THE" 15AGtiE;": PalslSs&i . eyeryJTtasiay; noxning N:C.. KC. -T. McSween, .lUS -KHTM aY2 PUBLISHER y2E!IS OF STJBSC&IPTIOX ; " ' 1 Cash ia advance -ot its equivalent, at the On cody oa rear thr dollar, v On ftpy.six mouths one dollar and a halt - Fb? every etna of vrva cbceebes, at the rite of three dollars a year each to one place. at extra copy will be sent gratis for the aame time. - --i v.. , ; ; Ta orrt will be cent to one address at tba rale.fef TWO.vSouu.'fts ax a bait a year eae&o And twnti cor 1x3 ta one address, at t be rata of tvo dollars a year each. Teh copies ia one order will be sent a rear for lu:;-itt-.-zi $ , jr I $25 00 Or nix "month for; i v 12 60 Oc three men-tb f-r , . . 6 25 Twenty copies iaona, order trUrb sent a rear for -J 'i-- - - v $4 00 Oraixm&ntlnfor-t" ; : 20 00 Or three months for, V .- , . . "? 1C 00 Thi Eoi will be aent to Teacher. Minis ters aad Disabled Confederate Soldiers at half price. -Single pa pra 10 eents ,: ' ; - W -Y'. ;.:., ---' v .. 'Y . . Y -- Y : Y :. Y . Y: iflv . . -;,-"Y : V : Y- v .'-YYY." - ,Y ' Y - ' : . ,Y -.J .Y' . yoL--; M?'3&h : : , fayetteville, n. ,c.,.tiiursdat, march..! ist::-;. Whoif Nciss; THE ,E AG; MONDAY, 11ADCU 111S72 it 1 , TfiBtfS 01 ADVERTISIKO.. r Oaab, in ad ranee or its eqiUTalent,, at niviii mwm t ' :,. ' ' ' ' for aohlusrtiaaaflrwardrf, of transient mat ter; and by eontract as lollpwa w adTance,: as i s a? - y " Half inch j T $1.25r&0O 2.50 4.50 '7 50 . ' I 1 r One inch, $ 4.6Q fv4.00,l 5.00 '9 00 15.00 inehee.- $ 5-00 1 8.H 10.00 18.00 27.50 Three ' l I I ' I inch en $ 7.00 11.00 14.00 22.50 I, 35.00 Ponr-' - - t I 4 I inches. ft 9.00 14.00 13.00 1 30.00 j 45.00 I'onrth 'v - .- - eoloiaa. - $12.00 1 13.00 21,00 3G.0a Half -ooromn. t I $20.00 j 30.00 j 40.oo oaoo 55.00 90.00 eolamn. $35.00 1 43.00 (22incbs ' " I i 65.oo loo.oo i isaoo ! All adTertisementa mar be changed once ererr three months without additionl charge. For erery. other change there wilt be an extra charge of twenty nts an inch. Twenty-fire per -ceat i added to the above rutea for epeeial notieea kep ;nside among editorial or . I 1 ' V - 1 1 r .1 reaain.3 maiser. . joitury duhcw ui mora iuhd Jialf an inch are charged as adrerttaeinents. I iCSpecial contracts made on reaMonable terms. ' . ; Hn4biH, OanH labels, Bill-fTertd, Clank Forms; aw an Jcinds or ordinary fob . work don promptly,, neatly, and ebeaplj. Oration of Col. W. S. JIalliiis. "Wo clip from the Chenterfield Dem ocrat of March 1st tho foUowinr com plimentarr alluMion tc our well-known and talented friend, Coll W. S. Mu.1 lins : ' ' - , - . On - TharsdaT. Iho 22nd nit., tho Chcraw Ljceuih celebratoil ,ita eix tcohth anniversary in a manner -that witnessod tne interestfng exercises Che Town Hall. Tho undienco was unrtsnally largo ana very seiecw 4 tion Un Q -v'olnr-lr tlin hnll . WPS 'filled 1 f J UW J VI vi i v v . . . v with Udies and gentlemen, who had rnmrt to bo pleased and elified. The first xer?iae w,as a beautiful song, by a trained choir of ladies and gentlemen, under the tliretion of Major McLanch- iia4 Principal ot the Cberaw Academy. Then, after a short, appropriate prayer by the Hector. IHood, General Prince, BisnoF'ATTSjNsow.'Wih contact jsgr- vices at ihe Episcopal churct i liere next Sunday, and onthe'ereotng ' ro vioas. Our poopler always delight .to hear this 'able rand weneratl djyirie.--- Thia ia noUthe regalar anDharyisita? Dr. tieo. Y alter Sites, editor pt. lue Salem Prees, died on last Sunday, after a long and painful illness, aged 1 38 years. , Dr. Sites was an able, forci ble and polished writer, and , by .his death the Conservative cause has lost one of its ablest defenders. The School -at Little Biver Acade my, is prospering fijiely. ! The depart ments are now oomplcte, and no school ia this section now surpasses this institution." All the higher branch es pertaiuing ta male and female edu cation are taught.., Jesse K. MuL.can A. a teacher, of long and success ful experience is Principal. eMiss - E. P..Bevelle has charge of the music de partment. She is a graduate of Wcs- leyan Female College, Mff"ecsboro', K. C., and highly accomplished. The best teachers are secured in all the "do- partments. : C. . ' isDESTncnBxa! ATao. The Jndes tructible "ag ia aj great, eonvenieace to merchants. It answers - tho com bined tmrnose of a direction, label and basiness card.1 Call at the Eaglk Or Fice and get a supply, ;' Snow in Jlabeville 2 feet, "Marion; 