotfWheel in most situa tions, where economy,- durability andefficien rv arft nronerlv considered.! ir-Mill owners and othets who use water for the nroDUlsiou of nkachiuerv'. are particu larly reouested to give this Wheel an examina tion before sending their money North for one ri'nf r frond.1 This Company is an association of Practical irnAon;.a liavti liApn finrraced in this iixcviiaui.g , ftv i w , . particular business fo nioro than tw&'y:.nv nostra, find are aualifled from vcjAiZt- gether with the LOVr PRlCEi ? 1 ftv.f nniy thfi i TBS Stelv inaugurated ii?Ukis untr will dce it to the interest of those wanting anything our line to give us a call Aug 5. . ; A I- .: - DR. LAWllEA'CC'fi 0 0 0 E K T It A T E l COMPOUND EXTRACT 01 K 0 S IC 0 0 ! A SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY rott ALL 1lhtAeH AULMJ.U tltoX TORriDITY OF THE LIVER, IMrURlTH V OF THE BLOOD, DISORDERS of URINARY 0B0AN4 DEBILITY .TUE NERVOUS VbTKM, Ac. FORMULA AROUND EACH B0TTLI'. .-. 4 J j I. B. 5outh DAVIS, East Cor.' . Cure all Diseases' of tho Liver. SYMl'TOMd OF LIVER COMPLAINT AN'l) Of SOME OF T1I0SU niSCASCS TLOHUCKn X. IT. '4 . AX la parts ol in the mouthjfv, .... Y J VIM A kiiU tA I4J W Sll u a dry, teaniug couh aputiliv: our the lood, nod n tr fcioknom nd a biontu or h.end fsldeft. and ten- back rai Vady asked .r ii.it ?uiltV?' Dutch justice. "Not guilty Den vat the tyful do you hcrei bout mit your pieness. Go a- JONES' HOTEL, On eaten street, vnnTiirvST OF THE 3IAUKET, "41 . A. HAS recently Uu thorougbly fittv.l up and AetKid.Jand now atTord. accommcHl Mftft. . . - The Koom .liv i.(v.id-4 "th ccry cwnvcuincr. Tlie Table 1 ell snpj licd bo iVcw f 1 vf. 23 bbli Mess Pork- Su'gars and Cojfcc. 65 baKS Rio Conea 40 bbls. Sugars assorted A u and ; JPfttA. ftiO ball bbU Mackerel, No 2, 15ir. " ! " 1. . lilour. 173 Ibis Flour, somo eitra brands. Molasses. 23 bbl. Molftisftcs. 'Oftjii. jtZa Candles. 23 DoxtH So.-p. 40 Candlift, 23 Kt-gs of soda. I Cheese. 23 boxrt English Dairy Cheese. Leather and Shoes. luo Si Sole Leather, 33 ( wrogan anocs. ATai anJ Hollow-ware. 73 Kegs Nails. .. . Iba. Uollow-wure. -.Tons Eur Iron, 13 boxes S W Collin Axes. . sundries. r SriceVroonaa. Backets. IIorje and nades. Address me .at Beaver Creek Factory near FayetteviUe. , J. KERSHAW. augl2. . ' : --.St-Pf . William miChriSt. of Richthpnd Co., ' .1. 1 VylJUl iiCiv.u 1. j . ft v- j j nil" ... 1 .r 1., S. H. FISHBLATE & IUWI., Ko. 17, Market Street, . Wilmington, $ C. i- Market oquart?. A T T ! J Ij XX J-i GAIN tenia! heat; in with sore throa stomach, with a chokinc sennation in vomiting; distress, heav full leeliuc about tho which is often attended w WnKK. acrmrvatincr naius in 1 .. ft. I l- .. Ai. fliMlll or Dreasc; uuu uwui, i-u cuuuiuv.ft. ., . Ibronph tho bowel. I ,uu pniiKtinAtion ot the bowl, altm: frpenitint uttucks of tliarrhi; piles 11 nervousness, coldness of tlio ciircmitl; luti heat; iUi A 'J ,p e 0id stand, south east corner Market of blood to tho bead, with symptoms of faquare ana soe . . 1 . . -miu. ulttmatlnff with hot flu hntbCooamg hu P.ftft."to, r-oTv::- -j.umjiw Mm.,nv Xrfnssortment ever OHereci in mis t"'"" low Bpinuj, uh-uuBu..., ft. b , . A . ri--. Cnmberland County-m aapenoi yuva .-r . . 1 11 ; . . jt-i . . Morgan and otners, nmiiu( otter. Mink, &c D9" "Cf."1"","" .71 ' iLjJ nf Also! all linrr tdTzinc Sheet. r kosKOO re-establishes tU ACTIO C'iron-Russia and common: Steel Trap for tho LiVEB. alld at tllO.same time I'V Andrew J. vs, Home Insurance ; RALEIGH, Now liable for losses! Company, . c $500,000! $1S1,00Q! $20,000 Deposited with t'4 State Treasurer for eecumy 01 i onjy nuiuw H0LESALE and iiETAlL dealerd in -- Fancy aDd Staple Dry- Goods, Keady-maae vioiniug, w Clothu, Cassnneres, Jeans. Hats, .