6 i v r If UBLISHED EVELlY THURSDAY I v ' MOUNINGAT r XI AY ET T CSV 1 L L, K , N . 1M. JV McSween; MOIl'-AHD. pbophietor. J;lo aoies tfceir eeiitR; Chie yeAr 2.00; Urnta-i. $l..Qv- r'ub3 of ten," or-mote ieh a ye.tr. plan ol twenty, or ifiorc ach for ft. y,e.w. -Teacheir,.iIi&ister$, iblo4l Confederate Seluiers cm receive tit hif price, ' . " H , . ' . . . " V. i I .-- , - .i.r--... : J, i 2 .3 r 7 ' ! o jo J L?3 i 24 fV ! &eMm!iBE&Qfotemimt - -'--; """ 1 "Hl'ii ft . niJ ' " , . r . ". ?--.rr--,-- .. : - ! . v -w-- 'r- i.' " ' 4 K,.t j- - i - . 'y - - . ' V"5 -v. ! '"" 1 I- -.. - , -v . . a , . v. r- . i x iuo iiii oiiiu uwui;r ii.iuuiiii) l ..- ' , . .. 4. v ,-... .. j - ' . , .. . i - . . . . ' r,T , - i '. , .1 I t'Or' K ill H ,er';e& -I made jnv'way nptotte frotitl L -ycars aosrdd'Judo J crowded ' to hir tho -i-ctdf, fcod hV.njiuibr otcaVprcBetifi.: t.. . ef1 i i " r - . ; j. . - ...... - - : f TIlHSLiKtil FOR J0IIIV5J1TII John Stnurr iTiarri'od "invfulli grvat cnc'e's eldest duul.tcivMclmdu ' door, IbrouU; VwilHetirtssrof ' ra;, Byrne." Consequently I was urela' .Tjioken ' 'croekt-rvi; :ft?d -iu-wnie, "etc , live to .Tahn - rscittXerijaffj fluok of - beua aad- fdnsu Jolin'ii fiunih5 had often visited at ; a 8u.ipijis.il littiu teir our quivt country home, and .it cachj on the stops. ... i - - n vii?it;nau most, coruuiiiy pressed us (o A ipu ifieeti woio.in t 1 T 1 - ' ' I t i p out ueiorw i co a ui imiKe my.Ci 1 retun. the coRiplimtnt . Ijsist .UctobiT business cuicu mo t cotuary ihqiuryi sue oneneu on me n-ue. suddoDiv to the city 'ot ' B cinuati in of sprfija1: books-th-at" ;t wantotJ-.'i Vliiio- tlica'e:-a litLlo ritrv r.ei from' bia 'n-'p '-i0 boy' lt r,?ei t ATff yf avn ot'an, " . - . jtsanie .tran-:' 'fyurwa' geography, an answered ' V v 1 'Tl(?myi " .tttem tivas the " sales- (11 :?' v.... i Vfju" ouf rolauves resided, and with x' i;iti tunc to writo- or 'appriso -. j ii t wo-etlged --b.u cher Utiife;-".' -V'Well, of -all iinpudent'pftKCafs- " I ever baw.'wh beat lhn lot J U4W hi Btc-tiK'ljufT lbou la Utile j -By no ineaus, bhwLI J . do thflv fost ?" L ''Dfo d'.! mv L-rt " 1 want I HtJ,tnn.od ' jh" k' t . ... ,.. ... 6 AO ITlGtili sai-U .rebuking'v Y .-J. -." .' j klfe u tw woi'ia-.tho. liloVinalioit Rr on inch of-llu deck remains 'fltiovc I, )(m- til 'flirts livir.i, L'iWicnCan. i,-.i';.f wl.i n f KOvi noncr'ot u. then I JO'eoft'4rABJC'whit:'ji!.4r'.iUiirterira (. i; .U fih:nn!tn , tho' vessel, :uud uot I bHj'errff vlvififif and others. ' l'iu.li before, r;orJ,oiie 6f ray crow; mk. Kvi'i vlhln '"iiba'l be done to bivo it, awl it" wb-fail it. shall nV bo IrouU pWttcy. ve ' ibit? sofivce, aiid ' tlik- 4mt- s 5 111 f Minbi-r tirowi! i 1 i j -Ui.-eCv," iTffe'r g-rt Uir, ih;(iie Ui: MVnictiob. Bear. a bund, .i'vevy one oLj tuiiK.vtiTls; tc CxcJttljz Jl . J 4f-3 5" v1 10 11 j 12 13 V15 16 17 18 1!) 20 71 22 23 24 25. 26 f 27 A 29 so.. .,r .... A ... -r:. i 2 3 4- '5't 7 8 9 10 11 J .12 -13 14 i 15 16 f 17 j 18 J9- 20 j 21 2i 23 241 25 be, 7 28 29 30 31. , .. ; 2 i i'r 4; 5 6 . - 7 9 i 10 i 114 12 13 14 i 15 1G 17 IS. 19 20 21 22 23 24 2a 2ff f7 l 28 '20 30 31 .... .... .J.i... 6 7 8 9 10 f 11 12 ' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 , - 20 ' 21 22 t 23 24 t 23 j 26 '1 27 2 29 f30, ....... A.:..:.,, t... ..... ... 1 2 ! 3 . 4 5 I 6" 7 1 8 9 : K r ' H 12 J 13 14 15 t 16 17 J - 18 19 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 i 27 I 23 29 i 30 31 Atbmbeb.; .1 2 ( 3 4 1 5 6i! 7 . 8 9 j 10 J 11 12 , 13, : 14 J 15 18 j 17 13 19 20 j 21 , 22 23 ! 24 " 25 26 27 28 29 30 j T ' lD2CEiEEB...t ..;.! 1 2 3 j 41 5 G 7 f 8 I 9 10 11 12 . 1 ( 13 14 j 15 ! 