t.- . 1.1 . )im, . . . ,;,.;;r, Si c'-pay ITX2 vii,le; H7 cr. JtoiV coming - , . ...... , ' . " fPTf. . - lv ': I? W1 I . f.. : :wr.- t . r.. . . , , ' vn,, A.Mr t i ' i t 1 1 w i v :. - t m i s 7?wx w EDITOR AXD PUBLISHER. EEHS 0? SUBSCRIPTION. t Hx adrdee,' or its eqarraltnt, at tE .awpfon Vear-!-thre dollars. - Ji copy,rx mpnth one dollar and a half For erery cwTB of fit sobaobibebs, at toe t ta of thrw dollars a'yeur each to one place. - n extra, copy will be sent gmtis for the same Ts CortK3 will be sent to one address at tns raterot two oi.lakjs and xjuvr a year eacU. ' And twkktt copies to one address, at km- . - - ....... -.-r? toi rAta or T-orr TvT.r. vr Mih. tor.tV;-- . $25 UU i. y.Or six month for- ... 12 50 s?Zx j ' Orlhree months for 6 25 -7-r . ':i ., i-u Tnh eoniAAia nn nrdT will h anl a Vf vj-C' f,5T'aar for ; . i . f $40 00 . -Or six months for 20 00 - ?f v tOc.-; - Or three months for f ' 10 00 . '.ri r " i:VTn Eacvlk will be sent to Teschers, Minis. ? vs'tsre and" Disabled 5nfedewte Soldiers at half Z " - -v CIVV,. KHUiQ filia IV VUbi ..- T 3 St5tS OF . ADVERTISING. 'V'WI-J. Cash in adTance or its eqni Talent, at ONE TX5IXAB A2 INCH ot first ins Jrtioa, and SAfor each fi&ii-tion afterwards, of transient mat- ;5 :"trtand beo.utract.M follows in adTance : 5 Is H si: inch $ 1.25 2.00 1 i5o til:. ' VoLrff JVq. IG. FArETTEVILLE, N.. C.; TIlJRSDATjvOVElaR THE EAGLE. JIOXDAY, NOVEUCER 20, 1871.' - The N. O. Iirislatiuro meots to-daj 20th "NovernboR, v t 1' SuPERiba. CquaT for Cumben begins its Full tei m. to-dsy ?0th vember. Judge R. P. Buxton presides. The. business in notextonsivo or fim- portantj" bat will probably take np the 1 - - .i ... "If. . .. -..J -. 1 tWO WOCJtS. . . .. -t ; "All the "boat are titoJEapy't monmsr of freixhtfis carried i f 4.50 7 50 I One inch $ 2.50 Two I 4.00 5.00 I 9 00 1 I inches. $ 5.00 J 8.00 10.00 18.00 27.50 Three inches $ 7.00 I 1 Ar MOORE.1 Wholesale and Re-' tail dealer in Tobacco Snuff and Cigars. 1 ; - ' No. Z, Grdea St. FayettevUle, N. 0. . Oct. 27. .'ly x DR. ALEIAXDEK MeDOUmD OFFERS hw medical services to tne citizens of ' FiTTTTnjU! and vicinity. , He has riven SDecial attention daring, eletten teabs of snecessfal Dractice. ta the treattnent of DROPSY and DISEASES PECULIAR TO FEMALES.- - VS;'t',;.y i Office on Say St , near the Tost office, oently oconpied by Dr, Ti 31Lugh05 jnne 16m;,f V.lfe'-i -tAih:-:: -y FaTB-rrsTftJ E; Adg. 1, 1871.-, -f Vlni fter .TBesdar. the1 Stii th -fJ f-vtiwrt -twts' M mte&Te FnyeKeilly-Haairy and noAr-on 11.00 I 14.00 I 22.50 j 35.00 Foar I I I I inches. $ 9.00 14.00 1 18.00 I 30.00 45.00 Fourth ' eolamnv' I I . $12.00 j 18.00 j 24.00 33.00 55.00 Half colnmn. $29.00 I I 30.00 j 4 Q,00 60.00 90.00 column. $ (22 inches), " I I 65.00 100.00 1 150.00 Wh - a.u advertisementa may De cbangea once Tery three months without additional charge. For erery other change there will be an extra charge of twenty eents an inch. Twcnty-fiTe per cent is added to the above rates for special notices kepf ;nside among editorial or reading matter. Obitnary notices of more than half an moh are charged as advertisements 95pcial contracts made on reasonable terms. HanlbllK Cards. Labels. Bitl-Heads. Blanlc Forms, and all kinds of ordinary job work doae promptly, neatly, and cheaply. r -A correspondent of the Norfolk Journal, writing from Rich Square, JSurtu Uarolina, saj-s: ' VS e'have near this place the most perfect and nijsterions living cariosi ty ever knowu in this or any. other conn try. It 13 a case which might jnstJy 'attract tLe attention and fctudj of all uataralists to account for so strange a freak of nature. A negro hsy (born upon the plantation of Mr. -John ' DdvtrauxJ, whose parents are perfectly black, was, at the time of his birth, also black, and remained so nn- t,aioqt eikf j-eaxaiid.w-hini witJuJ otix sicsiiess or any otuer apparent canse, white spots bean to inako their appenrHiioe npon lhos parts of' his btnly hidden by clothing, and contin ned to spread nn'il he was about eight een yt-ars of ge. when he" became M-rfectly white all over, except his face and hands, these retaiuing their tinlnral b!ack color. About this time white, spots appeared first npon his hands, which have continued to grow larger ever since, and will no- doubt in a i few years more entirely: cover those. members, making , him a com plete tchitc negro instead of the "spot ted negro" by which he is now. gener allyiknown. This negro is frequently .