-' . t - ' " " t '. . .-V'-3" .1 . 'K - THE EAGLE; , , Published Weekly an J Senai-Week! at Fayetteville.a. C. .MJlcSWEEN, Editor ancLPro- ' prietor, ' . . 't . - , - . ' - ; TEHMS OF semi-weekly: : Single copies five cents. Snbsoription: three jaoata si 2a; six months S2 00, one yeai ' : TEBM3 QF "WEEKLY TAPER . Hio-jlo eojios ten. ceniC-. "Subscription: . V. roir S3. 00; six months ' Cinba of . or more 5-2. 50 e tch a "year, lit' . t"..v. V.r, on- tor Chios ot twent ; . 'I.Vij each for a vear. Ter.-lievs. .- .- 4. ' " Ki f - ' . '-.". --"' - . i " - - -.- ; rT or lame Minister. au racoiva th'e Weokly. 'ags atii.lif price iliiister, anil-DPiultd 0iiictlcrati soldier- a, KTEor ADVERTISING : '-- i Ona l?:Iar for oap incli tf"space lengthwise. ? ib: iwij r5oluin:i for first pubiication, andJiilj -, ce"n'tX6r3iIiipajIioatiox after wards, , Or bv ' couwactMioIibvoj: . . UAiuch.of pacet 1 month. ;:,"t " .'""'-I.yaar Twoinehes cno" faorith ". ..... i ; ,-: hreo moa:. ' .-o"'.: si . mns. " - one year One fonrth of colnmnToi inobo) Oms month . . . v$ 12 00 Three mouths ..... . - , 24 00- - -""Oae yeaf .".:rr.7:r:r;..Tr..:;. 63-Qii' Oajoolatau C22 iaches), ; ' Ooe month... .$ 3500 Une year. ; 7-: t-Ti--ow ?. jK"-Special eoniracta made on feasonabl1 term " i Out ;ticrc Son! MaJe HappjT. II. SaUon Tnrns-' .Radical auiT Makes a SpcetiK- : From iMlwaton Post! After t!Via$izaii0.n a.cajl Avaa marly" for . Mr 'jWjovias H. Sutton, pf Biath-ri, wbcV'Wiial ;SsnitbviHo 'in.' at. bvudacee oitSSnpcrior Couit. V.Jtfrv oil toe onpenor ;". ..." 9 w) J Sutton. resDQiideQ in. : n strong speech, H I Wbich " befdv tfcQUs for eoma time; laowl pai.d.'tbatr-B'overRl years be ha? Hi bat ifttie -jD.ptnticsi tpnUn loud o ac!ed with "ie" Osservative party, tutl b.elieyed it fo.ba. right, bnt that he Lad long siuca dfsfiovered tbat its readers were bound; 4jn'o; principle 38pO 27 00 ' - VjJtipsN CocnT. We retur'ne.- Tii urs jrday.iira '-Superior Odart 'iii 'Bladi' connty.;" There 'w"sa lare ct:iwd ai;"v. pot nin'eh JiRsJnf'Sfi.' Tho c jnrts tber '-Vi'.-i.lrojto.ye.d lij": D. L. RnsfM.-a i " V-2-?'-vf fewn CvJieai as'Jndc, and s- E.- .1 I "v";fVvj-" - Cnielli'"iilso -a low -dox t- Il;nlica"C '?; I i- --. v Soh'ciloH Of cinrc Vv.ntteujnt ' K-t v: .3 sift fb: C'it?H for .thtir pobt iff"' ft'lfRt- ' - tijre - -To", s ud.-. be (viurta in B-alVi V.:"vil i'auuost; cnvn.ca eye-- tbat si rj'viconrts' r.io n jn-o'-erv.. ''-Most of tin fire of iit1; i.aporUVnc, bnt y.; - the ti.no nd'rn6acy uf the-people ar . eonsnhu-d. Jl-:?,sel! is a peer jtvd nvitl C-iiitwil is , poor eulici'or. 11 nh se'I, ve hc:ir, wsuin iVchjinalioa U t Con-t.- ar J is J-ircd of baiisj ft .se'-'Oiii-' c'ass' politic il JotTe.' r Ii'.at'.?n is" under. Ridi"c.il.rulo . and t 'i! few if; any, are allowed to. knov. the condituh of the contiy. ' We have tried ofien in lenni frcni the Hadic V.flici aid what the connty debT vfssjturd r aUo the school tx, . tt$e cocntyjaiid . State las and laaoy i connty matters. . bnt we could not fiud ont. Te Cd I ieals i t fused to tell atid Conservativf - nndJas. payers did'Jiot kucw-' and bait j i no svny of fi ruling ;ou;' Thb comity i debt is uurrosed' to be at feai-t 325 Oc0 i .- .. . . . - - jave me yearning lor piAce ana power; naLuiey nau eoucww nt aqoptaq .V ry rssnuui nvsu ip- woica. rn. me MiBninf? they h&d taneht him to op- but.' rrolycbly ilgr.bie" thai wouIdLo -litarer "liUt-. ,Tae prese: ':f .'";,. slrci-ifr.ee-net vutaewkat tftover aruT .jV '.bse'pd -tate-: iibd ihaf- fiuaily tbey sJid "cpm'mitted ihe"."tajid act of pojitij ta I : s to ! t i fi catio n " . t r e ch ery . by; : Viuiinaf ins?. a'Kjsnppprtiti; for tbd Prttsidencf tlieVt, 'chief of R-idicaU sm'-'rt'mi' TPjfeSpt.'.tpf-. the Union; j'eaift. SJjense men to talk abont nsist( ncy p,prluciple is the most . I pe i d on dsiu'd e h cii and t lfro n t e ry. iiH v8s a frtTtuyrund earnest membe. f that party Jsfk.