THE EAGLE. Published Weakly and Semi-Weekly at Fayettevile,1 N. a - ' M. J.MoSWEEN, Editor and Pro- fritter. . ' - . -Vr-.--. - -' Ttitoraut uuT2 .. month l 5J. onins a-, V" 15 00. . . ;-; . . - . . - ?- YKRVfi Or WSXSX.Y f at " sins copies left rent aP ;VrT.vvtJ'.Riti7' EAGLES rnfikui-" " . a Half laea 15 U "1 "i.'.i . 1 00 Qua inea. one Insertion t w bee WW""' " " 3 75 Qua ick. six months..... - jj Ci.isah.twclva monvu. u tl .Anl generally one - T" .. t MtiM ni- eular or spe- " ' ' ' rttaemaat. . handed M by , m ten pt J ' ' -r .:, its - ' . " ' ' : ' jigJX j - " TlTr-tr ni,- - iggg" 11 1111 J.'-rrrdgfarsg.J. gai I r ..iiiiirrir n i -..g. ot. V. ' Wo. 31. FAYETTE VILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, MACH ' B N T A L N OTI 1 r I tines w C E . ith tbt T) r win K t m office at vw - - latMl improvement. . v.TWit. KRVIN FL0TD, nftrwrdi. Or dj ceBi tor eca - Oa ieh of spee month . o.t I ft ' - - - - " 1 .....- ro iiicVs oath v tkre mon. Vi' "--"si . t oasye'-"". v- Oo ntb . -, . - v . ' . ! T t"Thr montSt . . .... .. .t v " One Jr . V ' ' ' " " " month. ...""' 5 OU 9 00 10 00 18 00 87 00 S 1100 . 24 00 . 55 00 t 55 04 150 00 lTHbbs' hotel , CXSTHAOE, N . Cr Tfc. i taken cha of theabown 1 6 1 v. W public will find at Uaa eew comforted mntnD ecsary 'lao rooms v, ------ - be attppUed with A beat. . . , ; - - A; W. OAMFBEt Proprietor jan 14-wtf aw2t f . 'V- i . '. . . . r r cj t t i aortneatof U the vrio atylea made oy a, .i, furnish Mir frMds'lt OhO. , fl McKETUAN A SOUS. . ' .... ...... i.-.. , . ' - i : t m tr o . - , i- MHnRE, Wholesale and Re- i z 'I'nVkAnnn miuu je.aa v ? ara FayetteTille, N. 0. oct -iy THE CROCKERY. STORE ll ! have alao .aaortt Of harn A. A. feb ljan 7-ly 'A T 1. N.,bMITff8 DUUQ sTOBJS. and see those beantifal China Tea Sdts nt 7 50 for 44 pieces. AU housekeeper re inrited to to e . ICROCKERY STORE for eTything they need to IJW their honsoRB4 Kitchen- Onr stock Of Crockery, Glassware, China na stoneware i. the largest i ftyff- rfiB? grades. , . " ,Fin Sheen nd Uditf Scissors, Oii Cloths (and Wradow Shades. SilTar-plated ware of the best quality. . If you want a Tariety for which ya tan Bjake msereetioo, remember to eall next door to Kyle's corner. ' D jan -uot mf A. B. CAgTER FOR THE SALE OF taiaa. , . .. i . Ij - Snow tell oere au. One hned jind.tMrly; bales cot ..j, Thufs-iaV at 181. - UV,VrkjS - ., .:. : j Just received a freah supply f M9mz JlSedUints Dye, Paint Oils, Brashes, Spic, Perfumery, .Nop, Glata, Tea. Varnishes. Lampa, le- let and Faney Article. Liquors ( for Medical Use. Cigars, f Ale, Porter. Pat- . ", taitMeii ' I . cina, - " Dttttsf amd . SsJgicnl lastrunjents, Orders from Phyaijins and Country Mev chants promptly teuva to. tatfactton guaranteed. tf horsieand mule ; ' . , i ' a vul manv uot 7-wlyawlaml hare arnvcu uio. j b-- -old, nd some fine stock ITcro now. Mr. Troy baa introduced in T-MaUtar a bill w Cumberland Saving R,,k I lie Referred. US. BOBINSON, Draggirt Jt rharmaciat. JON M. KEASi V JOHN B. VlEA'ta'ak CO., COTTONY FACTORS f V' Nrlh, Va. About C.OOJ bales ot cotton na . tttion to thlTsaUof Saval itorea, , - K.A.,l.t to Favettcville irfco . fiilin of orders for corn. J The total re-1 reach i Vj Ve at may "Mints hero for. the year 10,000. ' - ' " . ' Ilon. T. C. Fuller, of our town, has formed partnership with Hon. A S. Merrimon, for practico oflatr iti Ralr cigh. Mc letrn he fill moye ht 'reaideneefr Rak-igh, but" will still at tod tobyEiness here. county i 84, of nbicb 3 are. iU Ibe Poor Huiists. rih C. WmtEHTJKST. Hanuiacturer. d Wholesale 7OO fS AND SHOES . - n-rk Place. Crar 01 23, w Ute of MfKwa. tww" l? t. T.aa. late f UiRoT. ' Uf.TO " late ef Cra3e, Hmfltcn may 4-ly rriJBEST AND .nOSTrPOJU two uw cottou IWer Creek aud R.kfisb will soon ..r.'here then will consa.uo nearly jnafl hlol cottonayear.; SS for the on T crop. mcreT-ainS .ha p eaMy ior u Qmck and L vn iini an uiru w ' .