-7niet upon the puplic roads, and a more ffrightful object, in the shape of a hn OfvraanibeiDg was never "seen, his whole 4jjffte being, alternately interspersed . with large blotches of black and white. "yfx He is now twenty-two years old, and Las enjoyed remarkably good health, , never having been sick a day in his '? . - life except "a few chills, which are com mon to all persons: on the Roanoke. ! ; Hundreds of perssons of this .vicinity can Touch for the above facts, and the negro himsell can be seen at any time. Arrests in Sampson,1 Last week a company of U. S. soldiers carao here under charge of U. S. Marsha Bosh er: They have a camp in the edge of town and a few still remain, j; We learn that most of them, with Mar shal Bosher, have gone to Sampson county for the arrest of some 50 of- (except Snnday) at 3.30 A. reaching Sand- ford nl 5.45 A. M., and Kaleiga at 8. id, con necting with the trains going North. Returning leave Saodford at 7.30 P. IL.and reach Fuyetteville at 9.45 P. M. augS-tt L. C. JONES, Supt or 100 citizens charged with fences under the kuklux law. hear also that a few of these soldiers have gone to Little River, inj the northern part of this county,! anil to Harnett county. The present opera tions in Sampson are confined; mostly to Mingo township, and we hear many citizens havo left there. There are charges against gay haired and peace- fair able men who, upon any sort o trial, can prove innocence. ! i Yet we arc .informed that some out rages and disturbances have occurred it" in Sampson, and this fact will .tseryc readily as a pretext for the stringent enforcement of the mast odious and unjust laws. The people of Sampson must bo put to some trouble and in convenience now, for the. county is strongly Democratic, and has provoked the hatred and malice of several bitter Radical officials. One cause that led to the. present 6tate of affairs occu rrcd at Superior Court thero two weeks as is believed. The information .....LI. we nave trom rumor is that there was so rh ceaseTb raSe?fon' iTie sratocr n -which parties were chartred . High Tide. "Wo understand a tele gram was received in this city yester day from Jlorehead stating, that dur .ing jhe prevalence of the heavy gale yesterday morning, the tide rose . to such an enormous height in Beaufort that many of the citizens in that town, c included that the long looked for ti dal wave was upon them. But- laying ' all joking aside, the telegraph informs V& that the "oldest inhabitant" states thai the tide was higher than ever be fore seen by him, it having reafched a V. t)otDt.Bome distance 1 above ihe liaxkt. .ft - ' tit -t Jl --.!,' iuicberne Journal, 15A. ' . : Col. Jphn K. Connally", formerly of " Yadkin county, has been elected to the Senate in the Richmond, Va., dis - trict:. Colonel Connally has many old "friends and comrades in this portion of the State who will rejoice in his success. The interests of his constit uents are in safe and honorable hands. jS , i " Winston N. C.) Sentinel. , . ." " , ; -' - . . . Seebs fob the' South.- Washington, . .. Foyemter 15. The Agricultnral Dt , partment is preparing seeds seasonable Sox the South. A supply may oe ob tained bv BDnlicalion to agentaof the flflnArtment or throuah members of CDnjrresi. The distribution is grata- Jtous, bat. the department wants some narantee laat tne seeaa win no ue (, wasted 1 !TceT with some scriouj olfense, perhaps whipping some one for theft or other cause, and for which the law would allow heavy punishment. ' It. seems a drunken man, a friend of the pei-sons ofi trial or to bo tried, asked Judge Russell if the! matter could not ' be compromised op dis continues! by consent of parties, and that1 payment of two or three; hun dred 'dollars could be made for dam ages, &c. Russell told the I man . to wait a few minutes and he would see what could be done, i Russell at once went to the Sheriff and had thoj man arrested ibr attempting bribery :as he alleged, and perhaps had others arrest ed Sind the bonds of those already ar rested increased. This it.seergs the Judge reported as a kuklux- conspira cy, and the offence was charged ias ku klux outrage. Judge Russell baa for two years or -more reported to the U. S. authorities that many kuklux crimes have been committed j in that' county, that civil law could not be enforced, dc. ' !