" '.'-" ...'.. ,. - '" ... ..." ' .' r . '....'' ' " -'. . '. : r - - - ' , . , .: - -h . , j -y - . THE EAGLE. " - AT FAYTT B V1LLE, N. C. SDHVJ ASP PUBLISHER. Term of Mu&scrtptio. Cash ia aJrane, or it equivalent, at ifao following ratw : One eepy o jr. mx twntb. 3 00 SI CO For iy rluU of five imlwcriWt. at the tste r ifcr dollar Tear emch to a fJi. a ttr copy iR at grtli for hftjtrir tiai. 3r- k Tsa eopie will b aeat to ona a4Irv4 at" tha rate of il 50 yrar tch. And" twenty .opU to nn idiraM, at the Tate ol $2 ft J ch The p.pr will be nt to Teacher, Mini Un, ioJ diibled Cuf(Wrte soldier t the rU of 42 year. - , iTrrns of '3.&x: rlising. t miirem t.r firat iaaertiou. Kch rraUr iutrtioa attfrwardm CONTRACT RATKS. It 50 52 23 two month. 4 00 tUr in on Lb a. ait moU. twl month . 5 oo 7 CO 12.60 d DO iiUtrQVba 30 (JO 10 00 ,s 4 ,, tirelrc miontht, I mummmmm . Ou-hIf coiuuiu. nm month. tl.rce tuoDlha ix Uiooths I!t ciontL-.. 0u eolatuu fi a.uarr) tt laoaih. three u0th ix nmntt 12 m 00 20 00 ;m 00 75 iv twelvmuontha, I"0 f-tn On- inch i a janf.. AdTtrtLv mruU fur S month e. aLTt. um h rhtigrd oue tita without coat if th ?jmV i not euUrj;ecJ. Itpaclnl cootrxti maW on rt.wvnwl.Jr trtfli. JIaMDatt.t. t'jlIUw. L.IBCL5. IIitXllXAMI- Iluksa-Foci. tt tatl kindtof ordinary jot work done ruit!y. i.Ur and cheaply. Snperlor Court. Vt IcTll Jl tf il. IITltllT. KubcaOll COtint f in Ati;nt a Ithadeii county the ion rlli Monuar 111 Fcbru.irv. ..a m mm m August and Culumbus wunty, fourth ilonchij after thu fatirth Monday in August w a una Jt eoruurv. Brunswick count v. Mxth Monday al ter the fourth Monday in August and February. New Hanover county, eighth Mon day alter fourth -Monday in August and Februarr. B irapon county, tenth Monday after the fourth Monday in August end February. Duplin county, twelfth Monday af- lej: iue lourtn jnonn.iy m .ngusv ami February. , ruiu JxntcMf. iitsTitiCT. Harnett county, second Monday iu August anil February. Moore, secoud Monday after the second Jlonday in August and Febru ary . Montgomery fourth Monday alcr the second Monday in August and Fcbraarv. . Stanlv. aixth Mondav atter tho mjC- ocd Monday iu August and 1 February. Union, eighth Monday after the second Moudar in August and Febru- . rf . . . anr. ....... .,,1, Mnn.Uv Mtr the sec- -j ---- - tt0tmmt 1 oud Jionuav Richmond, twelfth Monday after the second Monday in August and rcbruaxy. f!umhrland. fourteenth Monday af- ter tho second Monday in August and February. ItCHEDULE NOTICE. O Eaboard A. Roanoke Rtilroa d Company. VlrinU, Jan. I, IboV. Tralas! WIloo daily, exoept Sonthijs, mm fritlflWt: Mall train at 3 p.m. T-hTnh rirI?ht Train at 3 a. in. I?.. at C30 a. zn. lasive at oaTsot xn: Man Train at 7.10 p.m. TSmnh. rnrf-ht train at 11.15 a. m. at 3.30 p. m Tfc Mail train connect at lorUmouth with v Tt TJn SEimn for Baltimore, fhila- dalphia. New York and alt places North, East, TU Freight trains connect with Steamer daUr for Baltimore. rv umea eacn weca tat Nw York. Four time each week for rbd- adalrbia and rwk each week for Boston, 1 E. O. OHIO, Snpt. Trans. OS co rcterslmrg Railroad Co., iW. 1st. ISC. I n r!r VdncMdav. I'd instant, th traini will run as follows: PAsacsoca tsjuxs." Learo Petersburg tlaily at 6 a. m. and 4.20 rr4 at Weldou dvilv at 9.30 a m, and 7.30 Lear weldon daily at 3 pra and Cam. t n.i.KfiM &i ivl r tii ami 9.10 a m wxiiia o - r Lt depot in Waahiogton street at G.40 p m and 9.34 am. rvi. K Paaencer Train will b ran on guad-ys. aa folldwa: . PatarsbUrg at .2 p m, arnre at el dow at 7.30 p m. Learo Weldon at COO a m, amre at Petcrs trtirg at 9.10 a m. ratioBT TSJUNS. da3v Frcicht train will ran over the Feter- bzrg railroad between Petersbarg and Weldon , and shlrpera ar reuaested to dclirer their freight far shipment VcforaS o'clock pm. a no receipts will b given far freight after that Lour. 0&STOX razzoar an accommodatto TSars. Learea Petersbng Tuesdays and Fridays. Passengers for this train take the 4.20 p tn trsia from Petersburg. Connect with the abos-a train at Belield. Returning leave Oas tnn Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4 am. Con nect with tha regnlar pasaencer Train at Bel fiald 7.10 a m. Arrive iu Petersburg at a 10 n. R B. PEG RAM, Gn. Sapt. Feb 19. i CIinxi?e of Schedule, JULEIGU Jt GASTON R.R. CO., 3 Sapenntenuent s Ofic. Raleigh, N. C. April IS, 1860. On and after April 16, 1863. Trains will run oa the Btliga aad Gastoa Railroad, as fol lows: . Mail Train leaves Sleigh. ArriTa at Weldon, Man Train leaven Weldon, Arrivw at Raleigh. Fraht Train leavta Raleigh, arrive at RalWffb, fiZO a.m. 3.00 p. m. laiOa. m. 4.43 p. ro. 1U5 p. m. 9,45 a. m. Tha Mail Train make thxo com connections with all points North and South. A- B. ANDREWS, SopexiatandanL JaaaH. tf V on th fourth 3l0U- j trticn of Inn-K f now covi reil by the -1 Hower 01 Alary lh una. wniw oi mim ue- UU J-tutuarj. . or swid I.uiJ int lndhi.' iha nforc Mfoiid 3loiiU.iV alicr 1 jreenvl- onarviiittreL there are lltv". acres. Vol.IL' : No ; ij " TLo Xexiis cuttle trade i livclv at Abilene, tho principal sbippiu point in Western KanAa-H, tbo following transactions qow:VW1 lecuinJ cla-s steers at $23 each; 800 second-clas at 621 each. ouc drove, 700 hai1. at 21 . cent., groi; 700 head mixed cattle, average at : 20 vokc rorK cattle, noor. at 370 ucr vokc: MM head beef steers, second-class, at sfr-' -0; MO do. aerairo at 24.. Severs wots orwut- tcrwlTafexo'rf"1 cattle, tivi J'no to four veam bid. eoltl at three Lc ts, gross; tiOOO aeatl leit uuniiiri:io wcck ior i Salt Laie,.40 for Jlont iaf for nmnha anH 300 for Idaho.. There "T" ' lene market 12,000. Vterand J 0,000 mixetl cattle, :r-ajch rrf 'A"j;tcdto Iff fetcfe3 -iSku MOrlfiat : 1 00,000 bead now V rojrf tolho Kan sas market. I i Wo are glad to baro from the iomP'tsal'at Methodist, that over 011c- 1 irura tno atuuuns 10 oe raiseu uy me Conference for rebuilding' Greens boro Female College, has already been secured. AdniiJiLstra(or's Sale. V virtaa f au order ibt.nu-d Avm hi Honor. Judsre Jiuxtoii, t F.dl Ti rui, of tLiroett Coauty Snpvnor l.nrt, p.int d to me .i AdroinHtr:tor, ue hom nm. d the estate of John I IJctLcit, dcajeil, I will on the 'jih thtr of Octolr next. xpo.t to public hidf, to the highest lidd"r. nt tl Court IIon.s in Litlinton. all of the kiul-i, of which the said John JL Ikthea, dic-il vi.cd, und possossed. I and including tL rfwrsiouHry interest in thit The said l.mds adjoin uie lands of Imhc S. William and estate of R E ILuriss. Theso nre peculiarly TalnaWe livtnls. All jk-isiiis dis pmed to pnrchosev would do well to visit said tautU. ns snch land.4 in point of fertility are r.irely oflercd to the PoMie. Thoso dusiring to visit said lands with the view of pnrcb.Ming, will call oa Jno. B. iethea. or Kadcr Titrker, dehor of whom will take pler-snro iu showing the taua Terms of s.ifs 11 and '.r aconths credit, with interest from date. Title not to bo made until purchase money is paid. T l 'tTT ll T"I Adm'r. de liouis non. P. S. The land will 1 divided into three or txauU to Mtit pnithaiers. Ans20. U Fall and Winter Importation, 1869! JUBBOXS. HIXUJNERY AND STRAW GOODS. akhstroxgTcator & CO., 237 & 231) BAfmrons St., rlPORTERS and JOBBERS of Bouuot and Trimming Ribbona, Velvet nnd Sash Rib bon. Bonnet Silk. Satins and Vtdvets, H- Insions. Blonds. Laces, Roches, Nttts and Crwpes. Frvnch Howcr suid Feathers, Straw Bonnets and Ladies." II oU triirmied and nn- t trim 111 eu. sut. Velvet ana icti ziouneis ana HaU, Snndowna and hhakcr Hoods. 