-' . n ttn-..n- PeTTOHUeUlly n- !"fnTe".r .rf iwrsWul-riy re- o,,e.s,c . - -j $5 tec . . . V1T.11 I'DHI a't I f time Fnrchase, or exchange lor A colony of C.hihus recently s. ..... i'.- Fsr Rier beU - f:irinin? aua f a , ;t sile bY sid wits aay timber basinet- Lt ,ilMore. For sale by ft?aa. l factories thro" . tory tnus is : IT.... Ji-ihn ii. Saxe lecture in North Carolina. Mr. xe Fm8 10 York Ledger for x ears, terest and pleasure. - . 1 JZ A. H coming to We have the New with mncu in- cottou, can w matic For sale by feb 2 J-mch 5-ly CHAS. GL.OVEB. FaytteTille,N. C. r O B E R A1 T M I TC HEW 1 QEKCI NAVASSA UANO. Wehaw Ukcnthe ajTeney fer to sal. ol the laboTe fortilixers mufaCTsre j Wilmington,) aud wiu "PW I""?' J. oompany'S prices at their y.'kdd th ctnaT at transportation -to o ware- bonae.)TiJc: $55al, aw tv.- wa-'- ,i,,r with W offer the Narassa w i3iiir as full eondnco in its merits as a rtilujras attested by natneroas. inteBige Mflg2 past MM two ?rasi."syrZV works Ol m "r.Vi; C . ; toth with the h- r-r::-t The and fair dealiagM"; trW ta operation" , ' 1 d of qnaKlyJiaWMJe ni invfMera or others ttn) W i salt ir" o-ageaey. t 'If e-Ve J. D. WILLI 1 US A? CO. . . -r t tr Waslilnoj Affalrsv "WASHiHOTOit, FebrVnri26. the com mittee of coDfereoe havq agreed to ex tend the time of Me Safttbem Claims Commission four jer8T hey have 20, 00 unheard cl&inbafore them- Th select eoiuurittee.:toiDTe8tigate the eae of Senator Clay ton, Df Arkatu sa, exonerate him. : On th special application of Mr. Haitdley; the PreirfuC"jo-iay signed th pardons of Cinkhf Howard and James Blaaks. of Aiabyna, who were convicted as kokuKihd counned iu the Albany "ffotiafy. . jr"2Totiy FitaTi House first pov tb nation ef Amw !H?lbe vote beirigyoiavor of it by 181 to 36. Brooks voted i gainst. The vote was Ueti on the reaolu tions, also embodied iif ihe substitate, to censure Brooks; which was adop ted by nearly theurnkvote. . : There was a long fond somewhat excited debate upof final resolu tion to lay the wMp matter on "the table, and thit. r. k 'rejected. The subsequent proWrfi., wero highly interest! ag, a consisted' in an" at tempt to cene a1 others who had been impjrle "n 'the Credit Io bilier, ci4me'ng with Mr: Kelly, a resola'iH' "or ",8t purpose being i trod" DV b'8 :0lUgtie(Mr. Speer). TfcA Jiras discuasthis afternoon and u night. Fill illy ihc House decided otherwise, and tkecomraittee was re beHevel ir the vn obi neved irom its labor. i most unclean! birds are scot- pap free from official eduaure, sol fi' 'aMTrt, the House is conterfced. Credit Mo bilior is a jrboet, wHMi. however hor-Wv3 arilia'it mat am riA.i -C I. a I asi m? . ?b nt al VV. I. McMillan unitea ataies wr ery Legislatare to -day elect' - fWhttle No. 23. a tor for the March 4th. lone tcrmj commencing The vote stood: McMil lan, 45: Wai-moth, 33; scattering, .7 There iu much talk atxn.t.a compror- mise, but suih a termination or politt cal complication seems im probable, w ; Washinotom, February 28.-The report on Senator Potcroy, it is 'ex nocled.wrill ibe presented in the Sen ate to morrow. It is understood that ft wilr exoricrata Pomeroy from the charge of bribery, -- The j'esotu lion reported from the Jadiciiry Committee in the House to day, in.fa.vpr ,of inrpcauuing Judge Mai-k 11. ' ielaiiay; .cm ikauas, wa adopted.;.. '-'? --. - '.: - "-"..