-wji.ile, and, bcinla,. D:noerat, (' lJee.tt, likenearly:. sbr yonug tne3a?X, nit party, a-,i?f: fi : x . Ye Mr. Ivfeid e n't; " 1 hey goi iie- iitto thf Ulan, but yhpn-:"r-"'lbniid ont lat tht-y . were, . . l,qmt:tb"em. i and dtr.uniiced them as -a set of'.assaesii'S, .j-.t'tbrcats and- thieves. No' Biie-h (jarty ought to be cnH.nleua-nced" by a t op:e who want quiet, and xeace, and isaiuioiiy. r Ih? yonng men of the country won I'd snbmit to these leaders n longer- The. time for propping up his party b3. pert'culiou aud pro scription had passed. Men will be frctj;; and these serf -constituted leaders A politics and Society, claiming to 'i-vre all the wealth and all the intelli eflce, will soon find thaLtbey have nothing bat the. scorn and conttmptof t. betrayed and iudignaut people. Mr. Sutton continued for some time, dis nssin various thtmH. lie made a narked impression. His. delivery is ' xcelleut, bis manner attractive, and iiiere is about his style au apj.eaianee .? bvupst conviction, de?t rmination 'i jd pluck, which carries bis utterances -.raiglit to the public heart. The Maific Election and (lie Late Contest jn taitroi na. jVrfivi Tork Herald September 9th. The .ge.LeTaV results of tho annnal Stale1 election, in Maine, which was a'eld yesterday, may be summed aip us a repnblicrtu victory, of reduced ma parities .upon a greatly red uced pop n ;ar rote; as usual when: there aro- no national candidates or issnes involved. nnd no local question's of sufficient im portance to bring out tbeiull strength of the people -, The Slate .election of tbe year immediately succeeding tbat f the Presidential year has always ex oibited. in- Maine a heavy falling off m the popular Tote," as the -following fig-- o.n xn er Trre ai den tiat-jear-i& jtrrs1 test vote on Maine on tho uovernor For Chamberlain, repablican For Pillabury, democrat - 75,835 Tiepiibhcau majority 20,403 la t.ie late election of 1S69 a pure ly local contest the popular vote for Governor (omiting 4,743 votes for tbe temporance-man) was thus divided-' For Chamberlain,- republican " 515WS rsr Smith, demoer.it ' 09,854 r " . J' CaUjost woKinless.-lie couais luous' -"ajls uf dollars ts, and if bo chooses r. Unalhe mone the people have no - Terrfedv County taxes arc .said to be "" inncb "lusher" there ouw tbau-..ii?nal, but what is tl'o money for? The conr. ty rmnujisioners are three' very orirt. n-uy v. S-i!e men and two smart, cner- go" ic iiejjfoes. . Tr.ey siecin to know tut lil'Ie .)f the conr.t.y interests. - J?!aden is cursed with very poor and - corrtipt county goreraaient." The t.ix paycrs theid .should meet and stuli to tho public their gtivaices, atd 'fpist aid or remedy, could be . fur nished at the next session of the Lg islture. If incompetent and cor . rupt conntyofHeers are allowed to l;o!d cfSf'c and manage the" county nnd that too without duly giving bond or fulfilling their duties according to law, tho Legislate re. should' at one act for the re iet' of tho people. YVi hopc the Legislature will ii-loria itscii' ' of tho corruption and'misinanugeinent - of affairs in ihtdcn and other couiitif similarly situated, and mak-e provisioi: for tiiem as iar as its power go--'- Su h raca ity as that reli'sred to cm barlasscs td; local prosperity ai d eve:, discouragi s in td ; e; s . I - i .cs t s. T.iere arc ubo,U .'iOOO voter'-, arc "of tho 11 tc.7r:.!.ij -y ciiy 3 are Demo . cfaiic or Corscrvatiyo. isladcn tiie t Consecration of Assistant . Bishop Ltian- r rni th JSfate Agricultural Ipnbhcap majority . 11,724 - C-Wyis heavy reduction in tho ropub lie'ltn majority iu a single yeiar was accepted 'and proclaimed by tbe dem ocratic johrnals as iv great gain by l h eir pa r ty"; wh ich, if fol io w ed u p would giybthem tho 6tate inrone or two more battles; but,' with the return of the Presidential con test in t 18727 we "find tho test clcctioir on national is sues in Maine; the Sejteraher election for Governor, resulting as follows: ' For Perhani, republican- j - , 71.917 For Kimbali, democrat , V ' - 54,701 Pepublican mnjority 17,216 or some three thousand sljort of the majority of 18GS, the loss indicating, perhaps,' the liberal or "anti-Grant re publican strength iu Maine in -.1872, and tfrat it was about fifteen hundred rotes.' No doubt this year the- defi. ciency in the popular vote will be equal to'that of 1869, if not greater, and from the .same causes. The gcu eral results.'this year, therefore, signi fy nothing but general