16 17 18 I 19 jT,- 20- 21 I 22 f 23 24 25 26 27 28 j 29 30 31 I....!... ' -a 46. V-'t- ' t v cod?uIsoi)' Education. Gov. of Sevr York, has signed ' the bill paced by i.be late regislatare jl.ompHjtaittratS.ud uai diaua oX i'nnd Bfteen years to give Ibem in n fccbool drj at boUie, at least fourteen tfeeks regular -instruction every year reading, Twriting, .xrUhraetie, English grammar and geography.. It Vro ( bibits the eiuplbjiueot of ci!id-i nvitbin the ages uametJ. at any labor during the tiuio wbeu the district ' :scbooTs are opened, and school of&cere '. - -e iven authority to see that it if fiftreed. la Germany they have what is called eoaptilsory education ; but they hav- 'with it a law wnicu pays nc piem sartheda)S woik his sou must jOse goiug to school where the parent t able to do without the work of oa. Compulsory education .will X for this couutry, there are too who ate cut abie to do wittior.t ildreii's labor on the farm', and shops. Besides it is at war e "euius aud spirit of America ericati iusiiluious. 4- xuio w attemot in. America at com- lucation. x York Herald is of the this law will not work jy. If it will uot w.ork fry, there is less chance 4-veii in the couutry. It ,eomDiiIorv religion and - - ;. .... 43. . t thCio mj'e-lf, as the cars'set mo ownamiu incr smoke and oustiy of . . . ;1 inquired for my relative of the first haekman I came across. Ho looked at me with an iil sup pressed "grin., vhat was the follow laughing at? To be suro my clothes were not of the very latest, cat, and it is not jufct the thing for any one ot the army to wear blue with' hriirht buttons ; but my coat was whole, and rur aunt Betsey had scoured the bill tons with whiting and soft soap until they shone like gold. 1 repealed ni) question with dignity. , i "Can you direct me to the residence. of Mr. John-Smith?.' 31r. Smith?" he said slowly. "Yes, si:-, idr. John Smith. Tie married my father's great uncle V eldest daughter Belinda. John Smith seemed to be a common noun'" with lu'm, from the peculiar tone he used in speaking of that individual. . "Oh !" I remarked ; "then there is more than one oJHhat name in the city?" ' "1 rather think there is. , j "Very well, then, direct me to tin nearest.: .'; The nearest is in "West street. 6econd lefL hand corner you-will ser the name on the door." I passed on, congratulating .myseli on the cordial welcome I should! re ceivc from John'and Mclinda. , I soon reached tho place a hapd- sonie l-iouse with the name on a silver door.pIate.Xxan the, bcll-a cr vi leave to inform von "Oi', you need'nt beg I V o ! don't believe in -beggars! I Vpose von .thought 1 bh ,u!d not kuow that, biaeli back of yours in Califoruy ? -Clear out of my presence, or . I'il "lay my broom handle over vou ! If there's anything I hate, it is a peddler- e'pe--cially a rascal, Jike you " "Allow me rinqi.ii e," said I, "If Mr. John Smith's wife was MelincrW Bvrney, the eldest daughter jjt iuj father's ." - The broom stick was lifted I heard it cut the air like a minuie bullet, and sprang down the steps iulo the street, at my best pace. ( : Au angry man I do not fear ; but. who can stand before an angry woman ? I would rather face a roaring lion. I called on two more Mr. Smiths still umucctssful in my search'. It was getliug near dark, and I was more than anxious to reach my destination. My nest Mr. Smith was loeaied in Lenoxfitreet. It was twilight when I rang the bell at his door. A smiling fellow, admitted me, fairly forcing' me into the hall before IcoulJ utter a woid. 'VTalk liiflt In, sir : they are ex mo.bavc rupuy, upn: v. J7 :l Intio whilo I'J tho. ........ 4 !. 