-:-' There was a picy debat in tbo Hnse on ihe question f raising the salaries of the President, etc. . .Mr. Fm nsnjorth Urgued that it waaa viola, tion of the Constitution to increase the Presidet t's salary, and, charged that there wjas a salairy ring, with the President at its head. Hon. A. H. Stephens Elceted Id Con- gress. : . - ' AuausiA. February 26 Hon Al exatidcr H. Stephens wos to-duy elect- j . I l -Bi'i . l m a. ud to. t-Onirress worn io.. tlu.u Giora disii ict. There waa tia op position.; Norfolk, iVa., i March., of sieamauip Aioniiooiun, Line, from LerpooW ihi f; uioruiug, ;w -no'-" A Hv.aVl0 intry ia 5 ragra iie lata ia Chins, a coantrr . where grsnce and Women no petti-' laborer has no Sabbath and tK&iaaibtrats no of honor t where 'the roads bear no rehiclea ancUhe ships no keel; where the place ol honor ia on the left hand and the seat of intellect is in the stomach; where to take ofl your hat is an insulting ges ture, and to wear white garments is mourning which has a literature without an alphabet and a language without a grammar. ' '- Ths Pobt RoTii-EATtaoAn. .We learn from the Augusta ConalitviionaZ that the Port Roy al uailroad is almost eompietea, only tares miles of the track beiag unfinished oa Satur day morning. The contract for (laying the track, as we understand, will expire, by lim itation, on Friday next therefore It is expec ted that the road will be completed in' about a week and trams will ran through from Augus ta to Port RoyaL ' The bridge over the SaTan- CKttrietton Oojtri The employees of James Woods Sons, of Pittsburgh. Pa., have done a handsome thine. greatly to their credit. This firm has been most extensively engaged in. iron works, and through some failure or other tmsinesa adventure in the comae of' their , large opera tions had to go to protest, as many good hous es have had to do before, them. Their em ployees, having faith in their employers, held a meeting on Saturday last, and a thousand of them offered their services for three months. asking only a sufficient amount of pay to sustain themselves and families" until the firm is fa bettor ooadition to pay them in full. - " r 1 " ' """ " " ' 1 1 '' Acxaos's FrEEtH.A ccrr.pcndtnt civ to the Hopkiaarille New Bra the following as a speech made by tieneral Jackson when he wanigtSipocr backwoods lawyer to Tennes-l-mA to-fHkncwn to fame: - H was em- i 'The ieglslalnrc j 1 Before another issue of tbo Sentinel, this bodyj the first session of the leg islature or 1872-73, will have adjourn. 4. and lla aaU paaaad lalo hla to ry. Ov l&bwrt havt hm . thai oldrie apart tfc tima ho mjtks aal cnltivata their per serial aoqaalulaoce so much as we desired.1- ' '- As party managcrsj the member fcf that body are nothioglto ! boast oU However it was State tad not , pattj maltera they were required to , deal with by the peoplo who elected them. Their duties as law makers wore well performed. Thoyconsam mated much useful legislation. For Want of two thirds mjority in .each. Ilonsa they x .uea ip raaKing (.qe cooBupunop ami the people desire it to be. The Dera-oeratie-ConeVvatlveiitiarli: profniscd to amend the constitution 10 eighteen particulars., . The Legislature baa ioo ceeded in eight only, though the nlnt& . at this writing, is upon the' stocks and may yet jmsa proposed amend; roents."; . - f--1 -'i'i-- M ' i let That infamous: clatiso rcqolrlo the legislature to levyi a tax fotpijt the public debt ia to,be stricken.,outf We say infamous becauso' the carpcU baggcra put ii In lor money.' .t" - ' . 2d. The census clause; requiring thd State to take the ccneaa in. 167u, ta to ie repealed. ;t ! -i.tfri Ltlti naht1veris--pld.iaud having been t4' U5 Oomttiss Jrj f to bet rnchU ted,, as we leahi from the Ifeaufjrt ApuWIcd ' -i Votfo.tttTniaeioO to repeal has bn pvnaonaced a first-class structure. ed. y y , ' ,. ., Charleston. OnirlM. kVl Hay St.fFtvttttviUe. N. C. i ' '.'.'. . W I UIIU Hill I Xtn-r iuat returned from the Nort IM JSwiw fitted my gallery, ard X can mow pori vn furniab pictures tir j -elading the Eembrandt Efieot, Porcelain Picture, And Cabinet or Iaunerial Phatsrfiplw, these v w. T -Aww the UW t ? rZS.ll out soais very aoxuic its..t- will bson exhibition for a short time oaly.