- ; ! Another immediato cause, we learn, is a reccnt.feud between, one Gbdwin family and a Gainey family in Mingo. A year or more ago a young Godwin married Miss Gainey- Both were very young, and it was a runaway match, and both families wero displeased. The young couple did not live togeth er happilj, and the father of the girl took her back home, i Young Godwin became rauch.enragod and ho .reported the Gaineys and many others as ku- S. DENTIFRICES. rpOOTH POWDER, TOOTH SOAP, and al L so Tooth Brushes, Ac., of the very best quality and material, and have been highly ap proved by the dental profession and others for cleausiug, beautifying and preserving the teeth and purifying the breath. For sale by E. FLOYD, D. D. S.. . sept21-tf ; Fayetteville, N. C. Just Rcccifcd aiid for Sale A r THE OLD STAND OF R. MITCHELL QA Hhda. ilascovada Molasses choice ar OU tide. 15 hhds. pew crop Cuba Clayed Molasses. 15 " old crop 10 " good Syrnp. And a good stock of everything in the Gro cery line. Call and see before bujiug. - No charge for showing goods. Plenty of good Liquors and Provisions on hand. : oiayll-6ui R. MITCHELL, Gillespie St. A. A. McKETILO & S0.S, . Fayetteville, Tf . C, HAVE on hand a large and complete, stock of Work, and are prepared to furnish from Factory or llepository, at thoe Heel, Robeson County, , - Rocliaways, Ba??ics ana Ilaraess of varions Styles end prices, made of best ma terial by experienced work m'ii, cheaper than same quality of work cj,n be bought North ot South. . All work warranted. " REPAIRING done at short notice. Baggies forthorouah repairs received byonr agent, JL COOLE1', Shoe Hctl. liobtsou Co. , N. C, and forwarded to Fayetteville. jan 5-ly . 17ESTERN RAIL R0A5. Norfolk, Baltimore Philadelptli -Vew I?a Boston andlr V ; rcfa: Cities. Df " This line is now ppeaea for bhsineRsUyie Western Road io Through CouneWion and FortamouBii, U Cars are now & ron thtongh between Portsmouth and FayettSHUe withont breakinst on!k. & 's Throith : Sea' "l3 issued i and ' E&tes t 'i Be sure to direx pur Shippers to jfLi'i; From BOSTON, ly Boston A Norfolk Sitaha- Central Wharf, liostou, ship Co., end of Rampsojj. yjnt I ' ' NEW YQRK.V I) Co., N.L. MrXfcaDT, President, Greenwich St-.IN. Yi PHILADESjPHI Co., 12 Vortbl pot. Phil.VWU BALTIMORE (Bay Line,) f L. Poor, Age 5 Old Doraihidn SteniHship . x .fa .'VDrT Phil. A Nor. StBiinsh p Delaware Avenu?, "V 1'. 11. Anuamessic LinelDe- itDal. R. R. Phila. KI timore Seam Packetuo., of Union Deck,.- BaltfB. r '1 " Havs yonr GoKk Marked to tie" care,' cf fi. B. Agpportsaoutn, va rii. All claims forlc, damage, or overqhnrge will be proniptlyfoitled upon application to I J. W. McCARRICf, j i Trace Agenaoneaboard inland AirKme, ftug 3-Ut Portsmouth FAYETIEflLLE HOTrilT LIVERY 8TABLB8. had to and fro?g'thc From the N. Y. Metropolitan Record. ' 1 - T&c 'November Elections. r . .5'. -" T-' u'. , Alost unfortuhatejy, J,ho Democratic parly in JSfew York suffered a grievous defeat on the 7th insf ' Id other, places it has either pressed onward or main, tained its ground, but, this does not compensate lor the loss of the Empire State." Tet wo believe firmly in cood coming out of evil, and we are confl uent that advantages will ultimately accrue even from the great disadvan taged un dor which the New York" branch ol the BemdCratie party now rlabursv'TJnouestjonably.. the Demo. crntie "defeat,, is duo- to Democrats t h Wtnsel v oai Alreoxly' -Wo 4 ear v th at the fberr &fo8f?ct wrTntommry are disgusted with the consequence of their work. They certairly havo rea son to be so, and they will' ha.vp rea- soa to ho more so Deioro tno ena comes. We do not doubt that a reac- lion will soon set in,. which will result in the restoration of Democratic gov ernment in New York, and this reac tion will be stimulated and pushed for ward by'thc policy which it s reason able to expect that the party now suc cessor will pursue. The Radical majority m JNew Yorb is between iD.wu anu ii5,uuu. wo think it will not exceed the latter fig- Before the election: wo consid- P ASS AGE ca Boats, about tov.,,3at in the country, to oing towns. JACKSON JOUNSfJ anv ot tho naigu Jan 27 ly 1 1 A Sehmon dent Porter, o iug advice to stitntion the vou are tho a fortunes: Rd cf- . body e audi star, self relia industry. Lines, is an Don't take to be k Pagagkaph. tcsi f ale. gave -'the- fjSJow- ) students' of thjJin- ol!n-ilay: " iounguen, cutects 01 yonr u)on yonr own str ssul. Take .for