1 'k.. . r... How eaAi!v his looked seouieu to shriuk w'ithtu hjs ragged clothes when the'man, not very kiudlj told him he p;ald not! The di.appoiiited little fellow looked ajuey f -Aiiy his little bright eyes irivaiiswer, and how he up to me, Wi ... . ; ! lowed him, ; ."And w!i 'iiT anot "ShaH I I now ?" ,1 asked, r place, sir." yoa like," said he in succeed ?" "Oh, yc surprise. Four diftV-. lit stores I entered with time he was refused. iy again ?", I asked shall try them all, or I Iw whether I could iret ptcf mg you ! The ladies will be down inamomeut. Mis8 Hat1 is ju the back parlor. Walk lighn, sjr." 1 was gently pushed , toward th door of a shadowy apartment, and at he entrance I was 'announced : ".Mr. Henry." ' Ihe g.lswas not lighted, and the apattment was in semi-darkness. I iieard a .soft, quick footfall on the Then him, and each "Will you t "less, sir ; should noC'kn one. We entered lh little' fellaj? w told the 'get wanted, and "You want i said the prop Ips ;. verv W hy do y much;?" 10 studv, si but 1 study, All the boys $ ill gel ahead father was learn !of tho-;i in a very poor attempt left the .store. i I foi- 1 .overtook him. f too, and see how you .fifth store, -and the IkSd , up manfully, ai.d enia'n just what he Istlliow much he had. aiefboolc very much?" tu) : very 1.-,- ,.i ' tttil w j . X I I M V Villi , J I l U.i fcXl I I t .' I wiil land you ty al the dock in Liverpool," said hej "if you wiil be men." -ff - j And ho did land ns jiafelj- ; but tho vessel eunk moored la the dock. The captain stood on jtho deckof the. sinking vessel, receiviig the thanks and blessings of tho passengers, as they passed down the igaiig-plauk. ' 1 was the last to leave.. ; I passed jcl Ste grasped my hand and said : 'i- "Judge 1'., Xo you recognize' mo L told him tha.t I was pot "awuio that I ever sav; him until .1 stepped aboard his ship. "Do you remember the boy in Cincjnnali ?" - - " -. ."Very .well,-isir ; William Haverly." "I am' hd' said ho. "God bless vou And God ' bless' noble Cantain 4. X ...... i -Vtv' 1.4.1-V .ti4.U44'M4' . 44, , 44 4i-4.i. f 4,,m, fu.rtwj?, His ni. . fey wt froiji Pore Jfclytfl and welt sc-fT tti talk ill? wuei4 a gnirwasw near. I to n.oiv tetiiriud tQ. the bouse of Torn XTuX and. ieporf;d th.it Henry' lit -rryrs Igti'n bail gon oil'nud killed hiui.. Ii, 'wa Btibfeequen iy ttseertai neJ, hv.e v?r. that d:id jrun was in iiw' lianil' f;F niea .uiai feai .tie's Haver! The Proposed Union offhe North cm aad Southern MeJiodisls. asked; the 'prop i "He is'deaJ' wint it so very, - a . I can't go 1 school, lull 1 can, at home. jve got one, and they oj mo. lieSides mv tailor, and I want to ices where he 'used to At the session of the conference, at Louisvill?, on Friday tho. chief feature of the day was. the reception of the three yommissioners , fi-ofhe M:. E. Cliurch jSTorlh, the lie v. A, S. Hunt, D. JX, ' the ilev. C. 11. Fowler, andGen. Clinton. 13. Fjsk. After tho iutXan-re of introductions and .4 4 1 . ' ' .1 I . '- u a i.ie-ir.ne tdo r:itij fciiojt. as 4s tho gai)- are n de.'itl th v UdJi Qr w t to ese facts Ji;T8 n o w . p o b abiuf teliing thtm; iirul.thid yet- 1 tu-ink, b.at became. of rheso uo- loribus scoundrels, and the ' facts-; a. tibiye nart.iled inty Le taken ju Iras." A Cure for Coiisuiiipllei., A jcorrcupondeut.. writes as tolio.ws about the- sanitary power ;of a1 very we I knofii plant : I have discovered I a remedy lor pulmonary consumption ii was eureu a numoer commenced plo caAcs after sdiiigVat the tdready and they had lungs and the hectic flush on tno cheek. After trying this remedy to my' own ; satisfaction. 