-C-alt and ae theaa. j ,' . I u.Mni hand a gool lot ol Btreoscopr v nt -11 ixeJ Albums. c- ii.i ni.-nreM injoied and enlarged.; ....LfARTAN. rible'it may appear, a harmless. . The House adjoaiied at 11 o'clok, most of the meotucM tired and heart illy disgusted will Credit-Mo bi Iter mutters. i a ! The excitemenlffw sets in the Sen ate upon Alio discuUion upon Luursi ana and vWon the di-adit-Mobiiier ere, re- LoQislam! 4 FIRST NEW STOCK OF. THE 8EASON. ad attractive stock ot Cimp- rv.rlie. a son of v" ' . : even- be, r--.... r,.. i of - Uft8 L rdentaity w j . U.'"plin. SerJ .hot lodg. i"g" hi. '.1. 'a-!i- a Se'"e : vround- ' ' . V - -' . I . onr grocer Wool.,'S Xeist die Cakes, Wfn.s, &c Aiepow StrSew York. At retail all grocera. r nrStnSTASD. GIUESPIE ST., Offers at wflSsAaale and rIl a hrg- "to:k ol Orocerica aiiciquor. Best Ouffee rfd Sugar, Best braubot Flour, Kew Mackrtfl, Corn wh'te and mixed. Bacon, Tboco -all grades. uaii rwiwj jtf.tii'. .1.,. . S Starch. Bntter.CandleK Green and 'ilack Tea Beat Mnscofula Molasses, Bice nnd Lstl, T.iveroool S4t. Slt Fish of ahkinda- most reason- . rr Keel. Choice nanus, '-'ti'1. , ; , jt Bet N. C. Coru k.e? lmiM.rtad Gin, If""" " ' All kinds of cb'ce liquors. nne 20 je 27- ly C9 -TTTTbLOCKEB, Ik II JJ u Ssal Estata Agents aad Srolters, FATETTEVILLE. N-C. ni rsUte bought and sold m moderate 'Real uu . attelltion eiven to D. toMnt the bi pricsR7 i' Sjtiful Dreas Goods, e Prints, - WbitetJolds, Trit5mngSH Cte... A1Q, large assortnw - LADIES' SHOES ofrppalitj The latest styles of GentnVea's Hats. Calf skin Boota and Shoes , " AHD ' READY MADE CLOTHING of all kinds. These goods are all bought at lowest whole- ing defence. aale prices and ars marked to sell; witn me smallest of profit. t These wiaWag to purehas sas da wo setter than by oatting sa 1). Uiil'lliNUlU, negro for the murder of the mL!XZ- " arwS more -7 . xouo" '"''e.'-r--- lU8kiBR- aongof the merry corn Uton boU. A ghall b pluck the snowy with the b5j!V shallhe forest resound ui Aocs he ftrfiU hunting horn as with MtHlh t ! .J;t , l r Sbl ..Banfc And lh oooD. riji;...:rTiJiialirew- XTUerK fJt ko tims to &TJt IrVtVPorilloJ j-b. asd 1 1. XvCe . 1 trt AWI'lful is """J wing, tum voue once aoioy- t,o . . .q, , -j . . Those limbs t-rcvrr rue t nun. rst trainuv-a- i'cio now rigid and still. His body he bloody stained turf, with isept?-dlW Wtf Lirket square. Affairs. Wasiwnston, Ffur- 27 Lonisi- aa aCairi ra UM4iinjr serious, fso danger seesas t stpreh4ided here or there, sn4 up Whw huur no f ed eral action has taken. It was ujidjeratood that tfo WeEnery govern Uaj14,hw so as to obt-itH "sUtas neivru .vno ronrts, and wtt-ot H e interferred with unless it llUjmpUl to eeize the State Governnuit. It i thought hero the Ruicon has been cross ed, and startling uews may bo ex pectcdl i Vasi?iaTolt. Tt'bruarv i. 28. The (.'.nata t Imlf ht 11 u'clock this morning tAbloU the hill reported by the Comlyitlce n Priviileges and Elections fur a ncr tlectionj m Louibi- ' S- m V 1 . n , There wertrfom; woodcrtui scen. Mr. Carpentcrab;ndpned"hi8 report about 4 o'clock. Then Carpenter, Morton, and Coikliog drew their i-lnsa tofretlr. nlmost hugged ih. three ffitrclodi VUVU ;'inv..) - Tmmbull was deliv- mvinunj , - . . . f Hftnuciation 014 Carpeutcr for the mjijority report. i At this statre of the proceedings, the amendraeiitlcoiitinuinjrKellogi: in nower during tie election was passed ; Mr. Carpenter ioimg aye. , Mr. Carpenter made ratner a touch- . Jt .... . ; hf nee. rfa1 said mat it wv " . .L. fiii- fnn r enuure ipe nsui - bur years, ana it was hat all hope was ioet ter. Upon the final fcet1l, which leaves quo, Mr. Carpenter 