.-TH3 3AGLE... Pablislsa ever Thursday aorning ', FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. - - i--- . EDITORED PUBLISHER TEIIIIS Cr CTJE2C2JPTI0II. Cash ia advance, or its equivalent, at the following rates: - . - : i . One copy one yertr three dollars., . . Oae oopy six mo ths' one dollar and a half u For every ci.ua ot fits subscxibkes, at the I fate of time aoiura a year each to one nlar.- i an extra copy will fca sent gratis for the same . time. , -. - ' ' .. ' i- Tcoraswill be sentio one address at the rate ef two pot.io.bs aito a hut a year each.v " And twim copiks to one address, at . tne rate 01 two ixjllaks yew ea&u. M lea copies iu one oraer wiu ne sent a year .. for - ; - - $25 00 -, Or six months for - 22 60 Or three months for ' V . 6 25 t Twentj copies In one order will be sent a i r . 4 ; $40 00 Or six month for - : - - - - , -f - ; 20 00 . jOr three months for 4 : : . io 00 ' Tas Eaols will be sent to Teacher. Minis. lets and Disabled Confederate Soldiers at half price, burgle papers i(j cents. - TfiRKS OF- ADVERTISING. . Cash in advance or its equivalent, at OSTOIXAB AH IXCH'. . for ftrsl insertion, and . . ; " rtrrt czsxs an inch : for each Insertion afterwards, of transient mat- tar; and by contract t follows -ia advance : . ' .1. ' " ')S-apmAr;: . iFon FAriuv use.e i t - ... w ' k i sw. - - a v r: r Am ia i a x . 5 - - sail'-.' . r j .-. 1 . - y 1 y S y . g Half iseh f I - v t.25 2.0QI 2.501 4.S0 j 7.50 ' : - t - Que inch $ 2.50 4.00 Two inches. 5.00 9.00 j 15.00 I I I $ 5X0 I 8 DO f 10.00 I 18.00 1 27.50 , iachea $ T.00 1 11.00 14.00 22.50 85.00 Pour i . v inches, t 9.00 14.00 1 18.00 1 30.00 45.00 ' Fonrth t- T" ' " ' .' colamn. $12.00 18.00 1 24.00 36.00 55.00 C llalf ! l 1 colnmn. $20.00 j 30.00 40.00 00.00 9a 00 J One ,i .1 V colnmn. $35.00 ! 43.00 C5.00 100.00 150.00 I (22inchea) j All advertistimenta may be changed once . eTery three months without additional charge. For every other change there will be an extra charge of twenty cents an inch. -Twenty-live "nor eaat U added to the above nttea for ' apeeial noticea kep ;nside among editorial or reading matter. Obituary notices of more than ' half an inch are charged as advertisements. l-" 9Special contracts made - on reasonable E&mdbill, Card, "Labels, BiH-Hed, Blank Forma, and all kinds of ordinary job work dene promptly, neatly, and cheaply. Vol. IV. No. 11. FAYETTE VILLE, N. C.,s HURSDAf, OCTOBER 19, 1871. ! TWhole NoV 167 TE EAGLE. MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1871. A. MOORE. Wholesale and Re tail dealer in Tobacco Snnff and Cigars. No. 3, Green St. Fayetteville, N. C. ; Oct. 27. ; . . . i ly DB, ALEXAXDEU McDOUSALD FFER-S ha medieid aerviees to the citizens . J. of FarETrxni.tB and vicinity. He has : given special attention, dnrinc . elevxtt tears of successful ; practice, to the treatment of DROPSY and DISEASES PECUUAH TO ' FE3I ALE&. ; !- '. 4 ; ' Office on Hy Kt. near.the Post office, (re cently ocenpied by Dr. T. D. ILugh. ) J one l-6at r, : - C ."' i ' : . . . Thk Synod of North Carolina which met);here Wednesday, 11th inst,' ad journed about 2 o'clock, P. 1L,; Satur- dayfevenino;. There were about 40 Rali Elders. and 50 Ministers in at- tendance as delegates. , ; Pwjaching was had each dayjin the Presbyterian Church at 11 A. MV and 7i P. Ms, except Friday night,' when there was open discussion ot the For- igMiaTotnpe Jievr JJr; I)a Bose f pf South Carolina, addressed the Syn od abjy and at length In favor of sus taining and extending Foreign Mis sions. Ho is a young man, eloquent, devoted, and expects soon to go for. ward as a missionary. ltev. Ira T. Wyche, Agent for N. C , addressed the Synod in favor of the American Bible Society, which he represented as flour ishing. The entire proceedings were harmonious and instructive, and al though there was but little occasion for display of talent, yet, the dignity, the bumbled and renned devotion to duty, the courteous behavior, and the elevated purity of debate were such as eminently characterize a itelnrious as sembly ot the highest culture. Sunday the Methodist and liaptist Churches were also occupied with Ministers of the Synod, morning and night, and our whole community en joyed able discourses. j -! - There were many other visitors The weather waa delightful,! and we feel auro tho occasion was one of hap piness, and social enioyment as well as ot christian 31, 187a to October 1, 187 To balance on hard Dee, 31, J 871.1 ! tax for year lo. J received ' -" . of k G. Thornton, f 7ftft ia We had said that ,the If tax for year 18 a received :.it V of E. r. l-owera, 6.970 7rt blessing and love. "W1SSTEUN R VILROAD OFFICE, FATSTTEVtraa, Ang. 1. 