,hnlW. Hamilton,' oTr-v TTA, jtr . j 'en i ten iary 'at Fa rceney. d in t.h ).'. - V -V"1'111 i Proprietor' : Js : . ...' ft,, - V . ,, i ii i r-si --V. ..- ' 1 ' . - A . J.. L.' f,,s V.- V- i . PAYETTEVILluE, N.. C, 4. a--s5- 1 1 1 r tw i v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 ii 11 it ii . - . . - II. ,- . IB lXm X4: . i Mat a A;catave Ci - $40 00 A- ;20 00 rfv 'w in. co nent to TwefcetCr Minw- .alO cents. ' t .':.v - (tthvucc or.jts rrniTUU. t ' . fdCoTf TKfVLhM AH WOT . ii rtioa. n.l . - ' -' 1 -iiirfy contract M follow in d ranee : IIONDAY, MARCH IS, 1S72. " There' are now ten prUd&crs in ,th jail at tbift'place. -. ' Bisbop sons Pplace ott last Suusy, nfgbt,- bopiiiJcnori confirmed 14 per at tlfe Episcopal chfercli .in : tBis here. Tbe weather it ii thought; has been too cold for - them-It.f year J is time .sbttd snd otber.'sh were 15.00 f One inch 150 I 4.00 I 5.00:1 9 00 I I Two r I I I I r V incben. t 5.00 8iX laOO 18.00 27.50 i i 1 r N.- .. - 00 1 11.00 I UjOO I 22.50 35.00 , v tk l t I 14.00 ; 18.00 i 30.00 I 45.00 M4 I I - 1 18.00 1 2LO0 1 3G.O0 1 55.00 vir i j ioo.ioaoo j 150.00 tged ones Ifor ; Vei ! ' fink ;'uork a,! v 4th, 1872: Sir i It seems that the. friends cmpcranco in Moore coanty are about fail victims to roncorn.oi tne sana ills, though it bo a very small sort of com. Vc wonld thank Fopcorn it he would pop at mtathc instead of being o prematurely re.ndy to scoff at young men who arc seriously pondering the nalhs of their feet. ' Wo think that hntt -fi tiivf f rack J vJUHaco i . 7 ' rw. ... ne onVUsc, vrai 0tixl rt- Out.- w.u wisiier 10 it nitnscii. e equn- . T..ftK atbondaut. : , -.' Beef, ;Ti8onff0ltonaftdrt)iher fresh meats are remarkably Scarce- in this market at present. The butchers are doing very little as beeves are hard to procure. Beef sells 'readily at 15 cents per pound. , Robert Martin, employed on tbe Cumberland,.an engine on the Wes tern Railroad, in attempting to get on the carsjwhile in motion, near what is called the junction in this place, his foot slipped and falling between the cars had his leg cut off below the knee on Friday evening last. . . Not a bad, lef or flower nor any sign of growing yegetation abont heie jet although March is nearly passed. We have yet the, heavy cold, of tnid winter.. Generally v tbi date we have the mellow odorous 'atmosphere of Spring, when plant, flower and forest begin -.to resume, their beauty ana growth. Improvement.-Wo "ce that 3Ir. J. C. Collahan has started a barrel iac-p tory in this town to be run by steam vrhich will turn oot rapuiiy a large am ount of work, uc are always rea- dy to take by the bahd any man who comes and invests his money in en terprises thatj will add to the material, n teres ts of tho town, andwo wish a Mr. Collaban's enterprise success. , .... . From the Auerien Historical Kecord. . More than twenty years ago I spent an evening with alady in Faxctteville. NvO.-theofde8t inhabitant' of that region, who was brouglit from Scot land while she was yet an infan t.-t Sho well remembered -Flora Mcpon aid, and said, "As yoq pass frbm the Court house to the market building in tt morning, you may see on the: left near'tbe creek, the ruins of her house which .was swept avrav-fcV a fire that jestroyed a-greater part of our - town ft) ore titaa twentr rears airo " v Shei!f u?rF"t&V?irK? :Z l'i I,:,"" Jhert' stopped to a . smair rhest ofnan drawers, and takini? otft dinjr paper barraocf leilVunxsU aiid .tljey and riding 1t id me, SW rSfih&r&lijtyMj' the niiliii:n&lit& sot05ldiPl lanre Jhan-ed'ro- 'a. -.a j tU3,Dles- so, Jtlora iho son?of loa who Went to1i0doo,t turned in state, foltoc Binga of thoasands;- -: Foor years after ben --;r,l Allan McDonwi' the Laird ofKinff4'' h nt long afterward she btti?ni nmtresa of the mansion wherein prJiiJo