Dpur ce. faitu, bonestyVtand IuArbo On ypur baauer, ood,f pluck is a Io." luacu aavice ueti; at your uelia aad swer your .own $mp. uid remember tusjt tlio great ttfM of commanding is tatake a fair tbaj of rflWll i?tl Grocers and Commission Merchant AND DEALERS IN Hardware and General Merchandise. Fayetteville, N. C. January 5, ly : PHOTOGRAPHIC. mriH PUI5LTC are respectfully requested to JL visit the new Photographic GiUlery of W. F. Staples, on Person street, and examine specimens of work. He guarantees sal inac tion in all cases. Pictures taken , as well in cloudy times. as fair weather. Prices to suit the sept 2l-ly It isch toad car, 1, - cheerful ta b sitting! in. a rail- going at the rate of forty miles Ctt3ioar and have a man passtjirongb 'v the traia and leave, a f tract o your Jab entitled, ''Prepare to meet yonr God. Vicky . "Wood hull swears that "by 0- 1 if CoDgress does not give suffrage to woman, they will secede, and erect n government of their own." (The ta ble that she brought her fist down op en is now kindling-wood.) . - j i klux, and names were, sent to j U. the I'eaco, auvisou eeyerai 01 tnoso re ported and others that , it" would be better to come forward voluntarily and make con fessio'n of anything of the kind . within their knowl edge. .Some confessed to h are been in some association j two or three years ago, others thai they had been on raids reoeotly, $c. j Manj' are implicated '.who are eutireljr inno cent of any offence, and some others, of both political partios, wo hoar, are guilty of violating law. This is about air we can learn ofi the situation at present. Strong effort isjmade, as hereto fore, to include the Reading conservatives and prominent citizens of the county, and to subjec to arrest. them ar an- -w- m . Sampson i?Aia. ihe resru nual Fair Of the Sampson County Ag ricultural Society will he held "at Clinton on "Wednosdaj', Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Tecomber 6th, 7th, Sth and 0th. The annual address will be delivered by .R. 1 f Bryan, Esq., of New Hanover, on -Thursday of Fair week. I . '' I ' f i-1 , Connty Commissioners of Cumber land meet next Saturday 25th: inst. and the sobool committees of the coun ty ara to meSfc the commissioners that day. ' .- . ." ,- .- J FALL jSTOCR. T AM NOW OPENING, and by the 25fh in- 1 stant will have in store, my entire stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, embracing STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS. HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, UM BRELLAS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac, to which the atten tion of country merchants is iuvited. In the retail department may be found a good assortment of TRESS GOODS of medium and good quality, also handsomo CASSI MERESCLOTHS, and most any article heed ed for ladies' or gentlemen's wear, all of which" will be offered at prices to suit close buyers. Call and examine.! , sept 21 m'ch 30-tf ; 33. J. LILLY. : I SAWLJ. HINSDALE OFFERS FOR SALE Window Glasses all sizes. Pure White Lead. i Linseed OiL Potash in casks and cans. Brashes all kinds. Varnishes. f Putty in fans and bulk. Petroleum Oil- tesfed. Lamps a great variety, j "Wrapping Paper. 1 Concentrated Lye. Oil for Machinery, Ginger, Pepper and Spice. Matches wood and paper boxes. Teas the best Green and Black. Indigo. : 1 .. Starch. Aniline Colors Toilet Soaps. ; . Chocolate. Cocoa. I Mustard. , , Extract Logwood. ' Also a full ossortmentment of DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, FAINTS, DYE STAFFS, PERFUMERY. Ac, Ac, at hole, sale and retail at low prices. . ' oct5-tf, 1 S. J. HINSDALE.: ! Copper Works. HAVING secured the services of three flrst class copper-smiths, Iain now prepared to execute all kiuds o4eopper work on short notice and in the neat&st manner possible. , Competent workinoa sent to any part of Ibis 6r the adjoining coqnties to do the above men tioned work in all its branches. - Turpentine workers will find it to their ad vantage to give me a call if they want good work done. J 1 - - 0 TIN WORK, ROOFING and PLUMBING done to order by competent and skilled work men. . j j - - j .. 