1 ibavo ihoight philanthropy required Ithat 1 sh6uTd lot it be known to the) world. it is the common muljiir. Btoepea siiiong und swoetcned With ..4"...4 Jtl.'J.!t .....I -J 1. I .in 3uaj(, aim uraiiK ireciy. li e herb shci I-J be ga'.hered before tl o: J ulv. '. it eon vciiiinf plants are good if dried Youi;g 1. - ; T " . -4. J 6ur ffmtig, and f it i- mistake, mission. -XiOok after' the s over improve your a r u 1 of y o u r d ai ly up lor the alternooa. y-nbt, and need not be, fer thku calico, but with flower, or some bit of i cau have an air of self- b.atisfaction. that iuvari- s witu ueing well aressea. ith fine sensibilities cannot !ing embarrased and awkward gtd, dirty dress, with her hair jt, if a stranger or neighbor come id. , aioreover, your seii; t- should, demand decent ap- rr for your body., xon should it a point to look as well as you even if yoa know nobody will see u but yourself. . tit A A 1 I 3 1 Factories and machine shops should not bo allowed to run a day without Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. In case of a .sadden accident, an immediate use of it may f-ave weeks su tiering, stnd perhaps a limb, or even life v 'The 'debt of St. Leuia, Mo,, amounts Ida little under $17.OuO,u0J. . "Mr. Smith in t "No, sir; Mr. Smith is in the arm-." "Mrs. Smith is; she ?' "In the arniv ? oh no she is at the beach." "This is Mr. John Smith's houstv is it?" I "it u." . "W as his wife's name Melinda, and was shea Pyrne before she was mar nod, from Squashville?" The man reddened and responded angrily "I'll net stand here loj.be in suited! Make off with yourself, oi .'J! call the police. I tii.ought that you was an entry thief, bat you don'i play lhat:game on me!' and banged the door in my face. fla thief! If I had not been in such a. hurry to find Smith, I should have "iven that follow a sound chas tisiug on the spot. . 1 Inquiry elicited the fact that a John Smith resided in Arch street. Thither I' bent my steps. A maid servant answered my ring. .1 "Mr. Smith in ?" I Before the lady could reply, a big red faced "man jumped out of the shadows behind the ddfcr, and laid his heavy band on my shoulder, "Yes, sir," be cried, in a voice oi thunder. "Mr. Smith is in. He stayed at hbme all daj' on purpose to catch you, and now, by Jupiter, I'll have my revenge !" " said I. there must be some mistake. Allow me io inquire if you aro.llr. John Smith?" T1I inform you about Air. j John th in a way that you won t relish, don't settle damages lorthwitn. toniuiiiU lollurs la tho very figure,'- aiJ you rnufct leave the ed, " What do you take me for ? better bo careful, or you'll get bead caved iu I" I II cave your head in for j'ou, you young villain, you !" cried he, spring ing at me with his cane. "Oh, John, dear Johni!" exclaimed a shrill female voice, an d a tall figure in a sea of flounces bounded the stairway, "Ion'f; love of Heuven don't "Whom do you take me for? I, niy temper rising, "it looks Well for vou question 1 sneered the IiwjrpetawiA. paiv, vfJ weetest iip4 nl UCtOUS Of I m-4f ''-' shad nave e. a' down you, for tho piurder bim." cried to ask that man : "you have won my wife's hotirt, and are here now to plan to elope with her! I've found it all out ; lyou need'nt blusb.aud " " "I beg your pardon for interrupting you," said I; "but I have never seen your wife before I perceive that she is not Melinda, the eldest daughter of my father's great uncle " "Sir, do you deny that you aie William Jones ? Do you deny that you are in jove with my wife?" j "I am not Jones; I have not that honor, sir. My name is Pai kvvell, of Squash ville," aud, with a bow, took myself off. After that I called at the residence of three John Smiths, but none of them. was my Mr. Smith, and nothing occurred worthy of note. My next Mr. Smith, resided iu Port- f swam r and I foit asTl I iT.id been 'sJfcWtd in honey and distil. ed. into Lu;tns best tripple extract of roses. 