1 Uu-est SlOcic 01 ginnery uoou m. Country, ana nneqnsuea m cuotce vjineiy, hich wa offer at prices that will defy compo. tton. Orders soitcttwi. An'. 2tL Ulpd : R. T. SCANL1N, Wholesale ami Kdail Liquor Doiler, (Opposite A. A. McKeihan & c'ousO Has on hand PURE N. C. Vhikey, three years old, Brandy, to $ years old, from tha celebrated Distilleries of Yadkin County. All kinds of Domestic and Foreign Liquors for sole in any Quantity anted for. Genuine Scotch Ale and London Porter. Fajetteville, N. C -ta3 as. , ! lm Geo. L. Jolinsoii, WITH ! Walsh, Coulter & Wilson, Importers and Wholesale Deiders in Hardware and Cutlery, &3 Chambers and C3 Roedu streets, NEW .YORK. Aug 2C. - tf GREAT Inland Air-Line Route J PASSENGERS and FREIGHT. BETWEEN New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and all Southern places, via Wilmington N. C. J. t TIME rTiKlCiliT ForwnrdeJ by Express trains at very low rates. No insurance necessary. For particnlars. rates, Jcc, apply in New York at 291 Broadway. ' In WUmlnfrton. at the iL and . el. II. It. Transportation office. And in Portsnioutn, a., to iu. tr. uiuo, b. &R.R.R. L "iJa New York ship by Old Dominion steamers. Philadelphia, by P. W. Jl. It. R. Co., and in Baltimore, by old Bay Line. s WM. SMITTH, Master of Trans nu. WilminctonN. C. PETER MALLETT, Gen. Apt. '291 Broadway. I E. G. GUIO, Supt. Portsmouth. Vo. NEW GOODS. CALICOS, Mucins, Lawns, Baragcs, Bleach ed Cottons, Linens, Embroideries Rib bons and Fancy Goods, Homespun, xarns. Gloves, Ac. Ladies' and Misses Hats, Bon net. Ac., GenU Rats and Summer Clothing. Groceries and Provisions, Hardware, Pot-ware, Tin-ware, Crockery, liooi ana onoes. We will pay the highesi pnee ior wiu Bills. R. B. Stock. Beeawaxv Old Rajrs, Dried Apples and Peaches, CoUoa. Com, reaa. mi con. Fodder, and all produce in exchange for goods. i.-wirrefrA Shoa UeeL N. a DEMTISTRY. ERYTN FLOYD, DJ5.S. Caa be found at all tkaes at -4ua otaee, nay Street, FaysUeTflle, N. a . - FAYETTE ViLLE;N. C:;"-T J JESS EL. BRYAS, Of North Carolirn, ' WITH ' " HEiMlY C. SHORB, CufceaHor to hoib JJrothere,) XMPOKTER" an J tlealrr i. X (VXt. 'MASS ami CJiOCKEIiY, No. 10, Murray Street, 'ew York. Orders promptly attended to. Aug 5. i . 3mpd . TSAAQ H0LLIX0S70RTir, . AUCTIONKER AND COiBIISSlON MERCHANT, Fatettetiixe, N. C. Salts Room one door East of L B. David. "- Jan 14. ...i: .. .... lj P.A.WILEX&OO; DK.VL IN Gold and Silver. UNCURRENT MONEY, EXCHANGE. 0 STOCKS AND BONDS RECEIVE DEPOSITS. Jan. 1, i869. lyr. DISSOLUTION. mm: c.m of Cameron & hill is hereby JL dissolved by mutual consent. James II. Hill will settle the afl.iiis of the firm.. JOHN V CAMERON, . J4MES H.IIILL, 1 Wilinicton, N. C, Jnly27. Au- 12. lui WOOL CARDS, in SETS or S1XGLL ALSO WOOL PICKERS. wih sharp point ed or tou ter hooked Teeth; a great im provement in the preparation of rol for the Carding Machine, and at prices to suit the times. - These Carls havo iron fraxues with steel shafts, with Card Clothius Belts, and everything cntiroly complete nnd leady to put immediately to work, similar c-irds to those I lately pnt in operation for V,. (. IV03-, Esq., at the Oknlona Mills. The two Machines fur nished nt the low figures of cash, or Cotton at market price. Address me at Beaver Creek Factory, near Fayctteville. I : J. KERSHAW. ang 12. " x iit-pd NEW goods; IIL1YE just; iv turned from tho Northern cities where' I have purchased tho largest stock of Goods I have e ver offered' in this market, all of which are now in store; viz: Bacon Lard and Hark. 4' Boxes and Hhds. White Bacon. 35 half L'ols. Leaf Lard. 23 bbls Mess Pork. Sugar and Cvffcc. Co bags Rio Collee. 