V - . ' - " 4 fWlmmm am 1 JE EAGLE. ; H. ' JV HiSWSBiT-.' . . . v. . Editor. . : Fayetterille, May;2S, 1874! SSEBYATIYC OMIMTIOAS. COXGEESS -THIRD DISTRICT f N E V II AN O Y E R. Eth JUDICIAL DISTRICT : !)LOM E W FULLER, OLICITOSt- -st i jVDisRicr: F I TELEGRAPHIC. VasAisgton, May 21. The -Territory of NeW Mexico and its Iteprtsen tative, 'Mr.T2ikiuvwon - tin unexpect edly easy yictofVHn the House to-tlay the vote on the question of admission as a State stanmug lou too. StJ Lours. Muv 21, The General Assembly of the IVcsbytu'na'n '.Chute! fohvened : here at eleven o'clock" this m6rnit)( in the Fiit Presbyterian Church, and ! "was pcied by prayei by t be -, filod era t o H Cor. Howard Crosby ofNew York. Afterjdcvb tional services the Jloders tor deli vered ihe opening sermon, rhich was pu-oly Scriptural -in Its," Uoarjog.TX-; K . 'StLouis, Jtfar 22 n 4ho resby teriari XOcri eiiif -Asfooi bly ? to-da J ' t b 1; question bf a formula forMlio ;admis 8 i o n of : nif in b e r 8 of I h e": c h r t b w discussdanld refejed iaa eJect com mittee. 'fSrto":y:.' The snijeet of, jthe classification .'of oenevoient WiOi K was uiscusseu uuimj i be afierroon, arid: the ec in mil tee re ommuds four Boards, viz r Fori ign 4ilusiona, Home Missions,-Education, Tteuei anu pupncaiion. ine mi commend li Board. on Church -O! o fina action was had . on organization ol Church of Am.ric;i port, - w.liich was adopted, rino- that the organization of Iht ed Church into a district eccle sin's ilea I convention meets the hearty ipproval of this ConfiTep.ee, and thai the efforts to esta-bljsh an iititutioi. if learning for the education ot colo rcdministers deserves to be com mended to-the friends of. the colored pedplo everywhere, v Washington, My 25.-House. Biil-H were introduced by Mr. Cros iand, o( Kentucky, to revive the act of ISG1, providing "for the payment, to oyal owners, of negjrocs drafifd or tnusicrcd into the army of the United otates, which proposes the appoint menf of a commission to investigate .ill such claims and to 'allow in cacn ease $300, as provided i:i suid act. whichp was suspended in 1867. By Air. Harris, of Virginia, biii to restore to the pension rolls the names of pen sioners of the Mexican war -stricken iherefi om. for disloyalty. Motions to supend tlie rtile3 and take up the supplemchrai'y civil rights bill and the currency bill were de feated; two thirds ' not voting in the affirmative. "The vote on civil rights was 153 to 84; the following Republicans voting with Detiuu&ats: Messrs Brombnrg, of Alabama: Butler, of Tennessee ; Sencr, of Virginia ; W. A. Smith, of Xorlb Carolina ; Thomas, of Virginia, and Thornburg, of Tennesssce. Mr. Butlef -"cf Massachusetts, championed the bill. ' : " The amendatory tariff and internal ircmieinics oi uo'.u i acet tiie nia by Wesley Whitafcef, Esq ; late Mayor of tho city. The paper, it is taid, will be in tho iuter. of. TTmotby Lee and b.is winj of -the ' nrty. Ltaleigh is a Rood placo to , start - n newspftper. Tim says, witji an Irish atb, tliat he will make. the. Fold err unload. '; Wo are of the ppinia"that Holden and Jini J Harris will- make Tim and Jim Toaes unlad.; Jin Harris is aptto tbiuk there -are too vuaiiy negroes on th?ticfe.ef, if any tJtht r btan tba n - bimifc; f a nd Stewart E! lisonftb'onhl be p "u t f or vy a rd'f -Tho foDowice: are the ofliierseleejed. tt i:tensboro, at the recent v Co iiyeni tion of the 6?raud h odi; o of l. O Q.F. : , I- Y&Mapifer(;WChamer f'ain," off'Wilsonc'-ipy'--- -yii--;. ; It.