apathy in. j Maine, there being no political issues before tho. people to prevent tbe State going by default. , Ih 13. Maino election, accordingly. - -X-J ' i mat a rack of J ,r, ScreJFori L SJ & A private soldiei ' yi the Richard Lee was i magistrate f 'Glas- of n tefbre. thd" for ymg The - cards dunrTgdiviiv count of iL is thus hsh journals: . .Serjeants coijamaiJed tic in cKurchand wbea'tha p".stc. read tho prajers-beook the ter ?;r!bpsii'hQ had a 5ible too': thosaraotdieTS having neither I common prayer bookj took ov. t of cardt-; bo aid tbem J t h " bolfirst Hookedrnic.: rdV. at r-eff- ' t . , .i k .c-riiniT aod.sV- : JUicnard. pu."t--ap.Bi)d-': Po p'oce for them. ribdUbat,''.said Riob- djy - it thia-institntii. on 'tberucVVr r fternoon a - entt. - were rell -T : ' i "ancls, !' to St. 5f ' When the service was over the ton- and bar ; been'ma to pd( t it- stab)" eo!k X Richard, prisoner - aif 6 brougn t blm?' before th May o rv i j z l . . ".'!?WU.' 8afd.-i.be Mayor, what - have I exoeri .1 We are craiifiett to learn that the.! -that the two parties in the State Stand consecration of Rev. Tbrodore B. i substantially as they liavo stood for IjV,;1;, D. D,, ASS:iot il.t t ' f.r the lat fifteen 3'ears in tbe divis- ion of the popular suffrages.: The re-, ; , suits, in a word, are only the old story i oivcr aj;ain of reduced republican ma priorities on a snort voie, auu signuy on'y this and nothing more. Tiio results of the late contest in of this Diucefi-.-, and one of the oldest ; California, on tho -other hand, are oii the rd'l of . Atcrioau Bishops, hav- veiy significant and important, as of the Diocese of North Car-'iii-.a, take place in this city n tho a; part of Inuvi! .rb.r. '1":ij ('iinr- lum tars. 'A tho coti'seeralii B;;-j -t aid be the .iiibt iiev. Tuoi. Atkn..- 'n, j D. D., "L. x. the venerabiu i3isiK. ili'g befcli einstcrati;d over twenty makniEr a brealc bv a larire oouy oi in ais ago. xz is uraersUoa tuai J-'r. depcudent men irom Dotn old parties, Ljuian is v-;ry. j;Iad ti have the conse- and the creation thereby of a new crating service take place uu-ong the puny the an ti railroad raonopoh' jeopie wnom lie comes to serve, and darkest Jtinvfcer couiny in, the ' State, and ' the people arc very, indignant, and justly s, af the way of selling and .in ens in irg'timber in Wilminjafton ' v .Thirty, or more turpentire stills - '- , " rnn in tbo county. The cotton fa ins ' ."'" are few and smaii. bat ha e muh"in v ' iensc, I Lo"grcaV "Ti- -v;irt ' ' t. . . ever; licar'iy oaa liU.,..i . 18G3 . .a a. id furniof 20fi0;aer(n ' Cplicft Ssalt) be worked in tho city which will probably oe chosen as his place of residence, at s-ich times ae his arduous duties will alloy him the repqse of home. 'i ." Bishop Atkinson was clearly io stronger health and mpre active vigor it. the late Diocese Convention in Fay--ttt?ville thau at-. Several preceding nrct-iCs of that body, but the growth if tho Church in, thi State, and the i- i-ry videly scattered parishes over-its ii- jiuense teiiitorial jurisdiction, have i.T Miinc tiuau precluded the poSsibili- y eeu of a sii.gle visit to each parish course or a year, and the,elec l tho Assistant Bishop was de ?1 ly the urgent necessitiescf theCy'nurch. We observe the unfeifined ivrot of the people of. Sau Francisco in parting from Dr,4 Lyman, who has endeared hiuiscu td them by bis deep interest in the - active work of the Caurch,;aud fhe eixension of her edn- rcitioaat tind ecclesiastical interests. His election wa3 cordially approved by tho beloved divine with whom be i jiOU tj ii and apppia tedUto mbact and . we a jh Iff - f " fc wff are en re TorMti4 bVi . ... , it Car oTlalCfeO: . .The SouTnEit'sf f. -.:torical SocietYv' ?:i8j)bdyrmfWiQ White Snlp.ii.- rtpriogs,- .a;j jj-vgust io;h. jLt waa y - Por oi ,i necjcou n-ty.