1871. . CHANG B OF SCHEDULE. ON and after Tuesday, the 8th insL, the mil train will leave Fayeueville daily (except Sanday) at 3.30 A. It., r&ichinir Stind ford at 5.45 A. 1L. and EaleigU t 8.43, con netting with the trains going North. Itetnrning leave Sandford at 7.30 P. JL, and reach Fayetteville at 9.45 P. M. aog3-tt D. C. JONES, SnpL ; DEMTIFRIGES. TOOTH POWDER, TOOTH SOAP, and al so Tooth Brashes, Ae.r of the very best quality and material, and,have been highly ap proved by the dental profession and others for eleaatinz. beaatifying and - preserving the taetn and purifying the breath. ' - - i For sale by i E. FLOYD. D. D. a, . ept21-tf. Fayetteville, N. C. WOTICE. IHEBEBY FORCLD all persions from hunt ing and trespMHing on my land iu liOBE SO and CUMBERLAND COUNTIES; The law will be rigidly enforced against all who disregard this notice, , . . '?'apilVSm- f: ;. :- D.UcNATT. Just BecelTcd and for Sale . AT THE OLD STAHD OF K. MITCHELL - Q A Hhda. Uoscovada Molasses cAoice ar ,t)Uefc. ' " 15 hhds. pew crop Cuba Clayed Molasses. r 15 " old crop ' ,; " ,f ;10 - " good Syrnp. v And a good stock of everything in the Gro cery line. Call and see before bftjing. . No charge for showing goods. Plenty of good Liquors and Provisions on hand. - mayll-6m - K. MITCHELL, Gillespie St : A. A. McKETHAX & SOAST" Fayetteville, N. C, HAVE on hand a large and complete stock of Work, and are prepared to forninh from F&ctory or Repository, a& Shoe Heel, BdbesoB County, - ,JSocfcaws, Lassies and Harness of various styles and prices made of best ma . terial by experienced workmen, cheaper than ante quality of work can be bought North oi . tonth. (-.'. .-'j"." ; All work warrant!. . '. C -RKPATRIKa done at short notice. Buggies for thorough repairs received by our jH. v. , ana iorwaraea w cjowi uw. "i jan5-ly r-' Donaldson Academy here has new a -flourishing school under manage ment of J. Luther McLean, Esq , of Robeson county. Mr. McLean is a youiig man of energy and talent, and has been very successful a a teacher. He was educated at Davidson Cbllegej and has been teaching in " Floral Fe malo College, an I institution well cnown in a largo part of North and numbers 31 boys in advanced studies, and he cannot recoivo any. more unless an assistant be employed. ' j j This old popular school is now in charge of one. of . our own live and worth3' j-oung men, and the prospect is good lor building up . a large and permanent school. A Figtjbb $18,000,000. During onr absence recently our beloved younger brother, the Bockingham Observer; questioned oar statement that payment of interest on $18,000,000 state debt might: not require more tax than ia now collected. debt was not, and onght not to be, $30,000,000 as claimed, and that we should only pay that part of the debt jnstly: due, perhaps'about $18,000,000 or less. Now, Bm, Terry, who seems to be the manager and Local of the Observer (itteeTewhW editorials), is often' good atj "figgers" (and "fees."V It. was easy for Bill to ; Vfigger" np thai official bonds - of fered by Radical county ! officers in 1868, as worth many thousands, when sureties and officers did nbt have as much as the homestead lawlallowed. It is not for want of skill that he can't "figger" up the tax. He "figgered' at the same time that homesteads would be liable on tffiial bonds. Now, Bill, do' the clean thing,! and don t expand and contract your fir ures and thus keep! the world con fused. Figures won't lie, Bill, unless you make them he. ! Statement of Be slpti ajxd-Disbursemita 1! -it?, 6.754i . i i "25 . HV3 "3850 81p0 "i; G3(ft0 ' & -iVrH-i 1.450,. j5 loans of A. W. Steel &. Co., 2,400 00 ' .'