-.'L. XJOOIS. OUOUS; : Notions, &c., which we sell as low as the lowest j ffWe dety compeimon., Aax 12. Tis HOME COMPANY J. already a succesH. FOOTE, Prest. Seaton Gales, Sec'y. I , -nr.tr rniiTwn a i cf .'Sec. and ljocal Act. . -T. J.I. ..xft.ftft, ftftft-j, - ... XT7, C A McMillan, Agenl.at xayewevmB, -y. ' . . ' Mm TI 1 a . i uiy a.. ... . n mi "VTnrt.iriA. Administrator 01 XUCUfttft'ftV' - T . , , Martine, deceased. pursuant w wu v. ,,ff nf Fall Term, 1868, the creditors of .the. ea eot James Martine, deceased, ai e tereby.aotifaed in before the Clerk of said iport ana prove their debts, on or before rritne 1 nrst Say of October, 1869, or they shall excina ed from thobenefits of said deer. . Witness, Jno. v. toiiaflan, uir ' I ovMr1ffl. el ill"' together with many useful r 1 '. -r ifnnTind Tmitm or ai.itc nv"- ing and guttering, done at short notice, and at the lowest prices, and ot the best material. ALSO. 1 full set of Tinners' tools, as good as new, will be sold low tor casn. ' !l I. li. 1)A lo. Jan. 11. 1 1 tf fies and'NnicnEs the iilood, and Toi up tho nervoua tyftem. This is an LLEGAtfT, rLEASANT, PO ERFUL and ' HELIABLE JtEMEDY! 48-tltoct i.' w r?urn ! li-titt-ev"d uMe jut lcen addM. with ."U ti- inHlern romfrrtv Ample Afcd f. r where Loi?h aro provided ir.d well care I for. The Bar Itoont I kept well uiplied with the beit foreign and Jouiestic Liqnor. .Vies, ConlUla, Wine Gin and Rum. Ml kind of drink prepared t suit th-3 most fstidioti4 taltt. Alo, A .J-rrwHl stock of FAMILY GRO CERIES i krft onntantly ou hand in the store rdjoiniu:;. t'lLSsenger conveyta 10 anc from Urn dfivt and WU. Char modernt:. REUBEN JONES My 27. 3nt denSl notice. Dr. A. F. .Hailed, Surpeon iDoivtirftv EtrhftU'-itU', X. ('., Oi nCEouIC4yS1rcvt.il: H-juI building, f ormerlv ovenpird ty Dr Haubcrr'. Ang 12. 2m arka - - ft a ... rftf ri Combs. icka. Ahu . , Urn (Tunc - . , ""n wi., etc All of waicl I have narhiispA r, teUl seU for S23T1 or on 30 davs ta t h.ve met tit-pyments promptly. ! E. F. J wiiitenogs.! -vr-rrr r fimo sand m nrrTftii 1 celebrated breed of Hoirsv Price months old 515 eacn. iiaii unesiers always on hand half-price. This breed can be seen at D. McDiarmid's, Little River and jMI. H. Hodgin's, Antioch, Robeson Co.. who have purchased of me. As so many have seen this breed ih my pens a descriptiou is unnecessary. It is only necessary to say that they can be made to weigh 400 at 12 months and from 700 la 1000 lbs at 2 years of ace. FayetteviUe, N. C. 3t f WINES OFjALI P;re n. c. wmsjusx ii!al curooses. , .!. a superior quality ol Ch I or sale cneap at Drang 1 1 I 1 -z I - MANHtODs HOW .LOST, H0P RESTORED. Just Publhed, a new eoiuon of Dr Culverfell's Celebratea x.s-sayoa-the hdical cure (without mpdicinel of SoermatofrhcDa, or Seminal Wcfekness, Involuntary inul Losies?. Imrjotency, Men- A Physical Incanacity, Im- to marriage; etc. ; also, Consump- , and Fits, inducea Dy seu-uiuw ual extrawgance. . ' A finvplone. only b centa. anthori in tllis admirable es- , Vstrates trom a tniny jrouio , clear ydemo2f".a.,fi BlaTmin,r. conse- pedim witness, tiiio. v. ftft"" . , x Court at office, in FayetteviUe, he th day of ' j jjjo.C. COLLAiAN,C,S,C July 8. i STATE OF NORT CAROLINA, ! ... j MOOBE COUNTYv Sophrona A. Davis, petition for doV'r. Geo.C. CounciimaivExr. I WilUam Da - - ' trt f1l satLsAictipn limits of tae . B,rved on them: ordinary annr v ; ""-tthafpnb- P SatofcTthe for six. successive, bcation be maae i newspaper