-'UfrJttal leu to order by :tor. Leicher. -. The ; 'LtST.hQ poor Avecc- most 'abundanA. jrmnuent pfflcersare i a 'u, " . ; -5 rvf:9 ppf rojir-tbiii' .farm,"'a : all:- aJodjCffcFo::. Pj-e&idinU Geoere) A Early; ;-: ;:XiXQmdlhd tinio of his'death INti rtf Tirsinia: Hecretarj, Ooi. Geoi AV ityXsLXcsif, tver-ejfivted fb rih e noor. No ri jvcleflrn all the timber baa be.en ,'iuit y.r'off tiis land," tho'siocis is all gane, Uk . .' farm yields liif lo'er tiothjflg, although ; -Y ; . rnanyfahiilies and laborers live oh it i;:4, p ; - uuu-s roruiyiMjy provision Ior-ine v:: Joof,"aud t!io road and bridge are 'S' i;'. ' oegloct ed. -: JLadeh Js caible of bo" ; : - ' i n 'oil c , cf -les t tar m i n n n 1 1 m- i n r lite State, and.. we aro glad to -see-rim i &-Ge fV-gie gat just SOiew ubsHibra to Tr ilo."-1- 3 ; J5aLS which circafatQS largely, U4 .--'-" -- "-7 , ; .- : r--; k-' V h Mum ford , ot Ti r gi n i a ; f Vico Pr esi " deiit,: rlairfRv iL)Ti Hunter, f'.Vir- jrrn ia ; Gen. J; R; A nmble, of Marr -lab I;1 eX'Gdvernor .'ancejofvXorth C;ii;oiinGeneraiiath3i'pfSoo th Giiroifnav G,eiMjra4 ijolqttitt, of GBorgra; AdjiniraU tJemeaes,- tt Aiibama ; ' Gener al f TiaR;"ex Govern tUi is, of Trapes- nerkt ; lioo tier, ot HentuCK v ; . 501' Arka"UKtUbt -.:--:,ers, ia. mo iin:rvieirjieibbQ,,.-bocd l-r. it-, j, ,LcOnip:ainr.bitte54xf the :sad haf o.i-r at v't"? i'xt 0 tW', Baptist ViStnfu'uivo'nttSn pt'ifortlO Cafbllnff ; . ;.wi1! :"fc,- hcld wiili tbe Warren ton' h, r-" tin fit ng u Wednesday V-Vkt 'uppi ;-.CoL vsv rV. vwi -'"AS, hm Jay i ynal, -and jiotk political, i$&r"J" iT-Jed to tho assassination CraAiii as a Radical and Harris a Democrat, '-'Both bad f miiiesl Tbe murderers are im known;1'- " "ys-'-Z-. toii brought Te sold fer here for? ' For piayirgcaga5.in cnurcix.. ' -.yVcll, ioMie.r, what have xpxx'Xoy for'voursvlf? ; . '" . . MuchvSir, T hrtpe..; . VeiT gobdt.if nottU will punish yoii iuiJre than rran ever Was punished; , l.bave been, sa(.qtn soldier, aoout six weeus on tn uarca. . 1, nave neither Bible - abf--common - Jirayer boolvT-I have nblh.in - but ft", pack of cards, and I hope 10 atisfy your wor ship.of tbe pf4?it.. - Xycltons. v Then spreading th t rpelorenLhe Mayor, began wltlf twe a r ; "r u hen I see tncaec, its blinds me that, there is but pnftGod,-"'" - When I see tK&nccMt reminds me of the Father atidSon '; n W hen I see the bfay. it reminds me of the Father, Sba a'nd Holy G"bqst. :. W4ienVl8ee thefouri it reminds me of thelbu reran gelits t hat prea-ihed Mattnew Mark, lake and John. v. : j When 'I see tfielSfe, it reminds me of tbeve wise virns tbat "trimmed thoir lamps, Thet'AV.ten but five were wise and trf foolisbtitbe r;.l:..u r ?! '.v..-.--,"V- " Vhen I see th. that in six ..ila Heaven and crt. -: When I seethe me that on the e-: frfca thereatwoikpe bad made nd reminds !m$ tjor'd made V". c" "-r sen; it Cids Sa day 3iod rested were savnd wheudtw destroyed tho world, viz: Hoah hd bis wife, his three sous and thl wives. When I see the! Sit reminds mo ' l j tiOBIiOV V ere nino of When I see tii or tno nine leper vei by our Savior.j Ver the ten who r. Jin thCyCit ks. reminds arty, wincn in the ljegislature elect ed will hold the balance of powjar against the. Central Pacific Railway, notwithstanding the support . this monopoly is said to have received at the late California canvass from the national administration. From this beginning, this nevv departure in Cal ifornia, wo look lor results next year, especially in tho elections to Congress on the railway question, which' will change the", existing complexion of things very materially, even in! Maine. A Discbiption of tfaiGHEH Youko's Wives. There are. enough of them; and it ia said that there is a revolt in the harem. Artmus Ward once had the impudence to ask the prophet how he liked Mormonism "as far as he had got." He has since then gone farther and may fare worse. Mary Ann Angell Yonng ia the -first and legal wife. She is a large, fine-looking old lady, with- gray hair, haztl eyes, and most dignified manners, Lucy Deck er Seely Yoan;;, No. 2, is fat, good-natured, brown hair, dark eyes, small features, Wife No.! 3. is her Bister, short, thick set tolerably good-looking. No. 4 Harriet Cook Yonng, tall, light hair, bine eyes. In this gallery of bean ties it is a relief to meet Mr. Twisg Young, stoat, heckled, red-haired, and who does up the Prophet's Hnen AVe.can.notf o; tbrongh tbe'e.tiUOKue. .TKppa1ar1tw?niy-foar of tH$EO JL't3'iiiy'aiar U i. . -m Cf lh3e--vo- merret'tvtbeir antoaau to fieatea. ta &n