2, . cn--r(:fl, 0- Doibtincr du to tha bins arched lit or ilearei - "Tell the mah that wanu to know how to clear up pine fiilda. if he wishes toeconomiso in labor and hah time to wait, next August pass over the field that hs wishes .to clear, cut down two or three sapling about ia places; occasionally circle on of tb larger; sat up a pine pole against some. An a fsw days wa worms will be in avary trss a4 aapHng. aad sooa ihajr will he 4A They day sfeaah Spaniah cuaat to protact -tssMf-ffJ Foreign Kews. ' : ; : tFAix. London, February 2G. It is rumor ed that the jCarlipt Ueueral Ceballo, with four baUAiliouB, is maichiog on Madrid. I j .x ' tirsiL'n vawaola arsv aaaristftff off De their resneetive (ovruweDU Iialv. Austria, a iid majority of the c&ieiai rt-iauuun wiiu oumu iiouuiug the fuoudit.tiou i tbe rwular Goreru uieut. :':,: I . I . Knssia is indiioed to recognise in t OthJ Tha University W to b placed? wbtratbe ofd constitution had it, 1 ia the care of legislature, nod not Brewr er "and Poo!; , (,;:,,.,,., ... 6th. TfiaffclfiUAO. exempting , $200 dollars worth of prorrt fro taxai tion ia made to npply to fill kinds of property., u'Z-.-a ImW. ih?Z t 7tb. Federal nd Dtate-ofneeta. Tb4 amendment will prevent tbe be groes electing, federal odoers, ;- toeh as Uarrow and Long Perry to tht legislature: :, ' 8th. Bjoenfal sessions or tho legist lature instead of annual sessions, 1 This last amendment will bo feir&rd cd by all save. carpet baggers aiareal,, blessing. ' ' Belying opon theso act filonfi w can safely say no legislature-sinea tbo' formation of the constitution at IlaJU fax in 1776, ever did half so, much the people of the 0tate.. f . 1 These eight acU of constitutional amendments will be mdopted by tne rjeonla 'with . wfitirananmily find sUud in history a:monumehU to tbv a fi.1 a wisdom and atateamanaiiip oi ino Notes of the Fashions. ... I- to fhe Wisconsin' woods a-fire. J. T. L. , Thomaatown. Alias.. Fab. 23. in Stxdktrn CU- uuy eiauAer of Spaiu. the present Government XKOL&KD. London, February 2G.- The Ameri can Club, of Liverpool, gave a grand bull iu celebration of Washington's tiirthdav 'Tbe atockllolders of tbe London and Liverr oJlpiab8nrauceAJ -4AiAertut no diS' a of tbetcombfiiilp'e Cuii Ami FtmljnMi linua : " - - .. sjr. SBBSBBku. v flswasBsar r-in -v?w " Jebi nary 26.-3wSoci alist inugtln is prtgressiDg in th Rub siau provinces Of Vahliana aud Podo lia. Friguiiul excesses are beiog en The old fashioned Mechlin lace hfifa. como into groat favor, again this, win er. ... j . .-. . ' Much gfiycr dresses will bo worn ofl the streets ibis spring than lor many s wfifil pasts,- a " .-"'f.-'I r 'i ii J Imw wrappar ia ie b Introdaaad i this spring. It U of. Qriaatai shape 4 and called tne uouaaan. . , t The new eprine'ebancaux can Ixr" awiiaTianiaia Ttpioai. Tbkks. ' Kor sooty people the ache corn For uliquMnaiM Uie date. For school boys the birch. For Irishmen the och; For conjuroru the palm. For negroes see dah I Fox young ladies tbe men go. For farmers tbe pjant'in. For fashionable women a set of firs, For dandies the spruce. For actors the pop'lar. For physicians th e syc-a-mor. For your wife her will oh. For lot era the sigh press. belm lock. 'ash. PlMOKiL. Who was thisKwritten for yew. John Smith was horn yesterday. John Smith mamed yesterday. .linen Smith riiaveaterdaY." T- w. , . ... John SMrxH-ylain John Smithis not very ICOSlu mcs, who a oz) With trings they vr bonne ta,; wltb- out them hats', ' Zuv!J Kid vests, rnado long nd withoti feore, ro. tbo latest OVeltyi in Indies -attire. They are worn Ukm tba velvet vests of lasbfalL i ' ' One of tho newest of fashion's freaks . is trimming furs with iWco. Wo havar... secrn a full set of silver Tox, lately im- ported, elaborately tnmmeaj who white ciuny. . Dresses of coarso coiilil, such used for mattresses, pillows, niture cover, will bo worn in the coun- trr next summer. nd will bo intent ly uglj', no doubt. The latest novelty decorating parlors for tainment are rustic t?agoa 01 canaries hung in every available placo. Tbey re very pretty. A i ' Most annronrfato and fityllsh black VUIZO s SB fit IS f? and for 1 n the way o( evening enter J ' tilver cross HC ted" Thai troops that were aent . . . 