18 nches and Shelby 14 inches deep. Snow fell in Greensboro last .weft ta the depth of two or three feet the heaviest since 1857, , 'j,, , , T. ' The colored people "of , Greensboro1 are to Dare a iiDraryana reartintr ii n 1 it' "n-'it.i ' J"f ' - r: 'President of the Lyceum, introduced, as tho orator of the day, Hon. W. S. liollins, of Marion: flTe would faini present an abstract of the able and interesting address of MrC Kullins; butk the want of spaee -and the pressure of busines forbids SatfSce it to say that the address was Just what "might have been expected . from a man of theT rfch? intcllectunl endowments and true oratorical ' skill of W.S.Mullins. Although the speak er consumed an hour and a half, there ' was riot one of the large audience who would not have listened much 'longer vith''pkaoro and with profit.' 'j The Southern Home, of Carlotte, says; Mr. Brown, of SteeL Creek,, w.ho ; abltshed a notioo in our paper of the 23rd of January, of the euro of his wife of consumption, by. the. use, of kerosene - oil, ; has been so troubled with letters f inquiry as to. tLc man: ner of its use lthat he rcqnesU ns: make the statement through the' col umns of the Hoie. Mrs. Brown took 1 0 d rops nightly on goi n g t o bed,'" ' i n three1 ' tablespoonrulH of water:- The kerosene war a pure artfcle,- such asjs ! used tor bartirng. T i 7 1 i , 5Ve are in rcclnt of a letter from Hon, 3.M. vrhioU ho-expres-t ses tue opinion tnAt the tux on tobacco will bo uniform, and some where be tween sixteen and twentys cents. A test vote shows that the liouso is in favor of this measure by majority, of cighteeB.-y-reensioro patriot. t ; . There is a great scarcity of corn" In tW eastern, portion of this ! connty.- in consequenco-oi vno great umucr of defendants and witnesses who"" had to attend the Commissioner's and Fed eral .Cqhrt, last su m me'r, many J farms were 6tf Uaif caltivated an'd very abort crops. were m&de.RiUAerfyrdton i Cqr-5x.--Scaall oonrt this weeV.' -Few. lawyers from a' distance in atten dance, bad . roads.- we suppoRev the cause No con:rt , Monday ; Tnesday adjourned'; for agricultural meeting"; Wednesday jury charged; several cases of submissions, hat io! cases ' of im portance th u s tdr.Gretn&orPatriot There-are firo tobacco t factories at Oxford.' One of these manufactures exclusively plug tobacckjwo of Ihem exclu8ivelyt smoking tobacco', and two o'f them manufacture both- plug and smoking tobacco." , ' ' The celebrated school of "Messrs Horner & Graves is in an unusually prospsroas condition and te deport ment of their soholars has never been excelled for gentlepanlji propriety.'.,. The ofScial report of the officers of TFUmilgtODi N- ibowa the debt p f tbit city to.fci pip,j0Z.rJ, A cheese factory will ! be in op-ra- in -Ilaywood county next sum mer. ' Governor Vance will deliver the -ad dress .before the. Literarv Societies of Wake Forest Colle;e in Juno GjeeuB.boro' is. about .to organize a fire depar.tmeut., s: i . , r -if " :: i'i.rl'f -- Warrenton is orffftniVino- . -v-.T--.ra-t 1 J t- 1 " huuw.i-ju 18llaer company (:X U Wake Forest Coileg)haAiX00.;stu- Tbe'Southera .Baptist- Con vention caeets in Raleigh on 9th. of Meyr . . : T " 5Che' StOckhoIdeV of tba TTr rt KavaraV - 12tn-iast.r."r?--. " "-. The steamer Caswell ; has. corn menced. running between Kewbern and Einston, ? . j ',' 7 s ,4, An Act forExcaans-ng the stocks ; , of the State icr Bonds with which snch Stocks jeri obtained ana it. nCii!. Mrs4 Mcnningor, the wife of theSeo rctary of rlie State, cowhided Tim Lee, tho sheriff of Wake, last week for talk ing about her. ; ; - . , There .was a vry heavy storm of wind j and rain at Lumbcrton on Friday night. Many trees and several small buildings were blown down. We learn that all the TJ. S. troops, now stationed. at this place and Ruth erford ton,-are 'to be removed to 'Lin colofon and Charlotte on Monday next, Cleqveland Banner. ; . V : : , At the various sales of real estate, which took place at the Court House during this week, there was probably as much as fipo thousand acres of land sold in ditTercnt tracts, tho rast of which was , bid off at , very, low figures. Rockingham OUervcr. , 1 . Rather Severe. The Raleigh Jr, edited by Xjewis XIX, is rather severe on Andrew. Jackson Jones, Ex-President, of tho "Western Railroad. Lewis ghonld not speak as plainly concerning the crimes of his erring brethren, : His party is made, of such as Andrew Jack son Jones. " . ! 