-. revenue . - : -Wl 13R20 Tr- amount refunded by old board of Conmiissiouera, t io 00 V amount refunded by &l N Leary on Hog CoUars, ; U " ' auction tax of 1 Collingsworth for 170, i . . tar on drays 70, 100 60 -in r !,' 273 00 bar room tax, v (j floar-warehonse ees (this does not : include Septembi ; of which I have no account), 3 , , loaus of Fayett ille Na- tionalBank, j : 1,550 00 leas discounts at revenue stamps, 1 99 65 ' .: leas discounts&ud stamps, Important 'Movement in North Carolina Kukiunam to be Put Down. t-i We findrih the? Philadelphia Press the following correspondence between prominent Conservative gentlemon"of North Carolina " and is j furnished i by the Wash correspondent of. that pa- which. ington per:, LETT EH Of, thb 2,2633 100 0 10 m Fob oub Faisin November we would urgethat every proper attraction with in reach be added to the exhibition . 1 .'. , , V -- ... -. - and scenes. As one item we suggest that Tillery, the infant orator, be here to show his wondrous power as a speaker. . i .. Who will give special or voluntary premiums? , . v Several good premiums should be offered by individuals for products of industry. This is a good means of ad vertising, and also gives interest and substance to the Fair in the most suc cessful manner J We, will help pay a good premium for the system (or di- recuon; 01 maKing tue cueapesc ana most ellective fertilizers at home for oar level isandy land a com a a . i peienc commitu e to nave ' reasona ble time to investigate, consult expe rience, and satisfy themselves of the merits of the article. loan of M. MclQanon, Esq., dollar store tax; I livery stable ta ) T. 750 hog tax. I i . 167 fk Horse traders tax, : 200 market fees, j . $'0 fines and amercements, , 41.3 S. Lutterloh balnnce in settlement 1 of two jadgmenisia Superior Court, ' 115 ' CR. By paid police nnty in 1870, " , police duty in 187 1, $12,901 3 extra police iaty (a portion of this for 18U ---hanline on Ktreeta, v- work on Warfl No. I , $ 263,0 1.982 Qjt i - : 1". Fi 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. 186 39 29 00 111 48 " 90 04 35 76 225 97 76 68 flour-; 259 fj 74J f m 53 -: 59 -w 29 64 j 9- 3183 Schedule, Rates, &c. We bear that misunderstanding: &us recently, aris en between onr road and the Chatham R. R. as to through tickets and rates. Sach occurrence would bo. much re! grettod, but if after all ' the sacrifices on the "part of Fayetteville - and its road, there be still further demand for as to dance attendance on Raleigh and Raleigh interests alone, ! at the will and convenience of the Chatham R. R., then we hope and urge that those in charge of our road will show more manliness and sustain more boldly" the interests of our own town, and fix and keep m force schedules and rates best suited to ourselves, and to the river navigation. As to mails, we Ret, by a new line, the Wilmington dailies the same day they issue, and freight can and no donbt will be sent at very low rates by tli9 W. & W. R. R., and one railroad line can ship about as cheap as auother. !3o if the sailing vessels be insufficient, and' if the Lorillard Steamers show extortion in ocean freight from " Wilmington, we have still the W. & W. R. R. with which our river boats can connect. JOSEPH CTLEY &. SOX. tJrocersand Commission Blercnants - . - - AND DEALEKS IN ; Hardware and General Merchandise. p-r--':-; Faxxttevilije, N. C. - laiuaryt Ai.i 'ii.f': x-'" 'ly 1 FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL MVERVmSTABLES :VARaiGIE can be.had to and from the oats, about tova, out in the country, or to nv of tne neigaoonng rovn. "an 27 ly. JACKSON JOHNSON. Sajraiv CalfeCv Molasses, &e. TTTE call attention to our large and careful- ij selected stock or "jrrocenes lrovis Jon, iL which war are offering at the lowest tatrket price. Furcnasers will do well to give o a calf before buying elsewhere. w. A. WHITEHEAD k CO. . m'ch 30-tf ) No. 5 SL W. corner Market square. I t BLANK WARRANTS. TCTEW FOBMfor civil cases on hand and Jji tag ale at the Eaols offloe. We also keep Mreral other kinds ot blanks for (sale. , There is an immense quantity of naval stores awuiting, shipment jhere, especially". rosin. " " Mnch . oi ' this ;. is changing -hanl8 every