Charles had Slept in Vthele' of SjTov There, in 1773li'ii enCertained Pvojinfrfrahd; Boswell, 'iiidSallbVw 4hem tos oceupy the ?meP,W"Ve bad repod.boug,Tjo had been a wife twemrfrrsf ?? wMihe motb5 er of manyXchihti W aest spoke .31ARCH 21, 1872. A Wora 16 Southern Young Men. cry body lovedand respected her. .My mother was then a maiden, ano7 this letter was sent to her by Flora fro rh a . ner new noine in the isarbecuc con gregation up in Cumberland county.' I read as follows: "February 1, 1776: LEAB Maggie: Allan leaves to morrow, to join Donald's standard at Cross Creek, ard I shall be alone wi my three bairns. Cannaye come and stay, wi' me awhile ? There are trou blous times ahead I ween. God will keep the right. I hopo all -our ain are in the right, prays your "good friend, Flobt McDonald." ( Flora McDonald (who n!wa3's" wrote her name "iMorj ') nueu a conspicu ous place in the world s history at about the middle of the la?t century, fur it was she who chiefly assisted the .escape from Scotland to France off Prince Charles Edward, srandson of James the Second, 'of -England, who unsuccessful' attempted to regain the throne from which his grandfather had been driven nearly sixty years lforc The. Young Pretender, as ho was called, had landed in Scotland, drawn hosts of adherents around him, and fought battles with; the English, but ho was finally beaten, his follow ers Were; dispersed, and ho was for five months, a fugitive hunted from mountain to glen, from crajr to m ern, among the Highlands, and at l antl persons. length found a hiding place in the il i resting place of Uist, one ot the lleoridc, and a they went in 1775, btaitled in! find ' ng coveted repose. old war for independence was then lindlingi Loy-4 ai to tne house tr JSterirt, she was now as loyal to the hoiiscof fiarover or Brunswick; and she wa3 greatly in strumental in arousingiher cquntry mcn in the vicinity of Cape Fear, to take up arms for the Crownl! She and her kinsmen suffered great ialamitiea after the battle of Moore's Creek, in Febrnary, 1776, in which ihev were defeated; and soon after.thereieaso of her husband from Halifax jail, tbey and their children !cmbarled in an English sloop-of-war, for Sotland. The vessel was attacked by a French cruiser, and its crev becaning dis heartened, were about to Surrender, when Flora appeared on thi quarter deck, and by a stirring appfcal anima ted them with such fresi courage that they beat off their asAilants and reached Great Britain ir; safety. While on deck. Flora ws severelv wounded in the hand, bntme naid no her attention to it until she lia( seen companions victorious. -1 iiorn McDonald Iired nrtil tho 0t March, lt$Q. At her request her shroud, was mado of thesheeffi in Which the Prince 'slcnffit Kintrsturffh: and her remains were followed to! the j-ave in tho cemetery of Kiinin in! the Isle Of Skyc, by at least tlireo thou- For cighty yars their . Was-, avrercd onlv green sward. . In-'lSYl a 1 m . : ao. , cmai ic 1'iai. 11 tne young men 5 in our r-o'unty hae any inclination? t'tjr render ng 'their services to reclaim hvv0,j .i'ate man, it is not tho du ier.'he iustr.tXbc 8nch jt i!to 7,fl.c l'r.snK..,f f'ood undertaking - i.f I OOP. It -WOUUI 1 11 . . (tt n? to inculcate rflian L-o iniJcco Jieir in- lll w Wo learn" :tratsA'n- nc say. tnat ne nan found out. why they want tb send him to the penitentiary. W, J. Hawkins, R. Y: McAden and W. McL. McKay arc about to employ tho convicts in the peuitcntiary for building railroads, and they wish to have Joi-es to super intend tho hands as he s an experienced- railroad ; con tractor." They can. thus have him dctai'cd to take r e of i the woik, and pay no sala- Nhc would be only serving out lm like the others. The propo- is'u good one and tho people nrve a measure of so nuch 1 1 anif ccoitomy. r ma fv,75 ' dy S. hat SUA-e o- by at W not fi ra'ied f' iend who has ..dornjeroad to destruction by iflsof etVnand bullace juice? If Aoidd nndertnke it, it would be ''0iniaVtVle in i-liis brief space to give 'anything like an adequato idea of the height, depth and breadth of the nun and misery wrought by the advocate of -'Let us drink." But thank Gad. council tire fatten up by which" the jgreaieRi amntcaira can aT. those who are not so able to" defend tire fallen up nj- winch tlte I root Of Mr. Li. J.