1 Col. John L. Bridgers. of Edgecombe, has been invited to address the -rotational Agricultural Convention, which assembles in St. Louis in May. ? : ; Fifteen thousand pounds of., tobac co", vh3 sold at 'Mo re head's Warehouse in Greensboro on Wednesday, prices ranging from $4 fo $75 per hundred. - The regnlar. meeting of. Wilmington Presbytery commenced its session at Brown Marab, Bladen . county; on Thursday, 7th inst . ; ? I '. !;- - -! -: ... .-'..- .5 ; .- Sheriff Robinson, ex Sheriff Powell and Mr. Blatfey Williaius. of Sumpsoo, who were arrested by the United States troops for au alleged cousjiiracy the government,-: Lave had, an 1 exam ination and been released, r ' " .i i .. ' I i f-' . vf Peter ' -Leach, i- sen tenced to . ;:six months imprisonment, for robbery -in Robeson county, and John- Brown, convicted of rape,-. have, been sent to New Hanover county jail. - The latter basSfppealed to the Supreme court. j r The Rev. D. E. Jordan tho Presby terian minister at ?Oxford,r who, ist a r en tl e m a of cu 1 1 u re a n d abi 1 ity, has been offered the position of. editor of the N. C Fresbyferian to supplj the vacancy created by "tho dcathof" the lamcW'ted'Slerwboc.:-''AVe' learn that he" has declined to accept. . ' r . 5?J . ; . . .... ' I The s Raleigh Sentinel says : ""We Jeartiod that the? Board' f Directors hare received propositkJnii for the hire of cvnvicts, authorised by &et of last JJeneral Assem bl .front Or:-; Wm : J. JJawkins, Ot the Kalcign ar-iinston B. R:j; VL.f Y.TfMcAden,f of tho Atlantfe, .Tcnnessed & Ohio R. R.; and W. McL. McKay; -of the Wcste rn IV B.V ' s t Three colored" 1 prisoners, confined for varku $ ToffenceSi eseaped from ; the jail. in'StatesviUe ona s night. flast V . .e week by removing witn somo lnsira ment th-brickrwaU tiear an upper story window, and lettih'themselyes dowri by means of theif , blankets. They have not been captured.' Y4 : HEAVTfSNiwISTOkM:.-Qv last Frii day iiight and day following the heitv- iest snow Btorm 'prevailed 'in States1 vitle that has occurred there for many years; the snow havtnj; fallen tot si depth of sixteen Inches on a level, and several feet in drifts "rfWest of there the. storm was miysh more ' severe ' the railroad cuts being filled to?a depth of four andi.fiyVeatV Y t The , Greepsboru -Patriot js in re ceipt of a letter from Hon. J.M Leacb, ia.whici pe expresses, ine opioion that the, tax i9n. .Iqbcco abe t uniform, and somewhere betweeq sixteen and twenty oenta. Atest vote shows that tba" Honsa ia iff favor cl this measnre by i faarity ol eightedn; " ' 1 , H Sec. 1: The CGened Assembly of North Carolina do eritfThaV;the Pub lic Treasurer and Airney j General shairadvertisefdr' siJPn th's in such newspapers aslfey nay seect; and invite proposal" i r n exebansre of! bonds by lvhtcbthe-0at0--acttnTred such stocks; any ih6r i bonds of the State iat spwjiii tjix) where thjfe stock bvot specially pjedged for tHe redfwn'ption of bonds fesued to such corporation; such bids feh all be opened on a day appointed, anil those terms be accepted wtuch mi? be j most ad vantageousr to tlw fitted Provided, That in nor jovent shall Sany of the said stocks bo exchanged for less than par value, or for less than threo bonds s of samo nominal value, issued in aid of Chatham Railroad, Jarluary tat, 1803; and vrovidea f urther. No stock in j tho North Carolina Railroad shall be ex changed, unless in the sarri offer it is proposed so take twenty shares , of sakock in tlfe North' Carolina Railroad, ten shares in the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroadand twenty shares in tho .Western North Carolina Rail road Company .(Eastern jDivisipn,) and to pay therefor two bojnds of one thousand dollars each of the State, issuod to the North Carolina Railroad under acts of 1848-49, chapter eighty two, or 1854-'55, chapter thirty-tAv6, one bond ot ono thousand dollars, is sued to the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad, xuqder acts! l854-'55, chapter two hundred and thirty-two, or acts -of .1836;"' chapter secnty-four and seventy-six, and twd! bonds of one thousand dollars, issued v to the Suit is' to be commenced by the gov ernment, in a short time, against the Piedmont Railroad," runuing. , from Danville,. Ta., to Greensboro N. C, to recover the road from its present own ers, the government cfaiming'to be the owner thereof. ".The Road was bni't dhriui.the." watby t he ' Cjjnfedracv. of the Baltimore viuzette.. , ; , Pop -Oxendino wan tried on two in dictments at this term of Robeson Su perior Coart, one for receiving stoloi goods, and the other for breaking j iil. on both - of .which he was Acquitted At the suggestion of the Solicitor, he wns, released. after giving bond in the sum of $200 for his good behavior. i Another or, the Nobth Carolina J .Octlaws Repibted Killed.t Wilminy tont C.r March 9.