-V. J- v i v . XjUw a r ti s, Li nco Mto lit: 1 ?CS'niK---vKfe:'i f R.:; G,! TreasurerKJoBe Vi 1 m i ti t on. ' v ; R. V. G. .Secreiary- J. JlKtcbford, Raleigb. - ' - -R. W. G. AVafden I. B. Palamoun- p r o ec ed . n n S e r t h 1 1 A i s a t co m ra o n law and ht ite etainisr8" l,avj1 elected to proceed iX t',,J ono mW( S1' the other, theirWi i J 't, t proceed - in the nther iunVji,'t diall be barred. But the pi;oTii,Q- siil votcfy to cnminai Miscellaneous. Dry Goodr i littee TTor .11, . J EST OF 1 D. POOL, AVEX. s FtJCLIC iguts Bill is pending with almoht a eertaih its final passage. It i - - - enaldf by strict party sewhero wo publish tbt- action oi Congress na lly characterized as mfa- But let it come. 2so wise ansbip directs this movement, ,4s dictatect by., malice, party ption and for the further injury the South. On the day and hour that mixed schools and social equality are attempted to be enforced over thia country, that -day and hour will -end the Radical party in the South. The white leaders of that party are already opposing this so cabed meai ure of civil rights. Kof one of them yet dares to support and. justify it, and if it prevails, tho line of colcr will be very closely drawn.- Wc snail "fanatfcsti mast force it on us, let it come, and the great Conservative-Democratic party will soon regain its control of the State and National governments tain, Turboro. ; -'-'.' . :- -'-' ' R. W. G:.Chaplain-TPeter Thurston. Hiarh Point. - 11. W. G. Representatives to. Gl -L. U. S, Loii'? term. Scaton- G ales. Kaleigb short term, W. ; H. Bagleyj x ha ifollow'.na' wk-,j ni.oif B. Bradford. orler, Raleigb. "?M'OCi'(.;lf I j v ei 1 1 1 cr . ti d er ora crimbsaJ tuofany btatc.-,-. .: I if. MM; v : - . Sectioa 3U::TliaMg: 'MtcntHi tt rcu 1 1 Co arts ort Ifo ftni tod Ostal ,luac exck:3ivi;(ji;. -courts of Staresv;tiz:siice-of: ab wmah(lWli and action f.,r ,,e iQny gireir by the; tieeed 1 n"y "Rn.: w'-s r; ' . ..p. '"IH'Ifi !U 'J ' -.-V'- 'lUJt" ated:in, tb3 rTrrnlSli- Drstrict 1 or Circuit Qumin oftl,! tfnit eiat, h.f tU? dvlenalt tnav bo'lound, without rogard::toth'vrarty' aHd.iho liistrict Att nsMar-Orai anttepulyMaTr-sbitfe of tho United 1 Matea and5 Commiseilners 4 appoin ted by the CibiQit and ;a.rrifovi-ai Coui;t ot .the United -States! with powers of , Uirresting;indin1piisJ1ing and bailing Wilminatb.n. AY. G." Conductor Y. G. Guardian D f'Uizkbeth Citv. ' ; WIG. Herald-II. Pi GEXESAL Lf EtLIGEACE. So ills' a or. in Governor Seymour 1 " t Merchandise Tax. News. Wehave received several letters iromr inenas in ine couniry asKin explanation of the law in. regard to the ad valorem tax'on merchandise oir id the first of Anr.l. and in ordei orrectly answer such enquiries. Vcslerday called . on the btatc nrer and received the following Construction of that depart -Ttbe law. -This is strictly effi- rv ludficeAi1. lief I f 1 .'(! 