0i, llfury my dearest and best ! .Why d.-'ii't yoa kiss me, Henry ? ' (":r.ed a 'voice like music. "Hive yon ceased to care for me ?" and again tho 'vi.-s v;;s repeated. Who could resist the temptation ? Iain naturally a diflident man ; but I have home human nature in me, and 1 paid her, principal and interest. "Ob, Henri; I l;ad- to fircd that, being in the army'' bad made o;i cold hearted good heavens!" She fe!i baek against tlni chafr as pale as hath. Tho servaut had lit the gas, ..ml I stood revealed. "1 beg your pnr.ioiy marih ," s lid I; 'there, iu evidently soihe mistake, May I inquire if Mr. Smith's wif& was Mblinda liyrue, tliie eldest daughter of my father's great uicle ?" The red "fliisb cfnme to the young lady's cheek she Kva9 handsome as n picture aud she replied with courtesy: "Sho was not. You will, I hope, excuse me for the blunder I have com mitted? We are expecting my brother Henry fioni the army, and your blue clothes deceived me." 'For which I shall always wear oliie," I replied gallantly. "Allow mo to introduce myself I am Heniy Park well, of Squashville," and in mak ing my bow, I stumbled over an Otto man, and fell smash into a 'China closet, demolishing at least a dozen plates and as many tumblers." 1 knocked over a man who was pass ing at the moment, and lauded myself on my head in the gutter. The man (jic-Ued himself up pud wasabOUfO make a display of muscjo, wb en Xtie glare of the street lamp revealed t me the well known face of my John Smith. "Eureka!" cried I. "Allow mo to inquire if your", wife's name was Melinda," tho eldest daughter of my father's great uncle Byrne? V "She was," said he, grasping nn'i hand, "and I am delighted to see you 1 Lvcry beautifu tut, conrounu it! you neodu t come at a fellow so!" But I must cut my story short. tie took me home with him and I had a good visit j I say Melinda to my heart's content. Nay, more I met and was properly introduced - to Haltie Smith and well lam having a new suit of clothes made and in due course of time will be married, myself in them, to the young lady just alluded to. to those places nowT'f a tor said "the boy softly. ho adid ' k.fter awhile. "I'm .. ' Jh.t t r in r-Hmiiii ii n ' . gen ttetuattf aT9 nrs cy'euro ws r? ousfy.!:-' - " ''." '; ' - "Yes, sir, if I ;fve." T "Weil, my luo.il will tell vou what. I will io ; I wi:i geography, and y. frf4.ntri iiif ur.inn PicKnr the visitors, thov tv ! n(.i(,i i .v' k"'1.'"-" g' urieu in u.e the con foromo by Bishop xMcTycire I 8'1U(Je' lld. kl'I'1 ceau VWr h? and Dr. Hunt nd'divs.-d ilm . -.. ; 'nedici.'io must be continued fuM;i ".-... ... r. . .-..I. ir . -l i'thr 44 vnwu jit u ing peecu. no they ' desired nothing hut recognition. 1 he I Wo aiVe, hide said eo to stx mo tit hs. m-coi-din.. in i!,.. .... t ......... r . i ... ..:. t. : . . mutual .1 . . y-w. V,J Uriehesa If. is; saiil ' rr...Y,,t..- t,i 1.6 Yitti'Txtiaf! Com mo n Cv !-(:, q-iestion of ;oi) Octavo Tasf-; of eosidilablii s"uicide r eoutly i. yeaia atiu.ua. i it for sovcral years past?. . A.qrtifksi'.or U ver citiug.tt.euiwidur il ,t, I i t ( h i . i lit ' It o v joi ft i l to bu T'ol.i.ck With pVospcV . In ChicagV'tb,ivo( ihv Mm niiiir honM - h i dayj-couailiugitily it tuX mps. Oatriiny omu liuugmtl tffeetiva.way of Houtllai iziij laljv'r and reudci iilg pauperism o A eun'jii v is hhorily io b pla I in the OrJoatieo iMuseiim at Washing- a r edei 1 and Cuii- J npac ked in the "uir, up bcroro l eteis-, . ( -tit e, a mm wll kno wu th ;o-), consisii'ig of federate buoct which wis pick5 biirg iij lilGi 4ustiu Ilolyoa! in K igland tor i ihu hiiior q ie! ioi , ,n 1) .