THE- -EAGLEr 1UH a ttkraztt vHj .15 U .lit ;t ff.f r.Ji O K to roil1 fit P--V ., 1 . ' EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. i-r-'i t if f:-l- ,1 r-- TERRS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ' Cash in ndraaee 01 its equivalent, ' at the , One codv one vear three dollars. . ' Ooo -Py x months no dollar and a half x t . For every ci.rra of five s0Bscr.nty.TM. at tha rata of three dollars a year each to one placer a extra copy will be sent gratis for the same Taj? copies will be sent to one adore: at tin rate of two dot-laks; and a half a ytar e:3k. And twenty copies to one address, at the rate of two dollars a yea7 each. J Ten copies in one order will be sent a year for 1 $25 00 --. Or six months for . '12 50 Or three months for '. S . 6 25 . - Twenty copies in one -orV-r will be sent a year for t S40 40 Or six months for - 20 00 Or three month for , . 10 00 ' THE EaRLP. will h ont TuaIiam f;n;, .. W p- mtmv WVJF & VCWVU'- ("Vy MtUKT- ,ters and Disabled Confederate Soldiers at half s price. - ; TERMS OF ADVERTISING Cash in advance. or its equivalent, at OXE DOIXAS AH IXCH . for. first insertion, and . - TIFTY CENTS AH T5TCH for each insertion afterwards, of transient mat tery and by contract as follows in advance.: Half inch I , . 3 S S& 2.00 2.50 4.50 j 7 50 One indlS 2.50 4.00 5-00 f - 9 00 f 15.00 Two . TT" j " inches. ;$ 5.00 8.00 j 10.00 18.00 27.50 Three t inches? $ 7. CO 11.00 1.4.00 22.50 35.00 Four i j j " inches. $ 9. 00 Id. 00 j 18.00 1 30.00 45.00 Fourth) T colnarn. S12.00 j 18.00 24.00 SG.00 ! 55.00 column.' $20.00 30 00 j 40.00 m. 00 90.00 One . colnmu. $35.00 ! 13.00 05.00 100.00 150.00 122 inches) J j All advorfi.semeat.s may be chaufired once very three noutli? without additio lal charge. ror every ottKr rliawgo tlifrrt will he tai extra cl..reje oC twenty ctit an inch.- Twent'-live pr cent is addd tt th above rntcs frr Kperitl notices kf))' ;nside among nlitorial or reading mat tr. OJjituary notices of more than liul f an inch nre churd as advertisements. B 'Special contracts made on reasonable terms. TlaadhilR Cards, Labels-. Tlil-TI?Rt1vs, Dlank Forms, and all kinds of ordinary jcb work ' unne promptly, neutly, and cheaply. IxlKlalure of North rnroIlBa. . 110 USE OF REPRESENTATIVES. . .Thursday, Feh'y 9, 1S71. Mr. Ashe presented a memorial from certnin i;itizns of Wilmington ileitis the aoolislmipnt of ihi? Sne- ciif Cosrrt of chut city. Refrrretl. y: Jo!i!iston, of uneo:;ibe, pre- prthrriftit ozHZu-it W. W. Ffoldeu. J. s titl ::;i In? very rt'luctaiitiv ; iiiir--ifi"J t !f ;iru"ch ;is if. ;uihf r m" s' r...'t!t;ii l:kt prrst'cuiiun, : hi rt ?,'- v(.)rr of !h .fpria! Corn- ' rn'r-!-. ;: '! ' -i ifj v-"ij itrate t In i ih" .Wi-t-'rii l)i- V! - i '. of .': .N u a, turifj - ; l h .v.- this I n. !'.- exainin.-d j JMf o. us uiiao-i!nnz:'fj issue (Ml bo!:r-t should ht sifU'd to tht bottom, i i . '. a:;1 lh go'lt fastened where it prop el ly belongs-, $:. The ariicle r'ats as follow.: Ain ici.i: ix. That the said yilfiam W HoM-n, Governor of the State of North Car oliua, unmindful of ( the dutiis of his ofliee and the iutrests of the State, 1 - J . " I nil. . 1 . ' f T . tun, on or iiuuui i nt! if in (iiiv (! juiif, A. D, 1SG9. wilfu'ly, corruptly, un- lawfully, and in violation of his oath of ofliee, and under color of his said office, and conspiring with one Geo. V. Cwepson and other evil disposed persons to defraud the State of North Carolina, sign and issue, as President ojirio, of the Board of Internal Im provements, an order directing the Treasurer of the State to subscribe, on behalf of the State, the sum of two millions six .hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars, and to issue bonds of the State to that amount to the Western North Carolina . Railroad Company, although the said W W Ilolden, Governor as aforesaid, well knew that the President ot said Rail road Company had