11 yfi can pessxibly contravene: 0, sub-divison 7, of lh iMachinery Act,"4t is ts- aded that "goods, wares, Mise of all kinds,'.' sbail ad valorem tax. - Tbe Verniug revenue passed sof I be present State pd that "all per jatever!' should , bt Undise being con Dropcrty, the acts- iccordmgly. Ibis ral acts referred language of the 5tractioii ofJ bteu, in- place of production tobacco of hi own growth at retail, directly to the consumer.,. to art3r ainount7not exceed ing S100 annually." ! Senate. Mr. Stewart introduced a joint resolution proposing the follow ing amendment to the constitution : Article 16. If any State shall fail to maintain a common school system under which all persons between the ages of five and eighteen years, hot incapacitated -for tho same, shall re ceive free of charge .such elementary education a5 Congress may prescribe, the Congress shall have power to establish therein such asj'3tem and cause the same to be maintained at the expense of such State. Referred to the committee on judiciary. Washinton, May 25. The defeat of the supplementary civil rights bill in the House to-day is not a tiuuUtj'. to be sure the Senate bill cannot be got at except under a suspension of the rules by a two-thirds vote, and that, as shown by the action of the House to day, cannot be secured," but the judiciary committee, under its Ieavv to report at any time, can report a bill . which is a perfect copy of the Senate bill, and this can be passed by a simple majority and sent over to tho Seuate and there acted on. In that way the supplementary civil rights bill may, and within a very brief space of time, find itself in the President's hands. SOUTH CAUOLIYA. uihoiizes tht xincc that he and f-eoplo." Ivate Field, with hor experience in Washwigtju, huf n'ter yet heard I Utica Observer to js out of the yu.-o tor tidei'uor, an v'refu'fcs to be a ciiiilidftte lor uf. office in tho gift of the The House has passed a iesofn!i;n for Cougress to adjourn ou the 22d cf June. .Nearly fifteeu hundred dollars have been subscribed in New York for the sufferers by the flgiod in M issachusetts. Mitcbel, the great wheat-grower of the Merctd region, California, will ow this .Spring, iu all, about 50,000 acres of wheat. The new government, of San Do mingo has issued a .decree - nqui.i ing the piiymeiit of half of all duties i.i gold. The, prescut' weight of the Hen. A. ti. S ep!. ens is teveiity-two pounds uud tliree-q .ar:er. He is in Georgia homing to recover his health. Mis Jsel ie Giant, daughter of the Pft-s'.d-. nt, was. married on the 21st int., to Al t rnou Cliarl-s Frtdricii Sirtoris, of Litcnlieul, Eugiand. Tvo Sevres vnses have been bold at C aitie's for G,000 uiue;isJjurl Dsidlcy und I .von RothselLJweie iho competing biddeis. .The House of Repi esenf ati ves has pa.-Std the Pobtofiio and Pension Appiopriation hills ai d the bill for the luhuission of New Mexico as State of the. Union. l T The House Commiftee on Postoflices and Pofetroads buva This law authorizes .salaries by ihe moneyed fyctipts ol each other. At present the scale i arranged by the amount of business im.s:ieied, letters s amped, !ce. The omiuittee deem the former methovl more tq'iitu'ote and better suited to fix the htandard of dll offices. The New York city postoliiv-e is exempted iroiii tite provisions of the act, an I the saiary.tixed permanently at $o",000. Senator Bro-.vniow, . of Tennessee, has written, a letter of teverai coliimn in jength, defending himself against tile censures of the recent Convent iou of ko'ored voters. He says, he has doiie ujore for ihe colored race than aS u p