40 bbls. Sugars assorted A B and C. J IrHsh. M h:ilt bbls. Mackerel, No 2, 13 nr.' "1. i Flour. 173 bbls Flour, some extra brands. Molasses. 25 bbls. Molasses. Soaj), Soda and Candles. 23 Boxes Soap. ' ' , 40 Candles, 23 Kegs of soda. Cheese. 23 boxes English Dairy Cheeo. leather and Shoes. 100 Sides Hole Leather, 33 Cases Brognu Shoes. Nails -and Hollow-ware. 75 Kegs Nails. 3,000 lbs. Hollow-wnre, 5 Tons Bar Iron, ' 15 botes S W Collin's Axes. 4 Sundries. Penper, Spice, Brooms, Buckets, Horse and Mule Collars, Rope, Spades, Pitch-forks Knives and Forks, Pocket Cutlery, Curry Combs, Pad Locks, Shoe Thread, Gun Caps, Ac, Ac All of which I have purchased fur cash, and will sell for cash or on 30 days to persons that havo met their payments promptly. E. F. MOORE. aag 12 2m GIULS LEITCH. ALFRED KOWLAKH .Lcitcli & Rowland, t ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LoraEBTox, N. C June 17. ; 3m Kedmond's Hotel and Bar Room, LTJMBERTON, N. C. COMFORTABLE rooms, a well supplied v table, and all necessary accomodations for travelers and regular boarders, convenient ta the railroad and to tho whole town. The Bar, Is supplied with all the best liquors, wrues, gin, cigars, Ax , served in any style Fresh ovsters constantly on hand in their season. Horses well cored for. Charges very moderate. ? 2i. Ut. liEDMOND. 1 4og 20. , . lm MAYOU'S OFFICE, ) Fayetteville, Vng. 23, 1869. J Fayetteville andFlorence Railroad- WHEltEASi by an act of the General As sembly poised on the 2d day of March 18G7. entitled "an act to amend tiie cnarter oi the Fayetteville' and Florence It ailroud Com pany," incorporated towns are authorized to subscribe to the capital stock of said Com pany: And whereas, ly the Constitution of the State, before any such subscription is made, the' consent of a majority of the qualified voters of the town must be had. And whereas. the Mayor and Commissioners did, on the 21st day of August l8Cy, direct that a sub scription ol seventy-five thousand dollars be made on the part of the town of Fayetteville to the capital stock of said Faj-etteville and Florence Railroad Company, provided such consent can be obtained. Now, in order to. ascertain the will of such majority, an election will be held in the Town HalL on Thursday the 16th day of September 1869, at which time oil the qualified voters of said town, who are in favor of such subscrip tion, will vote "Subscription." and all opposed to anch subscription, will vote "Xo Sufyscrip- .Cooks of Registration will be open on the day of election, that voters not registered can bo registered on that day apd be allowed to rote;- By order of the iWard. ; D. J. UNDEBWOOD, Hate. n March 25. ; A LL persons owingi a 1 a(f .adnata Jx. .past due; are respecUIif 'requested-to pay nn, wimout iaw v" .innt foil m, ncrtrn-A. ia Angu&t next, not forget. Tbose- interested , will . pleas I HAVE recenUy irecfiTfid. large additions to my stock of . - - ? SEASONABIaE: GOOD$" -:J and invite Cunbry! Merchants' and otheiV to axamlna the Stook-whii-h isnow comDlete.1 FAYETTEYILLE BOOK-STOKE, MARKET SQUARE. j Wo keep constantly, on hand Family 7?ibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, also the new edition of Psalms and Hymns at published rates: Tabor. Psalmody, The lie- vivalist for choirs, and Happy Voices, . Golden Wreath, Shower and Golden Chain, and Glad Tidings for Sunday Schools. Music ordered if desired. ! , j E. J. nALE & SONS. June 1(). ; ' . . i ly josepiTIjtley, Grocer nnd Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN Hardware and General Merchandise, Fayettevtllk, N. C. January 1, lb(Jl). ly ' lijGGIES AND ROCKAWAYS AT REDUCED PIUCES. WE! have now on hand a