-lialfiof tho S Coil III v'UOU and tar :m effort H-.Cl.tl tli.il !!.' I T i CU 1 Ipt you. have a new Ju. may i ay the re mainder ot the money when yoa can, or I will lot yon have one that is not new for fifty con ts ' , " "Are the leaves all in it, and just like the others, only not new." "Yes, jest like-the new ones." . It ' ivill . .,1 Ti:..tl th on n tii i 1 HI 1 L I III . 1 . . : 1 r w i-1 1 ii in r fii ciii at i ii i iiir t i w . iiin.i ,d ,!m,w , n.,, h.j.,,. I ei.i eiigiiiuiM i.iu system., amt. Dnil A. . .. - . . , . i -i i .: 4 . ; . . w II 11 IS cn( til nkimrtiwn- f ..tl.:.4.UI - ' - .41 w - ST Sr:r. r ,TT wish ofthawm.fr that evorv-i...rlodi.lf;c'a ivt'V tll" tU :"V";W- ryK i,, .,.,,,,!.. !al in tho Uaitea states Canada audi , .. , ... , TWy3,r'il in einaiks,- re . ' , , , , , '., - p o who composed tbu ttity .stucnaoU , fommanv .M.h.f. of ,,,,!,., I . ! jtitl'l should ptihlnli tafs .receipt L' 1 , J . ... ,w,g .'v y . " . ,. ,. J lor the benefit of the buinan familv. " ' . o .1 - iwoeu tiie two cm ic-i o lcirroo to - ., . , . , . h ,,,, . ... .... ... .i ,.i,,,' V.l4;..i.;.. l ,;,,'.,,. , t. ' .-. tms up and . keep ,t in the house' . 1 H cu; u:-' 11 u t1"-- . V the brotheriy-1 jvo felt by the 2sot towardithie South, (lenoral .Fisk, .u ! his adilro.v-!, said d:!F.:rouees between j us thejt'e ar.;, b'al can they not be ad- j as ted; by brotherly love? Is there' not .intelligence and piety sufficient in these tuo .rreat Methodist-, bodies .t.jJ readyir. use rrlsd 'hrisfttii 'Adc JL he Uniie l S.a'.-s Conr! it has rcf.ised (ho A. Ii.'.ciiwijod to L" tic; before it. Am cleats left to waiils am gtad e one at any buying some H!icr book they did not. lot me; hav l' . i . .. L . i ..... i it: oi mo oiuer places. The j bookscI(.r looked up inquir ingly, and I t-jfd him whai, I had soon of. .the) little fcliuw. Ho was mtich pleased and wbeu ho brought the book along, I sa.v a nice, new pencil and some clean, white paper in it. "A present, my lad, for your perse verence. Always, ha vTe courage dike that, and you will make your mark," said the bookseller, "Thank you, sit you aro so vciy good." 1 V ' " f'What is your lame ?" - , "William ilavcrlj', sir." H : "Dd" y-ou want any more books ?" I now asked h:in. - "More than I can ever get," he' re plied, glancing a the books that filled the shelves, f I-gave him a bank note. "It will buy some for you' I said. " s . Tears of joy came into his eyes. ' "Can I buy; -whit I want with it?" "les, my a:d1iiything.w ; rat . r ' .1 1 V uy a nook lor my "1 thank you very &ftr,piy vailed to woman )W tl. Ciaims q-'i.-.sf of M:s. jjfv.i llowcd Jo pine .!i the oiiitions !l;w ii'iuiiJ.-ion if h iiiatrinl e. tiia! ii.'o precedent "wbti'd 'vit ot a lUiiLce to iren aut iidinii uu- pii lo f.eijOo, iiajk' laro i n 'iiS.uugton l.isi wt:.?k. . Ti.ero i lo two hundred and ; t w chl v'niio ti.on;U" Cuo-Uj.i, Oi Wtiuni '.tuo pii'zod' cJuaisted uC "I hen I will -mopher, said he much, uudfc. you back.'. He wanted 10 him. The" the counter so, envjeil him, before I saw b to vvoik out an enduring peace on. the basis of justice to ail parties ? Bishop Moi'yeiro then turned to the , a commissioners, and addressing thdm. I !)cf. ro hiui.-which, woiihl . urrtatlv fr-nd annouiicol that iu duo lime and iii ii j to con up'ibu ; that tho-law does not formal way tho General Conference j ivcj.