eueu 10 uo, anu mat ft.8sisd to ba a subject uf savin ' grace, he never reitised t advocate anv fsoiae time before bi.i fistUa-sickifees a meas'ire m tueir oeiiaii - until . trie iuisel sel'ooi q".esti :n came up. lie s.ijs '25,000 "white Repubiic;iu vdtfciH of Teuiiesi-ee have re-o!ved to get a ong without, the colored voters, sooner tbau submit lo.tbe.se villaules and quintessence of abomination known as the 'co-cducfilion of the races," and. that they' will support no man for any ofHoe who favors' mixed schools. .. 1 otienaers pt.,.H'laW4 blVtf'TJnited o .aie,. at 0 hereby sSf ialh i au thor jzed and ruqujred to jLtitutcprocb fbgs against. evSry peson ho shli y loiate the prv1aasM this 'aet,and " K "ajij.' "r"i a rut mi prw Oi . . Fa . . m job. m ' . mm. m w to ne a hne suir Gf othinii -: ' . "V, :U -FOR NOTHING I " - lit t ". - . . - -... 4. - v, , : s. ' ' , SLe?? atastalitly oa hand the largest; finest and most desirable stock of Kead ' i m Uothia-f kthe unty, incladinff suits and Binle parment3 of everV dfcscrip- t - tion tor Gentlemen's wear and for Boys of alt ages over three years. , . ' i' W h!lvH immi and elegant stock" of Piece Gooda for Custonji orders, , ''': an( a rpsSof Artistic Cutters, unequalled in any Tailoring House of either Europe . .or America. '..-,. . - 4 ' f.' ' ' 1 ' ' - . - V AVe are ti e sole manufacturers of Thfl mnrimri Vaa Rhlrf. wliiMi " m eqallec- fof ease eleganco-andWurability. 'They are sold either Keadjy.dade or' ;;-To Order.-" ' , v: - '';.'. ;';.',-- 'i . v - f - i We keen thd; most ekcrant and'conDleta lines of Rnhf!c r! Chhmhrn ana crnOKinsr JaCKCtS in tho United Btates. ' - ' "li V.nr numerous patrons in all parts of the country do business with us bit means of , uo system cil Measurement introduced by us twentv years. ago, and since tised with very great sijiccess. .. , ".T? uo business on thd ONE PEICK SYSTEM, For Cash, to everybody, and A i T r same prices as ciiarged over the counters of our Stores.'-- fit0 Ntipnal reputation of our Ilouse for the superiority of our goods, ahd hone fill , vur vuHwmers, is a guarantee tliat any orders sent us will be fjutl' filled. . .. - I U :';!.-:H.0;-- ;;;.jd;;;tixgj . . '".-'iris oppnwlaKW HToJ - T Mil Is ill M i r by law lu s cqgniza'n l eXeept in respect f IImj vigu.t ot ac tion accruing to the jjcaon aggrieved, and such district "attf i'eys shall cause such proceedings to by prosecuted to their tcrminatio'u aslu ether cases ; prdvided. that nothing contained in this seetioir.shall.be construed to deny or defeat any right of "ivil action ac cruiihg to, a,uy- -person,! whether by reasuu ot tho act or oicrwisc. :-tion -t. ..That no vafz.ni possess It other qualifica;;;08 which are iy be prescribed Vflaw, shall be diaqti-alified for sefyk-3 grand or petit .'Juror in any curt of the United Stales, or of r ;ytifie, on ac cbunl of. race, color o. picvius cou ditiuti of Servitude ; ;;:d any oflicer or ether person cJiariid ' with tiny duty in the selection uf summoning of jt rors, who shall "e.clide or fail to sum non an" citizen ter the cause afoivsaid, shall btf detnjW guilty of a uiisuetneaiior auI Ue ficU not less thai! si.ouo. : J - Section ,1. That ai peases arising under the .