pub- SaSlheFKdudialbno c 1. D ber 1869, and answer iu-. f - V 151N JL V J-JJJL V lXjlm And ,L)ue that admit of a wide tang ol V ' " . n1,..nlinn. - , i a I It is adapted to fulfill the morbid ioolcatioa What Everybody fU)S 3l0St bC 0,fcvuiukVk. a greater fifent tb.a any other remedy yei Known, ai i hj tion, gence or Price in a The celebrate say, successful practice, qnences of self-abn wlihout the dansrerons of the application OfVthj ay be radically cured of inirruuJi,""" The Conqueror of all Snufla. G. W. A. AAA A A AX S ri jy ftll. ir I I A AX b W7 TiIiliLLiL. .va" INVALUABLE G. o et .:. rA as to them. will pe Twif.OT.niL C. House in v.na & Mmft petition or it A. H. July 24. CELEBBATED, CELEBRATED CELEBRATED. SCOTCH SNUFF SCOTCH SNUFF SCOTCH SNUFF Has been fully tested and pronounced hy all Has ueen lLu.jr skcit now in "ifffiis. ingrXnts, common "j . . ' .Qt;An nf other s useam iuo oicf'"T t. gained 1 a woriawiae-J- 1 11 rival led Ucmcdy ron all G. T. LEACH, of N. C with - ' s au- 12. 350 sale by ma, ? simile fcWed Wig Tolfccoo. liLold&iimL on auo, Aug 12. G UXK No. 1 Peru, Gu X I5 xjltice 1 orf-ardmt erlon. f 'LVwrv 2 iNro?"M Carolina, 'J "H5 -tJAreitv Tic tares will be as fol il. Ord V L 'M!? - what , E eEantw 81X cents, . or Ar. CulverwfillV cents.. Addrei fXitv oruiminv. v . it -r . . . -s:1 i me. class room State Public School special tilS&ectures will be delivered, Lng tV11 of Sep-1 a tember. ty the Preofeoi mo iouowing suojvi-xueorjr of Teaching, EthictJ opiology lflcV natural History, .tronomy, ujiwm we state and ol t usm states. Thesa iCtcnM wi b dun to the sn4 Alumni.- na to Ul tWomdnni insunruon. oi-3KSiPMSTj7 V T NEW YORK. 1 -swi. I' 5 C6nts- Addre OlolSii i is cot aeries" "ft."??ra PS- ItV V! de" oenr, TJimer address, pstpaid kwo oysi .siani "Jlarnagl Qui ft i T i ; -t o puoumers . Ti tfjLI fbeiwill " "r - w r- 'ettevilk Hotel ' jtW Stock and Prices Reduced, PASSAGE can be'iiad to and from the Boats, about Toion out iti the country, or to any of the igboring towns. JACKSON JOHXSGN. Tun3. 50 CuttL streetX 11 selected stock of offee Rio and La- 'ade? from Iirnurn tr ycnt upG, 7 &S inches x lhes widfl. d Genuine Bene I 11, 45, ers. Hav 13, Hay X) v-Hj& CO. Do not iail ta Ut:AmS W A Whitehead & Co E L Pemberton S J Hinsdale Jfrs M RaT;lfe , .as Harry's - Hector McMillan, .,' Reuben .Tones, : linwlanrl Rmu n..t t fVorf!i,ir w.ftcr.-i, .'i gums L J Bossieux. -WKrJi rt..t:. .. . . for Richmond. V - T -gt. ' . GlVaui8jfe:C.,f Wholesale Grocers Agents for Charleston, 8. C. grocers, o lliZiZ C ";bu repuiauon that oar Snuff I and see tha cKaere. I- l W D Smith t Co li E Heide JEPDaingerneld, a ALoore Mr L Otterlnmv H Cohen, J V Lett. iVG Matthe w a SCROFCLtUS. STRUMMJS, HYP1TXITIC, . . CANCEROUS. ' CUTANlXJLX V HEPATIC. ' A . RHEUMATIC. , a UK ISA It Y. 1 NERVOUS ATECTIOSH, This prcnnrii,.,i t, ... i ... . . ' tugfily le.ted,7uid r7,rovA K.Vuelor the most nu nAnt ..,. vL- I .. V.,u.0 " Faculty. Prenyl -' known r,T, - , una wt kuowu pnybician and chcmiL Price, - - - si 00 per In Mr. htut uttnj T c,.. .ft-uMftuiftJu uiat our Snuf aas attained has intfaced oerioin ..r . rers to imitate onr Trade fai-vT .r"""1"1-;"-qualitv of our sJSnoy mark but tne superior arialitv nf Tj 4 manufactured 0 " f OATfYVt W w. c. TRfiv ' r: .,w .Sail AX. , Jaly 29. r W. C. iicn cc Kowland. LA Wt PREPARED ONtlf RY J. J. LAWRENCE, 31. I). . OltGAXJC CHEMIST, No. C, Mua Street, Norfolk, Virginia. FoabBy S. J. HINSD.VLE, FotteMJI. VXAMES N. SMITH, jalyiJi nd DruggUU crywherc. i V X.C r . fe at . .V- T w7 ?ygen' ept 4

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