hTir '' A rwrespondont thus discoursek on the "dftUy Occupations of some of; these wo-'l ; : What d the., women aoi . veu. tney ao ev rything they caji.to pass- away the time, and Brighaia's household is n6t a place of Idleness. Emeline si ags and plays; Koxy Snow; -imtes poems"; ZiVa Huntington- takes dare of the ciildren anc amuses them; Twiss wasBes and sews; Emeline Free takes care ofher children,, of whom she has, or had, eight; Ellen Bock wood works -embroidery; others spin, some still . weave, . Others -sew, read novels and sleep, . " . , - - 'j:-.. -: - On rising ia the morning, each wife cleans up her own roora dresses her children, and prepares for breakfast. At the ringing of the bell the whole family assemble in tbe parlor and sing together; loung prays fervently, and they go to breakfast. '. ! . ' : The Cottotj Chop Cotton in this section is stiMldme more or less in cdnseqaence of the LireqneBt and heavy rains There are also reports of rust in some sections. . ine rop is now ar mai siage when any es timate made as to its probable yield most ne cessarily be tfneertain. Sette of our besf far mers,' however, are of the opinion that under any ordinary circumstances the yield will be wetter inaiasi year, ana mas 11 i-ne season should prove favorable from this time forward A very large crop will be made.-- Marlboro Times. - ' -' " . ' ' " ' - me of the Ten Corpkandments whieh God handed down .Io jMosos on tbe table of stone." ' When 1 see tbe;linir. -it reminds me of the Great King 9 ' Heaven, wbich is God Almighty. - . Whoa Hook atti 3 qaeen it reminds me of tbe Queen of? Iioba, who visited Solomon, for she w s as wise a wo man as he was .a m 1. She brought with her fifty -boyM nd girls; all dress ed in boys apparel, i r King Solomon to tell which werearis. King Solo mou-8ent for water i)r them to wash The girls washed Ulbe:- elbows and the boys to Ijie wrisj. So the King told by. tbat. " '-i , Well, said the iSyor, you have given a descriptidoolall the cards but one. 4 " .1 What is that? J , The knave, said lie Mayor. I will giro youa"dscription of that too if you will not be" angry. I'wiit not, said the Mayor, if you do not term me tbe knave. The greatest knave that 1 know of is the constable that brought me here. " ":t-"' ' j don't Tcnow, saidithe Mayorif he is tbe greatest knave, but be is , - the greatest 1001. , - t ' - When I count bowlmany spots are in a pack of card id three hun; dred and sixty -nrejAI tyny days asr . 1 .. i n n XTttar.-l - .-v ' " .: , Wheu I count '4h.epn'.iqier of. car in a pack,-1 find;fif-to, the nura ber of weeks in a year; and I find four suits, tbe number of weeks in a months I. find there are twelve pictures in. a pack, representing the rlumber of months in a y'l aid in counting the tricks, lifind thirtee;ntbe number ;of veeks in a quarter!? Stryou see.-.'sir,-" a pack of cards series for a Bible lal manoc and com moijiraycr book." ' ' iL.ii .. est In tc- by John S. H sirnea of hi estate, an. . in on or considfratic i me, Uic'-, of tbe iyrt' for r.iJ, at C -- b;rs, in Greensboro', on thi ti beir - - C - the C .-?, 1 K l i.n 1 on ' -. 1 years 61 . ot fabulous -expendita: ft: display of tropic .birds .3 c, Miidiaat and elaboVstejatid should receive tbe atten tioirnf ;alf wWHlove tbaantiei 1 Of ; animate creaks These ?with V' 3 felin6L pacbydeftoj' C'rJtber tari? ! of auimals oo.'riurerou8 to, -.'mVaii: iu a brief newspaper' parasrapb, r. quire.' nearly orty . deaa to properly display and exhibit', them? Of . v" circus everybody ;' speaks inJtTjrrr: praise. Every act th at. g 3 in ' arena iajexceUeri well Jjfs pMfcV-tThefcjir-'-. fa Stnocl s au : aystem abotuijxarcus bich a.re .tpo often ab.s?n from others.; i The performance of fr "arroli and bis iufklisqn , Dolly t psyj worthy of speciatteVT-b anbe-pf the gtt.SeO- brothers is. carjltal-.bia 1 'rooUa set 'aside '.' for a benefitto v esrurviving aiiiTtjrera from tbe'" accfJfcat.i' Monday night. anipr.toe.irienj3api tne uniortanate kil ld.-LosdstHlle f Courier Journal March H2nd. V ; Tiie Grares of ttrginlft Presidents. : Monroe and ' Tyler ; are buried in 1 Hollywood cemetery, in Richmond. Tbe plainest of cenotaphs covers "the grave of .the former,-uod therTOSt is eatTng off. tbe dismarcolored paint thai ooce protected the ipan.'