I l . j .. i .'..' ii: ". f jE . 1 .. . i W . - Til i ! ,: c - . t. ; .. r . ... ,' ., ' II I J. 1 1 III , V .-: J. . II . A - V X - THE On copy iit moats-:im db!U iJ Mrr4 month f jt TWtflDiegtinoMr Vli Or tr4 month, fot'l1 Wi im Adnna or it tN-inintfrwt. Lt. Eiyi'J'BrkSii:. ' FAYElTEVILLE,"-iy; 'C., THtJIlSDAY; FEBRUARY '8, 1872. Whole No. 183. .V.iTxi 1ZrnJ i. 7nr e-oTa Oct. 27. , . - - r : Al fMll Uf. i KKKllAlil kra.iaiA I - - .. .. . . ? ' . ; i . s : it " t.m mM Am. mm m mm mm t - 1 i New CeMKiaiT.--W leard a com -piny of gentlemen haV purchased a Jot n?ar4he present Crow Creek Com eteryinnd prBPte4iiW the towft iot bofying rtoilntf.irhe arc to B. MitcheH; At nis Old Stand bs Gillespie Street, TTTHERE h ls been for the pust 4wentyr one years, keep constantly , hand, Bacsi; Coffee Tea, Floor, Sod,tBcoii,LBrdr SSfl kind. Cheese, evUterr(Soap . ff diftereci kihcU, Caiidl MoUsou 3' ;.;rBabeontrMttfollow--lnftdTnce: . Tinein m ocamnjiBg BVJ -4 , &2 ? 3 o 2- Hlf V t.Oo 'S.5o4.5o 760 Oae inch. 9 50 TWO '- 'r incbe. - 4 5.00 t 4.00 5.00 9 00 15.00 Three incbee JD0 1 10.00 I 18.00 I 27.50 11.00 I 14.00 I 22.5a I 35.00 Focnt t .;; taefeee. S 7-00 j 9.00 14.00 ; 18.00 I 30.00 45.00 Fourth; -;r !.'r l r ' . colium: 12.00t 18.00 124.00 3G.0O) 55.00 f Half mij n I TT f ohwtt.l iSO.OO f 3aOQ 1 40.00 60.00 9a oo ! UroT 133.00! 4i60 63.00 10a00 150.00 If - . i A.U dveTtisemewts may; be ! every three rtenths without additional charge, j For every other change there will be aa extra 1 eharte of twenty ee.nta an lnch. Twenty-fire nmr eemt it added to the , above Tntes for peelal setioea kp naide anons editorial or . r iV.- ieannlf. nMTTnri uouuarj noticen i mum wou malt aa inch are charged aa advertuemente I dr3pecial coatcacM made, on reaaonahle terms., . . . . f Handbill; Cards Labels. Bi!l-Heds, B1nlt Forms, and all nands of ordmrtry job wora done prompUyi neatly, and cheaply. North Cabolhu asd New Yokk. North Carolina ar3New York : have not many aqdare njilea difference in terotbry: The latter im filled with fac tories of all sorts. N. C. has not more ihaa 50. Ibr 00 all told. In the U. S. thereare'l.STS factories of cheese. : N. C. hss orily 7 of these, New York 994. Bat N.C. enres annnalTy thousands of barrels :of fish' which co nil over, th JWorltL1 She grows yerlv 250 00 Iwles We krtow of nci better- pot and -one more suitable for the purpose than the one selected, as'tt is opposite the' pres ent cemetery andjonly; about . 75. feet distant; and access can be had from ohe lo the other without hiach trouble. The present eemetety which is one of the preitiest 7in the state, is nearly fitted op, and anotherplace would soon have to be purchased bat. for the gen erosity of these gentlemen. jWe Jearn that there is to be some improve'riient mads in the laying out of squares from the other cemetery. - ' i ' ' " - , , CoLORro Baptist Cuvsxm. We learu that the colored baptists of this town have purchased a lot in the rear pf the Seminary and near Military Green for the purpose of building a .church.- They hare obtained letters of ! dismis- . I e . a ' at' m ' . I ' sion or ; witnarawai zrom t ue white ' V ., i ...... j , church, and have organized with 27 charter members, chosen officers, &c we sappose tnat tner will at once proceed to the erection of a suitable building for worship aa we learn that tbeyr have raised sufficient funds, for this purpose. It is to be called the "First Colored Baptist Church of Faj- ettevilhu' Cdrrespondenoe'of tW.PbaonS Dispatch, v From wasumgion, lcec to -merit cpinmuino itf the Hme' ' de44-Uf fr ?it-'-s - RADWAY-STEADY RELIEF : : 111 from One to Twenty Minutes- , Not one hbor aJter" wading this advertise mens need anyeae amOerriu tuun. u ft WSEPE ULEY & SOX. Grocers and Commission Merchants : AKD DEA.LEHS IN ' j . Hardware and General Merchandise . Fatettsyillz, N. C. ; JannaryB, . :r - i;;'.l:ty w. x. BOBXBTS. lub, . w. eauroT, i w. t BZBOJCT, SPECIAU MILLAR, GR ADY & ROBERTS, Successors to BERKLEY. MILLAR 4b, CO., WBOIJCSAUC 1I4LIBS IH 'S' ' DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, . 