- Wo have to-day a seemingly well authentieated report, that Boss Strong, one of Lowery'a gang of ontlawff.-tvas killed last night-by James McQneen At f Andrew Strong's hone, ffive mile-; from "Moss Neck. McQneTt hiale this statement at Shoe Heel this- mprninrr,- and a posse left there to recover Strong's body, pre paratory to claimiDg.the large reward offered." ' ''nr--'?' - - The Democrats and Conservatives of Robeson councy held a meeting at Lumbcrton Monday, over which, Col onel N. A. McLeanr- presided, and Messrs.; D. C McLean and W. S.iMc Dairmid being Secretaries. The rules presented Central Executive Committeo for tho government of the partyi so far as they relate to county organization, -were adopted : f . It was decided, that: ono? delegate from each township be appointed to attend! the, Greensboro' ' Convention, and that this delegate bo empowered to select' bno alternate d The following appointments were made by the chair- mantfii .r.-Jt !-...: - .mil 1 M.- N. iMelver, J.' H. McEaehin, T. X McNeill, (Vlvin Black; R. B. Gre ory. D. C. Mclolyre, Capthiri Robert Lilly, Col. M. Mclfao,' Captain J." S. McArthhrV A. C. Oliver. E. C. Atkin son, John A. CollnS,"W. S. MeDair mid,Col. E. Wbhart and W. J. Ro gan.a ' '-!, - -c; .j - .The .heaviest enow known in this section fell Friday. night, commencing with a h'ght rain about 8.p m., and by morning wasl 14 inches deep. . Much timber was broken down and the shade trees in onr streets: were torn, limb from limb.; Several persons ? came in from Jlr4 E;,M. LynehTe 6 miles, on horses, and had to? cot their way with axes through the broken and bent iim-. ber coming through , the fields, when possible, ; They .were pear five, houcs coming the 6 .miles. , Saturday ', morn ing the cry for .tvpod was distressing to teamsters, but more so 'to those .who had neglected to lay in a supply. Y - ' t ' ri m i iti 11 riir n ti - . i i 1-1 ! i rir t Western North ' Carolina Railroad (Eastern Division;) acts of 18G6-67, chapter ono hundred aud ii"irr in the aforsaid propottion. v V j U, Sec. 2.-That any Railroad or other corporation, which has heretofore re ceived bonds of the State injexchango for bonds of said corporation or per son holding auch State bond- shall bo entiled to a surrender pjf a bond of ''mnehr-ro r oarati'CriwMi c bond ot equal- amoanij wsupd nndor the acts of the Gvnei-nl Assembly or Ordinances of the Conrentioiji, author izing such exchange, a i l upon a re turn of all bonds indued under any particular act or ordinance, the cor poration, shiill hi entiled to a cant-elhf-tion and surrender of any mortgage executed to the State forxeeii ring pay meiit of such corporation bonds, or State bond'; coupons son Said , bonds may bo exchanged in like manner and cut off and retained on cither side to make equality. Sec. 3. To facilitate the exchange proposed in this act, th Sate does hereby relinquish all chiiin for.stock in the Western Railroad above one mil lion one bund red thousand ' dollars, and surrenders to thesaid Company two hnndred and twenty-fiveitbousand dollars coupons cow ia State! Treasury withheld on a former exchange of Com pany bonds for stock in said Railroad ; and also the State ..does hereby relio gnish all claim to stock in said Com pany above six hnndred thousand dolr larsnponthe return to the Treasury of the five hundred thousand -dollars of Wilmington, Charlotte and itatherford Company bonds, aud coupons hereto- e very session. See'. & That this act shall be in force from-and after fts ratifications Y. Ratified the : 1st day of February, A. D., 1872. z)&?U-:i?$yh:J;-?y --Jr;l812:AND18T2. f : Sixty jyears igo,! the Biritish war ship. Leopard, fired into the American vessel," Chesapeake, andYtbe BVitih. crovernment and asserted the right to licwrcl a.trt erc"-m -Trrtee1-"ancli.ini press .LAm erica naijma. Utu'gi tuey were -rinau Baojecu. fium,r rogrant claim that oqce a eybject, alt Leoalitv or Investments in Con federate Bonds. The decision of tho Supreme Court of Appeals-, of Virginia, in tho caso of Walker's executors- vs. Page, "&c.; maintains the legali ty of investments in Confederate bonds made by fiduciaries ddring tho late war,. The case refercd to was an ap peal from the Circuit Court of Rich mond. A bill was filed In that Court to-et 'aside "a""alo made- by -O." Wi Khndo! pU, in May,lSC3.