?'."" " Tvler is .ntirety tinrnTlr, .aM I bT riven tbe r- ' - around it entirely obecuring"it from I Florida, whera Admiral Porter, then sigh t. T he "Legislature begged his family to allow bis remains to be in terred bere, and promised to erect a suitable monument over them; but the treasury has been f O empty and the legislators so engaged With other mat ters that no step has i yet been taken in the matter. Thanks to the ladies of the Mount Vernon Association tbe tomb of. Washington at Mount Yernon, in Westmoreland county, is well cared for and still' visited, by people from all parts of the World, wbo.Tevive tbe memory of the "Father of his Country." ' ' : '" Jefferson is buried on his old estate, Mouticello, Dear Cbarlottsville. The simple shaft thai covers bia grave baa beeii pecked and: chopped by relic hun ters, and grass and weed are allowed to brow about it undisturbed. "r -" Madison sleeps at Montpelier, in Madison connty, and.-, nothing but a simple monument of cheap kind and a poor desigu points the curious travel lers toj bis resting place." , The Virgioiahs,- while holdincr in deal remenibrance the distinguished (services ana , virtues oi inese great men, have beonjnnaccountably - negli gent and indifferent in' tbeway of buildinc monuments ovf-r their srravea. Richmond Correspondence Cincinnati commercial. x cf . Atiguat. : 1873. and I by connaeVftis "'r '1 z J sd and decreed by . ..it tbe prayer of aaid pen . 3 1 .i . m . i m i . j rsnvccif anu ion jo.dd o, 1. --n, assign ae afUr advertising place -of tale, at four ..3, for tbe Bpace of twe'ivty I:Dwatircointyf;, proceed to -; tlio ftuctiob to .the 'highest ' ' ' I : . for caah, at the court-hooae - fn i.Lury. the rereraionarr interest in -11 the landa assigned heretofore" aa" a homestead, to the said John M.'; 116' Conaughby, with, the . reservation; 'to the aaid bankraptf the'right of en joyment of bis said homestead daring its legal duration jrfin impeachable for waste, and with atbe incidents- he Would bavef iitb was tho- fee aimple owner: and upon the payment of the purchase moneyyby the-purchaser, it is ordered; adjudgedAid decreed that said assignee execuua deed to him, conreying , tbe aaidsMand, recitinc therein tbe reservation, incidents and Hgbts, of i the ts'rrrpt" hereinbefore mentioned.,- I.-a'i, P.Xickv . ...'.'; , -.Judge. ,irounty-.. AAsVi.li;' amoai.TTir i.flownshrp'tai-O40.88; RaUroad hut, - , $1 0,43 1.05-w bole amount c State, v, county Railroad and towntLin taxes . fothel';ar l873, $3L007.SS. ? The Great Falls. Fsotory pays moro taxes' than either of the townships of ' Beaver "Dan"r Black Jack. ' Rock iogbam lnahip -contains, tbe' most ' .. taxabl ewtfroper ty, $354,893. ! - hcr first Can In the TWfir. ' A PbiladelDhi'a oaoer eays: It haa been generally : tboogbt that the firs. ganoz ihe great civil war was that fired on iforl CJumter, . . .ia otbr r -"ooMs bave fiven tne i-5i1iJioTcllqw; Fever. . ; : 'NiwUaiiAwi' Septo'mber 9.WV S. Pike, jce-presidVn t of t ho Howard Association in this city to day re ceived a dfapatch fdom Sbrdvepbrt. (Louisiana, as foUown ; . '".we returtt oor sincere thanks to. the Howard Associated of. New Or-' leans for their kind offer, and say that tbe fever is epidemic and on , tho in creaae,4ind that we should be glad to' have experienced nurses, but we have not the means at present to coaapen-. sate tbem. We also require five phy sicians." . . . j ' .. . , - The dispatch is' sign d by L. R. Simmons, presidential the Howard Association, and B. B Lindsey, prei-. dent of the Board of Trade. ' . Texas and Her Cattle. 