-provisions fj.his.net. in the courts of t tie United titles shall"' be reviewable by the Siiifeme Court of the United Slates, wi tijout regard to,. the Stmt in cotitrovvrsy. .under the. .same Provisions atnl K'gulutions ' are now provided by ifw for the re- we'v of other causes a 6aid Court. . w- lI-fToruramp7t5 and nricesT rrii.wf?r "-WH11 Ji ,;. fiiinMr"n'ivij a custom t L-I' .tito ollcnco, u Or foritnerrTot6wixg $400, a Business Suit 350, 300, 250, 200, 5f i. It u u ' at 10, " OK Ot), " 30. " 25. " 20. " 15. 10. 150, Half Dozen Shirts, '- - 100, a Pair of English Custom Made Pants, Or any other goodsthat may bo selected of equal value. . Cards of Sampleand Books Xit Instructions sent upon request to bona fide applicants.. . Market Squahf, 1 i)inr2u-lui K BROADWAY AND GRAND ST, ItOX 22ZG, I'. nmv 7 lm o. BROADWAY A Nip WARREN ST. XEir Tonic. .Dry Goods, &c. AND ' bAaiCKn Ueookh, the subject of',' this memoir, was 'born in ( hutbam county, North Caiohua, My 14, 1708, am tiie.l at his resi dence, in the satae comuy. May 7,1874. lie was married to iiIh Martin, May 28, 1829. His marrmge was a happy one, his wibJbeing.a lady cf great piety, ,-u-i her memory ttiil precious iu ail this country fur her deeds of laith un charity, fche bore lam two d mhters and eigat sous, IJev. Juo. II. Brooks, of the SortU Carolina 'Conference, being one of the unr.jber. Both daughters and two sous went bcf.ne 'liiu iafo the spi-it world, u'nd now the ir.uiily are equally di vided -one-half bavin;,' cios.sed the fl Hid theoth-r still waiting the Master's call to join those who have gano before in their eternal state. !"' Mr lh-oolis always had a profound regard fur the Christian rehstott, but never 010 For and es- iecia.iv. uunu me lauer oeriod. be v.an deeply concerned .aboat lis salvation, but never expressed hira.si !i : 3 satisfied with his spiritual condition., ileis unable'., to speak CK PURE is. , - - Dry Goods. PEEU1IAH l,t)UU' , ' KO. 1 Pklltul To urvive rnd d nly exHod. rami 2- ) L. STfilAUS & CO. Have j'tt opened u fiv Stoc't ot NEW vCHNLK OALli:U '27, '28 & 2 North WatV if W'ilmiiigtoii, IEGEIVED THIS 2D. 11', Vi Lino ot the best brauds tf A FULL -r i)' 1 B L A C K '1 . . AND E Civil nights-. Bill. ' Ayc'ck has begun woik at IJockinham, N. C. ' tiT . ; ... . wjUecfc on the 1st of July. rCourtCof t. J . C JcCauley. fb. Jrresson. Af Arm field. rs W.W.Walkap, jviY'Chears,' A, J tin. , 1, of Carteret has l)ecn e Dviniocratic-Conser .ts, Onslow and Carteret, V from that -Uistnet. r Xvspoper will issue dailj Jubis "will make irve iluil i'llaleiffb 'ews : Some of the -ferB :iu : the North Carolina jfhsiVo attempted to arrest the latiou scheme of Col. lluin- and others, by an injunction. Ana Branch, of Kcbaioud, Va., bat vt'd a complaint for himself a,uu Corn and flour are staple articTes ; bat not more 60 than Johnson's Ano dyne Jjiniment where known. IS b good for children or adults, for am Internal: soreness of the chest or bow els, and the best Liniment prepared, under ivbatever name. arnTtbe-Cheraw and Salisbniy ad is in a fair way to be speedily rutithroufih. . . . . iron. luos. ib. Ashe was re nomi- baticl or Congress, at Cnarlotte, ou Wednesday of last week. S nall-iox is prevailing to an alarm ing extent in Uockingbam county, in this State. lion. Jos.'C. Abbott has been ap pointed. b the President Collector of ihe port of Wi'mington. : , The Republican Congressional Con vention for the ,4tb District