112 W. Main aud 8 Gray'Streela, We will duplicate any bill bought in New Yofk. r. v r f nor l&-3m for fifty rTQV can get four Gem Pictnrea JL cnu at i - STAPLES GaLLEBf. Her rice is- sent eerwb'erf ad she makes ten times the number of barrels of cprn asNr Y. aud fully as many bnshels of all the small gmios save buckwheat, arid the quality of that iu ber mountain counties is jnst. as pood as raised anyvrherej the climate saits it in every respect. And thousandsif bogsbeadd of tobaeco made in the northern" counties,' aud in Buncombe, &c among the mountains. The b Rt cut froiofcing tobacco yet offered for Fale in.lnrgeqnantities is now m.tnufac tnfed iu Orange,' Wake and Granviile, and also some "of very fine qaaliy in Chatham county. Hal. Sentinel We are glad to learn that there j to WJonc-oi two brick-rards started in or m?ar town at an early day. Vo UandHomely. The aaffty ortHcTxa ut the arsenal is exhausted or nearly so, and we learn that there is not enough Cabet Hale and Femalk Institute. We are pleased to learu that the pros pects of this" institution are every way encouraging. The male department is under the auspices of A. H. ilerritt, ISsq a successful and excellent educa tav Mrs. V.. C. Pell, the widow of thai "good man gone," the Rev. Wra. v E. Pell, has charge of the female departments-end brings to tbe.work every accomplishment of mind and heart necessary to its satisfactory prosecu- 4ron4 Carey is a thriving village, eight miles west of Raleigh, immediately on the railroad, and has every advantage ct location, morality and bealthfnlnesB. Good board with families in the village may lie had at $12 per month. IiaL Sentinel.- i , I . .mm Oar citizens were aroused from their alnmbers yesterday morning abont 3 o'clock, by the alarm of fire. The store occupied by Messrs. lloody & Edwards, oo Church St., near A. . T. & O. Rail .road, was entirely destroyed, also a residence' adjoining, owned by a Mr. Capps. Messrs. Mobdj & Edwards' loss, exelnsive of books and accounts, i- 4,ao,rMMMMt,0w ue k JemjrtHxi tbm vae-otb bvitdinf?, Tbo fire was joa doubt accidental. Charlotte Commercial, 1st inst.' ' . A New Rail Road Pbojict. The AthevilU N, C. Citizen satstA Bill is before Congress asking a grant of! ZsOOQUOa' acres of the public lands, wortb 4,000,COO, to bnild a rail road frda Spartanburg, S. C, to Asheville; from Ratberfordton to Asheville, from Old Port to , JLsbeviUe, from Wool! Creek Teno.. to Asheville, and from - Aa berille. to Dal to b; Gan or CleJelend, Tenn -The mends of the Bill in Wash ington are assured of its passage dur ing the present Congress.' . 7 il i. i j i. , ' The "Virginia" and North Carolina Agrieultaral Society' has been organ-. ied. at; Norfolk, with : Col. Walter U. Taylor, as president. - A fair is to be held nexl fall. , i - ' " Tbe'Siipreme Court, by a recent de ciaiori, lias decided that Mayors and ehief officers of cities and towns have jurisdiction as heretofore in criruiual mattersas regards arresting aud cotn- mittingbf offenders. - - t j -. An ExECOTIOS AND A Co MUDTATIOS. ' Chdrteston, S. 7., February 2 Sam uel White, (colored,) was bung here to day'for the murder of W. B. Fidea last sum ore r. White's accomplice, a negro named Bladen, had his senteuce com moted to imprisonment for life while under the gallows. to complete the factory now in course of cort ruction, besides there are oth- i er factories and buildings that are to go up soon. Before and during the war there were two brivk yjrards Hear town and wo believe they found ready sales at good prices for ail the bricks' manufactured. ' j . again night last,, and evening. The weather week has been very Snow fell in this place on; Thursdaj- on Saturday for the past i cold, and" taken altogether this has been ore of the severest winters that has been experi enced hero in a number of years. BERKLEY, YANCEY & HODGES, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, ' ... AT WHOLESALE, ! Kos. 84 and 86 Water Street, ani 13 and 15 jt-v -i Elisabeth Street, on folk. ryt. , pST" New York prices guaranteed. No (roods sold, nnder any circamatances, exeept to mer chants.; ?" ';'' ;'s),j i -nov l-3m--'f J. THOHPSO, p' - PITTSBORCr, IV. C a laree ami complete stock SADDLES AND HARNESS. and everything kept in a first-class Saddlery esUblishraent . Ail orders strictly attended to and wurk manofactared U order on short no ice. ; " oct26-6m j-- ' ' . j