1- t v- Tho Biblical recorder, isr'authorizfid by Dr. V7. T: Brooksresident of the Board of. Trustee -of Wake Forest College, to say. that ex Gov. W. .W Holden is not a trustee of that insti tution. Wi thouf his' knowledge or consent, b e was Mly 'elected a Trus tee, But declined j to accept the vap pointmcnt as soon as He was nbtiQed of it. . : y i :- '--;!'' i . Peacs asd Good Will. --France. having paid rip her warludemnity to Germanj', and Bnglaud having handed over her little check tor the fifteen millions indemnity. on -those .ilabauia claims, why should not our mission- i 6w fi a universal peace conference inciad-l0 the gove-''"piit o f uiorce" thyfcW ng the ;udia4s? ; ,5 f . " - t in that sectionf toe countryl. ... - 4 - Tho Raleigbv Jtewa. i informed by Governor" CatclsvMi 'that Revenue offi cer Boaver and cart j were fired upon on Satnr'day lasK-iTv South '-Mountain, Burke county, a party of;; men ly ing in ambush 4Xone-of the party fared on, wo uejrcre, were hurt, but were oblijied tojocat a retreat.! Deaver has asfeea rr -launco at the hand . Style In old Times. In 1785 Gen. Hancock received'bi3 guests' in a red velvet cap, within wbich was one of fine linen, turned up over the edge jot the velvet one or tfrp inches; v He wore a bluedamaak gotvn, liued witb silk, a wbite, f',tii erabt 1 - ' ' w Wi. w ui te .ilk f' ' . .. r slippcrs. '-;';V ,-.de3 cl . Conrt" of - JIassachuseti , w!-3S 1773, wore robes of ecsiist, faced with black velvet: ana in bummer -piaca bnt a lienteoant, fostiojraished him self by reinforoing tbe United States garrison Vith extraordinary vigor and promptitude beforje the ictual 'out break of the war. Buf t ie war de partment at Washington baa. ascer tained on clear evidence tb it the orig inal overt act of hostility was com mitted at Vicksburg, on he Missis- sinpi, where an attempt waa made, some days before tbe Cba rleston and Pensacola affairs, to stop a steamer passing down the atream with stores on board belonging to the federal gov ernment. As the armament of the place at that time eonaisted of but one four pounder, the property of the city, and intended for salutes, it is not sur prising tbat the ateamer went by un buriand the circumstances had be n almost forgotten in the greater events of which Vicksbnrg wsa the scene, until late inquiries revived the memory of them. The gun was brought away when the works of PemHerton .we re dismantled after hie surrender 10 Grant in 1863, and waa lately four d in the ordinance atorea at Washington, whence the President has directed it should be sent to Weat Point, and pre sented, to tbe academy . a: a public menorial of the triumph of ..ttteraa'ae n-iiist which it wee used for the first acicf defiance. . The ' cattle country of Texas is a recrtan ' whose animated treasures iuri.iM iu numb rs .' tnd valnA even tha flocks and heidw of tha great man of vs.. Undr remarkably fvor able eircnmaUnces of climate and paatare, foreign brd of oattl v ba amalga aated into a eouamoa actock. They combine In m larp. degree tbe totter poiote of tbe con Ulnent bree.li The eUtWmUlnfi l&dneUy wtiujluril kliu b. n (, "K.n rliii fjf peeoe witli M.xico, , tal Dr yatum m.(ro. ; The namber of eattJe In tbe fitele t prmx-ut ie estimated at about four to one of (be popu lation, wberftia in aeverul ot. tbe other iarc.- Statas of thUnion tbe proportion it revemod. ' Some of the ranche are of .immense propor tions, embracing from 89,000 to 100.0(10 a r of laud. In 1870 one ranch, owned by a Col. King, -was etafcked with 65.000 cattle, 10, COO horses, 7,000. sheep ind 9,000 goats, and foiv tbe management of these immense herds 300 .' Mexican herdsmen and 1,000 saddle homes '. were kept in constant requisition. There are ' at present ' equally large ranches. Turning Ids animals loose to gruse at rill over a rang of country over- fifty miles square, coveud with nutritions "grasses, in o genial climato, . in which khelter is uonrccemry, the Texas Btock-raiser confines his dire to tbe identifi cation and markehsg of his animals. Nobility or Labor.- Hardly any . thing is more contemptible than tho conceit which rests upon social posi tion; tbe concoit of those who imagine that thov are thus divotecd from the ' Cloy of common men; of those who shrink with. horror fronv tho idea of work; as something that degrades by its contact, and yet who, likely, owo . their present position to somo nnt very remote ancestor, who, rocogni sing his call to work, lived more hon- ' , -."7"v:-.