day, and. spec ulators are very active. Although much of this staff has been forwarded by railroad yet the largest dealers are awaiting the chance for shipment, when the river rises sufficiently. With am ple and cheap transportation both by river' and railroad our dealers will certainly be enabled to pay producers more for their stuff than can be got in Wilmington - or Raleigh. Our; mar ket is now the best. . v ! j , - worried for a few weeks Uy tho boyish wit of oar office j"dovil.w Their efforts have been amusing, and we leave them to rest on their honors. No more io- vial-hearted huckleberry boy. than that same country editor, McDairmid ot I ho llobesonian. .. . . ; work on marlet and warehouMe, I ' f allowances te Leary and' Clresnnt by old Board ser-; vices auditing, 4e. ; ; nailn, limo and shovels, J paints, glass, Ac, of &, J. j. Hinsdale, I " c: ; ij expense of elation 1870, bouded debt. js V Town ConRUble'l pay, Kellars, $7 50; Boone, 07; --r'-U VP : .-LI tax refunded E. J. Lilly over I ,pAyjn t iX. l7a.V ,1 117 WrtoDT i f -rrM a iiiiu.ta iui-uiu tur rent or i - H z 7ym 2M v.. m 189 I! 2 Last week, we believi-, the llobesonian charged ns with typographical errors ana 1 inns lice to our county commis sioners. Wo have said so raanv things that sometimes-we may have been wrong, like other people. As we are warm friends of the Commission ers, and cannot know what the llobeso nian refers to so indefinetely, we now call .on the Editor of the Robesonian to publish the "exact lanuae used by ua, and' point out what are the mis takes, and how and wherein he so mis construes. our words. i 163 & 677 l . 48,00 18 Ji 6 la :-2 m We hear the cotton in Marlboro' and Marion counties, and the surrounding section, in that and this state, is about all picked out and ready for in arket.-1- There is about a-half cropland it has opened so early and generally that gathering is over with much sooner than nsnal. It is said that the npner ena oi.iucnmona . county wIl hardly average one-iourtn crop 01 corn or cot ton. ; Tkf avor' nffiA f blanks for Constable war ' routs, '. i j: repairs of hog poiind, $1 70, expense of guard honse. 8Q, lamp and snudnes of I. jj. Duvja, 521 03; lumber c conot, $142 28; ; salary account, . tax-book committee, expenses fire department, hose for engine of W. C. l"roy, reservoirs. Mayor McKinnon's expense to aleigh - D. Q. McDuffie for Plat of town,,. . wood, lights and stationery for Mayor's office, cohU in Superior Court and Federal Court, ' 4 ; . . loan of John Beilly (this was borrowed by old Boird), 1.500 loan of M. McKinnon (with mi out interest). interest "on loans of Beillr .' "t and the bunks, W. A. Gathrie for. profession al services n 1870, -J. C. Mcitito for professional services iu 1871. printing nt Rdverrisincr NoM atftink of N. Carolinn. J.000' JMote at Fayetteville National liink. : 300 Judgment in Federal Court, '-1,000 fef I iu. "Vllfla BUU IT. XUibO' head taking tax lists, expense witnesses to Car tnage m Thornton matter, 1 15 369 S 297 100 09 100 S 39 100 31$) NOETH CA BO LISA DEMO- '' . ; CBATS. . -. - , . , RAtijGHv N.'C.. Sent: 30. 1R71 ' Sbn.. H. Lliond. Judaei nf thn Unit oil States nrrft ( , v ' - , -Sia.x "- ' Onor in tho , - r.ai, . nry9 of! dote. ' Tho fact that a secret, unlawful or ganization called the Ku Klax, or In visiblo Empire, exists in certain -parts 01 the otato has been manifested in the recent trials before the - court over which you preside. - We condemn, without reservation,' all such organiza tions. ; Ave denounce them as danger ous to good government, and we re gard it as the eminent duty of all the good citizens to sappress them. r , No right-miuded men in North Carolina can palliate or deny the crimes com mitted by tbes.e organizations, but we think if the f urther prosecution of the persons charged with these offences was continued until - the November term, it would enable us to enlist all law loving citizens of the State to make an energetic and effectual effort for the restoration of goood order. We as sure you that before. the November term of the Circuit Court we. believe that this unlawful organization will be effectually suppressed. ;f : ; In presontmg these considerations to your Honor we declare that it is our duty and purpose to -exert all the influence we possess, and use all the means in oar power to absolutely sap press this organization, and to secure a lasting and permanent peace to the State.