in u Wnrrcnlon Fcmnlo ; CoIIrgre k S on hiod XI of THE Spring session of lR7i will begin on Wednesday, the 10th of Jannary. . CliargeH per session of 20 weeks: Hoard," exclnsire of ligLts and washing, $70. Taition in rpgulur conrse, $25 ChiircfH for extra htadies moderate. For fall particulars applr to dec 7-2m T. M. JONES. Tres. Notice read this. i PHOTOGftAPHS. One-half dozen for two dollars at STAPLES' GALLETR. Improving. Wo are glad to loam that Mr. Joseph Lockamy, mentioned in our last as being severely stabbed by. Mr. G. W. Holl-ngsworth, is bet ter, and strong hopes are entertained of his speedy recovery. a largo hero this RoBBiNS. There has been amount of theso birds killed winter. For the last week or two the Myor has given permission ;to shoot them in town, and nearly every little boy that you meet, and many that are not boys, have their guns on their shoulders, whila the boom of tbo mus ketry and the whiz of the shot re minds at very; rnucb o tbo time when Sherman and his militia passed through this placo nearly seven years ago.- , --- . ; ! Tho trade for the last week has been very good and many of our gro cers are receiving new supplies. The receipts of cotton bits boon rather small. j The Pasbcbt Rkpobtkb is the title condnct at Dan- I have inst received the best lot ol Donblo and Single GUN'S ever offered for silo in this market. These Guns were made and imported. ex pressly for my trade. They ure Hue finished English Gun with long barrels and small bores, and will be sold low for cash lbwer than the same quality can be bought in the United States, j They would be a handsome Christmas or New Year's gift. A large lot of fine repeating Pistols on hand. The best make of Powder. Shot and Caps, and Cartridges for nil kinds of arms. Another lot of Boxing Axes expected in a few days. Call and see for yourselves at . WALTER WATSON'S GUN STORE, Next to Home's Drag Store, dec 21 oct 27-ly Fayetteville, N. C. . WASHisaTG. Jannarv 30. ; Whatever may b the result! of the next "presidential.j taction; ' there is one thing iu -the ppUtieal world which is evidencing: itaeH icore thorough! v every day, and this. id that the split in the Ret)ublica&. tartv is bound to have subatantiairam .fcractieal exis lnce xery jBoonThe iConervative Republicausld the Senate, where tbey iir Vthont ' besifslioB.- manifest an 1 rod inlav tlia s KiiTirJOrtvtf ither tiiMS ure?61'menrthalf tfo:-eceive their i t . . - t ........ ; s . -i . . . , t opposition; aad t&ere must ber down i right expressionStOfifiitnte. iptentions verf j soon? UurtDg jtne .present ses sion the Democrats have had heompar- atireiy notuing to no in inaugurating oppositioq '. to thai Administration The bulk of it'eomes frofa conserva tive or liberal' anil - antipro;spectiTe Republicans, and it ! has ben more open in the benate, where ueir great er men have place, (ban in doe xiouse. As yet there have been bo threats of reading them put pfthe party -f Hints oi Bucn in ten uons were jasmouauie when the liberal-minded began to .de bounce acts of the ! Administration, but it was early discovered that such a policy would never' result 1 ad van tageouslv. and .'there has been -less heard of it thair formerly, t j ;' V Withbnt. any "authoritative Reasons for it, there is an erideut notioti work ing in the minds of several here who have been, close observers of political affairs for years that the Democrats will find it their pleasure and policy to east all their influence and strength during the approaching campaign for one of the liberal-nfinded statesmen of ine f Aiepuoucan priy . x uis i is, ; oi course, a superncial view or tue case,. and of what eliangefnssy occur hereof ter there is not the Slightest intimation from those who won Id be considered as speaking ex cathedra if they spoke at all. It seems a if all the specula tions: ami : gossip pa tho subject do not 'go .beyond thp jtnere fact! of the nomination, s withont considering an enunciation of political principles which might have to be subscribed to and. endorsed .before com pie t e 'ha r mony of sentimentVs Secured J It . is aatrons esurt -ct-s. - ngithtrttie present iwwy in pover . very sensiuiy and very 'conHtantlj--' They aire pre piring earnestly iu the expectation of meeting formidable Adversaries. Every oue can see 'that there is - a reform Republican party and hu anti reform Republican forty, the last be ing under the leadership, of the most prominent snpportersjaud earnest de fenders that the Ahinistra,tion has ill Congress. The evidence as found iu exiraiuing the tivil service reform Tas PHriAnitJPHia.' Stats Senatobcal ! Election t-DETEAT ' or ' McClcbi by Fbaud Asd, Vioi.Ebs. On Tuesday the election took place in Philadelphia . to Bit a vacancy in 'the State -Senate from the fourth, seriatonal district. The State Semite stands t i -;iri?,- (IS Ue publicansi'. 