- Joi a drnUarl he reclaimed by I per8on street. It w K!MeCTune. Tl.cp why - -Joe pooped mt. eapctnully ... - - . BrsiKss- at Shoe Hefl. The aales tof a single store at Shoe Heel 4niraged fa general merchandise for the year llfcot np $82,000. There are two Tee other 6tores in that. brisk til ybich have done each a business iasteqnsl extent. lesides smaller "''tmiejjls, all trf which seem to be When tbe F. & F. R. It., I to be bnilV gball. be com 'hat place, we shall expect to Lrapidly boilding op and n nr. f Vi a man an One ftiea of tbe South. JioUsonian. Tcdnesday for r.6 ttumed to Fr, ai let A 1 Sj-he people of FjPUeM,be Wen for some lime congn"Hw..j; selres on not having nuy H' es duiinj n.o fU winter, and a -ceryiiti ed (. .... 1 d rt inark. "that with the rai . improvement that has beeu goiug on in Fayetteville evervthiiig is too green to burn." B;it everything mnst have: an end ing, and on last Saturday about 9 o' clock A. M., tbe seeming qoiet wae broktn by the cry of fi.il.fire! eali rac belter skelter rand at last found that tbefire had originated j from the 1 roof Of Mr. Li." C Joues residence on as soon overcome tranquility reigned once uore. - v 7 ' Fayetteville has been, , singularly blessed in this, andUherpeopta should ieel thaokfu). The whole. fire depart - - ' . - tnent has consisted since the war of an engine company, a hook nud ladder company and a backet company, wbo have on all occasions worked faithfully, but tbe engine which has been used is very heavy, and is not worth the ma terial required to bnild it r Some three months ago the. company appealed to the citzens for funds to purchase a new engine, buC to io put pose, the citizens saying that they paid taxes and the' town ought to purchase the engine. "The company, composed of some 50r 60 men, then turned over. m ft A the engine to tne town, refuging .to ave anything farther to do tith it. Sua we1 have been left to the mercy 0( fiery element, which' At any. time liable to break forth, devastating .e homes and laying low the business and wealth of tbe town. But thanks to ai overruling power such' has not been the ease. of Flora CS&mratdti wonld be Weeded to of its stirring inci friend in Laird McDonald. To his houne ' beautiful monument raiA2rec(ekd orer and romantic girl, fresh from school at Edinburg, to vUit her relation, - The island was S warming with ot diern. in search of the Prince, at Hhe head of whom was Flora' step-father. The fugitive could not much longer elude them. Lady McDonald hud conceived a plan, for his escape, but Johnson coanty ilhfiold on Monday, i found no one willing to brave the con sequences. '.'Will you undertake to assist the Prince?" she aked Flora. 'I will," was the prompt reply, and she was joined in the perilous enter prise by a young Ifinsman; Ncill Mc Donald. Flora obtained from her step father a passport from the island with Xeili and ihree others as a boat's crew, and Betsey Burke, n stout Iri-h woman whom she pretended ho had engaged u a seani6tres5 for her moth Vr in the Ilo of Skyc.' ! ' 1 tr -r ' I Kctsev unrKo was tuo 1'rmce in disguine, and on a bright afternoon the little party embarked from TJist. A terrible storm burs npon them that night, but they reached Skve in safe ty the next morning. Confronted by