not, as required bylaw, certified to said Board of Internal Improvements that "solvent individuals, corporations, companies or, contractors," had subscribed to the -capital stock of said Company a sufficient amount to authorize the is suing q said sum of two millions six hundred and sixty-six thousand dol lars, and that five per cent, thereof had been paid in caSn, as was re quired by law; And the said William W Holden, Governor as aforesaid, in further dis regard of his oath of office and i the interests of the people of the State; and'eonspiring with one George W. Swepson and other evil disposed per sons to wrong and defraud the State of North Carolina, did as President il? .T . . v C !-. r?it-il Tnfurnol CJC OllClfJ vM tut uuui u vt iiin,iiiiti Improvements, sign and issue the order to the Treasurer .of the State directing him to subscribe, on be half of tht State, thesum of four million of dollars, and to issue bonds of the State to amount, and de liver them to the President of the. Western Division of the, Western North Carolina Railroad Company, when the siid William W Holden, Governor as, aforesaid, well knew that the certificate made to said Board of Internal Improvements by George W Swepson, President, of said Road, "that ' one million, six I 1 7" 'y,"jTprr r 1 1. ' . ii T'CJrinm 'rr rY i'",T''Ti , , - i i . , JVo. 28.1 hundred, nd ninetv-two i thousand dol lara hcuS been su bscribd- by sol vent tad: viduais, corporations," &c. to the Capital stock, of said Railroad (Jomnany; and 'that five p6r cent. thereof had 'been paid in cah,!! as requirea oy law, was iaiss ana fraud ulent, and was (bade by .'said G. W Swepson, Fresideot as aforesaid, fa furtherance of the wicked ; and on lawful desiffns of saitf - Q-"$W . Swep- son, vv w ,wiioiacn, uovernor. as aforesaid, and others to Wronff and defraud the - flood , peopta of Jthia State; tvhereby the sa Fd Willi ina. W Hold PtigQ c" r-" t Iff bVooght' jni "titiApOffice of 0overnoTouIcDe, ix-quire'a to work the'roaSS" iriLu cuwieiupc, . auu was men ana there, in manner and form as afore said, guilty of misconduct in office and of high crimes and misdemeanors in office against the Constitution and laws of said State and against the peace, dignity and interests there' of. i .- . 1 i . Mr RQbinson offered a resolution referring the article to the Commit tee on Articles of Impeachment, with power to send for persons and papers. r The resolution arid the article, ac cording to the rules Were placed up on the calendar. By Mr Justice: A. bill to amend the act in relation to a Convention of the people., Referred. Mr Robinson moved to suspend the rules and take . up his resolution in referrence to thp additional arti cle of impeachment.1 The yeas and hays were called and the motion "pre- 'ailed by a vote ot yeas 71, nays The resolution was then put upon its passage and adopted by the fol lowing ballot: Yeas, 74; nays, 11. Among the republicans who vot ed for the resolution on its passage, but who voted against the motion to suspend the rules to take it up, were Messrs. Hargrove and Harris ,of Franklin 0i motion of Mr. Houston, the bill rfiru latino- the al.rirs ami i'eea of irate ofTnws was Uken up on its ihi Goodvvn offered a section, to b'e' k!o' as section G. (which had b ri srrirketi out on the second rea.-l-inv- (if the bilS giving the Sunerin- t. ,,rj,nt of Instruction a Salary of ,.xpt,,tST nod also allowing him "an as- I sistanr at a salary ofSl,000 vvithtrav- m; ei i eiiiug expanses. Mr. Anderson a substitute, for the section, giving the Superin- tendent a saLary of 81,500 with no ,,. ' j . -i . . , liavt'liiu r(iniico aim luiiiuuiii , the appointment, ol an assistant, which was adopted, and the section was then adopted. Passed" third reading. CALENDAR. ' ,, Bill to render valid and binding the acts of certain officers in the State whose elections are contested, was taken up and passed its