18 BeTuocrats,) -and the i Jit ' . - . f i nAj-'llt L. J- : - t eiecuon was raereiure ui ,uiuia iuiu usual interest, i r v. ; -;jf- ' ;?-? : The .candidates were H,- M. $ray. (regular republican) and ' A. M. Me CI ure (Reforni Republican . In- twd of the Wards the ballot-boxes were .Tfie GraTe of Poc, It was on a cold, dull, and' dreary day last 'winter, while attending the fu neral of Mrs. Maria CIemm, tho- aunt and mother in law of Edgar A. Poo, that I nrsi saw th0 nameless grave ol that gmea oat most unfortunate ioet. She had died the day before, arid her last request was to bo .buried by tho side of her "darlirisr Eddie.- in" West minster church yard, corner of Fayette and Gree.ie 'street. 'Baltimorb. lo stone' has ever mfk(d'the nhioe of his X2i?M7-nh4Wt' tLoui-h. Bl&llfairiia deatli, J the polls; the regular uijgefr ' abtferrt-1 I ed themselves, and bruisers and bad cbaractergr were substituted ' in their place. I ji alf the ' wards of the -new police crowded around the . polls, ob structing jjacce8s to them, and arrest ing numbers of respectable citizens who ; attempted to vote the Reform ticket. - I At the close of the day the re trims were made giving Gray 12,373 and Mc- Clnre 11.433 votes. The district had previously given 34,000 votes of which more .thalr 13,000 were Democratic. McClnre received the Democratic in addition to a large part of the Repub lican voted and now publishes a card denouncing the result of the election as a frandiand declaring bis determi nation fo punish repeaters who aided a. Mm a m in tue return oi nis opponent. j.ne In quirer stiles the election as a false vote and false count. The Age calls the electioba farce. The Republican papers generally announce the result without comments r McClure I asserts that he has proof that sixteen! hundred votes of -repeat ers .were accepted in two wards, and over tnreotuunarea in anotner. xie savs he will contest the election in the Senate, besides punishing . the repeat ers by criminal suits. McClnre was in favor of inodifying the election law under which the Philadelphia elections have been. carried for years, with all the- electjou officers from one party. f be had been elected be would have supported the Democrats on the sub ject. , &Jg of O measure, to say liotj ters. Upon !he qnestioh of the D?mo- crats making a nomifwion there im but one opinion, and tii her mat- pointjs, lo the ut. ,Ti ey raav. BROWN'S RESTAURANT. GILLESPIE STREET, FAYETTEVILLE IV. C. I7RESH NORFOLK OYSTERS receive . d 'ily and served np in the very best style. OPOSSUM and all kinds of fish and game served at any hour day or night. THE BAR is welt supplied with all kindw-of Foreign- and Domestic liquors, Ales and Cigars, also that celebrated Robeson County Ky., Whiskey. Very thankful for past favors the snbsoriber solicits a continuance of the same.' '' . nev. W6e 12-3m' - t j LIBERTY P01NT.H0USE. X. served at the " LIBERTY POINT HOUSE.1 ' . MY BAR " f ' is supplied with all the best liquors, wines, cigars, Ac. FRESH AJLE and LAGER BEER on draught. v- , .... r ; f -ir, Thankful fpr the liberal patronage of the p.-vst. I invite all my old friends and the public to call on me. r It. BURNS, Liberty Point, oct 12-tf Fayetteville. N. C. Town Residence for Sale BY virtue of authority vested in me by a deed of trust, I will sell to the hihe8t of a neatly printed .and. well ed little paer just started borv. Stokes rotintv. bv pMnno Jtr - bidder on Thursday, the 7th diiv of ilArh q.- uJ ,i ? A ,u 7 ..