1 1 . suppress tue lnsarreciion uau uecu defeated. G O O D S 1 v 'a H.sP6.-Ve leuru there. mucii difficulty in employing hands for farm .oil n'ougli this section .7 ' ... r l.r A tieutleman told SvllV SOUl" v " . ime days ago Uiat there w. bard of farm work struca oei v dShoeHel. . ' ?i'i'o?jy 7 iu..;r.1o before the 111 LV m- , : . .not at P,,nntv." uounii""'- vi - - . yesterday- Appiw" . -w.,l to retail spiritous liquor-. East side of Cape Fear River, laid over to next meeting. Order issued to repair bridge over Beaver Creek near Poor House. Hal- locate in this see- ImmigranU who desire to tiWrties having land, water-powers or loU ftj fSSTwitt find it tatheir interest to give us . irJfesDondence invited. ineir uu"- - m ,., foUow- We would respeewttuj -ing named geatlemtu : ? ttitisen. Bank. Raleigh" Hon". Samuel F. Phillips, J q T Williama. Ed. Daily Aeirs. - a . Canadian N. Martin. Land May- Board M. Oil . ;u rnl,,, Hon. S, Nork ; Col. George Little nr C1IV 01 Sl: 1 North Crrolin. Land Company. riww'.- .,.: OVmnxil 11. ThOH. AUK1U, .InFayetteviUe Hotel Haildiiig Ah. iXA va..--- - O. H. BLOCKER- i Raleigh Office J. K. & W. Ar now opeiiog a beautiful stock of DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS IN PROFUSION '..' s 1 - ' ter to weeks than for evident to him fnr anvlhinir be vote to table Louisiana in sta voted nay When tho iss Democrat gv views. The 10 cy should read Washington, 4 L- rciection uy m tohigh sounding; if does not suggest ariatocra-J and rosary, In the place or the usnai chatelaines, are oeing gotteo op iur Lenten and Penitential vear. " Tho new style of gas fixture, with it refractor composed of a glitss bowl filled with water, is a very pretty thing anywhere except on ft low bracket at an evening party, where ft disdainful beauty is apt to upset the bowl with her haughty head, Ana spilt Icy; it is hot the fiame of any hero of dieaway Transferred to other languages it seems to i climb the ladder of respectability. Thus in t tS.o ti. l,.llnn will re- t'1" " i' Johannes mithus ; tae Itauan Important Dates. 1 he louowing wiu re- -m . . . ,wl Uv. . cn.. resh the minds of onr readers as to the datas " - rriCT-VC:.: of the mOHHu.porfcxntinvest.ons, discovenea . and improyenms, uie uvu..8 w - . i(j into Jejm Sm ftnd llugBiM1 g,,,. we uow enjoyg . , n eg and barks Jrau Smittiwki. When John Spinning wneei mvenwu tooy. . . Smith gets into the tea trade in Canton he ba- ng:the Icelanders they say son; it ne trades, among tba 'xascaroras, maae 01 rags , . InnmftS Jovan Khimmit.t-if h rlATnhp.ra about I . ..t . .1. lT- T.. k. Muskets indented and first used mng.ana"- t '"jT:, 8milw. lDewatner uywu r uv ug 16-dlt-vtf . Vw S M T "t T 0 G B A AT . Al A n-i ia rnort eigb rthat ex-Goveruor Hoid-o is to eigu, , r...,.0wr nf that city. current in Hanted Postmaster of that A number of CanadiAOS pfisaed here vesterday on their way to me wa. Jlrto? onr State wjiere they intend iettliog.- Weldon Necf. Arthur a Smith, a citizen of Fay etteville, of twin and triple boll cot ton noteriety at the taira f 1872 cjntributesto the Vienna Exposition in May next, by sending several fit ili-nfia improved cotton. Slate AgriculturalJournaL t ,k House the bill permittin SI1S-S-SW . . 