- of. tb v' ' How tirahf U'ennnft ariairof Ds or TJie Wilderness" T v r - - ". . . i ! , . JimJNyo, the Senator from Nevada, made il grand jpread-cagTo speech, ro- cently showing forth, tbo gloriea of; General Grant He dwelt with.fp. cial delight on his hero campaign , ift Virginia,. The. correspondent. ..of. : the New York World ., gives an acconht of tho' speech, and on thi VHi.nTf rfti'nt. 'tnkra tin tho orator, and shows how Grant got .ntO f . and , put of "the Wilderness.?'- We r.' quotof his interesting historical facts: -r.f Nyjo launched into a fulsome eulogy i V of Grant as a soldier, and ho was par-' f r t inn tTAwAn. rr ftrftflt nnrf IS T A ' campaign fron the Rapidan to Rich mond and Appomattox Coort House. It ilKtiot for the poor purposes ot an swering Nv. but to anticipate than dere Of speakers who will bo, Ibtoned to lar and wide next summer, wnen they speak of that hideous campaign, that X revlvo the true record of is berei "Grant has been in tbo wilder nesa beforor",doclarod N jer an(i: he wm como oat ot It as be did oetore. , TVtl l v J C r - V fore issued to said Western Railroad ' ; Yesterday '; being sales : day r was quite tut bu lent; towards evenincr :tbe cloud "was dark 'but- wo believe It ended in all thunder and no lightning;, j The Sheriff sold but littlr property, which went at the usual low rates. -' The county- Treasurer, offered for sale the entire list of delinquent lands for. taxes; but the' duly- three parcels were purchased by citizens, tho bal aneenwaa bought in for the State3. No delihqoehtl' capitaiions were 'offered, not because7 there Was ubt7ny : quan tity; Pf them;' but' tbey were too, high for the law1 1& reacU'..D'r 5th Company; Provided, That any person acq uiri ng a sh are cf S tato j stock i n said corporation, shall be entitled to all rights and privileges with the pri vate stockholders in voting, d in the electioH- of the directors whose number shall be determined by the stockhold ers of said Company. The Btate also relinquishes all claim to stock in the Western , Norih Carolina Railroad above four milliofia of iolliir.3.1 U. ' S'Jd. i. ,That aioon s the propor tion of shares of stotlif for which ' the State appoints ; one airector . in' any corporation is exchaupd, the right of the State to appoint such director shall cease and determine. d oqe director to be selected by lot shall be! deducted from .'the nnmber appointed on the part of the State; and upon acceptance of this act 'by any corporation and such guarantees 'given for jits 'fullfill,, ment as shall be deemed sufficient by the Treasurer. and Attorney General, alt further rights to. representation by the State either by directors or proxy shall cease and determine. I . Sec' 5. in at as as may be practicable, tho Public Treasurer shall receive the: bonds oum.u in excuange, and in the presence ofthe Auditor and AttornevY GeneraV 8"a" i cancel tho same.: It shall also .be, lB dutyno transfer the stocks and execute such conveyances of the other interest here in before mentioned ttslia 1 be deemed necessary, such conveyance to be in form approved by the Attorney GenerAl- t.,?; . r--; - -v '--i u.-t-''? Sec. 6. It shall be the) duty of the Auditor to make a minute of what shall be done by the Treasurer in the premises, and to mftt therefrom such entries in the books of his office as may secure a, just accountability op the part of the,! Treasurer because 4 of the transaction herein before men tioned. inriuoJa- ' '-"' ;r- J . .; " -Uv; ! ; Sec.' 7 The Publio Treasurer at,an makepecial reports npon tthe subject of thia act to the General Assembly at ways a 8QDJ&CS oi vrreat jjrifcniu, vutti. allegiance existed -when .protection was renou need by the citizenor refused :by the govern men f; and the boarding, searching and firing , into vessels? ou the high i seas in . a ; time - of. ; peace aronsed.the patriotiim and aaartioj spirit of our people land the cry "To Armsl To Armsli!' rang from. Maine to Georgia. rQar nation, was then com paratively yoqng and weak, and our oppressor was the "Mistress of the Ssas," .and boasted that her