several readings. Bill requiring candidates to be vot ! II. l ed for on separate ballots was taken up, and passed second and third read ings. 4 Bill to repeal the act to provide for the holding of municipal elections in this State was taken up, and re ferred to the Judiciary Committee. On motion of Mr. Harris, of Frank lin, the bill to amend Section 1, Chapter ICS, laws 1S68'69, in re gard to official bonds, - was taken up and passed its third reading. It gives county officers elect three days grace, after the time specified by law to file their bonds. t t Senate, Feb'y 10. Called toorderby President Varren. Leave of absence granted Mr. Gra ham, of Alamance. 1 Mr. Speed introduced a bill to en courage immigration, and to settle ment of unimproved lands in the State. Mr. Speed said: ' .... Ma. President: I ask leave to in troduce a bill. . It is to promote, facil itate and , foster immigration. The bill is to combine the entire one thou sand, one hundred and thirty-nine miles of railroad. in this State iutoone corporation for that purpose with powers ample and capital sufficient. Tho object is to employ agents both in this couutry and in Europe, to so licit immigration and to provide ves sels with good accommodations at cheap rates to take emigrants directly from their homes to Norfolk, Y a., and to inaugurate a general uniform and cheap system of freights and passage from that and other points, on all the railroads in the Stato to any part of the State, and to . give certain, con stant and uniform aid to emigrants af ter they arrive, as their needs and comfort may require; and to assist them in the procurement of ; employ ment, the purchase of farms or in the commencement and prosecution of sach skilled labor as they may be com petent Jto perform, as well as to" com- M5HBaS2ESVn.l2a.r I", 1,11 - .v ; bina tlse entire ntf tread intsreet of the ikrge' boodle of pt State lbtp ferp solid eolamn, the hotter Trfence"WM askisdi tarsist;;oomMoatioDs of foreign j j On iotioii of IZ capitol .(?w,5ce!i:ing to boy thenr and of tlve Halt was lei destiroyttliiitn-fa detail. I shall: ask ; Cary, of Ohio; toi tbat the bill ber od'era tp be pniited; . day eveoiHg. nd referietd,te. Committee on In- Page, col., mori ternallprpVemeUfe5 k ordered and ' in that providi; referred.:! rrUa.r-j Tv -; h j House be admitted ; Mr. MoiDhj; ca3!e(TSg?Ti; concep 1 afterwards with&r iog worknori puttie ?ads. .rBa i---p' cai.1 T?ere RU8pdd d billftakeo op. y I I Bill to anthoriae It impoac, fine of lrm $2 to $5 for of each judicial du all who atefmblt to yntk on4 rVs 'oVh Jadge of Sof? bnt. tI-A hfll i in k'ia niltvnnf ...1.4 v . . v v wi.iM Htv. UUKillClllj. WlfMlll entail more costs opon the cotinties than it; would be beneficial. r Mr. Merrimon concurred with Mr. Ki ng. and raoyed to postpone nniil to ' : . , . o t night, at 7 p. m., and make it a special order for that hoar. Prevailed, j Mr. Olds arose to make a statement, and said that the public, and (even some part of the Assembly, were 'com plaining in regard to what was some, what thought to be inactivity bpon the part of the Legislature. Exculpa ted thp Judiciary Committee fromisuch a charge, and hoped other committees would endeavor to act upon ali jbilla with snch promptness as to prevent such opinions. ' j Mr. Cowles, a bill'requirirg the Sec retary of State to keep in his ofee a record of all land grants issued since the organization of the State and of which there may be any record in his office; referred. j Mr. Lehman moved suspension of rules, to take up bill incorporating the Africiin, Methodist and Episcopal Siug-in- School of North Carolina, of New Berne. i Mr. Love wanted to know.ifithat L f ' bill asked for an appropriation: if. bo", he was in favor of it. Passed several readings. . i . Mr. Merrimon moved to concur in the amendments of the House, to! the bill.conccrning the W. N. C It R. Concurred in. . S M Mr. Merrimon moved to reconsider that vote and to lay that motiofi on the table. Prevailed. ! I ' Hour arrived for the Court off Im peachment, and af'er adjournment of ate to order, i HbUSE OF R'EIHU'.SENTATlVFaJr f-- February I0;ih. B'- Tlr. Tomlinson: A resolution concerning the Deaf andDumb .sy lum; placed on calendar. ' j Bv the same: A bill anproprijiliuir p i i ' ' i -. .