5 morkint; of penitentiary, convicts the working t.. . -on of th& W- N, R passed itf second reading C- Tl ,b nrice for the convict The nm ,. and will r H o ti,. nnderaicned has just received, sell law, the largest stock of Albums, Stereoscopes, Stereoscopic View Card Supports mew), Passepartouts, Brackets and Frames of all kinds ever brought before the public , w hji nllea nis RaMeijr, - for the fall and winter cas.tom SHAWLS, CASSIMERES, . BLANKETS, PRINTS, e became evident the full vent to'.--their i-8 of pure Democra- Globe to day. February 28 ine uate ot the bill to ... ' . T El TTrlp provide, for a mf election m uomsi . ffa-V IC ' A loecinistam affnirs in that i i in i'i ii i hi mi tun auoieeb BWH! vv. " mmh comnienaUere to-daj'. lne Government wDl new support the Kellotrg party i Louisiana, and any attempt to ; overthrow it by the Mc Pnftrv winff wiM be resisted bv the Federal troops cjti the ground of pre serving peace. Congress will fork very vigorous ly to prevent a wiled session by both Houses; inasmuch as jt j3 known that the President is .rrsil V. It 18; Mrtflin that the hp. fullv attended noon on Tuesday in 1422. Jnmps inreihted 1425. i Printing invented by Faust 1441: Engraving on wood invented 1490. ToKtoffices established in Englnnd 1464. ilminiM fib-st nnhlishfid 1441. Printing introduced into England by Cax ton 1474. 1 Violins invfented 1477. ! Kes first planted in Englaud 150o. Hatcheta nist made in 1504. , Pnnetuatioln first used in literature 152a he I becomes Tom Qua bmittia; in Poland he is known as Iran Schmittiweiski; should ha wander among the Welah mountains, they talk of Jihon Sohmidd; when ha goes to Mex ico he is booked as Jon til F. Smith; if of clas sic turn he lingers among the Greek rains,, ha turns Iron hmikton; and in Turkey ha is ut terly disguised JTou See. ' .- s The uew code of California establishes such n it.Jf;mwnri1aindafnteneeswereDutcomDlete eoualitv in the marriaffe state, and toitetherlikethiavl - J. . .. a,.f .iy1. 7Za hla wife are one -flcab, that 'the .two " can i r r rc contract with and aue each other the same as Bwodt Ejection Riot at Q7t?f I if they had never been married. The marriage . j.k.h tn ha New lork irioune. 1 xne i ii.a uijiiua fmm minora to ClHi uiot. " - - , nsuu oeotlOl uiimui.uu-usv. . nomination Ot csnoaoaiw.. TV adults. ne i roviuciju uuiw v At Tha Snanlsh adjuncts to "ft Ifidy'fi costumes are becoming fashionable. Witness great high backed combs, ' long scarf veils worn on the .back of' the head, and immense fans of plain black silk, which latter, we are eorry to aay,r nonsf of our belles seem to know how 'to, use properly, Ncvo York Mail. ' '' ' . ,.ifno nt noon vesterday, BCIUUJ, "r V , . . V . Wwoon Vwmt 11 O ClOCK a lunous iiu " " ., the Conservative and the adherents oi iw . -vi a a nil irw . i'ikiiika - 3; .3 ..vJCi m infl nauuuiM v wlllUiuuo : r . - . Of Ml . .? inna were iicci t uoca, aa w,vww S S in the which lasted on Per" Two men were killadiand ..j. Jiii Th hustings were torn sious to avoid thai however, far from .. L 1 "one business can 0 between now and 'ext. 8 friends hone ae Uredit-Mohi ! I " A bL . as tho members canamaie iuu- -l"rA Jm ntbiwa that the Government fin-idata must be elected coat whfiit 0 I ... t r. f tVia PlAttri cerncd, tbatno- LlrY AK erson atreet. nd every one wil be WUb Veil VM--win o cvui w j tt,anhsPorftelaii?fr 1 makinz tne ue 1. uvw6. -r--- ' -, rip PTures!gFerrotypes, Porcelain Iow 1 Jhhd CaTTandVOOTi'-at onr goou0 purchasing elsewhere as we are g them very lor. ; oct 12-sw2twtf L in il rtS wes, f - --, i before offer- labor nt bein Aft r-ents per day each, besides ,r fed and clothed. Renibrandts. ana uems- -" lower prices than ever were mauo - wr vine, nd gnarantees aauoiav"""- ' . A call ia rercctfullv reanested. The gal lery is on Person street, below the market, at Price's old stand. oct 17 sep 21-1 j W. F. STAPLES. fa CEASES. V a."