soldiers on the shore, they rowed east the facetious ward and landed near the house ot bir id march off Alexander McDonald. Leaving the jT'-incci concealed among tne tocks, Flor:' to' er secret to Lady Mc DonaiJ, who sent a trnsty guard with them to the Laird of Kingsburgh ma ny miles dis:aot, wbo was also a Mc Donald, and by whom they wero en- terlained for the ni;rht. On tho fol lowing morning, Floia accompanied the Prince to Potcree. She had con ducted him, in the character of her servant, through crowas 01 soioiers and people who were seeking him, and now she bade him adieu and left-him to-make -tris way to France. lie klHHed her and said, ,4(3ontle. faithful maiden", ,1 blitertain -the hope that we shall yet met in the fhyal palace."-r- Tney never met again. JNeiH McDonald accompanied tho Prince to France, married there, and long 3'cars after ward his son became Napoleon the First's .celebrated Marshall McDon aid. 1 Flora's complicity in the escape pf tho frmce became known, and she was taken to London with McDonald of Kingsburgh and others, and cast into the Tower as a prisoner of state Her romantic story touched the best hearts in England, and the warmest sympathy was awakoncd in her be half. The nobility of the kingdom be eamo deeply interested in 'her fate. bhe was not a. partisan 'oT tho Pre tender, neither was shof of his rcli gous faith. She had simply folIOwod tile benevolent instincts of a woman's heart in helping the distressed and forlorn. When George the Second aaked her sternly, "How could yon "re 10 Innnnr 4 K ah Am rP m r. . iuu iiicimi ui ill i -viisnu and kltHrHn,on ' '. J i. i , no sweeny repiieu. done for Qum mve r "Jcy aaa tou occn them to the memory?sof ver loyalty, bravery and virtue. . 1 Such is ft brief oatlitI,fcri LA to confer a reftc deutK :Jdoail. robe th the the Upslprn NnrfhVf roHna. It mav be a long time before the! sources of Horth Carolina will known to the country. It is remark able Jiow ig iorant tho outside world is of the mineral wealth of our state, 'of her natural advantages, her hea till climate, her fertile lands in east and Jicr matchless scenery in west. ' . r We have recently read ;with much pleasure an article in -the March num ber of tho Aldine. descriptive of some of the magnificent scenery along'" the Linnville and Watauga Rivers, and in the counties adjacent. -The article is illustrated by faithful s'k&ches of 'the Falls on the Linnville, the Happy Val ley, South Mountain, Watauga Fall, "During tho past wcjek there has ar rived at the . port of Wilmington 27,300 bushels of corn, and we learn that fall 50,000 bushels more is on its way here. ' " ; relewcd with her ihlnS k ' uon Her hoose was crowded with nohle visitors who congratulated her npon her release, and poured money into her lap, A chniscand ftfor horses were provided to convey hot back to Scotland; and so the fair yottng girl Hid a view in Morgan t on. ; While these localities are' described as beau tiful and grand, we are assured by those who are familiar with the facts that in the very section in which these sketches were made, there are other places and points of interest which surpass them in' grandeur and mag nificence. ! I j 'The mountain scenery in Western North Carolina cutinot be excelled anywhere. If a skillful artist would visit : that section and give to tbo world faithful portraiturcof the won dcrful btfiruty and sublimity of the Nat ural scenery of our mountain regions, it would be a. matter of; astonishment tliat siich splendid aoJ I magnificent works of nature have bcon permitted io Slumber injoiir m ids tn obscurity and silehee, while llioscjosa imposing and less wonderful, in foreign lands, havo recived the tribato of enthu siastic admiration aocl praise from travelers, historians aiird poets. Ral eigh Kevos. - i ,!j . V find the following good advice in th& New York Journal of Commerce io oouinern yonng men in New York: the-Editor- of the fcwfial of Commerce: . There are many Sont hern young men engaged in business in New York: They ara to be found in every branch pI traded -The -city cjs crowded with theoji and theXimber increases every season Scarcelv a mail arrives that does pot briag'scorea of applications for sitnations. s 5 soon . as a you pg man fiuUues bxseducsjion down soQth, and, ' in - mariv iinstaneeg before the completion Of Ilia atnds at school,' be fancies that ..he isiensiont vfor'a aala manftnttUAtNjork ialba divine ly-appointcd theatre iaf vhich? 6 ptay his part in lifeV Instead of remaining in his down-1 trodeu state and helping to. build np its lost fortunes and waste places; in stead of devoting his energies and giving his labor to the suffering South, he chooses to desert her in the hoar of need to eke out a precarious existence for a while, and theu return home filled with disappointment and disgust. It is fair to presume that a few of the yonng sonthr6ns act from an hon est conviction that they can better their condition bv coming north; but in a majority of instances tbe probabil ity is.that they act without proper re flection and desiro to live in this city simply to see and be seen to- frolic and have fun. Let me give them a word of warning and advice. New York is not n place for running j around loose. It is not a city for en- iovment and ease. Horrt, hard work, constant work, is the word in the great metropolis. Of all the cities in tbe United States, it is the poorest for simple minded, do nothing salesmen. I A young man here finds his level quicker than water. It may create some surprise among those who, after many perplexing flares to obtain situations, cling to tne idea of coming, to be informed that New York is not only filled to repletion with Southern salesman, nut that hardly one in fifty pf those "Who sncceed in securing places tuake more than a scanty support- .Xc,.och is, tho-. fact. Making mony i the exception: hot. the rule and that, too, after years of patient industry and unceasing activity: There are salesmen in this jy Mr to-iay who hare "honestly i toiled fot I fifteen ior I-VbltrTAeftwet year aal n Wib trsivfrtbeir oru necks snow anyiuing nut an empty pnrse. The rapid influx of; raw and inexperif nce-1 - young men from the south is grndnaliy but snreiy reoderiiig the financial condition of the old sales men more prccarions. It is like over loading the. life boat the sorgo is coming and all will go down together. Soimd. judgment dictates that this state of things should cease. The er ror is manifold and egregions. It de prives the South' -of men who should be engaged in developing her vast re sources, who should be planting cot ton and corn and raising meat.- It is full of anxiety, disappointment: and final disgust, and it works harm and damage to those who, after hard strug gles, have built up a trade that scarce ly does more than support them, their wives and children. " To snch as are meditating this grave mistake the writer (who has some ex perience in such matters) would offer a kindly word of advice: for the sake of your state, for your own sakes, stay at home. This advice is cheap, it costs yon nothing, but if yon do not heed it, your unwise refusal will cost you much loss of time and abundact vexa tion of spirit. Salesman. ! New York, Feb. 28. 