-a a.- -.. . . i . . . Si ,SiV,i"n) ior ui-'irsyiinr ine oxporisifs Ol e Dent" and i Dumb .Asv'nrn fjrnthe current Hsca vear: referred. By Mr. Dicker: A bill to inci rpo - rale thti Georgia und North Carolina- R.;-R.: referred. I. auicy: a oiu coneern I" W mr j 1 .1 A ? i t f ! ing t icvuowor 01 marrieu women, i re fci'l'cd UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Bill to lay off and establish the County of Swain, (out of portions of Macon and Jackson Counties.) jTkc bill passed its seco id reading. j Mr. Robinson moved to suspend the rules to put the bill on its third read ing. In support of the motion,! Mr. Robinson took the floor. He said the people who desired this county) had i tor the past 20 or 60 years been put to great inconvenience to get to - n , - A . " - f . the Court liouse ot tne counties in which they at present reside. 0ver twelve months ago he had presented a petitition, signed by over 300 names, asking for this count3T. Representa tion in this body was the least consid eration, that influenced them injthis movement. They wore a poor people and the present expense of attending their present courts was a great bnr den and hardship to them. All) the people, proposed to be incorporated into this County, are to a unit in favor of the measure. ' j Mr. R. continued for some time jin advocacy ot the' bill, and urged its im mediate passage as a measure of relief for the people asking it; &c. i t Mr. Hargrove opposed the billi i Messrs. McAffee and Johnston of Buncombe supported the bill. j i The yeas and nays were calledj and tho; bill passed its third reading by a vote of yeas 67, nays 19. vv SPECIAL ORDER. j Resolution in favor of M. A. Bledsoe (allowing him some $5,000 for snp- ffics " furnished to inmates- of tho nsane Asylum just before the close of the war.) - j After a long debate, Mr. Justice moved to lay the matter on the table. Tho yeas and nays were called and tho motion'was rejected by a vote ofjyeas 26, nays 32. j ; Mr. Ashe offered an amendment not allowing any interest; failed for want of a quorum. " - j ! ; Mr. Hargrove moved to postpone indefinitely; lost. - j - r Mr.' Waring moved to postpone un til. Wednesday next; adopted. I r A message was received from the Governor, transmitting a communica tion: from the Adjutant General in re gard to the employment of spies, de tectives, &c. j On motion of Mr. Jordan, the imos sage together with the documents were referred to a special Committee of 5. : I The communication from the Adju tant General came in the shape of a rJ::CAf.TE: ' i- ' " -. '"'IJW JT- r d It un. anfenaetlami ?fcS8eritevefarj rnr ir-- mm r ...v.v,i:.., ' 4' ! I'J t r i r 1 1 121.1 J III. il i- Adioarned. ! I From toe Savannah News. LltOefleld anfl W Frleteds r t I rnu Ti,,. :itt: f 01 J r rry Kr 7 W ona grappling and repainng under the head oBVAttcmot to Kidfe .... B -l. . ? , . 1 , ., n rir:fe hotijiro;. Trv r-"-H7T"'y&;. . ..:we may soon hear that both cables -On Sunday jvenmg last, Gen.M.fe r "nerfect nd communication re S. Littlefield lellthis city on the 7:3offtfre 7 irSSf n m ..rTln.h...L At rs"i tutored. The survey of the bed of the K u . "" t:..i.v, ' Ja uuv ....'rihat, many luture cable there will r! frnm k fiL . rrv, ' vr j, r, s-,. i men, (three North Carolinians and tr j. ,1 ... 2 . "-ve --hpiaceg at the bottom ot the sea may Live Oak for theburpoce of kidnanM . 3 pinR Littlefield fli8 Honor. Judge Long, happened j be m the anu wiiu -iiio usu at nroj nines?, can ed upon the Shf iff of Suwannee) j Li c!uL .r c o county, who changed to be present . 