- i 1871, at the Market House in Fayetteville, the Sous, to ba devoted tO the social, ag- j former residence of Mrs. M. Hartmaii, situa ricultural and mineral resources of n Robeson Street adjoining the residence that section. Tn mtlitiea 'iti will l. OI ' waer.i i-.sq. Conservative. Railroad construction during the past 3ear has progressed wonderfully. A careful examination of. railroad re ports shows that in 1871 nearly seven thousand miles of rails have been laid in the, United States. ; Thb total num ber of miles of railroads, throughout the. country, according to Poor's man ual, is 60,382 miles, tbo increase during tho past year having been thirteen per cent. The Stat.es having madetue most progress in! 1871, are, respective inois, Missouri and Mich bran The increase has been greatest in the West and Northwest: then the Mid. dlo aud Now England States. For terms apply to J. C. MoRne. Eso. deo7-ta. ... SJRAH CADE. The Law in North Caboua to Tax SAMPLE-rMEBCHASTS. Every , drrnmer or travelling agent of any person who snail sell any spmtuousjiquors, vinous or malt Hqnors, gooda, wares or . mer chandise, by sample or otherwise, whether delivered or to be delivered, except-agricaltural implements and fruit- trees, and articles - of bis own growth or manufacture, shall, belore making any such saleobtain a license to sell one year froui the- publio treas urer, by , paying said treasurer an an nual tax of fifty dollars. ! but shall not t- ! . . " . - ." " ub nauie to be taxed in because of hia sales. any county 1 certainty of that eta however, some of the eleare&t-beaded men in the party admit nominate the candidate chosen by the reform and liberal Republicans, witlj a plat form of sound Conservative and Dem ocratic principles Time yuly can show what will be done; but the above is entitled to consideration as at least an item of some' interest iu the total ot politicians views concerning the action ot tue party. ! ' ' TlMON. -COMPABATIVE VaLCE OF LoNpOH ASD Nkw York Real Estate. A; plot of land in London, oppositei.he Mansion House, the public residence of the Lord Mayor, a locality well known to all who havj? visited England, is said to have been recently let at a ground-Vent al most equal to i21 persquare jfoot per annum, which represents a capitalized value of about a million and a half sterling per acre, or $7,500000. j If hero-in New York, on onr leading avenue of business, .Broadway, we give $200,000 for a citidfo 25 feet by 100 i.wnilie'" ' ' j - - i n.t wa have paid, amply foe oirrihfcrmd yt twelve times the area faehtioned will be nearly an acre, and twelve "times the purchase instanced will be bnt $2, 400,000f less than a third of the value of tbe Mansion House plot.? 4 I . If New York is to become another London, as is predicted, in magnitude, u commerce, and in population, there is ample room for appreciation in our city real estate; lot judging frdm anaK ogy, we have yet 1 ran two-tbjirdsihe distance of the go1 before us. :Capi talisU therefore need not shrifik from making - purchases at current prices, for although this generation may not see our city lots $525,000 each, we are encouraged to believe that they will reach that figure in the future, and thus our childern will reap theiproduct oUheir fathers' sowing. -Jnsuranc&and Heal Estate Journal j . ? It seems that the dilinquent State olBcials of South Carolina hate adop ted the Tammany plan-of protecting themselves by legislative treasures against- the laws. Thus a - new law provides that civil or criminal suits counot be brongb' against the present State officials committed more than six months before the charge Is made. "He who invests one dollar -in bu siness should invest ono dollar in ad- yertisiog that nu3lIcss." vai T. Stew art. now"NEdttOESAaK Treated in Philadelphia.-!-A negro writes lo Forney as follows: j, ; ' ' ' s Thc caso of Mr Douglass Fred, at St. Iiouisl !nut an isolated one." nor weeic ago in tnts city a gentleman o culture, edncation, and character,'' who has enjoyed abroad nil the pnvdeges of a traveler and ijuest, was refused a ticket to the family circle of tho A cad eray. Not three weeks ad the com mittee which waited on the President from thisfeitv in behalf of Mr. Sum ner's bill fvere refused accommodations at the depot rcsturanfin Washington and only succeeded in being enter tained bjiiiisistingupon just treatment. It has scarcely' been three months since the cm. cretury ot tho American Lgalionjat Port au Prince.the Ror. J. 