-nie mar; i.io a-i a parfriyishtp. would make a response t the messalsio 1 but as-ai:itv of interest and'ptrsonal borne by them. Meantime he cordi ally invited them to t!o freedom of tlioHar of the Conference, auJ toktc cuy seats upon the platform. H Jast year name, and I frave it I left him standing by y that. I almost many years passed U' a train went to Europe on one . . i . . i ot the llrst vcseis mat ever, plowed There are several kinds of worms whi'di trouble horses ; the pin-worms (pointed at both ends) are thj most common and most dangerous Slwri da n' Cavalry Condition lJowder.H will in a few days eject, the worms,- and the horse will begin io thrive. j "Supirintendicide" has just ;bcen coined to express a justifiable. 'line of conduct when a Sunday School finds it impossible to get rid of an imbecile and highly respectable, insane and amiable, good and good for nothing superintendent. tlio waters of I near the end came a most would have' sal not been for spar was laid, almost use Jes., shown 'itself, ' ship. The cio intr men, and 1 cal seamen oi' after pumping aud the wa them, thoy gav io Atlantic.- Wo Imd weather "until very f the - Voyage then terrible'r storm, - that k all on board, 'bad it t!e captain. Every v, the rudder was and a great leak bad t'eaten inir to fiil the Were all strong, '.will 1 mates wero practi the first-class ; but I'1' One whole! night, still gaining upoy up in despair, and they . might t boat could n prepared to;, h-' the boats though known no srnail s!ich a sea. The captain, Who bait beeu below with his charts, now c;i'4e up ; j)0 saw h0w matters stood, ffid, with a voice that v. tt.u u'"cd even-' I" heard; dispio'''1 the tomnest, tu's pqst. It was surp1'1 men boy bel1' their captain, pumps. Tie below to eUil roar man oi to IH'' .r ann I. n'.n I. - - ..v uvy-.v toosvr liui strong will of ' htirrv bardr to th.. Iptain- then ' started tho leak. ;A.s ho Litlieliek! the Swindler; Mr. Engelhardone of the Editors of the Wilmin.gt-mDaily Journal, has recently visited I Florida. In a letter to his paper dafetf'ApBi. 28d, ho says:. "J.ittlefield- still holds forth' i-.t Jacksonville, and w;o understand en tertains his friends in royal stylo. He has a fine 'residence, elegant yachts ; and' equippages, and enough money j to purchase immunity from arrest, land those who know what Florida Governors are, . well under stand how much that takes. Ho got $1,000,000 of -rloi-ida-bonds to complete' i the Jacksonville', Pon sacola and Mobile Railroad, from Qtiiney'to)PolIard3, a distance of two Ua ad rcdtm le, , II e , A bail (.W.tw oty -miles to Chattahoochee, and the,e Lt ends. To be suro he did not pay his contractors, but tjiat was a species of financiering in which he was skilled by his experience in Western North Carolina. During the pendency of the bill before tho Legislature, Little, field's drafts in sums convenient for commercial purposes, were in circula tion freely on the streets of Talla hassee. Tho members seemed to have them to such an extent that one j could suppose that lliei'r per diem had j boon paid in this-script." j . . "x . . -'- ! The action of Congress in quar, relling over the distribution of the Geneva fund, which should have;ljM?eu handed over to those to whoin'it'bt.- lon'8 twelve months ago, must strike aci;on ; ana ium uimor the law, ns it stamjij, a husband might be sued or j.'Ui.i-hed for mi.-deeds of his wifo as au attorney... Congress will probably be applied to for a declai'iitory act or resolution removing '.legal obstacles to the admission of women. , r . Mrs. Boivn A. Harris 'has been ad mitted to practice before the Court of Claims in WasLiuglou, "beginning with a 810.000 .suit. Mrs. Look woo l trave'e the New York Tribtino in est a ids, v.o' ii'iw. A iaea.';ovil gatley, has biCn,fout.d l t tin: cxe .valiou. of the por.ot SaVona I i i t & -If l r t . Ai 1 9 I 1.1 CI, U.OCKS Ol SivyUt: llUd iiuo of Uvo v. i.icli the biuioUs irae.ic- -Admir-'. Audita Dona, sink stiucl ihe entrance. 