1 ; 1 j tuav 1117 iuuk" ncauicii usual au iiiia to summon an arrael wose and profoi . a i j tect the General! This w mi - i diately done and lie baffled kidnap . ...J, v 1"1I11- ; pers were driven away, while the General went upoi his way rejoic ing. The General ai his friends havej reliable informatioi as toother plans fori his capture, aid have taken suit-; able measures for is protection. If such lawlessness and cowardly at tempts at kidnap ins cannot be sup pressed by the roper authorities.! they will certainly be defeated by the precautions adopted by their in- tenofinjactiifi 'WhHtevecrafm th overnor of lorLh-CarnJiiAa mac yJ-t u Littfene Id. we to have, i upon must wait until Flotida has satisfied i ' her culm, and is reify to --surrender him. In mercenary :ni me ntime, all such attemr to seeore nun by stratagem or fo upon the peace urn Slate, deserving of tion of every la vv-a; the condemn- i iding cit z-n The "Gonerar I ttlefield alluded to in the foregoing lis. the p.-rsou for i whose arrest a rjwaivd of $5,000 has been offered b the Governor of North Carolina. He is charged with embezzlement oj forgery, or some such crime common to the carpet bag genus. TheUAture of the war rant which has been issued for his apprehension, aind his refusal to meet the charges brought agamstJ him,i constitute him an outlaw a character easily assumed by the carpet-bagger, i Ried, the carplt-bag Governor of Florida, having lefused to : surrender this man Littlefi Id upon ft requisi-, tionfrom the Governor of North Car olina, the Legislature, by a special act authorized toe Governor of the State to offer a reward of $5,000 for his arrest. I What the Unian calls an attempt to kidnap" was rio doubt a legal at tempt to arrest afugutive from jus tice, and the parties who made the attempt were no .doubt, provided with lawful warrants. If there tvns an irregularity, Ihowever-r if it was real iy an atterript to kidnap Lit- tlefield withont a warrant or docu ment Istill, dnderthe circumstances, it was a justifiable proceeding, and was 'neither a violation of the lawrnor the comity of States. ' v This case furnishes food for the re- flection of honest men of the North. Here is a man so notoriously crimi nal that the Legislature of a State passes, by a unanimous vote, a bill authorizing the Govorner to offer an. enormous reward for the arrest of the fugitive, and to make a requisM tion on the Governor of another State for his delivery. The Governor up : on whom the requisition is made, however, happens to be the friend and confederate of the outlaw, and alt requisitions and all attempts to arrest him are frustrated and foiled. We dare say that when the case of Littlefield does come up to be inves tigated, it will be discovered that Reid is interested in his forgeries and embezzlements. v His Honorf"--4ddge, Long, allu- ded ta by the Uojon as5 preventing tho arrest of Littlfield, is peculiarly fortunate. Fate ave him aa earlyXi0 PP"nT0"? irom luo uSia . 1s ..' . JlEfrnm Ue Tr.rtin.rtfl. " opportunity to ay the' price of bia, recent appointment, and he paid it witnouca murnur. vy e aave atrona "oes, aowever, iMnder-caiTent lu movwft trTeabTesTreccrTeor 3tC40 rbakvHiQ.OOO- more ftupon the edge ofacliiTbr rocky point,4 than the whole of last season, and Utill the coatings are abraded, an in ; Fsulatiod destroyed, is not icQDroba 9 TT- -. -r . Wle- The Robert Lowe (British iCsteamer) is at bt. John's, Newfound iiexpeaiuon, ana ins 10 oe nopea tnat IrAtUntic ocean is now so comp ete, P leSS difficulty 10 placing portions w wire rope, heavier and better pro- if . 