- The laws of the country must and shall "be vindicated. We are satisfied and give , the assurance that the people of North Caro lina will unite in arresting and forev er obliterating an evil which brings nothing but calamity to the State. In the: name of alist of honorable people, and by all the considerations which appeal to good men, we solemnly pro test that these violations of law and public justice must and shall cease -vrttAwi'th honor lo to, asCf yoore, &C., Thomas Brarg, George V. Strong, Daniel G. Powlo, xne war-is at an ena, . xne cam paign in Robeson county has been abandoned and Henry Berry Lowery, the hero ot Scuffletown, remains boss of the situation. . The forces sent there by bis accidental excellency have not fulfilled: the expectations formed of them, and the people of Robeson are to be again left to the pittiless mercy of the savages.. c V Tho. troops stationed there have all been withdrawn, they having arrived ioi.his city yesterday via the W., C. & R. Railroad. They comprise detach, mehts from companies Q and K, 4th U. S.artiUeryi Th former n.r to re. FOR FAT.l ILY A BOXES CHOICE CBKAII CHEESE, U 22, do t do Factory ' - - 18 do ? da ,-V asters "" do. ft ' a 3 TUPS GILT EDGE GOSHEN BUTTER, o choioe do .1 do., -' 5 "."'-.do, Western , V 1.' i 1 1 ) 1 11 . 600 maIs.oic, extxSU0A&cIlED mu. 11 m , . . a . v . w ion. aeuio-renaerea ieai ijara. r j 110 bbls. bbbz, and i LLla. nr fat UackereL , ' 1 tT BBLS. IRTSU POTATOESC JLtJ 10 bags Kio and Java Ccffe. 15 bbls. Ai extra C, and Yellow Eaar. ;. Dried Apples and Peaches. , , The above are all first nn&lltV vknAa nA .m 1 1 , ..... . p wiu u Nia 11 nouom pnoM r . . .1 At tne cheap store of -CHAS. GLOVER, D'Jot for Via tola qf oJrtramU qf ooodtour. sept 21 mch 3-1 y the - latter ieavfiTTor Gpldsboro "tbia yo.o . . R. T.7 SCAN ti ll, Wholesale and Retail 4 ' "' DEALER W : LIQUORS, v , Choice o!A WltlaMw- . K 01 ' l". C.Mn Bye, S morning." Whito men are arrested by the hundred, but it is impossible to se care a dozen mulatto outlaws. -TFt. Journal. Maj. J.-W. Steagall, an old and ro- spected citizen of this place, v died at his residence on tho 27th .September, in the 56th year of his age. Mr, Stca gall had a large circle of friends who will be pained to hear of his death. .'He was respected, by all who knewbim. Cheravo Democrat. A remarkable number of deaths have occurred in this vicinity within the last twp weeks amounting to be tween; fifteen and twenty. The larger portion were colored people. . The number is unprecedented in this lo cality, which is one of the healthiest in the State. Greensboro ratnot. -, v The amoant of public lands which the Republican party has given to the va rious monopolies,' rings and jobbers already exceeds two thousand miixioss of acres. ' Estimating its present value at one dollar and a quarter an acre, the donation amounts to two thous and five .hundred millions of dollars more than bur entire national debt. Mrs! Elizabeth Tucker, supposed to be one hundred and eloven years old, died in Rockingham county on the 5th inst. She was the last of the revolu tionary pensioners of the county. .-) iii'. 1 1 . 1 - - The TJ. S. Circuit Conrt wilj meet n Wilmington on Monday, the 30th, inst., His Honor, Judge. Brooks, pro siding. , - ;; - - , ' .:-, . ".....' Jas. B. Batchclor. B. F. Moore, William M. Shipp, M. W. Ransom, Will. H. Battle, R. H. Battle, Jr. D. M: Barringcr. BEPLY OF JDDQK BOND.r By balance on ', $12,633 ad Sept. 30, 1871, . 