Aug hal braved trinmphantly - the battle and the breeze for a thousand years. Mr. Madisou wtw then President, and the clarion voice of Clay was lifted in. the House of Representatives, invoking his countrymen to the banquet of death, rather than the submission to wrong and" tyranny. Congress de clared i war.; Oar naval heroes,. De catur,' Perry aud others on the ocean wave, and Scott on land at the North, aryd Jackson with his Kentucky and Tennessee boys at the South, defended the honor of . the Stars and Stripes with undying and unshaken valor and intrepidity. From the crimsoned field of Bridgewater, to the plains of New Orleans, atrewo with Eoglish dead, one universal voice sounded ... t Strike! till the lut arml foe expires, Y I Rtrikel for your al tan and your flii-es ; God and your nati ve land !' ; Ameiican patriotism, statesmanship nod heroism on sea aud land, was vin dicated, and they who ' had declared that "the United States con Id not be kicked into a war with Great Britain," stood rebuked "as disloyal slanderers. " - How is it with this progressive na tion in 1872? We are bullied by Eng land and the .administration would now shull v see the Alabama claims in thelaeep tosora -st eeeftmmfcaTt urnnc will nevor, ty wftnpwMtfcMwl- leet a red cent. 'Tfo"JMcsoii procla mations for reprisals will ever appear. John Bull will never be seized by the horns, so long as he shows a disposi tion to butt or push. -Spain, too, now in the slippered pantaloon of nations, a fourth or fifth power,- can fire into, and board onr vessels with impunity, and, as tin. oM Tar, lately declared, af ter a "full inspection of onr - War "ves sels ".B'ow us ocit of the waters of the Gulf in a month 1" Can' such things be and "not excite onr' special wonder ? Can our once glorious eagle be hawked at Atul ' tilled " by every mousing owl ? Soaring amid' the rolN iug efondV ho" falls headlong from his pride of place, his pin mage-" stained with his own blood, and the fatal steel impelled and feathered from hia own broken pinions. lie lies "prostrate, and pecks, the ' dirty earth with a knowledge that f he i too feeble to bury' his beak and! talons in any more warlike enemy tlian a few half-starved, half armed Indians and a number of defenceless old men and women in the Carolinas, and otheiSonthern Provin ces'once kQowh'n States. " "How' art thou fallen' from Heaven, Lucifer,' eon of the morning! how art thou cut down to the groand which did Weaken 'the nations!"' '- '.'' ' -'-' -;; '-" ' :" y"'-::' - . ' j , - The Columbus (Ga.) Sun Says: "Hon. Alexander H. Stephens has just completed his Co m p e 0 d i it m o f U n i t ed States History;"destgned for'schboU, coTIeges'hitd general " readers. : :The vohim6f Jwrll ' comprise about- .;6000 pagepj5 psnal '"style, divided Into'5 two books Colonial and Federal History. It is being printed by a.. house' in Columbia, S. at HY' .r :'J - Candidates-poa .PftEsinENT.The following are the Candidates now r. in the field for the Presidency: , ; c : 1st Judge Davis of . tho ; Supreme "Court, tho; workingmeo's Candidate. 2nd Gen. Thos. A..Davics upon the Candidate Oath and pledges. - jli 3d Judge Black, of - the .Prohibi tionists. -- ,' i 4th' Victoria C. Woodholl raoniBiTs NOBODxI't.f ' -yit ' . U'":' J'1'1 : ?-';" " " ' ' " ' :' " ' - Only eighteen candidates for: Con gress in the Richmond, jVn.) district, r l-4?.y t-:-!; - ii.'3-y!'i".-"i! Y. .-",'rr-f f vlt is stated thai f a. major ity Ot the city, council qf; Richmond, t Va., ? are committed to, vote against annexation with Manchester. ; . ; ' : Y i.-t 'ii.ikih ' l:'.;r?"!it: 'l - . ::'' .-A ;.:' I The editors of the Richmond ".Whig" and A'Enqnirerwere placed-: under $1,000 boiidsHo prevent a duel Wed, nesdayvTPH'-'i- " iH-i.U:ev . 3fyv Washington and Loe University has been the recipient of ' $70,000 " by the will of Gen. B. H. Bailjr, of New Or leans H Yy;-- u Y-. y : y ! Richmond is still agitating the ques tion of a he w hooI . ' Parties in New York propose to furnish the addition al sum required for tbo erection when ever an amount not; Jess tbarf ' $100,-' 000 is subscribed in Richmond. 