1 u ir1 rected, in such parts as the difficult V The damtge' Is knoWn to hare oc Uami H Oat 66 miles from Hart's b- , T 1,1 mt 1 ipuoiuenc, jxewiounaiaua. Tbe grap mlint? for the cables is simnle enough fj,,i. ,1.,. .,-.u mAtkp ti;a ijiiiic ui yea uu vowc uatti may uc- iL i.l..:'f..L. uie ipUiujiieuuu ui vuq wuir. uti il spring. Congress Feb. 8t!i, 1S71. The Senate bad before it a bill for ho ftstftblishment of a r'ommon school Columbia, in which bill there is a pro vision that there shall be no distinc tion made on account of race, color or revious couuitiou oi Berviiuae, iu tne Emission of children to the schools fr iu their mode of education or treat ment,. Senator Patterson, of New Hampshire a. member 'of the District ofifaxyttce, anict fehMpOfM-idtnt i"r n.: . A i-:itinna.l 4-n mnal r one which TiiTri r)iiTvfoaffc i .. ... Whole system; but Mr.; Sumner, caring trothing ior consequences, ana stirau lted only by his theories of negro tfpi iVAy, resisted the proposition, and hJtd for an ally the colored . Senator ':. ar "'''fjeDm SIm-issippi; who avowed naively dignity fn tnU$at ho had no- prejudice against the iito race, and that, consequently, tie re s-hould be no prejudice against fee blanks. As there are public schools ft. the District of Columbia specially t. apart for colored children We can rt see the' propriety ;of endeavoring inbreak up that arrangement and to jjTit in practice a compulsory system bj; equality between white and color children, which can only result in giving the former entirely from the yjgdblic schools. ) ;- In the House a bill;fpr the removal of the Brooklyb Navy ' Yard was re prtcd from the Committee on Naval jrffiiirs, and was discussed during the rooming hour. Amendments were Offered, and are still pending, estend ij its application to the naval yards Charlestown, Mass,," and Kittery, e., and also making it applicable to itfi the navy yards in the United States, fje arguments' against the mainten ance of navy yards are that the ex perience in this country, and Un Eng ;t4nd and France, has proved that ships hn be built cheaper, bettor and quick ;vat private ship yards iinder contract, pian they can be at the navy yards; fa at, in this country, mechanics are 'employed or; dismissed at the navy Vards tor politicial reasons, and that fe best way to encourage the ship I'mldiug interest is to have -the work ?the government performed at private h.. under contract. These reasons 5ave great weight, and; will probably irasnlt in the passage of the bill. 1:3 The chairman of the Committee on k5ppropriations, apparently stimulated igy his success in exposing and defeatr tiig the Chorpenning fraud, has made Another move against the Postmaster jdreneral, in procuring authority for his Committee, to send for persons and papers and to prosecute an inquiry jjito the facts connected with the can cellation of Ddmsey & OToole's con tract for supplying stamps and envel $es to the Post Office Department. It it charged that the contract was can jselled without just cause, and for the kurpose of allowing higher rates to Either parties. i . v- a Dill tor tne organization oi oanas fif Texas Rangers, to guard the front iers of that State against Indian do pred itions, was briefly discussed in he House and was summarily dispos ed of by being laid upon the table, Hs opponents representing that the rtbiects wftrft to furnish employment o some of the estimable youths of that region who had nothing else to Ido: also to involve the United States xn a war with Mexico; and that the ;Mwe poopie wre. wu-i.u L t.1 VP LU VUO J."v.-vp p :l Several hoars in tne House were Rt in the debate on the bill to Establish a aystein of f national edaca ytion. naa a scock or 4,iu. one expects to receive over 490,000. i The Conservatives of Rowan , meet in Convention at Salisbury, on the 5th inst., for the purpose of selecting their ueicgates to the estate Conven tion.. '- ( Time tests the Merit, of all Things i Perry Daiis' I'aln Killer, Has been. tested in ever variety of climate, and by almost every nation known to Ameri cans.' It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary and the traveller, on sea and land, and no one should travel on the Lakes ob Rivers with out tt. v.: - - il , It is a sneedv and safe remedy for bnrnB. scalds cute, braises, wonnds and varions oth er injuries, as well as for dysentery, diarrhoea, and bowel complaints generally, and is admi rably suited for every race of men on the face of the globe. . l 1 Be sure you call for and set the genuine Pain Killer, as many, worthless nostrums are attempted to be sold on the great reputation of this valuable mediciiie. Directions accompany each bottle. Pbice 25cts, 50cts, and $100 PER BOTTI.