1 , A general assortment of StoveB,-Tin and Sheet Iron Ware always kept on hand, which will be sold lower than manufacturers prices. Xoofe ta yoxtr Interest and srtue me a call. r- - ;- rough road, andlbe small ones lfi to the erl'ipns Ric above SH1U-K the bottom and itulous. '.ref above the you intend to inky . Juergy, inrjnci ble determi nation, with a right uiiivr, are the levers move the $;rld. Don't drink. Don't" chew.' D4IJ'' smoke. Don't smear. Don't jrad novels. Don't mopy-until yoi?an support a wife. Be in earnestfefBe self-reliant. Be generons. Be. jjivil. Read the papist;- Advertise ?iJoar business. Maki-iponey, and doood with it.v Love roiir God and jfwjow man. Love triiihland virtue, ffijve your country a ud jibey its lawsV'j If this advice is ijlicitlyAfolowtil by the young men of the conntryithe millenium is neaf at baud. $? . . 1 : y 1 The Blisd,- Deaf , DciiB, Issaxx" axd Idiotic jj the Usit ed States. drfsus returns, soon tobpj u-blished.shoJthat therareinthe Uiited States 320 blind personsj'pf whom 11,313 areiiiales and 8,077 females. Th. whites ae-16, 996, blacks 2,96G,mnla nese 4 and Indians 29. deaf and dflmb 13,205; males 7,289; aUexcfept The whole nnmbeilof i males 18.174. females l,822t all are whites etoes 355. ?0hi ajes: 8,9tftj fe lf293 are M)He. isaneis 3SS2; 19,203; Except Of the -Ttiiotic there are 14,485 nialesjaad 10,04 fe male's; total 21,527. .The proportion of negroes is muclj larhrerJn thialass of unfortunates tlnn" ia either jplf the others, and iucltnling both, blades and mnlattoes, the nuwber is 3,lS8i The whole number ol thoso who arfboth bliud and deaf add djuuob is S'per 8oos, both blind ahd insane 75jbiud dumb and also idiotic) 11. ' It'ill be noticed that in all classes of uli0rtu nateti except the iusaW the iJ-fnUer nf fomniotf is miifh greater tlrSi the ...i.'iolao T hfi fl.i?re"ata.hjim bir of blind in the State pf Xd ure. ; ered it probable that sufficient strength would be retained in the Legislature to sustain Governor Hoffman Jin ve toing Radical schemes. Such,1 how ever! is not the case. Tho Radicals have over two thirds majority in each braJich, and can do as they please. In this city also,' with the aid of Dem ocrats who should have known better than to join them, they have carried the Boai'd of Aldermen. tho jKegTstcr ship, and pretty much every office worth baving. In fact, the knti-Tam-many, people made almost a c lean sweep, and after -the 1st of Januarj' will have cntiro control ol the city as woll as tho Stato. What they will do with tho power thns secured it is not difficult to imagine. . Over in New Jersey - however, tho Democracy mado a bold Sghtand came off victorious on the Govcrnorship.-- Joel Parker was elected Governor bv a 'fnajoritj of about 5,000. The Leg islature, however, owing to tho man iierfin which the various districts'are noy laid out j remains in the hands of the Radicals, -tho-relative, party tron'L'tb"bgwtf wUwfaythre -mo3 be V ..... , ' i 1 . . llt ior$. ? iVltliougii ii0 niaio is no.&wnui ly recovered, yet iho partial victory in the election ot Ciov. ranter is 00111 'ralify iug" and encouraging, and We hope the time is not far otf when tho Legislature will re tarn to Democratic bands as well'. Of course Massachusetts went her usual way. There were four candi- fxlates for Governor Domoeatic, Re publican. Labor Reform and Tern per il ice. ' " Washburne, the Radical candi date, has a '; pluraltv of' nine or ten thousand. The vote; was somewhat fighter jthan at the last election.' It is baldly worth while sayiug that the Legislature is largely Republican.' Tbe probabiiities are that it wilt'continuo'so for a long timo to como. John Qniney Adams ran about as well as when the was last a candidate for the guberna torial officet but no one supposed, of coiirse, that he would be electei. As a complete Radical victory , was .ft foregone conclusion, the result was not looked for with much interest m any rjuarter. : . " , - .' .' Maryland went Democratic, and bo is 2,212. apl 13 noT 3-ly I.fB. DAVIS, Fayetteville. X4 C. A Wokijebfci. BuiDbE. The fridge now in process of erection acijs the Mississippi at Sti.LoaM fs oo6.3f. the wonders of the ago. : It is to bgtub ular. cast steel, arch bridge snrimrlcd hv tbe abutments amk two pief$ the latter are 515". apart and each from its -nearest abutment, rpaking throe spans of About 500ft. eacS.1 Its greatest span the same as $hat of the Kailenboi-5 ndgi over thLeck, an arm of ih ..RhineL in; Hond.