very large and complete assortment of BUGGIES, r - KOCKAWAYS, aud HARNESS; vhich we are , offering at greatly reduced prices A. A. McKETHAN-ct SON lyr. Jan 1, 1809. C. B. DIBBLE. B. G. WOBTH. OKO. M.: IEW'ET DIBBLE, WORTH & CO, mmmmion pmmwts, ISS Peart Street NEW YORK. PROMPT personal attention given to sales Of NAVAL 8TOBE8, COTTON, find- COUNTBY pbodttcEj with quick returns. Jan. 1. - 1 y RALEIGH NATIONAL ViANK :- of North Carolina. The Directors have resolved to increase the Capital Stock of this Bank to Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. Persons wishing to sub scribe to the same will please commnnicate " J ' i-r i ' President. March 11 : Cm Insure Against Fire! ENCOURAGE STATE INSTITUTIONS! ! Insure in tiie North Carolina Home Insurance Company, ! RALEIGH, N. C. Chartered Capital, $500,000! $181,000! Now liable for losses, $20,000 -i Deposited with the State Treasurer for security of Policy Holders! This HOME COMPANY is already u success. J. H. FOOTE, Prest Seatojt Gales, Secy. W. H.: Mubdoch, Asst. Sec. and Local Agt. U A McJilrLLAS, Agent at Fayetteville, N.C. July 1. , 3m MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW EESTOEED. Jcst Pttjlished, a neAv edition of Dr Culver well's Celebrated Es say on the mdicaycure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or .Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Men tal and Physical Incapacity.. Im pediments to marriage, etc. ; also, Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 eents. The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearlydemonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences tf self-abnse may be radically., cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at . once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land, , Sent, nnder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address; postpaid, on receipt oi six ceuts, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. '- Culverwell's "Marriage Guide' price 25 cents. Address the publishers, - CHAS. J. C. KLTNE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Jfost Office Box 4,5.86. sept 24. w-ly ; Fayetteville Hotel LIVERY STABLES, drew Stock and Prices Reduced. FASSA GE can be had to and from the Boats, about Toicn, out in the country, or to any of the neighboring towns. JACKSON JOHNSON. Jane 3. 3m Globe Salooii, By Hill McDonald, No. 4 Green St., (north of the market) : '. Fayetteville, N. C. A CONSTANT supply of choice LIQUORS, WINES, ALE, CIGARS, Ac. kept for sale in large or small quantities. THE BAR Is entirely new, and well furnished with every material and con venienee for wholesome drinks and refreshments. Choice old Brandies and Whiskies, pure Holland Gin, foreign . and do mestic Wines, prepared in any style to order." w. j. Mcdonald: Aug 12. 8m X I 11 11 tomi ' 1 - - .- . . - ' - - - - - - - . . . ' Z ..... ....... .- & b. ... -... 5 Dfustcai; :y : iff Gnus! :6uns!In T ..HAVE on. baud a lot of Double 1 Guns at $10. t0 eachi Sinirie Gnns !E60 each. - ' -' ' - t .The best qhaUtaes of FOW UXK, SHOT and uara always, on nana. .- ' Persons are requested to" call -or seud for repaired .work that has beevfiuishedf seTeral sor Attn nh n trrao ' "" .-'S'.-. ... . ' . - WALTER WATSON. Gun Smith and Machinist July 1 Turpentine Tools. I do not ask dealers or users to buy my tools merely became they are home-made, but because I have positive proof that they are suoerior to -unv northern ''-turpentine tools made, and because you can hate tliem, made to order any shape or size you want. Deal ers would do well to send in their orders, Tor Hackers, Pullers or Dippers to j I I WALTER VNMTSON, . i i Edge-Tool Manufacturer, ' - : Fayetteville. NL C. All kiuds of tools re-stcefed. Terms; cash. July 15, tf W. S. Cis iffiii & Co.; I f Wholesale and Retail Grocers a?id t Liquor Dealers, 1 1 ! CHARLOTTE, N. (. - xlLWAYS 011 hand a large assortment oi North Carolina, Virginia and Northern Whis key. -, . 