- Sold by all Medicine Dealers. may5m'h31-ly. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, iVor Diseases of tho TThroat and Xunes. ' -trueh as Couehs, Colds, Whooping tr" r.?" " "i Atit.htri ft, . Probably never befbre ii the wbole bistory'of medicine, has any; thing won So widely and so riannlv uuou tlie confidence of mankind, aa this v excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series Of years, and among most Of the races of men it has risen higher and higher -in their estimation, asi it has bcconie better known. Its uniform character and power to ctire the va rious afl'ectibns of tho lungs and throat, have made it known as a reliable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young cliildren, it ii at the eame time the imo$t effectual remedy tliat,can be given for incip. lent consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a provision against -sudden attacks of Croun it f-hould be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as all are some times subject to colds and! coughs, all 6hould be iprovidedvith this antidote for them. i Although settled Consumption is thought In Curable, etill great numbers of cases where the . i disease seemed settled, have been completely i cured, and the patient restored to sound health ;by the Cherry JfecioraTl. So complete is its ' mastery- over Uie disorders of the Lungs and i Throat, that the most obftiiiate of them yield to it. j Whennothing else could'reaoh them, under the Cherry Sectoral they subside and diK-ppear. Sitkgers and l'uhlie Speakers find great 1 protection from it, v J A.fthma. is always reheved and often wholly I curefl by it, - 1 , . , . Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the ' Cherry .Perioral in small ana rrequeni aoees are fully maintained. lAyer's Ague Cure,' For Fever and Aue, 'Intermittent Fever, CbJLU Fever, Bemittent Fever, Dumb I Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &o., i and indeed all the affections which arise S from malarious, marsh, or: miasmatic I poisonB. . .. ! As its nanic Implies, It does Cure, and does not fail. Containing n?itlierii Arsenic, Quinine, Bis ! nnlth, Zinc, nor anv other mineral or poisonous ' substance wliatevcf, it in nowise lnjnres anypa i ticnt. The nnmlwr and importance of IU cures ! in the ague districts, are literally beyond acconnt, nmlvfo belicre withont a parallel in the history 5 of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the i arknowledgmeiits we recoive of the radical cures t cffect-Hl in ol)sfinate cases, and where other rem , edies had wholly failed. I t Unacclimated" pei-sons,'i cither resinctt in. or j travelling through miasmatic Iocs lilies, will be protot: For itvof ctcd by taking the AGVJC Ctlui daily. For Wiw Comnlainfs. arising from torpid ity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stunu la'ting the Liver into healthy activity. t uor jiiiious iwsoroers ann j.irer uorapuunm, n I is an excellent remedy, producing many .truly ' remarkable cures, where other .medicines had failed. . - - 4 ;ji - -. ' . . ; Prepared by Dr. J. C. A Co., Practical ' and Analytiral Chemists, LoweU, Mass., add i sold all round the world. , ; rxticjE, i.oo visit Borixv. SOLD BY ALL jan 12-ly ' j DKUGGIST8. DR. E. FLOYD DENTIST. FAYTTVrX.l,B, N. C. J , jan lU-ly A, MOORE, Wholesale and R6- tail dealer in Tobacco Snuff