- j aa. " , -sF" ; -Vr US, V 69 F. W. K KERCHNEB. Wilmington, r). Senator Pa"e that inasmuch as ;a io it trrave. so 3 It -.-i nf the House are tion will be tQ s rf-vl aotnmsnaaviOTiB THE ELECTION TO.omsOTON -J nn acfUin tO- tion to reconsidel of West Virgin' majority Friday, fnft new election airain tabled oy a i-ne 0f 29 to 28r every friend ot tnetom VotSng u&yn There is frow no 0ewhosq motion to -.oiinr t-an n Chair, and the ma M.M. - mitnv - J;il 1iA expect, , . K.tional oartv down, ana in - , ? . ! r.rnvineh.1 Dolice patrolle.1 mo "t of thfrioters, but conflicts in the streets i-Mi fJnMnanf 1 riH IlUlliUef VtaaAvr-ss tynva Bills II c:J 'aj v f - on Monday next, when more seriooa outbreaks are anDrehendea, as air. umg"'" Tho Boston ote glvea soma Inter esting statistics of tno sewing - chine traue. itB " ' that the profits tor tne last ien j on the sewing machines manufactured in tbisoquntry amooni wW v . 050 and ihe cstimat-a r nim A slight eruption of Mount Tesuvias has I the adnerents of the Uken place. Bert-noi 22nd February , and an unuaual quantity of $20 0Q0 000. In least seven hon .ire iaaoed from the mountain. . .,-a iLnnmnd machines were mado, - . ! I 111 CU VUVvw . WhylSTuka a lawyart Because and allowing that tdred nou. he', a solicitor. and ol mm s r-; ui. Flnre.ce Bic.ey, daughter of General 1 Cral companies m us n-v- .v. - . . . . T , V. .. m A X. W mav t felling' J Ute Serial o onVo- n committee. iILL VEar pead. '1CB 1 Tjnnisiana 7) under tho mo- "ade by Mr. Davis, ,vio voted with the orninsr. The bill n that State was w i! - loan, t eie,- , .y died Of i? was sai ricin. but who V'T' n -the anno woman iesrj th sirftcts of FJorencywh A Frenc IB be of low New.Ohleans, Mm' OirniKPfl htr lli j ?r is verv dend. . . 8. 8ENAT0K. 1 n AThe McEn'- daughter of a noble in hiRh- under the Bo"8- .-tfjoritlaa took mentof ner ooaiu forcing o; sion of he effects, am. her sleeping: drawer of a laeof gold pieces; every 01 oraww Thii n5SpP! ernment ur "-TrrtVlvor.l I nirv aire pieces ware found, . I owns a Bible that was one anu io - . . - I A I Hinnev. has learnea vo wv 'jri r ted the vursuu oi 1 Mains has nineteen large tanneries wbkb fthont 20.000.toas of Waa-1 annuauj fa Franklin. it is said, pablisbedthe aciin Masonic boaa. . T..ja.r?A vna ordered a firanita Xspolaasv T . . a si ta enh that 1 he negro sx'- bi i Rton county js aimoa or- - , dit Mobiner wiuk"- - ; iey say so i ckinridge. ofAW- Jirfnvited to deli . , Cohepe at the if : it lf)H B TmencementinJane. - w.rden died in Paris on Januenr 97th in tbe sixty second year of his age, four OaTs' after the death of bis wife. He was next i ViV to Mr. Stewart in the firm of A. T. st.wnrt A Co ' and has been 'managing the imoinPivi for nearlv thirty rears. He leaves n fortune of about'J10,000,t'00. ei cun nnn fr tho five thou least. - f and, $5,000,000 covering the cost al manufacturing and patent fees. Jt is ii i,nnirn that the sow njr machine patents are about to eiplre, and there fa a formidable combination of inter. , est. at Washington to lobby their ex. Sofitoa Cofif resa. Tber. lie ft-ttwsfttylv.' sewing fi4fiifi. compaDi in tki Unitsd Stats., fl. of them ' manufacturing probably three-fourths of all tho machines pro- . Tl. rxmlnnl el nr LllftSO QUCOU. A U V I1U1UIHHI VBI , twenty five companies is aoou t y 000.000 and in addition to the profits on the sales the leauing oncsuiviuo . "royalty" on tho various paienia uw by the tributary" companies, as they are called. ' . , ' ' ( A eolored gentleman went to consult onS of the most conyicntious lawyers, and after sta- ting his casersaid: ' Now, Mr. . I know . lawvtr. OUl 4 winu wu J I J J l sir, jisl tell me d truffbout dat matter. VI 0- 1.

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