'I'L . TT.iii.. I.:. :r I . i a iu:o. xxvity , wuii ins wiiu unu inree children was' refu.od a state-room on the steamer running between New Haven ijind New York city. Eyn this insult to tho American Govern ment, which would have been resented by tho Government had it happened in Europe to a white Secretary of Le gation, vfas only on a par -with the spirit of caste exhibited by some Christian (?) friends of Mr. Holly in this city who invited him, in the ear nestness tf their missionary zeal, to bo their guest, ai.d then placed hm at cidentally broken in the stone-cutter's shop, only a few'daya. before it was to bo erected. It Doru the following, in scription: i ' , lie r Tandem Feticts ', ' Co n d a n td r Rel iqu '" I DO A HI, ALL AN POE. Obiit Oct. 7. 1819. 2Bt. 381. Hie tandem felicis l Hero at last ho is happy 1 Carj, anything be more beautifully pathetic ? Here. misrui ded child of gpnipa, victim of want, of disappointment, and of thy own ner3 paHsions, thou djdtt find that peace which was denied thee during life. In my conversation with Mrs. Clcmm, she gaye mo. many interest ing facts about Poe's personal appear ance, bis dress, etc. He was five feet eight and a quarter inches high slight ly but elegantly formed; his eyes were dark gray, almond-shaped, with long; black lashes; his forehead was broad; massive and whito ; his mouth and teeth were bcaatiful ; he woro a long but not heavy mustache; his hair was dark brown, almost black, and curly his foot and hands small as a woman a. Ho -was very neat, even fastidious, abotit hu dress; was lond ot gray turn -do wi a second It's no table!" place, for a woman." So said a young husband in Lawrence to his wife a few mouths ago, when she, tired of staying alone, took her thr e little children to the billiard-room and took a seat by !his side. "It's disgraceful," said he, looking daggers at her. "I know;it,"jcontinned the injured wife,, 'and yon jhave borne the 'disgrace so long; ray pear, that I am determined henceforth to share it with you;" and she took out her kniiting work and settled .down for the evening. Her husband persisted in urging her to go home. 'T will go," said sbe "when you-po, nod not before J, v He was- evr and went rhome a' little "earlier; than usual.' j J . , ' The next evening tbe programme was acted lover aguiu This time the young .husband went home a little earlier than-before?' and carried ' the baby himself. This was the last time he was ever seen at a billiard room. A similar occurrence was acted a few mouths ago not a hundred miles from the County seat, but this time only lasted one -evening. Ladies try it; it works like a charm. -Decatur-lie publican clothes: he always woro a collar and black cravat. His custom was to walk up an down his library when engaged 1 literary composition. Ho never sal down to write until he had arranged tho plot, tho character, jand even the lanjiuairo he was to use. lo inis may, be attributed, tbe extraordinary finish" which bis; Compositions dis play, v '(. .Tho trna atorv of -Poo's datl ha s " In thi) aumiinec-ot' 1849 he left Ac W York for Viririnia. In Ricnmond hkj met Miss Elmira Shelton. whom lib had known, iq. his youth, rcnowod his acquaintance, and in a few; weeks' thei were encajred to be married. Hi i c: J - : . u XT.-.ik wrote iu iiiij iiiciiuB in mu nuuii, that ho should pass tbo remainder of his life in Virginia,, where tho hap piest days of. his youth had been spont. Early in October ho set out from Rich mood to fulfil a literary engagement i.. Now York, and to prepare lor his mar riage, which Was to lake place Oil tho lXth of the month. Arriviigi 'Balti more, he fouiuJ that ho had mis.sod the Philadelphia train which ho expected to take, and would have to wait two or thrco hquirs for the next train. He went into a' restaurant near the depot. There ha met some of his old West Point friends, who invited him to a champagne supper that night. lie, accepts 1 the invitation and went-. At first ho refused to drink, but at last ho was induced to take a glass of cham- m i .a m pagnc. mat set mm on, ana in a lew hours ho was madly drunk. In this state he