will meet at Frankliutou on tho 12th of June. A military company has" been or ganized in linleigb, with Geu. V. R. Cox Captain, and Maj. B. C. Manly, Messrs. J. C. Brewster and T. P. Devereux Lieutenants. Mr. R. L. Steele has been elected President of the Pee Dee Manufac turing Company of .Rockingham. Ti t amount of stock taken in,.suid Com: i any foots up 870,000.. Says tba Greenville Register : We regret to learn from the farmers that the prospect bids fair for a bud crop, they having been patliy damaged bj ueaAy rains and frosts. Many ot theui general taxation, supported, and inottn as Ajfri The following is the text of the bill as passed by tiio Senate : Ail citizens and other persons within the jurisdiction of the United Slates shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the accommodations, advantages, facilities and. privileges of in us, public conveyances on land or water, -theatres and other p'aces of public amusement, aud u.tu.. tit- cum mon school and public institutions of learning or Oeneyoicnce supported in whole or :n .part by and of cemeteries so also tho institutions cultural Colleges, endowed by the United still os, subject only, to the conditions and limitations established! by lawraud applicable a'like. to citizens' of every race and color, regardless ot any. previous condition of servitude. Sec'lion'2. That any person who shall violate tho foregoing section by deiyiiar to any person; entitled tj its benefit?, except fori reasons by law applicable to citizens of every, race and color, and regaiidless of any pro vious condition of servitude, the full enjoyment of any of the accommoda tions, advantages, facilities or privi leges in said section enumerated, or iiK-iting-SUch denial, shall for every such oifence forfeit and pay the" sum of $300 to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered in aft action on tho case, with full costs, and shall also for every such offeuce be deemed guilt' of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thei-eof shall be fined not more than 81,5)0, provided, that the iarlv asrsrieved shall not recover Ijt a week before hi d ;i out mat ciear auu .nnc-ouia justification, through 'he tii.-s iaaiuv and lnenl.i m- t faced detith calmly au.l only seemed to. regret iu i that he httd iiat spent bis ! vice of 17is M t;ter. XL t I tentT hive 110 doabt, an--ti ne, so often sung by m faith cf such, : " But. if I die tvitti mer When I the kiag uve Xhis v. eie to die (delk'h As tinner never die t, he left us w ith-- 13 testimony - f tonenieut, which nth desired.- lie uutemlied, and ivinjT the . world :ig life in tho er- was a true peni if the hyixn be o stimulate the ought, ' fed, thought!) then there l.s hone m hud-ran. In him the Methoditit CuBrch hns lost a true and tried friend ,"theS! Jki a good citizen, and the community lromwlih he was taken one of its most valuable mil-bers. -JtS'. IT. Moore. oniTt"; are - plotting up planting again. The Raleigb Sentinel sajs :. Raleigb Rebubiican is tile name of a new uper soon to appear and to be edited more than one penalty, and when the offence is u refusal of burial, the pen- their cotton and 4 d br the heirs- -'"J '""J 7J . , i at-law ot tho person whose uouy nat. been refused burial. And provided, further, that ail persons may eieuv vet proceeds win bo annroprwtea'-'to tl sue for the penalty aforesaid or to Oxford Orphan Asylum. may2f3 2t Dih-D Of an Ovarian turn i' 111 Ashley county. Arkansas, on tlifiHlh of March, 1871, Mrs-.