- Telford's suspension bHdge acrs the Mcnai Strait has" a spjm of 5705 Tho Victoria .tobaw iron bridge otMon treal exceeds t lis rdatiy in gngth; being GC0ott- mdos); bnt infests updn tvventy-t; r piers, and itripaQs' are-mainly od' ' 275fj, ! The sjpen sion bridge at Niagara spans ";a lft., and is 245ft. a Jv.e.tto waterThe East River Jo will 8pan Oft.. at a height oi' ay 0f 130ft. fri . ; an "Pdircu1 of Wipconsin ,. tboried the of 3,000feet of lumber, fr?'??en8W,:to evey fam ily who rebaiif oa a ot,'reoeat4j de 11 j " . , , fin rastatea j - S is- did yjrginia. In the tormcr btate- a Governor was elected,' and the Domo crjits carried all before them. The vic tory i ''Virginia is cal'ed a Conserva tite ope, but it is practically a triumph for Democracy. -The Conservatives gained largely through the State, aud will have an overwhelming majority in the next Legislature. ) Gov. Walker holds over, and with a staunchly Con servative Legislature at ;his back, Vir ginia may be. considered in safe -hands 2-Unless Grant and his followers trifmp up some pretext for putting the State n aider' martial law, with a view to the tfantest was confined to the4 Legislrt tdre. The Radicals (nearly all black), carried the State by a majority of about 1 1,000. This was foreseen, aiid conse .qhently it causes too surprise.' ; The DjeWTOcrats have, however, niede large gAins." ' "''-'!) -'"- ' ,.' tibhs took place followed tho bad - x aipplaet bf Ohio in October. 1 The Radical State ticket in Minnesota was eljeoted by a . reduced majority.1 - Iu Wisconsin, Wasbbiiwi was elected Gov ernor over Doolittlo by a majority of about 8,000. f ' Reports from Kansas state that the Radicals have carried that State by increased majorities. The election in Illinois, foK Congress mi an at-larrro. rpunll ! of Beveride'e.i Railirtfil:; nvpr ' llnvea. Lemoerat.'- There does not anoearto bj auy change in tlie West, both parr trfes 'Standing- m-ettvimnch as thev dd when their streWth was last 'tost 4. j 1 . : , -- . . .. . - The work of Tuesday, November 7, was decided) v bad for the Democratic pArtk 4iut : we do not by any means think of ffivinff on the shin vet. . The Democratic- line must be reformed and another bet ter organized advance made. Mjany unfortunate circumstances ope rated against . us in the 0011 test just closed. Wo believe the country is still sweep the field in 1872. The destiny of'the Democratic party Is still to be fulfilled, and the time will "yet come when Radicalism will meet the idoom it deserves. ?- ' - .' . '. ':. ;r c-J Jj. .-', ' Six or ExAonKRATioN. There is a fault which does not get itself called by the name of a "lie," but which is a dangerously close relation, .to it , and that is the habit of exaggeration. A man hears a thing true- enough in its original shape, but he passes it on with'a little addition of his own. Tho man to whom be passes ndd his touch of exaggeration, until ut last tho state ment issoBwollon and distosteU' fn to eoDVy everything but tbo facts of the . Caej vli kcr Th an y sta te nn , tdtat ! o gone iorthMidrohtaiwo-d' credenjporiri the world; and. yet, though they are in their anal stdto grosslj false, and uo soie injustice, 11 is uiuicuii. 10 vuurgv any one with a full grown lie, fir the share he has had in pronagaiing me decciti The result is a sort of acoama latire Ho, made by persons 8"uccossivc ly contributing a little touch of exag geration of fho 6t6ry as It came to tlHMT bands. Tho worst of it is, that this mischief is causod by the exercise of a; power that is sometimes useful I moan thaU-rcativc, imaginative pow cr which lends life to-a description. A man hears a thing, and then gives it the color of his own thoughts al most uncoi.sciously r- 3'et fear,- th'S, may produce very mischievous, por-j haps disastrous results. And who is to blame? Why every one who has a share in the accretions which the sto ry or statement has received. See how responsible we may bo for tho cf feots ofa lie, oven when wo do not wish to decoive. How careful we should be not to add to what wo hear! If we must'tieods repeat it, or help to circulate'it, lot us leave it as it came. Let us pass it on scrupulously, un changed, with no twist or increaso of our own. What Men have Died For. Colo nel Montgomery was shot in a duel about a dog ; Colonel Ramsey in ono about a servant ; Mr. Feathcrstono in ono about ft recruit; Storno'a father in one about a goose, and another gen tleman in one about an acre of ancho vies; one 'officer, was challenged for merely asking his opponent to enjoy the second goblet, and another was nollnd to fi-ht about a pinch of annir-linpvsil Rarrv -was challcUircd htar-OrrrfialirgmUli nvr ricUtmng wtne at a dinner on a steamboat, although the treneral had pleaded as an excuse that wine invariably made him sick and Lieut. Uowiher lost his aie in a dtic'l becauso he t was refused ad miUanco to tho club of pigeon shoot ers.. 1 :. - . ' In 177? 