wandered off from his friends, was robbed and beaten by ruffians, and left insensible in tho streets all nirht. Tbo next morning ho was picked up and taken to the Maryland hospital. . V NdBTHEtN Statesmen. It has been often declared that no great measure has ever been originated by Northern statesmen, - Alexandria Hamilton, and the illnstrious financier, Robert Morris, are usually put forward in' answer to this assertion.) But Alexandria Ham ilton was! a native of the West Indies, of Scotch descent, and Robert Morris a native of Euglandj who came in ear ly life to this country. The American Revolution could never - ba've ben achieved without Southern; statesmen and soldiers, and it was Southern counsels which guided the government np to 18G0. What has become of it 6ince, we all know. It would be absnred to limit intellect to decrees of latitude but it seems prettv clear that the genius of the North does not lie in statesmanship, Lynchburg Aeic8.'. The Socth Since the War. One of tho most important and interesting reports ever made by a .committo of; Congress, will be that of Representa tive Stevenson, of Ohio, on. tho finan cial operations, past and present,- of the Southern States. Tho report will show the financial condition at the timeof secession, and at tho surren der; at reconstruction, and now; show ing in addition, the losses by tbe war. ill lacraua nf tli litbta tin tn tbn time of roconutruction; n-om that tlm to tho prescot time; a' so, tho, cost of conducting the Stale Governments 61 the different periods, and, as near a possible, the amount of. taxos levied, how the debts wero increased; what frauds have beep perpetrated, as well as the general resources and assets of each State. Two drachms of camphor, half a drachm of pure salpctrc, half a drachm of pure muriate of ammonia, and two ounces of proofspirits, in a glass tube or narrow phial, will ' make a pretty sure weather guide. In dry weather the solution will remain clear. . On the approach of change, minute stars will rise up in the liquid; while stormy weather will be indicated by the very disturbed condition of tho chemical combination. A Gentleman jut from New Or. leans avers that, d Jring tho recent muddle in that city one member of the Louisiana Legislature sold out six times, and that members sold out fre quently and openly'. In fact both sides had to keep some of their mem bers locked up to prevent them going over to the opposite side 'for a con sideration" At ono lime, one of the panics bad in their pool over $100,- 000 with which to buy over members teein tliat -4K.ae as ? f I 11 Vtii ii V vuivi mmy ExTixouisHisa Fibjw. A-very inter esting experiment m exticgmshinp; fires was made at tbo loot oi street on Monday '? evening, lo na presence of a large number of prom inent cjtizens. : lfor ino purposo oi demonstrating tbe a'sefolnesi and the capacity of'tbrBatcodrFiro Extin4 guisber, a small, framt'nonse, iweivo feet by fourteen inside and fifteen fact high, was erected, .and in uis,were nlscad twelve tar barrels, a wagon- . .. . . ioa oi snavtngs ana kiBuuB-""t -and bter the wbola. were i poured f test ; r crallons of .kerosene : oil and bepiine j f To Uiis roost inflatoable massa match was 'applied; ; and in an Instant a 'rear'' " ing pre was raging. The flamei les4" up almost inslaneously tafiyict above tbe top of the little bdnsA.tnd, t thn assembled multitude scouted the idea1 of its being put out by any na mart aeency. lint n man soon -ap peared with one of BabcocVa taltiv. fy gnisUers lashed to bis backand turu- x J ing the stream or water and gas to toe t burning pile, in forty-five seconds " he ( naai enureiv exuniinisuou iu i The feat was looked on almost as . sw ' miracTe, aud the old firsmen present, I nald; if they had found sucbra tfire. My .f that burning u'u any'.bnildieg' t?oey. would bare made imattart)t to put it lored to save adjoining property. .J : fy jiittw. , They are diflereot entirefy" from these' exhibited here some years ' 1 ao the mannor iu which the gaa generated. In the old machines the cylinder was kept charged wj.tb the all h fitno and the eonaeauaDce was rthe machines were'strainei under the pressure and rendered va'neiess in tbe time of'"nedrIn the Babooek na cbioe the