4 . Miss Cameron's book; ."Salted 'with Fire is treating a sensation ,' -V;- ! The President, of , the Granitcville Manufacturing Company, in S. C. in his fast Annual Report, ehows a grand total profits of$290,50S83, fropu which amount, after deducting expenses, or dinary and extraordinary, including dividends, taxes, insurance, interest, repairs, improvements, and fifty addi tional looms, he is enable to carry to tho credit of profit and loss account, 8187,631 48, -this op a capital of about $700,000, without omitting dividends, or assessing stockholders. ! The cotton ' consumed 3,080.123 pounds or 6,845 bales, of 450 pounds each, costing $527,625 74, and from which was manufactured 8,954,875 yards of Graniteville cloth," a matcral the valup of which, from its very gen eral uso and well known excellence, may bojr'eadijy estimated. 1 ; The figures of th. Baptist Church in the UniUd States for 1871 show: Associations, 820; churches, 18,307; ordained ministers, 12,013." -The in- jlii immf n I ymmv dB"trt ' m TTT yy " H-W.'f" "21: by 1' ttr. 47,003; by ex- pruu!,Jio0J; .y ; esto."aliOD; G,Q3S; total increase, 14,323.. The -aeoreaae; of the year has been By letter, 51,699; by exclusion, 18,513; by erasure, 2,917; by death, 14,014; total decrease, 87,- 175. Net increase of the year, 57,148. II aM k MtA. reserves, -tviicn l ti j. , of infants attaekinK tha clec-rco uut ui.iL r l-'-tr 1 VI - V-n-"t"ii' ix-- . "" ' r- tv. .- investmehte made of the proceeds in" Confederate bonds not under an orcrer previously, niado, but sanctioned. after wards, were not hg&Y i n ves t m en ts. The Circuit Court on this Bill decreed that the salo was void, and the invest menta bad.' ' "' ' ' ,T The Court 6fAppcals rcvorsed tho decree of said Circuit Court, and de cided "that tho Courts of this com monwealth had tho authority to make investments of the funds under their control. in Confederate bonds is no longer an open question "It is defi nitely, setlledby legal enactmeftt,, by repeated decisions of this Court recog nizing the validity of such decreesand investments, and by 'the Supremo Court of the United Stages." ' 1 t Present total As compared year, tuo prese membership, ' 1,489,191 with the . returns of last nt exhibit shows an in crease of 21 Associations; 652 churches; 1,195 ordained ministers, and 69,698 church members. ' ;Y ' - Chicago is indomitable even in her misfortunes. She claims to have paeked twice as many hogs, the;, pres ent season s Cincinnati, who has hitherto borne the proud titloxf Porh opolU, and threo times as many as St. Louis, her emulous rival in all mate rial greatness., ; Her . number , of slaughtered swine has been 1.075,167. The imagination - loses itself in the sublime contemplation of tho cords of ham, acres of chops, miles of sausages, antl Icagcs of trichina , 'Jews. From tho .latest official sta tistics, of the attendance at the high schools in Prussia, the ratio of Jewish pupils ' strongly', preponderates over those of other creeds. In Silesia, the number of Jewish pupiU in th'o high school is eleven times ' greater than that of tho Protestants and eighteen times thari of Catholics; and in the eight provinces it'is nine times great er than that of,Cath6lics and Protes tants together. .' " ;'. x ' . 5 t' '; "What do yob mean, Colonel," said S. S. Cox to Fisk, "by.the'plaeo wlicre the Woodvine twineth 7" To this in terrogatory Fisk responded r-' MYoo aee, I was before, lhat learned and dig-J nifiod body the Committee on Bank iog and Currency, and when Gar Geldj asked me where the tnoney got-bv Corbid went to, I-could not make a vulgar reply and say Tip a spout, but observing, while peddling through New .Eugland, that every spont of house or cottage had a wood vine twinj ing about it, I said, -naturally. enough1, where tho woodvine twineth." YTho speaker of the British Housebf Commons has a magnincent residence finished and kept in repair at the pub lio exnonse; and containing ono. hunt- dred rooms, Tl He. receives a salary cf $25,000, and on retirement, is always created a Viscount, and has a p3rsion of $20,000. which on his death passes to hi3 eldest son. -.' i i ii i - - ir vHur to i Repajb v Ragged teb". Moisten one of the vtorn edges and lap the edgesv Lay tb era between two 'sheets of j writing; paper, and rub the lapped; edges with the thumb. nail nntil warm by friction. The bill will be stronger in the fracture than else- Wbere -; r: ;,r . fiY'-;';Y.v-r'- bides the the; JLtapidan, i 125.000. - Led. at.he' same aaio, nau an.cnocttvo xorco.ot 52,000. Grant's reinforcements op to ine Dame oi uoia-uaroor, uune a, wet " 97,000. Lee's' reinforcement up to the. same, date were 18,000. Grant's total forced-including, rein- forcements, vas 222,000. . Lee's total