'a duel occurrod in Now York t'ity botwoon Lieutenant Fcath- eratonohaffgh, oFtho seventy-filth, and Captain McPhcrson, of tho forty-sec- Ax V 00, x . thq manner of eating an ear. of corn; one contending that tho best eating was from the cob, lind tho other that the gi-ain should be cut off from the cob before eating. Lieut. Feathor stonchaiigh lost his right arm, the ball from his antagonistic. pistol shatter ing the limb dreadfully, art much so that it had to bo amputated. Graham. Major Noah's assistant editor on tho National Advocate, lost, his Ufo in 1827, at the duelling gronud at Hobokcn, with Barton, the son in-laW!.of Edward Livinirstonc, in a simplo diiputo about 'what was trumns" in a game, of cards. ' '- - : A Duelling Incident. An indis creet j'ontleman.' who had iriven Of- n , - fenso' to a young lady in - Lomsvuio, Kentucky, a few days sinco, was chal lenged by tho tbat-U-to-bo husband of the insulted. Vhdor tho chaucngeu party was reading the invitation to go out and bo shot, his littlo daughter came nn and said, " "Papa, "mother wants you" The lather then turned to tho challenge bearer, and said : "This is my little girl, whoso- happi ness and education a.nd living would bo taken from lier vero I to bo killod. I j'Mt r' ii i n:l. u r MibjTji. ksduOKO vvclfaro Imust Idok to. This meeting. . A UoOTCLACE'a Good FonrrxM Iff- G pA5D3t oTHin B jrorsATiis II in O m CS)w litjrpBED Thovsasd Dollars. Si y are ,go a boy, theo only fourteea y art of ftffe, left his home la Mill bt, Ireland, and worked Ms to Yrk." 1U I left behloa only two reljrk. ti es his maternal grandmother1, then ar old woman, named Armstrong, and hi i I eternal ' gTandWtlier ri standi VbileTlM' boy's .tsme U Will 1 am A. AV. White. He arrired in New Yrk aboot six years tgo without a dollar in his pocket, but.beiog deter r uiiutMi 10 inaae a uving, ana not nui ing anything else to do. although ha had received a fair edocation, he went to work blacking boots about the Bat- tery and Washington street., .After he bad been at that two years he ad. ded to his business by selling news papers in ' the evening. ' 'JJeing m -steady ssd!ceoaomioalboy,'. he eared in nearly .six years almost .$2,000, whioh be had placed in 'the savings uauK io smaii sums, two months. ago -a gentleman who bad been bin regular customer in the bootbUcking vj hoe advised him to go to rhilndtiphiu v, and ho did, and thore obtained a sit- ' C nation as assistant bar keeper, iu Mr.. v Cols' saloon. White bad beu "thero'. V" only two months - when t Ir. CoU ' showed -htm a copy of tu Philodel- . , rhi jgilh tb lUrlnr It. ti8em8fttir-G23,2a letL ta" WilliAct a. r uue oy tue uetia 01 m graoa mother. A letter is in Ih'e. Philatll-l phia post-office for him.""' Tbat must . be you William." said .Mr.1 Cole. White hurried to the post office and found that he. was heir to 23,923, be- ' queathed by. his grandmother, Mis Armstrong. -The letter also contained a draft for $2,000 in cold, and, O;' pho- tograph likeness, by which' be was identified.' Fortunately for him,. ho was in good hands, and Mr. Coto cttfo him money aud advised him to place his case in tbe hands of the British, Consul. White did so, a ml; all tbft papers necessary were safely lodged with . .air. ArcbiDaia yesteruay. aag.. York Standard, Nov. 13A, , 1 : rr; ....' ' ' . . The Lesso of Lfrt-Of all tho les sons that humanity, has to lean), the hardest is to. learn to wait,.. Not' to wait with folded hand that claim life's Iirizcs without previous effort, but laving struggled and crowded tho slew' years with trial, sec no result as effort seems to warrant nay, perhaps, dit- . aster instead. .To6tand firm at.sacli a crisis of cxistenco, to prescrvo onoV self poise and self respect, not to loso hold or relax ciiort, tins is-greatness. whether achieved by man r woman whether tho cyo of tho world notes ' it. or it is recorded in tho book, which the light of eternity shall alono pake clear to the vision. J Thoso who stand on the high places of the earth under stand not what nccossity, what suffer- ing mcans. They icnow, not wnat ii is to a noble-mind lo'Xc