270 M Railroad. :Ve. hear that movements are now in process by which the VJiflS culties - and embarrassments 1 of onr Western i R. R. may soon be ; relieved and a settlement had with A. J. Jones and persons interested in the so-called mortgage of our road made: by the former Radical Board, i We j know nothing of terms or otherwise, except on rumor, but believe it probable that' a settlement is; about effected. A. J. Jones and his associates" and counsel, and also representatives of the railroad, are now in New York consult ing on the matter. T I The Tear 1871 has been of gret profit in turpentine business. We learn that one i large operator, who ships from r ayetteville, but has ! most of hie: work in"ITrtrijtf;nau uaaae clear 1 12.004 'Kf BespectfnjT submitted. ' i M A&F.Y MnPFTWnan'W J t-i Town Treasurer.! EKLAEGEMeiri W are slad to. se that the Friendrf Temperance has been considerably enlarged and has donne-V t rl r 1 :. J. . b an dso mi$ pftpST3!KilSf . wit - . . ?. other larorer 7 dealer recently of this I ansoices of Mwsrs.- V bitaker a fi, n.l llill. has become a lonrnal of no oiina, wo are told, will realize f 1S.UUU l.wo literary uuwj aim in 11 tne temper this year, ! Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 2. 1871. Gentlemen: I have the honor to ncknowiedgo at the hands of his Ex cellency, Governor Caldwoll, the re ceipt of your letter asking me lb postpone the trial of the cases now pendin'g in the Circuit Court un der! the enforcement act. I have giv en your letter the long and careful consideration to which your eminent position in North Carolina and the im portance of tho subject to w hich it re lates entitle it; but I am unable to comply, with" yonr request. These cases are very numerous, and, if triod know, will at our next term so encum oer; the docket as to obstruct all civil business. Tho city is full of witness es summoned from long distances who have remained here for several weeks at large cost, and it would be a hard ship to make them return here again, and it would be unjust for us to sond them 'home unless I know they could return with the same feeling of person al security that I myself should have on my own return home. This I do not? know, and though you givo me assurances that before the next term of the Circuit Court "the Invisible' Em- fire" shall be effectually suppressed, it is not suppreseuj, now, aim a ibvi that the enforcement of the law should continue. I have come to this con clusion with less reluctauco becanso J am sure gentlemen who are so sincere in their desire t5 relieve ITorth, Oirl Rev. R. S. Ledbetter, Senator, from Richmond and Moore, has resigned, and Gov. Caldwell appoints an election to fill remainder bf the term. Mr, Led: better's resignation is to be regretted for he was an able and faithful senator and is every way a most useful and ex cellent man. , b ; .. What has become of the Wilmington & Onflow Railroad? i The Egypt coal mines are now be ing operated and Jarge quantities of fine coal are turned! out. We are go ing to step up there soon and inter view the whole fix; . ! Mr. John Shortridge has resigned the Sheriffs office of Richmond Co., and S. T. Cooper, Esq., the Tax Collector, has teen appointed Sheriff by the Com- misioners. The Winston Sentinel says: Jesse .A. Waugh died at j his residence , in Waughtoa"' on last Friday morning. Mr. Waugh was once a ' prominent nrk1it!ian and ronroaontfid til A Mnnlff 'several times in the legislatare. ancecan8e has aa advocate of - w the order may jnstly feeU proud As a sound and . useful family paper we know of none saperior to the FrieiS of Temperance. Success to it say w RaL Sentinel - J r . 1 . - The young meQ frorn smTann charged ithKukIaxin were CITJ iue, lor trial at laU term of the Brunswick Saperior Court: uui. ucuauoo Mf absence of a secret witness, whose name the prosecuting attorney wou.d not divnlge, the caR was continued. An earrioaf. ffi,i.f. wi made Jy the counsel for tie defend ants, Col. A. A. McKoy, Majors W. . fti &D. J. Devane and J ohn L. Holmeft' juq., w we case to a trial, bnt i,uoj """" "'"anaon tue mor.t flimsv pretext. Thn i.M.r,:' Ait not dare ja let the trial oomeon, O jney anew me evidence in 'thev bands um "8a8tain tbe chargi against v"- "aaanta..xni. Journal. General Wafa Hampton, ol South varuuu, iceoie irom nervonff prostration tbiA his friends fear M cannot reewell, Hia xvif lioa: tnrt from! flafA m'-'pi sis.