forte, including reinforcements, was 70,000. Returns to respective gov " ernments showed that when both ar- ; mi'cs bad reached the James, Jane 10, th number of Grant's army that had been put Mors au cornea was in,- 000 ... ... Up to tho same date, the nnmber af Leo's army that had been pat hors du combat' was 19,000. tirant had , mora , than three men for every one that Lee had 222,000 to 70,000.! ' Grant lost more than six men for every one ' that Leo lost 117,000 to 19,000. Grant lost as many men as all Lea, had -and 12,000 over half as many .; more besides 117,000 to 70,000. Grant having in tho first instance , mdre than twice as many men av Lee-" 125,000 to 52,000 yet had to be re loforced Jby. moro men than all Jeo ey j er had 97.00Q to. 70,000. .These., enorrnous armies did not suffice, to overthrow Lee. This line, which was fought on all summer, was abandoned. - .L". .a mm . a All that summer ana tno iau succeea n ink and then the winter, and lalt the . L- .1.!. spring wero spent, ociaro, uy iuia , system of exchanging six dead or ,' wpundod northern soldiers ior every one dead or wounded soutnern; aoi- " dier, tlj.o exhaustion of Lee and hilar 4 my became completo nt Appomattox a Court liouso, ihis being the way In f which Grant got out of tbo military wilderness,' wo may imagine overr 01 U10 uobiaUrUu ul l 10 xn w 1 ry tie ' willif he decauffieapo Jrom the Jeroexa of popnar doobt,mnd ' diWia- vor that now eovironj hi path to re ' lis - . rf - -: ..., CC11UU. i ! "Das Rice, the famous circus rattn, has been thrown, financially, and bis personal prpperty in Erie County, Par, is advertised for sale by ' the Sheriff. So says one of pur exchanges.' ' . Hit is said: that the Washington Ghroriicle - has changed hands and will aoonf be published in the Interest the anti-Grant Ropublcans. -n of Better than Enjotmint. Never quit your hopes. Hope is often .bet ter than enjoyment, llopei often the cause as well as the offect of youth.: It , is certainly a very -pleasant and beal-Y thy passion. A hopeloless person ia deserted by himself; and he who for sakes himself it soon forsaken by iriends and fortune. - ; y A bill is before tho S. C. Legisla- , uro to charter a railroad from L'an- 4 ens to AshevjUe, North Carolina, by the way of Grecnvillo.v ' ' Ai a New Trial. Mrs. Laura D. FairY' the murderess of.Mr. Crittenden, has ' been granted a new trial- by tno su preme Court of California. T ; .': - Tho Washington telegrams ar , nounco that Go. Ilolden baa declined the mission to. Peru tendered him by President Grant, . . ' - Chattanooga has five temperance o '. cieties. The other houses sell whis- fails are .- t ( : 1 Love and Mathimont. Lov where wo espy all faults. Faults thick where lovo is thin Hot .lore is soon cold. Lovo demands faith and faith steadfastness. Lovo and a coagh cannot be bid.- "Marry in haste, and , repentj-at leisure. Love knows not labor. If thy estate bo good, match near home and at leisure; if weak, Tar off and quickly. If marriages ba mado in heaven, some had few friends there. Marry, marry, and what about the housekeeping? .Who'weda ere he be . wise, shall die ero he, thrive. It 1 a satl house whero tho hen ' crows and tho cock is mute. " U' J : 4 The art of conversation connfats" in tho excrciso of two fin?' qaalltieaA-Y You must originate, ind ; you must , sympathize; you mast possess, at the same time,' habits f . communicating and listening. The union Is rare, but irresistible. ' ' f , Girls, r'emomber that tho man who bo ws, smiles, and says many soft thlngi to you, has no genuine love; whil ha who; loves most sincerely, strugjle tf hide tho weakness of. his heart .and. frequently appears doQidodly awk ward; ' ' " '-" If ;wo would haro powerful mind, we must think; if would hate faith- ful hearts, we must love ; if wo would have strong muscles, we must labors These include all that is valuabloJa Y.v ti VJi v i'vt.? ..Women, are cilled tho ."softer ex,'V because, they "are so easily liumbaggsd Out of one hundred girls, nipety-five woqld prefer ostentation to happiness a dandy husband to ft plod r Why are persons with short memo ries like politicians - in "offloef, 'Be cause they are al way forgetting everything.'- t '"". . . V ". I W . ." '"; ", Why Is a' alt herring', Iiko ' an 'ura brellaf .' ,Bccauso it keeps' one dry, , ' ' : "Water, redden the roso, whiskey ha nose, and tight boots the toes, .;- S--.,.;. ' j ' . : --av ; -. -'."-1 - "'" "