gas is made-inatantaovooaly when it is wanted. All the iitgredi- ents are contained iu the cyliuder, and , the simple . lifting of a" small rod precipitates one1 upod another, by t which means the gas u evoiveu. iu , thejmachine used-, iu Mondays ex- . periment there was no gas until tho fire jwas well going. Jto For nf"? Hail. ''; - ' ' - :--1 4 I i : , . , v rfAHMT-BAaaEhS. Accofdiot? to tha ideas of the editor of the'Konicr a?tn " nffrji carpet-basrlrers had been known' in the time of Maobetb; tha witchef ' njicrht bve saved themselves an im- . m . a meuse amount ot iroaoie in going so fur for some of the ingredients of their celebrated' hell broth, and improved on by 'resolving one of tboae peri patetie animals.-. He aay; '-Ths dev il firt'iiivuted snakes, fleas, acorpians, tarantulas, centipedes, , mosquitoes, gnats, byena, . pwl, buxtards; hawks, vultures, aligators, stingarees, 1 " a, a . gars, snarka, cuigrrs ana vampyres; and to coudentrate all tho meannesH . and, deviltry iu creation, bo put theso in a cauldron and boiled thorn ; down and' produced a carpet-bagger,- as thn craud masterpicco of a Sitaniu bate. ' Aud Satan, smiled wken hs eye first rested on 'his laat born and favoritu bantling. ;;; ., . ., , , ValentisW UTr.-n,al6nl in a -TKt pope, or bishop of Rome, that lived in i ft if the! ninth century: who, on this d,r established an annual custom of tha poorer clergy drawing patrons by loin for the commenced year; and tbean natrons, or benefactors, were called Valentin.. After bis death, he . wi canonized for a saint, and bis feast-day kept on tho fourteenth ilVy of Februa ry, whiH? wavtho'icfht to be Ins birtu day, Mr. John Gordon: in Ids ma moirs and account of thopope. says. "that Vu'entincj was too good n man tt be a irood pop, and died forty diy.4 after his consecration, or instillmeot: being choked wrth a fiih-bonei" , This custom,' iu Britain, evidently appears to nave heen copied by the laity from the clergy, in the days of popery, and is a very ancient ' custom, , being almost of a th usand year aUnd ing The birds too uro srippotsd t choose their mafo, an 1 pair on thi day; which, no doubt, ii an additional -reason fS our youth of both sexes who are I approaching ', to mtrimonT, Ui- write their venes, . and witTi muoh injrennity ply scissors, pflh'an.l psricit:" in honor pf their selected and allotted r lovers'. J. ..- ;'.-;,- I . : , , Gotebnor Scott E-ctrwIrotica WENT DTI 118 VOTE. IU tUO South Carolina Assembly last week, tbo second attempt to im poach Governor Scolt. instigated by Oie colored- mtm-. berlWhinper, failod by a tie vote 40 to 40, when the Speaker give' Lbs enst iagjvote in the negative. The colored -member Bras, shot- by af eArretrrondsnt of the Charleston Atuu. was abbs to be i in bis seat to giro his yote for tko Governor. , . . ' i . L- Another movement' is now-.being . made looking to lbs noinination of Seuator Sumner for VretiJeat, nrKati.t n. fti.rt?rii littnmr tk m mj i J4jixt - - -t of nil factions and parties. Xti. pjr post is to bring in revenue reformers, c'vil sorvieo reforrars, woman 'shffra-i ' gists, civil rigbtei o and diaafTectod per son s generally, as welt a) the few Dea- oera'a who msy be found willing to joib for. the purpose, and with the hop of defeating the ro electiou of General Grant. Thi project is rpito freely :. talkod about, and has (ho appearance' of earnest neas, which at least giv it ' character and some etrengthJ Wash.' Correfpondencc of the Rcdtimorc GazttU. We should prefer Gtsnt twice over to -imner. We regird Sumner as tho deadliest foe of tho Sontb in the Re publican' party. Look at his bill fn favoy of mixed publio scboo's. 2?tcA mond Eaquinr. . ' ! f rl i ! V I: fAsniNOTOs, Jnoary.2D. Th's Sen is 'discussing the res-lut loir ta bring derelict Ku K lax witnesses tu the bar of the Senate. ';!' ' In tiielloiiAe on the regtiTar Call, it bill1 was, introduced remoring tji t political debilities of Martuin J. Craw ford, of Goof ia, who has gone North . to lecture. Upon his ; retnrn tho Vanee-Abbott contest from North Carolina will bo resumed. I ' j;- ; r General BcTLra has introdnced a bill in Cungrehs pioridinjf for woia iu suffrage. Ho evidently meap-t to mu oguin for Governor t f .Massachnaett-. i