- : U'. . -V. f Z: M t j; -i I i rwl infiimnna iLn- .v iT'ltEtheir labors.to suppress it, as thoy tvpAw.,. to do, becaase tho court sits f weos or two lonsrer to assist them in their undertaking. ; I am gbad to hear from you that the recent trials have mani fested that this secret unlawful organ ization cxisls in some parts of rNorth Carolina. It cannot; but aid you in, your effort'to suppress it, to pointjout by these trials to you. who aro tne guilty persons who compose it. I hope, gentlemen, that you will agree with me that it is best to do so. . ; . With great respect I beg to remain yours, very respectfully, . (. . . .- , ituoa u. xjonp, ."Judge TJ. S. Circuit Court. To Thos. Bragg, : George V. Strong, Daniel G. Fowle, James B.'Batche ;lor, Wm. M. Shipp, M. W. Ransom, Wm.;a Battle, B. P. Moore and D. M. Barringer. v::':-' ; ' ... Ve are glad to learu that the Wil mington, Columbia J &';Angusta Rail road has already been completed oujrh from Sathter to Colombia, thus giving us a ! through and direct eommunloation "byrail, with" that city. The first ' train passed over " the new road on Wednesday, with Col. 'R. R- Bridgers, the Fresident, and JJiaj j. Winder, Superintendent, on board. tggil. Journal, l&h 7 . . Facts in Human Life. Thoro aro nhmit. 9 Oftl lniirnnr nnrtlrAn in ihr 1 wortd J and 1 ta i rt Vi ab i ta n t -pToto more than 1,000 different religions. Tne number of men is about equal to the number of women. The average of human life is about 33 years. One- quarter die previous to the age of 7 years, !one-half before reaching 17, and those who pass this age enjoy a felici ty refused to one-half of the human " m , 4 NWv r spocics. to every l.uuu persons, oniy 1 reaches 100 years ol mo ; to every 100, only G reach the age of 63 ; and not more than 1 1 in 500 lives to 80 years of age. ' There are 'on earth 1,- 000,000,000 inhabitants, and ot theso 33,333.333 die every year, 91,824 eve ry day, 3,730 every hour, and 60 eve ry minute, or ono every socond. Tho married arg longer lived than the sin gle, and above all,' those who observe a sober and industrious oonduct. ' Tall men live longer than short ono." Wo men have .more ! chances of life in thoir favor previous to their being 50 years of age than men have, but fewer afterwards. The number of marriages is in the proportion of 75 to eve ry , : 1,000' individuals. . Marriages are I more . frequent after the. equinoxes, . ; that is, daring the month.' of June and Decomber. Those born in tli3 spring are generally moro robust than others. .Births and deaths are moro frequent by" night than by day. : The nnrabcr ot men capable of bearing arms is calculated at one-fourth of the population. . ; The ;lato Judge Pearce was a noted ' a, t " ' ' ' U wag. A lawyer was once maKing nis first effort before him, and had thrown himself on the wings of his imagination into tho seventh heaven, and was seem ingly preparing for a higher ascent, when the judge 6Lrucic his rule an the desk two or three times, exclaiming to the aatomeneara;torj-xioia on, iuiu on, my. dear sir. . (Dont go any high- r for von am already out of the iu rdiction of the court," , ; , , . inVr7 'etay of Sciences has offered a pnz ..oi-' , u.,drpH thousand franca ($18,660 In gold for an efficient remedy against cholera. A largo number of essays has already been sent in. . " - Colonel Downing, Chief of the Che rokee Nation, has married Miss Ayres, a wealthy, and oducatod lady otJf hila delphia. ; ' -1 . ; .. ' ": " j '" ; ".'- . i- ' ".".' The . number of persons supported by ' pablio ; charity in England and Wales at the, end df June, was 924, 263; of whom 123,398 wero in London. This did notrincludlo paqpfers in luna tic asylums and vagrants. ' ' t .- ;. r - , . if Ono of 'kjar young girls" at ;an ex amination in grammar, the other day, when asked why tbe noun 'bachelor" was singular, ' plushingly answered : 'Because it is very singular they don't get married." She went up io ine head.., : ' ' A centleman one day at dinner was making away with a large pudding close by when be was told by a ser vant that it was a dessert. It mat ters nbt to me,"' he said, "I would eat it if it were a wilderness." uowen a' , ,,. " Ku Kiua. Moore's XXX -: " liect-td N. C. Corn, f puM, Baltimore Corn ;!., y Brandies, -;r K. Carolina Apple, Cherry, : .,.."''