1 -i .j . , ; July 8. i ! - 3m, EW GOODS ! Pacts for the People! -rOTWITHSTANDING tho great pofitical J3l changes that have been geAnted, and the removal of old and the appointment of new officials in the United -States. i J. K. Kyle. Go: Still maintain their position iu the estimation of their numerous patrons and continue to dispense every article in the ; I DRY GOODS LINE, They have opened the Spring Campaign !. with the finest exhibition of Dry Goods ever oflered for ,sale in this place at prices that cannot fail to please, r Below are enumerated a. few of the . . .1- -..(, -.'.',:. 1: :; to be found at their .establishment. All-wdol GrAy and Changeable Pop lins at 50 to 60 cents worth 7 oent to $1. : , - Coloi'od Almtecas o0 to o'O cents worth 75 cents to $1. ! Black AlDaccas 40. 50. GO a'udao cts and $1 worth 50, 75, 85 cents$land $1 25. -1 .' . , : Corsets $1 worth $1 i WliitC Flannel all wool, lull yard wide GO cents well worth 85 cents. Table Damask l i5 per j-ard very wide. ' lj '-' ; . .'. - V: Hoop Skirts runusuall' cheap.' I Men's JShoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, aii(iOneHuiidred other articles just as cheap to be had at the Emporium, No. 1, Hay st., Fayetteville, N: C. , . Use Coat? s Spool Cotton, get the best, on the corner-ynext door to the Crockery Store. I Aprjfl. ' ; ly tuniberland CQunty In Superior Court Andrew J.j Morgan and others, Plaintiffs, V ' ' ! vs, ' ;: ' Theodore Martine, Administrator of James Martine, deceased. Pursuant to a decree of said Court, made at Fall Term, 1868, the creditors of the estate of James Martine, deceased, are hereby notified to conre in before the Clerk of said Court and prove their debts, on or before Friday, the first day of October, 1861), or they shall be exclud ed from the benefits of said decree. I Witness, Jno. CI Collahan, Clerk of our said Court at office, in Fayetteville, the 7th day of July, A. D. looy, I ! JJSU. U. UUAjIjAUAJN, u. s. u, July 8. 48-tltoct STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Moobe County. Sophroua A. Davis, ' ! .' VS. '" j " ;'.." Geo.C. Councilman, Ex'r. William Davis, et. ;al. Petition for dow'r. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that James Davis and John Davis two of the defendants . reside beyond 'the limits of the State, so that a summons in1 the ordinary manner cannot be served on them: It is therefore ordered by the court that. pub ' iication be made for them for six successive weeks in the Eagle, a weekly newspaper pub lished in the Filth Judicial District, notifying said James and John Davis to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at the Court House in Carthage on the 1st day of Septem ber I860, and answer the same petition or it will be heard ex parte as to them. i j a. n. McNeill, c s. c . July 21. : ' .j ;' 6w G. T. LEACH, of N. C, . i i with H. K. THURBER & CO., Importers and Wholesale Grocers, 173 175 Chambers St, 1 294, 296 & 298 Greenwich St., Horace K. Thurber, i Francis B. Thurber, J Milton Hall, Jr. J NEW YORK. David Lewi. f - ! P. O, Box 3895. March 18 ! tim T O THE PUBLIC. We now offer ; a well selected stock of Groceries; consisting of Coffee Rio and La guira; Sugars various grades from brown to crushed. Tea Common and Family Syrup. ; A good stock of Hardware. A large and well 'assorted i stock of Swedes and English refined Iron. ! . I Plow molds already cut-up 6, 7 & 8 inches wide. Plow steel 6 & 7. iuehes wide. . I ' No. 1 Peruvian Guano and Genuine Bene Dust' f Single Horse Plows 6 ; M, 6E, 104, H. 45, 50, 55rl&A18i. .