5th r Debating Society A n n ra bcr I of Wilmington boys, 12, to 15 years ! of age, are about-to. form themselves in to a Debating Association, under the supervision of several young gentle men experienced in such matters. The boys of Raleigh would do well to follow their example. Hal. ientinel. So would the boys of Fayetteville, Out or Debt. Edgecombe county is now practically out ot debt that is, so far as the genera,! fund is Con cerned. ' " -' i . The only balance that remains has been contracted since tho begming of 1872, ana mat win oot amount to much, as the sheriff has already taken up 'most of the claims. ' , . ' : - Wayne Superior . Lourt, Judge Clark presiding, was in session last week. Thero were about 130 cses on the State Docket, and this number being daily augmented y the grand lory.- J true om -uuim agaiusi StCBhen Jiarlieta icoioreu ior mar- der, 'and tbe trial set for Thursday. Whole. No. 189. VThe b'.lles are said to Wil a irreat fiaany people to church. "r-- The Irish language is the Oldest now spoken in Europe.-.. ' The Virginia University has seven teen secret societies. ' " i There are 1,533 students: in Edin burg University. 7". i Forty-sir stadents are engaged' in post graduateatudy at Yale ,; - i , A Harvard student defines flirtation to be "attention without inlentiori,:, . The .Wisconsin Legislature, it is elaimedyis incorrnptible. ; k. isY ' Cornell JJnivc ruty h a 214 tresamen this year;. - ' .ww Uhlcago has- nineteen hwndred and eighty-seven saloons as reported by tbe police. Ex-Governor Bonham, . of South Carolina, is preparing to move to At lanta, Ga. The number of gallons of liquor con sumed in England last year, amounted to 1,007,127,573, valued at 5600,000, 000. Why is Mexico like a globe?" Be cause it has a revolution every twenty four hours., Ibere are two things that a man seldom forgets his first love and his first smoke. ' ,. When you go to drown yonrself al ways poll off your clothes ; they nay fit your wife's second husband. The fortune of IQefXi-fl Stewart, of New York, i eatimsted at Wtween fifty and sixty millions. " . Natchez, 3iss., is. the only city 4 in the world' which has. nearly 10,000 in habitants and not a single hotel. "About 5,000 feet of tunnelling are all that yet remain to be overcome in completing tbe Hoosac tunnel. The House of Representatives of Maine has passed a bill . permitting women over twenty five years- of age to vote at Presidential elections. Baltimore has 4,00ft persons em ployed in ssveral extensive shoe man ufactories, and their sales amount an nually to $GjO0Oj0Op.v i , . ,Itli announced by some ofJth Eng lisa uewepapers, that as mneu as hyal hundradmillioija of dollars are spent j jnairoasr drink loathe United Kiggv Uom of Ureai-l5ritaiian Ireland. Accounts from Western Oregon and Washington Territory represent the loss of stock this winter as heavy. Iu many instances half the band and in some instances nearly all have been lost. iTIier. TJcabornc t. :- Thera it a reaiatktl3 , '., -in all tbeirvsinffnlar f'hrt' theTiehbortjecasein ljlanPR -been exciting so maeh ictcrcsm CR0U. sideaoz.tUe Atlaniafer sovcrAd ATPLK t past, and one wbicb occcr- I f State some- twentv-fite or t- 'T- v ago. We think Jonca county ivait?-- theatrv. . ' v V f fT A wealthy raan named BaukToy bad, ft - among other children, a so a named Je'sse, who was of a wild, ra di-."" position, and, w hen boy, 1 "" disappeared., Tears passed intelligence 'was- received fro. wanderer.: Id tbo' cours"of a Bhnklev. senior,, sickeD- having.! in 'disposing g.-;?tf by will; made irrotisum lor tnou. v -i i it At mhnnld reappear, viu iu me evrx " . . . ' , . though Everybody believed timead., T, o.fi-. administered ahd h-: j w w ; ww cv- m a propexiy. divided. among tbo orat least, those who were kttowo .to be in life . : Mknv veara- afterwards we do recollect how.