. Pch,. '. .... Ginger, ' Blackberry, French. l; Ihim.'i "' '::- v ' Domeattei Domestio. Wines. - .' Malaga, t ? I .'t Imported, m .' Imported, Sherry, Port, Madeira. riAolberrr. Bootoa and irtab wtiuey. r' . Scotch Ale and London I'ortor. , . Choice brands of Cigars, i ' t Fresh Cream Ale by the keg. . : ; oct 6-lm : Administrators Sale of Tur-, - . A I pontine .and farralng Lands. BY VIRTUE of an order of the Conrt of Probtite for Cumberland County, we will offer the foliciug lauds for sale - at the mar ket house in Fayetteville oa Friday,' the 3d of . November, 1871, at 11 o'clock, visr ' ' 'r 480 acre ia Quewbiffle township en tho Blnck Branch adjoining the lands of Vf. J. Kelly and others. v : . - v ?-7' . J 300 acres in aame township oa Flat Creek. 34 acres adjoining the taxis of Lindsay. La- mont and W Buake. 5 ' : 300 acres ia 71st township on Mnntne'a mill creek adjoining the lands of Mrs, McFadgea and others. ' ' . 3(X) acres ia 71st tewnshio on Moddv Creek adjoining the lands of Daniel Darroch end others. '. . " ' I ' 3y acres oa Little Kiver at the mouth of Gibson's Creek near China drove Church. , C10 acres on Carver's -Creek adJolnirrnr D. McCormlck and others. - r The above lands are valaable forTurpetitine. In addition to the above we. wfll offer for sale i . . 60B am In Harnett County, known as "tho Sndy Williams plsce," Including some very valnnble swamp land. .. , iVi acres on east aids of Cape Fear (a Cum-' bertand Jy, y,"w,iT,,",T9 naryrpva f Favetteville and is excellent furmibg laud, i TeraiMi One-foorth osab, the baUnoe pays bl ia mix moDtba with approved eeeurity mad title reserved auatil tbe purcbsae moot is paid. . i 1- - K. TV. iur. f . , J. E. ELLIOT, .' oct5-ts Adm'rsof Alex. EJhV.' through: T.iTXTJEa ; ... BETWEEN . . f ; , FAYETTEVILLE ' . - AND 8TATI0N8 ON 1 ' WESTERN RAIL ROAD, Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, new iQrK, isosion ana Western cities. vr This line Js now opened for brain ts. - The Western Uoad has mode Through Coonectioa with the Soaboard Inland Air Line via lUleigh and . Portsmouth. Ya. Cxrs are sow run through between Portsmouth and Fayettetilltt without breaking bulk. r, . i- ; ttirragh.:. Eecelpti Xssuod sal Haica uuaranieoa. - i a m Pi Jiff Copper Worka. i HAVING-aecared the services of throe finrt claas copper-smiths, I am now prepared to execute all kinds ot copper work, on short notice and in the neatest manner possible - Competent workmen sent to any part of this or the adjoining eonnties to do the above men tioned work in all its branches. Turpentine workers will And it to their ad- van Ur to cive me a call if thev want food , work done. TIN WOBK. EOOFINO .aaa TUmSTiSa done to order by competent and skilled work men. ! ' - " --, ,' J ' A eeneral assortment of Stoves, - Tin knd Sheet Iron Ware always kept on' hand, which will be aold lower than maaeiacturera price. JLooh ta voter- interest gxauL wm tne a call, , aplI3noy3-ly Fayetteville. X. 0. r Retsnre to direct your , Shippers tqtiShip , by the following. Steamship Lines : From BOSTON, by Boston A Norfolk Steam- ' snip Co., end ot Central Wharf, Boston, . Rampsox. Agt. - , - , .r NEW YORK, by Old Dominion Steamship Co., N. L. MnOwuoT, .President, office. 187 Greenwich SL,' N.. Y. . PHILADELPHIA, Phil. & Nor. Steamship Co..-12 North Delaware Avenu. W, 1'. Cuibk. Agent PhiL Annomeasio LineDe pot, PfoiL, Wll. St BaI. B. IL Phila. JJALTIMOHE. BaUimore Sieaa. Packet Co., - i uay Aiine, i loot oi union jjock, mui.. u. It. Fooa, AgeuL ' ' ' - T - ; HayVyotir Good Itarksi to tKe cari' cf B.J3L Agent, Portsnoath, Va. . , . ) All elairas for, loss, damage, or overcharge will be promptly settled upou application to .:Vv '"-'..... -v s.yt tUincK : ; 4 ' j .'. . :r V- -. - . i ' t :.' 500 HACES UOWJISABY F03 SALS, IlaCKS ration nd DlDDfTS WadC tO Order of any Form orWze. MY HACKS have proved themselves to be fur superior to any Northern Hacks mad. Orders from merchants and ethers soiicifvt. If Turpentine workers want a good. Hack ask for WALTER WATSON'S make. ; Bay no other. . ... , , i Wiujams A Mubceuom are my Agents la Wiliningtonr j . i . - i . r ' Manntactured by WALTER WATSON,. - - . Hay Street. FayetteviUe, N; C. fa-AQEXTX WANTED, mh 30 oct 27-1 y f

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