-.". i Two Horse No 19 i. Corn Shellers. Hay Cotters. We sell low for cash. No. 13, Hay street, Fayetteville, N. C. W. D. SMTH&CD.i Jan SI, Iv '1 cental mano) Mosie. Ten dollars per nn'iTil SWer.;. Apply to - r Dai,Jm'lia u V' V"4? is I 4, JMUMV - i.-i z - ajxuo yu-uaisuri,. jr.- n i i Sept 2. a c ' r- make immediate payment to the ux. Jet. r-vlS TUDS.fJ JC .Ji.- cnrvtv!!- pi., wifcr. ; , CSnceesaprs ,T; JirJuuaiit ;V O ROC Eli ami COfAfTMSin' Win h - :. - - r- .M,V4JA11 A FayrttevflfeN. ti : . June 17. tf: . r. I ; STATE- Jof. A DRTII CAVHTIICa , .-.. ' m wtJ 1 UMMarthuMajwafaM, ' I Acmes Wltfeisoil Kicnnv .if TCiTl U " v Vlll vs. 0tklev MnW.jll j the lieirs at Law of Malcow Kellv wnose uiuues aro-uiiunown anaJLJiHU .Kelly, Jane JVelly, Hin 11 Humphry aiid -wife Mmi-Hl Susan F Kelly, Sarah C Kelly, W W Kelly. N iriveny ana Virginia Kelly, heirs at law of iuncan iveuy, deceased, Petition jor-construction!' of tlw. j will of'NeHi Kelly, ciee'd. Ai appearini? to mv Kntisfnc.Hon i)it-n heirs at Law of Mulcotn Keljy are non real- o ui iuc ouiB ui i-xorui uarouua, and can- laoj ue servea, witn copies of this petition. jNotice is Hereby given to the said heirs ol jAjvicuui jmiy ! twuose names oi-o unknown P iqjpr at uio court House ip Lum berton, 'before the Honorable the Judge' of the uuucinji vuuii 01 JLitiw. on Mn1ifi.1v tho win, day of August, lb'j, to answer to th ntiLion Jigainst them tiled, or the same will be heard ex parie as - to tueiu. Witness, John (.'. M001-. Cl k- of t1.. Kn. pefior Court for llobesou Jonnr v nt office in Lutaberton, the 2iid July ; SG9. ' ' I , J'N V MO(3RE, C.S.C. July 2U. i - 6w i ADHLISTATOS AOTICT. T HE undersigned hereby give notice that on J the Twenty-eighth day of June I860, they qualified as administrators on lht estate of Wil liam Maclutyre, deceased. All persons indebted to" the estate of said deceased are hereby notified Ip make immedi ate.paymeht and scttlemt-nt, as longer indul gence cannot be given; and nil persons having claims against said decedent, will present them for payment at or 11 September 2d, 1870, or this notice will h pleaded ru lar of their recovery. i . ; ' "t'r j This the 2dth day ofAuust. A, D. ltj59. ! NVA. WEDMAV. rNO. W. HINSDATK. Adminihtrators. 6t LB. DAVIS. South East Cor.1 i Market Square. : CALL AGAIN A T the old stand, south east corner Market Xjl Square aud see my assortment of Stoves, botn CooKing and Heating i . as I have the best assortment ever offered in this market. and will sell low to close them, out." - Also, all Kinds ot j. in-ware, Sneet .Lead,. Zinc, Sbeet-iron-j Russia and common. Steel "Traps for uweri auna, 3jc, togetner witn many useful articles. -. . . ; ... .. Repairing, Roofing metal or slato spout ing anaguiienng, aone at snort notice, and at the lowest prices, and tit the best material. ALSO, 1 lull set of Tinners' tools, as good as new, win be sold low lor casb. . - 1 I. B. DAVIS. Jan. 11. tf VENI, vim, VICE What Everybodl sajs 3Iii5t pa So. The Conqueror of all Snuffs. G. G. G. G. Vv. W. W. W. G G G G G A A A A A I I I I I LiL L LL AX'S AX'S AX'S AX'rt & & & CELE URATE D CELEBRATED CELEBRATED SaSS- 8 a Mil i -s s i nn ii a inriar tii hi i i w T I 1- B- JJAVIS, SV H9 SCOTCH SNUFf SCOTCH SNUFF SCOTCH SNUFF jHas jbeen fully tested and pronounced by all .aniateur dippeis to be the best i Sxtjff dow in iuse. j Its superior taste and pureaess from uJl jdrugs and injurious ingredients, commonly Used ha the preparation of other snuff, ha gained it a world wide reputation, i p not fail to try it for you will like it. ' I Ask for it and take no other, and see that