- : '- '- -- Those strange phenomena v"t a e f-'icitonsly. named eloud-borst, thatse'ie' devastate the Califoraia valleys; ate V " matioia their -tr?0'" Yeo esaoi dwt.i T" forr - ' ' - r- ! i cstly in tbe world tban they do, ana ' j was not asljamed of the soiled thumbs, -vn It ia one of tbe m easiest things for "v.V' people to be ashamed of the work rV-"H''j 7 . i which glorified their ancestors more, with their soiled aprons una black m gowoa, than, they with their fino rib-'-bons and flashy jewelry. . It migbf be a floe thinr to.be like a lily, more glo. rioasty clothed tban.Solomon, and do- ' k ing nothing as if weTwcro lilies, -lAd..-' : vantsgeous4p.eition . is only? a little''- ' noro enpnaticcau- Tor ..wort: ; -r " ' " 3 wl.' '-"rtLe U.J S . - v . to tL h: gronri." the others to retar- . aearlv-Dri-; J ' artkla every variety vl buiui . i-:-, - caps and collar of.Te'vetpf -a diilereut fitfiet frb'the ,eat;!.Ip.;yo General Washington arrived id NeV XH. trom- Mount Vernon, to assume the duties' of the Presidency. . He was dressed in a full, euit Virginia home 8p(m On bis visit to Nf England he wore the old continental uniform, except On the Sabbath, l when he ap peared in black. John Adams, when Viee-President,i wore ;.WC?. nJ. walked about the streets with Jne liar under his arm. I At Ids leveea m Phil adelphia, PresidentWbington aa clad in black velvet, his hair powered and gathered bWnd in a silk bag; yet-. low gloves; toU shod; bucfcleiy.he held in bis band a."cocked hat orna mented "with a cockade, fringed about an inch deep with black feathers; a t. - word in awbite -scabbard, with a polisbed steel bilt; hrig at bia hip.4 V-l 1 thjjfamc.apirie j; r.liut. ..'kertzet ItJir .'owp.- ; jr ?-;1u'iy hdtiorabto. . .. ' ' ; J -l-r- '' ' -'..- fcj, : ... 7..-.: . "i ' The venerable Dr. Hooper, thirty Ars aco a professor - in the boat tb CV' H'a College, preached iff ib I Bi, li C'.i-rcu ia Cueeter . un I Sunday morning r e las; was fataLTaad inyolwei tc atUi5lj dt all th whole famUr.Ti'e xei , " - Scarcelv had thev reathedttie doer cf the eabia oa-their 'jMtara whetv .with no.e i.ke tbe discharge of a thousand pieces of art 1 lory, the-darknass suddenly arted in " the centre. and simultaneously an immense sheet of water deeen'ded apon tbe doomed hdane, like a'abot fromra gaa. On prolonged wail, a few abort shrieks, and the silenoe pf . death, eloeed over the scene. ,wnen tne water oaa snoeidea xo go canon peased to exist. Where the canon had been' was. only a part of the adjoining hills, the dtris canned by the cioadrborst haviag tUled it up to a level with their tops." A- decrease of the colored DODolatioh If apparent only, ta three States, and these on the border, where the whites already .'predominate..": These "three areircpniaV Kentucky and Missdorpj i nert Lv4 oeen ao incrom in Aiaoama,- ArlBsFloHda, Georgia, North and S$S fQtiK -Tennessee, Texas, Lutaltnj "Tn'd liisltsippj.; This docs nbt iobk-as though' the . colored rce ia -jwjJ dytog-ou'tj ,Tko increase of tbe negroes it in atiia oiaLce top natural phe of tbe greatcj. ham ber ot births over death, and in particular Stale by migration from one section to the QibiuBiUiw Gazette . pondenta, . 19(1,. b"fe. .or, CI. nanyiot tbe JiepubU-fit f elected are .Anti ltailro-ulcr aud favor of Booth "for ij-iojltor. ' Au w l i ring that the latter .will -bo s txrted by a part of-thoso. wb6noId over; u'ia, friends, claim confidently", .hut "his -. tr r-S from tho start will bo. much gfcs 4r than can posslblyc ppoib.aad toranr other. candidate. ' i ' .'- 1 gu , iieplccnbor l().--Tho ' ' ; n g; b (tmniary :'-." " ': -Deciocra 10-tOliw. -ry ta clcct.Uoitcd 5tat.i . TheTUlelcb Sentinel aays: Nn(ir dUrri,vr vr. collored, aged 110 fears . died at - hr r home 1 o: vwift Creek tovpuhip, on Friday 'likt 'Her fonersl which toiik plaf Tfrnnv-'fct.- JjUn's ' ' (Baptist) cLuroh im, tJuudaj.was Jnrgl y -nt-. tended by both white ah-T ibolot-od peorle. . For 82 years she had; !oen a'nv rWr of - V r. Baptist church, aivl tbropgb n kfg lif sis tent piety had Vu the Hifiudicfl pi teem o white people 0, tlien-! 1 tne Up to her death aba drew rejnliuK j-n- -from the TJniUd tltc, govern ten, 'ut 7."", band having beeu.a soldier in the 1 t r ?oJ.. JT '' ' toy rarv-. ;V.-.i. 'V- J,W ' - Mr. Osmond Vjuefi; a n -o,d (Jnanece tomau, ia.pogtas.steraiC4maoa, ' i v v.. if I ""'