and Cigars.' No. 3, Green 8. Fayettorille, N. a Oct. 28, 1869. " '!., ly R. MITCHELL. EALER IN ' GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Flour. Baootu Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, also, Goshen and Mountain Butter, Salt, Fish, Pork, Lard, MoloHsea of different grades , Soa p , Lye, Potash , Diking, Soda, East Powders, Cheese, Aa .All for sale cheap at the old stand, Gillespie 8treeL ! nor 10-tf I- V' ' " ' " H WIOLXSAIC AND RETAIL LIQUOR DEALER , AT THE JACKSON HOTEL, j LD3EBTY POmT, Fatextkvuxx, N. C. "PQ2IESTIC and Foreign Liquors and Cig- :JL-pr. ars always on hand. aept zv-om FATETTEVILLE HOTEL LIVERY TABLES. X PASSAGE can be had to and from tht Boats, about town, out in the country, or to any of the neighboring towns, i Jan 27 ly. JACKSON JOHNSON) t go generally are us virxucs nun, w ' need not publish the certitfentes of them here, or ; do more than, assure the public that its qualities 'I- Catie, 'Coiu, w,, . .... , : and ovory complaint Incl- dental to dfot or ntmoo phoro. Ladloa will find thorn a sovorolcn booh, ao tnoy oradlcnto all traoofH of Dobllity, Norvouer Inertnooo. and Dloo OSO, peculiar to tho box. Lry'Thouoands of Tost . nlals can bo obon at oftico of l M. JAC0BS0N, Sole Proprietor ' 04 t 6C Water Btreet,pT. Yf H. BBUNnillLD. WilmWtnn v n... era. ritjent. for the bUte of North Carolina. - , r " jaa ly-iy. JAS. L. COOLEY. Agent for the Sale of McKdthan's Buggies and Carnages, Manufacturer of and Dealer f k Harness, Saddles, Bridles, .WMps, Collars, Eorso.BlanliQtjj. 'SHOE HEEL, X. ' a II All kinds of Repairing done on th ort notica. nov3-tf . . - A. W. STEEL, & CO EXUI1A1VBB & C0LLECTI0X OFFICE. fAYETTEVILLE. N c. j Dealers in Dank Xotes, GAn, Prompt and Particnlar Altention giveh to Iht Collection of Notes, Drafts ttc., in all parts of j tne tjountry. ap'i 21 PEOPLE LINE. - Change of ScIiuliUcL VN and after the 2d of Scnt-mber thb Steam V 9 er North Kfntn will Iokva horuhopT. etteville at 7 : 30 A. M. Tnesdtys and pFridHya. Grocers and Commission Merchants , AND DEALERS IN Hardware and General ' Mcrchqridi$e. , . " Fayettevillk N. C. January 5, ly P. 1IEIXSISEKGEIL BOOK SELLElt AND STATIONER .' . ALSO BLANK HOOK MAN UFA Dealer in Pianos,' Organs, Mclodcons, (luitars, , Violins. Chronios, Jtc, 39 Market htreet. sept2J-Gui WILJIINO f (WN, N. C. ' ESTEl'S C0TTGE AND BRADBURY'S PIANOS - H BANDERS & CO. No 73 West Fayette Strait oct 20-lf DALTlMOim D. A. SMITH, MANCFACTUKKE, AKD WHOlJESALB AKD; ETA It DSALSn IN f Parlor, Chamber, Uining I.ooni, Office 1 and Library FURXITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, SASH BLINDS AND DOOES, Granite , Front Buildings, sept 29 Gm WILMINGTON, LV. C. Atsi'n srituNT. . jxo. w. nixsoit.' Jii racT, SPRUNT & HINSOM. COTTON KACTOU3 ' ! AND if . 1- l n... COMMISSION ME RCJL AN1 WILMINOTON, N. O. Refer to Jaraos Dawson, Esq., Bank er, WiK lnc?ton. N. C. ' ' aug 4-tf Lni-e Assortiucnt GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Sporting Apparatus, Ammunition and uaJpW rial for dun Makers, etc, wholesale and retail. Guns made to order or repaired in. 1 Vest roan ner. 61 SOUTH CALVERT ST. BALTZ MORE. Established 1843v sept 29-Cm ALEXANDER MeCOMAB. IWALTBY HOUSG BALTIMORE, jMDAp j: C. B. nOQAN, Paorjuttoa. THIS OLD and FIRST CLASS HQUSE sUU accommodates the travelling ptiblio in a ' style equal to any in tbo flly. Coachei ready for all Railroad and Stcaaer arrivals and de partures. aep B2-tf.' TUE OLD ESTABLISHED ACTUAL ooaxxa or Doll iinora. and Cftarle Sirtetk JALTUIOJtE, .VP. Founded 18C2 I; , Incorporated 1854. .t TUE MOST rXTESSIVB Atib BESTBUSINKSS COLL KOB . 1JT TUE UJTMTEU HTJtTZ. : Every Young Man ahould write inkmediately for a package of College Documents, roe tail ing our large Illuktratel College Journal, barn pies of Money, Beautiful Specimens of l'ea m an ship, Ac. ' V . J J. M. Pam-irs. Surt. of Actual DH.lncsJ)nt, Oct. C-lt