pur name is on every package. , l or sale by W C Troy, W D Smith & Co R EHeide; , J E P Daiugerfield, A Moore : if . Mrs L Otterbourg NH Cohen, J W Lett, W A Whitehead & Co L Pemberton 8 J Hinsdale Mrs M Banks ' Jas Harris " Hector McMillan, Reuben Jones, WG Matthews Rowland Bros., Wholesale Grocers, Agents lor Norfolk va I L J Bossieux, Wholesale Confectioner, Agt for Richmond, Va. j G W Williams A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Agents for Charleston, S. C. . - - ! Notice. The high reputation that our Snuff has'attained ihas induced certnin munulac tu bers to imitate our Trade Mark; the superior quality of our snuff does not -lay in the trade hiark but the superior quality of tobacco it is manufactured of. G. W. GADL & AX. j W. C. TROY, Agt. Fayettevillej N. C . I July 29. ly " . . G U BAGS No. sale by A N O ! 1 Peruvian 350 Ouano, for . JO.S UTLEY, it - Aug 12. DENTAL NOTICE. I Dr. A F Mallett, . . Fayetteville, N. C. OFFICE on Hay Street," iii Hotel buildiDg, 3m fbnaerjy.-pccupied by Dr Hanhcrry. AUg.l - v , - . : .. . . ; ij 5. . .'- . 1 f sHViWi 'I . wv - H 7 . ' v v.J - , IS;??:: ; 'f ; v 'i;; 1 -,r f ii.?v .till' l-:. z.g W?:: - C O IV C EXT HAT E 1) COMPOUND EXTItACT OF K O S K 0 0! A SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY l'OK ALL MSEASES ABISIKO l'RU TORPIDITY OFTUELnXR, iMTUltlTIEH OF THE BLOOD. DISORDERS of URlKARf ORG A KB DEBILITY OF TILE NERVOUS SYSTEM, &o. FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE. KOSICOO Cures all Diseases of tho Liror. SYMPX03 UY IT. A sallow or yellow color of tht kin, or yellowish-brown spots on the face and other parts of the body; dnlhiess and drowsiness, with frequent headache; bitter bad !aU. in the mouth, drj nesn of tho throat, and in. ternal heat; iu many cases a dry, teasing cough with sore throat: unsteady appetite; sour stomach, with a raisimz of tha food, and choking sensation in tho throat; slcknM and vohiiting; distress, heavineaa, or a bloat-d or fall feeliug about the xtoruath and nldvK. which is often attended with pains and ten deruesa; acmvfttitur caiirs in lh ahlaa. W.k or breast, and about the shoulders; colio pain, and soreness through' the bowels, with beat ; constipation of the bowels. aUeraatJnir with frequent attacks of diarrlieui piles, flatulence. nervonsnesa, coldness of the xtromities; rokh of blood to the bead, with avmotoms of arno- plexy; numbness of the Hsabs, .tspecially t night ;'edldaills. idterntHfiff with hot flishu: low spirits, unsociability, and gloomy fore- bodjDgS.,, x . , .. , . avosKoo re-Btauifijjo tbo iAcTJon m tho LivEi:, and nt tho att)Q time riuir fies and ENiuciiia tbQ , blood; aud oklh ap tno nervous Hyfttem. i ,Thia is an ELEGANT, PLEA8ANT, POW. ERFULond . t . KRLIXBLE KMMEDY! And OLii that admits Of a wido raue'e of ui- plicatiou. , It is adapted to fulfill tho morbid indioatioui of disease to, petbapn, a greater extent thiin any other remedy yot known. It is an INVALUABLE . AND , Inrhalled Kcmetly! I'oU ALL SCROFULOUS, ' . HTRUMOUS; HYPHILETIG. CANCEROUS. CUTANEOUS. HEPATIC. : ' RHEUMATIC ' f URINARY, AND NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, In fact, in every form of Cbrooio Dineasv U may be advantageously used. This preparation has been submitted to. thoroughly tested, and approved by koiuo of the most eminent members of the Mwdicid Faculty., Prepared by an eiperienced aod well kuown physician and cberawt , Price, - - - -1 00 per fcottlc. PREPARED ONLY BY J. J. LAWRE1VCE, JVI. D. ORGANIC CHEMIST, . No.; t;, Main Street, Norfolk, VirgJais, ';-Fo8al-Bj ' '. V ' "1 S. J. HINSDALE, Fyetteville, N.C james Hi BMrrn, '' ' C emd'Drtiggiats ery where. ':" eir 1 i : " 1 . i .... .. .. ; ; v. " i