-fclilZABE ill J j;E SEOBEltllY, consort ot. D. ..V. Sedberry, aiul daughter of the late lidwin Wade, s'r of Kichmond county, N.C, in the 37rl" ve'ir ot her age. A good woman has hdlen -tb,e' kind and affectionate wije has goa' tho loving and truly faithful si.ster has 1, ft ns! the fond and doating" mother is dsit Sao 'was con verted to tiod in early life . 'iX;jd daring herl nid hue snowea tUo pow-ot. the grace, or God in her heart, regul.itii ber life in ac cordance ' with the Rpirit "of ta0 Oospel. Meekly. Kesigned to the Divin's vrill and eon fidently hoping iu God ixir Saviour, she committed her bereaved husbftnd and live sms to. His Heavenly care -audi commended her departing spirit into 'the uu(i3 .or her Falher?in Heavvn. - Doubtless sne ha4 passed into jhe presence of her blessed Saviour, and to day "worships, adores and rejoices in tJiu betief: country, even the Heavenly, whe tM inhabitants shall never say, "I am .si ok.'" m "No sickness there no we try wasting of the frame away. " . j . -; , , : But all is life, and -health, -'and holiness and joy. " Blessed are the deai -h' die in the Lord," y'.-VtQBfeRicK. r- New" Ad ye r t isc lis e n ts . "Tt TAJOTi EOBFRT LItgH AM will de -ItJL liver hU celebrated ''aNGLO SVXON LEUXUIIE, at Williams' Hall, on Friday night, June . 5th,: t.iid hi Lecture on '(JHBISTIXN CIVILlZATIt'N." ou S;ltllr day night, June 6th, at 8 o'clock. Tickets 5 J cent3for each Lcctur ihv be.hiul at the Drug Stores and the Book" Store. -The ine . BO.OT3, i M ' if ATS, REA33Y-"Vf A WeZ p .. j . jr m . ii 111 v. c: Our Gc 'u's are orv CUT aspr.11 orf 'nsiouKis mat w.i cniieo-t lei im d;i-Mjld by !!, body in this inarr.r t. Wi- cl! especial 'ate!::i'.'ii to our ia:v; t '' of KifOES. .;omlry Mersjiants supplied t B.iltiniore rate.-. tuvitvi 1 IMVIl 1 All Ifl4vll' rpilE UKDEU.slG.N'F.L) HAVETAK1.n 1 the iigmcy for tl;u sal?' of tl.e'w'iovt-i tiiizeis, und will supply plant is .t p;i lied I y the 'Cumpnuy. t itber lur c;,sb ui ' crop time. , 1 ' Navass.i Gua.no has. been, hugely used for several jc.irs, and wilh Mitiid ictoiy l ults. The standard of pi.!l!y t f Id uT J,!. WH are asNtired. b;is m i i n:y niaiiil .ilivd this. b'it improved. Ihe 1 l.o-puate i-t very iihul 1 for coiupor.tli'ifl;. 1'beNavasst Almanac for lS71,eMit:i:ir.ng tnU'-h y.iltlab:.: it f..iu::.tii li.bec lis l:t.Iulot,s testimonia's ei v eil k!wn flai fern i s t the inerit of th; c b-nil'i rs. v ill 1 l.ai;.t d (.en pp!ici.tkin to- tiK. or. b l-.uud 1 ly 11. nil or btiiei wire, to Miy one de;iiin,7 Ai.'l iiiioiLni- tion la Hi" ' mes. wi;l e71 fcoasoa t lit if Til 1" Z'S-! TI! f t US ! Tii 3" US ! L. STRAUSS & CO;. A Y RTT V. 'ml LLK JJO Tj.VDY, in want of a good ALPACA, that will not turn brown, .should fail to examine our STOCK. We - . sell none but the most reliable . . r " makes.J ALSO WHITE AND COLORED SEWd V r.-zi i--- iu all sizes, . ineludms be CEI-EDnATED ma ... . . - SIT, ; at the - i First Class Dry Gootls House I. FR AHK THOEITTOIT, FAYETTEVILLE, n. c. april 30 tf GEORGE PAGE & CO., Slwniifactn rcrs. . PATENT PGRTA3LE CIP.CU SAW hi ILLS, ALS3 CTATI31U27 A3L H I HAM EXGIXJES, jSTo. 5 U.gchroede r st. BALTlMOItE, J.fD.. ' . april 2-i'm ,.NOTI'.C Office of Bsavlr Ceeik C1an(;i.'V Co, Fayiitti vfcr ia:, N. C, M General -.Met ting of the r v 12. Hi 74. , t.