obliged, , like, the worms, to crawl 'upon .tho earth, for nourishment, becauso it ho4 not. the strength to enduro famine. Lifo moveyvMAMMk Uta. wittso. ,nucU. grace, "pplcndor, and.' beauty; they drink life's s woe test wine, a'id.datuo. in a charming intoxication. Thoy find nothing within them which, can ciui. bio them to understand tho real suf ferings of tho poor ; they love only themselves, and look at mankind only. In, their owaarrow circlet . ' A presiding oldor of flio Unitdl Brethren Church. while nreachiri'r. y-w .... " j i; .tJii.t.: ond .British regiments, in regard toi- u uy i u.,mK. the distjrbdrsrand said: "I am olways afraid to r6protve thoso who misbehavo in church. In tho early part Of nm miuistry I mado a great mistake. Ah' I Avas proaching. a young' man who sat ' jusit before mo was constantly; laughing, talking, and making orcouth i.rimnii'' T hnnaxl -nI nrlmlnlttinul a'sovoro rcbuko. After tho cleo of the servieo ono of iho official mctnborsv camo and, said to mo: 'Brother4 , you made , a . great misrako. ' Tliut 3'6ung man whom you rcprotodis an idiot. Sinco then l havo always been, afra'd to reprove thoso whq raHbobavo In chnrclTlest I shonld tepcat that mistake,' and reprove: another" kliot., During tho rest o that' icrvle, at. -least, there was good order.- 1." 1 . 1. . r il nil 1 TnB' Fetjit or TnoronT.i-!!Jexanderk Hamilton once . said : to an ?&timato friend: 4Men give me some credit. for. genius; ah tue genius 1 have lies jast in this : When I hate a SubjSct ii bsnd.-I study it profoundly. ? Day and night it is before tao.- I explore it in, all its bearings. My mind becomes- ber faded with iu lbn' the leUort which I make, the people' are pleased; I?? call the froit of petiia. ' It in tUp; truit Xt Tsbo TwiCt toochl.T'"-1 fj ; I ; 1 1 "j ' mi 11 i,i j- John C. BrockloHdgo,says the Lex ington papers, is now ono of the- hard-, est working lawyers In; Ken tacky,.' and is. likely to mako a' gOo l-,deal ot money .by his rofespior. Ho ldo.ni discusses politics in thcsodAy,'iravlng 'discovered that they are iiv'no 'aen&j", rciaunerativ1. - ut U 'i - ' 1 ", 1 - "' 1 Knoxville, Teon., boantsof a.yonng- Samson, named Lonis IuckrU Ono, of his feats is to lio-Hnt ea his back ou the floor and stretch hi turm ..abot e his head, with the palm, of Lia band op-. ward4 and for a heavy Bxan ta place a. foot in cither hapd wuia ha wiy rsisa him .with ease, and get up fen his feet,. He has lifted men weigkiug Dearly two, , hundred pouada in this soanuer. -1 j 1 . 1 . t 1 Tiva counh vmca cazin 'amund a Saratoga hotel tlw other day,' wero np- proaofted by a lndy vvearintf a fashion. able trail. .Gnsol tho' party' dodged it, but tho other walked straight across it. and on findipff-out his, error atKila- i . . igizea wiiii), A.oeg 3Tour paruon, mad- am ; , I thought, you had paasod soma lime ago. if fatal to me; would deprive them ot their only, support. My opponont is a 3ourig iman, witlioiAt Ayife, or childroni or family. ; Ho has v.ery little to lose.' .The challenge-bearor was almost melt ed to tears.. n The picturo jast drawn waslruo to life; and ho determined to return to his rincipal nnd ask . for a compromise. The latter was a' high- toned, chivalrous Kentucky gentle man, whoso heart at onto responded to tbo appeal tor iiicrci. A.comprO' miso was effected. It. was agreed tUat the duel should bo postponed tHI iho first party got married 1 and became tho father of ohildron. I Tlicn thoy will both bo on an .equal looting; ao.d can tost each other's courage - ' ..'''..' Josh Billings says: Most men will concede that it looks foolish tosco a boy draggin' a heavy bled up hill for the flcctin' pleasure of ridin down again. But it appears tcf mo. that the bov isi sago by tht side of af3'oung man whoxwdrks hard all tho woek and drinks up sbis wa&ea on Saturday night. -';-i''V ''' "C'; "' ' " - ' iffi. Atkinsan.-af Pi-ovidenoo. thus sums up her throyW' xperierfcoof married l;fei 04Tlio nrst 3'ear my uuv h-inrl r.llod ma 'inv dearrl the second V-V-.-w -m- 'r- 1 ati-Radbal at heart, and that the suo- year "Mrs. A.,' nd the third, year .Gia -L.-I.t- li.- ei.t..,:.i.). 1 ni-i-nl inn. This- last 1 COUld not diefi not at all indicate that Grant will stand." Thosbvcrostthlngsaid airainst KvoV daughters was by JUaiJy Mar3 Wo.rilv Montague; l'Tho only satUfaclion T havo iu being a woman is dial I shall not bo compelled to marry one iof my own sox.", . ' , , ,