-long aman-apparfHl who represented himaoit.to 'Jai . Buckley, who, after a. lof g reaide. ,"' in ' Texas; " heating oMbe, death i of hv. father,! cama forward lo .Ialm him in- beritaoee. ,K ' I I,pTi''10i nbont tbe- nrna Jcwe JJanklay iboy ) : Jese Bahkley - Wsliffed that they rcc ognizel-Ijim -as tho roan, and even Mrs. Bunkley',vho was still living, at one timo thought . .she recognized in him- her long, lost son. Ilo was thoroughly familiar with almost overy little incident in tbeTlifo of yonn Bnnklev his habits,, bis schoormatft tbe various localities' which he wmV the habit of freqaootng, and f r with the residents of tho neighbor' in tho davs when Dunkley was To all !this we may add the renv0cM an fact that scars and maris oncb O,' .V", 1 ' 3 mm V. Tanceyville bas sold nearly a-half mil ion pound? ol jopacco inis season. Iticn. Holden. has aspirations to the Vice Presidency" and has his stri kers at work with a view to bringing . . .. . . ... him before the lfauical convention m Juno. In an article in the Washington Tranxript, rather favoring his nomi .' i i nation, wo nna tno loiiowing resolu tion, passed by a Radical meeting at Goldsboro on the' 24th nil: I ''Resolved, That in the estimation of this republican assembly. of his fel low citizens, there Is not a m'an in-the nation wbo, next to President Grant, deserves to be honored in preference to our ostracized Governor, W. W. Hoi den.. We therefore rccommond him for the honored Vice President. We claim this for him as an appreciation and recognition notonlyof his wrongs, but of the sterling loyalty, patriotism and union-loving principles of tho men of North Carolina; and we ask our fellow citizens throughout the state and nation to endorse our choice. and thus give tho world a proof that republics can be grateful. nor cool, nnaau lie ratea impnaence this rcsoiolipn laj's over anything wo have seen in a twelve month. This "sterling loyaltv, patriotism and union loving principles." Well, what next? W here is that pen that be treasured up as "an heirloom for posterity," and the "3 10,000 reward for Lincoln's head?" Make him Vice president by all means. lie and H. U. G. wonld mako a sweot letxm.-Greensboro far trial . - j 17,000 pounds of tobacco wero oId at Morohead's Warobonse Yfedaosday JI ' triol, vi'IT r .' - - prices ranging aiT.OOper'bnndrod we. . -. - I 3 . -. j i tn Lire uuucu umn.o -r. ladmrtted."10';' ,. u -ato"; the -" - ' " State". -. ."- ..' " ' ',--'' Dr. Cabin, having hearl the famous Thomas roller repeat some verses on a scolding wife, was so delighted with them as to request a copy.' "There is no necessity for that," said Fuller, "as you have got the original." The fact is stated that over 7,000, 000 copies of the Bible were circula ted last year ; more by millions than were ever distributed in one year, and three millions more than were in ex lstence in 1800. It is reported that the ex Prince Imperial of France will visit tho Uni ted States next snrainer. He is now sixteen years of age,' and is said to speak fivo languages fluen tly J Pomeroy's Democrat b n moron sKsavs: "Grant for President, and TweeoTnJ Vice iresiaenc. xne one givetn ana the other taketh. Blessed be their names.' The expenses of the State govern ment of South Carolina before the war were about $500,000, annually; now tbey are $2,468,000! High price for carpet-bags'. While digging with a pick in his cel lar, Mr. Bringham, of Baltimore, ex humed a box containing $7,000 in gold and silver coin. He continued to take his pick gladly. A young lady at a Western tem perance,meetiug said: "Brethren and sisters, cider is a necessity to me.'and I must have it. If it is decided that we are not to drink cider, I shall eat apples and get some youug man to squeeze me, for I can't live without the juice of the apple." On the reception of the Japanese delegation at the White House Grant made a 6peech which began thns: "Gentlemen, I am gratified that this country and that my administration will be distinguished." Yes, but for what? Neros reign was "distinguised. London is to-day the largest city in the world, far surpassing all those of antiquity. According to Gibbon, tfre i-irwmilikf isvn nt nnlnt linmo 1LT tuO height of its magnificence. wa l,2wf nnO. fho nnnnlnfinn nf Pekin UP' of the popaUttoa States. ": - - CovvytiA Soum Cabolix a, March 14 Among the measures Which be- . t ii came laws previous to mo wjjvunr rnent of the Legislature at midnight jVednesdayf was the repeal of tbo act creating;.: sterling funded debt.