-)ekholdrtrs of ,1 at (heir (JCice A 11, this (Join puny sv ill be he on ilniulay, the.).-t!i diiytd-Ju:te, 1H71, full attend ince is requested. rii ay 1-t lm JOti: SHAW. Prrs'.U. "just em sEMOKr... "VfEW MAOKEUEij, iu 4. A acd whole 1 l.bls. No. 1 Family .NoitU. (Jaroljna. Koo Ijrring. I'ifty ;:.iL-k.j H ie H.ilt (1 Bush.) hix hr.niiied sni.id !;;;; hnj Salt. In linn lied bushels White. Lbi-k lind I Sigav House, byicu ia !.l Is. 'Ihiitv Hoos and i:ai:es. till AS. GI.OV I if i'ii i.if'iiit ft' iii.i'i'ii..1 ni....i'v !".rT..vt bd.-.Tx. t ut" held bv us li'Vlcolu iion. I'mlb-a Mltihik to hccine a Mippl-y will pUiise eonlcr with id, nt asearlva d.it. an muv bo t Ji.ViLi lit, 'iW to qnantii y und terms. Mu'jaI J. 1). WILLIAMS im A CAKGO of this VnhiabJo lVitirt'ar j;it JL K ceived. l iiimeis can now g t a M'.p; ly tor all tlieir Clous. ol p.i v i ell on I 01 li. Apply to ' W1. H.Mirtl t CO,, No" A :j! H.iy stre t,-l uyc'U ville, !ajnl 3-- lm . , imi IT. Y. Spirit Ca' t: i y r or Hale nv - ... XEUUUNEll it C ALDER lj april 2d U il inn gtrj STArt OF AOUTH XAIIf CUJU DEliLAKD COl Office lio.vnn Corxf y Co; . I Ailin.VH.LK, "XTOTIOEis bfcrehy give: jLv tJit Ib aid of County t be h "hi on iloudav und in 2d du h of June ut-xt-iJ con ect.''i)? and completing t'. 1874. i-rsouii vviiir-bsvo nr iu lhcir t5blS ld-the.t'r Alter tin l'ux Lints an Sheriff no ooireclioiui strict conformity kH'. 1 rom the mi i i 1 7 r i n v 1 t - tt , . Mi W II OL E S A I. K A N L R E , . , . ' OliAl.KK IN ' C3 ET!2L3acZr !Er-ai.:"El3 HL: CHINA, G IjAPSWAKE. - silvkr-itate d-warb; ..... . ' . :i. s ' ! ' 1 X 1 "mmmMmWmmmr i Hay Htreei V." D. SMIIII&CO. Su2:ar Hoiise TOO iids. s: n.svip. Fors.l3 by " " . i- .. KEtiCdK'Ci'l Si G.VTjDEri BKO-S. tiprilvSJ . . ; ; . Wilmington. .N. C, yE'ATOI'.T, TEX.vi., AUthoStafies llou!e.-Bv wIl 6ii4 diirct fcom lirst h:tnd.-'." tached to the House. Th 1 to make tbKITrtuse their ho 1 asjany otheir FIIJT-CLAKS - -1.. ....... . . i'i MM febo-tf A T TO I AT. LAW. i Practice. in Connty, Uistrict, nud United States Cv.n-f .':! ra haprfme .v.'?:,n fa XuoxviUe, and NasUviib Oct 9-tf Tcupcntiiic Stiils I L"" 1V1.L. tUni'EN'ilKE iVriLL. ; ?J ' 1 , Pniparly made, lor ;4.t1. . Bi;L. STILL, - -' l'nr S:h'by" rm-ii 2 ; I' - . Ft r: v. v ni u. . a i ' M. .V 1. VKEb, - - F..v '.b vi. lc. N' Grist MUIb, LrlM's 'nrbino Water .Vlier1s Wrrt Worklrir ichiaeiy oi all iiiiue, atid iia ' cltiubtn fcntjarif. - - - --" ; NEXI rou icATAi.n;rF.J, r.piil 10 ly j . . M A Is T L Y . BALTIAIOEU, 11 1. - C. K. IiOtlAK, Troprie . Firsthiss hccommodittioui. to that ofany hotel in the city. ' apt 24-w-tf. , N a I i o i) a 1 II o t : WIL1IIN3T0N, H. C. BOARD. Per Day, . - - J3. r.. . .UKUBEN JOt Every accommoilation ud attention. . j Oet 9-lf f . 5111 .JUOIUiL Disraitrr. i T THE SOLlCrrKTMN OF KUMEltOUrf t frii.n.U of bothhaaiticul Uarti-s, 1 le- ' ' - V. f 1 . , . re-election to the ouci orJudgo ot lh ilL in licial l i-trit. pril 2 lm 1 - . -.- tin T ' n'ilC1 lie .l.'.UM S fl A I.f. fc"Mliriu FaWiilk- cvi.y Hp.etral.ty aunco.H,Jf a Caudi.lato lor tay prep. r.l t da. v.u.k 'f Ihiib'K-ht iiu-j move nentSo! 1 trmu 1-e l.esl mateiial. june: 1.2 -r-wly ' . ' IiALl'li r. BUXTON.;