4 . J.U6 is.iiiu'vii ietHiUda in v lo be haviuj a vtry; .thy -i'S its veeti.Ule;. cfop-wiU tipf tuaii Li'Jl t'.ij) ttveragv..;'?' e.irJy wgetables whiofru ui U S 6i!l 4- .N.t- J l South for the (ireelev -campaign. It is reported tliat the rncrch'ants of JJaleigh aro opposed lo the IN.LC Agricultural Society, and the Fjxir,i because the railroads will ' take the passengers to the Fair Grounds in stead of "unloading" in Raleigh. JX this bo true? We don't belii merchants of our rap! ci'y ate so selfish, VW ou. A -wordtcf tft Agricultural Journal? iWe apprehend that su?h a p tion will not benefit the Fair' or injure the character of our merchants, espc dally.. wbe"n it is remem bored . that one of them, the grout dry-goods man, A. Creech,' gave the society last year $500' in' cash. . Merchants and.? all other persons must bo allowed lo criticize everything connected with the fair and itmanagement. . There has 'hecif " jo'steausc nf com plaint at some things connected jwilliJ the fair ;r we have declined to jmlish several aittcles of censure upon1 this mismanagement. ' The apifotutment Of sevi ral of its officials who bvlon'g to the Rintr .and engaged iu robbing the SlatJ, j was 'J -fj -- .w... . v . uafkcls ate fiom.Beim Th Cardiff giant hd court' ii tiio piuintili J iibct..y--T1ie. action it a paper, for leaving spol a- a fi aud, aud as b for the ii.cohside do laif. ,Vt Davenport, live y ears uld fout the contents of i shoitlv-mfTer di The child's bi.j biitel the whiskey j rem .V the nations of Europe as a very pori; anything but agreeable td the ntci Lvesel was .valued at $1 example of the benefits of arbitrationbcliitnts' of ll tlcigli, and tho great U'-b ";nggier;ate .lds. $2,1 example of the benefits of arbitration' It would bo better to follow tho sug gestion of l-'oaator Bayaid aud return tho money to E-ugland. A young man i ecen'tly gave himself up to lhopolice in Paris, saying, that he was liochefoft, and hat die had been ih France for several months, having escaped from New Caledonia on the back of a shark. Tho wtorv I was so. fishy tpat the authorities put the author in a lunatic asylum. Aid. of ten comes at the.right'time; this is not the ease when the pot; t o someb,i.iy 's boot absisls voai in coming dow u stairs. , body of its "poopio. llalziqk ,vi-nlind eo toite iu ffi"e wori i iV is (bat the, tortoise ii-usiii' ol im all . to break tho eoU I It hs reported Queen E iz.ibethn Hit U. - I 'l ... VJ11UI 1111,11 , IJ1U OI' inVjstl valuable car. Tut, - 1 V IroiM. Ct'cnUa. the i-AiiZO c'tainteo iru'lniiiug $ 1X1.511,00 J Av ri S2.jO,'dt worth of tutu.- silk,' sltc-Ilae and othdr. Tho epitaphs of!.. Dakotapapers are most pathetic: i"Jim Barrett had bosn siiQVcUiig snow, from which he tauglil a bid odd, wliieli turned into e.'tr. The ftver soli led Jim's mun dane affairs ; a i d a local paper stiys m'ost, allot tiiiiy in his obitaary : "Go woii't have ti i-hovel snow in the country he -has gone to." As a proof that American induslry is not dead, it is reporttd that a party of men are di yiir for Kidd's treasure, ucai -Brid-tpoi t, Couu, .cs-.sel. an 1 oarcO wcie toi:ies; iMn a.Jy S2,C00,C0'J. "A- " A number ? of Vtoties. thrr inannev i:i whi 'h Indian ir enrich tbtnif .-lvts, are' toM in "k i ingtou-ono by Mr- Beck, of Kf-utu hovviug bow ,n . drovrt -stf ilOJ calt!o, was made to pass nu'.H'vt for 000, by " having tho luid-. that.roachfcil iat agency eonilil, d?iv.'U ardnud f hi:', mid the brought lip.a tteotid timo bo fore the;igent; who counted iiitm'ovir a 4a i u, j u a : i.d ';t he . su pern n m erai idi io t' theatio .are! made to roapptr 10- ated!y iu peVsouuting aa anuoyM - -J.. -t - s..:' Sit ' . -4 ' M i 1