-1- Tbisi wrth the Other legislation. in tho direction of a financial reform, renders it impossible tu increase the bonded debt of South Carolina in any manner. son corresponded exactly known1 to be on the person The Remainder of thehaM accordingly orour th perior Court i and verely litigotefj either siue aomei of the State, and ments were most re . ur m. . and irreatlv diridlXlJ?? fJrW he olfiimant s identf-.witn uesse uaaa rw. . I V L ' . 11 ev. lue cause, inougp, aveofcuaur went ajtfainst him, and was-soon fol- owed m by a criminal prosecution, which resulted in a verdict of goilty and sentence to the peniteotsry, wberw he served out bis full aerm. bat became of him afterwards we never heard. '.! ' J How exactly does this history tally : with that of the Tichborne claimant, who, after a long struggle in tbe civil, court, now 'finds himself a prisoner in Newgate. S-tvannaK itipuhffn 1 .on dox.-M arch 1 In the trial for perjury a large-num. bor of, witnesses art expected to ba. brovgrrt- fbrwr-jMrwea to show that Ue clflimaint of th Tichbournccstrle :s Ar'hwr Orton. It is reported that detectives haro arrived here from Australia, with a warrant for tho arrest of Orton on tho charge! of murder. Tbejrcplj' of Secretary Fish to tho noto of Earl Granville, refativo to the Alabama case, bas only1 reached Schcnek. Thejtono of Stcfetary Fish's com municution is eminently pacific, and intimation is given of tho regret and surpriso of tbo American Gov ernment at tho English interpreta tion of tbe Treaty of Washing ton. - , Park, March 14. No negolfatioaa. for anticipating the balance of the debts are pending between Ira trermanv. Minister Pufaaso made speech in favor of tbe rwv the Ioternationals, yf declared, was a stif European society, J uies javre opposetrri -The first clause of tbo biN crimiual ofiebce to belong v- ciety was. adopted by 501 to it report a that l'rekln rV yesterdily gave -a. final notice fn. ir '1 glanlf)ftbe r.enttnatioa by 'yj, oi me commercial ireaiy. . . The! Prince and Prineesa of VTmUtT1 have departed for Cannes andJHfo. Tbe-deputies oi tho Left, in the A, senibly, bave nnrtuimoaely resolved t repudiate the Iuternational ' Society. Tne bill-for its suppression passed tho Assembly to day without amendment, it imposes various fines and terms of imprisonment for bokling office in, be longing to, or having connection with the Society, and in some instances de prives! the offender ol civil and do mestic: rights. . WARntXTON, Yiroixi.1, March U. Tbo con fere n co was in session until after 12 o'clock this morning. Bishp Paine j finishing reading tbeapioint ments; at 12 o'clock last night. .Resolutions complimentary to Bish- op Piwne and tbe presioing omrn wore passed ; a iid rcsolations of thanks to tbe titixens of Warren i Undirig he freedom rifOMsOH-a. the entire ceiegawv After a narmonioj davs the conletc 12;40 A. M-, to mW more on tno niif March 1373. From "Ruove Islaxi.- March 14 w- - 4 The BepoblicanSU.-e'Cs vention tally endorses Grant and Col fax, and favors their renomi nation. Tbe present State officers wore renom inated A Piris firm employs thirty work men in maunfacturing kindlintr wood rom corn cobs by immersing tuem in melted, rosia aad tar. The Sales of the firm am-nut to 40.000 an n nail v. H . ' Court met this "wrk !in , Rovkinjr-r am couuty. -r , r

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